
--- Day changed Thu Apr 29 2010
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bkeroMIT OpenCourseware02:21
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kanzurebkero: ocw.mit.edu doesn't have any neuroscience classes in audio format that are relevant except like this weird "neuroscience of behavior" class.05:55
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kanzurefenn: anselm has posted to diybio in a thread with the subject "Fast-acting transcriptionalregulation by light responsive elements"07:02
kanzurei don't remember if you told asked him to build you a writozyme or not07:02
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fennyeah i explained the concept to him in a few different contexts08:11
fennyou broke that thread :(08:13
fennoh, there's something weird with the headers08:14
fennso i've been lying here not sleeping and thinking about VR rigs.. kinematic/haptic body frames and how to control massive numbers of micro-bladders08:23
fenni think you would need some kind of fractal bladder structure to get enough travel and also detail08:24
fennthinking about using lab on chip valve techniques to control them.. flexible layer over a channel with a piezo pushing on it. still requires a lot of piezo actuators though08:24
fennbut at least they can be made in "comb" modules of a hundred or so in a single piece; simplifies wiring by a couple orders of magnitude08:25
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fennthe bladder kinematics is a nightmare08:29
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap08:39
kristianpaulany news about skdb?08:47
kristianpaulfeatures or something08:47
fennnobody's done anything with skdb in months08:51
fennhmm.. "thermo-responsive hydrogel valves"08:56
fennphase change waxes might be more practical09:00
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JayDuggerGasp! Has skdb died?09:05
JayDuggerTime to write a panic tweet, follow it up with half a dozen exquisitely reasoned blog posts for analysis, and post irresistible flame-bait everywhere I can!09:08
fennthanks for your show of support09:09
JayDuggerJust doing my part. :)09:10
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]09:16
fennthe microactuator array consists of individual phase-change based actuators addressed by localized heating through focused light patterns (address bus), which can be provided by a modified projector or high power laser pointer. A common pressure manifold (data bus) for the entire array is used to generate large deflections of the phase change actuators in the molten phase09:23
fennor cheapie LCD screen presumably09:24
fennpower input is proportional to actuator size09:24
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-!- jm|earth [~jm@p57B9E297.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:51
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fenniron man 2 eh16:15
QuantumGyeah.. guess I should go see it16:16
fenn"in which our hero iron man actually fights some bad guys"16:17
fennso i'm thinking about a flexible suit made entirely of hexagonal bubbles which can be inflated with fluid to cause that surface to contract and put force on a limb16:20
fennit's godawful complex to control though, would have to do some kind of learning algorithm i think16:20
fennnot really for exoskeleton stuff because you're still loading the human bones, more for VR16:21
fenns/exoskeleton/jumping over buildings/16:21
fenninspiration is the eldar armor in wh40k (not like anybody knows wtf i'm talking about)16:21
QuantumGa force feedback suit?16:21
QuantumGintending to move you under computer control right?16:26
fenni made a little diagram showing how the bubble would contract: http://fennetic.net/irc/hex_bubble.svg16:26
QuantumGso is this pneumatic?16:27
fenni've long thought the focus on position control in robotics was self defeating16:28
fennfor most applications force is what you're after, and as a bonus it's easier to control anyway16:28
fennprobably hydraulic because it has less springinessD[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D16:29
QuantumGright, but you expect feed lines running from each hexagonal bubble to a pump system somewhere.. 16:29
fennhence all the rambling about light gated microfluidics16:30
kanzurewtf it's fenn! http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/3/c/6/7/highres_14655463.jpeg16:30
kanzureno i just happen to like kite boarding16:31
fennuh huh16:31
kanzuresome of the austin hackerspace people are going to a rave16:32
kanzureshould i tag along? i've never been to a rave16:33
kanzurescrew this.. there's a *fee*??16:33
bkeroGo to rave.16:34
bkeroMeet a hoochie.16:34
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:34
fennkanzure: do you like to dance? (yes/no)16:35
bkerokanzure: do you like to dance? ([yes]/no)16:36
fennwhy is yes the default choice?16:36
bkeroBecause if he doesn't respond we assume yes.16:37
fennkanzure: anyway, i'd suggest going to a rave if only to acquire some subjective experience in MDMA16:37
fenner, if your friends are into that sort of thing16:38
fennor you could stay home and listen to tranceport 4, which is on tub *cough internet down cough*16:41
fennyou'd think hacker dojo would have a less sucky internet connection, considering all these people do is software16:42
kanzuresoftware in a vacuum probably just means they are microsoft drones?16:43
bkeroMaybe they're torrenting16:43
fennrate limited to 60KB/s burst 120Kb/s16:43
bkeroOr microsoft drones, I like that explanation better.16:43
bkeroWhy the hell would you rate limit like that?16:43
bkeroCan they not figure out how QoS works?16:43
fennwell that's what it seems.. there's no documentation anywhere16:44
kanzurei spent the day at dave rauchwerk's machine shop16:44
kanzureit's across the street from endesign / austin hackerspace16:44
kanzurehe has a nice bridgeport16:44
kanzurehe wants to start doing diybio kits16:45
kanzureso i had him and dr. treadwell planning things out while i napped (just woke up)16:46
fennhas he got the mill working yet?16:47
kanzurei didn't see it working but yeah i think so16:47
fenndid you know treadwell has the 7th makerbot ever built?16:48
kanzurehe painted over the number too16:49
kanzurepainted or did something else equally silly like that16:49
fennoh well16:49
fennin 50 years it'll be junk16:49
kanzure50? why so many16:49
fennit already is junk :x16:50
fennbut somewhere in between now and 50 years from now it'll be a "collector's item"16:50
fennscary huh16:50
fennmath notation suxxors16:52
kanzurenotation eh16:52
fennthis crap would be 90% easier in lisp16:52
kanzureare you using latex?16:52
fenni'm just trying to read it and understand what's going on16:53
fennthere should be some rule like "you have to repeat every equation in prose" or something like that16:53
kanzureor else socrates rises from the grave to beat the fuck out of you16:54
fennyeah, socrates. the original badass16:54
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fennbkero: oi you have lots of servers right? can i get shell access to do various small compute-intensive tasks like computing toolpaths?17:26
fennit's more of a latency thing "crap now i have to wait five minutes to compile" than massive quantities of crunching17:27
bkerofenn: Yea sure17:36
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fennbkero: ok lemme know the details whenever18:15
* kanzure needs to integrate google checkout into a django module18:15
kanzureany hints?18:15
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kanzurei'd rather not have to reinvent the wheel18:16
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fennkanzure: satchmo is supposed to do that by default18:18
kanzureyes but i'm doing an auction site18:20
kanzureso the satchmo shopping cart model doesn't really work well (?)18:20
fennoh, well, i'd read more about it anyway18:20
kanzurei'm surprised there's no django auction app thing18:20
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fennthere's not that many auction sites18:21
kanzureebay *bought* paypal18:21
fennyeah they're huge and certainly a monopoly by any reasonable definition18:21
kanzurebtw why doesn't anyone ever notice that ebay sucks from a web presence point of view?18:21
kanzurelike, their website is all blahblahblah.dll and click here click here18:21
fennyeah it's horrible18:22
kanzurei guess a bunch of perl cobbled together in 1995 is bound to be terrible18:22
* kanzure ducks hoping jrayhawk isn't around18:22
fennand it'll never ever get fixed because so much crap software relies on the awful18:22
kanzure(jrayhawk is 90% perl)18:22
fennperl sucks18:22
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fennperl reminds me of digging in the scrapyard for pretty baubles18:23
kanzureso uh, i'm venture funded now18:23
fenngratz, wat for?18:24
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kanzureiphone app http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB9wWpD9gj818:24
fennis this what all the lawyering was about?18:24
kanzuresadly no18:24
kanzurei met with the dla piper lawyer re: compensation structure regarding structory, an online 80/20 distributor18:25
fenni tried to watch that several times but it was too painful :(18:25
fennisn't renee a "filmmaker"?18:25
kanzuremtv, yo18:25
kanzureanyway, he wants me to work 10 hours day and have at minimum 2 hours devoted to meetings each day during the summer18:26
kanzurethis is, of course, bullshit18:26
fennthen why does his promo video suck so much18:26
kanzureit wasn't a promo18:26
kanzureit was for the capital factory peeps18:26
kanzureanyway, i need to show him some local startups or something18:27
kanzureor else i'm off.. no way i'm going to spend my summer in meetings18:27
fennbacon_factor = 318:27
fennoh, "tribe level"18:27
kanzurei (don't?) like how they completely cut me from the video18:28
kanzurei filmed and everything18:28
fennrene reminds me of the boss in office space18:29
kanzuresince i'm a founder i should have a say in the matter18:29
kanzurethe iphone app works :)18:29
fenni dont get how you can spend 10 hours a day on an iphone app anyway18:29
kanzureme either18:29
kanzurei guess if your minimum meeting length is 2h18:30
kanzureyou might have multiple meetings?18:30
fennyeah that's absurd18:30
fennyou should have maximum meeting lengths, not minimums!18:30
kanzure30min once a week and then gtfo of my house18:30
fennand maximum numbers of scheduled meetings18:31
kanzurefool! we should have multiple simultaneously parallel meeting schedules!18:31
kanzurethat way we can get twice the work done!~18:31
fennwell, parallel meetings are actually better18:31
fennbut there's only 4 people so meh18:32
kanzureyeah, so one of the things i need to be doing is server stress testing18:32
kanzurewe're aiming to do stress testing for up to 10k users by the summer's end, with scalable support around that time18:32
kanzureor, rather, that's my aim18:32
fenngive away $100k of stuff if you click a button within the allotted time18:33
fennwould probably nuke the ISP18:34
kanzureoh it's "in the cloud"18:34
fennwith aftershocks from people in the wrong timezone18:34
* fenn continues regressing18:36
kanzureso uh18:36
kanzureyeah.. sorry about the phone call18:36
fenni should mail you a stinkbomb for that18:37
kanzurewhat a terrible technology18:37
kanzureactually, mac was thinking of using this for distributed text-message instructions18:37
kanzurefor doing various projects in skdb18:37
kanzurebut frankly i don't know why anyone would follow the instructions18:37
kanzure"get a pound of flour"18:37
kanzure"get some icing"18:37
kanzure"make a cake"18:37
fennemail is better18:38
kanzurenah the text messages would be sent if you are in the vicinity of, say, a grocery store18:38
fennif your phone has GPS it can read email18:38
kanzurelocation-based bullshit18:38
kanzureso anyway.. auction site. django stuff.18:39
fennfind the hessian of d(l(theta))/dx = d(sum(y[i]*log(h(x[i]))+(1-y[i])*log(1-h(x[i])), 1, m))/dx18:39
kanzurei don't wanna18:40
fenni've been doing this problem for 2 weeks :(18:40
klafkaoh jesus18:46
klafkathat seems like an annoying hessian18:47
fennit's actually not so bad, the annoying thing is it's all n dimensional which is too much for my poor brain19:00
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap19:02
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.19:07
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.20:14
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kanzuredoes anyone know a print-to-fax web service?20:34
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fennguh.. http://fennetic.net/irc/IMG_0649.JPG21:59
fenngotta love math problems that pull in definitions you didn't know about21:59
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genehackerwhat's that math for?22:16
genehackeralso found some ballscrews, any recommendations for what I should do with them?22:25
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