
--- Day changed Fri Jun 11 2010
-!- Yocttar [~victor@bzq-84-111-31-19.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:00
splicer_wrk(or bioclipse maybe, something the picture would fit)00:00
Utopiah( http://nrg.mbi.ufl.edu/ Neuroprosthetics Research Group (NRG) )00:30
-!- Noahj [~noah@c-24-218-28-47.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]00:37
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kanzure(01:53:18 AM) Cameron Ruggles: Is there a technique, which is used to copy the strains of microbs on a petri dish, over to another by placing them on top of each other, so the agars touch? if so.. what is this technique called? or am I just imagining things? 07:36
kanzurei've been put into the creative commons07:37
cluckjthe picture of the dude fixing his own robotic(?) arm is great07:44
phrykMhh No-Myostatin-Mouse. I'd like to have that mutation :307:52
phrykMhhh, Cake...07:58
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:00
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.08:01
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phrykMorning, JayDugger!08:08
-!- Roy78 [~Tiger@ip68-11-187-208.br.br.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]08:29
kanzurecluckj: yeah. what's even more awesome is that he's jonathan kuniholm and runs openprosthetics.org08:56
kanzurehe lost an arm somewhere in iraq08:56
kanzureoh this is annoying08:59
kanzure"At Hurricane Party, 27-year-old Rene Pinnell met his two cohorts through a three-day networking and brainstorming event for students at the University of Texas."08:59
kanzurewell that's a lie08:59
JayDuggerIs that the first time you've caught the press lying about something you know well?09:00
kanzureJayDugger: there's a potential lawsuit between that guy and me :/09:01
kanzurei was one of the people he met at that "networking and brainstorming event"09:01
kanzureand there was only one other he met there09:01
kanzureanyway, don't mind me09:01
kanzurei'm already jaded about business, wheee09:02
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:02
JayDuggerThe Vampire Diaries--A BBC sitcom  about the lives of DeHaviland engineers during the early days of the jet  age.09:18
JayDuggerCheer up, everyone. Someday future entertainers will mine the past for fifth-rate entertainment.09:19
JayDuggerEventually they'll work their way down the logs of this IRC channel, even.09:19
JayDuggerAustin City Limits will be remade as a police procedural. Cops will have to run about town looking for illegal fabs and hell-kitchens, trying to enforce local thermal pollution laws while keeping up with the Green Party political officer and the attractive journalist.09:21
JayDuggerI give the show two seasons, three tops.09:21
JayDuggerThen it will go into syndication, and fandom will take it over. ;)09:21
JayDuggerDon't distract me--I'm filing a copyright claim as I type. 09:25
JayDuggerBetter still, don't encourage me.09:25
JayDuggerAnother $0.02 for the off-topic jar.09:26
cluckjnot if I cc it first09:32
genehackerwhat's a hell kitchen09:41
JayDuggerA SF neologism, meaning a miniature biological factory, optimized for making weapons, usually at safety's expense.09:41
genehackeralso I voted for the "put a huge ass radiator around earth's equator" proposal, and they can pry my fusor from my cryogenically frozen hands!09:42
genehackerneat, let's never make one of those09:42
JayDuggerAmen to that.09:43
JayDuggerAmen to both.09:43
genehackerthough if we do make a DNA synthesizer we could make the ebola RNAi cure(100% effective in n=4 nonhuman primates!)09:44
JayDuggerDid you see the NYT's article on Bigelow Aerospace this week?09:44
genehackerI think I did09:44
JayDuggerIt had a neat graphic of the facility.09:44
genehackerdid you know the Japanese successfuly deployed a solar sail09:45
JayDuggerPlus the token "Bigelow's a weirdo," and yes, I did.09:45
genehackerthat might have an ion engine on it09:45
JayDuggerI still don't think they'll have a moon base in ten years.09:45
genehackerahem, they're planning a robot moon base09:45
genehackerrobots don't need to ever come home09:46
JayDuggerI hope they delight me. I doubt they'll do it.09:46
genehackerI don't09:47
JayDuggerI'm listening.09:47
genehackerJapan does a lot of public program type things to stimulate their economy09:47
genehackerand this is one of them09:47
JayDuggerI hadn't heard that.09:48
JayDuggerBut why build hardware? Paper studies make work too.09:49
genehackerbecause paper studies aren't as impressive I guess09:49
kanzure"and they can pry my fusor from my cryogenically frozen hands" hehe09:49
kanzurewhy is genehacker more funny today than usual09:50
genehackersleep deprivation09:50
genehackerI haven't slept all night09:50
genehackerI feel great09:50
kanzurethere's a "science comedian" talking before or after me at the summit09:50
JayDuggerMe neither--but that's normal.09:50
kanzure"Brian Malow is Earth's Premier Science Comedian (self-proclaimed). "09:51
genehackerno really I feel great09:51
kanzure"He has fabricated a career of appearing in places not normally occupied by stand up comedians. "09:51
kanzure"In a pattern extending back to childhood, he has been laughed at by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the American Chemical Society, NASA, JPL, the National Association of Science Writers, Apple, Dell, Microsoft, his younger sibling, and many others. "09:51
kanzurei wouldn't mind doing standup comedy for NIST :)09:51
genehackerif only you could make a joke involving a watt balance09:51
genehackeranyway when are you heading down to h+ kanzure?09:52
kanzurei'm leaving at 2pm09:52
genehackergood luck then09:52
kanzurethanks :)09:52
kanzurethis is going to rock09:52
* kanzure has his minifluidic device demo thing sitting next to him09:53
genehackerand admire those wonderfully inefficient aircraft engines09:53
JayDuggerThat's the spirit! Tell George Dvorsky hello for me.09:53
genehackersharpie thing?09:53
kanzurenope, not sharpie09:53
kanzurelaser cut :)09:53
kanzurebut i don't have food coloring dyes, so i'll have to use human blood09:53
genehackerthe fluidic amplifier or something else?09:53
kanzurei wonder what the viscosity of human blood is09:53
genehackerit varies with shear rate09:53
kanzure hrm09:53
genehackerI think it's shear thinning09:54
JayDuggerAnd exposure to air.09:54
kanzureanyway, you'll just have to watch the presentation to see the live demo09:54
kanzurealthough to be honest, it's not that impressive when you consider academic stuff done in papers09:54
genehackerhighlighter ink and blacklight?09:54
kanzuresomeone will fetch dye for me, no biggie09:54
cluckjfood dye is pretty easy to get :P09:55
kanzurethe sharpie minifluidics stuff has come in handy many times during dinner parties09:55
kanzurecluckj: it took me 3mo to get some09:55
kanzurei can assimilate vast volumes of scientific literature in less than a day09:55
genehackerdoes it do anything besides pass dye through it?09:55
kanzurebut getting to a grocery store taxes my abilities09:55
kanzuregenehacker: no09:55
kanzurecluckj: have you read any of these? http://designfiles.org/papers/longevity/09:55
genehackeryou could have at least made an emulsifier thing09:55
kanzurei might talk a little about the diy longevity projects that are going on.. but i only have 10min :x09:56
genehackerthat simple thing fenn showed a video of09:56
kanzurewouldn't i need oil to do an emulsification?09:56
cluckjkanzure, probably not, I'm a social scientist and only an ex-biochemist :)09:56
genehackeroil is widely available09:56
kanzurecluckj: impure! impure!09:56
kanzure(i'm kidding)09:56
* cluckj chokes and dies09:57
genehackervery widely available in the gulf of mexico09:57
kanzurei find your lack of faith disturbing09:57
kanzure(now you choke and die)09:57
* cluckj chokes and dies09:58
JayDuggerTime to go. Good afternoon, everyone.09:58
genehackertime to sleep09:59
cluckjI have read that one09:59
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fennre "Is there a technique, which is used to copy the strains of microbs on a petri dish, over to another" <- yes, you use a piece of velvet stretched over a cylinder that acts like thousands of tiny needles10:06
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fenn"replica plating"10:12
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kanzurehi hundred-ideas 11:03
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hundred-ideashey there kanzure 11:04
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kanzurefedex just came by my house to drop off the mesanet.com controllers11:20
kanzurebut apparently you have to be over 21 to get this stuff?11:20
kanzureso he took it back..11:20
fennno toys for you!11:21
fennseriously that makes no sense whatsoever11:22
kanzurehttp://www.mrcglobal.org/ andrew says they are important somehow?11:26
fennsorry i can't read that11:27
fennit's written in liberalese11:27
kanzuredo you mean legalese?11:27
fenn"share the goal of enabling better, healthier lives for the world's poor. We have a global network of partners - scientists, entrepreneurs, policymakers and government officials, non-governmental organizations and funding agencies - that can help bring the models we develop to scale."11:29
fenni'd ask for help translating but i don't really care tbh11:29
kanzurewait wait, i was asking *you guys* for translation help /first/11:29
kanzureno fair. no tag backs.11:29
fenndouble dog gonnit11:30
fenni already sat through my share of soft headed blabbering this week11:30
kanzurehow was lang?11:31
fennhe's a very good showman, it seemed like he had given the talk hundreds of times11:32
kanzureuh, i think he has :)11:32
fenn'"The Force Majeure" is a work to reflect on the oncoming effects of Global Warming from a whole systems perspective. What can culture do, specifically the artist, as a response to the loss of glaciation and the ensuing problems with rivers and droughts in a region like Tibet? This work suggests a sweeping, but possible, biological response to the 2.4 million square kilometers of the Tibetan plateau as well as to other regions of the world.'11:32
kanzureremember his talks to toyota and other car manufacturers? whoever did the origami commercial thingy.11:32
fennyeah he helped with that commercial11:33
kanzureit's really weird how artists think they can just band together and solve the world's problems by "designing" out of thin air11:33
fennyeah i still had no idea what their "proposal" was at the end of it11:33
kanzureand they are proud that they are artists and they are proud they don't know biology11:33
kanzurei think this is what used to be called "the humanities" in the past 40 years or so11:34
kanzure"the humanities" used to be actual study and stuff- renaissance man style- but was recently taken over in the last handful of decades11:34
fennyou're thinking of "the liberal arts"11:34
fenngershenfield thing11:35
kanzurei think arts and humanities are valuable subjects and so on, but the academic elitism just boggles me11:35
kanzureeven outside of academia! artists who are living "green" to save the world11:36
kanzureanyway, i'll bbl11:36
kanzurecya freaks in boston11:36
fenndon't strap a breadboard to your chest11:36
fennheh or a microfluidic device11:36
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Yocttarany1 familiar with ajax around?11:42
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ybitYocttar: what are you wanting to know?12:03
Yocttarhow to activate a script after loading a page using ajax: for example, the loaded page contains a div with an id, then some script should do something with that div.12:19
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-!- egeste_ is now known as egeste12:42
fenn"HP is making test wafers with memristors on them down to 3nm in size."13:08
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-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279555684.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap13:40
JayDuggerAnyone fluent in legalese?13:50
JayDuggerIt looks as if the FDA just told 23andMe they need FDA approval for their kit.13:51
JayDuggerI can't tell from the letter.13:52
fennboo hiss13:58
fennthat's not even legalese13:59
fennjust disgusting13:59
JayDuggerEasy, fenn. I've been awake for 22+ hours with only caffeine.13:59
JayDuggerThey also wrote navigenics, Illumina, Knome, deCODE, and Pathway Genomics.14:03
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]14:16
jclucksee y'all in boston.....14:40
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cluckjkanzure, make it to boston okay?20:09
-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@static-63-131-64-132.roc.onecommunications.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:11
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RedeemerSo I am curious, how many of ya'll are attending the current H+ event?20:31
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fennonly three i think20:39
fennkanzure cluckj and hundred-ideas20:40
RedeemerThats better than none20:40
fennyou know i think i actually like ipython better than bpython, even if its tag completion is uglier20:41
fennat least it has control-R (history search) and doesn't crash all the time20:41
RedeemerI had other plans for this exact timeframe, but with recent events I would not have had the cash to do it at this time.20:41
RedeemerNot crashing all the time is important'20:41
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RedeemerI need to go back to reading through my python tutorials and continue mah learnings20:42
fennhaving a project is helpful20:44
fenni have plenty if you want to borrow one20:45
fenn(that is a joke btw)20:45
RedeemerI'm sorry, I was too busy drowning in my current pit of un-completed projects and unmanifested ideas.20:47
RedeemerHowever, reading PDFs with a portable platform.. that gives me no reason to have ignored them for this amount of time.20:51
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fennthe django admin interface is neat21:33
fennheh "Take a few minutes to marvel at all the code you didn't have to write."21:38
kanzureYocttar: yeah i do ajax stuff21:43
kanzureYocttar: i think javascript has an eval() command, that might help youu21:43
kanzureRedeemer: also Ian_Daniher21:44
kanzurefenn: you're only now doing django-admin stuff?21:45
fennyeah i never bothered to actually learn how to use it21:49
kanzureit's nice :)21:49
fennall this database migration bullshit is just ... bullshit21:50
fennat least it should be enabled by default21:50
fennmaybe i'm missing some obvious thing; if you change a variable name it totally fubars the database, right?21:51
fennand if you change a class name it really fubars everything21:51
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:35
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.23:35
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