
--- Day changed Sat May 08 2010
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-32-105.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]00:07
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:01
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.01:13
fenn$time_of_day to you, sir02:09
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fennifixit.com is nifty06:14
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kanzurehttp://www.the-scientist.com/2010/5/1/44/1/ "You may soon be visited by an FBI agent, or a scientist acting on behalf of one. Here's why."08:26
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JayDuggerWow...what an inane set of comments.08:50
JayDuggerExcept for that last one, which calls a spade a spade.08:50
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-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]09:22
kanzureso i went to see iron man 2 again09:27
kanzureand there was this preview/commercial for the a-team movie09:27
kanzureit seems to be well done, i.e. not terrible09:27
kanzurebut for some reason, the audience in the theater was completely unmoved by it09:27
kanzurelike, nobody cared at all. all of the other previews had gasps, oohs, awws, or "hell yeah"s.09:28
kanzureand the other previews were things like super8, avatar (the nickelodean airbender movie, not cameron), the good the bad the weird, some silly james spade / adam sandler movie, other crap09:29
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kanzure1kfriend.ly is a "social prosthesis"09:41
kanzureToyKeeper: what were your objections to context-switchin app assistance tools?10:07
kanzurei.e. for like deploying a number of terminals running certain development sessions, interpreters, etc., for rapidly closing/opening a development environment for different projects?10:08
kanzurehttp://microbio.me/ ha, ha at the domain name10:21
kanzurehttp://microbio.me/denoiser/ "Rapid denoising of pyrosequencing amplicon data: exploiting the rank-abundance distribution"10:22
kanzurestalk: Jens Reeder10:22
kanzurestalk: Rob Knight10:22
kanzurei think jason bobe knows rob via the personal genome project10:22
-!- klafka [~klafka@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:24
kanzurehi klafka 10:25
klafkawhats up?10:26
kanzurehey that dot was me! http://www.flickr.com/photos/jessicamullen/4588223288/10:43
fennyour map looks a lot cooler now10:44
fennwhy are 8GB microsd cards still $20? shouldnt the price be plummeting?10:47
kanzuredid you see that i transferred you monies10:47
fennyes, thanks. this is for hacker dojo membership?10:48
kanzurewearable parts10:49
kanzuredojo membership will last only a month or two with what little i gave you10:50
kanzurerecurring expenses are the worst kind10:50
fennok well i'm focusing on reprap right now as it may actually make me a decent amount of money in time10:51
kanzurethat's fine too10:51
fennby decent i mean enough to pay rent :(10:52
fenni wish i were one of those evil spammers10:52
fennthen i would reinvest my millions into bittorrent and oshw and destroy the american economy10:53
* kanzure wonders where quantumkat went10:56
kanzureactually i know, but still..10:56
klafkafenn because commodified prices only go so low, because while the cost of the components may drop the costs of assembly/shipping/packaging don't so much, and there is a threshold after which people just don't care11:04
fenn1gb is like $311:10
fennso you're wrong11:10
klafkaand there is a threshold after which people just don't care11:14
fennthe good news is the mini-mendel doesn't need a lot of the parts I made. the bad news is it needs some parts I didn't make11:14
fennklafka: small variations in price matter when you're doing a lot of volume11:14
fenni am thinking about making "bulletproof" microsd and sd card holders11:16
fennwith complimentary card of course11:16
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:47
jrayhawkkanzure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Financial_Exchange12:42
jrayhawkand http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings12:42
jrayhawkMight be the easiest way to do it if you're already managing your finances through GnuCash.12:42
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]13:27
bkerojrayhawk: Ever try wesabe?13:57
kanzurejrayhawk: i've also looked into FIX and such14:07
kanzureuh, i guess that's unrelated14:29
kanzurebut still worth mentioning14:29
-!- Overand is now known as super14:41
-!- super is now known as Overand14:41
jrayhawkNot really sure what wesabe is for...?14:46
jrayhawksounds like a bunch of web 2.0 investment buzzwords attached to capital management14:48
jrayhawknot really sure i want to "crowdsource" my investments14:49
jrayhawkBesides, I don't need financial planning! I have a great plan! Never spend money, then every two years or so, buy another Porsche!14:50
jrayhawkLike a beaten wife, I keep coming back for more :(14:52
jrayhawkWhy can't I quit you, Porsche?14:52
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kanzurefour stroke solenoid motor http://www.robomo.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=171018:54
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kanzurefenn: did you squirrell my copy of "once upon a galaxy" away somewhere?20:19
kanzurehttp://samizdat.mines.edu/howto/HowToBeAProgrammer.html is this a classic?21:45
kanzure"Legend has it that when Michael Tiemann[2] was at MCC people would stand outside his door to listen to the hum generated by his keystrokes which were so rapid as to be indistinguishable. "21:46
kanzuremy key strokes are so rapid they play fucking mozart21:46
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