
--- Day changed Sun Jun 20 2010
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phrykWhat is transhumanisms position about androids?04:42
facefacecluckj: yes there is a genetic component to autism, which is why I mentioned it05:09
facefacekanzure: who is russell hanson?05:10
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kanzurefaceface: wait, i thought you asked me for his email address?06:49
kanzureheh bre pettis should hold a "make off" competition06:55
kanzureopenpcr.org has raised $6.8k07:30
uniqanomaly_kickstarter ftw!07:31
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kanzurewell, i don't think they have built anything yet07:32
kanzureso it's kind of like, "woo money"07:33
kanzurenot so much ftw07:33
kanzurethey haven't even designed it yet07:33
uniqanomaly_well, i was talking just about idea of kickstarter :P07:36
uniqanomaly_we'll see about outcomes07:37
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kanzureandrew talking on synthetic biology at singularityu.org 07:41
kanzurewhere did the paste go07:42
uniqanomaly_"Use of LSD-25 for Computer Programming"07:48
uniqanomaly_considering that, illegal drugs are just pathetic07:48
uniqanomaly_considering scientific/technological progress07:49
kanzuresomeone needs to combine http://www.youtube.com/user/singularityu#p/u/2/15sh05wrQ6Y with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQq_XmhBTgg07:50
kanzureheh a youtube video combiner would be pretty neat in general actually07:52
kanzureor just one for "combining a given youtube video with timothy leary's 'how to operate your brain' video"07:52
uniqanomaly_i guess Timothy Leary totally overdosed lsd, much more than once07:54
kanzurei was just making fun of ray's video :)07:55
kanzureand his monotonous tone07:55
uniqanomaly_oh, ok:)07:55
uniqanomaly_i was thinking rather about BCI + 'using your brain' cocktail ;)07:55
uniqanomaly_totally agree, Kurzweil's not a showman ;)07:56
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]08:02
Utopiahuniqanomaly_: have you checked http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?tid=10550&ttype=2 ?08:03
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uniqanomaly_Utopiah, yeah, i've heard about it08:05
Utopiahbut it's 5 years old now08:06
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kanzurecan anyone figure out where the constructor for Model on line 251 of OpenCASCADE6.3.0/ros/src/XSControl/XSControl_WorkSession.cxx is defined?10:32
phrykkanzure: Shouldn't a quick grep with -d recurse help?10:38
kanzureit's a few hundred megabytes of source10:39
Utopiahgrep with -d recurse on just *.hh files? (or whatever their format)10:40
kanzure// gka TRJ9 for writing SDR for solid10:41
kanzurewth kinda comment is that :/10:41
kanzureUtopiah: can you read french-written C?10:41
kanzure//Transfert non protege (ainsi, dbx a la main en cas de plantage par Raise)10:42
kanzurealthough it's not really saying much10:42
timschmidtkanzure: why are you spelunking in OpenCASCADE?10:42
timschmidtit's non-free10:42
kanzurei know :)10:43
kanzurei was curious about how they are doing their read/write operations10:43
kanzureit's ridiculously complicated10:43
Utopiah~ //Tranfer non protected (therefore, dbx done by hand if it crashes by Raise)10:43
kanzuredown the rabbithole: http://designfiles.org/lab/opencascade/step_export.notes.txt10:46
kanzuretimschmidt: ^10:46
kanzurei'm up to IFSelect_ReturnStatus theReturnStat = TransferFinder in XSControl_Controller.cxx10:50
kanzureit looks like they try to do this mapping from their internal representation of the model to whatever the target format is10:51
kanzureand that's what the Transfer_Finder and Transfer_FinderProcess stuff is10:51
kanzurebut when i go down that rabbit hole, it never seems to lead to RWStepShape or STEP_Controller or anything like that (where the actual STEP definition is)10:51
kanzure(like for individual vertices and other primitives)10:52
uniqanomaly_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSgiXGELjbc :)10:53
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kanzure// Un Modele d`Interface est un ensemble ferme d`Entites d`interface : chacune11:00
kanzure// est dans un seul modele a la fois; elle y a un numero (Number) qui permet de11:01
kanzure// verifier qu`une entite est bien dans un seul modele, de definir des Map tres11:01
kanzure// performantes, de fournir un identifieur numerique11:01
kanzure// Il est a meme d`etre utilise dans des traitements de Graphe11:01
* kanzure wonders how Matra Datavision hired people.. maybe by roulette?11:01
uniqanomaly_perhaps it's just definition for needs of this particular project, little different than broadly known terms?11:11
uniqanomaly_just a thought11:12
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kanzurewhat was the difference between TopoDS and TopoDS_Shape? blah11:50
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kanzurewoo down the rabbit hole12:05
kanzurei think this is the goods: STEPControl/STEPControl_ActorWrite.cxx12:05
kanzurein particular STEPControl_ActorWrite::TransferShape12:10
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-!- uniqanomaly__ [~ua@dynamic-78-8-88-153.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has joined #hplusroadmap12:22
kanzureo wait, RWStepAP214/RWStepAP214_ReadWriteModule.cxx looks much more interesting (especially when you go through the file searching for instances of something like VertexLoop)12:22
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kanzurepcb design tutorial http://alternatezone.com/electronics/pcbdesign.htm12:24
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kanzurelooks like AHS is moving out of AHS13:05
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kanzurere: our questions about STEP and parametric constraints13:54
kanzurei wonder who spent all that time making those .gif images for the different APs14:10
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uniqanomaly__http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9SNSPUWnTs LOL14:37
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pmetzgerNot much traffic this evening I see.15:38
kanzureooh, pyExpress15:46
kanzureoh, that looks like a conversation i started15:56
kanzuresilly me15:56
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-133-254.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap15:57
pmetzgerwhat is EXPRESS?15:58
pmetzgerhrm. okay, why do you need a data modeling language?16:00
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kanzurepmetzger: i'm writing a python CSG/solid geometry modeling API16:14
kanzurei'm thinking of using NIST's SCL library to generate some C++, and then wrap that up with swig16:14
pmetzgerK.I.S.S. in my opinion16:14
kanzuredo you use .step files?16:15
pmetzgerhave no idea what .step is. :)16:15
kanzuredo you know what solid geometry modeling is16:15
pmetzgermost certainly. used it for feeding inputs into ray tracers in the old days.16:15
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kanzure../../../src/clstepcore/sdai.h:358:1: error: pasting "::" and "Application_instance" does not give a valid preprocessing token16:48
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:57
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:01
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:03
* kanzure is trying to fix some old school C17:04
kanzurethe line: extern SCLP23(Application_instance) NilSTEPentity;17:04
kanzurethe error: error: pasting "::" and "Application_instance" does not give a valid preprocessing token17:04
uniqanomaly__http://www.hurr-durr.com/ yay17:06
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pmetzger:: is not a C token.17:12
pmetzgerbut anyway, if you do cc -E you can look at preprocessor output.17:13
pmetzger(I think it is -E, it has been a while.)17:13
pmetzgeryes, -E17:13
kanzurehrm i need to go digging through the make file17:14
kanzureactually, this is through the configure file17:15
kanzurefor some reason they are compiling stuff in th configure script?17:15
pmetzgerconfigure always compiles stuff.17:15
pmetzgerto find out what features the OS supports.17:15
pmetzgertest programs of various kinds.17:15
kanzureyeah but it's compiling project-specific files17:15
pmetzgerthat's more unusual.17:15
kanzuredownload: http://www.mel.nist.gov/msid/scl/scl3-2.tar.Z17:16
pmetzgeroh, my. buzzword overload!17:16
kanzurecomparatively, this is way better than steptools.com17:16
kanzurein terms of buzzword overload17:17
pmetzgerThe only thing that gave me hope was seeing Don Libes' name mentioned halfway down.17:17
kanzureyou know the name?17:17
JayDuggerHeh...the laity of the cult of the amateur now loots government resources? ;P17:17
pmetzgerbut it was only mentioned as the author of one small thing17:17
kanzurenah he also did development on the project overall17:18
pmetzgerDon was quite famous in certain circles.17:18
kanzurefenn apparently knows josh lubell (another one of the developers)17:18
kanzureor doesn't know him, but hears of him a lot17:18
pmetzgerdon created Expect.17:18
kanzureyeah, the names on this project seem to be like that..17:18
kanzurea few emc2 developers too17:18
pmetzgerExpect is a tool of great power.17:18
kanzureoh, the "expect this input" tool17:18
kanzurei've used it :)17:18
JayDuggerYes, we used that at a former employer.17:19
pmetzgerExpect scripts ran half the routers on the net for a while.17:19
kanzureCFLAGS=-E make default17:23
kanzurewell that didn't work. hrm17:23
kanzureaha, not as one of the CFLAGS17:24
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kanzureYACC: command not found17:25
kanzurei'm pretty sure i have yacc installed :/17:25
kanzurebut why would it be trying to call it in ALL CAPS17:26
kanzureoh they want it as an environmental variable? wth kinda config script is this17:26
pmetzgerYACC is a variable to Make.17:32
pmetzgerand you don't want to run CFLAGS=-E in the makefile, that would clearly fail.17:32
pmetzgerwhat are you trying to do exactly?17:33
pmetzgerwell, YACC is *probably* a make var in this context, but...17:33
ybitkanzure: what is this 'taper' you mentioned as an insufficient hardware license in your talk?17:34
ybiti'm going to be giving a talk on the rise of citizen science @ a TEDx that i'm organizing and gave my aunt a preview this morning. her concern was licensing of some of this stuff, so i figure it makes sense to hit on licensing in the talk17:36
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pmetzgerbb tomorrow17:40
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kanzureybit: TAPR17:44
ybiti've largely ignored most talks on patents, but it is a relative concern for others it seems 17:47
parolangSomehow I have a harder time taking people seriously when their avatar has a Matrix Code backdrop :)18:03
QuantumGwe're stuck with the iconology of our time18:05
parolangHah, okay :)18:06
JayDuggerNo. We've all of history too. Picking a set of icons communicates, just as the icons themselves signify certain things.18:06
JayDuggerThink of American evangelical Christians, who use the fish logo. Recycled from early Christians.18:07
JayDuggerYou can pick anything you like. Picking the code drizzle from recent popular culture means something different from picking Monet's "Water Lilies."18:08
parolangWell, The Matrix's "digital rain" was actually a neat idea; it was meant to represent the combination of nature with technology.18:10
parolangYou see this theme all the time in The Matrix trilogy.18:10
parolangBut I don't think everyone who splashes the matrix code gets this.18:12
JayDuggerA false signified? 18:12
parolangNot sure, I suck as semiology :)18:12
JayDuggerNo worries. It and semantics both matter where I work--not that most of my co-workers realize it. :)18:13
parolangThe odd thing, from a transhumanist perspective, is that science-fiction is generally hostile to h+--*especially* The Matrix movies.18:14
parolangWhat do you do?18:14
JayDuggerI work on flight simulators: machines that simulate aircraft for the sake of training flight crew to handle emergencies.18:15
QuantumGfuturistic sci-fi is necessarily wrong18:15
parolangSci-fi is never meant to be prophecy.18:15
parolangJayDugger: Yep...semioitics :)18:15
JayDuggerException: Lem, S. "One Human Minute." That borders on satire, however.18:16
parolangI've read and am impressed with C.S. Peirce.  Haven't read much Saussure(sp).18:16
QuantumGone of the reasons why I'd love to see more alternate history sci-fi.. it's less likely to appear outdated after only a few years18:16
QuantumGfor example, I'd love to see a sci-fi series about what colonizing the oceans would be like if we had started in the 70s.  Surface, not underwater.. screw you Seaquest.18:17
parolangDunno, here's Captain Picard's iPads: http://days.illuminous-avantgarde.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/picard-padds-513x366.jpg18:17
parolangI liked SeaQuest :)18:18
QuantumGand he has the facial expression of most iPad users18:18
parolangWhat facial expression is that?18:18
QuantumGforced smile18:19
parolangI didn't see the smile :)18:19
parolangBut...I just hope that desktops and laptops won't be wiped out by the onrush of tablets.18:20
parolangI don't think they will be though...tablets will just, finally, become a viable form factor, which is a net win I guess.18:21
parolangQuantumG: Oh...sorry, I didn't realize that was your post/avatar.18:23
* parolang feels like a jerk.18:23
parolangWow, I suck.18:24
QuantumGhehe, no worries18:28
QuantumGI know its cheezy18:29
parolangFor what it's worth, I think the post itself is interesting :)18:29
parolangI didn't know you were part of OpenCog.18:29
QuantumGI did some dev.. tried to get them going in a sensible direction.. gave up when the leadership was just completely absent and everyone was more interested in talking about how to optimise stuff when they hadn't even figured out how to make it work yet.18:30
JayDuggerQuantumG: Have you read Keith Cowen's "After the Software Wars"?18:31
parolangEarly optimization is the root of all evil.18:31
parolangOr something like that :)18:31
QuantumGKeith Curtis?18:31
QuantumGand no, I haven't read it18:32
QuantumGlooks interesting though18:32
JayDuggerIf you've read it, or if you know of him, I'd like your opinion on its worth. 18:32
JayDuggerI read fast, but that just means I have to limit what I read.18:33
JayDuggerThe range of what I could read is larger than the range of what deserves reading--and great literature takes work.18:33
parolangOkay...some stupid speculation about strong AI.18:34
-!- Noahj [~noa@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:35
parolangBut has anyone considered that one way of considering strong AI is as a program that modifies itself?  Yeah, I know that sounds lame, but there's more to it.18:35
QuantumGmost everyone :)18:36
NoahjI'm sure someone has 18:36
NoahjI'm assuming by "considered" you mean "attempted to implement"... um... ed.18:36
parolangYeah...I realize that everyone has thought it.18:36
NoahjThat one quine page had a self-modifying one, I think, my memory might be faulty though18:37
parolangBut, what I'm trying to get to is that you consider the AI as a program that modifies itself, but you start with the human being modifying the program.18:37
parolangThe programmer develops better and better tools for automating, analyzing, and synthesizing the program.18:38
parolangUntil eventually the programmer takes his self out of the picture entirely, and leaves the program towork on itself.18:38
NoahjI guess if program analysis were that far it'd be strong AI! 18:38
NoahjPrograms are pretty bad at finding bugs in themselves though 18:38
NoahjAnd I bet bug-finding modules are even worse at finding bugs in themselves18:39
QuantumG"strong AI" to me is just masturbation.  Either it can do the tasks I want it to do or it can't.18:39
parolangNoahj: Well...depends on what kind of bug.  There are different kinds of bugs.18:39
NoahjRather, if there's a bug in your bug-finding module you've got to have a bug finding module bug finder to find that bug 18:39
NoahjI'm pretty sure masturbation isn't strong AI18:39
NoahjBut perhaps I'm mis-implementing it18:39
QuantumGtrue, you can define masturbation18:40
parolangNoahj: Which is why your referencing "quines" earlier hits the nail on the head.  It's very much a quine-like difficulty, but since quines are possible, a bug-finding module is also possible.18:40
NoahjI'd say if it doesn't do what you want 18:40
NoahjIt's strong AI18:40
NoahjOtherwise, it's weaker than you are, for submitting18:41
Noahjhttp://www.nyx.net/~gthompso/quine.htm < this -the- quine page (apparently)... 18:41
Noahj*scans for self-modification*18:41
parolangNoahj: Yeah, I've studies that, and other quine pages online.18:42
NoahjThe polyglots are arguably kinda similar...18:42
NoahjExcept instead of languages A and B it's languages A with bugs and A without :-p18:42
parolangThere are a ton of ways of approaching the problem of AI, this is just one that I thought interesting.18:42
parolangNoahj: Well...I think we would need to be more specific about the *kind* of bug.18:43
parolangBut generally, a program can be defined by what constitutes failure (defining the program negatively).18:44
parolangA bug is when a program fails when it isn't supposed to fail, or succeeds when it isn't supposed to succeed.18:44
NoahjSo if you had a specific set of bugs which outputs a working program 18:44
parolangLike how a search program fails if it doesn't find what it is searching for.18:45
parolangBut...there's probably another layer of bugs, and that's when a program's definition doesn't meet it's intent.18:46
parolangThe program might work entirely in the way it is defined, but it doesn't perform the way the programmer intended the program to perform.18:47
QuantumGSoftware Wars is about free software18:47
parolangThe program's definition is basically a concept, and the programmer is trying to find the appropriate concept to meet his requirements.18:48
parolangIt's conceptual analysis...something philosophers have been doing since Thales.18:48
parolangBut for strong AI, we need the program to do the conceptual analysis.18:49
QuantumGthe AI section of Software Wars amounts to:  here's an example of something great that has been achieved in AI, where's the code?  locked in a vault.18:50
kanzurewow most boring backlog ever 19:00
parolangWhatever.  Back to lurking.19:01
kanzureBookmark and Share Scheme for Computing Carbon Weight (footprint) for Manufactured Products Project http://www.nist.gov/mel/msid/dpg/sccwmp.cfm19:04
kanzurehaha why does nist.go have a "bookmark and scare" widget :/19:04
kanzurenist is going "social"11one19:04
kanzureImpact of Energy Measurements in Machining Operations http://www.nist.gov/customcf/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=905594 (pdf)19:05
kanzuremanufacturing animations http://www.mel.nist.gov/msid/avi_downloads.html19:07
kanzurethese should be on youtube19:07
parolangActually, I should take a hint.  Take care fellas.19:07
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JayDuggerDon't search "NIST" on YouTube. You'll get a lot of 9/11 conspiracy theorists.19:09
kanzuredid nist.gov somehow plan/coordinate the attack?19:09
JayDuggerSure. At the behest of Skull & Bones, Mossad, and to fulfill the ancient prophecies that were handed down by the survivors of the exploded planet through the ancient Egyptians through the Masons.19:11
JayDuggerI could tell you how, since that came up at my last union meeting--back when I worked for MAJESTIC.19:12
JayDuggerConspiracy theories make good entertainment, but that's about all.19:12
kanzure40 MB but 29sec video showing an assembly line for a table saw http://www.nist.gov/msid/transfer/AVI_downloads/bdda.zip19:13
kanzurebut the assembly line is not actually shown, just parts flying around everywhere19:14
kanzurefor some reason it wouldn't run in mplayer19:14
JayDuggerwget or curl to get the videos, something like that commandlinefu to upload to YT?19:15
jrayhawkcclive works pretty well for youtube19:15
jrayhawkand vimeo19:16
JayDuggerTime to commute. I have a 23andMe report, plus H+ transcripts to read at $DAYJOB. 19:18
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.19:18
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jrayhawkoh, wrong operation, sorry19:23
kanzurewtf how do you force wget to ignore robots.txt19:28
jrayhawkthere's a hidden option19:28
kanzureit's not in the man pages19:28
jrayhawkthus the definition of "hidden"19:29
kanzurei feel bad since i'm raping archive.org but it's for only a handful of files..19:29
kanzureeach which are pretty small19:29
jrayhawkarchive.org didn't feel guilty about it when they did it19:29
kanzureyes but i also don't have balls of steel (archive.org spidered those away from me too)19:30
jrayhawkclever bastards19:30
kanzurebut i'm pretty happy about this19:30
kanzurei <3 nist19:30
kanzureeach of these folders would cost me $300+ from ISO or ANSI19:31
jrayhawkba ha ha that's fantastic19:32
QuantumGkanzure: "Thanks for your comments.  I think we're getting closer to this every day.  Keep tuned."  and that's how you tell a crazy person to go away. Ask Andrew about this skill.  :)19:33
kanzureactually, a lot of his emails to me are like tha--19:33
jrayhawkI guess the wget developers make it difficult to find that robots option in order to decrease the likelihood that wget gets specifically banned19:33
kanzurejrayhawk: you mean the user agent string?19:33
kanzurewho the hell uses the default user agent string19:33
jrayhawkreally they should just alter the user string when they're executing with -e robots=off19:34
jrayhawkand then, you know, document that functionality instead of making you search mailing lists and FAQs and shit19:35
QuantumGI was about to say, that's the option they don't advertise on the man page19:35
kanzureis there a --suck-ass=off option?19:35
kanzurethe web needs a deragotory proxy for .deb packages19:36
QuantumGwhat's annoying is how poorly documented the dont-download-the-shit-I-already-have option is.19:36
kanzurereplacing every option with terrible puns and phrases that make your grandma puke19:36
QuantumG-N Turn on time-stamping.19:37
kanzurehaven't heard of that one19:37
jrayhawkbasically every gnu utility needs a --suck-ass=off19:37
QuantumGoh, thanks for that, what's that mean?  I know, I'll search for -N on the man page19:37
QuantumGWhen running Wget without -N, ...19:37
QuantumGok, no help there19:37
kanzurehave you tried reading the source19:38
QuantumGWhen running Wget with -r, but without -N, ...19:38
QuantumGWhen running Wget with -N, with or without -r, the decision as to19:38
QuantumG           whether or not to download a newer copy of a file depends on the19:38
QuantumG           local and remote timestamp and size of the file.  -nc may not be19:38
QuantumG           specified at the same time as -N.19:38
kanzureoh fooey19:38
QuantumGhehe, I guess if you want to know *how* the decision is made, read the source.19:39
kanzurethis isn't going to work19:39
kanzurewget -m -np http://web.archive.org/web/20030216045110/www.nist.gov/sc4/step/parts/ --user-agent="blah" -e robots=off19:39
kanzurebecause the timestamp changes19:39
kanzurei guess i could do /web/*/blah/blah/blah and hope all of the files are in the index (?)19:39
kanzurebut archive.org switches from /web/*/ to some other weird shit in that situation19:39
kanzure(i.e. for pagination it changes from * to 1_tjoi3rj130_2)19:39
jrayhawkevery BSD utility needs a --punching-user-in-the-face=no19:39
kanzureand a --also-get-me-booze19:40
QuantumGsince when do BSD utilities understand long style options? :)19:41
kanzuresince they stopped sucking butt19:41
kanzurehm it occurs to me that QuantumG won't get that19:41
kanzureany ideas on my wget dillema?19:42
jrayhawki think the concept of sucking butt transcends all cultural boundaries19:42
QuantumGsorry, what are you trying to do?19:42
kanzureQuantumG: i want to download all this shiz: http://web.archive.org/web/20030216045110/www.nist.gov/sc4/step/parts/19:42
jrayhawkusing --continue is usually what i do to avoid all this timestampt-brokenness nonsense19:42
QuantumGjust wget -r it19:43
kanzureyes but i don't want the parent directories19:43
kanzurei do wget -m -np (mirror, no parent)19:43
QuantumGI don't think wget will do the parent anyway19:43
kanzuresadly, when the timestamp in the url changes, that qualifies as a parent19:43
jrayhawkyes it will19:43
QuantumGso wget -r -np doesn't do what you want?19:44
kanzurebecause of -np19:44
kanzurei need a conditional -np i guess?19:44
QuantumGsorry, why doesn't -r -np do what you want?  19:45
jrayhawkoh i see, you want some of the files from different timestamps19:45
kanzure-np stops it from downloading the files19:45
kanzurebecause archive.org has the files linked together in weird, weird ways19:45
kanzurelike sometimes it goes back into the future and downloads them19:45
kanzureso it has a different timestamp19:45
kanzureand thus it's a different parent directory to wget19:45
QuantumGoh.. I see19:46
QuantumGyeah, you're screwed19:46
QuantumGok, do an exclusion on the dir you don't want19:46
kanzurewhich is /web/ ?19:46
kanzurebut all this stuff is technically on /web19:46
jrayhawkalternatively, you can work out what timestamps you have to worry about, and symlink those to .19:47
QuantumGwget -r -R 'http://web.archive.org/web/20030216045110/http://web.archive.org/sc4/step/' http://web.archive.org/web/20030216045110/www.nist.gov/sc4/step/parts/19:47
jrayhawkand then use --continue19:47
QuantumGthat should do something interesting19:47
kanzureQuantumG: no, that doesn't account for the timestamp problem..19:47
kanzurelookie at the url19:47
QuantumGyeah, you're not doing -np19:48
QuantumGyou're just rejecting that one url19:48
kanzureyes but during all those downloads archive.org will link you to some stuff on web.archive.org/web/ anyway19:48
kanzureand some other stuff19:48
kanzurei think i'll have to write a little script in perl/python/ruby real quick19:48
kanzurei have a list of timestamps that are relevent19:49
kanzure"acceptable" timestamps i suppose19:50
kanzuremaybe this will be better? http://web.archive.org/web/*/www.nist.gov/sc4/step/parts/*19:50
kanzureand each of the files have a link like this: http://web.archive.org/web/*hh_/www.nist.gov/sc4/step/parts/expressx/19:50
kanzurewhich is then the selection page for which timestamp you want19:50
* kanzure just tries -r and sees what happens..19:53
kanzure"a standards document.  However, ISO has made a specific exception for the 20:01
kanzureEXPRESS listings and will allow them to be freely available for DIS, FDIS, 20:01
kanzureand IS documents. These files are available for distribution without 20:01
kanzurecopyright restrictions (see SOLIS).20:01
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kanzurehi Alystair 20:07
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kanzureegeste: i just want you to know20:39
kanzureif i ever make another computer club20:39
kanzureit's totally going to be the cha0s computer club20:39
AJollyLifeim pretty sure that names taken :P20:40
kanzureno no, it's chaos computer club20:40
kanzurecha0s is my cat20:40
AJollyLifeaw. why are you getting rid of your cat?20:41
kanzurethat was egeste20:45
jcluckit's your cat, now20:46
kanzureguys this wasn't the most complicated joke ever20:46
kanzureegeste gave me a cat20:47
kanzurei have cat now20:47
kanzurethe name of the cat is cha0s20:47
kanzurecha0s computer club :/20:47
genehackercat wearable computers?20:48
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Alystairwhy anyone would get a pet is beyond me D:21:10
jcluckI want to get a frilled dragon :o21:11
genehackerI for one want some pet bacteria cultures21:11
genehackerthat produce useful proteins21:12
genehackerpet bacteria weren't excluded from my apartment lease either21:13
QuantumGI have two pet fish that chase each other when they think no-one is looking.21:13
kanzuregenehacker: yes but neither were humans21:13
genehackerthey were21:13
genehackerI'm not so sure I'm going to keep bacteria as pets21:14
genehackernot without any containment failure self-destruct device that's for sure21:14
AJollyLifemeh, i like pets, i just travel far too much to make it easy21:14
jcluckkeep some yogurt as a pet21:14
genehackeryogurt bacteria aren't the model bacteria21:15
QuantumGyeah, I looked at automatic fish feeders and they all suck.. I tried to make my own and rediscovered how much I suck.21:15
genehackerhow do they suck?21:15
Alystairthe trick is not to own fish21:15
Alystairget a mantis shrimp instead21:15
jcluckthey're the model bacteria for f'n eating!21:16
kanzurea friend of mine owns a fucking octopus21:16
kanzureme, i want a shark21:16
kanzureat the hackerspace21:16
jcluckeat ya pets21:16
Alystairthe coolest of all crustaceans21:16
QuantumGgenehacker: not hackable, not reliable21:16
Alystairkanzure: octopus have a lifespan of about 2 years tops21:16
genehackerdouble redundancy FTW21:16
Alystairat least they are pretty smart21:16
Alystairanyway check em' out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantis_shrimp21:17
Alystairneither mantis nor shrimp!21:17
genehackerkanzure would you want that one shark that has optical cameouflage?21:17
Alystairhas the worlds most complex eye21:17
genehackerit harbors glowing bacteria21:17
kanzurewhich shark has cameouflage? the t-head?21:17
genehackerit hardly looks like a shark21:18
kanzurei was reading an infrared fluorescent protein paper the other day21:18
* kanzure wants a high-infrared fluorescent protein21:19
genehackerwhy high infrared?21:19
kanzureto get information out of the skull21:19
kanzureat about 10 micron wavelengths the skull starts acting as a waveguide21:19
genehackeremit light in the infrared range?21:19
kanzurethere's one that is "low infrared" (less than 1 micron)21:19
genehackeremit light when excited by infrared?21:20
genehackeryou'd need reverse fluorescence to do that21:20
kanzureno, the excitation is something else21:20
kanzurei should check this21:20
kanzureyeah, so it's not the excitation part21:21
kanzurejust hook up some calcium trigger or something21:21
genehackerwhy do you want to go through the skull like that?21:22
genehackerjust pipe in an optical fiber21:22
kanzurewhat was that optical fiber BCI name? it wasn't "EPOC" (that was the Emotiv crap)21:23
genehackernever heard of anything commercial21:23
kanzureit wasn't21:26
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AJollyLifethis is totally tooting my own horn, but I really like some of my photos from h+23:16
AJollyLifenot all posted yet23:18
AJollyLifethe ones from the first day are, i'm looking through the day2 photos now, and will upload them overnight :)23:18
AJollyLifebut they will be here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/ajolly/sets/72157624141398171/23:19

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