
--- Day changed Sat Jun 12 2010
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279555684.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]00:19
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kanzurefenn: there are ways to get around it fubaring everything02:58
kanzurebut it involves some manual sql'ing02:58
cluckjI'm not super happy they moved registration to 7am03:02
Trooemyou in boston kanzure? H+ meeting?03:03
Trooemgood luck with your presentation :)03:03
kanzurecluckj: 7am? hmm03:03
kanzurecluckj: are you walking, busing or parking?03:04
cluckjtaking a cab from the hotel, I think03:04
kanzurewhich hotel03:05
cluckjthe holiday inn03:05
kanzurehow about you just ride with me. i'm in 72203:05
cluckjare you driving?03:05
kanzurewe'll probably be doing a public transportation gig03:05
kanzurebut we have a car if necessary03:06
cluckjah, ok03:06
cluckjwhen are y'all leaving?03:06
kanzure6:30 was the goal03:06
kanzuredo you have my number? give me a ring then.. 512 203 050703:06
cluckjwhich public transportation?03:07
kanzureone sec03:07
cluckjmy friend and I looked at the bus schedule and the bus leaves at like.......right now03:08
kanzureoh lovely03:08
cluckjI need to take a shower, be back in a few minutes03:08
kanzurethere's one that leaves at 7:05 and arrives at 7:1503:09
cluckjdid you do the check-in thing last night?03:10
kanzureon bus 86 (the bus stop is at  mrtyle)03:10
kanzurenah, i was up and about too late03:10
cluckjthat's right across the street, ya?03:10
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap03:18
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cluckjokay I'm turning this off and heading downstairs03:47
cluckjsee you there kanzure, text or email me when you figure out the plans for getting there03:47
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Yocttarbah, I wanna know how venter synthesized DNA sooooo bad :<05:17
-!- Cluckj [~Cluckj@m445a36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #hplusroadmap05:29
kanzureok, at the conference :)05:36
kanzureCluckj: i didn't get a chance to figure out your number05:36
kanzureah got it in the other channel05:36
CluckjHah, you moved over behind me05:37
CluckjI texted you earlier, I think05:37
Utopiahhttp://www.livestream.com/humanityplus is a radio not a conf. talk :-#05:38
CluckjThe talks haven't started, yet05:38
UtopiahCluckj: I know, the moment Ill stand up to gather food and coffe it'll start ;)05:39
CluckjIt's starting now :)05:39
YocttarHave fun at the conference :)05:39
kanzurewhat's the twitter hashtag, anyway?05:41
Utopiahlol, mentionning TBBT :P06:02
CluckjYep...are you really that surprised? Hahaha06:03
Utopiahno need to play at 2x speed...06:06
CluckjHehe, is there going to be a recording of this anywhere?06:07
CluckjIs that just the slides, or a recording of the talk? I'm on my blackberry atm...06:09
CluckjAh, thanks06:10
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap06:29
kanzureyou're welcome.06:47
Utopiahhttp://hplussummit.com/elbakyan.html (can help to focus)06:52
CluckjThere's a lot of frightening potential mind-control stuff being talked about... D:06:52
UtopiahCluckj: better learn to control yourself first then.06:52
kanzurehope you guys like the transcripts06:52
Utopiahkanzure: yes, and good luck for the current one :/06:53
CluckjHaha, I noticed people were having trouble paying attention, too...06:53
Yocttarcant get the stream >.<06:53
CluckjOh you're transcribing? :)06:53
Yocttarah well06:53
Yocttarhope to see this later06:53
-!- marainein [~marainein@220-253-38-142.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]06:53
CluckjMy colleague will be happy to hear that06:53
CluckjYep he is06:54
CluckjThanks :D06:55
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:03
Utopiah(few messy notes and links http://fabien.benetou.fr/Events/HplusSummitHarvard )07:29
CluckjThis talk is going to be sweet, I think07:36
Utopiahthat's a lot of info coming on, even if I (somehow) know a bit on each topic Ill probably need few extra days to digest it07:41
CluckjYeah, I have 9 pages of fieldnotes already...07:44
Utopiahis there a wiki for the event btw?07:46
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has quit [Quit: leaving]07:51
Utopiahhow long will be the break?07:57
CluckjDavid orban said he'd tell us later...probably 20 minutes?08:01
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap08:05
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]08:09
kanzuretweets: http://twitter.com/kanzure08:11
kanzureCluckj: yeah :)08:11
Utopiah(starts again)08:34
genehackerwhere's the streams?08:34
Utopiahthere are local mirrors but dunno where08:36
CluckjA cliche?08:47
-!- Noahj [~noah@68-116-199-177.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]09:03
CluckjI am totally impressed with your typing skills :)09:05
kanzurecolloidal gold immunostaining on deplasticized ultra-thin sections09:18
ybitCluckj: he is impressive at transcribing09:22
kanzureCluckj: yeah i'm a "cliche" because i keep getting credited in all these talks..09:23
kanzurei'm not going to type ken's talk.. i shouldn't have done john's either09:24
kanzurethey are reading from a document09:24
kanzureso they should just upload that09:24
kanzureMemory Networks: Answering the Call of the Hippocampus09:25
CluckjThat's not a cliche, that's credibility :) be happy about it09:32
genehackerwait a second, so that plastination stuff might actually work for brain preservation?09:38
ybit'the science of the sticky' makes me giggle :)09:40
ybitseemingly the spikerbox is open source, where are its design files?09:46
ybitserious games?09:56
ybitkanzure: get other people to take notes for the ones you aren't at ;)09:56
genehackerno seriously10:13
genehackeryou should10:13
genehackersupposedly you're the source for hplus transcripts10:13
genehackeryou should really put google ads on those pages 10:14
genehackerso if lightman really wants citizen scientists10:19
genehackerhe needs to solve the publishing problem10:19
genehackergetting information out is free10:19
genehackerbut getting people to review it is not10:20
genehackerit cost ~$2000 to publish a paper in a major journal10:20
genehackereven more so in open journals10:21
Utopiah(nice, going faster, 10min left)11:17
fennanyone know how to play ustream in mplayer?11:20
* Utopiah hates time travel talks from Seth Lloyd that always give him deja-vue feeling11:28
Yocttarget vlc11:29
fenndoes vlc work? i can't even figure out the .flv url11:31
-!- Noahj [~noah@c-24-62-35-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:40
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fenncool.. now i just need to get a quantum computer >:(11:45
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fenni would make a snarky comment about making sure the projector connection works beforehand, but this exact thing has happened to me even after trying it first11:52
-!- egeste_ is now known as egeste11:52
CluckjBlame it on windows :)11:54
kanzurefenn: mac is alot like matt, in a weird way11:55
CluckjHas mac gotten here, yet?11:57
kanzurehe's sitting next to me12:01
kanzurei'm outside 12:01
kanzureoutside the conference room, i mean12:01
CluckjOh, haha, I saw you there, but my buddy wanted to go back to the conference12:02
CluckjI didn't pay attention to who else was there :x12:02
ybitso wolphram gets more time to talk than any other speaker because...?12:15
ybitfenn: gl w/ ustream sir12:16
ybitfenn: if you get it working, lemme know12:16
Utopiahwhen he said "let's start with" I wa slike wtf...12:17
ybitnow he's repeating himself dammit12:21
ybitkanzure: will you thow something at this guy?12:23
fennthrow something if you're not a lump12:23
ybitsomething that will knock him out 12:23
fennheheh 'scientist killed by falling computronium'12:24
ybithere's an idea, the next h+ conference streamed on the h+ website with this irc channel on the side of the vid...12:25
fenni think you can actually pick which irc channel to use, no?12:25
ybitthese streaming vids always have private channels right beside them12:26
ybitunless you are streaming the vid using mplayer?...12:26
ybiti.e. did you successfully stream the vid?12:27
Utopiahwill Wolfram finish the 2 days conf?12:30
fennno i'm using chrome12:31
fennhm so is he going to talk for a whole hour?12:31
fenni thought that was an error on the schedule but perhaps not12:31
ybitsrsly wtf12:31
ybitbbl, going to get some groceris12:34
* ybit hopes wolfram is through by the time he gets back...12:34
Utopiahdo you think Wolfran is trying an DOS on Kanzure's hands?12:36
genehackerhe's stephen wolfram12:53
genehackerthat's why12:53
kanzurei'm ignoring stephen's talk12:55
genehackeryou didn't miss much12:56
genehackerit's interesting that he essentially farms algorithms for mathematica12:56
genehackerjust brute force out the best way to evaluate them12:56
genehackerI hope some of what he says isn't true though12:57
kanzurerecommendation from todd: http://face.com/13:05
kanzurea company todd is on the board for: http://www.sofcoast.com/weblog/asap-xp.html13:05
kanzuretodd really recommends livescribe for some reason http://www.livescribe.com/13:05
genehackeroooooh inflatable wing13:07
genehackerI've really wanted to build a solar thermal hybrid airship13:08
-!- thesnark [~thesnark@ne100222.ni.utoledo.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:27
thesnarkHi all13:27
kanzurehi thesnark 13:27
thesnarkAny news for promise pyramid?13:27
kanzurehave you been following the #hplus twitter stream?13:28
thesnarkNo sir13:28
kanzurei'm kind of preoccupied all day today at h+ summit / harvard13:28
genehackerhave talks resumed yet?13:28
kanzuremackenzie cowell really likes promise pyramid13:28
thesnarko rly13:28
thesnarkAre you speaking at Harvard then? 13:28
thesnarkThat's kinda funny.13:28
kanzureyeah, tomorrow at 3:10pm EDT13:28
thesnarkVideo stream available?13:28
thesnarkof Harvard talk?13:28
kanzurei've been taking transcripts: https://twitter.com/kanzure13:28
kanzureyeah, http://hplussummit.com/streaming.html13:29
thesnarkAlright cool I'll watch that one just because its you at Harvard =P13:29
thesnarkWhen are you speaking at the summit today?13:29
kanzurealso https://twitter.com/#search?q=%23hplus13:29
kanzuremy talk is tomorrow at 3:10pm EDT (or whatever Boston time is)13:30
thesnarkoh lol same place/thing13:30
thesnarkIt's interesting that Harvard is hosting13:30
kanzureanyway, read my transcripts fool13:30
thesnarkI'll do it now!13:30
kanzuresome of them aren't good- the more clear the speaker is, the easier it is for me to do a transcript13:31
Utopiahautomatically gives credibility13:31
thesnark"Microphone, oops."13:32
CluckjThis dude is intense as hell13:37
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:39
kanzureCluckj: which dude?13:41
kanzurei should be charging hplus summit $1/word that i type13:41
CluckjHe's making a pretty weird argument, based on the idea that disciplines are fixed13:42
kanzurei've done like $16k worth of typing :P13:42
CluckjThe one talking about education13:42
CluckjHahaha, good luck13:42
genehackerkanzure just put ads on those pages13:44
-!- uniqanomaly__ [~ua@dynamic-78-8-80-134.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has joined #hplusroadmap13:44
CluckjHehe, yes13:45
ybithi uniqanomaly__13:45
kanzurehi uniqanomaly__ 13:45
uniqanomaly__hi there13:45
CluckjIsn't this what plato was talking about?13:52
uniqanomaly__kanzure, your bookmarks remind me Synergetics by Buckminster Fuller ;)) /http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/toc/toc.html/13:54
uniqanomaly__check out thebrain.com ;)13:54
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Utopiahno http:// = no clickable :(13:56
uniqanomaly__i added '13:56
uniqanomaly__dunno what for actually13:56
uniqanomaly__second one's not so long you know13:57
uniqanomaly__i do13:57
uniqanomaly__i really really do13:57
genehackeroh do we actually have some people spill over from the live stream13:58
fennkanzure: i randomly ran into a livescribe hacker in mountain view yesterday14:02
kanzurehow did it go?14:02
fennhe's pretty cool, we talked about wearables and techshop vs hackerspaces etc14:02
ybitkanzure get a round of aplause without speaking? :D14:04
fennheh kanzure did you just get props?14:04
CluckjHe got mad props14:04
genehackerdid I just miss that14:05
fennwe really ought to have google voice running in semi-real time transcribing everything14:05
CluckjIn the conference room14:05
fennEVERYWHERE :P14:05
CluckjYeah pretty much...14:06
fennsupposedly it's too computationally expensive to just do everything, but i have my doubts14:07
fennalso i just calculated on the train today the cost of recording all audio as mp3 24/714:07
fennit's like $0.10/day14:07
kanzurewhere'd i get props? i'm not listening to the talk14:07
fennfrom darlene cavalier14:08
kanzurei don't even know him14:08
kanzurecan someone explain?14:08
fennit's the chick talking right now about citizen science14:08
genehackerfenn where is much of the cost in that?14:08
kanzureit's a chick?14:08
CluckjOh, the whole room applauded you for doing the transcription, at the speaker's dropping some love14:08
kanzurei'm not doing a transcript of her talk though14:08
fenngenehacker: i'm just talking about cost per gigabyte of a laptop hard drive14:08
kanzure>_< fuuuck14:08
Cluckj"The chick"14:09
genehackerfenn you can cheat and store it in loads of gmail acounts14:09
genehackerjust like some worms are doing for "cloud storage"14:09
fennCluckj: well, she was a cheerleader.. i think that counts14:09
kanzureshould i go in and do a partial transcript? what do i doo14:09
CluckjI think you mean doctor chick14:09
kanzureoh, she's the cheerleader science website thing14:09
genehackerkanzure are you not logging that talk?14:09
kanzureno, i'm outside giving my poor arms a rest..14:10
fennrest is for the weak!14:10
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]14:10
kanzurei find your lack of faith disturbing *force choke*14:10
genehackeryou could just splice in some bumble muscle genes and never get tired again14:11
kanzureif i get one more shoutout i'm going to turn into a god damn cliche14:11
CluckjCrap I have to go talk to her14:11
genehackeryou almost are14:11
CluckjYou mean a LEGEND14:11
fennyeah just go say hello and sorry and shake her hand 14:11
kanzurepublic apology?14:11
fenner, it's not necessarily public if you're just talking face to face14:11
CluckjNah, her project is like mine14:11
kanzurekk got it14:12
kanzurethanks external social tact applicator unit! <314:12
CluckjI wasn't talking about doing this for you, do your own dirty work!!!14:13
fenngrah learn english fuckers14:13
kanzureCluckj: no it was an inside joke14:13
kanzureer, it's in the logs i guess14:14
kanzurecan someone paste the relevant excerpt14:14
CluckjHaha, thanks14:14
fennwasnt osho some batshit cult that poisoned random salad bars with salmonella?14:16
-!- randallagordon_ [~randallag@c-71-59-167-112.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]14:17
CluckjThis irc/irl thing is tripping me out14:17
fennhmm i guess there's a bit of lag on the ustream, probably confusing14:17
CluckjI'm not in the lecture hall anymore14:17
kanzurefenn: i'm about to go to dinner with Ian_Daniher 14:18
fennwhat's the geometry of the location like? i have basically no concept of it14:18
kanzureany things i should bring up? he's doing basically waht john english is doing.. so just assume they are the same person14:18
kanzures/john english/lepton/14:18
-!- Selar [~selar@www.elzemeyer.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:18
kanzurefenn: there's a gaint auditorium, and then it's a wide-open building outside (typical academic thing i guess) where we're sitting around with tables14:19
kanzureSelar: hello :)14:19
Selarkanzure: Thanks for transcribing!14:19
kanzureit's fun!14:19
Selar(<- @ghchinoy twitter)14:19
kanzurealso probably giving me cancer14:19
kanzurebut mostly fun!14:19
SelarThat's great14:19
kanzurebtw i did transcripts for last year as well: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/14:19
fennbtwbtw it's not a yearly event, your url schema is due to break down in 6 months14:20
SelarThat's awesome.  What do you do that you get to go to these great gatherings? :)14:20
kanzureoh noes14:20
CluckjThere's probably someone here that could cure you of that cancer14:20
fenni guess you could just put everything in the same directory14:20
kanzureSelar: i just do stuff i guess14:20
SelarSomething like that, or rest-y  /hplus-summit/2009/boston14:21
kanzurewoo REST14:21
* fenn twitches14:21
fenn<- supposed to be doing django tutorial right now14:21
-!- randallagordon [~randallag@c-71-59-167-112.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:22
fennsorry i dont know enough about Ian_Daniher, he probably isnt doing raw camera sensor interfacing14:23
kanzurefenn: you should look at create_object and update_object for automatically generated views for the main website (kinda like django-admin stuff)14:23
kanzurefenn: that's true, but he's doing an engineering consulting firm startup.. thing.14:23
ybit"google voice running in semi-real time transcribing everything", hehe, i have the funniest messages that come from that service :)14:23
* Selar has to run14:23
Selarirl guests :\14:23
kanzurethanks for dropping in Selar 14:23
SelarI'll probably idle ;)14:23
fennitamara's talk looks interesting14:23
fennnext person14:23
fenner, right now i mean14:23
kanzurei don't think i can do it, not today14:24
fennok have fun14:24
fenni just meant to watch14:24
ybitthis guy lives relatively close to me..14:24
kanzuresprout's where it's really going to get interesting..14:25
kanzurewe were planning for 50 people (but have capacity for maybe 30 or 40) and i think at least 100 will show up14:25
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap14:25
kanzurehi Alystair 14:25
fenndo you have a camera yet?14:25
kanzureyeah i have a camera14:25
kanzuretook lots of photos14:26
fennplz take some pictures of sprout14:26
kanzurehackerspacial espionage14:26
fennreconnaissance. espionage is such an ugly word14:27
kanzurei see, i see14:27
fenn"strategic intelligence" is the common euphamism14:27
fennirc is bad for my spelling14:28
genehackersprout is doing diybio right?14:28
kanzurenot to my knowledge14:28
fennmac cowell hangs out there a lot/lives nearby, that's probably where you got the idea14:30
kanzurenah, mac was the one who arranged sprout specifically14:31
genehackerI am confused14:31
genehacker I thought sprout was doing that14:31
fenni mean "got the idea that sprout did diybio"14:35
-!- randallagordon [~randallag@c-71-59-167-112.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]14:38
CluckjHehe, sprout kinda "hosts" diy bio14:39
CluckjBut it's going to be crazy later14:39
-!- randallagordon [~randallag@c-71-59-167-112.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:45
ybitfenn: what was last year's example?14:48
ybiti thought it was fetching a stick..14:48
CluckjMac should talk to the citizen science person14:48
ybitwas it the ball example?14:48
fenni think it was the same thing14:48
ybityah, i think so too14:48
CluckjDid he leave the conference?14:49
CluckjI'll see if I can get her to go to h+beer14:51
ybitafk for awhile14:54
fennenjoy your free beer15:02
CluckjOh shit, there are a LOT of people talking about the party15:03
genehackerfenn didn't you say that makerbot used some money from reprap foundation?15:03
fennit was posted on the blackboard/announced15:03
fenngenehacker: they basically made off with all the inventory of the rrrf15:04
fennat least that's my understanding, which may be incorrect15:04
genehackerisn't that theft?15:04
genehackerrrrf didn't really have much in inventory though15:04
genehackerI think their prices were better though15:05
genehackerh+ talks over for the day?15:05
genehackerback to CAD work...15:06
fennwat you making?15:06
genehackernothing much15:06
genehackerjust a space robot15:07
genehackerbad video15:08
fennan astro chicken?15:08
genehackeractually a test specimen15:08
genehackeror a file that I can manipulate into a test specimen when I get some parameters from a grad student's optimization algorithm15:09
fenn"It was based on an ICQ chatlog where Lowtax from Something Awful convinced some guy he had been killed by his homemade robot. "15:10
genehackerdo you have stairs in your house?15:10
fennhouse? what is that?15:10
genehackerok good15:10
fennmy part-time warehome has a sort of slanty ladder15:11
genehackerif anyone ever answers yes to that question and they answer I have been protected15:11
genehackerthey're a goon15:12
genehackera high level internet troll15:12
genehackerI think15:12
fennthanks for the secret handshake lore15:13
fennnow tell me how i get out of a speeding ticket15:13
genehackergunn diode15:16
genehackernifty little device for generating RF15:17
genehackeryou won't ever get a speeding ticket, but you'll run into trouble with the FCC15:18
fennthey use lasers now15:21
genehackeryou can own a laser jammer in most states15:24
fenni guess the lasers actually use RF modulation so you could still use a gunn diode in there somewhere if you wanted15:27
genehackeryou wouldn't want to15:28
fennyep that was a terrible video15:31
-!- splicer [~patrik@h68n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]16:15
fennhehe "Mount Cyanide" -> Mount Sinai16:19
-!- Cluckj [~Cluckj@m445a36d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]16:20
fenn"the largest community that opposes gay marriage, are black people."16:24
fenn"Young white suburban males are the largest consumer of hip-hop music. So performance of Black masculinity (or Black sexuality as a whole) is created by white men for white men."16:29
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fenni love the fact that there's a tracy lords quote at the bottom of this page http://web.mst.edu/~bala/17:38
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fenn'A few years ago, I was sitting at a table with Jose Cordeiro and with a very important thought leader of the Islamic18:23
fennworld, right in the central intelligent mainstream of Middle Eastern culture. Jose presented the transhumanist view,18:23
fennand asked us all what we thought.'18:23
fenn'The Islamic guy basically said: "This is the most compact and pure expression of pure evil I have heard. It is exactly what we are trying to fight."'18:24
uniqanomaly__idea to kill all the heterodoxes may not be so bad after all18:26
uniqanomaly__just a thought18:26
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fennuniqanomaly__: did you just say you want to kill everyone in this channel?18:35
fennum, i guess what i'm asking is what did you mean18:36
uniqanomaly__sorry, not precise enough18:36
uniqanomaly__i was thinking about transhuman POV18:36
fennwell, there's nothing even close to a transhuman orthodoxy18:36
fennwe cant even agree on what the word means :\18:37
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fennholy crap, paul werbos invented backpropagation?18:47
fennhmm maybe not, wonder who put that on wikipedia18:54
fennugh why are there so many neural network libraries written in java18:55
fenn"oo look a ginormously parallel number crunching algorithm, let's do it on a VM!"18:56
kanzurefenn: lowtax is notorious on somethingawful19:16
kanzurejrayhawk: can you fill fenn in on it? in like a few sentences19:16
kanzuremac cowell and todd huffman came up with the h+ secret handshake.. it's basically mac running around the auditorium and simulating an LHC explosion with todd at the end19:17
kanzurehaha "Mount Cyanide"19:17
fennyes i know who lowtax is19:20
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Yocttarloved the conference :D19:24
kanzure:) me too19:29
kanzurepoor alec19:31
kanzurewe completely flooded sprout19:31
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/photos/dscn1686.jpg guess who?19:33
kanzurefuck they have name tags19:33
kanzureheh i like how todd's randomly in the background19:33
kanzurecooler group shot: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/photos/dscn1687.jpg19:34
kanzurei also like the random bridgeport behind everyone in the sprout shots19:36
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fennwell that was weird.. a series of familiar names leads to chris rasch's blog with posting of warehome room for rent in mountain view. turns out "right next door to the dojo" is really right next door19:46
fennso i might be moving into the same building19:46
fennhey i know everybody in that photo19:48
kanzure*everybody* yeah i know the feeling19:50
fennnever seen a photo of paul fernhout before though19:51
kanzurepaul is sitting next to me at the moment19:53
kanzuremaybe i can convince him to use irc19:53
fenngood luck19:54
fennmaybe you can convince him to use python :P19:54
kanzurehe uses jython19:54
kanzureclose enough?19:54
fennoh, well, i forget which one is which19:54
fennoperators are standing by19:55
fennwell this is useful info: utopiah: as soon as I put a link on Twitter with a trendy tag, bots from search engines come parse it, instantly.19:56
fennsearch engines used to have a submission form for links19:56
kanzuregood night channel20:12
jrayhawklowtax was supposed to give me a bottle of lysol but he never did :mad:20:27
CluckjNight kanzure20:30
fenn"the totalitarian buddhist who finally beat sim city" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ezZgAl6aN8&feature=player_embedded20:33
fenn"micromanagement for absolute perfection"20:34
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fenn'Many people say, "Oh, it's just a game!" But they are mistaken.'20:37
jrayhawkthey are mistaken AND MUST BE MICROMANAGED20:38
fennratha grimes appears again20:46
fenni guess i shouldnt be surprised20:47
fennmatt bell stole my tentacle porn idea, and i never even told anybody!20:51
jrayhawkI, uh, think you might be a little late to the party with this "tentacle porn" idea of yours...20:54
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Alystairtip of the day: never keep your windows open during a sandstorm21:05
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fennmatt bell's blog is pretty awesome: http://nasu-dengaku.livejournal.com/21:18
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jrayhawkthe laser cut wood pieces are amazing21:31
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.22:23
heathmoin JayDugger22:34
fenni had never really looked at my google web history.. it's a pretty badass invention23:47
fennnow i just need to hook this into a conversational-context-sniffing video wallpaper unit23:50

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