
--- Day changed Fri May 14 2010
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fennhere's a business opportunity, laser etched dildos: http://www.jimmyjane.com/shop/littlechromainked-p-65.html?zenid=fd9c096b39c01bbddba4ae00b3c4d9a400:52
Utopiahprint-your-dildo.com community-based plastic pleasuring00:56
* Utopiah should get into the habit of posting the [warning, 0 coffe cup taken] automatically00:56
fennmost of their stuff is silicone and ABS so it's definitely possible00:56
Utopiahif you want to compete in that area you can also use the webcam again to get "models" 00:57
fennyeah qdot is fun to talk to01:08
fennhe hangs out at noisebridge01:08
fennand ##electronics01:08
Utopiahfor more http://gcoe.mims.meiji.ac.jp/jpn/movie/impossible_motions2/ )01:10
fennheh. Utopiah: http://www.tinynibbles.com/blogarchives/2010/05/i-want-one.html01:16
UtopiahI saw her talk at Le Net last year, everybody including me was amazed at how she could make such a nice topic (blushing) being so boring :-# On a side note I made a sexuality page on my wiki in order to collect new pratices http://fabien.benetou.fr/Content/Sexuality rather empty yet but she's in it01:18
-!- amaruk [~freeze@p4FDC0506.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]01:18
UtopiahIm not sure that's the way to use 3D printers to revolutionize the world and manking but... ;)01:24
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UtopiahDevices That Tell On You: The Nike+iPod Sport Kit http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/systems/privacy.html (goes well with http://www.eff.org/wp/locational-privacy )01:50
genehackeruh I think there isn't sufficient resolution for products like that02:00
genehackerthen again products like that are as sure to be printed as working firearms02:02
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facefacehttp://www.archive.org/download/h-plus/01_H.mp3 ?06:07
JayDuggerfaceface: http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Zhang%20Li%22?06:57
JayDuggerThat the same fellow?07:00
JayDuggerSuccinctly, http://www.archive.org/details/h-plus07:17
facefaceanyone use Graph::Easy?07:40
facefaceneed to put a node at a specific point (in GDL)07:40
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:02
kanzureyeah i used graph::easy in the past08:40
kanzureprint-your-dildo.com could also have some sort of rating system08:52
JayDuggerAh...one of those counts as a non sequitur. (I hope.)09:00
JayDuggerGood answer.09:22
JayDuggerAlright, from a mechanical engineering viewpoint, what pertinent questions apply to this DIY page-turning machine?09:33
kanzurehow are you grabbing pages09:34
JayDuggerThe video makes it look like friction, but I haven't read the forum thread discussing it.09:35
JayDuggerIt also seems to depend on the turned page springing into place.09:36
JayDuggerHeh, heh. Thank you, I look forward to a five-fold increase in commute time and a 10% increase in rent.09:38
JayDuggerDamn. Wrong window. My apologies.09:38
JayDugger(At least it wasn't twitter.)09:39
JayDuggerAny obvious failure points to the trained eye?09:42
JayDuggerI suspect a second wand on the left-hand side at the book's top would reduce mis-turned pages.09:43
fennJayDugger: how to make pages flat.. the ones i've seen hav this complicated dual suspension to hold both sides at different heights09:53
kanzurei have some .sldprt files for a page reader somewhere on designfiles.org called "ezreader"10:03
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/ezreaderfiles.zip (6.8 MB)10:03
kanzureuh, "page reader" should be uh10:03
kanzurewtf do you call what we're talking about10:04
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JayDuggerI don't think that video's design would work well for paperbacks, nor for large art books, or even trade paperbacks.12:13
JayDuggerWhich pretty much rules out most of my remaining library.12:13
JayDugger*.sldprt: SolidWorks?12:14
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kanzureJayDugger: yes12:14
JayDuggerWhat open source programs will read SolidWorks?12:18
kanzureif we can get amazon ec2 to run an instance of windows, i might write a server that loads up solidworks and converts files for users12:18
JayDuggerTerse, prompt, unequivocal--everything I like in an answer, save what I hoped to hear. 12:19
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kanzureyeah :/12:19
kanzureoh you want an answer you *like*12:19
kanzurewelll that'll cost extra, sir12:19
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JayDuggerYou'd best stay in open source land, kanzure. You'll never get ahead in business with that attitude. :)12:20
JayDuggerNot only "good, fast, and cheap; pick two," but "true, simple, and pleasant; pick two."12:22
kanzurei think it'd be a good tiny project for me to deploy a solidworks server in the near future12:25
JayDuggerI'll have to read the diybookscanner fora on that page turner. It looks crude, at best, and I don't want to put a valuable book at its mercy until I test it.12:25
JayDuggerGood Lord...what does Microsoft care about running on EC2?12:29
JayDuggerAmazon's FAQ has some evasive wording. 12:30
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JayDuggerSteve Mann's a speaker, so that might have some interest.13:06
JayDuggerhttp://www.diybookscanner.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&p=3617 More on the page turner.13:29
kanzureoof i'm done with people for the day http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt13:48
kanzuretoo many. time to go away13:48
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-!- lepton [~lepton@mac0736d0.tmodns.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:39
leptonHowdy - This is John from Boulder Engineering Studio. I introduced myself to Bryan earlier today, thought I'd pop in to say hello14:40
leptonI'm likely to disappear; trying to test out a new post processor for a CNC machine today14:40
kanzurehello lepton :) this is bryan14:49
kanzurefeel free to idle; i'm still on a busy streak at the moment14:49
kanzureirc's value is proportional to idle time, or something like that14:49
leptonHi there14:50
leptonI was actually just typing an email reply14:50
leptonI poked through some of the old logs from hplusroadmap, you're group has some very interesting discussions14:50
kanzureif you want to download all of the logs at once, there's 20MB or so here: http://gnusha.org/irclogs.txt14:51
kanzureor by individual days: http://gnusha.org/logs/14:51
leptonI'll save that for when I get back home to a wired connection. Unfortunately our shop space has abysmal internet optionsa14:52
kanzuremy shop just got clear wireless. it works.. half the time :)14:52
leptonso I'm tethered off a G1 3G connection most of the time14:52
leptonI did manage to download a 600 MB or so file today, so I suppose I shouldn't complain too much14:53
leptonAnyway, I'm pleased to have found this group, I've been interested in most of these topics (open source hardware, accelerating charge / singularity, transhumanism) for quite some time14:54
kanzuregood :) you're in the right place14:54
leptonI stumbled in via PythonOCC and communications with Jelle for my bike/trike frame optmization work14:54
leptonTo put myself in a bit more context, I'm in Boulder, Colorado, and I'm one half of an engineering design firm startup14:55
kanzureare you a PE? i mean, most engineering firms/shops seem to be14:56
kanzurebut it doesn't actually matter if you're not14:56
leptonNo, I'm an "EIT," in that I've taken and passed the FE14:56
leptonbut I haven't worked under a PE, so I'm not yet eligable for a full PE14:57
kanzurei need to do a braindump on you in good time14:57
kanzurethere's been some open source hardware kit stuff that we've been meaning to manufacture down here in austin14:58
leptonI graduated from the University of Colorado about three years back, and was working at a different startup company doing embedded electronics and mechanical design until we (my partner Dan and I) left that to start up our own gig14:58
lepton^That's certainly something we'd be interested in14:58
kanzurei have a wee bit of funding that could be useful.. do you have anything in the way of funding?14:58
leptonYes and no, we've blown through a lot in hardware recently14:59
leptonand software... sigh14:59
leptonI think if I had unlimitied time I wouldn't have to use Solidworks and Solidcam in Windows and could just develop alternatives, but that's not really in the cards for now15:00
leptonA lot of things are cheap to do for us, though, since we internally own our CNC, can manufacture boards at pretty low costs, can do poured and vacuum formed plastics15:01
kanzurei have sent you some rather long emails that might help you contextualize me15:02
leptonWe've got a lot of interest in the scuba hardware right now, so on the good side we should be building up a lot of capital soon, but on the down side my available time to work on side endeavours (such as multi objective optimization) will further diminish15:02
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leptonAnyway, as far as my (our) technical abilities go, we're fairly capable in terms of embedded electronics design and testing (we've worked on water treatment sensors, battery management systems, motor controllers, a bunch of random arduino / burning man type projects), and I like making boards15:09
leptonOn the mechanical side I've been getting better at CNC machining over this past year, and we've done injection molds and optical lens design in the past15:09
leptonI'm trying to move more of the mechanical design that we're doing over to multiobjective optimization processes. The immediate project for that is a leaning recumbent trike frame and suspension15:10
leptonI'm working on both the linkage side (optimize length of members, angles, etc), and shape optimization (once you know the connection points of each member in the linkage, optimize the shape based on size, weight and manufacturing processes)15:13
leptonSo far I've spent far too much time messing around with broken dependancies, missing libraries (salomegeometry, for example)15:15
leptonI was trying to handle the parametric in freecad before, until I realized that was an exercise in futility and I discovered pythonOCC15:15
leptonI've got several technologies I want to unleash on the open source world, especially in terms of motor / generator design, and that's where I'm especially excited for machine optimization15:16
leptonBut, for now, the trike project is what I'm focusing on. Happily we can CNC out the frames very quickly once we have designs, so the prospect of being able to go from a set of optimal designs to actual physical hardware in a matter of hours/days is very exciting15:19
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thesnarkkanzure can you give me a quick update on your current activities?16:48
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leptonBack from the shop, on a real internet connection. CAM post worked surprisingly well on the CNC. Hurray17:52
kanzure:) btw here's the link again: http://gnusha.org/irclogs.txt17:55
leptonAh, yes. Thanks17:55
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]17:57
kanzurehm i was on the phone with someone today who was a co-founder in a venture that ended up netting $750M17:59
kanzurehttp://www.capitalfactory.com/mentors.html see Marc Yagjian17:59
kanzureooh and multics?17:59
leptonThere are a few outfits like that around here, too18:00
kanzurelepton: i was recently accepted into that program for an iphone app project18:00
kanzureit's one of the reasons i've been running around all day doing meaningless things18:00
leptonWe're friends with Sparkfun, who are starting to do very well18:00
leptonOh wow, congragulations18:00
kanzurei've been meaning to write this interface between skdb and sparkfun18:01
kanzureso that i can do automatic BOM ordering18:01
kanzurei hate going through multiple websites just to get my damn parts18:01
leptonWe're pretty digikey centric, though often not for good reason18:01
kanzureoctopart.com kinda helps, and there's the beginnings of an api that can help18:01
leptonThere are some decent greasemonkey scripts out there for it18:01
kanzurei'm also on this weird project to become 80/20 distributors18:01
leptonand we can do automatic BOM generation from Eagle that outputs files that digikey accepts18:01
kanzurewe're making a website for selling 80/20 through a usable webstore18:01
kanzurei imagine you've come across it, since you do engineering stuff18:01
leptonWe buy a lot through the 80/20 garage sale on ebay18:02
kanzurei mean, the beam system, not the website (structory which isn't out yet)18:02
leptonOh yeah, we've done lots with 80/20 and Faztek18:02
leptonAluminum extrusions are great18:02
kanzurewhich distributor do you use most frequently for 80/20?18:03
lepton80/20 garage sale on ebay18:03
leptonThat's always the first place we look18:03
leptonAnd we use Faztek as a fall back18:03
leptonThere are a few local distributors but their prices aren't as good18:03
leptonSo what's the iphone app for?18:06
kanzureit's called hurricane party, it's an app for spontaneous flashmob-based parties18:06
kanzureit invites friends of friends and does the whole viral thing18:06
kanzureit shows up on a map as a hurricane, and as people start showing up it grows up to a category 5 hurricane18:07
kanzureanother one is "project projector", a related sms-based app18:07
kanzurefor sending out text messages for instructions on building things18:07
kanzureto multiple people, with dependencies between the tasks18:07
leptonDoes it integrate exisiting social networking API's, and such?18:07
kanzureso i.e. someone has to text back "ok, done" or whatever18:07
kanzureyeah, like facebook, twitter, gowalla, foursquare, yelp, plancast, and a few others18:07
leptonSo for project projector, what sort of usage are you invisioning?18:08
kanzurebut it's not my real passion of course18:08
kanzureit's kind of just this thing i've been pulled into, and enjoying a bit :)18:08
kanzuremaybe doing distributed hardware construction. i'm not sure18:08
kanzurehave you watched the youtube videos re: SKDB yet??18:09
kanzureer, just one '?' character :)18:09
leptonNope, I'll check it out though18:09
leptonI bet I know some burning man people who would like Project Projector18:10
kanzurebbl.. more running around18:10
leptonGood luck18:11
kanzurehttp://gnusha.org/ has the videos18:12
kanzureok, now brb for realz18:12
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heathkanzure: will you install uzbl-browser on davinci, firefox over ssh is slow19:38
kanzureyes but i don't want to go looking for it right now19:51
kanzureif you could get me the link to the .git for it, that would be nice19:53
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jrayhawkuzbl is packaged for most distributions nowadays...?20:27
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heathjrayhawk: yes20:39
heathkanzure: i'll look20:39
* heath wants http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bk-1993-0535.fw00120:39
heathdon't have access to books unfortunately20:40
heathkanzure: thanks for the continued access to the papers though!20:40
heathgit clone git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl.git20:40
heathyou also need the gtk stuff20:40
heaththen it again it seems like an optional dependency?..20:41
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* katsmeow sets http://forums.reprap.org/list.php?194 on the table and goes to her usual seat22:55
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kanzureecho -e 'GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost: slashdot.org\n\n' | nc slashdot.org 80 | grep -E 'X\-(Fry|Leena|Bender)'23:27
fennheath: i installed uzbl a while ago, dunno if you noticed23:31
fennblegh. x forwarding over the internet sucks23:34
fennor uzbl is just crashing, can't tell which23:35
fenngood night freenode!23:35
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