
--- Day changed Wed Apr 28 2010
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:35
fennred green blue yellow white black01:16
fennblack prints really nice.. need to get more of that01:17
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.05:28
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]05:29
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]06:26
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-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-38-79.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]06:39
kanzurehttp://www.scivee.tv/ is probably like jove?06:47
kanzure"citizen scientists and their contributions to internet-based chemistry" http://www.scivee.tv/node/1477006:47
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-86-173.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap06:56
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap07:13
* kanzure heads over to the frost bank building07:46
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kanzurehm it turns out they have my dad's name on record08:31
kanzure(i'm here for completely different, coincidental reasons)08:32
* kanzure is in DLA piper08:32
kanzure"The President just approved $8 billion in loan guarantees to build a new conventional nuke plant in the State of Georgia. All of the new plants being08:39
kanzureconsidered rely on federal loan guarantees for construction financing. What this means is that nuke plants are not economically viable without federal (taxpayer)"08:39
kanzure"assistance. Under current planning there would be a minimum of 8 new plants with $80-$100 billion in federal loan guarantees. In addition to this subsidy08:39
kanzurethere are also operating subsidies for nukes."08:39
* kanzure wonders what a "zwitterion" is08:44
kanzure"I have a graduate student who is trying to classify a system that he has created.  He is using one substance that is a zwitterion and one substance that starts off neutral.  The two combine to form a molten, low-melting complex.08:44
kanzureHe would like to know if there are other substances of this nature and whether they have been classified as ionic liquids or eutectic solvents."08:44
kanzure"We have tried a few different searches to determine if other such substances exist, mostly using keyword searches in SciFinder, Inspec, Compendex, ISI, and Scopus.  We tried a few structure searches, mostly in SciFinder, Reaxys, and Gmelin CrossFire, but we didn't get much."08:44
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genehackerwhoa, it cost $100,000 in energy to make 1 kg of mechanosynthetic replicators09:08
genehackerin energy terms that is VERY energy intensive09:09
genehacker~ 20,000 KWh/kg09:10
JayDuggerA zwitterion names an ion with a charge of -2 or +2, IIRC.09:12
JayDuggerWhat are eutectic solvents?09:13
genehackerin comparison, injection molding takes ~3 KWh/kg and RepRap takes 6-2009:13
JayDuggerWhen the NRC charges US$4.5 million per reactor (not power plant, just 1 reactor) in annual licensing fees, loan guarantees make a certain amount of sense.09:14
JayDuggerHard to turn a profit with anything small, but building extra-large sizes for profitability makes iterative learning very hard and the failure's costs very high.09:15
JayDuggerEven with these man-made disadvantages, fission still powers a good fraction of human civilization. Not bad for a technology under a century old.09:16
JayDuggerAnd in further comparison, I can buy a RepRap, and Freitas probably writes his usual paper machinery. (If we had atomic precision, we could expect it to cost this much to build to atomic precision.)09:17
JayDuggerAnd even so, a good many products don't need atomic placement accuracy of <10e-10.09:19
JayDuggerHeck, I doubt you could expose many drugs to the air for very long with ruining that rate. (I admit that's a WAG.)09:19
genehackerthe point is proposed molecular assemblers are incredibly inefficient09:20
JayDuggerPoint taken. Does he emphasize the designs exist for easy analysis, not optimal production?09:21
genehackerI'm not sure09:22
genehackerI think they need to redesign mechanosynthesis to be less energy intensive09:22
genehackerthe thing is the process generates lots of heat, they're trying to get rid of the heat by pumping it out09:23
genehackerbiological systems reuse the heat I think09:24
JayDuggerwe have a range of manufacturing techniques that vary, depending on the end product among other things.09:24
JayDuggerSome take a great deal of energy at high density,09:24
JayDuggerOthers--less so.09:24
genehackerwhat else takes 20,000 kwh/kg of product produced?09:25
JayDuggerCompare hot house agriculture with open air farming.09:25
JayDuggerOff the top of my head?09:25
genehackeroff the top of your head09:25
JayDuggerArmor ceramics?09:25
genehackerI doubt it09:25
JayDuggerI admit: another guess on my part.09:25
JayDuggerDo microchips take that much energy to make?09:26
JayDuggerFuel rods for atomic power plants?09:26
JayDuggerRadionuclides for cancer therapies?09:26
JayDuggerGuesses all, I confess.09:26
genehackermaybe radionuclide09:26
JayDuggerYeah, but that one's a bit of a cheat, since it has such small product mass.09:27
JayDuggerPerhaps jewelry-quality synthetic gems?09:27
JayDuggerI expect, given the high energy input and the low error rate of Freitas's examples, that the given design represents only a small spot in the design space. Other designs might trade-off error rate for lower energy, or higher speed.09:31
JayDuggerWe don't generally mill forks and spoons from solid metal nowadays, much less use EDM.09:32
JayDuggerStamping costs much less for a low-precision product like silverware.09:32
JayDuggerHappy reading, genehacker!09:34
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.09:34
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]09:35
genehackerso let's see it here it takes 0.17 MJ per 2 gram DRAM09:35
genehackeryeah stamping cost way less09:35
genehacker23 KW/kg of 32 MB dram09:38
genehackerthat's surprising09:38
genehacker*23 KWh/kg09:38
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-!- hundred-ideas [~100ideas@209-6-54-14.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:48
hundred-ideasany suggestions on best DNA stain to use for electrophoreses, or where to buy it?13:49
hundred-ideasI've referred to http://bitesizebio.com/2008/03/03/ethidium-bromide-the-alternatives/13:49
kanzureavoid ethidium bromide13:50
kanzurecyberstain or whatever is the standard these days13:50
kanzuresybergold or something?13:50
kanzuregah i forget the name13:50
hundred-ideassybrgreen, and sybrgold?13:50
kanzurehundred-ideas: hey, let me send you a demo of the flashmob stuff13:52
kanzureone sec13:52
hundred-ideaswow, so it's not sms?13:53
kanzureit can do sms and voice :)13:53
-!- anthonyl [~anthonyl@208-78-67-234-rangeroamerinc.clt.ord.sparkplugbb.net] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]13:53
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kanzurehi quantumkat 15:20
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap17:32
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:33
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-105-158.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:46
kristianpaulJayDugger: hey there17:48
bkeroSomeone here know about bicycles?17:49
* kanzure wonders where dave went17:50
kanzurehe runs a custom bicycle fab shop here in austin17:50
kanzureand recently took fenn's hextatic parts17:50
ybit3can i has an alternative gradient magnetometer and an x-ray difractometer plz?18:11
-!- Noahj [~noah@ip68-230-157-203.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]18:26
kanzureybit3: depends on the price. link me to an ebay auction and i might be able to spot the cash.18:30
fennmeh: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/02/magazine/02self-measurement-t.html?pagewanted=218:33
fenner, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/02/magazine/02self-measurement-t.html18:33
* fenn rides to dojo to study cs22918:34
kanzureoh look it's gary18:34
kanzurewow fenn got in the nytimes before i did18:34
fenni'm older, it's not fair18:35
fennlet's see if i can ride to palo alto caltrain before the train gets there18:35
ybit3kanzure: heh, i don't think you want to spend ~$10k18:36
kanzureybit3: maybe i do18:38
kanzuregod damn it, when i tell you people i have money, *I MEAN IT*18:38
JayDuggerDidn't you want to have some dental work?18:38
ybit3okay okay, calm down, we can spend your money, no need to get frustrated, not just hand it over18:38
kanzureJayDugger: want? No, it was kind of forced on me by others.18:38
kanzuredon't know if it works like that though :D18:39
JayDuggerYour own teeth, I guess. :/18:39
kanzurewell, it was just some dental work that had to be done18:39
ybit3it's as simple as giving a donation via paypal to heathmatlock@gmail.com18:39
kanzurei'm not going to do donations18:39
kanzureonly specific items and things to buy, preferably.18:39
JayDuggerConsidered LASIK?18:39
ybit3think of it more of an investment that may never pay off18:40
kanzureJayDugger: why are you suggesting things like this to spend money on?18:40
kanzurei mean, why not manufacturing tools/toys?18:40
JayDuggerSelf-improvement has a good yield.18:40
ybit3good attitude takes your further though18:40
JayDuggerHow often will you use tool X?18:40
JayDuggerHow often will you use your eyes?18:40
kanzuredoesn't lasik have some threshold at which point it no longer offers an improvement18:40
ybit3congrats on making it to nytimes fenn :)18:41
JayDuggerYeah, I don't think it affects presbyopia, and not everyone's a candidate.18:41
* kanzure nods18:41
kanzureon the other hand,18:41
kanzureit's probably the last place fenn wants to be18:42
JayDuggerYou can wait for refractive lens exchange to reach FDA approval, though.18:42
ybit3what? are you kidding me kanzure? he won't stop talking about it in #noisebridge18:42
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JayDuggerThat will affect presbyopia and extreme farsightedness.18:43
ybit3kanzure: what's too expensive?18:53
ybit3hehe, you know where this is going18:53
kanzurethat's why i'm not going to let you do big giant cash wads all at once18:54
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fennkanzure can i get a bluetooth tooth implant?19:30
fennthen you can hear the delicious sounds of me eating orange chocolate sherbet19:32
fenn(the real reason i'm at the dojo today)19:32
fenni dont see why this isn't a real buyable-now product: http://www.impactlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/bluetooth-tooth-304.jpg19:37
fenn"not valid in alaska, hawaii, or any lunar colony"19:38
jrayhawksame reason most awesome thing never get made: liability issues19:45
fennwell i'm down to make a tooth that does more than chew19:51
jrayhawkeating while on the phone would be very unpleasant for the other parties involved19:52
fennit would be more for input anyway19:52
fenni dont think you'd get a very good sound from a tooth microphone19:53
fenncould be wrong19:53
jrayhawkYou guys should get cozy with the bmezine community. They have a lot of experience in the field ofbeing guinea pigs to amateur surgeries and implantations.19:53
fennalso you could offer it to schizophrenics that think the government has implanted radio tooth for mind control blah blah19:57
fennthen they'd know what a real tooth implant is like19:57
fennjrayhawk: or maybe not19:59
JayDuggerSuch a tooth might serve well for in-mouth chemical analysis while eating, and with sufficient work, tracking the microorganism population of the mouth.20:15
JayDuggerMouth pH over time might not take too much work.20:18
ybit3kanzure: the gradient magnetometer, it requires a water-cooled electromagnet typically, a dc power supply that can sweep current at up to 50A, a lock in amplifier, and a hall probe. the rest of the system could be home built, with time and a little expertise. the magnet/power supplies can be done, but you don't come across them frequently, and all this on the order of 10-12K20:23
fennumm, what for?20:23
ybit3the x-ray system, er, i give up on it for now20:23
fenn50A MRI machine?20:24
JayDuggerWhat use had you for an x-ray source?20:24
katsmeow-afkweld crack detection20:24
ybit3i dunno, i've been reading up on nanomaterials lately20:24
ybit3i was wanting to experiment with the magnetism of some materials JayDugger20:25
JayDuggerGood night, all.20:26
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]20:26
-!- ybit3 is now known as ybit20:26
-!- ybit is now known as ybit320:26
ybit3well, kanzure, there you go, if you need a formal proposal, i can do that.20:27
* ybit3 sleeps before 8 hours of census work20:27
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fenndammit. now i dont remember who i'm supposed to email about this stupid magazine article21:21
* bkero giggles. http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu-releases/.pool/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso21:50
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]21:57
fennwhy is that funny?kero: 22:04
bkeroIt doesn't come out until tomorrow22:05
kanzurefenn: isn't 1kfriend.ly supposed to solve that "now i dont remember who i'm supposed to email about this stupid magazine article" problem?22:27
fenndo you even have the host name?22:33
kanzureno, it's $70/year22:34
fenndamn those prehensile libyans!22:35
fennshock wave fusion?23:04
fennisnt that just bubble fusion with extra money thrown at it?23:04
katsmeow-afki wasn't studying it, i just tossed it out as a possible means to power makerbot things23:05
fennuhh.. no23:08
katsmeow-afkdon't need "free electricity"?23:08
fennthey only use like 50W23:08
fennless than a refrigerator23:08
* katsmeow-afk is going to shut up now, knowing that any more words will only make more people more angry at her23:09
fenngrr! stupid kat!23:10
* kanzure pokes the other kat23:10
fennsigh. i suck at doing homework23:10
bkerowatch this instead: http://vimeo.com/1014960523:26
fennwoah i wanna play that game so hard i could spend someone else's money on it23:29
quantumkatDoes anyone know of any neuroscience podcasts or videos? I don't mean neuroscience news or anything like "the neuroscience of creativity," but something more like a lecture?23:36

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