
--- Day changed Sat May 22 2010
-!- Incarnation [~lorem@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:41
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fennnoisebridge to the rescue01:49
fenni made a charger01:50
fennnothing blew up01:50
JayDuggerDo you smell smoke?01:50
fenni smell a fully charged battery01:50
fenna 95% charged battery01:51
JayDuggerWell done, fenn.01:51
JayDuggerI reduce my compliment by one part in twenty. :)01:51
fennand i snagged some stepper drivers to keep me occupied tomorrow01:51
JayDuggerHow goes the reprap?01:51
fennherky jerkily01:51
fenni have some video, should probably upload it with these fat pipes01:51
JayDuggerYeah...that might help convince my gf the value of household 3d printer.01:52
JayDuggerThe Frostruder attachment totally failed to impress her.01:52
fennahh nice and quick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcE_GZsrQoI01:57
JayDuggerWhich axis is that stuck upper stage?01:59
JayDuggerKiteboarding? Neat!01:59
fennsomething to do with the tension changes because the belt is mounted on one side02:01
fennthe pulley only has like 4 teeth engaged and they're sorta rounded (made before i learned about the stretch plugin)02:02
fenni need to make some more pulleys02:02
JayDuggerDo you own that thermal imager?02:02
fennit's michael kan's and he's rather protective of it02:02
JayDuggerI'll bet. They probably cost.02:03
fennabout $350002:03
JayDuggerDid you try your hand at kite flying?02:04
fennyeah that's what i did all day on whatever day that was recorded02:04
JayDuggerHad you flown multi-lines kits before last month?02:05
fennsupposedly that's a good thing as i wouldnt have developed bad habits02:07
fenni see i've got a bit of a video backlog02:07
JayDuggerI believe it. I haven't flown a kite in over a decade, myself.02:08
JayDuggerThat's alright. Miro archives it for me.02:08
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fennguh. well i got a few done02:50
fennnot sure why videos take so damn long to deal with02:50
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JayDuggerWasn't the Automated Design Lab in Austin involved with grammars for design?04:19
JayDugger"booggie brings object-oriented graph grammars into engineering - Based  on the application of object-oriented graph grammars, engineering  knowledge is formalized and becomes computable in order to solve design  tasks."04:22
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kanzurehttp://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~maharbiz/Sato_2009_WirelessFlightControl.pdf Radio-controlled cyborg beetles: a radio-frequency system for insect neural flight control10:05
kanzurenice diagram on their page10:08
kanzureJ. Marshall, "The Fly Who Bugged Me: Labs around the World Are Hatching a New Breed of Cyborg Animal Spies", New Scientist, March, pp. 41-43, 2008.10:08
kanzureMEMS conference: http://ieeemems.org/10:09
kanzurehm it was in hong kong earlier this year10:09
kanzureHirotaka Sato and Daniel Cohen, Michel M. Maharbiz, "Building interfaces to developing cells and organisms: from cyborg beetles to synthetic biology," in Integrated Microsystems: Mechanical, Photonic and Biological Interfaces, CRC Press, 2010.10:09
kanzurethese look like generally ineresting papers: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~maharbiz/publications.html10:10
leptonHave you guys seen this (via slashdot) today: http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/05/22/1424208/The-Economist-Calls-For-Open-Source-Biology10:16
kanzure"Maybe we will ask ourselves, one day, why we didn't make a backup of nature."10:28
Utopiahthere is a futurama episode on that10:30
kanzure"so the best way to oppose the villains is to have lots of heroes on your side" eh10:31
kanzurei thought the article would be worse, actually10:31
Utopiah(with a giant Manta birostris or sth)10:31
kanzurebut it turned into something that kind of speaks for the proactionary principle10:31
kanzurelots of comments: http://www.economist.com/node/16163154/comments10:32
leptonI'm greatly in favor of "making a backup of nature"10:36
leptonparticularly through spreading terrestrial-originated life to other bodies in space10:36
kanzurea while ago i was trying to hit that into the diybio peeps' heads10:39
kanzurein particular, i was making an argument from reliability theory10:39
kanzurei.e. how do you make sure a system doesn't fail?10:39
lepton / diversity10:40
kanzurethose are two points10:40
kanzurethere are two more, however10:40
kanzureredundancy, diversity, removal of bottlenecks, and uh10:40
kanzureone sec10:40
kanzureredundancy, diversity, transparency, reduced complexity (and presumably bottleneck removal)10:43
kanzurei consider the global atmosphere to be a SPOF10:43
kanzure"so why shock people and claim that we're the ones breaking something that is broken by design? Instead we should be building something better."10:46
kanzureat the time, diybio was still a topic that people wanted to "debate"10:49
kanzureand bringing stuff like space habitats into the conversation was a bit too much10:49
leptonIt's unfortunate how often discussing space is too much for people10:56
leptonI imagine that wasn't so much the case in my father's generation10:56
-!- klafka [~klafka@pool-72-88-88-205.bflony.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]10:56
leptonBack in the 50's / 60's there was so much enthusiasm about space, in a sort of manifest destiny way10:56
leptonnow there's a lot of "humans are a cancer and expanding is bad"10:56
leptonBut I've already complained about that in here this week10:57
leptonso I should give it a rest ;P10:57
-!- klafka [~klafka@pool-72-88-88-205.bflony.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:57
leptonInterseting discussing on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/c6wum/knowledge_manager_lets_create_a_free_synaptic/10:57
kanzureurl fails.. what's the actual title?10:57
leptonoh yeah, I suppose it would10:58
kanzureno i mean uh10:58
kanzurei meant to ask you to describe the link10:58
kanzurebecause the "knowledge manager lets create a free synaptic" doesn't quite make sense to me10:58
lepton"A clone of the Software Center and its sources, but it is solely for containing repositories that do just one thing; provide tools for learning about subjects, and the subject in question.10:59
kanzurehave you heard of ckan?10:59
leptonI don't think so10:59
kanzureit's basically CPAN except for data sets and knowledge11:00
kanzureskdb stands for "societal engineering-knowledge database" (ugh)11:01
leptonCool, I just added a link to ckan in the reddit thread11:02
kanzuremight as well addd a link to http://designfiles.org/dokuwiki/skdb while you're at it :)11:02
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kanzureUtopiah: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_frm/thread/ed848cea16482bfe11:04
kanzurethere's my response to the article. in particular there's some content on reliability theory at the bottom of the email11:05
leptonIt is done11:05
lepton(link to skdb added)11:05
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Utopiahlepton: if you are into such things I gathered few datasets at http://wiki.seedea.org/Seedea/DATAmatrix11:06
leptonOh boy, this makes me wish I had more time11:07
Utopiahtry the local time machine at your hackerpace11:08
-!- klafka [~klafka@pool-72-88-88-205.bflony.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:08
leptonthis entire week got eaten by silly commerical software games, and then next week is likely to be eaten by physical machining time11:08
leptonI just need to fork myself11:08
Utopiahkanzure: afaik The Economist isn't really into waiting and bureaucratic heavy administrative actions, except if it can help liberalism11:09
Utopiahbtw I really dont think it's a good idea to play with the "god" vocabulary11:11
kanzurehm? did i do that11:11
Utopiahquote from Extropy did I think11:12
Utopiahwait, my bad was "In past cultures (and indeed still in some cultures to this day) we11:12
Utopiahprayed to the gods or elemental powers of the world to please not11:12
Utopiahreign plagues and death upon us"11:12
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Utopiahjust that I think it's tricky and one can quickly fall into hijacked conversation about not what t'it's possible or positive but about moral phantasms or bias11:14
kanzureah, sure11:14
kanzureyeah maybe i could have worded that better without the religious mention11:14
kanzurewhat i was going for was something like "from a cultural perspective, we have spent time trying to make sense of why things are, instead of how we can improve them"11:14
-!- lepton [~lepton@158.sub-75-231-88.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:15
kanzurewell this is interesting11:16
kanzureso, i've been on adderall xr for about a decade now11:17
Utopiah(also the article, again, like most others, talk about Venter DNA scanning but total omit the international effort that was done in parallel :/ )11:17
kanzurerecently, shire pharmaceuticals failed to evergreen the patent and someone else acquired the rights to the name as well through a variety of mergers and acquisitions11:17
kanzurebarr now manufactures the "generic" adderall xr, which is what i've been on for the past >6mo but less than 1 year i guess11:17
kanzureand it's not the same at all11:17
kanzurein fact, the FDA hasn't even given the barr generic adderall xr an AB rating11:18
kanzureso it's not even "therapeutically equivalent"11:18
kanzurei have a bottle of shire adderall xr that i sometimes take pills from, instead of the barr bottle11:19
kanzurebig difference. i thought i was just making it up :/11:19
kanzurewhile we're still pasting links about venter's news blitz,11:40
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kanzurehttp://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/science.1190719v1 Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome11:41
kanzureklafka: that's how i feel too11:41
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kanzurehttp://biomedicalcomputationreview.org/index.html is offering a free subscription12:22
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kanzurefenn: did you ever get pitch shifting to work with mplayer?15:07
kanzurei'm trying ladspa but i get this nasty echo15:07
kanzuremplayer -speed 0.75 -af ladspa=/usr/lib/ladspa/tap_pitch.so:tap_pitch:0:33:-90:0 input.mp315:07
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kanzure"For example - yesterday Mike and I got into the idea of the ultimate concierge service. You open the app in your iPhone and say "bring me a Pepsi." And you'll have a Pepsi within 30 minutes one way or another..."16:15
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leptonOpen Source scanning-tunneling microscope on hackaday: http://hackaday.com/2010/05/22/open-source-stm/16:36
leptonI <3 open source projects that have quantum effects as a central premise of their opertion16:37
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kanzurehttp://www.practicalethicsnews.com/practicalethics/2010/05/today-we-lost-the-drug-war.html anders sandberg17:08
kanzurelepton: did you see the diy afm and stm projects from way-back-when?17:09
kanzurethat last link was anders sandberg discussing synthetic biology and druglords17:09
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leptonkanzure: ^nope, I don't think I did17:13
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leptonInteresting article you linked to, though17:15
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leptonInertial fusion is another very interesting area of Darpa research18:32
leptonparticularly the work of Bussard labs18:32
leptonHere's a google talk on it from 2007 (there was a brief window when Darpa dropped funding for Bussard's labs, and he went around talking about what they'd been up to but were unable to disclose. They brought the research back under Darpa shortly thereafter, and it's all classified again)18:34
QuantumGyeah, watched it.  There's been an episode of The Space Show since then, had some more up-to-date news18:35
leptonOh really? How recently?18:35
QuantumGDec 2009 I believe18:35
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wilywonkathe comments on venters media blitz are so funny18:54
wilywonkalots of comparing it to speeding up evolution then usually the topic gets way off track as almost everyone tends to think about evolution almost as if its a guiding creationist hand18:55
QuantumGits funny.. Venter's work is plodding and deliberate.  If you've heard him talk about it once, and have a basic knowledge of genomics, it's pretty obvious what he's trying to do.. yet everyone seems to be either dazzled by the bullshit they say to attract venture capital or off in their own world predicting the end of civilization or evolution.19:15
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wilywonkadon't see anything about x doctrine or george kennan20:07
wilywonkaobviously not complete20:07
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