
--- Day changed Tue Jun 29 2010
kanzurecarbon hype! http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2010/d1s1-3-andrew-hessel.html00:20
kanzurechoo-choo! let's all get aboard the carbon express.00:21
genehackerdiamond train?00:30
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Alystairhm this is unhealthy01:41
Alystair55 hours with no sleep so far01:41
Alystairmaybe I should pass out01:41
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kanzurebiocurious on makezine http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/06/biocurious_a_hackerspace_for_biotec.html04:21
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:58
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phrykMorning to you, too.07:14
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kanzurepmetzger: how did the meeting go last night07:37
pmetzgernot bad. Went through chapter 1.07:37
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kanzure"citsci genomics study"08:15
kanzure"am looking for someone to find articles on Biohacking and home biology labs. "08:16
kanzuresomeone is hiring someone to find articles for them?08:16
kanzurebut what about: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F08:16
streetyfairly standard for the spam blogs08:17
streetypay someone in a developing country to write low quality but 'unique' posts and then throw up advertising and wait for the long tail search results08:18
pmetzgerI'm really worried about all that infosmog eventually fucking the net.08:21
pmetzgerluckily google seems to rate such things very low.08:21
streetyIt depends a lot on the query.  Clearly they receive enough visitors for the site to be profitable on average08:24
kanzurepmetzger: you know about 'autoblogs'?08:25
pmetzgernot under that name, but I can guess what they are.08:25
pmetzgerscrapers + publish = make a few pennies here and there.08:26
pmetzgerand reduce the quality of information on the network.08:26
pmetzgerI had a friend who made a few hundred k a year for a couple of years gaming google before google figured it out...08:26
kanzurebasically what some of them do is scrape the google.com/trends site and then find blogs that have that content08:27
kanzurethen you ride the spike for 'trending topics'08:27
kanzureof course, there are others that just scrape rss feed data from whatever sites the spammers are targeting08:27
streetybonus points for automatic domain registration, automatic customisation of templates etc08:28
* kanzure nods08:28
kanzurei cry a little bit every day for knowing any of that.08:28
pmetzgerand then archive.org preserves the crap forever.08:30
pmetzgerI hate spammers of all sorts. Sigh.08:30
kanzuremaybe i should throw up some kickstarter projects08:38
kanzureand then throw money at the projects08:38
kanzureto artificially inflate their popularity?08:38
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streetywhat sort of fees does kickstarter charge?08:42
streety5% apparently which isn't too bad08:43
streety1-2% above credit card fees08:44
streetycatch you later08:45
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kanzure"where is diybio right now?"09:03
kanzure"somewhere between the kitchen and the garden"09:03
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JayDuggerGood afternoon, everyone. See you all this evening.09:28
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kanzure"And an FDA devices DIYBio meetup on Thursday the 24th" anybody have the details on this?10:29
bkeroEverybody's going to show up and get V&'d for being POTENTIAL BIOTERRISTS10:30
genehackerFDA and DIYbio?10:30
kanzurefederal death administration10:32
kanzureor is it fascist death administration?10:32
genehackerfascist death administration10:33
genehackeraccording to some rightwing radio personalities I think10:33
kanzurehttp://www.meetup.com/BioCurious/calendar/13781670/ 10:33
kanzure"The Business of Drug and Device Development - regulation and approval essentials10:33
kanzure"The Business of Drug and Device Development - what you need to know about regulation and the approval process "10:33
kanzurehost: srihari yamanoor10:34
kanzure"As an entrepreneur, one of the most important balls you will juggle will be regulation. As you get more serious about your endeavor and seek funds you will notice that investors and others will seek out your "regulatory plan". It is key to develop a thorough understanding of the regulatory process, what the FDA looks for, and the strategies companies adopt to ensure as smooth an approval process as possible."10:34
kanzure"The class will discuss the approval processes primarily focused on drugs and medical devices. We will talk about the different stages of the approval process involved in therapeutics. This will be followed by a discussion on medical device approval process. We will discuss the various classes of medical devices, how to determine the classification of your device.10:34
genehackerit's long and arduous10:34
kanzure"Frequently, your devices and drugs will go through clinical trials in Europe, Mexico and other locations. We will discuss the need for this, how to initiate clinical trials in these locations, and how to work with the FDA throughout the process to ensure that the trials meet the standards for safety and effectiveness, essential for approval."10:34
kanzurethis is pretty crazy10:34
kanzurewhy is this being hosted at biocurious10:34
bkeroAll natural10:35
kanzurewhile i fully support proper device testing, why not just make it a kit for a device instead of selling the device10:35
kanzurelet the person who sells the fully assembled device bare the cost of FDA nonsense10:35
genehackersomeone managed to pass off potassium dichromate as a supplement10:36
genehackerresults weren't pretty as potassium dichromate is an excellent oxidizing agent10:36
pmetzgerDIY and regulation are not very compatible.10:36
pmetzgerthe whole diy spirit is to play with things without spending much cash.10:37
genehackerI got some books for you10:37
pmetzgertry to innovate in a lightweight way.10:37
pmetzgergenehacker: what sort of books? :)10:37
pmetzgerI own too many books. :)10:37
genehackerengineering books10:37
pmetzgerOOOH! :)10:37
AJollyLifewhat is this "too many books" you speak of10:37
pmetzgerNo, seriously. I live in a 900sqft apartment, and every wall is bookshelves.10:38
kanzurehmm derek jacoby is at singularity university10:38
pmetzgerAnd I no longer have space on said bookshelves.10:38
pmetzgerjacobi you mean?10:38
pmetzgerThe last time I re-orged the books to fit, I took about 20 book moving boxes down to the used bookstore to sell and I didn't notice the change in the size of my collection.10:39
kanzurepmetzger: no, it's Derek Jacoby <derekja@gmail.com>10:39
AJollyLifei guess i can understand that.  i have been trying to shift more to e-books where possible10:39
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bkeroAJollyLife: epub? :310:44
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AJollyLifebkero: mostly. i've got a nook, and it works quite well with epub10:45
kanzuregah i need to keep 'ryan bethencourt' and 'ryan ogle' separate in my mind. ogle is the one who runs genoblasts.com, right?10:45
bkeroAJollyLife: I went the nook route as well.  Have you had much luck converting PDFs?10:45
AJollyLifebkero: try calibre, but i usually dont bother with pdf's on the nook10:45
AJollyLifethere is also a nookdevs channel :)10:46
bkeroI have a 10 gig PDF collection.  ePubs are harder to come by10:46
bkeros/come by/pirate/10:46
leptonI just got a Hanvon N516 and I'm running openinkpot on it10:46
leptonI'm pretty happy10:46
leptonThough it's PDF display is very so-so10:46
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leptonNot as good as my old Booken Cybook 3, 10:46
AJollyLifeits not as nice as my old irex illiads, but more durable10:47
leptonI've had moderatly good success converting my PDF library (for novels, not journal articles) into epub10:47
bkerolepton: how much did you pay for it if you don't mind me asking?10:47
leptonI used calibre for the conversion^10:47
AJollyLifethe nook wifi only is only $!5010:47
leptonI'm thinking about CNCing an aluminum replacement for it's plastic body10:47
bkeroNook with 3G is only $200 :P10:48
leptonI know! That's what made me decide to get an ebook again10:48
AJollyLifemeh, i would have bought the wifi only one if I had a choice10:48
leptonBut the n516 seemed nice to mee10:48
bkeroI'd have paid the $150 too, I paid $260 instead for the 3G10:49
leptonI almost went with the nook... I had hoped openinkpot would do better with PDF's than the nook10:49
leptonbut I don't think that's the case10:49
bkeroNook PDF problems are entirely the screen10:49
bkeroThat screen doesn't look much better :/10:49
AJollyLifeits not high enough resolution really10:49
genehackerdon't use aluminium, it has no fatigue limit10:50
genehackerand thus will develop random fractures over repeated load cycles10:50
bkerogenehacker: What's a load cycle in the context of an ebook reader?10:51
genehackerbeing jostled around in a backpack10:51
bkeroIt's very hard to quantify that into cycles :P10:51
genehackerthere are ways to make reasonable guesses10:52
genehackermy laptop has undergone sufficient load cycles that it has developed fatigue cracks10:52
genehackerreasonable guesses are what they use to make sure airplanes don't fall out of the sky10:53
bkeroSure, but they usually base that off empirical evidence10:53
leptonbkero: it's actually pretty easy to calculate10:57
leptonYou're right about that as aluminum's failure mechanism, but that's pretty trivial for something like an ebook reader, imo10:57
leptonCompared to plastic with an ebook screen, if a machine out an aluminum case, I'll be better off :)10:58
lepton*eink screen10:58
AJollyLifethe smaller size ebook readers are not too bad, but I had two illiads die on me :(10:59
leptonMy cybook died pretty quickly (6") from me accidently sitting on it11:00
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bkeroI really want an eink screen in a laptop11:04
bkeroSince all I use a laptop for is firefox and a terminal, I think I'd be alright11:04
AJollyLifehmm. not sure if there is a vnc client yet for the nook11:04
AJollyLifethere is a vnc server..11:04
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bkeroNook is a bit too sluggish running android for something like that to be very usable11:05
bkeroI still think that the browser is a joke11:05
AJollyLifeim pretty sure the eink refresh rate is slower than the hardware11:05
leptonI've found that openinkpot seems to hang if I press a button while the screen is refreshing11:06
leptonWhich is sad, I don't have having to reset the device twice in one coffee shop sitting :/11:06
leptonThat disrupts my smug sense of satisfaction about running open software on all my devices11:06
AJollyLifeim fairly happy with my nook11:06
bkeroI've only had a single hardware problem with it11:07
bkeroThe side buttons for page flips11:07
bkeroPlastic is a bit too brittle, it cracked on one side.11:07
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AJollyLifebkero: go tell b&n they will replace it11:21
bkeroAJollyLife: Really?11:21
bkeroIt's pretty small, almost trivial.  I can only see it if I look at the side while I press the button11:21
AJollyLifebkero: yeah, you are not the only one to have that problem11:22
bkeroThey'll just replace it?11:22
bkeroWell shit11:22
AJollyLifeyeah, i was not going to bother, then someone in the nookdevs forum said they had the same issue11:22
bkeroI can do it in person?11:22
AJollyLifeim hoping they fixed it with newer revisions11:22
AJollyLifedont know about that11:22
AJollyLifebut if you call b&n they will ship you a new nook, and you just pack up your old one and send it back, they pay for shipping11:23
AJollyLifeso the only annoyance is having to resoftroot your nook11:23
AJollyLife(assuming you softrooted it)11:23
bkeroI haven't softrooted it even11:23
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* bkero has to go for lunch, but I'll continue this dialogue11:24
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pmetzgerif one has a CNC and can machine aluminum cases for one's e-reader, then even if they crack, one can machine a new case at will. :)11:41
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AJollyLifebut the real danger is the screen getting damaged11:44
AJollyLifenot the case11:44
pmetzgerfor me the real issue is that I only care about 8.5x11 PDFs in practice.11:49
pmetzgerI want an e-reader that does *that*. :)11:49
leptonThat's what I'm wanting, too11:52
leptonWhy bother having a library of 10,000 technical papers, when you can't take them anywhere without a laptop or way too much paper11:53
pmetzgerMaybe a commercial screen and laptop in a custom case....11:53
pmetzgerI take my laptop everywhere anyway.11:53
pmetzgerthe problem for me is only that the laptop is too distracting and consumes too much power.11:53
AJollyLifepmetzger: this is why i usually bring my netbook to conferences11:56
pmetzgernetbooks are too small for me.11:57
pmetzgerMy hands cramp.11:57
pmetzgerand the screens are tiny.11:57
pmetzgerI use a 17" MacBook for a reason...11:57
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AJollyLifeyeah, netbook is for travel/conferences12:00
pmetzgerI carry the 17" laptop everywhere. I have a backpack with a special pocket for it from Tom Bihn.12:01
AJollyLifei <3 my tom bihn bags12:01
pmetzgerI never see any reason to use another machine EXCEPT that I'd like a lightweight thing with O(24h) battery life and no function other than reading ebooks to keep me from getting distracted while reading.12:02
pmetzgerto avoid continuous partial attention in other words.12:02
AJollyLifei <3 my nook for travel, and it also fits nicely in my blazer pocket12:06
klafkaAJollyLife, tom bihn bags are awesome12:09
pmetzgertoo small for my technical PDFs, UI isn't great, proprietary interfaces.12:09
pmetzgerbut I do like the general idea of the nook and kindle.12:09
AJollyLifeklafka: pmetzger: i own two tom bihn bags12:09
klafkai've never known anyone else to know about them12:10
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klafkai have the brain bag12:10
pmetzgerthe one is generally enough for me. I can put two days of clothes and my tools in it and go.12:10
klafkayeah i can fit a bunch of clothes + laptop + cables12:10
pmetzgerI have a brain bag + snake charmer for my cables.12:11
pmetzger17" brain cell.12:11
klafkaaah i should get a snake charmer thing12:11
pmetzgerand a freudian slip for my notebooks etc.12:11
AJollyLifeive got a brainbag and a....um12:11
AJollyLifei had a braincell then lost it in india12:12
pmetzgerI sometimes think about getting a scott evest.12:12
AJollyLifei have a brainbag and an aeronaut12:12
AJollyLifepmetzger: ive had lots of scottevests12:12
AJollyLifeim wearing one right now12:12
AJollyLifeid have more but my stupid ex'gfs dog ate them12:12
AJollyLifeer. actually, i should say my ex gf's stupid dog.12:12
AJollyLifepmetzger: every year they have an anniversary sale, around the start of the year. wait for then for the best deals12:13
pmetzgerproblem is, I don't need one enough, and in the summer they're probably too hot, at least in NY.12:14
AJollyLifei would not pay full retail...and you could easily wear the lighter ones in nyc12:14
AJollyLifeI mostly wear mine indoors here in florida12:14
pmetzgerI think you may have different standards for the temperature range you find comfortable.12:15
AJollyLifeprobably, im usually cold12:15
pmetzgerI'm generally too warm except in quite frigid temperatures.12:15
klafkahmm i've never heard of these before12:15
klafkathe first and only line of ipad compatible clothing12:15
AJollyLifeive been wearing them for 5 years or so12:16
klafkado they have weather ratings on them?12:16
AJollyLifeso convenient12:16
AJollyLifethey have a page someplace showing which ones they suggest for what sort of weather12:16
pmetzgerphotographers vests are another option I've considered but they're less attractive.12:17
klafkathe cold of rochester ny is far more severe than most hoodies can ahndle12:17
AJollyLifepmetzger: it depends what you want to use them for, depending on the model you can get some really nie scott-e-vests12:18
AJollyLifemost of the models i really liked they dont sell anymore though :(12:18
klafkathey are wicked pricey12:19
AJollyLifeklafka: i would not pay retail for them, their best sale every year is the anniversary sale sometime near the start of the year12:19
klafkawise man12:20
kanzureweird scipy 2008 animation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnaF24aVWTE12:36
kanzurei'm looking over old slides to scipy conferences12:44
kanzurein general the slides tend to suck12:44
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kanzureand there doesn't seem to be any videos on the net12:44
kanzureany suggestions for how to do the presentations tomorrow?12:45
AJollyLifekanzure: what are you trying to do?12:46
kanzurewhat? i'm trying to prep for a good presentation :P12:47
kanzurei'm presenting on pythonOCC and datapkg12:48
AJollyLifegood books on slide development include slideology, and presentationzen12:48
kanzurego look at the scipy2008 slides (linked above)12:49
kanzureit doesn't look like the audience is going to be happy with slides without ridiculously long blocks of text & code12:49
pmetzgerdoing a good presentation is mostly a matter of having done a lot of presentations and having seen a lot of them. it is hard to teach.12:49
AJollyLifekanzure: thats not a presentation, thats a document12:50
kanzurewell how do these technical conferences work anyway?12:50
kanzureare you supposed to present code and best practices, or just pictures and rhetoric?12:50
kanzurei presented at texas linux fest earlier this year, and it went over mildly okay12:50
kanzurebut i have a feeling i should have been more technical12:51
kanzureseeing as how the people in the audience /built/ debian and the kernel..12:51
kanzurethe people in my audience are probably core python devs and swig devs12:51
AJollyLifeyeah, really depends on teh audience. at the least you need the more technical info available12:51
kanzureah here's a presentation from pycon08 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR3rIVLjA-U12:53
leptonI really like your "pull a debian on physical objects" line (I'm sure I'm misquoting)12:55
leptonThat's a good one to throw out12:55
kanzureit only works when people have used debian12:56
kanzurewhich is like 0.00001% of the target audience12:56
kanzureor something12:56
kanzurelepton: btw, skdb development is going to kick back up again once i finish with this damn pystep minilibrary thingy12:57
leptonYeah, I gues the Linux Fest is really the ideal for those sorts of comments12:57
kanzureto be honest i didn't get a /ton/ of feedback from the linux fest audience12:57
kanzurei got about 5 people interested and talking with me12:57
kanzurewhereas hplus summit was more like 15 to 25 follow-ups12:57
AJollyLifeh+ was a very engaged crowd12:58
kanzurethe linux fest seemed to be more focused on "year of the desktop" 12:58
leptonNice to hear on skdb dev12:58
kanzurecommits have been dwindling, if you haven't noticed ;)12:59
leptonWe're pretty interested in trying to integrate some of our projects into skdb as test runs, or such12:59
leptonHaven't noticed12:59
leptonI've had my head stuck in EMC2 land for the past month12:59
klafkawhat does "pull a debian" mean12:59
kanzurefor now the skdb workflow looks like: start a .git repository -> commit your designs (hopefully in openscad or pystep, or at worst STEP/IGES but not STL) -> define "interfaces" on the devices13:00
kanzurethe interface definition is so that we can do assembly CAD13:00
kanzurelike linking up two different CAD objects at their two specified interface vectors13:00
kanzurei.e. a screw in a hole..13:00
kanzurealso, just so that you can yell at me later13:04
kanzureone of the recent 'additions' that hasn't been really an addition is the acceptance of stub packages13:04
kanzureso that we can do dependency resolution even without having those dependencies resolved.13:04
kanzurei.e. here's a lot of stub packages: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/thingiverse/thingiverse_packages/13:04
kanzurealso while i'm at it13:05
kanzurei need someone with a makerbot or reprap to really ride my ass about hooking up skdb to a 3d goo squirter13:06
kanzurei.e. to demonstrate an apt-get-then-build-it-for-realz-yo workflow.13:06
cluckjthat would rule13:08
kanzureklafka: "pull a debian" means that we use package maintainers to offset the pains of users. do you use apt-get?13:09
fenni love how one of the features is 'nonradioactive' http://usa.hanvon.com/e-book_reader/196.shtml13:09
klafkakanzure, no i don't use any debian based OS atm13:10
kanzuremaybe there was a radioactive book reader in the past13:10
klafkabut i am familiar w/ it13:10
kanzureand everyone got cancer in the eye13:10
AJollyLifeim hoping what they are trying to say is they use nonemitting screens13:20
fennwow the nook is only 480x144?13:20
AJollyLifeim sure its more than that13:20
AJollyLifethe eink side is 800x60013:21
fennoh it has multiple displays?13:21
AJollyLifei think you mean the lcd part is only 480x14413:21
AJollyLifeit has a top eink screen, and a bottom touch sensitive lcd screen13:21
fennoh, right, so i can see the fancy book cover art P13:21
fenn"i hope you werent planning on imagining the main character as other than the hollywood interpretation"13:22
fenni love how it was 1984 that Amazon deleted remotely.. almost makes you wonder if it was some kind of prank13:27
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kanzurefenn: any last minute suggestions for my pythonOCC talk and datapkg talk?13:48
kanzurepythonocc talk is 20min, datapkg is 10min13:48
kanzureoops, pythonocc is 15min13:48
kanzureoh it's at the at&t building at utexas.edu, convenient.13:49
fennis pythonocc actually pythonic yet?13:51
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fenni.e. does it segfault if you forget to intialize some thingybopper before using it13:52
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kanzurefenn: thomas and jelle will tell you to look at Level2API.py but it sucks.13:52
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kanzureso, no13:52
kanzure*so, no, it's not pythonic yet13:53
fennmakes me wonder if they arent better off using cython13:53
fennswig is just such a pain in the ass13:53
kanzureis my usual talk style sufficient for a python conference?13:56
kanzurebased off your "extensive" viewing experience at python conferences :P13:56
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kanzureso, since i'm going up to singularity university14:15
kanzurei was wondering if anyone has suggestions14:15
klafkayou should try and get them to ascribe to some sort of plurality14:16
kanzurefor things to pitch and propose that won't become victim to "falling behind the curve"14:16
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kanzuredef update_parameters(self):14:29
kanzure    super(self.__class__, self).update_parameters()14:29
kanzuream i doing it wrong? that produces a max recursion depth reached error14:29
kanzurei just want to call the super's update_parameters() as if i was making an instance of whatever the super is14:30
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kanzureweird, i don't think it's really calling the super.14:35
kanzureer, getting the parent class i mean14:35
pmetzgerWho is paying your way to S.U.? It is insanely expensive, right?14:37
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kanzurepmetzger: yes, it's insanely expensive14:38
kanzureandrew hessel is paying.14:38
kanzurethis is andrew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niQ0kkgPxJk (also, this is a good intro to synthetic biology)14:38
pmetzgerpaying personally?14:38
kanzuredunno, should i ask? is that something that uh.. that i should ask?14:39
pmetzgerI'm guessing not...14:39
pmetzger(that is, I'm guessing he isn't paying personally.)14:41
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klafkakanzure, oh you're like going to attend the college14:51
klafkanot just going to visit14:51
klafkaor what have you14:51
* kanzure nods14:51
klafkais it a degree granting institute?14:51
klafkaare you doing the graduate studies program?14:53
kanzurei think so, yes14:53
kanzurei'm definitely not doing the executive thing :P14:53
pmetzgerkiind of weird calling it a "university" when it is really a conference...14:53
pmetzgeror something like a conference really.14:54
kanzurenobody would pay $25k to go to it14:54
kanzurepmetzger: it's basically peter diamandis rackeetering again14:54
kanzurehe also did 'space university'14:54
leptonThe university monkier does seem to be a poor descriptor14:56
klafkakanzure, what track are you gonan do?14:56
leptonand the pricing does seem rather ludicris14:56
kanzureklafka: i think you're allowed to do everything14:56
klafkai've never heard of these guys in the biotech/bioinfo 14:56
kanzureyeah they have a pretty weak biotech program14:57
klafkalol "future studies and forecasting"14:57
kanzurei know andrew, ray, aubrey14:57
klafkawith KURZWEIL14:57
kanzuredaniel is doing 'cure together' .. surely there's more high class individuals to invite14:57
kanzureand one guy in 'developmental biology' lawl14:57
bkeroAJollyLife: yo14:59
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kanzurerandom mention of "bio-hacking" http://www.archadia.nl/?p=13415:32
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jrayhawkwords inappropriately prepended by "clue" are bad enough, making a domain and book out of one is just begging not to be taken seriously15:41
jrayhawkre: cluetrain.com15:41
kanzurethat's some backlog, sir.15:44
jrayhawkYeah, sorry, forgot how scrolled up irssi was.15:45
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kanzuregenehacker: i'm presenting tomorrow on campus in the at&t building at 12:30 or something.15:48
kanzureon pythonocc15:48
kanzurepython + CAD15:48
genehackerI going on a tour of the UT powerplant at that time15:49
leptonpythonocc woo woo!15:49
lepton*goes back to work15:49
genehackerI have to model it15:49
jrayhawkStill, it's creepy to take nascent youth culture from Usenet circa fifteen years ago and pretend that it's paradigmicly fresh today. I wonder if self-promoting hacks will be coopting 4chan memes fifteen years from now.15:50
jrayhawkI should try writing a book applying Kibology to corporate management.15:50
kanzure4chan: the next corporate management sparadigm shift15:51
kanzure"every corporation needs an internal 4chan board system"15:51
kanzuresparadigm? wtf15:51
jrayhawkthe anonymous posting of ideas is important15:51
jrayhawkespecially goatse15:52
genehackerhmmm.... let me see here15:52
kanzurejrayhawk: every once in a while a corporation needs an enema to make sure everything is flowing correctly15:52
genehackerwhere's my corporate management bullshitting framework15:52
kanzuregenehacker: sorry, you're already living it15:53
jrayhawksometimes the ass-end of the org chart needs to just let loose on the face of management15:53
kanzurei forsee thousands of poorly photoshopped images of corporate executives getting bum raped15:54
jrayhawksounds like somebody needs to put on his clueshoes and go out to his cluecar and drive out the the cluestore and buy a 12-pack of clue15:57
jrayhawkyeah, that's right, i went there15:57
jrayhawkre: sparadigm: i didn't think you were that poor, dude :(15:59
genehacker4chan corporate management system leverages anonymous content posting with memetic propagation to enhance workforce performance16:01
AJollyLifebkero: whats up?16:02
bkeroI dunno16:02
bkeroNook stuff16:02
genehackerdoes the nook have free 3g internet?16:04
genehackerholy shit that's awesome16:04
genehackerno download caps?16:05
AJollyLifebkero: genehacker: no it does not :P16:05
bkeroAJollyLife: new android web browser app on the nook allows me to browse the web over it16:07
AJollyLifebkero: thats over wifi, not 3g.16:08
bkeroAJollyLife: The original browser is over wifi, a stock android web browser can get data over 3g16:08
AJollyLifeyes, if you replace the sim card with your own sim card16:08
genehackerso no free 3g then16:09
AJollyLifeotherwise the existing sim is fairly locked down to bn stuff16:09
bkeroI put my nook sim into a G1 and was able to poke around on the internet with it16:09
AJollyLifei mean, you are free to hop over to #nookdevs and ask there16:09
bkeroHad to go through a B&N proxy, but it worked16:09
AJollyLifewha? interesting.  hop over to #nookdevs and tell some other people? I had not tried it myself, but I was told it was quite locked down.  i mostly bothered with reversing the drm myself16:11
genehackerso you figured out how to get free data over 3g?16:11
kanzurefenn: did you know about this? http://toddhuffman.pbworks.com/16:11
kanzuredesigning a path to organism emulation http://hplusclub.com/tucson/presentation20071116/16:12
bkeroI'm working on data over 3g16:13
kanzureThe Arrest of Biological Time as a Bridge to Engineered Negligble Senescence http://www.annalsnyas.org/cgi/content/abstract/1019/1/55916:13
kanzureSelective Attention Affect Human Brain Stem Frequency-Following Response http://www.neuroreport.com/pt/re/neuroreport/abstract.00001756-200304150-00015.htm16:13
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kanzurewhile googling around for some stuff for my pystep file16:49
kanzurestalk: Tom Thurman16:50
kanzurestalk: Lothar Klein16:50
kanzurestalk: Giedrius Liutkus16:51
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kanzureweird. DIMENSIONAL_SIZE in AP214 is one of the few STEP entities with a constructor with a first parameter that is *not* the name (that's the second parameter, in this case)16:56
kanzurehm.. http://www.wikistep.org/im/index.php16:56
kanzureprobably useful: http://www.wikistep.org/index.php/A_single_Piece_Part16:57
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kanzurehttp://www.steptools.com/support/stdev_docs/express/ap203/html/t_cc_de-06.html guh what a class name "cc_design_person_and_organization_assignment"17:01
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bkeroecho index|nc ponderosa.osuosl.org 7017:14
bkeroHell yea, GOPHER!17:14
fennhaha 'Yes, dear. But how will I "motherstalk" you if you're not on facebook?'17:19
AlystairI read that wrong17:47
AlystairI thought motherstalking was instead of adding your victim you add your victims mom17:47
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:04
ybithi JayDugger18:14
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drazakkanzure: did you take any math notes in mathematica?18:56
kanzureno, never19:04
kanzurei tried latex once, but it failed19:04
kanzureso i just did a simple html-based markup with <sup> and <sub> and such.19:04
cluckjso did my mom19:05
* cluckj rimshot19:05
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fennwoah, here's a question for the diybio people: why do my brussel sprouts taste like horseradish after sitting in the fridge overnight?19:26
cluckjare you eating them cold?19:30
cluckjsometimes refrigerating veggies changes how they taste19:39
cluckjtry letting them come to room temperature19:39
drazakkanzure: I'm going to try it for a few days19:40
drazakkanzure: if it doesn't work well I'll give up19:40
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kanzure      ...    Step File Reading : /home/kanzure/code/pystep/sphere_attempt.step20:28
kanzure    ****    StepFile Error : At line 11, parse error    ****20:28
kanzure      ...    STEP File   Read    ... 20:28
kanzure   39 records (entities,sub-lists,scopes), 82 parameters20:28
kanzureReport : 27 unknown entities20:28
kanzureanything look fundamentally wrong with the file? http://designfiles.org/~bryan/sphere_attempt.step20:29
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kanzureupdated graph: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/2009-07-01_to_2010-06-29.png20:40
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fennLengthMeasure isn't capitalized20:48
fennare you using any validation tools?20:51
kanzureno. just loading it up into opencascade20:52
kanzurei get a parse error on each line that begins with #20:53
kanzuresemicolons are required20:53
kanzurewell that didn't fix it.20:54
kanzures/"/'/g fixed a lot of the errors20:55
kanzureand replacing 'e' with 'E' on line 28 fixed up another error20:56
kanzurenow i don't get any parse errors but i only see:20:56
kanzureReport : 16 unknown entities20:56
kanzurei think line #20 needs some work20:57
kanzurehm.. that didn't do it21:00
kanzureif anyone is interested21:00
kanzurei run this, fix the newline errors surrounding the numbered lines, throw it into a .step file21:01
kanzurethen i open up heekscad and load in the .step file, and see the generated errors in the console (the opencascade output)21:01
kanzurethen i tweak the .step file until it seems like it's working21:01
kanzurethe file that step.py generates should be a simple sphere in heekscad21:01
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kanzureaww shucks22:03
kanzure"Presentation will be made by Bryan Bishop, one of the advanced and most experienced pythonOCC users."22:03
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fennwho knew22:14
* ybit wiggles22:15
kanzure"hurrah we can get it to not crash immediately!" --> most experienced user22:15
ybitdata logging in the mtm machine... hrm..22:16
fennfwiw, the general rule of thumb is, "if you're using metaclasses, you're doing it wrong"22:16
kanzurefenn: any ideas for a visual representation of b-rep? for csg there's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Csg_tree.png22:16
kanzurei guess i can just list out elements of a b-rep data structure (shell, loop, surfaces, faces, edges, vertices)22:18
fennmaybe something from http://opencascade.blogspot.com/2009/02/topology-and-geometry-in-open-cascade_12.html or http://opencascade.blogspot.com/2009/02/topology-and-geometry-in-open-cascade_27.html22:19
fennfor example you'd explain why a sphere has an edge, if you know :)22:19
fennbut i think the cylinder pic shows how it's two circles and a warped rectangle22:19
fenner, cylinder pic: http://opencascade.blogspot.com/2009/02/continued.html22:20
kanzurehm i don't know why the sphere has an edge, actually. is it the seam of the surface wrapping back on itself?22:20
fennmaybe show just the yellow lines22:20
fennyeah it's the edges of the surface that's wrapped around spherical space22:21
kanzurehow is the rectangle 'warped' in the case of the cylinder?22:22
kanzureyou mean warped around the base circle's geometry?22:22
fennmaybe better illustration http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/~perronnet/mit/shapes.gif22:23
fennin the cylinder, it's a surface transformed into a spherical manifold...22:23
* kanzure is listening to http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/search/songs/?query=dj%20kewlaid%20berry%20blue%20vocal%20trance%20mix%2000422:23
fennif you use a diagonal line it turns into a helix22:24
kanzurei am now addicted to grooveshark.22:24
* fenn listens22:24
kanzurehow is that a 'better' illustration :P22:24
fennmore 'stuff'22:24
kanzurethese are python programmers, not perl monks22:25
kanzurethey can only tolerate so much22:25
fennand it shows vertex, edge, shell, solid22:25
ybitfenn: nice diybio email :P22:27
fennor you could do something like http://www.kxcad.net/autodesk/Autodesk_VIZ_Help/graphics/il_nurbs_sweep2.jpg22:27
kanzureman, this would be much easier to show with a demo22:34
fennmore nurbs http://www.nakl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~masuda/top_images/cmp.jpg22:37
fennthe last two together explain the concept nicely22:45
fennthis is kinda cool for a flash toy http://www.neuroproductions.be/uploads/blog/examples/nurbs1/NurbsTest.swf22:48
kanzureguess i'm back22:48
kanzurekxcad.net is the retarded brother of xkcd.com22:48
kanzurealso, /sleep22:50
drazakkanzure: do you think it would be useful to post calc notes somewhere on the internet23:09
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