
--- Day changed Wed Jun 16 2010
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Utopiahanother article using "yak shaving" http://sheddingbikes.com/posts/1276624594.html (on the nice tiny Fossil-SCM)00:42
jrayhawkHuh, that looks handy.00:49
Utopiah(my notes on Fossil http://fabien.benetou.fr/Tools/Fossil?action=print )00:50
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UtopiahGo To University, Not For CS http://sheddingbikes.com/posts/1275258018.html02:32
Utopiah(IMHO, f*cking brillant blog post...)02:35
facefacemy web design friend sent me some unsolicited feedback on http://gnusha.org/02:42
facefacejust passing it on in case it's remotely usefull02:42
facefaceIs that mono-space? That is a long article. I'm not sure who its aimed at. The type isn't as bad or as hard to read as I first thought but I think it is a deliberately technical looking which is mistake if this is an introduction to n00bs.02:42
facefaceThe copy (the little I have read) is good, but I think a sharp summary is missing.02:43
facefaceIt could benefit from some clear heading, and I'm not sure about including links in the middle of articles (although I don't have a real solution, maybe further reading section?)02:43
facefaceAlso the three youtube pannels are blank on my machine, with nothing to tell mat they are there.02:43
YocttarUtopiah - not a very much convincing article - only covers one side of the story ;)02:45
Utopiahcare to elaborate02:46
Yocttarand the education today imho MUST have a revolution..02:46
Yocttarabout the 1 side, its obvious the editor is on the "learn in the university" side, almost nothing objective in that arcticle02:47
Yocttarsure people need to get some sort of education, but not the way we get it today02:48
Yocttarmost of the time people use only 5% of what they've learned02:49
Yocttarwhich means you waste more then 3.5 years of your best years for nothing.02:49
Yocttar(this is the general case today)02:49
UtopiahI think the dichotomy he's doing is IT job straight out of high school for self-taught genious programmer vs. going to uni to broaden your scope and for example use your CS skills for bioinformatics02:50
Utopiahor just because IT in itself is not enough and plainly a risky bet if you dont understand the industry02:50
Utopiah(which is most likely the case when you are very young and still discovering the technology, not the economy)02:50
UtopiahI dont think he is against p2p uni, self-education, etc02:51
Yocttarwell, the way I get it, he wants everyone to go to the uni.02:53
Utopiahthe way I get it is that you are a very young self-tought programmer he thinks he'll conquer the world with his mad asm/Haskell skills ... and that's very short sighted so beware02:54
Utopiah(I don't mean "you" as Yocttar ;)02:54
YocttarI kinda agree on that part02:56
Yocttarbut in my country (Israel), getting to that state of mind is pretty difficult, if you are a good programmer, the army will put you in the right place (where you will learn CS ofc, along with life science)02:58
Utopiahin the short run it's a good bet02:59
Utopiahand the truth is, IMHO, if you can educate yourself though other means, as you suggested, it might very well be the best option03:00
Utopiahbut it's not necessarily easy03:01
Yocttarand the harder the task you accomplish, the better you become. (just like in video games)03:04
Utopiahsupposing you learn from your mistakes03:06
QuantumGor even successes03:08
Utopiahmaybe harder to understand03:09
UtopiahI mean that often you can test why sth failed but sucess you dont really know which specific component or the the network of actions lead to it, no?03:09
Utopiah(except if you can reproduce the sucess several times)03:10
QuantumGeither way to have to assign kudos03:12
QuantumGor, if you prefer, blame03:13
splicer(You test both success and failiure scenarios the same by setting up falsifiable hypothesis.)03:13
jrayhawkUniversity, as with all things in life, is a twentieth as effective if you do not have a self-actualized value system with which to establish goals for yourself to pursue.03:14
jrayhawkSchools, unlike most things in life, are specifically structured to undermine your capacity to self-actualize.03:14
jrayhawkThus you cannot enter university with the expectation that you will be better for it for no other reason than that it is university.03:15
QuantumGI thought you were going to say it was a degenerative form of bending for a minute there03:15
jrayhawks/cannot/cannot safely/03:16
Utopiahsplicer: but with failure you remove a component and it fails, so it's easy to check, but sucess you only know that the system overall works as expected03:16
Utopiahyou dont necessarily each step that lead to it and why03:17
Utopiahyou dont necessarily know each step that lead to it and why03:18
splicerUtopiah: so you remove the component you think leads to success and see what happens. 03:19
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Utopiahbut then the system don't work03:21
splicerand then you have a clue as to why03:21
Utopiahyou have multiple variables to judge efficiency, it's more complex then work/dont work03:21
spliceri don't think science knows of another way03:22
QuantumGthere's statistical analysis03:22
QuantumGbasically the passive version of what you just said03:22
Utopiahsure, Im just saying it's more costly 03:22
jrayhawkRe: Gnusha.org design: I think that, unless it switches to centered text, font colors/sizes/weights/typefaces/styles that change every paragraph, and adds lots of tangential incomprehensible charts, it'll never be taken as seriously as timecube.03:32
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splicergnusha.org design: very transhumanist03:39
QuantumGDear NASA employees, things you hear while hanging at the water cooler are not "facts". kthxbye.03:43
QuantumGI'd love to extend that to internal briefings too03:44
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kanzurefaceface: maybe your design friend would like to do better for me?04:28
kanzurejrayhawk: +1 for mentioning timecube04:28
Utopiahfor you I bet no, for the cause you defended during H+ summit, sure ;)04:28
splicerkanzure: why don't you just throw it up in a cms like wordpress or something?05:28
Utopiah? http://test.brandchemistry.com.au/diy-chemistry/05:37
splicer(chemistry as in chemists-shop/drug-store)05:39
kanzurebecause content management systems are for wimps05:40
spliceri forgot05:40
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-!- pmetzger [~perry@] has joined #hplusroadmap06:01
kanzurehi pmetzger 06:03
kanzure(08:07:06 AM) Brian Degger: i am interested in the possibility SKDB, where you ask the system for a thing and it gives a prediction on whenthat will occur06:04
kanzurelooks like someone doesn't understand :/06:04
pmetzgerMorning, Kanzure.06:05
pmetzgerPrediction is difficult, especially of the future.06:06
pmetzgerFor myself, even my record of predicting the past is flawed.06:06
kanzureno i mean he got the idea of skdb wrong ;-)06:07
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:10
kanzurehi JayDugger 06:10
JayDuggerGood morning, kanzure.06:10
spliceris time a parameter in skdb, as in 'with this tool this widget will take s seconds to manufacture'?06:10
pmetzgerThat could depend on multiple parameters.06:11
kanzurenot at the moment, although time estimates might be doable (they will probably be "expected worst-case scenario estimates")06:11
kanzureor expected best case scenario estimates (but these are useless since best case scenarios don't happen all the time)06:11
kanzurepmetzger: would an atom-by-atom API for constructing designs of nanotech be useful to you?06:16
kanzuresomething like carbon[12].append(some_nitrogen) or even higher-level stuff for 100 to 1000-atom large constructs06:17
pmetzgerIt would be difficult to do. Unfortunately, atoms aren't as easy to manipulate as tinkertoys. :|06:18
pmetzgerI mean, if that was possible it would be cool, but chemistry doesn't work exactly like machining. :|06:18
pmetzgerUltimately, designs will have to come with construction instructions, but I think we'll need more research before we understand what those instructions look like.06:19
pmetzgerIn particular, right now we know approximately how to construct diamondoid blocks, which can be used to build crude machines. We don't know how to construct things like the very precise bearings you find in Nanosystems, though we're reasonably sure they can be built.06:20
pmetzger(FYI, I suspect what we'll do is build fairly large, inefficient machines out of diamondoid and then use them to build better.)06:20
kanzurehave you seen this before? the productive nanosystems movie thingy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqyZ9bFl_qg06:21
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:22
splicerstupid question: Are there other large non repetitive molecules than DNA and proteins?06:23
pmetzgerYes. There are other aperiodic polymers, both in nature and manufactured.06:23
pmetzgerthe manufactured ones tend to be randomly aperiodic.06:23
splicerah.. thanks06:24
pmetzger(the result of polymerizing two monomers with random attachment)06:24
pmetzgerin nature, there is of course RNA, and there are a bunch of carbohydrates that are composed of multiple sugars (though not, to my knowledge, in a designed aperiodic pattern.)06:24
pmetzgerThere may be others in nature.06:26
kanzurei uploaded more stuff: http://designfiles.org/papers/nanotech/06:31
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kanzurehi LilxHK 06:39
kanzurepmetzger: have you ever met freitas?06:39
pmetzgermultiple times.06:40
kanzurewhat's he like in person? i haven't run into him yet06:40
pmetzgerHe's fairly sedate.06:40
kanzurebut KSRM is like my bible for skdb-related stuff06:40
pmetzgerHe tends to read his talks off of a piece of paper. He's insanely thorough.06:41
kanzure"insanely thorough" indeed06:41
pmetzgerYou've read his Nanomedicine books?06:41
kanzureno, but i've read (most of) KSRM06:41
pmetzgerI haven't read KSRM. I keep meaning to.06:42
pmetzgerI suppose I should buy a copy first. :)06:42
JayDuggerpmetzger: Did you work at or visit Zyvex?06:46
pmetzgerNo, never been there.06:49
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pmetzgerNot in either incarnation of Zyvex...06:49
facefacekanzure: quite possibly.. I'll ask him06:52
pmetzgerBTW, that nanofactory animation is both good and bad. It is cool in that it gives you the general idea, but it has some inaccuracies in it. For example, what's holding the acetylene molecules onto that rotor?06:52
pmetzgerHow do "grippers" hold on to a depassivated diamond block without reacting with it?06:53
pmetzgerthis is not to say that the concepts are wrong at a high level, but they are often wrong at a low level.06:53
kanzureoh. i liked it because of the low level stuff.. the other stuff is "obvious"06:54
pmetzger :)06:54
pmetzgernot every part of the low level stuff is wrong, just a bunch of it. The idea of sorting rotors is correct, for example.06:54
pmetzgeror at least a real idea. :)06:54
pmetzgerI had a conversation once with Merkle about taking molecule sorting further and making sure you ended up with no carbon thirteen or tritium or what have you in your final product to reduce the risk of radiation damage from internal decays. Might not be worth it, I never calculated the internal damage vs. cosmic ray rate. (I suppose I could look both of those up in Nanosystems. I'06:56
pmetzgerve been lazy.)06:56
kanzurewhat's eugen's jabber server and username?06:57
pmetzgerI'm asking him if he minds, hang on...06:58
pmetzger(He doesn't answer IMs very fast.)06:59
pmetzgerIf you have his gmail address though you already know.06:59
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kanzurethat's kinda disappointing actually07:02
kanzureit implies that he uses the gmail.com interface07:03
pmetzgernot really.07:03
pmetzgerthey have jabber servers.07:03
kanzureright, which is what i use 8)07:03
pmetzgerI don't know what interface he uses, but I've used gmail.com sometimes with ichat or pidgin...07:03
* kanzure nods07:05
kanzuredoes anyone know what's up with this? http://trillennium.com/07:05
kanzurethey told me to contact them07:05
pmetzgerlooks pretty random.07:08
pmetzgerback in a couple of hours.07:08
JayDuggerBusiness consultants?07:19
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JayDuggerI've not heard of them before now.07:21
kanzurethe guy was very enthusiastic to meet me and gave me four or five business cards to emphasize how much he wanted a follow-up07:22
JayDuggerI really don't know enough about business consulting and "process engineering" to give good advice.07:23
JayDuggerIn fact, I've deleted more lines than I've typed on this subject. Rather than pad my ignorance with text, I'll just keep quiet.07:25
kanzurehttp://idsa.org/ industrial designers society of america07:52
kanzureDIY: Threat or Opportunity07:52
kanzure"With the advance of technology and globalization, anyone can design, customize and build almost anything. Whether it is catering to one or catering to the masses, the DIY movement has created a multi-billion dollar market. DIY is a means of self-expressions, and has inspired companies like Nike, T-Mobile and Apple to empower and engage customers."07:52
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap07:52
kanzurehahah $1700 to attend? wtf07:53
kanzurejrayhawk: that's in your neck of the woods, fyi07:53
kanzurehaa! smari is going to have to get a new name07:55
kanzurei <3 media lab07:55
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:58
kanzurehi parolang, hi eridu 07:59
* parolang is getting his computer today :)08:00
kanzurei have no idea what's going on here: http://fare.tunes.org/plan.txt08:04
kanzure"I won't tell you my Vietnamese name, because it doesn't fit the iso-latin-1 encoding."08:04
eridukanzure: hello08:08
kanzurestalk: François-René Rideau08:09
kanzurestalk: Ðang-Vu Bân08:09
parolangHe at least used to be on freenode.08:10
parolangAs `fare'.08:11
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mheldI'm planning on getting one pragprog book, should I pick up Programming Scala or Seven Languages in Seven Weeks?08:55
kanzurehm.. scala is kinda trendy these days08:56
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mheldwell, I'm learning scala regardless08:57
mheldand I come from a FP background 08:57
mheldI just don't know whether or not I want to dive deep into scala or learn a bit about a few languages I haven't had a chance to dive into08:58
mheldclojure won't be too new to me08:58
mheldruby I'm great with08:58
mheldio should be pretty fine (JS)08:58
mheldand I've got some erlang experience08:58
mheldit's mostly prolog, haskell, and scala that I'd be playing around with08:59
mheldand I want an epub08:59
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pmetzgerFare is a lisp hacker. Was at H+.09:33
kanzureyeah, i had his card and was trying to do a follow-up thing09:38
pmetzgerHe works for ITA. Hacks airline software for them in common lisp. I think they're in negotiations to be bought by google.09:42
pmetzgerI'm making up new cards. They say only "Mad Scientist" and my email. :)09:42
kanzureANGRY scientist, i'm an ANGRY scientist09:47
fennfwiw many bacteria use a specific sequence of sugars in a chain in order to identify themselves09:49
pmetzgerI'm just mad.09:49
fennas part of their LPS coat09:49
pmetzgerfenn: I thought many eukaryotes did that too.09:49
pmetzgerthough my molbio foo is weak.09:49
pmetzgerIn vertibrates, we use MHC for a similar purpose, but that's a protein...09:51
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kanzurehow much money should i ask for10:03
fennover 9000!!!10:04
kanzurenot helpful10:09
fennpff whatever10:09
kanzurehow much would it cost to get you out of the business world10:10
fenna plane ticket to brazil10:10
kanzurewhy brazil?10:10
* fenn shrugs10:10
kanzurehuh. okay.10:11
kanzurethat's actually not much..10:11
kanzurewould a rickety boat be acceptable?10:11
fennactually i would like to have some money of my own, so as not to be constantly at the mercy of whatever10:11
kanzurecool andrew did a ted talk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehBeMeH69O010:12
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fennaka faketed10:13
fennoh wait that's bil, lol10:13
pmetzgersome TEDx talks end up on the main TED site.10:16
fennhum i guess i dont have nanosystems after all10:18
pmetzgermy mantra: easily bought cheap used via amazon. :)10:20
fennbut that's just some pieces of paper, not THE BOOK10:20
* pmetzger doesn't quite understand.10:20
fennwhen will people learn that having an end product laying around is not equivalent to owning it10:20
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pmetzgerah, you mean you want elecronic copy.10:21
fennsay an iphone crashes in the year 1969, can they do anything useful with it? not really10:21
pmetzgerbut a scan is in turn not as good as having the original source...10:21
kanzurewell, "a scan" maybe..10:21
pmetzgerVery hard to OCR the equations correctly.10:22
kanzurethen latex them10:22
pmetzgerand presumably one would, in an ideal world, like to have many of them as a mathematica notebook... :)10:22
pmetzgerah, but latexing them = having the source, if only by reconstructing it. :)10:22
fenni'd rather they not use hieroglyphics in the first place10:22
pmetzgerstill, I have to confess that I don't understand what we're talking about really. :)10:22
* kanzure nods10:22
kanzuremath symbology crap10:23
fennthose funny almost arbitrary squiggles that academics like to use in order to frustrate non-academics10:23
pmetzgerthe language of physics is math. hard to convey math without symbols.10:23
fennhard to convey math with hieroglyphics10:23
fennit's so non-rigorous10:23
pmetzgeryou prefer what, formal systems?10:24
fenna defined syntax that i could look up wtf X stands for would be nice10:24
pmetzgerhaving worked with formal systems, you don't want a book written in, say, the calculus of inductive constructions...10:24
pmetzgerI have to confess I have no trouble reading the math in "Nanosystems". My main problem with Drexler is that he hasn't updated the book in 20 years, but it is still almost completely relevent.10:25
fennany ideas why a virtualbox vm would only download ~50kB of stuff each time i do apt-get and then stall? (i can keep doing it over and over and get another 50kB each time)10:25
pmetzgertcpdump is your friend.10:25
pmetzgerrun tcpdump on the host and watch all the packets. it usually tells you what has happened.10:26
pmetzgeror if you're less macho, whatever they renamed ethereal to...10:26
fennhost is windows10:26
pmetzgerrun tcpdump on the guest then.10:26
pmetzgerless good but beggars can't be choosers...10:26
pmetzgerI presume this is debian or ubuntu?10:27
kanzurehe can't install software on the windows box i think (but how'd he get virtualbox?)10:27
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fenni'm admin on the windows box10:28
fenni just dont know how to use windows :P10:28
pmetzgeryou show great taste in your ignorance.10:28
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pmetzgerIf I could forget how to use windows I would.10:28
fennwell i see packets going by but i dont see any reason they should stop10:32
fennhttp seems to work fine in a web browser.. wtf10:35
kanzurehttp://www.geyservac.com/articles/vacuum-beginners-guide.html A Complete Beginner's Guide to Vacuum History, Terminology, & Technology10:36
kanzurefenn: yes but are you loading >50kb10:36
kanzurein the browser10:36
kanzurewhat are the repositories?10:36
kanzurein /etc/apt/sources.list10:36
kanzurestandard stuff?10:37
pmetzgerAs I said, when I have this sort of issue, I find tcpdump is the only way to go.10:37
fenn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehBeMeH69O010:37
pmetzgerfor example, it might turn out that you're having window scale negotiation issues with the server10:37
pmetzgeror some other crap like that.10:37
fenncopy paste doesnt work huh10:37
fennus.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted (etc)10:37
pmetzgerof course, if you can't read the output, it won't do you any good...10:37
kanzurelooks like a fairly standard repo10:38
fennyeah i just downloaded the cd iso and booted it up10:38
fennapparently vim didnt make the cut10:38
kanzurewhat about vi?10:38
fenngod knows what else they put in the other 699 MB10:38
fennweird. vi works and shows the VIM splash screen10:39
kanzureok, i have enough data10:39
kanzuretheory: windows makes fenn more stoopid10:39
fennit might be the drugs they put in the water10:39
pmetzgerI presume there is a firewall between you and the internet?10:39
fennmust.. satisfy customer ... requirements10:40
fennyeah there's  a firewall. you think they are squelching ubuntu.com?10:40
pmetzgerMy suggestion: turn off tcp window scaling and see if it suddenly works.10:40
pmetzgerno, my suspicion is that it fucks up TCP window scaling.10:40
fennhow do i do that?10:40
pmetzgerhang on, I'll find you the right sysctl.10:41
kanzureoh on ubuntu?10:41
fenn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehBeMeH69O010:41
fenn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehBeMeH69O010:41
fennfuck this10:41
fennsysctl net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=0 sound right?10:42
pmetzgerbut I'll know when I've read the man page.10:42
fennecho "net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=-">>syctl.conf ?10:42
-!- uniqanomaly__ [~ua@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:43
pmetzgerno, type sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=010:43
pmetzgeryou can add that to sysctl.conf later.10:43
pmetzgerbut first just try it out.10:43
pmetzgerand I found it just as you typed that.10:43
pmetzgeronce you've turned off window scaling, try an apt-get and see what happens.10:44
-!- uniqanomaly_ [~ua@dynamic-78-8-221-40.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]10:44
pmetzgerit is easier to diagnose this with tcpdump but I take it you can't read raw TCP packets...10:44
pmetzgerif window scaling isn't the issue, my next guess is path mtu discovery fuckage.10:45
pmetzgerbut I don't know if it would be easy to fix that.10:45
pmetzgerso anyway, did it do anything?10:45
pmetzgercan you check that it was set (use sysctl -a and grep for the setting)10:46
fennsays 010:46
pmetzgerokay, so it took.10:47
pmetzgerreally the right thing to do here is to run tcpdump...10:47
pmetzgerI will walk you through that.10:47
pmetzgerfirst, is tcpdump installed on the box?10:47
pmetzgerif it isn't, we have recursive fuckage since apt-get won't work. :)10:47
fennyeah tcpdump is installed10:48
fennand i can install things, it just takes a while10:48
pmetzgerokay, I presume the fake eithernet controller is en0?10:48
pmetzgerthat's what I meant.10:48
pmetzgerso you want to do tcpdump -i eth0 host whateverthenameofthepackageserveris10:48
pmetzgerin one window10:48
pmetzgerwhile you do an apt-get in another10:48
fennso i see some stuff like 10:47:28.1234134 IP lotus.ovt.com.domain > fenn-virtualbox.local.40876: 34458 NXDomain 0/1/0 (100)10:49
pmetzgerI'll want to see the last few packets from the connection.10:49
pmetzgerif you don't do the "host blah" thing it will show you *all* packets on the interface10:49
fennfenn-virtualbox.local.mdns > 0 PTR (QM)? (39)10:49
pmetzgerthat one is again not a packet from your package server. :)10:49
pmetzgeryou want to see only the ones from that server so you need the "host" restriction10:50
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]10:50
fennthe package server changes each time, it's named after dead scifi authors or something10:50
fennok i will just grep for canonical.com10:51
pmetzgerbuffering will kill you then.10:51
fennseems to work ok10:51
pmetzgerjust nail down the server by editing the apt config file.10:51
pmetzgerif it works it works.10:52
fennanyway i can tell you the last lien if you want10:52
pmetzgerI'll want to see the last three or four packet exchanges10:52
fenn10:51:30.123123 IP drescher.canonical.com.www > fenn-virtualbox.local.56872: Flags [.], seq 178061:179481, ack 420 win 65535, length 142010:52
fennoh maybe i can just ssh from inside the virtualbox10:53
fennok that works10:53
pmetzgerdo you have the last four packet exchanges in both directions?10:55
pmetzgerit is hard without seeing both the data packets and the acks...10:55
fennsee anything unusual?10:56
pmetzgerthe one you sent me before in icb has a length of 1420. these have lengths of 1380. that's odd.10:57
pmetzgeralso the push flag is set, which is really really weird.10:57
fenna lot of them have length 010:57
pmetzgerthose are the acks from you to them.10:57
pmetzgerthey would have a length of zero because the only thing important in the packet is the ack itself.10:58
pmetzgeryou aren't sending them data10:58
pmetzgerso it hung hard after line 43, not doing anything else?10:58
pmetzgerand for how long?10:58
pmetzgerI would have expected to see a retransmit of your ack.10:59
fennsorry, i hit ctrl-c for some reason10:59
fenn  10:58:52.723543 IP drescher.canonical.com.www > fenn-virtualbox.local.52263: Flags [P.], seq 66309650:66311030, ack 2021303126, win 65535, length 138010:59
fenn10:58:52.723592 IP fenn-virtualbox.local.52263 > drescher.canonical.com.www: Flags [.], ack 1380, win 65535, length 010:59
pmetzgercould you do the dump into a file, do the apt get, wait until it times out, ^C the tcpdump and paste the grep?11:00
pmetzgerbut the first two things I don't get at all are why your length is 1380 and why they're setting push.11:00
pmetzgerno fucking sense in either thing11:00
fennthat's what i thought i did. anyway, will dump the whole thing again11:01
pmetzgerwait until the apt-get dies.11:01
pmetzgerwhich may take some minutes11:01
fennof course now it's working correctly :\11:01
pmetzgerit is? perhaps we fixed it! :)11:01
pmetzgerso anyway, you know how to read what you're seeing here for the future?11:02
fennsort of11:02
pmetzgereach packet is preceeded by the timestamp.11:02
pmetzgeryou then get source and dest addresses11:02
pmetzgerthe > is a mnemonic for which is which11:02
pmetzgerthe port numbers are included so you can distinguish different connections11:02
pmetzger"flags" tells you what flags are set on the packet. ack, push, syn, reset are the most prominent ones.11:03
pmetzgeroh, and fin (end of connection) and urgent.11:03
pmetzgerthe sequence number increments for every byte sent, it is independent per direction11:04
pmetzgerthe reciever acks up to a particular sequence number, saying it has gotten everything up to that point.11:04
fennfor every byte? not each packet?11:04
pmetzgerretransmissions can combine data from multiple packets if they were under the MTU length.11:04
pmetzgerthe window is how far behind you can be on getting acks before you'll stop transmitting.11:05
pmetzgerthis allows you to deal with the latency on real lines -- multiple packets can be in flight at once.11:05
pmetzgermost of the rest is pretty easy to puzzle out.11:05
pmetzgeryou can usually figure out what is going wrong with the network by looking right at it this way.11:05
pmetzgerthough in our case, other than the mysterious short length of these data packets, the fact that they have PUSH set for no obvious reason, and the fact that it fixed itself, I have little to note. :)11:06
fennright, well, thanks for the help even if we have no idea what was going on11:06
pmetzger :)11:06
kanzureas punishment for your ignorance you must now go rewrite the tcp stack layer in the kernel11:07
pmetzgerI hate doing that.11:07
fennshore thing boss, where do yu want it stacked?11:07
kanzurepmetzger: i meant fenn :)11:07
pmetzgermy guess is still that the firewall/NAT was interfering with MTU discovery or the window negotiation, but that's a guess.11:08
eridukanzure: where are the logs for this channel again?11:12
pmetzgergnusha.org/logs ?11:13
eridupmetzger: thanks11:14
eridudarn, that seems to be out of date11:15
eridudoes anyone have a link to that fake yudkowsky twitter account?11:15
pmetzgerhrm. he says one should ignore anything he wrote before about 2001.11:17
fennhe says that every year11:17
pmetzgerI will admit that his comments to Marvin Minsky were a few years before that.11:17
pmetzger(significantly in fact)11:18
pmetzgerhe was a teenager at the time, perhaps one shouldn't in fact hold him to such things.11:19
eriduI would hope not11:21
kanzurehttp://gnusha.org/irclogs.txt is the most recent version, but it's a big download11:22
eriduI wish they were dated11:22
kanzurewish what were dated?11:23
pmetzgerthe logs I presume.11:23
kanzureirclogs.txt are dated.. the day changes are mentioned in the logs, but they can be hard to spot11:23
eridujust saw that11:23
pmetzgerit is dangerous to date logs. you can get splinters in very uncomfortable places.11:23
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kanzurehi streety 12:02
-!- klafka__ [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:03
pmetzgergoing to try switching to colloquy as my client, bbiaf.12:16
-!- pmetzger [~perry@] has quit [Quit: Started wasting time elsewhere]12:16
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pmetzgerHopefully this is working. :)12:22
pmetzgeroh, wild. the topic video starts with Patri Friedman. :)12:23
pmetzgerOkay, Colloquy is definitely buggier than I like.12:27
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-66-68-104-134.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:40
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:42
pmetzgeranyone have recommendations on OS X IRC clients?12:56
genehackerpmetzger could you give me a link to the process for making diamond mechanosynthesis tooltips in solution and the process for making them from other tooltips?12:59
pmetzgerthere are no papers for making them in solution per se. there are papers on the chemistry of adamantanes out there. IIRC the wikipedia article on adamantanes is pretty good. (I presume you have an organic chem background?)12:59
pmetzgeras for making them from other tooltips, the big tooltip paper by Merkle & Freitas is what you want, let me find a link.13:00
genehackerI don't13:00
genehackerI've probably read that one13:00
genehackeranyway if you want IRC clients try wikipedia, they have a list of pretty much all of them13:01
pmetzgerThe list isn't by OS sadly. I looked. :)13:01
pmetzgeranyway, if you don't have a background in orgo and you're interested, I'd start by reading an orgo text (say Maitland Jones', that one is pretty good...)13:02
genehackeroh thanks 13:02
genehackerI was about to ask that13:02
pmetzgerMaking the tooltips by conventional synthesis is not necessarily feasible.13:02
pmetzgerI suspect it is, but I don't know it for sure.13:02
genehackerbtw would knowing organic chemistry help me with synthesizing simple compound?13:04
pmetzgerif you're interested in Jones' text, I just checked Amazon and they shat out a 4th edition that they're charging like $140 for.13:05
pmetzgerI'd just get the third edition used.13:05
pmetzgerit isn't like you're going to benefit from all the big advances in intro organic chemistry in four years.13:05
pmetzgerand you can get that edition for like $40 or less used.13:05
pmetzgeryou might also poke around on the net.13:06
pmetzgerUnfortunately, DIY organic chem labs are now looked at askance by the feds. Buying glassware and the right kinds of compounds is a good way to get a visit from the DEA etc.13:06
pmetzgerwhich pisses me endlessly off, but...13:07
genehackerI know what you mean, which is why I want to make a small one13:07
pmetzgerever work with glassware etc.? if not, I can recommend books on lab technique if you get serious.13:08
pmetzgerBTW, the solutions for the problems in Jones are available as a second book you can buy.13:09
genehackerI've worked a bit with glassware13:11
genehackerbut what I want to do is make a chemical factory on a chip13:11
pmetzgerMy one major piece of advice: there's lots of stuff you can play with in organic synthesis, unlike DIY mol bio projects, which can get you killed. One routinely works with very toxic substances if you're doing synthetic work. I worked in a lab for a while to get experience, and we had professional safety equipment, and even then I was often uncomfortable with instructions to, say, boil stuff in liquid bromine...13:11
pmetzgerin a professional lab, you have fume hoods, toxic waste disposal systems, benchtops made from impervious crap, fire extinguishers, etc. in your garage, not so much. that would make me nervous. Doing PCR and stuff like that on the other hand, the worst that happens to you is you waste some money.13:16
pmetzgerfor an idea of what it can get like: http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/things_i_wont_work_with/13:19
pmetzgersome of the entries there are utterly priceless13:21
pmetzgerthis is one of the better ones: http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2008/02/26/sand_wont_save_you_this_time.php13:24
genehackerthis is a pretty funny one:13:48
genehackerno one was hurt13:48
streetythat site is a dangerous time sink.  Interesting though :)13:51
Yocttargotta agree with streety ;)13:51
* fenn snickers13:54
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fenn"[Anselm Levskaya] came fully formed out of a mine, nurtured on a steady diet of coal dust, hardened by the eons of brutal compression deep below the surface, cut by diamonds to a chiseled finish. And then, of course, raised by a pack of carpenter wolves on the Virginian tundra."13:56
streetykanzure:  is there a plan/consensus for which service is being used for the conference call yet?14:10
fennso apparently there's no way to quote text in outlook except by manually adding > marks???14:13
pmetzgeroutlook is very reminiscent of a real mail client.14:14
fennit reminds me of hotmail after MS fucked it up14:14
-!- pdfernhout [~pdfernhou@cpe-74-67-25-48.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:15
Ian_Daniherkanzure: just added you on skype. talk in 40min?14:22
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap14:25
kanzureyep, skype it is14:26
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kanzurestreety: skype14:26
kanzurehi pdfernhout 14:26
Alystairso I'm making the worlds worst easteregg/bookmarklet ever14:27
kanzureplease message me on skype to get included on the call (or else i might forget you)14:27
kanzurefenn: mesa electronics stuff has arrived and is with the arm now14:28
-!- marainein [~marainein@220.253-196-110.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap14:28
cluckjkanzure are you "kanzure"14:29
pdfernhouthey bryan14:29
kanzurecluckj: yes14:29
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Alystairhttp://isitout.com/ez/doom.html - keep on the downlow about this14:34
Alystairstill a WIP :)14:34
Alystairgoing to be in touch with a certain html5 canvas guru to get some crazy site destruction actually happening14:34
Alystairwith gravity etc14:34
Alystairso you can shoot images off the wall as it were14:34
dustbinyoutube did that once14:35
dustbinwebsite falling apart14:35
Alystairyeah the gravity thing14:35
Alystairbut not with guns, or rocket launchers14:36
dustbinI think they just used the html5 transforms14:36
Alystairit wasn't "just"14:36
Alystairit's a mess if you look at the code really14:36
dustbinno canvas involved as far as I remember14:36
Alystairtrust me it's canvas trickery14:37
dustbinI've done some interesting things with canvas, but I don't think it's required for this if you don't want to use it14:37
Alystairwell if you're a js pro that wants to help out...14:37
dustbinwhat do you need to know14:38
Alystairwell the thing is you can't do "free" rotation of elements outside of canvas afaik?14:39
dustbinby free rotation you mean?14:39
Alystairas in instead of just changing x/y also rotate elements 14:40
Alystairthat's a canvas thing14:40
kanzure"Spatiotemporal control of cell signalling using a light-switchable protein interaction"14:40
Alystairok you know what I actually need to get going, I'll bug people in a more applicable channel about this later14:41
dustbinI seem to remember seeing it before with safari not sure if it's a common thing14:41
pmetzgerkanzure: do you have a nature sub?14:41
kanzuredesignfiles.org does :)14:42
pmetzger(I'm a subscriber...)14:42
-!- Dennis_Jones [~chatzilla@c-71-196-180-82.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:45
kanzurehi Dennis_Jones 14:45
Dennis_JonesHey. 14:46
Dennis_JonesBryan, did you close the chat or did i get booted?14:46
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kanzurehi streety14:47
Dennis_JonesHi streety14:47
kanzureDennis_Jones: i'm not sure O_o14:47
kanzure* introductions / names (No, you don't have to tell everyone who you are)14:48
pmetzgerwe can use the IRC channel for a backchannel.14:51
-!- Dennis_Jones [~chatzilla@c-71-196-180-82.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]14:51
kanzurepmetzger: 14:52
-!- Dennis_Jones [~chatzilla@c-71-196-180-82.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:52
pmetzgerwhat is to be discussed anyway?14:53
kanzurepmetzger: introductions; hackerspace updates; journal club (we're presenting anselm's paper)14:53
pmetzgerI have had people attempt to call me too.14:53
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has quit []14:53
pmetzger(I'd say it by audio but this seems more efficient.)14:53
pmetzgerIt is a good thing the iphone headset works with my macbook.14:55
pmetzgerbecause I'd never find my dedicated headset, I use it so infrequently.14:55
cluckjI'm just using my built-in mic on my tablet pc14:55
pmetzgerbuilt in mikes are very noisy...14:56
Dennis_JonesCluckj: say something so we can hear how noisy it is...14:56
pmetzgerthe quality is poor to me.14:57
pmetzgeryours is a lot nicer.14:57
pmetzgerI usually find mike quality is significant on these things.14:58
randallagordonI got dumped out of the conf...did another get made, or is my connection being silly?14:58
cluckjmine has two microphones14:59
cluckjfor what, I don't know14:59
randallagordontwo mics, generally for noise cancellation goodness.14:59
Dennis_JonesWhat? I got kicked again...14:59
kanzureDennis_Jones: i can't figure out why you getkeep getting kicked15:00
kanzurerandallagordon: i'm trying to get you in15:00
randallagordonI'm in now, thanks :)15:00
ybitfeel free to add me on the buddy list15:06
ybitskype name: aisrev15:06
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pmetzgerI suspect people will get kicked at random no matter what you do.15:11
ybitproposal: everyone introduce themselves, where they are from, and what they are doing. i don't know everyone, and i'm sure it's the same for quite a few people15:11
pmetzgerFeedback on the line right now....15:17
-!- Dennis_Jones [~chatzilla@c-71-196-180-82.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]15:17
-!- ericxfresh [~eric@cpe-071-068-226-078.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:18
kanzurehi ericxfresh 15:18
-!- Dennis_Jones [~chatzilla@c-71-196-180-82.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:18
kanzuretelecon is going well15:18
ericxfreshI think my wireless was acting funky or was kicked from skype and was unable to join again.15:18
pmetzgerpfernhout's mike is buzzing a bunch.15:19
ericxfreshgood to hear15:19
ericxfreshDo you think that you could try again to ring me in?15:19
ericxfreshodd, I'm not receiving anything.  I'll restart skype and get back to you15:21
parolangFare is logged into freenode now btw.15:21
pmetzgercluckj's mike is very hard to understand...15:22
cluckjsorry :(15:24
-!- Dennis_Jones [~chatzilla@c-71-196-180-82.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]15:24
randallagordonAs I don't have a mic, I can't really introduce myself on the Skype conf... I'm a geek, designer, transhumanism ethusiast and generally just sit back and listen around here. I check in every once in a while and enjoy the links that get posted! :)15:24
cluckjI'll just type out what I said15:24
-!- Dennis_Jones [~chatzilla@c-71-196-180-82.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:24
cluckjI'm an anthropologist in the science and technology studies department at RPI in Troy, NY, doing a research project on DIY Bio, mostly with the DIY Bio Boston group15:25
cluckjI think it's turning into my dissertation, so I will probably be sticking around for a while :)15:25
ericxfreshThat is awesome!15:26
ericxfreshDennis or Bryan could you try to invite me again.  I guess I shouldn't use a netbook to skype?15:27
pmetzgerdropping off the call for five...15:29
Ian_Daniherskype die for anyone else?15:29
kanzurepaul, jonathan, perry, dennis, randall, eric, chripis, and heath15:29
Ian_Daniherokay, fair enough.15:29
ybitlinkage to paper15:30
pmetzgerooh. half the people vanished from the call...15:30
Dennis_JonesI think, thats at least the one i got earlier15:30
kanzurepaul, jonathan, perry, dennis, randall, eric, chripis, and heath15:30
ybitchirpis == edward monson15:31
ybithe's heading to some biolab @ vanderbilt15:32
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pmetzgerdropping off for another five.15:34
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Dennis_JonesBryan, got kicked again... send me a call?15:35
ericxfreshMe too15:36
fennjeez how many people do you have on that conference call?15:38
ybit~10 in and out15:38
fennalso, i will expect a full transcription in my mailbox by 615:39
* fenn goes off to crash some webcam firmware some more15:40
cluckjkanzure that pcr microfluidics sounds cool15:44
cluckjyou could run it 24/7....15:44
ybitif you are interested in building reprap, a little info: http://tweaklabs.org/RepRap15:50
Ian_Daniherpiezo 15:50
cluckjpdfernhout, stalker :)15:50
cluckjdavid hess is in my department15:51
cluckjI'm taking a class with him next semester15:51
cluckj(I think)15:51
cluckjhe wrote the intro to that book you sent me15:52
ybitwhat was pmetzger talking about in tips, i was afk for a min, my niece was here15:53
pdfernhoutSome of my work: :-) http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jobless_recovery&oldid=352787802 (rapidly being eroded by those believing in mainstream economic theology)15:53
streetyif you snap lots of wires eventually you'll get one with a tip which is suitable for use as a probe15:54
kanzurepmetzger: http://heybryan.org/graphene.html15:55
pdfernhoutWritings by Langdon Winner at RPI has also been inspirational to me (assigned reading in a course on the history of technology in the 1980s)15:55
cluckjhe is a great professor15:55
cluckjI took a course on technology with him15:56
cluckjI work with mike fortun (my advisor), nancy campbell, and ron eglash15:56
pdfernhoutIn a different world, it would be fun to hang out a few years at RPI doing studies about society and technology. It's mostly what I have written about over the past few years (like in that Wikipedia article or elsewhere).15:57
cluckjit is pretty damn fun15:57
cluckjI'm having a blast, especially with diy bio15:58
cluckjI also work at the children's museum in troy part-time15:58
cluckjyep, that's him15:58
pdfernhoutI consulted the RPI economics home page when I was working on that article, in terms of links to heterodox economics.15:58
cluckjwhat are you up to these days?15:59
pdfernhoutIt would be fun to take the ideas in that Wikipedia article and make them academic and formal and well supported through more research (and maybe some simulations etc.) in the RPI economics department.15:59
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cluckjapply for grad school there :P15:59
pdfernhoutA mix of stuff, but mostly taking care of my son while my wife works, and making some Android software (musical phrases), sadly, a paid app, but with a promise to put it under the GPL in three years. Plus I've written a lot of essays.16:00
pdfernhoutDid the teleconference just go away?16:01
ybitpdfernhout: no you went bye-bye though16:01
cluckjhow old is your son?16:01
pdfernhoutBryan, can you connect me back to the conference?16:02
cluckjcause I work here: http://www.cmost.org16:02
pdfernhoutHe's been there once a few years back. 16:03
kanzurepdfernhout: we're closing actually.16:03
pdfernhoutIt's a great place. I liked the video weather report.16:03
cluckjwe've got lots of new stuff, about to get an exhibit about australia16:03
pdfernhoutI'll need to check it out again then. We never saw the movie (because we were avoiding media then). But now we are doing more media.16:04
cluckjand I'm putting together some neat planetarium shows with Nightshade16:04
cluckjah :)16:04
cluckjwell if you let me know if/when you decide to visit, I can get you a free pass (for the kiddo) and give you a tour16:05
cluckjsave you $5 anyway :)16:05
pdfernhoutWow. That's great.16:05
pdfernhoutI don't mind the fee. But a backstage tour would be great.16:05
cluckjthere's not much backstage, haha16:06
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pdfernhoutWe're homeschooling (for secular reasons) and I think CMOST has some hands on things for homeschoolers (vaguely recall).16:06
cluckjyeah, we do homeschool programs16:06
pdfernhoutI guess there are the classrooms that you can only go in if you are part of a class.16:06
ybitalright guys, i'll give my comments later on tonight, going to grab some dinner right now.16:07
pdfernhoutLike the one in the back with the animals?16:07
kanzureyeah i had fun16:07
cluckjoh the animal room16:07
cluckjwe moved that to a public place16:07
kanzurei was worried that there would be too many people16:07
cluckjit's much cooler now16:07
cluckjonce I get the planetarium stuff working, we should have *real* planetarium shows instead of premade dome movies16:07
pdfernhoutOne of the nice things about living where we do is we can see the Milky Way. Although light pollution from Saratoga is still a bit of an issue.16:08
pdfernhoutI should think about those homeschool programs. My kid might like them. And they look late enough in the day to get to (so many things start so early). But it looks like no summer programs.16:10
kanzuremaybe he can go to waldorf and become a hippie like me?16:10
kanzurehippie indoctrination camp16:10
cluckjwe run camps during the summer16:11
pdfernhoutWe thought about the waldorf school in Saratoga. ;-) But 45 minutes away. http://www.waldorfsaratoga.org/16:11
cluckjpdfernhout I have to go out, but ttyl, I idle in here pretty much all the time now16:11
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pdfernhoutGreat. Thanks for the CMOST info.16:12
cluckjyup, if you have any other questions, let me know16:12
cluckjI've been working there for a while16:13
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pmetzgerWaldorf! Anthroposophy! The folks who believe kids tooth development is a way to measure intellectual progress!16:13
pdfernhoutEverything is a mixed bag. :-)16:14
kanzurepmetzger: well, there's my deep dark secret for the night16:15
kanzurethey kicked me out though16:15
kanzurei was too "wild"16:15
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/graphene.html since you mentioned it16:15
pdfernhoutThe CMOST camps look great, but they are too many days (five weeks?) for a long commute for us: http://www.cmost.com/programs/summercamp.php16:15
streetyIt was good speaking with many of you in the teleconference earlier.  I'm going to take off now.  Hopefully catch many of you on irc again over the next few days16:16
kanzureit was good, yeah16:16
pdfernhoutThanks for arranging the teleconference, Bryan.16:16
pdfernhoutI don't know if I will keep up with them as they seem DIY-Bio oriented though (and I'm more into clanking stuff and programming). But, they are great for DIY-Bio aspects of OM.16:17
kanzurei dunno, AFM seems very OM-related16:18
kanzuremolecular manufacturing for instance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqyZ9bFl_qg16:18
pdfernhoutThat's true. There certainly is ovelap.16:18
pdfernhoutYest, true, I remember that video from a previous time you mentioned that link. Though we are still not there yet (if we ever will be, given the statistical aspects of working with things on a small scale, where bio processes dominate).16:19
pdfernhoutAnyway, there's lots of room for all sorts of discussions with different emphasis. And it is true that open clanking stuff (like microscopes, containers, etc.) facilitates biotech. And good biotech, like to produce plastic, facilitates clanking stuff.16:21
pmetzgerSee "Probe tips"16:22
pmetzgeras in:16:22
pmetzgerAn alternative and much quicker method is to take a thin wire and cut it with a pair of scissors or a scalpel. Testing the tip produced via this method on a sample with a known profile will indicate whether the tip is good or not and a single sharp point is achieved roughly 50% of the time. It is not uncommon for this method to result in a tip with more than one peak; one can easily discern this upon scan due to a high level of ghost images.16:22
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pmetzgerin the undergrad lab class I was in, it took us more like ten attempts, and that was with help from someone who reputedly understood what they were doing well.16:22
pmetzgerbut it was possible, and it was cheap.16:22
pmetzgeryou can also buy probe tips commercially.16:23
QuantumGfirst comment on that video is gold16:24
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pmetzgerBTW, I assume all the DIY Bio types have seen/read "Molecular Biology of the Cell" by Alberts. It is the book I taught myself from.16:30
pmetzgerExpensive but really good.16:31
maraineinon discount on that site16:33
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pmetzgerVery deep discount.16:35
kanzureyeah it's a popular read16:36
Utopiah(but then I let everyone use his own sense of moral/ethics/justice/whatever, just saying it's available right now)16:37
kanzurehm i don't seem to have a copy of the svn repository for ne-116:40
kanzurebut i have a dot_subversion_config file16:41
kanzurefenn: you're not in #emc16:46
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kanzure"Please send me a list of your hot topics, any neat URLs or books/magazines/zines, products, software, newsgroups, other organizations, great people, etc. that turns you on."17:16
kanzure"Also send me a brief history of what you've been up to (detailed bio, resume, or CV) so I can prepare for our call to go over where we can connect and explore neat joint projects and funding opportunities."17:16
pmetzgerwho asked you that?17:16
kanzuresomeone i met at h+ summit17:17
pmetzgerfrom that soi-dissant management consultant?17:17
kanzurewhat does that mean17:17
Utopiahfrench sexyness17:18
kanzurei don't know if he was french17:19
UtopiahI mean the expression is french, like deja vu17:19
* kanzure is listening to John Smart talk17:20
kanzurehe's starting the first "future studies" master degree for emerging tech stuff17:20
pmetzgerit means roughly "self proclaimed"17:20
Utopiahpmetzger: I also suggest latin and greek expressions once a day, always looks nice ;)17:20
pmetzgerI'm just a sesquipedant. :)17:21
ybitso the point of the teleconference is to share what we've been doing and ask questions if we have any. then to discuss a paper of the week..17:21
kanzureybit: yes17:22
kanzureis that bad?17:22
Utopiahkanzure: news from NASA upcoming only conf (in SL or not) btw?17:22
kanzurehaven't heard back from jessica17:22
kanzuresorry Utopiah 17:22
ybitkanzure: no, but there's this wonderful technology that was invented in the 70s called email... :)(17:23
ybit:) *17:23
ybiti'm not quite sure what te point of voice instead of text...17:24
kanzureyeah i'm not sure why people requested voice either17:24
kanzuremost of the people who requested audio weren't even around17:24
Utopiahregarding books to buy, 2 friends launched tonight http://readerbroker.com/ (Amazon price comparisons over countries and marketplace)17:24
ybityeah, i figured there would be ~30 people present17:25
kanzuremac messed up on timezone conversions17:25
kanzureand another fellow contacted me immediately after we closed the session17:25
* ybit is curious why diybio is not listed on scienceforcitizens.net17:26
kanzurecan't i just use 'date' 17:26
kanzureybit: because scienceforcitizens is territorial i think17:26
ybitkanzure: did you get a chance to talk with darlene about anything?17:27
ybitwhy would they be territorial, hrm..17:27
kanzuresame reason why mac is :(17:27
pmetzgerDate doesn't do the visualization so nicely.17:27
kanzureit's my answer to everything17:27
pmetzgerthe visualization in everytimezone is cool.17:27
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ybitwho here does web design?17:29
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ybity web dev17:29
kanzureblah i wish i knew more web designers17:32
kanzurei can do web dev, but i promised myself i'd never touch web design17:32
kanzure*never touch web design again17:32
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kanzurewtf is this? http://trillennium.com/17:39
Utopiahseems compatible with the Hollywood IQ/Screen ratio17:43
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kanzurehi LilxHK 17:46
* LilxHK going to watch s01e01 of Fringe17:48
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kanzuredr. robert bishop was modeled after me17:50
kanzurewalter bishop17:50
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kanzurehi elevenarms :)17:53
elevenarmshola kanzure17:54
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kanzurei think this channel has never been larger (was at 53 earlier today)17:58
kanzurewell i'd need to plot dates with the points as well18:01
pmetzgerkurzweil would draw an exponential curve based on that.18:02
kanzureppft he'd draw an exponential curve based on your _mom_18:03
pmetzgerwell, yes.18:03
QuantumG"according to this curve, your mother will be leaving 400 pairs of shoes at my house by the end of the year"18:04
pmetzgerI loved how he was mentioning that the number of sequenced genomes was rising exponentially. He didn't bother to mention that eventually you run out of organisms to sequence, though as I tweeted during the conference, one could simply start sequencing the same individuals multiple times a day...18:04
Utopiah http://ow.ly/1ZxZu18:04
QuantumGhow many organisms are there on Earth anyway?18:05
kanzurea few trillion biomass tons i'd guess18:05
kanzureactually more. nevermind. don't listen to me18:05
kanzurethere are entire papers devoted to estimating the amount of biomass on the world18:05
pmetzgerFreitas has estimates on his paper "Some limits to global ecophagy", aka the grey goo paper.18:05
pmetzgerit is a cool paper. he predicts that it is technologically difficult to eat the world in less than eight to ten days.18:06
pmetzgerof course, some of my friends have very big appetites, so who knows.18:07
kanzureupdated: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt (last update was 2010-06-07)18:12
Utopiah:| not the same file18:12
Utopiahit was 30Mo before, not 1Mo?18:13
kanzureno.. it has never been 30 MB18:13
kanzureyou're thinking of irclogs.txt18:14
Utopiahyes, my bad I checked after, that's the processed file18:14
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JayDuggerOrange is not your color, Bryan. http://www.flickr.com/photos/georgedvorsky/4707105075/in/photostream/18:22
kanzurethe other person is brian malow, "the science comedian"18:27
eriduif you run out of organisms to sequence you win18:34
eriduthen you have to beat the elite four18:34
kanzureand watch out for red18:35
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kanzurehi Noahj 19:03
NoahjHey Bryan19:16
kanzuredid you see the youtoob videos? :)19:16
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JayDuggerGood night, everyone. Time to commute for me.19:39
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kanzurestalk: Patrik Ronnqvist20:14
cluckjthree diy bio boston meetups =)20:22
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kanzurethesprouts.org uses django? http://thesprouts.org/ourstudioso#whats-up-at-your-space20:38
kanzureactually, i think i knew that when i read through sproutgarden.git20:38
kanzuredoes pokemon netbattle work on visualboy?20:40
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kanzurehttp://www.beyondbullets.com/2005/07/beyond_bullet_p.html interesting story22:42
kanzurei am tempted to do a film documentary on people who close multi million dollar deals22:42
kanzuresome of these people are just, sick22:43
kanzureand ridiculously good at presentations22:43
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klafka__is this book actually good22:45
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