
--- Day changed Sat May 01 2010
fennyak shaving00:36
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-34-79.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]00:51
fennthis ought to have been easier to find: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Building_on_Linux/UNIX01:01
fennunfortunately google for "compiling openscad" and you will get everything BUT that01:01
fennwow this takes a long time01:20
JayDuggerThank you for the link, fenn.01:20
fenncool, map of trees in SF: http://www.gaffta.org/projects/tenderloin-dynamic/01:27
-!- Dustbin [~grumble@adsl-71-145-162-129.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has left #hplusroadmap []01:27
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kanzurefenn: what do you think the chances are that the austin hackerspace people will listen to your notes03:17
kanzurere: the mechmate03:17
fennwhat will happen is somebody will try to do something stupid and less will get pissed and say "dont touch it!"03:28
fenni wonder if http://austinhackerspace.org/ was explicitly modeled after noisebridge.net/wiki/Noisebridge03:31
fenndamn i hate pasting in a laggy terminal03:31
fennhow am i supposed to do a footnote if <ref> doesn't work03:33
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kanzurehello Noahj 08:24
fennI don't care if Apple starts cranking out Home Neuro-Uploading Kits, I'll never give that snake-oil salesman Steve Jobs a *penny.* An Apple nanoforge would cost three times what any other nanoforge costs, would produce pretty but extremely shoddy materials, and would require only Apple-approved CHON--and I would just *love* to see the approval process template engineers would have to endure to get their designs accepted for the iForge Store.09:15
fennThe software to run it would be fairly easy to use and pretty, sure--but also incredibly limited compared to even freeware nanoforge apps, riddled with bugs, and so overloaded with copy-protection AI sentries that you wouldn't even be able to produce a Granny Smith apple without paying the goddamned company a royalty to maintain Steve Jobs' cryo-preserved head.09:16
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kanzurebkero: you around?10:33
kanzurei'm thinking of getting this: http://phones.verizonwireless.com/htc/incredible/10:33
kanzurei'd like to get an n900 but they aren't subsidized anywhere10:33
* bkero would recommend the n90010:33
bkeroIncredible isn't too bad if you don't like having a keyboard :P10:34
kanzurei presently have a nokia sonya thing. it's trash.10:34
* bkero would recommend an original droid because of the keyboard10:35
kanzurewhat's an "original"10:35
kanzureso, uh, my mom is involved with this and she wants to buy me a new cell phone10:44
kanzurebut she doesn't think the n900 works with at&t because they don't support the phone10:44
kanzurei'm trying to explain to her that it doesn't work like that10:44
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:1c77:5ff3:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]10:54
fenn heh, my crappy modify/sense/control slide ended up in erik de bruijn's powerpoint10:59
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fennwow matweb is terrible if you actually need to use it12:37
fenni'm trying to sort aluminum alloys by thermal conductivity.. it's totally not obvious how to do this or if it's even possible12:38
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fennman, these parts are beautiful: http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/2010/04/abs-on-pet-tape.html13:05
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fennPET is mylar right?13:08
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kanzurehmm the backflip is ok i guess13:28
-!- heath is now known as ybit13:39
jrayhawkThe n900 doesn't do 3G on AT&T, but I've never found reason to care.14:10
jrayhawkSome phone companies will give you a discount for not using their contract phone subsidies on full data plans.14:10
jrayhawkT-Mobile was the first to start doing that, I think.14:12
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-102-231.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:13
jrayhawkUsually said discount is roughly equivalent to what you'd be getting in subsidy anyway.14:13
jrayhawkI replaced a battery for an iPhone the other day. The process looked like it was designed to be difficult and error-prone to do.14:28
jrayhawkWhich is incredibly crass and clever.14:29
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kanzurehey wolf!18:19
wolfspraulkanzure: hi18:34
wolfspraulread your singapore mail, finally paid attention to your domain and read heybryan.org18:35
wolfspraulyou seem to have some energy there! good!18:36
wolfspraulyou are 19yr old?18:36
kanzurei turned 20 a few months ago18:36
wolfspraulhe he18:36
wolfspraulwhen I sealed my first big deal, I 'rounded up' my age from 20 to 21 cause I was worried they wouldn't take me serious as a 20yr old in the US18:36
wolfspraulI have gotten a little more self confident since those days...18:37
kanzurei round down ;)18:37
wolfspraulto the matter of the subject, I'm no big fan of most of what's going on in 'open hardware'18:37
wolfspraulso I try to stay mostly silent, why disturb people when they have fun...18:38
kanzurei've noticed that you think that open source hardware is *not* manufacturable? or something like that18:38
wolfspraulbut since you are so young, at least you should have a chance to hear different thoughts18:38
kanzurefenn: are you around18:38
wolfspraulfirst I look at the hardware industry from the perspective of where it's happening (the manufacturing), and that is Asia18:39
kanzureof course.18:39
wolfspraulneed to think about the economics for a while18:39
wolfspraulthen you realize the reprap/diy stuff is nonsense, just a hobby of some early retirees or bored people18:40
wolfspraul(putting my flamesuit on, I hope at this time not many people here...)18:40
kanzurethe quality of work is subpar, if that's what you mean18:40
wolfspraulit's all about capital, investing the capital to gain economics of scale18:40
wolfspraulthe production of a chip costs 20-50 US cents18:40
wolfspraulevery chip18:40
wolfspraulkeep that in mind18:40
wolfspraulthe problem is the one-time investment to get there18:41
kanzureof the 10B dollar manufacturing facility?18:41
wolfspraulApple spent an estimated 1 billion USD before they could sell the first product with an A4 inside18:41
wolfspraulit's all over the place18:41
wolfspraulnot just the photosteppers in the foundry18:41
wolfspraullots of one-timers everywhere18:41
wolfspraulsetting up an efficient production process18:42
wolfspraulbut the end result is phenomenal. a very powerful computer that can do amazing things for a few bucks.18:42
wolfspraulTHAT MATTERS!18:42
wolfspraulthink from the perspective of people who make 200 USD / month, if you can18:42
kanzurei'm close to that anyway, so yes i can18:42
wolfspraulI get a nicely working GSM cellphone here for 18 USD retail18:42
wolfspraulkanzure: but you are probably surrounded by tons of people who make much more, and you clearly have that on your horizon18:43
wolfspraulit's different18:43
wolfspraulbut anyway18:43
wolfspraulso the HW economics is all about capital and economies of scale. towards the IC.18:43
wolfspraulapple gets it18:43
wolfspraulso from that perspective pretty much everything going on in open hardware is just a hobby18:44
wolfspraullike the hobby cooks who buy more expensive knifes and pots than the #1 chefs in the world :-)18:44
wolfspraulit's OK, but not very relevant18:44
wolfspraulyou can find this in all industries18:45
wolfspraulwho buys the most expensive/fanciest/most fashionable guitars?18:45
wolfspraulthe wannabes! :-)18:45
wolfspraulnot real successful stage artists18:45
wolfspraulthey may run around with some 20 yr old crap, cause they are artists, not consumers18:45
wolfspraulJon and I are fighting over this, but of course I love the man18:46
wolfspraulhe's cool18:46
kanzurein general, "make magazine" is definitely a hobbyist attractor18:46
wolfspraulif you ever come to China, be my guest18:46
kanzurebut there are some interesting projects out there in the open source space18:46
kanzurelike emc218:46
wolfspraulwell I just described it to you18:46
wolfspraulthe real deal is going on elsewhere18:47
wolfspraullook at what apple does, killing half the stupid computer industry, rightfully so18:47
wolfsprauland then MTK18:47
wolfspraulnobody knows MTK but they ship 95 million chipsets per month now! :-)18:47
kanzureMTK does cell phone kits or something?18:47
kanzureoh, nevermind18:47
wolfspraulso any open model first should get in touch with reality18:48
wolfspraulnot the reality of a high-paid office employee bored on the weekends18:48
wolfspraulbut the reality of 6 billion people on the planet. because that's where the volume will come from.18:48
wolfspraulin theory you integrate any consumer electronic into one die, produce it for 50 cents18:49
wolfspraulso let me switch to Mr. Nice mode - what is #hplusroadmap all about?18:50
wolfspraulwhat are you guys doing here?18:50
kanzurei keep goons in here for focusing on accelerating trends (like the technological singularity), human enhancements / augmentations, and synthetic biology18:51
kanzureso we've been working on skdb, which acts like apt-get for hardware18:51
kanzureand apt-get is a linux tool, if you don't know about it just think of it as an app store i guess18:51
wolfsprauldon't worry I use it every day18:52
kanzurei have some funding available to focus on my crazy hardware projects18:52
kanzurebut not much of an idea of how to best apply it18:52
wolfspraulinvest in yourself18:52
wolfspraulmeaning travel to the companies that make hardware and talk to them18:52
genehackerhey kanzure, wanna buy a centrifuge?18:53
kanzuredepends on how much it is18:53
kanzureif it's too much, i should just build one18:54
genehackerRAS is selling one18:54
kanzuredo you have a model number18:54
genehackerit's a pretty crappy centrifuge18:54
genehackerno, but I can get one tomorrow18:54
kanzuremaybe i'll call up richard18:54
genehackerapparently they bummed one off one of the biolabs18:54
genehackeryeah give him a call18:54
genehackerit works fine though18:55
kanzurewolfspraul: any other suggestions?18:56
kanzurewho should i go meet with18:56
wolfspraulwell I don't fully understand your interests, so not sure18:57
wolfspraulI don't know anything about genes & bio stuff18:57
kanzureit's like programming18:57
wolfspraulso I'm not sure what motivates you. I'm motivated by the power of technology, and make it accessible for people.18:58
wolfspraulthat's why I think about foundries, ICs, assembly/production etc.18:58
wolfspraulbut not about genes :-) maybe I should... :-)18:59
wolfspraulso my comment was only related to 'open hardware', not to the bio stuff18:59
wolfspraulyou certainly have a lot of energy, judging from your homepage. follow what interests you the most.19:00
wolfspraulhave you been to singapore?19:00
kanzureno, not yet19:00
wolfspraulit's different from china, but you need to start somewhere. a very very nice place for sure.19:01
wolfspraulI worked there for 2 months 10 years ago, still have good memories.19:01
kanzureso, i want to have an HQ for my projects19:02
wolfspraulHQ = company?19:02
kanzurethat's why i've been running around raising capital from capital factory and talking to lawyers lately etc.19:02
kanzureHQ = headquarters19:02
kanzurejust a general term19:02
wolfspraulyou mean a legal entity?19:02
wolfspraulor what?19:02
kanzureuh, like superman's fortress of solitude, except with manufacturing equipment, biotech labs and shit :)19:02
kanzurei don't care if it's legal or not, to be honest :)19:02
wolfspraulwell obviously it should be where you live, no?19:03
wolfspraulI don't know enough about you.19:03
kanzuresorry, what are you asking?19:03
kanzureyou were asking about my motivations19:03
wolfspraulsome rich folks setup their 'thinking villa' or whatnot in Thailand, like a 'work retreat'19:03
kanzurei want a "do" villa19:03
wolfspraulI'm not sure you are in that category19:03
wolfspraulwell a good rule is to ask yourself a number of times "and then?"19:04
kanzurei have a small hackerspace about 1mi away from my apartment here in austin that i have been working at19:04
wolfspraulwhat's next? what's the next step?19:04
wolfspraulsingapore is on the other side of the world, what would you want there?19:04
wolfspraulwhy there?19:04
wolfspraulthose things are expensive. travel, rent, etc.19:05
kanzurei'm not going to singapore19:05
kanzurethat was someone else's email that i forwarded19:05
wolfspraulah :-)19:05
wolfspraulwell then19:05
kanzuresorry for the confusion19:05
kanzuremy next travel destination is boston for a conference called humanity+ summit 201019:06
wolfspraulwhat do you want to do in your HQ?19:06
kanzurei want to have enough resources to build things without being pressured to be a commercial success19:06
kanzurebut i wouldn't mind also doing commercial hardware projects19:06
kanzureengineering consulting firms have always impressed me :>19:06
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wolfspraul'build things' - like what?19:08
wolfspraulsounds like you should spend some time thinking before you start building :-)19:09
kanzurethis stuff: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/doc/proposals/trans-tech.yaml19:09
wolfspraulcan't help you with that19:10
wolfspraulI can only build plain old computers19:10
kanzurenot all of it is biology19:10
kanzurethere's stuff on there like exoskeletons, stewart platforms, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulators, photolithography equipment, etc.19:10
genehackerdo you build computers from scratch?19:11
kanzureno, i buy microprocessors usually19:12
genehacker*question for wolfspraul19:12
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:13
wolfspraulno I try to make them work19:16
kanzure"You took the specified cutter path, and your workpiece was eaten by a grue."19:29
genehackerI should really play through Zork sometime...19:35
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has quit [Quit: leaving]19:39
* fenn watches the door close behind wolfgang19:41
kanzurethat was odd.19:42
kanzurenice to see someone from qi-hardware showing up in here though19:42
fennyeah i would like to know more about them, what they actually do and how it all works19:42
kanzure/join #qi-hardware19:42
fenni idled for a while but nothing ever happened19:42
fenni dont really get the nanonote tbh, what's it for, who would buy one19:44
fennshould be using something like the beagleboard processor i think19:44
fenn32MB of ram, no ethernet, no wifi, and they were talking about leaving usb off because of the connector??19:45
kanzurebkero: didn't you get one?19:46
fennlet's just dip it in black epoxy to make sure you can't get any data in/out19:46
kanzurei saw an olpc the other day19:46
kanzurei might have mentioned this19:46
kanzurebut i spent like 10min trying to find the handcrank19:46
fenn"It's got a headphone jack. <3 I'm pretty much sold." <- the only comment19:46
kanzureturns out they left that particular feature off19:46
fennyeah the crank comes with a special power supply that doesn't really exist19:46
genehackeris the crank even practical?19:47
kanzure"nooo! my phd thesis!" - abdul's last words before cranking his poor heart out19:48
* kanzure wonders where quantumkat went19:48
genehackerwhoa only 6 watts19:49
genehackerthat's pretty reasonable actually19:49
fenndammit why do i have to do everything19:50
fennthere ought to be a leg-strappable pull cord generator out there already19:50
kanzureput that weight to good use!19:50
fennhand cranked .. pff19:50
genehackerdamn, now where's that chart showing how much energy you can harness from human body heat?19:51
kanzurefrom human body heat? not sure i saw that one19:51
genehackerremember the matrix? someone actually did the calculations on how much you could get out19:51
genehackeractually how much you can get out from different parts of the body19:52
fennuh, wouldnt that cause the human to overheat?19:52
genehackernot sure19:52
fennor die of hypothermia19:52
genehackerI think overheating is more likely19:53
genehackerafter all the most efficient heat engines have lower heat rates19:53
fennwell, as long as you can turn it on and off19:53
genehackerlet's see human puts out 60 watts of heat?19:55
kanzurei got a wireless internet usb dongle from someone who signed the letter as "- ARCHITECT"19:57
kanzureoriginating in .. london?19:58
fennrogue AI19:58
fenndon't touch it, it's covered in nanites19:58
kanzurethat wasn't mentioned on the "customs" sticker on the back19:58
kanzuremaybe this connects to a super secret internet19:59
kanzureOR just infects the fuck out of my machines19:59
genehackerwell at least it isn't a whole new see through laptop, loaded with malware and a secret message19:59
genehackeror maybe it's the CIA and they're onto us20:00
kanzurehi CIA-55 20:00
fennat least you arent vietnamese and your official keyboard driver is a keylogger that reports to the government20:00
genehackerdoes that happen in vietnam?20:00
fennhm i figured that story would be easier to find20:01
genehackeralso my reference was the Hackers movie20:02
fennhm there are lots of stupid camera tricks but it isnt that hard to make a transparent laptop screen, just remove the backlight20:04
drazakanyone in here ever run a mackie 1604?20:04
genehackerno gameboy transparent20:05
bkerokanzure: I have a Nexus One20:07
kanzurei opted to buy a backflip20:07
bkeroOh, a nanonote.  It's on order.20:08
kanzurewhy did you get one20:08
kanzurea nanonote, i mean20:08
bkerohardware work20:08
fennyay for websites that crash my browser20:08
kanzureyay for non-exclusive sets20:08
* kanzure puts the hit on galois20:09
jrayhawkI also have an n810 lying around that I don't use if you want the world's baddest-ass PDA.21:05
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* fenn mutters about trains21:17
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genehackerso I heard somewhere from my old physics teacher(not a very good one...) that the reason our eyes start hurting after staring at computer screen for a long time is that they heat up23:12
genehackeroh hell I know radiation heat transfer, I should be solving this...23:14
JayDuggerWhy? That's pretty obviously wrong.23:16
JayDuggerAs for kanzure's phone, that has a nicer camera than the original Droid. I don't know whether I'd take the trade-off for no keyboard.23:18
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