
--- Day changed Sun May 30 2010
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kanzureegeste has been in the ER for the past 12 hours01:59
kanzure-- 01:59
kanzureapparently this came out his dick: -- 02:00
kanzure(4 to 5mm in diameter)02:00
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fenn"It reads a little bit as if Eliezer Yudkowsky had written a Harry Potter self-insertion fic. Which I guess it kinda is."03:08
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Utopiah( Nutrients for Better Mental Performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PA-buwI3q4 by Steven Wm. Fowkes , Google Tech Talk 2009)03:48
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kanzurei don't get it. http://yourxiv.com/07:26
kanzureit's something on top of arxiv.org?07:26
kanzure"magnetocaloritronic nanomachines" eh?07:27
kanzureit seems to rank articles? http://yourxiv.com/articles/list/07:28
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kanzure"Bangkok fireman dressed as Spider-Man saves 8-year-old"08:22
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Utopiah:] http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php?f=132308:27
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Utopiah(OpenPCR http://openpcr.org/ DNA printing for everyone)08:41
thesnarkUtopiah hah I always do that stuff09:04
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kanzureis openpcr.org just a front for tito?09:32
kanzureah it's josh perfetto09:33
kanzurecould have fooled me!09:33
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kanzureso, i'm thinking of picking up a dna sequencer and synthesizer from my supply guys09:38
thesnarkFor what kanzure?09:38
thesnark:p duh09:39
kanzurebut i know that it's basically pointless considering the rate of development on that sort of equipment09:39
thesnarkI'm asking specifically09:39
genehackerI declare today national fuck DRM day09:39
kanzuregenehacker: give me some cool manufacturing youtube video links09:39
thesnarkWhat? I thought every day was international fuck DRM day09:39
genehackerthe chemicals are more valuable09:39
kanzureactually that may not be true if we can find a good supplier 09:40
genehackerwant some machine tool porn?09:40
kanzureyes please09:40
kanzurei've been going without it for a while :/09:40
kanzurenot too exotic09:40
genehackeralso fuck mIRC, fuck alibre design, and fuck winblows 709:41
thesnarkwindows, thats cute09:42
thesnarkdoes anybody still use windows?09:42
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thesnark*anybody _here_09:42
genehackerunfortunately I do09:44
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thesnarkgenehacker I'm sorry :(09:45
genehacker5 AXIS ACTION!09:46
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lepton_^I use Windows 711:21
lepton_on our Solidworks / Solidcam machine11:21
lepton_Ubuntu / OSX for everything else around here11:22
lepton_mostly Ubuntu11:22
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kanzurei'm starting to see this all over the place:14:20
kanzure"Correction: Venter did not derive a self-replicating synthetic cell, as this article previously stated, but a synthetic genome which was used to control a self-replicating cell."14:21
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splicerMaybe there needs to be a new generation of journalists before they get it right.14:28
thesnarkkanzure wouldn't using a synthetic genome be "deriving" a cell?14:34
thesnarkwhen you derive something it came from something else14:35
thesnarksigh, mass media14:35
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kanzurethesnark: no because a genome doesn't generate a cell14:42
kanzurealthough it does render repair mechanisms and such14:42
splicerThe way I understood it what happened 2 weeks ago was that venter & co announced they managed to boot up the cell with the chromosome they built... other things, like that they managed to synthetize a strand that long had been mentioned before.14:43
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InkBlobguys, is there a machine or a pill that can make you smarter?14:49
kanzurewhat does "smarter" mean14:49
InkBlobi feel so stupid14:49
splicerit's the red pill14:49
InkBloblike super fast brain response to things neuro-connections?14:49
InkBlobor something14:50
InkBloblike you put on a hat and14:50
InkBlobyou get smarter. lol14:50
InkBlobor a pill14:50
InkBlobthat... widens the pathways14:50
Utopiah( http://web.mit.edu/mecheng/pml/standards.htm and Physical Markup Language)14:50
InkBlobblood flood to your brain14:50
InkBlobwell, i don't know the mechanics14:51
InkBlobi think the reason why i'm depressed all the time is because14:51
InkBlobi'm not smart enough.14:51
InkBlob....anybody have the... red pill?14:51
InkBlobblue pill?14:51
thesnarkI keep a pack of reds with me at all times14:52
InkBlobdoes it take you to wonderland?14:52
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thesnarkInkBlob I had/have similar issues. You just gotta take the red pill over and over and over14:52
thesnarkInkBlob it definitely does14:53
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thesnarkInkBlob wonderland only stays wonderland for so long though14:53
InkBlobmake me smarter, and i will be part of your transhumanist minions. 14:53
thesnarkthen its time to take a new red pill14:53
InkBlobpermanent red pill = increasing IQ14:54
InkBlobi've come to an conclusion14:54
thesnarkperhaps but at least for people like myself there is no permanent red pill14:54
thesnarkI just have to stay with my prescription14:54
InkBlobi've lost the will to work14:55
splicerget drunk, stay drunk... you feel smart and bullet proof14:55
InkBlobi'm depressed all the time14:55
thesnarkInkBlob accomplish something really small14:55
kanzurei really don't know what you guys are talking about14:55
thesnarksomething that seems trivially small14:55
kanzurecan someone please tell me what "smarter" means14:55
thesnarkyou will still feel better14:55
thesnarkyeah that too kanzure14:55
InkBlob"smarter" = more neuro-connections in your brain.14:56
thesnarkyou can have a lot of connections and they may not be helpful for your situation14:56
InkBlobyup i'm gonna try and use it though14:56
InkBloboh welllll14:56
InkBlobaccomplish something small you say14:56
InkBlobsounds very wise14:57
thesnarkyep, always makes me feel sooo much better14:57
InkBlobwhat small thing can i accomplish today? 14:57
InkBlobi feel so bummed out14:57
thesnarkI've been honestly extremely depressed after a horrible failure and I just did a simple exercise and no longer felt like ending it all14:57
thesnarkInkBlob exercise works for me but it could be anything14:57
InkBlobthesnark i hear you. especially when that failure took years of antipation and was the ending result.14:58
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thesnarkInkBlob :) Right? Been there, done that, would prefer not to go back :)14:58
thesnarkFailure is part of life though14:58
InkBlobi need to trigger an emotion. maybe14:58
thesnarkInkBlob exercise increases the amount of endorphines(sp) in your body14:58
thesnarkyou become less pissed off and/or sad and its easy to be motivated14:59
InkBlobcan't exercise for a while, herniated disc.14:59
thesnarkcan you go for a walk?14:59
thesnarka simple walk makes me feel better14:59
thesnarkeven just wandering aimlessly14:59
InkBlobno, not around these neighbourhood, i'm hiding from many people (not the law)15:00
thesnarkInkBlob have a car?15:00
InkBlobyeah that is definetly an option15:00
InkBlobno man, no car15:00
InkBlobno bike either15:00
InkBlobi don't go outside..15:00
InkBlobi've got 900 dollars in my disposal.15:00
InkBloband i'm trying to make some money off of that investment.15:01
thesnarkI forgot where I saw it but people who get sunlight on a regular basis are less depressed as a population15:01
InkBlobwhich is kind of ridiculous.15:01
thesnarkMeh, money is overrated15:01
InkBlobdepends. if you got family, friends, probably.15:01
InkBlobif your alone, you depend on it.15:01
InkBloband i am so alone15:01
InkBlobexplore me oh wise one and give me a solution.15:02
thesnarkInkBlob I wouldn't say I have a booming family or social life15:02
thesnarkyou can focus on something you like doing15:02
thesnarkI mean sure try to get money15:02
thesnarkjust don't obsess 15:02
thesnarkits bad15:03
InkBlobbetter use this gtx 480 card i got to use15:03
InkBlobbut my mobo is broken15:03
InkBlobso whats the use15:03
thesnarkInkBlob use it for what?15:03
InkBlobgaming i guess15:03
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thesnarkThink of a specific purpose and try to get what you need for that15:03
thesnarkif what you have works great but if not you have some hunting to do15:04
InkBlobyour right man, i need to focus. but my emotions are kinda blank right now, i lost the oomph15:04
InkBlobthe "hunt"15:04
thesnarkAgain, accomplish something small, you'll get it back15:04
InkBlobyeah... that's a good perspective15:04
InkBlobalright then, i'm off to accomplish something.15:04
thesnark:) Great!15:04
InkBlobthanks for the advice~!15:05
thesnarkNp man15:05
InkBlobappreciate :)15:05
thesnarkGlad I could help :D15:05
kanzurejohn griessen brought over a spot welder to the hackerspace15:11
thesnarkkanzure hackerspace? Where?15:11
kanzureit's where i'm keeping my laser cutter and industrial arm15:11
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thesnarkO__O you have an industrial arm?15:12
kanzurethesnark: i bought it yesterday15:12
kanzureer, wait, on friday15:12
thesnarkWhat are your plans for it?15:13
kanzurepick and place stuff15:13
kanzureright now it's a really fucking amazing lamp15:13
kanzurei've never had a 6DOF lamp before15:13
kanzurewhen i get some controller cards shipped in, i'll probably start with making it draw its own schematics15:14
kanzureget a little self-referential goodness going on :)15:15
InkBlobwho is that bearded guy sitting on the back of the truck?15:16
kanzuredave (he comes in here as "elevenarms" sometimes)15:16
kanzurei used him for his truck15:17
InkBloboh i thought that was you nm15:17
thesnark"i used him for his truck"15:17
InkBlobwhats that industrial arm for?15:17
kanzurenah, i am the guy on the far right: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/photos/2010-05-21_hurricane-party.jpg15:17
InkBlobbad for your knee when you jump that high with that much weight man15:18
kanzuremy shirt was puffed up15:18
jrayhawksuuuuuuure it was15:18
kanzurei am not a perfect cylinder..15:18
InkBloblol, i'm a bit overweight too. recommend me.... ways to lose weight 15:18
jrayhawkdo you love what they do for you, toyota?15:19
thesnarkUnless he's jumping constantly I'm not sure that's bad for anybody's knee..15:19
InkBlob"not a perfect cylinder" lol. hey you gotta watch for your weight if you want to achieve transhumanism15:20
kanzureit was pretty funny driving around with the arm:15:20
InkBlobbut I am "Ink + Blob" i must exercise.......15:20
kanzure(the side plate was removed when i poked around inside)15:20
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thesnarkIf it were bigger you could go large-scale battlebots with it15:21
thesnarkonly with cars at stoplights instead of other robots15:21
thesnarkgive the arm a mighty hammer15:21
thesnarkWho did you buy it from?15:22
kanzurei was thinking of doing persistence of vision stuff with a laser in the pneumatic hand/manipulator15:22
kanzurea supplier in north austin15:22
kanzurei'm going to be using them for biotech equipment too15:22
thesnarkthey just supply parts and equipment?15:22
kanzurean ex phd in molecular biology from utexas.edu and another programmer just hang out in this warehouse stacked full of equipment15:22
kanzureyep, liquidation voulchers15:22
kanzureat least i don't have to do it, right?15:23
thesnark:) yep15:23
InkBlobdo you guys make this machinary for stem cell therapy or something?15:23
kanzure"make this machinery"? make what machinery15:23
InkBlobparts for the ultimate machine.15:24
kanzureare you high, or possibly foreign?15:24
InkBlobi have no idea what i'm talking about.15:24
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InkBlobi don't know man. 15:24
jrayhawkre: still shots of excited jumps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw0HlqrwU3815:25
kanzureok typical car commercial so far15:25
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InkBlobcut out the last 3 seconds on that youtube video and replace it with kanzure's picture jumping.15:26
InkBlobthat would be funny.15:26
kanzurethat was supposed to be the company's "glamor shot"15:27
kanzurethe next day they tried to fire me15:27
kanzurei don't think i can talk about it yet, though15:27
jrayhawkthey are secretly a front for toyota's marketing department from the early nineties15:28
* kanzure wonders who's fronting the paycheck15:28
jrayhawkyou got too close, you knew too much15:28
thesnarkI always knew something was funny with kanzure15:28
thesnarkNow we know the truth15:28
kanzurethat's for sure15:28
spliceryeah no brakes15:28
thesnarkhe's a toyota salesman15:28
kanzuresadly i drive a toyota15:28
kanzuremaybe i'm a sleeper salesman15:29
jrayhawkso, uh, do you love what they do for you?15:29
thesnarkYou are!15:29
thesnarkOh he loves it15:29
kanzurejrayhawk: come to think of it..15:29
jrayhawkthere were like a million different ads in that campaign, i wonder why i can't find any others15:29
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thesnark http://www.darpa.mil/tcto/solicitations/BAA-10-69.html I might be submitting a proposal for this15:31
thesnarkkinda stoked15:31
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kanzurehaha i forgot about how terrible military acronyms are15:32
thesnarkYeah, it's a BAA15:32
kanzureSAFER "stupid acronyms fuck ears religiously"15:32
kanzureare YOU high?15:32
thesnarkWhat, it was funny!15:32
thesnarksheesh :)15:33
thesnarkEverybody in this room is high15:34
kanzurei just don't get some of you people15:34
kanzureyou don't even make sense half the time15:34
thesnarksense don't make you!15:34
kanzuredid we turn into #swhack?15:35
thesnarknever been there15:35
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thesnarkgeez flamt, get a better connection15:36
kanzurethesnark: just put him on /ignore15:36
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InkBlobumm guys are we all high?15:38
InkBlobi'm part japanese. maybe that has something to do with it.15:38
thesnark? How does that have anything to do with acting in a way that kanzure doesn't understand?15:38
thesnarkDoes he hate japanese people?15:38
InkBlobi have no idea. 15:39
thesnarkhe must15:39
thesnarkthat's the only explanation15:39
InkBlobmaybe maybe lol15:39
thesnarklet's write a fake hateful letter by him and leak it to the public if he ever becomes well known15:39
InkBlobyes as a japanese racist...15:40
thesnarkand people totally still write letters15:40
InkBlobcan't believe i need to sell off my 16 cores pc.15:40
thesnarkMy god, what are you using it for?15:41
thesnarkIs it sentient?15:41
InkBlobthat's the thing, i couldn't even get it to POST.15:41
InkBlobso i need to RMA the thing and15:41
InkBlobi'm going to sell it on ebay15:41
kanzurei'll take it off your hands15:41
thesnarkuh you're doing it wrong InkBlob15:41
InkBlobbecause it's NOT for me.15:41
thesnarkyeah for real I'll take it15:41
InkBlobi need to sell it.15:41
InkBlobit's got 16 cores of 2.3 ghz AMD opteron processors and 32GB of RAM.15:42
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InkBlobhook it up and what you get?15:42
thesnarkWow, and you couldn't get it to post?15:42
thesnarklike, rly?15:42
thesnarkWhy did you buy it?15:42
thesnarkYou are SRSLY doing it wrong15:42
InkBlobi thought 16 cores meant 1 singular powerful CPU 15:43
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InkBlobbut it was...15:43
thesnarklulz joke's on you15:43
InkBlobnot a gaming pc.15:43
InkBlobno no, i first couldn't get it POST,15:43
InkBlobbut later i realized i short circuited somewhere15:43
InkBlobi got it to POST15:43
InkBlobthen updated the BIOS15:44
InkBloband then it crashed15:44
InkBlobso i'm going to RMA thing,15:44
InkBlobget a new board.15:44
thesnarkI wonder if it would have been a better choice to use a vm on EC215:44
thesnarkprobably would have cost less15:44
thesnarkmore bandwidth, probs faster15:44
thesnarkalready set up15:44
InkBlobIf anyone wants it for $3000, i'll ship it.15:45
InkBlobonce i get it working.15:45
thesnarkthat's a good15:45
InkBlobhow much should it be?15:45
thesnarkgo for $2k15:46
thesnarkreasonable is about $15-1700 for that 15:46
InkBlobreally... the RAM alone costed $1000..15:46
thesnarkdo that15:47
thesnarkyou'll get sales15:47
InkBlobhmm sounds fair..15:47
thesnarkI mean bids15:47
thesnarkbut if $2200 is your pice15:47
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thesnarkprice* wow I can't spell today15:47
thesnarkjust make sure you can start high and talk people down if you need to15:48
thesnarkstarting high will be easy, everybody in this room is high15:48
InkBlobok cool, when i get it sold... i'd be satisfied i guess.15:48
InkBlobis everyone on weed?15:49
thesnarkI'm rolling on e right now15:49
InkBlobi gotta get some.......15:49
thesnarkif you're in this room you should be able to _make_ some15:49
thesnarkjk don't do that15:49
thesnarkits very illegal15:49
thesnarkand I'm not actually on e for the record15:49
thesnarkkanzure why can't I just connect to your brain right now? What are you doing to fix this problem?15:50
jrayhawkI stopped buying component AMD server hardware after working out that motherboards tend to be 20% defective, the MTTF is, like, five years, and AMD northbridges never really work to spec in the first place.15:51
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jrayhawkI *sortof* understand the MTTF, but the other two are just so infuratingly unnecessary.15:52
jrayhawkI guess this is why people turn to whole-box vendors, but I don't really want to pay three times as much when I can just get working Intel shit.15:53
thesnarkjray I justify my whole-box purchases with a) good deals b) time saved from building the damn thing15:53
InkBlobIntel is the way to go. Got it.15:53
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InkBlobhow do you ignore someone flamt is driving me nuts15:59
InkBlobthere it is.15:59
InkBlobi got it.15:59
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InkBlobhow would you all stop the oil spill in gulf of mexico?16:05
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InkBlobhow would you seal the pipe16:05
InkBlobi would melt metal 16:05
InkBlobin the pipe with a bomb16:05
InkBlobwhat kind of bomb?16:05
InkBlobi don't know.16:05
InkBlobany ideas?16:05
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kanzuremassive underground earthquake16:26
thesnark^ that16:26
thesnarkRussia did suggest a nuke16:26
thesnarkwhich now seems like it would have been a good choice16:27
kanzurethere's no nukes that operate that deep16:27
kanzuremeaning it will make a perfect hiding spot for HQ16:27
kanzureor a massive oil fountain16:27
kanzurewhy are people calling it an oil spill or oil leak? it's not much of a leak16:28
thesnarkkanzure but srsly are you still involved in neurotech? Is that still an ambition of yours?16:28
thesnarkWhat kind of activity have you been doing with that lately?16:29
kanzurehave you made any progress on replacing the epoc chips?16:29
thesnarkyes sir16:29
thesnarkThe firmware is not complete but it is functional16:29
kanzure(i've done nothing- i've had to deal with some legal bullshit most recently.. it's taken up some time)16:29
thesnarkI am proud of our progress simply because I do work 40 hrs and am involved in other projects16:29
thesnarkyeah when you have $$$ and are doing new things there is legal overhead to think about16:29
thesnarkso firmware not done16:30
thesnarkbut started16:30
kanzurethankfully the legal stuff is unrelated to anything going on in here16:30
kanzureso don't worry about that16:30
kanzurei'm having it taken care of16:30
thesnarkgood to hear16:30
kanzurei'd be happy to explain over the phone or skype some time (now?) but in general i'd rather not type it out16:31
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lepton_I'd be very interested in hearing, too16:31
kanzurejoin the party16:32
lepton_I'm 100% not skypable at the moment16:32
thesnarkcool, let me get my skype going16:32
lepton_I'm in a 110dB environment16:32
kanzurethesnark: let's wait so i can do it at once with john/lepton16:32
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lepton_I was doing some work with the OCZ NIA a couple of years ago16:33
thesnarkthe NIA just reads muscle impulses which allows better control but is not as super awesome16:34
lepton_It was fun to play with, though16:34
thesnarkfor sure, I haven't had the pleasure yet16:34
lepton_If you guys wanna do a skype chat now, I can install a skype cliant on my G1 (right?) and go outside16:35
kanzurei am going to be starting an "adopt a lab mouse" program soon and will have an influx of lab-grade animals16:35
thesnarkkanzure skype name?16:35
kanzurethis will probably end up with me having a ridiculous number of mice living around my house.. oh well :(16:35
thesnarkis it kanzure?16:35
kanzureskype: "kanzure"16:35
thesnarkreq sent16:36
kanzurereq denied, bitch16:36
kanzureer, wait16:36
thesnarkit said you were online and I can't see you on my list O_o16:36
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thesnarkthere we go16:37
thesnarkkanzure looking for microphone16:39
lepton_working on getting skype setup16:41
kanzurebeep bloop16:42
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lepton_okay, I'm on, lepton31416:43
kanzureoh fuck16:47
kanzurecan you guys invite me back in?16:47
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lepton_my phone doesn't seem able to keep up16:50
lepton_I was only getting every other word when it had connected16:50
kanzureah i see16:50
kanzurewell it's nothing urgent16:50
lepton_certainly not16:50
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lepton_Sorry for derailing you two's initial skype inertia16:51
kanzurelepton_: my client crashed16:51
kanzurehello TCrown 16:51
lepton_I could do skype on this computer, but there's no way you guys could hear me16:51
lepton_...but I could hear you?16:52
lepton_I do have good earbuds under earmuffs16:52
kanzurewell if that's what you guys want16:52
lepton_I'm more spewing ideas idlely, than anything. 45 mineuts left on this toolpath that's running on the CNC next to me16:53
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kanzure"His todo list has won Pulitzer Prizes" (the most interesting man in the world)17:24
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InkBlobwhat is neurotech, kanzure is involved? have you made something of this?18:37
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thesnarkkanzure can you give me some deets now?18:46
kanzurethesnark: sure18:47
InkBlobwhat are deets?18:49
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InkBlobkanzure <------- what does it mean?18:52
InkBlobplayed a game called azure's tears once.18:52
InkBlobdakota fanning.18:53
InkBlobis a bad girl :)18:57
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kanzureInkBlob: it's just a nickname i came up with in 2003 so that i could find myself on the internet19:04
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fenny'all are too cool for school19:10
fennjezus what decade was that picture taken?19:10
fennreminds me of "breaking away"19:11
kanzurefenn: i'm on skype with mike to reveal what happened with them19:11
kanzureyou should probably know too i guess..19:11
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lepton_Wow, is there anything graphene can't do (refering to genetic sequencing link on Bryan's twitter that I wandered into from the above google link)19:13
kanzurethere's some graphene articles on the server btw19:14
kanzurehey did your upload finish the other day?19:14
kanzureholy crap two years ago19:14
fenntime flies like beer19:15
fennuhh.. yeah19:16
kanzurei'm sure that would make more sense if i was drunk19:16
lepton_Nope, never finished the upload19:16
lepton_the rate was slow and it had to keep starting it after overnight network drops19:17
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lepton_I'd be happy to do put some more up, though I might need a reminder19:17
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kanzurethesnark: nice chatting20:08
thesnarkkanzure yes! I could do that on a regular basis - I need somebody to keep me accountable to my own stuff20:09
thesnarkI probably should have informed you a little more about what I'm doing\20:09
thesnarkbut yes20:09
thesnarkI enjoyed it as well20:09
kanzurenow please excuse me, cha0s is attacking my feet20:09
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kanzurefenn: sorry for my aimless blabbering20:35
kanzurei'll probably be using the arm for pick-and-place packaging stuff20:37
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