
--- Day changed Thu May 20 2010
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]00:14
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fennwhat do i do with $100 of amazon EC2?01:08
fennit came with the machine learning class; amazon will be coming to see what we did with it01:09
fennand apparently I'm talking at google tomorrow about reprap01:09
fennsmall informal thing i hope01:09
fenntomorrow meaning friday01:10
fennand more qs stuff at maker faire01:10
fennwoah weird. i just googled "aether blog" because i wa thinking about setting up a blog, look what i get: http://aether.com/01:11
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Utopiahthere was a link posted few weeks ago here regarding a "chain of social entrepreneurs" , it was a kind of seed funding a la YCombinator but focusing on society improving projects and re-injecting capitals in the following projects, rings any bell?02:32
Utopiah(wasn't kickstarter or capitalfactory)02:33
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kanzurefenn: you could do rendering of reprap stuff in ec2, whole genome analysis06:47
kanzureUtopiah: it had a 'p' and the word 'fund' in it i think06:48
kanzureabundance fund?06:48
Utopiahnop, plus I dont think you can count b and b as revert p06:51
Utopiahb and d06:51
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kanzurecool just got off the phone with someone who knows don and doug at 80/2007:19
kanzure(don and doug are the father-son pair running the company)07:19
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thesnarkhey all09:28
thesnarkdamn, people must be at lunch09:32
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leptonPaying for closed source software is making me really really unhappy this week12:04
leptonBecause it's unstable and causing us more trouble than it's solving12:05
leptonand their locked down IP issues are making the problems a lot more difficult to solve (on our end and theirs)12:05
-!- drewfer [~drewfer@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:09
kanzurehello drewfer 12:10
kanzurelepton: i still haven't fixed pythonocc installation instructions :x12:11
kanzurebut now that i think about it, i think i have time to do it now12:11
kanzurei just need to go find some lunch real quick12:11
drewferI'm just stumbling through the synthetic biology seminars, etc. and found a link to this chat group from diybio.org12:12
leptonDon't worry, I've been too busy with crappy closed software so far this week to work on awesome open software12:12
leptonI still greatly apprecaite you're help, though12:12
leptonand once the CNC is running again I'll have more time to sit around and babysit it / develop in PythonOCC12:12
fenni've been playing with the cnc a lot lately: http://fennetic.net/irc/idler_brackets.jpg12:49
leptonwhat control software are you using?12:51
kanzureblah it's been too long since i've used vmware13:06
kanzurehow do i do the shared hard drive thing, again?13:06
kanzurei really don't want to have to download opencascade stuff that i already have archives for locally..13:06
kanzurei remember doing it at one point, but for some reason a lot of my search results are telling me it's impossible13:07
leptonWhich VMWare are you using?13:07
leptonVmware Server/Player OS-X/Linux13:07
kanzurevmware workstation 6.5.2 13:07
kanzurerunning on linux13:07
leptonperfect, just like me13:08
leptonDo you have vmware tools installed in the guest?13:08
kanzurehm, actually i do not13:08
kanzureit's stuck at "Installing VMware Tools.."13:08
leptonGo into "edit virtual machine settings", under options there's "shared folders"13:08
leptonthat should be all you need13:08
leptonYeah, you need vmware tools for it to work13:08
leptonI suppose you could SSH into the host without vmware tools...13:09
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fennlepton: mach 3 :(13:18
fennit's icky13:18
leptonWhy not EMC2?13:24
fennbecause it's already set up with mach 313:37
leptonThat's why we're not running EMC2, as well13:40
leptonthough I talk about switching all the time13:40
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leptonfenn: what are those brackets for?14:18
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fennidler pulleys for the mini mendel reprap15:03
fennthe timing belt was rubbing against the x carriage with the original part15:03
fennit's still kinda sluggish15:06
fennnext is electronics15:06
fennor should i try to do my homework instead15:06
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kanzurehi zvader_ 15:25
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QuantumGfuckin' doomsayers are at it already.16:23
leptonPeople are silly16:38
leptonThough I do agree with the general sentiment that the more advanced this civilization becomes, the higher the risk / disruption there is to old paradigms (both human and ecological)16:39
leptonSpreading outward into the galaxy to diversify seems like the optimal way to address that issue16:40
QuantumGthere's an overall anti-progress attitude in modern society that saddens me16:42
kanzurelepton: btw QuantumG is a troll .. sometimes. be careful :)16:42
QuantumGkanzure: you injure me16:42
kanzurei just feel the rant coming16:43
QuantumGwatch that last video kanzure16:43
QuantumGthey even manage to get Venter saying that this "new" technology needs to be "strictly controlled"16:43
kanzureoh, venter's latest news stuff16:45
leptonI concur that there is a prevalent anti-process attitude16:45
leptonThere's also a prevalence of the opinion that expansion into space is bad because "humans are a disease and ruin everything"16:45
leptonwhich saddens me, as well16:46
kanzurelepton: there was a scifi book that once explored that line of thought16:46
kanzureso, what happens if humans are a cancer?16:46
QuantumGyeah, there's a whole generation that have been brought up believing that they are bad bad bad just for being alive.16:46
kanzurewait, don't listen to me. i'm not into this right now. :P /me goes back to code16:46
leptonIt seems important to be positive and optimitic about the potential of sentient life, and not get too caught up in the specifics of this place in this society right NOW16:46
leptonright NOW isn't nearly a big enough sample size to make general statements about humanity16:47
leptonbut yeah, I should focus on toolpaths16:47
jrayhawk_I believe human beings are inefficient and will eventually be supplanted, be it either by an overwhelmingly more effective machine intelligence or a more efficient biological paradigm. The awkward question is "are people right to fear the end of their species?"16:58
-!- jrayhawk_ is now known as jrayhawk16:58
jrayhawkI don't think it's fair to call that fear "silly" any more than it is to call people with strong convictions "crazy".17:00
leptonI agree on all points17:00
leptonI think the future is too unknown/variable to anticipate exactly how things will go, for example, if contemporary humanity does give way to something(s) more advanced, it doesn't necessarily have to be a harsh step or catalysm17:02
leptonThere are many very positive potential scenarios from a traditional human perspective17:03
QuantumGyeah, they reason why I said "new" technology is because what Venter's done is interesting and amazing, but it's not actually all that relevant to what the doomsayers are saying.  The ability to sequence a long enough DNA strand to encompass a minimal genome.  It's great science, but it's not something you need to make bioweapons.17:03
leptontrue. It seems like the reporting on it is pretty sensationalist, both in the "we're technological gods and make life from scratch," "we're playing god and the world is in great danger"17:06
leptonrather than "cool, a successful demonstration of a genetics technique"17:06
QuantumGnot to mention that they're talking about the genome transplant as being new... when it's not, they did that a year ago.17:07
QuantumG.. and no mention of the genome watermarking17:10
QuantumGwhich is awesome17:10
QuantumGyeah, they have a published standard somewhere and they're putting together a serial number database and encouraging (future) researchers to watermark all DNA they write.17:18
QuantumGhe talks about it in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcazafdJmPE17:18
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-!- genehacker [~genehacke@pool-173-57-40-144.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:22
fennfun fun fun http://fennetic.net/irc/IMG_0856.JPG http://fennetic.net/irc/IMG_0857.JPG18:33
QuantumGDIY electron microscope?18:35
fennjust a dissection scope, not even really what i consider a microscope18:35
leptonWhat's the image of (chip specifically)18:41
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genehackerare those gold bonded wires?18:57
fennsome prom chip from an old motherboard i think18:59
genehackerhmmm... I'm going to need to do some reestimates on the profitability of ewaste gold extraction19:20
genehackerI thought microchips contained less gold than that19:20
genehackeroh blast doctorow is in austin today and I'm not19:36
genehackeroh well19:36
genehackerit's a book signing19:39
genehackernot worth it19:39
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-!- ferric is now known as _why20:48
-!- _why is now known as _how20:49
neobiiokay... where to start20:50
neobiiis there like an online syllabus to start with diy?20:51
kanzuremight be helpful?20:51
neobiiyeah I watched a video of someone programming something with netbeans20:52
neobiithe vetier lab or something20:52
neobiiany place with circuit diagrams?20:53
-!- _how is now known as ferric20:54
kanzurecircuit diagrams for what? electronics? regulation networks?20:54
neobiiI think I'll read these things20:54
neobiilike teh gel boxes don't have circuit diagrams20:55
neobiihave you read the boook sequence analysis in a nutshell?20:56
kanzure(also i might be falling asleep)20:56
neobiiit will give me time to look all this stuff over20:57
neobiiand barrage soem lucky man with questions20:57
QuantumGReleased:    January 2003 20:57
neobii2003 gross20:57
QuantumGwow, I wonder if they've updated it20:57
neobiiI wouldn't read a webdesign book from that long ago20:58
QuantumGthey need an update for that book at least every 2 years20:58
neobiioriely always lists what edition the book is20:58
neobiiif it doesn't say 2nd edition20:58
neobiithen it's trash20:58
neobiidid anyone watch the shot glass dna extraction?21:02
neobiiis it just a basic non-polar organic extraction?21:03
neobiiand they are using isopropl gross21:03
neobiithey'd be much better off using petroleum ether or hexane21:03
neobiinwonwoownownonwo talk to me! I must know everything!21:20
-!- Overand is now known as Kenneth_21:39
-!- Kenneth_ is now known as Overand21:39
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neobiiso any begining books out there?22:35
klafkathe venter thing isn't that as big a deal as the news is making it22:51
neobiiyeah seems like22:53
neobiiso what do gel box's do?22:53
neobiid you know22:53
klafkaum well they filter particulate based on size22:53
klafkayou load the wells with whatever, apply current and since you have a positive and negative end, the whatever in the wells that is negatively charged is gonna be attracted to the other end and move22:54
klafkahow fast it moves is dependent on how big it is22:54
neobiiso the proteins are usually the biggest?22:55
klafkawell typically you put DNA in it22:55
klafkaor proteins 22:55
klafkanot mixed together22:55
neobiiyeah what does it do to the dna?22:56
neobiiis it a tool for sequencing it?22:56
klafkanot so much anymore22:56
neobiiso what does it do to the dna?22:57
klafkait separates it out into different sizes22:57
neobiiyeah but the gel box is used because it's diy?22:58
klafkai guess people in DIY bio use them because they are cheap22:58
klafkayou can use it for genetic engineering22:58
klafkafor like splicing plasmids and shit22:58
neobiiyeah I haven't connected connected the dots on that22:59
neobiiI have an arduino and I've done some projects with that22:59
neobiibut I'm just now getting into diybio22:59
klafkai haven't done that stuff in a long time23:00
neobiiyeah I have a cloud that I can process a genome with23:00
neobiiif it requires a lot of computational power23:01
neobiiI don't know where to start23:01
klafkato do genome sequencing you need a modern sequencing technology23:01
neobiior even if I can process a genome23:01
klafkayou can totally process a genome if you have the raw data23:01
neobiior even if that is in the diy realm23:01
klafkasort of23:01
klafkait's in the "i really know whta i'm doing and have lots of money" diy realm23:02
neobiiwell I mean what if someone used a botnet to process genome sequences23:02
klafkasequencing a genome is not a trivial task, to do it in a decent amount of time you want to use a NGS machine like a 454, SOLiD, or illumina23:02
klafka+ you have to purify and amplify the genomic material23:04
klafkathen once you have back the raw reads from the NGS machine you can assemble it against a ref genome23:04
neobiiI was looking at some of the dna extractions23:04
klafkawhich is where you'd need a big cloud23:04
neobiiit looked like a simple organic extraction23:04
klafkayeah extracting it isn't hard23:05
klafkaand you can even buy dna purification kits23:05
klafkai mean you can send your DNA off to some of these companies that do whole genome sequencing and they just ship you back the unassembled genome contigs23:06
neobiihave you ever seen how much the 45423:06
neobiiwell I want to try to sequence stuff like carrots23:06
neobiior strawberries23:06
klafkahow much a 454 costs?23:06
klafkathen you won't have a reference genome nad you have to do what is called de novo assembly23:06
klafkathat requires a much higher level of coverage23:06
klafkaand with given NGS technology is much harder23:07
klafkaalthough i think the new pac bio machine will change things a lot23:07
klafkabasically to sequence an organism that has never been sequenced costs a LOT of money and requires quite a bit of expertise and i'd say it's out of the range of the hobbyist currently23:09
klafkaalthough i hope that will change soon23:09
klafkawell "soon" in the next 20 years23:09
klafkathe cost of sequencing is decreasing something like by a magnitude of 10 fold every year23:09
neobiiso what exactly do you do in the diybio then haha23:10
klafkaidk 23:10
klafkaprobably umm do some simple genetic engineerig23:10
klafkai don't do DIY bio frankly23:10
neobiiyeah maybe it's a topic that people want to exist so badly that it does23:11
klafkait's important23:11
klafkabut it's not at the level people want it to be23:11
klafkathere is trying to be a sort of open source next gen sequencer23:11
klafkait'd be cool if they could have a DIY sequencer23:11
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neobiiyeah it's like just gimmie a circuit diagram23:12
neobiiand the mouser electronics part numbers23:12
neobiiand I can make one haha23:12
klafkaoh this has open protocols23:13
klafkabut not open design specs23:13
klafkawhen we can 3d print like useful things23:13
klafkathat's when things willreally start to happen23:13
klafkaalso wheen we can print circuit boards at home23:13
neobiigo look at copper etching23:13
neobiihave you ever done a circuit like that?23:13
klafkai've never done anything with circuits23:14
* klafka is a computational biologist23:14
neobiiwhat exactly is that?23:14
QuantumGklafka: what sort of stuff do you do?23:14
klafkai model biological systems computationally, or analyze biological data, or a combination of the two23:14
klafkaQuantumG,  I mainly work in network reconstruction via graphical models23:15
QuantumGcool.  Have you published anything?23:15
klafkabut i also do like area specific stuff, i am doing like some analysis for this lab working on presbycusis23:15
klafkanot yet :( this is my first year as a grad student, my advisor and I came up w/ a cool idea that is hopefully publishable, but he taught the two classes i took this quarter,, killed both of our abilities to do much research23:16
QuantumGwell, good luck with it23:16
klafkathanks we've mainly been doing a lot of stuff like http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.100035823:17
neobiiyeah that's over my head23:18
neobiiare you using python?23:20
klafkaactually yes23:20
neobiiyeah that's what I Thought23:20
klafkapython with some C23:20
neobiiI know you can program with python in maya23:20
neobiimaybe in autocad to23:21
klafkaalthough matlab has really upped their game so my advisor si thinking of maybe writing code in clojure and then running it from matlab23:21
neobiiyeah 3d printing is going to be really usefull23:21
neobiiwhenever I get a motor from the store23:21
neobiiI can never find a belt that matches that and a cog23:22
klafkaidk when 3d printing can do like nano level resolution or micro level resolution w/ heterogenous sources23:23
neobiiso you are talking about printing dna23:23
klafkano just whatever23:23
neobiiprint the higgs boson?23:24
klafkano i'm thinking more like you can print complex machinery23:24
klafkaw/ circuitry23:24
klafkaand chips 23:24
neobiiwhat I would be interested in is the abstraction of the dna sequence into a type of programming23:25
klafkawell the problem is it's really complicated23:26
neobiiyeah it's crazy23:26
klafkalike there is this thing called the central dogma right, parts of dna code for mRNA which code for protein23:27
klafkaproteins are the things that generally do shit23:27
neobiiyeah teh amino acids correct?23:27
klafkabut the thing is there are numerous mRNA that alter how other pieces of DNA work, there are pieces of DNA that physically interact with other pieces of DNA and change how they make proteins, there are other parts of DNA surrounding the genes that depending on what proteins or other things bind to it effect how other genes 23:28
klafkabasically you have the basic linear pathway of dna -> protein, but you also have mRNA -> DNA, protein -> DNA, DNA -> DNA 23:29
klafkathe field of synthetic biology is specifically trying to abstract DNA sequencing into a form of programming, stuff like biobricks23:29
neobiiyeah I read abotu biobricks23:29
fennchris anderson is giving a presentation on clotho (bioCAD) on the 29th(?)23:30
fennshould i go?23:30
klafkaidk i've never heard of it23:30
fenneh it's at the dojo, i'll probably be there anyway :P23:30
klafkais that like your hackerspace?23:31
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klafkai've yet to actually go to our hackerspace  here23:32
klafkaso busy23:32
fennapparently anselm levskaya used to work with chris anderson23:33
klafkawho is that?23:33
fennmy potential housemate23:33
fennmy world is imploding :\23:33
klafkaum cool23:33
fenni was like "oh, chris anderson? didnt he write a wired article about skdb and stuff?" "no not that one, the other chris anderson"23:35
fennthen he turns up in my email a few days later23:35
fennklafka you know much about "cloud computing"?23:36
kanzureyou could end up with worse housemates than anselm23:36
* kanzure is doing "cloud computing" now :/23:36
fennyeah he's great23:36
klafkai know a bit 23:36
kanzuregoogle app engine, amazon aws ec2, and everything :/23:36
kanzurei'm such a whore23:36
klafkawhat's the biggest ec2 instance you've made?23:36
fennok so what do you do with free compute time?23:36
klafkaer # of computers?23:36
kanzurefenn: what?23:36
kanzureklafka: right now, 0 :)23:36
klafkagive them to me23:36
fenni'm trying to figure out what to do with this, should probably be focusing on, you know, stuff that matters23:37
kanzure"do with this" this=?23:37
klafkahow'd you get free compute time? amazon grant23:37
fennfree $100 of ec223:37
kanzureklafka: not free23:37
kanzureoh, for fenn23:37
kanzurefenn: maybe the whole genome analysis stuff from melanie swan and raymond mccauley?23:37
kanzurethe ec2 whole genome stuff.23:37
fennamazon gave coupons to everyone in the hacker dojo machine learning class23:37
klafkakanzure what's that?23:37
kanzurehm wait23:38
kanzureand crossbow23:38
kanzure"Crossbow is a scalable software pipeline for whole genome resequencing analysis. It combines Bowtie, an ultrafast and memory efficient short read aligner, and SoapSNP, an accurate genotyper, within Hadoop to distribute and accelerate the computation with many nodes."23:38
kanzure"The pipeline can accurately analyze over 35x coverage of a human genome in one day on a 10-node local cluster, or in 3 hours for about $100 using a 40-node, 320-core cluster rented from Amazon's EC2 utility computing service. "23:39
fennit's hard to think of neat stuff to do when you have no data to work with23:39
kanzureif you need a genome, i have a few23:39
fennfor this to be relevant i'd need like 1000 genomes23:39
klafkaif you do you should submit them to pubmed23:39
kanzurethese are private ;)23:39
fennhow many human genomes have been sequenced?23:39
klafkapfft private data sucks23:39
klafkaa lot23:39
kanzuredepends on which coverage23:39
kanzureklafka: i agree23:39
kanzure*what coverage23:39
klafkalol yeah23:39
kanzureone of the weirdest things lately for me is this concept of privacy23:39
fenni dont care about 100% coverage23:39
fennprivacy is bullshit23:39
kanzurelike, why in the fuck do all you fucks want me to sign so many DNAs23:40
fennsecrecy != privacy23:40
fennthey're both stupid though23:40
kanzureso am i aloud to tell you about capital factory, or not?23:40
* kanzure doesn't know23:40
kanzurebut i probably will anyway23:40
fennask foriveness, not permission23:40
neobiiare you against both secrecy and privacy?23:40
kanzureum, i just don't understand it half the time23:40
kanzureit doesn't tend to make sense23:41
neobiihow do you feel about facebook?23:41
neobiior google monitoring private wifi stuff23:41
klafkamark zuckerberg is an asshole23:41
fennkanzure: it's probably an evolved mechanism of some sort23:41
kanzurefenn: my lack of understanding?23:41
fennneobii: facebook is on my shit list because their data is not open23:41
kanzureoh please23:42
klafkasee what i don't like is how people give up their data to these people but then they sell it23:42
fennkanzure: the feeling of privacy in general23:42
neobiiwhat do you mean?23:42
kanzureeveryone loves hating facebook this week23:42
klafkalike i feel that way about 23andme23:42
klafkai've hated facebook before hating it was cool23:42
kanzurelet me guess, yet another diaspora lover23:42
klafkaum no23:42
neobiiyou can grab alot of data through the fbql23:42
klafkagod that's such a hype factory23:42
kanzurei can't believe they raised $170k without any fucking code23:42
neobiior whatever it is23:42
kanzureneobii: yes but you have to comply with their privacy policies and other things like that23:42
klafkakanzure, it's coz they got that nyt article23:42
kanzurefenn got a nytm article, why doesn't he have six digits yet?23:43
klafkadid he?23:43
kanzuresort of.23:43
klafkasorry nyt article on how you're gonna kill facebook23:43
neobiithey said23:43
neobiithat you were able to store data from facebook23:43
neobiiit was ilke 2 weeks ago23:43
kanzurepeople have been banned for scraping data from facebook23:43
fennwell, i did get a fancy job interview out of it, but they decided not to hire because i didnt know java. hard to say whether that was good or bad23:43
neobiiit was because people were having problems deleting stuff from the cache after 1 day23:44
klafkaalso kanzure about crossbow, i think that clovr uses that in their pipeline23:44
neobiithat was the original policy23:44
klafkafenn bizarre23:44
kanzurefenn: an interview? that's all?23:44
fennand lunch :P23:45
fennseriously i dont know how to monetize 3 lines of media exposure23:45
fenn'buy my book!'23:45
klafka'BUY MY BOOK!'23:45
fennyou're hired, mister23:45
klafka(like the critic)23:45
fennshould i start making life sized cardboard cutouts?23:46
kanzureso they would be what,23:46
kanzure3 feet tall?23:46
kanzurei talked with these guys yesterday: http://chaoticmoon.com/23:47
kanzurestill not sure what they, uh, do..23:47
fennexplanation, for generation Z: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDTwO0TlwOU23:47
klafkaalso i mainly mention clovr kanzure because orbitz works on it23:47
klafkaooh crafted with awesomeness23:47
neobiiit looks like they just make mobile phone apps23:48
kanzuresort of23:48
neobiiprobably with cocoa23:48
kanzurethey take YOUR app, and then "make it better"23:48
klafkatheir website sucks23:48
kanzurei was also talking with these guys yesterday: http://8020.vizseek.com/23:48
kanzureterrible website too23:48
neobiichaotic moon23:49
neobiiare interaction designers23:49
kanzurewtf does that mean23:49
klafkathey design interfaces basically23:49
klafkaone of my advisors does a lot of that stuff23:50
neobiiit's an emerging field23:50
klafkashe works w/ eyetracking hardware23:50
neobiiI'm a web app developer23:50
kanzureneobii: i'm sorry23:50
neobiiand you'd be suprised how essential it is23:50
neobiiand how oever looked it is23:50
fenni think we would survive without web apps23:50
klafkaworks on stuff like using eye tracking hardware to create next gen interfaces23:50
kanzurelet me guess, you're going to push rails on me next23:50
kanzurelet's hear it23:50
kanzureoh, then maybe it's nosql23:50
klafkawha'ts nosql?23:51
* kanzure sighs23:51
neobiiI know23:51
neobiidon't feel like splicing accoc arrays?23:51
fennhm i'm all out of buzzwords tonight23:51
kanzuregraph database! mongodb! couchdb! memcache!23:51
klafkaheh couchdb23:51
neobiiI like to do new media stuff with the web design23:51
kanzurejson! haml! yaml! 23:52
neobiiI'm setting up a red5 server23:52
kanzurewhat the fuck23:52
klafkait seems like most biological data is sort of setup like nosql23:52
kanzurei played around with red5 a few days ago. meh.23:52
neobiihaha yeah I noticed that the bio brick wasn't in json but in xml23:52
kanzuresbml is also in xml :/23:52
klafkasbml is xml23:52
kanzurewell, yes.23:52
klafkaalso MiNiML 23:52
neobiiyeah well23:52
neobiiI have some ideas for some hobby electronics23:52
neobiilike a highfive machine23:52
neobiiusing a flexiforce pressure sensor23:53
kanzuremaybe it will help me solve the one hand clapping problem23:53
neobiiw/ flash23:53
neobiithat will connect to an rtmp server23:53
neobiiwhere you can high five people online23:53
kanzurewhy rtmp? i thought you said you do web development23:53
neobiihaha rtmp as an open socket server is much better than using sockets through php23:54
neobiifor flash23:54
neobiiI eman23:54
klafkait's like a new take on the old fufme device23:54
neobiired5 is an open socket server23:54
klafkaexcept w/ high fives23:54
fennyou could build two of them and hook it up to The Clapper (tm)23:54
kanzureif i had ops, i'd kickban you for mentioning php23:54
neobiinow you are going to push python on me right?23:54
neobiipython on rails23:54
klafkaor perhaps that other thing23:54
kanzureweb.py, django, cherrypy, pyjs, pydesktop, pypy23:55
kanzurejoomla is php23:55
neobiiyeah I know23:55
kanzureyou fail23:55
fenndidnt you write web.py? are you just grepping your logs now?23:55
klafkapypy is a python compiler kanzure 23:55
kanzureklafka: do'h23:55
kanzurefenn: no, aaron swartz (rss dude) did web.py23:55
kanzureweb.py is the name of a python web framework23:55
neobiijoomla is scalable within a cloud23:56
klafkait's like the successor to unladen swallow23:56
kanzureweb.py is also the pathetic name of the file i wrote and committed to skdb23:56
kanzureskdb.git i mean23:56
fennwell it's a stupid name for a project too23:56
kanzurenamespace conflicts galore23:56
klafkakanzure, i think that should be a good goal for DIYers23:57
kanzurethat's no buzzword23:57
kanzureklafka: ?23:57
fennto maximize namespace conflicts?23:57
klafkato develop an open design NGS sequencer based off the polonator protocols that can be largely built via a 3d printer23:57
kanzuretoo bad polonator isn't open source23:57
kanzureit claims it is, but that's shit23:57
klafkano it's not23:57
klafkabut it's protocols are23:57
klafkaso you could use them to build an OS design23:58
kanzurei'll pay you to do it23:58
klafkathat's what i'm suggesting23:58
klafkai'd help but i h ave no um engineering expertise23:58
kanzurenobody else does either23:58
kanzurenot even the "engineers"23:58
fenni have expertise galore23:59
kanzureyes but i offer you money and you just move further away23:59
fennisnt polonator just an inkjet?23:59
klafkabut i think when either sequencers become cheap enough that we can buy them easily or we can implememt the protocols in a machine we can build easy enough23:59
klafkafenn i have nfc23:59
kanzureas far as i can tell, polonator is just vaporware23:59
fennkanzure i hope you realize you aren't exactly a reliable source of funding23:59

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