
--- Day changed Sat Jun 05 2010
-!- marainein [~marainein@220.253-235-112.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap00:07
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fenninteresting idea, pepakura repstrap http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?152,4662305:20
-!- strages [~strages@c-76-29-243-225.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]05:24
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kanzurefenn: do you read the reprap forums frequently?08:53
fennwiggle stereoscopy: http://www.stereomaker.net/sample/ani/ani_e.htm09:22
fennif it doesn't make sense, you are probably a robot09:22
-!- strages [~strages@c-76-29-243-225.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:36
-!- CIA-46 [cia@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]09:41
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279555684.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap09:45
kanzurei find it weird that tito is still trying to sell $200 pieces of acrylic09:55
kanzureapparently less than 10 people have purchased his gel box09:55
kanzure(no surprise there)09:55
kanzure"corporate anthropology"09:58
kanzurei've been looking over http://crisiscommons.org/ and http://oilreporter.org/09:58
-!- Roy78 [~Tiger@ip68-11-187-208.br.br.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:21
-!- Yocttar [~546f1f13@gateway/web/freenode/x-zinrlrdsuyhzdrzq] has joined #hplusroadmap10:21
kanzurehi Roy7810:27
kanzurehi Yocttar 10:27
-!- CIA-46 [cia@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:28
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YocttarHeya =)10:45
Yocttarwhats better nerd or geek? :D10:46
splicernerd... I don't understand the preoccupation with the fucking gelboxes10:46
Yocttarwhat do you mean? which preoccupation?10:48
Yocttarbtw, realy thanks alot kanzure for referencing me over here, was looking for something of this "prison break" core idea kind :)10:50
splicerit's the forever discussion on diybio10:55
* Alystair should really join the mailing list10:56
-!- lepton [~lepton@174-29-2-161.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:58
kanzureAlystair: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio11:00
kanzurere: biocurious: http://huff.to/crJuUh11:18
kanzurewhich redirects to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wires/2010/05/27/biocurious-the-bay-area-b_ws_592862.html11:18
kanzurewhich is just a front for http://fora.tv/2010/05/23/BioCurious_The_Bay_Area_Biology_Collaborative_Lab_Space11:18
kanzuregah i wish links didn't suck so much11:18
-!- ybit [~quassel@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap11:30
Alystairbeat you to it11:35
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:54
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splicer(looking at Titos mullet I wonder who the first with a mohawk will be)12:20
-!- InkBlob [~fsdffasdf@S01060016b6ee2b72.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:35
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:22
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-!- Noahj [~noah@pool-96-237-189-146.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:02
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-!- phryk [~phryk@yggdrasil.phryk.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:26
kanzurehello phyrk15:26
phrykHi there15:26
kanzurewhat's up?15:26
phrykNot much ybit told me to join ;P15:26
phrykWhat exactly is hplusroadmap?15:27
ybithrm :)15:27
kanzurehplusroadmap: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy on the internet. You must be cautious. 15:28
kanzurethis is the one that is kept updated: http://gnusha.org/irclogs.txt15:29
phrykkanzure: That kinda sounds like /b/...15:30
kanzurehttp://letsfreckle.com/ sounds an awful lot like http://rescuetime.com/15:33
nshunicode ellipses look really stupid in fixed-width fonts15:33
kanzurephryk: we focus on transhuman tech, singularities or accelerating trends, and uh15:34
kanzuresomething else15:34
nshcomfy chairs15:36
phrykAh nice15:36
phrykLike Aubrey deGrey or whatever his name was?15:36
nshhe's actually our telepresence hairbot15:37
kanzure"Love the streamed sets because they don't interrupt your workflow. It's like being at a coding dance party; for hours."15:37
phrykcoding dance party sounds like some real fun15:38
phrykMh, not really my type of music15:39
phrykOnly stream i (seldomly) listen to is ... dead as i just had to witness now :/15:39
phrykPoor uppercut radio :'(15:40
genehackeranyone here buy stuff from mcmaster-carr?15:42
genehackeroh shoot where's the streams?15:43
kanzuregenehacker: here's some different streams: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/music/url.txt15:47
kanzureand stuff i've found that i like is listed here: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/music/15:47
kanzureright now i'm on http://www.di.fm/mp3/vocaltrance.pls (doing some facebook app dev bullshit)15:48
genehackeroh I thought you were at hplus15:49
kanzurewait did i miss my flight?15:49
kanzurei thought the event started on the 12th15:49
genehackerI am having temporal awareness problems15:49
genehackeranyway can I visit the space tomorrow15:50
kanzuresure, do you need a ride?15:50
phrykYou guys have a dedicated hackerspace?16:11
genehacker#austinhackerspace for more info16:12
phrykThat's a creative name  :P16:13
phryksplicer: We meet again :D16:15
phrykAll that stuff around transhumanism, diybio and biopunk seems to be pretty small currently^^16:16
phrykYou keep running into the same people over different routes^^16:21
phrykI meant the community16:22
Alystairnot many people realize change is necessary ;)17:48
phrykWell for life, change is always necessary.17:49
phrykStagnation practically is death...17:50
phrykAlso, I'm going to sleep now ;P17:50
phrykGood night ;)17:50
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]18:09
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]18:16
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kanzure /window 21319:06
kanzuresecond time today :(19:06
-!- Incarnation [~lorem@] has joined #hplusroadmap19:20
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-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:28
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jrayhawkdo you seriously have 213 windows open19:51
jrayhawkthat made steve laugh19:52
* nsh wouldn't be at all surprised19:53
kanzurejrayhawk: do you even know who i am?19:54
kanzurejrayhawk: http://heybryan.org/shots/2008-01-15-tabs.png is common19:54
nshreminds me, have you done a bookmark dump lately?19:55
kanzuremy bookmark managers all crashed and refuse to work with me19:55
kanzureso i don't use them any more19:55
kanzureback to memorizing urls!19:55
nshlet me know when you do a brain dump then :)19:56
* kanzure fiddles around with http://jambool.com/ for "virtual currency"20:00
nshthere any other kind?20:11
nshany other kind of currency than virtual20:11
nshfiat 20:11
genehackersounds like you're making one of those facebook crack addiction simulations things...20:12
kanzuregenehacker: yep, that's exactly what i'm doing20:13
kanzurehi egeste20:13
genehackerwith other people?20:13
nshwas reading about lycurgus of sparta, who instituted a currency made of iron coins, dipped in vinegar to become brittle and intrinsically worthless20:13
genehackeryou said you were having a programming party earlier20:13
nshto eliminate the desire to acrue wealth20:14
genehackerwell that would eliminate the inflation problem20:14
genehackerunfortunately that would eliminate inflation20:14
* nsh smiles20:14
nshyes lisa, crisotunity!20:15
kanzuregenehacker: no that was a quote that i copied-and-pasted20:15
kanzurei'm doing the facebook app on my lonesome20:15
kanzurejust a learning experience20:15
kanzureit will be demoed at h+ summit 2010 by andrew hessel,l though20:15
kanzurepresumably exxon is going to dump a few million into it.. but whatever20:15
kanzurei don't expect that to actually happen20:16
genehackerso it's something more useful than facecrack?20:16
nshapp does what?20:16
* nsh is considering writing a flashcard (recall aid) app for facebook20:16
nshor, more ambitiously, a collaborative rune goldberg machine construction game20:17
kanzureit's a virtual currency on top of http://oilreporter.org/ and http://crisiscommons.org/ - an auction site for co2 fixation-related activities20:17
kanzurensh: fantastic contraption? :) or skdb? :D20:18
nshsimulated :)20:18
kanzureactually my 80/20 company might be interested in an app for collaborative 80/20 design bullshit20:18
kanzureon facebook20:18
genehackerso you can own virtual money that's as good as real money that you don't have to pay taxes on?20:18
kanzureas a way to market it to engineers to get kiddos interested in actually building shit20:18
kanzuregenehacker: yep20:18
nsh80/20 company?20:18
kanzurecanadian oil companies have to pay $15/ton of CO2 in taxes20:19
genehackera cad application for facebook might be cool20:19
kanzurensh: structory.com-- basically it's a shopping cart frontend to skdb specifically for 80/20 modular beam components20:19
kanzuregenehacker: or totally lame20:19
genehackerwell it would be less lame than farmville20:19
genehackeror something like that20:20
nshinvite your friends to debug your Skynet defence system20:21
genehackerand use classic facebook app user enslavement practices, and soon you've crowd sourced design20:21
* nsh needs to read some good studies of wikipedian social development20:22
nshthere are critical developmental phases20:22
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]20:23
nshsteerage is all the more important for mechanical tower of babel20:23
jrayhawkgod your server is so slow20:24
jrayhawkwhy aren't you using barthosting for that20:24
kanzurejrayhawk: i should movei t somewhere20:24
kanzurei have about 2 TB of bullshit on the server20:24
kanzurecan i just.. ship it to you?20:24
genehackertime warner cable slow speed?20:24
jrayhawkoh i might have to convince bart to do some upgrades, then. I think we only have a terabyte on there.20:24
kanzurei can be convinced to only do a few hundred meg20:25
kanzureok convinced20:25
jrayhawkI guess if you're willing to let me keep the drives, I can just shove 'em in the server.20:25
kanzuremy upload is terrible, that's why i've never moved it anywhere20:25
nshclone the disks20:25
kanzureyeah i should.20:25
kanzurejrayhawk: can i use the gnusha.org virtual server for this20:26
genehackerkanzure you wouldn't happen to know if the university has faster internet than you do?20:26
kanzurethe university definitely has faster internet than i have20:26
jrayhawkYeah, sure. Just let me know ahead of time if you seriously intend to fill up the 600GB we have available to you.20:26
kanzurejrayhawk: k20:26
kanzuregenehacker: yeah.. check out the speeds on designfiles.org20:26
jrayhawkAnd yes, you can send me drives for me to deal with.20:27
genehackerdo you have wood and drills in the hacker space then?20:27
kanzurelots of wood20:27
kanzurelots and lots of wood20:27
kanzurealso lots of dust20:27
kanzurebut that's unrelated :)20:27
genehackerI'm making an antenna mount then20:27
genehackerdust is fine too20:27
genehackerespecially sawdust, we could try making a boat out of pykrete...20:28
jrayhawkKanzure: you've seen newsbeauter, right?20:30
jrayhawkerr newsbeuter20:30
kanzureno.  /me checks20:31
jrayhawkIt is the mutt of RSS readers.20:32
kanzurei need an automatic rss download script thingy so that i don't have to actually use twitter20:32
kanzurei.e. because they delete their contents after 24 hours or something20:32
jrayhawkMore optimally you should be using rss2email along with sup or notmuch20:32
kanzuremy inbox is a bullshit free zone20:35
kanzurewell, actually..20:35
jrayhawkWell, that's why you use a sieve system to classify your mail into folders (if imap) or tags (if local storage)20:38
jrayhawkI'm a little alarmed you don't do that already.20:39
kanzurei was making a witty comment20:40
jrayhawkoh okay20:40
kanzurei use tags and folders20:40
jrayhawktank goodness20:40
kanzuremy inbox is still 68,862 unread messages however20:40
kanzurehowever, according to the gmail.com interface my entire mail collectio nis 210,84720:41
kanzure*collection is20:41
InkBlob68,000 unread? do you have a fan mailing list or something?20:41
kanzure(also, i'm lagging today and am having rtouble typing)20:41
kanzureconsidering 68k unread, and 210k total, i'd say that's pretty good20:41
InkBlobi read every message sent to me. wuw kanzure.20:42
kanzurejrayhawk: have you seen this? http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt20:42
kanzureInkBlob: so do i. a lot of it is not personally addressed to me20:42
jrayhawkyes, and i am very pleased about your religious documentation of having talked to BUTT_PORBLEMS20:43
kanzurejrayhawk: you're welcome20:43
kanzureInkBlob: you're also welcome to send me fan mail20:43
kanzureyou know, if you feel like it20:43
* nsh offers to send a single peanut in an envelope20:44
kanzureare you calling me a nut20:44
nshno, i just have a bunch of peanuts :)20:44
kanzurethen by all means20:44
nshmore seriously though20:44
nshif you had a million SD cards20:44
nshsay 2 gig20:44
nshand you could send them to a million people who would look at their contents20:45
nshwhat would you send?20:45
nshi might ask this on reddit or something20:45
genehackeryou should20:45
kanzurea trojan?20:45
nshi wonder what a million SD cards costs at price20:45
kanzureprobably peanuts20:45
kanzurespeaking of which..20:45
* nsh chews20:46
jrayhawkdo not chew on goatse that is gross you are gross20:46
nshhey, it's palliative chewing20:47
kanzurei like how our first ideas were goatse and a trojan20:47
nshdamn, that last mouthful of peanuts tasted amazing20:49
-!- GreydonSquare [~Zartek@ip68-2-35-220.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:56
-!- jumpboy11j [~jumpboy11@pool-98-109-133-51.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:56
kanzurehi GreydonSquare 20:57
kanzurehi jumpboy11j 20:57
jumpboy11jany discussion going on here?20:58
* jumpboy11j doesnt want to interrupt any discussion that may be going on20:58
kanzureonly about world domination and cybernetics20:58
kanzurewhat's up?20:58
GreydonSquareHey Kanzure, sorry i was over in #newmars20:58
jumpboy11jeh not much20:59
GreydonSquarei love both topics20:59
kanzureah, the mars society20:59
jumpboy11jalthough more New Mars than Mars Society20:59
jumpboy11jeven though NM is TMS forum20:59
kanzuredid you ever see openvirgle?20:59
kanzurean open source go at the virgle project?20:59
kanzurekinda related to http://openmanufacturing.org/21:00
kanzurebeep bloop21:08
jumpboy11jdoesn't look like we're talking about money anymore21:08
kanzurefenn: how goes the goo squirter?21:09
jumpboy11jhow does resource allocation in the scientific sense sound?21:09
jumpboy11jIE production and distribution but not money21:09
kanzureyou know, i really have too many irc channels open for me to split off conversations into yet another channel :)21:10
kanzurebut josh is welcome to come back in here :P21:11
jumpboy11jso you're a transhumanist?21:11
-!- GreydonSquare [~Zartek@ip68-2-35-220.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]21:11
kanzureyeah, sure21:11
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [~chatzilla@cpe-67-11-208-33.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:12
jumpboy11jI might or might not call myself one21:12
kanzurehi jasonwohlfahrt 21:12
jumpboy11jexcept I'm not exactly sure what transhumanism is21:12
kanzurebasically it's the idea of augmenting, upgrading, and getting rid of your body (this is the minimal definition i guess)21:12
kanzurewell, not getting rid necessarily21:12
jumpboy11jmight be amalgated into a larger whole21:13
kanzureprimarily it's a movement of people who like to thin kabout the future and don't do much21:13
jumpboy11jbut that's inevitable with the progression of progress isnt it?21:13
genehackernot necessarily21:13
jumpboy11jhow so?21:13
jumpboy11jif technology keeps advancing, that is the clear next step21:14
kanzurethere's this concept of "recursive self-improvement" floating around, but nobody has nailed down a usable quantification of it21:14
genehackerwhat if we develop nuclear bombs that anyone can make in their basement?21:14
jumpboy11jwell that would be antithetical to progress if they were used21:15
jumpboy11jthat's an existential threat21:15
genehackerwhat scares me is someone releasing smallpox21:15
genehackernorth korea might have smallpox stocks21:15
jumpboy11janyone might21:16
leptonAll good reasons to spread civilization(s) beyond the earth21:16
jumpboy11jhell I'm sure the US does21:16
kanzurelepton: nobody understands that :(21:16
genehackerthe US does21:16
leptonI'm excited for SpaceX this week21:16
jumpboy11jthey launched already21:16
leptonI've got a friend working with them21:16
genehackerme too21:16
leptonSuccessfully got into orbit21:16
kanzureleptoi'd be interested in figuring out a way to convince people that we need to engineer reliability into our civilization21:16
genehackerwe really do need to expand beyond earth21:16
genehackerfirst define reliability21:17
genehackercertainly you don't mean a factor we use when figuring out how long a part will last21:17
kanzurethere's a lot of quantifications of reliability21:17
kanzurelook into reliability theory21:17
kanzurehell even the basic saying "don't put all of your eggs in one basket"21:17
leptonRecently I've been trying to appreal the techo-utopian idealism of the 50's that a lot of people have in mind21:18
genehackerthat's redundancy21:18
leptonreminding them that finding the prospect of space travel as silly is a recent social developtment21:18
kanzureyes redundancy is one part of reliability21:18
jumpboy11jalso simplicity21:18
jumpboy11jbut my question is still21:18
genehackersomethings cannot be simplified21:19
kanzurethere are four main points as i see it: redundancy, simplicity, transparency, and uh21:19
kanzurecrap why do i always forget the other one?21:19
kanzurediversity :)21:19
jumpboy11jaren't simplicity and diversity antithetical to some extent?21:19
kanzurewell, there's simplicity in certain forms of emergence21:20
genehackerheh where's that ghost in the shell quote about diversity...21:20
kanzurewhereas under neath that layer of emergence (or "emergent order") there's actually really complex things happening21:20
leptonA fractal is a good example of both simplicity and diversity21:20
leptona mandelbrot of such21:21
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [~chatzilla@cpe-67-11-208-33.satx.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]21:21
genehacker"If we all reacted the same way, we'd be predictable, and there's always more than one way to view a situation. What's true for the group is also true for the individual. It's simple: overspecialize, and you breed in weakness. It's slow death."21:21
genehackerah that one21:21
kanzurelepton: do you know about the seasteading insitute?21:22
jumpboy11jhow is transition different from any other form of futurism or progress21:22
jumpboy11jor even consumerism?21:22
kanzure"how is transition" ? what is "transition"?21:22
jumpboy11jits late21:23
genehackerthis is sounding like philosophy21:23
kanzureEROR ABORT21:23
jumpboy11jI just want to get a handle on what transhumanism is21:23
kanzuregod damn it21:23
kanzurejumpboy11j: http://heybryan.org/transhumanism_def.html read the part in green at the top maybe :)"21:23
kanzurewithout the quote mark blah21:23
leptonYeah, I know of seasteading21:24
leptonI like the idea21:24
InkBlobdiscuss most humanly possible way to extend your lifespan with today's tehnology.21:24
leptonI like it most in the asteroid belt21:24
InkBlobcell printing?21:24
jumpboy11jdoes uploading onto a computer count?21:25
kanzureInkBlob: did you read the papers yet?21:25
InkBlobi didn't know it existed.21:25
jumpboy11jwell not yet21:25
kanzurelepton: i think that petri friedman's idea is nice and all.. i like the idea of letting a thousand flowers bloom for different ways of doing civilization21:25
kanzureand having a "civilization seed" lets that happen :)21:25
kanzurelepton: more on that is here: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/msg/e4c375acce77225021:25
kanzurejumpboy11j: btw, the papers that i just mentioned to InkBlob are over here: http://designfiles.org/papers/longevity/21:26
InkBlobno kanzure not yet, but i will definetly go knee deep into it. right now, i'm trying to make cash.21:26
InkBlobyup that link is in my list.21:27
kanzureInkBlob: if i were you, i would focus on the blood-based stem cell therapies for longevity research21:27
nshdon't try and make cash, for that is impossible, only try to realise the truth, that there is no cash21:27
kanzurei.e. blood-based therapies i mean21:27
InkBlobyes, stem cell therapy. i thought that was the most plausible topic.21:27
kanzurensh: :)21:27
InkBlobblood based. got it.21:27
kanzurensh: actually i've kind of always imagined you looking like that bald kid21:28
InkBlobis there anyother kind though? 21:28
* nsh smiles21:28
* kanzure steals nsh's spoon21:28
nshaerosol stem-cell therapy would be interesting21:29
kanzuregood thing it doesn't exist huh21:29
kanzuresome jerkwads were selling oxytocin sprays a while back21:29
kanzurei don't recall any studies on the efficacy though21:29
genehackerwell oxytocin microdarts would be more interesting21:29
kanzureoxytocin ninja darts21:29
kanzuregene ninjas!21:29
InkBlobspraying over the vody regenerative cells i read about that. it was amazing. is it even possible?21:30
genehackerif you make the dart thin enough they won't ever notice21:30
kanzurevelocity equals the drag due to wind resistence? wut?21:30
kanzureoh typo21:30
InkBlobno way. i got a strand of hair in my skin once and it hurt.21:30
kanzurelepton: obviously i meant to say patri friedman, not petri :)21:31
kanzurei was thinking of mr. petri dish i guess21:31
genehackerwell then have someone accidently bump into your target with an umbrella21:32
leptonha, I didn't even notice, actually21:32
kanzureit was eating away at my soul21:33
kanzureegeste: are you at the space right now, and do you have documentation?21:33
splicera problem with stem cell therapy is that one wants to regenerate as many cells that die... how does one regulate that? 21:33
spliceras die21:33
kanzuresplicer: there are certain genetic pathways that you want to trigger and manipuolate21:33
kanzurebefore the cells die21:33
spliceryeah... if they're bot already gone 21:34
* nsh thought of petri dishes earlier when he saw the bacterial colonies growing in the wok in his (shared with 11 ablutophobic flatmates) kitchen sink21:34
nsh(ablution: washing shit)21:34
genehackernsh are they glowing?21:34
kanzurei'm going to paste some stuff on aging, hope nobody hates me for the flood21:34
kanzureAgeing works like this:21:34
kanzure1)  Electrons leak from mitochondrial Complexes I & III forming superoxide anion.21:34
kanzure2) The increasing rate of leakage and the further breakdown of mitochondrial components with time under the superoxide (...and peroxynitrite & peroxide) onslaught is strongly determined by genetically controlled factors:21:34
genehackeryou aren't supposed to wash woks21:34
nshgenehacker, haven't checked21:34
kanzurei.e., the structure of mitochondrial proteins and membranes. Hence leakage is species-specific.21:34
kanzureThe net effect is that leakage is a mostly monotonically increasing function of time.21:35
kanzure3)   While the charged Superoxide Anion does not escape to the cytoplasm easily from the mitochondrial outer membrane...21:35
kanzure4)   Mitochondrial Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) converts Superoxide Anion into Hydrogen Peroxide.21:35
kanzure5)   H2O2 is neutral and easily diffuses through the mitochondrial outer membrane, entering the cytoplasm.21:35
kanzure6)   In the cytoplasm, peroxide prompts protein kinase C variants (incl.epsilon) to upregulate cytoplasmic NOX.21:35
kanzureNOX outputs O2-; and eventually via cytoplasmic SOD, H2O2; acting as a high-gain peroxide amplifier.21:35
kanzure7)   H2O2 is an important signalling molecule in stress signal transduction; such transduction is ramped up.21:35
kanzureThe MAPK/ERK cascade is overactivated.21:35
kanzureThe key stress transcription factors NF-kappaB; AP1 etc are constitutively upregulated.21:35
kanzureAngiotensin2 is upregulated. The PI3K-Akt signalling cascade is chronically activated.21:35
kanzureThe transcription factors FOXO3A (and other FOXOs) are phosphorylated by Akt and translocated from the nucleus.21:35
kanzureBad is similarly phosphorylated. mTOR is 'non-phosphorylatively' activated by Akt.21:35
kanzureNote that FOXOs, Bad, mTOR are downstream of PI3K. SIRT1 & klotho are upstream.21:35
kanzure8)   These factors upregulate the transcription of cytokines and a whole range of stress molecules; unleash a chronic cytokine onslaught on the cell & tissues.21:35
kanzureA number of runaway positive feedback loop including TLRs and RAGE is ensured.21:35
kanzure9)   Under the signalling from the transcribed products, massive tissue remodelling and physiological change at the cell, tissue system & organism level is enforced.21:35
kanzureBoth Hypertrophic & Degenerative signalling abound.21:35
kanzure10) ...and checkpoints are disabled promoting oncogenesis;apoptosis is aberrant21:35
kanzure11) ...and stem cell niche failure - either through complete abrogation; or through enforced quiescence is the norm.21:35
kanzure12) ...and mitochondrial biogeneisis is abrogated, OXPHOS is downregulated21:36
kanzure13)...and cell senescence is upregulated, in part through p38MAPK 21:36
genehackerI thought there were some findings that made oxidative stress theory look bad21:36
genehackerwould reengineering our mitochondria help us live longer?21:37
kanzureaubrey wanted to move the mitochondrial genes over into the nuclear genome, but i don't remember why21:37
genehackerlike replace our mitochondria with mitchondria from stuff that lives really long?21:37
kanzureanyway, oxidative stress is definitely not the only reason your body dies21:37
genehackergenes in the mitochondria might mutate more?21:38
splicerkanzure: those patways are instant.... adding the stem cells isn't  21:38
nshi ever tell you that story about Henry Ford?21:38
genehackerapply mass production to what nsh?21:39
nshHenry Ford calls in his top engineers one day and says "I want you to go out to all the scrapyards in the area, and find all the ford cars, and get me a list of all the parts that have worn the least in those cars"21:39
nshthe engineers go out and do this, thinking maybe he's gonna try and use these parts as examples to make the other components more durable21:39
nshwhen they report back to him, he simply says "make these parts to a lower specification from now on"21:40
kanzurestop reading my brains, genehacker21:40
genehackernow we're to the point where we do that before hand21:40
nshi strongly suspect ageing is death by a thousand cuts, give or take. there'd be pressure to have everything start to unwind at more or less the same rate21:40
jrayhawkIt'd be simpler to have a handful of trigger conditions that make death succict so as to help the herd.21:41
genehackerIE we understand how mechanical systems wear so people start making them to be cheaper and not last forever21:41
genehackerso the saying "they don't make them like they used to is true"21:42
nshthing is, immortality has been solved already, just at a different scale level to the one we experience21:42
jumpboy11jbigger or smaller?21:42
genehackerimmortality is highly improbable21:42
kanzure"The BIG problem with traditional IV stem cell transplantation: cancer & 1st pass pulmonary filtration, is avoided with the use of these cells which are evolutionarily equipped to handle temporary niche-independence while they are mobilized in the circulation."21:43
nshwe want to preserve the analogue system, when it's the digital data (genes) that have already achieved it21:43
kanzure"I am currently trying to find ways of expanding harvested populations in vitro; with a view to reintroduction. This is difficult, because free stem cells tend to either differentiate or to transform. Additionally, the reintroduction has to be into a FULLY prepped organism, to simulate youth (UNDER 2 years of age) AND major trauma - which should start the various innate repair programs."21:43
kanzure"During the autologous I.V. transplant I would have to inhibit SOCS3 & upregulate thymosin beta-4 and suppress systemic constitutive NF-kappaB; among other things."21:43
kanzure"Use of this protocol at intervals will possibly allow maybe a 200 year lifespan; and also PAINLESS  GENETIC REENGINEERING OF ADULT ORGANISMS." (ignore the caps lock)21:43
splicersome nut?21:44
kanzureno :)21:44
kanzurealthough he is nutty at times- he apologizes to me for "wasting" my time21:44
nshi wonder what he means by "painless"21:45
kanzureprobably "relatively"? :D21:45
InkBlobthis stuff is crazy.21:45
InkBlobi'm trying to wrap my head around it.21:45
InkBlobi thought you were the robot-machine guy kanzure, how do you know so much about biology?21:46
kanzurehuh? my background is more in biology than in industrial automation21:46
kanzuresadly i wish this was the other way around21:46
nshconvergence :)21:46
genehackerI'm more of a machine guy here21:47
kanzurei just get mesmorized by this stuff: 21:47
InkBlobit is? how come you talk about robot arms and stuff like that in IRC all the time. 21:47
kanzure(my machine porn playlist)21:47
kanzurebecause i recently bought a robotic arm :)21:48
InkBlobwell, great study. thangs.21:48
InkBlobgreat study for me. good information. thanks.21:48
genehackerkanzure I should give you my gear porn library21:48
kanzurei have this song stuck in my head now: http://www.youtube.com/user/kanzure#p/c/0EB93E6E02E5CF17/37/wbDwUWGvwq421:48
* nsh thinks about the new Game of Life construction -- Gemini, the first oblique spaceship21:49
kanzurensh: have you seen golly?21:50
nshaye, haven't tried yet21:50
kanzurehttp://golly.sf.net/ or something21:50
genehackera new spaceship!21:50
kanzuremy aussie friend has this 8 GB OSX setup running a session of golly for the past 1.5~ years21:50
nshon the same input?21:50
genehackerI have this song stuck in my head:21:50
kanzureyeah just one huge continuous run21:50
kanzurehe printed it out? hah21:51
genehackerhow do people discover these things?21:51
genehackerbrute force?21:52
nshnah, there's a whole 'technology' of game of life components and their interaction21:52
kanzureegeste and nsh probably will tell you something about swhack or subgenius or something21:52
kanzurewolfram would wave his hands and make up bullshit21:52
kanzureand feynman would just smirk21:52
kanzure(or something)21:52
nshhit the bongos21:52
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kanzureah, right21:52
kanzureyeah, he'd do that21:52
kanzureaww jumpboy11j left :(21:53
genehackerI know of the technology of game of life components21:53
genehackerI'm not aware of how people discover it21:53
genehackerI guess people engineer it?21:53
kanzurewolfram had this classification system for CA rules21:53
leptonSounds like a good application for genetic optimization to me21:53
genehackerthe bullshit one that got disproven?21:53
nshi'd call it engineering at this point, genehacker. but i'm a layman21:54
kanzurensh: pfft, yeah and i'm jesus21:54
genehackerengineering as opposed to cathedral building21:54
genehackerengineering is planning something out in advance21:54
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nshsee this thread: http://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=399&start=021:54
kanzuregah what's with you people and quitting21:54
genehackercathedral building is making corrections as you go along21:54
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nshthe sheer level of lingo is impressive in itself21:54
kanzurensh: do you read the NKS forums too?21:55
* nsh reads things here and there :)21:55
genehackerso what's golly?21:55
nshgolly is a life simulator21:55
nshuses the hashlife algorithm, for speediness21:55
kanzurehi Roy78 .. you missed our longevity stem cell therapy stuff21:55
kanzuregolly is a cellular automata simulator21:55
nshhttp://golly.sourceforge.net/ 21:55
genehackerso is that thing on that mans wall a time lapse?21:55
nshno idea21:56
kanzureon the wall is a printout of the 200,000th iteration21:56
genehackeroh neat21:56
kanzurebut it's more interesting to watch it animated21:56
kanzurebecause you see islands of order and stuff break off and go away.. 21:56
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kanzurei just like watching it and making up stories :P21:56
kanzure"oh and now there's a colony"21:56
genehackerso I wonder if all this cellular automata stuff will actually be useful someday21:56
lepton*old and busted computer here at home21:56
kanzure"oh noes they might be dying" (and then thbey don't- providing a rail/structure for the snowball effect from the bigger former breakaway point to come over and takem the non)21:57
genehackerespecially if we make real world cellular automata21:57
kanzure*take them on21:57
kanzuresure, people have done real world cellular automata21:57
kanzurepaul rothemund did it on DNA once, i think21:57
genehackeroh snap21:57
genehackerpaper link now21:57
genehackerI know that21:57
kanzurepaul rothemund did your mom on dna, so whatever- not that impressive ;) he's a wizard21:57
kanzurelemme see21:58
genehackersomeone made a glider gun in a cyclic chemical system21:58
kanzurehmm where did i put this paper21:58
nshi'll be impressed when we get cellular automata processing information in, i don't know, convection cells on the ocean21:58
genehackerwhat I want to see is a cellular automata machine that can reconfigure itself into different speciallized computers21:59
nshsomething massive and physical21:59
nshi think you run into synch problems in real physical systems over a certain size21:59
kanzuregenehacker: basically it was paul's sierpenski triangles on dna, that was cellular automata.21:59
nshhard to have a 'clock' in the real world. damn you einstein...21:59
nshi was reading a while back about emergent properties in asynchronous cellular automata22:00
nshdidn't get any clear conclusions though22:00
kanzuregenehacker: http://www.dna.caltech.edu/Papers/SierpinskiDNA_PLoS2004.pdf22:00
nshthis looks interesting: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
kanzure Algorithmic Self-Assembly of DNA Sierpinski Triangles http://www.dna.caltech.edu/Papers/SierpinskiDNA_PLoS2004.pdf22:01
kanzurefrom http://www.dna.caltech.edu/DNAresearch_publications.html22:01
genehackernsh quantum interactions are expected to be 10^35 times faster than the speed of light22:01
* nsh doesn't know what that means22:01
genehackerbut only downside is you can only transfer information out of a quantum system at the speed of light...22:01
nshi don't know if you can process anything using quantum interactions22:02
nshi need to study quantum information theory22:02
kanzurensh: what about dwave?22:02
kanzurethe cfompany22:02
kanzureapparently i have significant investments in them O_o22:02
kanzureand the CEO is speaking at h+ summit22:02
* nsh waits and sees22:02
kanzureif you were quantum you would do your seeing first, and then your waiting22:02
* nsh smiles22:02
genehackerI have misgivings about putting a lot of money into dwave at this point in time22:03
kanzurei didn't choose to do it :P22:03
kanzurethe old man did it before he died22:03
nshi'm sure something will come of it22:04
nshjust perhaps not what's expected22:04
nshscience is the courtship of  serendipity22:05
kanzureapparently the ceo (what's his name?) used their computing platform to solve the scheduling optimization problem for h+ summit22:05
genehackerhopefully a quantum internet and not quantum cryto cracking22:05
nshoh, i didn't get around to reading Post-quantum cryptography22:05
nshor whatever it's called22:05
nshhave it knocking about somewhere22:06
kanzuredo you need access to that springer link22:06
nshnah, i got it already from somewhere22:07
nshthanks though22:07
nsh"There's plenty of room at the bottom..."22:08
kanzurea lot of the stuff on the http://www.youtube.com/user/kanzure#grid/user/0EB93E6E02E5CF17 playlist looks like it'd fit right in with koyaanisqatsi22:09
* kanzure is watching http://www.youtube.com/user/kanzure#p/c/0EB93E6E02E5CF17/37/wbDwUWGvwq4 now22:09
* nsh goes for a think22:14
InkBlobkanzure, are you successful and famous or something? you're on youtube.22:14
InkBlobhow much cash do you rake in ?22:14
kanzurei have some funding for crazy antics going on in here22:14
genehackernone from youtube though22:15
kanzurebut i can't fund recurring payments like dojo membership fees ;-) or rent ;-)22:15
genehackeryour facebook drug running should pay for that22:15
InkBlobso you have funding = sum of money, but that is not recurring monthly?22:15
kanzurethe lump sum of money was a one time funding gig for me22:16
kanzureso once it's gone, it's gone22:16
kanzureand recurring payments are a really really quick way to use it up22:16
kanzurealso i'm hesitant to spend money most of the time.. i's wierd22:16
kanzurei was kinda assuming i'd be broke eforever22:16
kanzure(i'm ssh'ing into another computer, and my home connection is slow, so that's why all these typos are happening)22:17
YocttarSo, any1 here can guide me to the next step after extracting my DNA? I wish to extract some algea DNA, manipulate it and let it reproduce eventually, so... Any1? :)22:18
kanzurealgae reproduce on their own- why would you want to extract DNA from algae for reproduction?22:18
genehackerare you trying to do PCR?22:19
Yocttarok, PCR then... how ? :)22:19
genehackermanipulate how?22:19
kanzureah, for manipulation22:19
InkBlobi am conducting a project with my friends that is medical related. If it becomes successful, we can safely gain at least 15,000 per client (it will become service based.) We are looking for a person who is technically apt enough to understand what we are making (a mechanical device) and has enough expertise in biology. 22:19
kanzurei guess there's all sorts of methods22:19
Yocttarlets say input some florecent gene or something22:19
kanzureoh, well then you should consider a plasmid method22:19
kanzureInkBlob: what is your project in particular?22:20
genehackerthen you don't take the DNA out you put it in22:20
InkBlobThe only thing we are worried about is that we are not licensed practioners of medicine. The particular license we need is probably somewhere along the lines of chiropractice.22:20
genehackerI have mechanical skills but I am just an undergrad22:20
InkBlobkanzure, I will speak to you in private after I gather the materials to show you what we are on to. 22:21
InkBlobIs that ok with you?22:21
kanzureare you ok on a phone?22:21
InkBlobPlease give me few days.22:21
genehackeris this something that goes inside people?22:21
kanzurespeaking of which, someone recommended - anonymously- that we start having weekly conference calls22:21
InkBlobMaybe. I prefer logged chat for later reference.22:21
kanzurefor the diybio, hackerspaces, open manufacturing, transhumanism cross-over community22:21
InkBlobgenehacker: No. It's for aesthetic purposes, and is non-surgical based.22:22
InkBlobhence why it's more plausible.22:22
kanzurewould anyone be interested in joining the teleconferences over skype?22:22
kanzurefor some reason, people prefer voice chat for weekly meetings 22:22
kanzureand don't take scheduled irc chats seriously (wtf)22:22
genehackersounds interesting I would like to know more22:23
kanzurein particular i'd like to get you asshats back on the journal club reading schedule22:23
kanzureall of you, just slackers. gah22:23
genehackerwhat schedule?22:23
kanzureweren't we doing a daily/weekly journal club thing?22:24
genehackernot that I know of22:24
YocttarAny guide for plasmid manipulation?22:24
kanzuretons :)22:24
Yocttarwell , a simple one? :D22:25
kanzurehttp://protocol-online.org/ has a ridiculous load of links22:25
YocttarI theoreticlly know the procedure22:25
Yocttarnever in a lab22:25
YocttarI can build w\e tools necessary22:26
kanzurethe equipment for plasmid stuff is usually like a refrigerator, a freezer, petri dishes, an incubator, and more importantly the chemicals22:27
kanzurelike for making the organism competent- the most basic version is a calcium chloride protocol22:28
kanzurebut there are also methods involving gene guns, electrical techniques, natural competence (i.e. the organism might naturally take up DNA), and so on22:28
YocttarWell, if that is the most basic method, I should look into it..22:28
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kanzureit depends on your target organism, mind you22:29
kanzureoften you have to tweak a protocol for plasmid transfection for a related organism if you're working with something bizarre/non-standard22:29
Yocttarfor algea22:29
kanzureyeah algae transfection isn't exactly bio 101, but i don't recall how complicated it is22:29
kanzuremost people do transfection with ecoli for starters, or something they can smear on a petri dish22:30
Yocttarok then22:30
kanzurei'm not saying algae is impossible, just that it's not a typical first genetic engineering project22:30
genehackerGFP algae? is someone trying to pull a prank on a school by dumping GFP algae into a fountain that happens to be on campus?22:30
genehackerbecause that sounds like a great idea22:30
Yocttarmy starting idea was22:30
Yocttarto put a glowing algea22:30
Yocttarin my fountain22:30
Yocttarwouldnt that be cool? :D22:30
genehackerthere's already glowing algae out there22:30
genehackeror glowing bacteria22:31
genehackercan be obtained from REALLY fresh fish22:31
kanzuregfp only fluoresces in the presence of blue light, mind you22:31
kanzuremind you mind you mind you22:31
kanzurei need to stop saying that22:31
genehackerthere's this one fountain I know of that uses blue lights22:32
genehackeryes the type that would make algae fluorecse22:32
genehackeranyway making stuff glow in the dark is hard22:33
Yocttar"can be obtained from REALLY fresh fish" ,22:33
Yocttarwhat do you mean?22:33
YocttarLets say I buy a fish22:34
kanzureoh no not the samon sperm thing again22:34
Yocttara fresh 122:34
Yocttarwhy would any fish have a glowing algea on him22:34
genehackerthat's how we'd make synthetic DNA monomers though or some form of LED22:35
genehackerbecause it happens to live in the ocean22:35
genehackerit's bacteria actually, happens to grow on dead fish22:35
genehackerevery seen bioluminescent stuff in the see when you agitate seawater?22:36
genehackerthat's mostly that bacteria22:36
Yocttarnope I never saw that ;(22:38
genehackergo to an ocean sometime22:38
genehackerand get a bucket of water and agitate it22:38
YocttarMy fountain has sweet water tough ;(22:39
Yocttarthat will work anywhere in the world you say?22:40
genehackerit depends22:40
YocttarI dont think so =P22:40
Yocttarthose bacteria must've taken over the world then22:40
genehackeryou don't live in the US do you?22:41
genehackerthey are fairly ubiquitous22:41
genehackersuch that this can occur: http://weirdnewsfiles.com/wp-content/weirdnewsuploads/milky_sea.jpg22:42
genehackerthat's a patch of sea where they all lit up22:42
genehackeryup they are present in all marine environments22:43
kanzureooh http://www.programmableweb.com/apis/directory22:47
YocttarIm from Israel22:47
genehackerexcellent you have a nice patch of ocean which you can experiment on22:48
genehackerfresh fish should definately be nearby22:48
genehackerI live far too inland to extract luminous bacteria from fish22:48
kanzuregood night robot army masquerading as human commandos22:49
Yocttarnight ;)22:58
Yocttar(morning here) :)22:58
genehackerthere is no such thing as night on the internet!22:58
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YocttarBah, so easy to find dna extraction process, nothing on insertion :<23:22
Yocttarany helpful forums\boards for extreme lab beginners like me? :p23:42
genehackerit's very specific to what you are working with23:42
genehackerif you really want experience take a class on it23:43
genehackeryou could also read kanzure's paper repository23:43
genehackerbut taking a class will get you more experience23:43
genehackeryou could just go to the diybio google group23:45
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UtopiahSpiders at the Nanoscale: Molecules that Behave Like Robots http://cumc.columbia.edu/news/press_releases/DNArobot.html23:58

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