
--- Day changed Thu Jul 01 2010
Alystairit was covered in the paper, basically the new strain beats the pants off the old one00:03
fennwell, i havent read the paper00:03
Alystairit was made specifically to make the mouth inhospitable to other types :)00:03
fenn*cough* link *cough*00:03
AlystairI rather blow this right open00:03
fennJeffrey D. Hillman of the University of Florida College of Dentistry in Gainesville?00:03
Alystairgot the paper up00:03
-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: kardan, ToyKeeper00:03
fennwhy the hell am i using firefox00:03
Alystairuse Chrome00:03
fennchrome is annoying too00:03
fennit used to be that konqueror was fast, i dont know what happened00:03
kanzureuzbl? :/00:03
-!- Netsplit over, joins: ToyKeeper, kardan00:04
Alystairhttp://www.probiora3.com/ <- notice S. Mutans is missing from that list00:05
kanzurewow what a fucking clusterfuck http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/treder20090807/00:05
kanzurewho writes this shit?00:05
fenn"After entering a special mode (via keyboard shortcut) each link in the viewport  may be selected through an assigned key (0 through 9) or alternatively by typing a string from the link text that is long enough to unambiguously identify it" hmm no thanks00:05
Alystairkanzure: halp, how can I genetically modify mouth flora in my own home? :(00:05
fenna half hour ago i was searching for the link to carolina biological's demo transfection kit00:06
AlystairI don't know any of this fun lingo guys00:06
fennbut firefox threw a hissy fit and i got distracted00:06
fennhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfection http://www.carolina.com/product/life+science/biotechnology+kits+%26+materials/transformation+and+advanced+techniques/green+gene+colony+transformation+kit+student+teach.do?keyword=gfp&sortby=bestMatches&page=100:07
NoahjMidori's pretty fast00:08
NoahjAlthough it's really just a fancier gtkmozembed00:08
kanzureAlystair: use a dictionary.00:09
NoahjBut with webkit instead of gecko00:09
Alystairok ok jfgi I get it00:09
kanzurefor basic definitions? sounds reasonable to me..00:09
AlystairI was in agreement, didn't mean to sound mad about it :p00:10
fenni used to have a decent "dictionary" shell script00:11
fennthen m-w.com decided to be annoying00:11
NoahjI just use dict00:11
kanzureme too00:11
Alystairoh wow his work is listed in Wikipedia now :|00:11
fennhuh i thought that was for foreign language stuff like japanese00:12
AlystairI take it all back00:12
fennit's in wikipedia so it's not bleeding edge enough for you?00:13
fennok "dict" definitely does not do what I want00:14
NoahjIt outputs definitions when you give it a word 00:14
fennfirst of all, it's really fucking slow00:14
fennsecondly it outputs pages and pages of crap when all iwanted was like a one sentence definition and maybe a synonym or two00:14
NoahjI've got the server locally00:14
NoahjIt only grabs stuff from the dictionaries I have installed on my machine 00:14
NoahjWhich is just gcide and the thesaurus 00:15
fenni guess i'll just scrape http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Atransfection00:16
Noahjhttp://shadow.eas.gatech.edu/~anewman/classes/Intro_Unix/define.html here's one00:17
NoahjIt wants lynx though00:18
Noahjprobably not hard to use curl or something instead00:19
fenni'll feed the kitty what it wants00:21
NoahjAlso, on fast browsers again 00:23
NoahjMidori's nice if you want old-konqueror speed and new webkit 00:23
NoahjBut Bryan's opera is pretty tricked out 00:24
NoahjIt's my fave for tab and session management 00:24
fenni want dillo speed and css, fuck the rest00:25
fennoh, i guess javascript would be nice too00:26
NoahjHave you tried links2-graphic?00:26
NoahjI like it a bit more than dillo 00:27
NoahjI haven't used dillo since 2.0 though 00:28
NoahjIt had better ssl support 00:28
NoahjThat's about it, though 00:28
fenni didnt really give links2 a chance since it seemed more like a dancing bear than a real browser00:28
fenn"Dillo-2.0 received a 115 EUR donation from  distrowatch!"00:29
fennmy god where are all the speed hungry billionaire internet surfers00:29
NoahjOh, and links2 is supposed to have javascript00:29
NoahjThey probably just go buy a faster net connection and more computing00:30
fennwhile i'm making outrageously mundane demands, where's my zooming user interface?00:31
fenni need it to control my jetpack00:31
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NoahjI hit ctrl+alt+ + 00:33
NoahjTo zoom00:33
NoahjBecause I remembered that X does that and wanted to see how smooth it was 00:33
NoahjAnd crashed my X server 00:33
fennthat's not what it means00:33
NoahjIt changes the resolution, I know00:33
fenni mean that's not what zui means00:34
NoahjThis is a distinct thing from being able to zoom in anywhere with the scroll wheel the way some apps will let you00:35
NoahjWhere the concept is that everything's all in one screen and you zoom in to particular things 00:35
fennthere's no such thing as an "application" only different data modifiers00:35
NoahjPanning seems like it could get kind of boring, though 00:36
NoahjI'd like some way to hop specifically to something at a really high zoom level 00:36
fennof course00:36
NoahjWhich would probably end up being keyboard shortcuts again, or search00:36
fenni've never actually used one so i dont know what idioms they've come up with for search00:37
NoahjKDE 4.1 seems to have a ZUI00:39
fennno it just makes things bigger and smaller00:40
NoahjThe ZUI for youtube looks like a cool way to crash my computer00:47
NoahjWow, it actually does a nice job of multiple videos 00:48
fennyeah that kind of thing is just a simple GL texture map00:50
fennit gets harder when you want to dive into a 4000 page reference manual00:50
NoahjI like search as a user interface, conceptually00:53
NoahjAll this zooming and panning is kind of tiresome00:53
NoahjThe easiest way to get what I want from a reference manual is going to be to search for relevant keywords or synonyms of keywords, I think, more than zooming 00:54
NoahjI'm installing KDE 4.4 to try it 00:55
NoahjMaybe it's cool and useful, I haven't used KDE since 3.5 00:55
NoahjAlso, going to sleep 00:55
NoahjGoodnight, fenn 00:55
Noahjor whatever time it is00:55
fennengelbart had the right diea01:03
fennbasically, infinitely expandable table of contents01:03
fennof course you get stuck in the multiple possible categorizations trap, but whatever, at least it gets people thinking about it01:04
fennwould be nice to have a -1 and -r options like sort and tail01:08
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fennmidori is not particularly fast, based on my rigorous seat of the pants testing regime01:22
fennand it has this annoying framebuffer bug when you scroll01:23
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fennpool playing robot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMx1xW2E4Gg01:34
fennbah. i'm pretty sure ubuntu just deletes all your firefox bookmarks every time it 'upgrades'01:55
fennwell at least i backed all that shit up 01:56
fennheh "Streptococcus uberis"02:00
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jrayhawkRe: fast browsers: try out hv3 sometime.03:43
jrayhawkRe: features: Kazehakase is kindof interesting on the rare occasions that it works. It has embedded Ruby scripting and interchangable rendering engines.03:44
jrayhawkBut yeah, Opera is pretty much always going to be king of the hill in terms of features.03:44
jrayhawkuzbl and vimperator are good if you have a window manager that isn't awful at managing windows.03:45
bdeskknuth is trollin http://omploader.org/vNHN0dw04:13
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kanzurehttp://func.med.harvard.edu/ "A website for the browsing of quantitative gene function predictions, gene function linkage predictions, and the evidence behind the predictions."08:24
uniqanomaly__http://func.med.harvard.edu/human/genes/list_functional_scores/161509 yay08:26
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kanzurehttp://www.adaptcongress.com/ large personalized-medicine conference10:13
kanzurevirginia? wtf10:14
kanzure$2k? wtf10:15
uniqanomaly__everything costs $ -> everyone wants $ -> everything costs $ ...10:21
kanzureguh? http://antiagingtech.info/ "Here you will find all sorts of anti aging information, including topics like New Technology Relevant to Anti-Aging and DIY (do it yourself) Anti Aging Tech Project"10:35
kanzurelooks like spam to me10:35
kanzure"hi tech" ugh10:36
kanzure"medium tech project ideas: Write software for biology, chemistry, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence."10:36
kanzurehttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/13/business/13sing.html?_r=1&pagewanted=5  "... a former research manager at Amgen drops this quote: "I know in 10 years it will be a junior-high project to build a bacteria.""10:39
uniqanomaly__i doubt about it, last time i checked high school was about much totally basic crap10:46
uniqanomaly__doubt it * :f10:47
kanzurepresident's council on bioethics meeting to discuss synthetic biology http://bioethics.gov/meetings/070810/10:49
uniqanomaly__"responsible manner", question is: will they outlaw it ;f10:52
uniqanomaly__kanzure, don't you have impression sometimes that 'ethics' is kinda nonsense religion and is vastly slowing down progress?10:55
kanzureuniqanomaly__: only sometimes ;)10:55
kanzuremost people do not make "ethics" a practice of sensemaking10:56
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558942.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]10:56
uniqanomaly__just like most of religious people ;)10:56
kanzureuniqanomaly__: the reason i mentioned it was because it's something going straight into the ear of the president10:56
uniqanomaly__just wondering ;)10:57
kanzurehttp://www.personalizedmedicinecoalition.org/ looks like a "write to your congressman" thing? 11:00
kanzurevarious meetups http://www.personalizedmedicinecoalition.org/programs/overview.php11:00
uniqanomaly__heh, i've read some time ago that they want to outlaw direct genetic testing, that you should be permitted to do genetic testing via physician :F11:04
uniqanomaly__whatever, we'll find out soon11:05
kanzuremeetlog.txt needs a way to better identify groups of people11:09
kanzureinstead of adding individuals to the tag list11:09
kanzurei guess i can add a 'group identifier' and just make up a tag name that i hope is unique and otherwise irrelevant11:09
uniqanomaly__kanzure, btw are chan logs available somewhere? :P11:12
bkerokanzure: ping11:16
uniqanomaly__he'll be back11:26
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ybituniqanomaly__: http://gnusha.org/irclogs.txt11:50
uniqanomaly__ybit: thanks11:52
ybitnp uniqanomaly__11:53
kanzurejust had a good meeting with a law firm12:00
kanzureabout open source hardware12:00
kanzureit was actually a fun conversation.. they told me i was 'a sharp kid'12:00
kanzure^there's the transcript12:01
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kanzureit sucks that i can't seem to accurately type what i'm saying when i'm talking (because my comments are probably valuable to see what they are responding to)12:05
uniqanomaly__somehow modified 18th century patent/copyright law in 21st century is ridiculous12:26
uniqanomaly__and FDA & drugs probation process12:26
uniqanomaly__imagine nanobots created by AI lets say within next 20 years in a matter of hours and few years of acceptance process12:27
uniqanomaly__as a medical devices12:27
uniqanomaly__so much is just pathetic12:27
uniqanomaly__what i'm i talking about ;P12:28
uniqanomaly__am I*12:28
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kanzurebkero: pong12:35
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bkerokanzure: was wondering if you knew a guy12:45
bkeroDo you know Arthur Breitman?12:46
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kanzurebkero: heh12:54
kanzurepmetzger: hey12:54
kanzurebkero just asked a good question12:54
kanzure14:45 < bkero> kanzure: was wondering if you knew a guy12:54
kanzure14:46 < bkero> Do you know Arthur Breitman?12:54
kanzurebkero: pmetzger knows arthur better than i do.12:55
pmetzgerhey, kanzure.12:55
kanzurebkero: why? what's up?12:55
pmetzgerI know Arthur.12:55
bkeroWas adding a coworker at Mozilla on LinkedIn, and I saw she was already 3rd-connected to me12:55
bkeroThrough kanzure, then Arthur12:55
bkero(she = romanian girl)12:56
kanzuredamn romanians12:56
kanzureer, i mean, cute12:56
egestethe only thing i know about romania is "numa numa:12:56
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kanzure"the Orphan Drug Act, which basically says that there's a lower standard of evidence for drugs that treat rare diseases."15:21
kanzurehi Lentur 15:21
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kanzure"I believe the story of Lipitor involved Pfizer not being interested, followed by the creation of a startup around it's further development with the company eventually being bought by Pfizer. It then became the top-selling branded pharmaceutical in the world [1]. I guess the world just needs more dreamers like these people."15:27
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jrayhawkHave you talked to folks at the FSF about the open patent pool concept?16:05
kanzurei don't think i know anyone there who would listen to me.16:06
ybiti'm not so sure anyone @ fsf cares16:06
jrayhawkI know you tried to talk to someone from the SFLC on one occasion.16:06
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pmetzgerI was talking to someone at SFLC last night. :)16:06
pmetzgerWe had dinner.16:07
pmetzgerI mentioned hardware licenses to him.16:07
jrayhawkEben Moglen seems to be a reasonably clever mind.16:07
jrayhawkOh, right, he heads the SFLC, durrr16:07
kanzurepmetzger: did you see the link i dropped earlier today from my chat with some lawyers?16:08
kanzureunfortunately i can't seem to simultaneously (1) think of something clever to say in response to a live conversation, (2) say it, and (3) type it down word-for-word16:09
kanzureas a result, my comments and long-paragraph-diatribes are not included in that document16:09
jrayhawkI assume you mentioned that IBM lawyer's clever bastardry involving allowing members of the pool to use other member's patents defensively.16:10
kanzureoh fooey, i forgot to add the 'defensively' qualifier..16:11
jrayhawkwell, "defensively" is a non-sequiter anyway...16:11
kanzureyeah i mentioned it.. but i forgot to frame it as a tool for defense in patent litigation16:11
kanzurejrayhawk: imho if anyone ends up in a patent litigation trial from any of this, i have failed.16:11
jrayhawkWell, the concern would be submarine patent litigation from outside members.16:12
pmetzgerI thought they'd somehow outlawed submarine patents16:12
pmetzgerby requiring that the term be 20 years from date of filing rather than 17 from issuance.16:12
pmetzgerand by forcing publication of applications etc.16:13
jrayhawkerr, outside agencies16:13
kanzureyes, that's one possible concern16:13
pmetzgerkanzure: submarine patents were an old tactic where you delayed issuance deliberately for years or decades.16:13
kanzurebut you can't make a magical "i won't get sued evar" shield (people can start up lawsuits all the time for any reason)16:14
jrayhawkIt's trivial, especially with software patents being the way they are, that a given piece of hardware and programming that a Gnusha member distributes violates a patent that they couldn't possibly see coming, and, in fact, it's likely impossible to avoid violating some patent somewhere with any significant circuit logic.16:14
pmetzgerso suddenly, after 10 years of using a technology, you discover a patent is issued right then but is fine because it was applied for 15 years before...16:14
jrayhawkSo lawsuits are an inevitability.16:15
QuantumG"submarine patent" these days just refers to someone who doesn't bother suing anyone until the patent is being violated by lots of people with deep pockets.16:15
jrayhawkThe idea is to create incentives for people who bring about lawsuits to settle quickly once they realize the defensive patent pool is actually quite robust.16:15
pmetzgeractual patent lawsuits are very rare.16:15
kanzureone of my goals is to (preferably with the community's help) outline some different scenarios16:15
pmetzgerthe ante in any real patent lawsuit is like $1M in fees.16:15
kanzureand then 16:15
kanzureput a list of expected results at the end of each scenario16:15
pmetzgermostly people settle before litigation.16:15
kanzure"feared consequences: some poor kid gets sued and has to pay up a few mil"16:15
kanzure"situation: someone makes an open source hardware project and patents it"16:16
kanzure"situation: someone makes an open source hardware project and does not patent it"16:16
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kanzurewell i successfully killed the conversation16:18
jrayhawkYou should probably decide if you want to create "patent pool for protecting gnusha projects" or "patent pool for destroying the patent system ostensibly for the purpose of protecting gnusha projects"16:19
kanzurewell, this isn't really for gnusha specifically16:19
kanzureor maybe it could be16:19
kanzurebut that wasn't my original purpose16:19
kanzurei want some framework that i can setup and start using myself and that others can freely copy16:19
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kanzurehow does patent litigation work, anyway?16:20
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kanzureif you have 1,000 patents available on "related" subjects to a trial, and the patent shark just has one, how does that play out :P16:20
jrayhawkusually it doesn't get as far as litigation16:20
kanzurewhat happens before that?16:21
kanzurealso, while i'm at it.. http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Research_Non-Assertion_Pledge16:22
jrayhawkUsually it's Patent Holder: "We have a patent that applies to a product you're making. Cough up money or we get judge to stop you from distributing your product." Potential Licensee: "Let us discuss this with our lawyers." Lawyers: "You're boned." Potential Licensee: "How much would you like?"16:22
-!- AJollyLife1 is now known as AJollyLife16:23
kanzurejrayhawk: i wonder if we could just channel this through some other nation16:23
jrayhawkI guess it's more like Lawyers: "Either you're boned, or you get to pay a million dollars in legal fees for a court to confirm that you're boned."16:23
kanzurelike, if this was a gnusha-only thing, we could do the manufacturing or whatever we want in the u.s.16:23
kanzureand then have a 'patent haven' in china (or something) for some legal purpose16:24
jrayhawkI believe China has intellectual property rules, it's just that local companies can safely bribe their way out of obligations to follow those rules.16:27
kanzurein the case of patent litigation and going to court, there's definitely some issues16:29
kanzurehowever the overall framework hasn't even been built16:29
kanzureso testing its viability in the court of law (even by imagination) seems kind of a waste at this point16:29
kanzurei dunno if the "open source hardware license as a way to sublicense a patent and have the patent holder sign a non-assert" thing should be considered to be on the 'same level' as a non-patent holder who wants to develop and release open source hardware (without having to bother with acquiring a patent)16:31
kanzurebut it would be nice if those two situations are mutually compatible16:31
kanzureand even better if they turn out to be the same legal tool16:31
kanzuresupposedly 'prior art' is the one tool to help tip the balance, but it seems to only be helpful if you're in the middle of a $1M court case16:32
jrayhawkWell, really, this is just covering your ass as a distributor.16:32
kanzurehttp://www.dol.gov/dol/aboutdol/copyright.htm "A patent provides its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling his/her invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States for a limited time. As part of the terms of granting the patent to the inventor, patents are published into the public domain. However, the fact that a patent's description is in the public doma16:34
jrayhawkoh, huh16:35
jrayhawkI guess you'd be safe from *most* patents as a distributor, at least.16:35
jrayhawkI don't see the lawyers talking about what your potential liabilities as an information repository might be.16:37
kanzurei wonder how much the ACLU pays for these cases? http://www.pubpat.org/Protecting.htm16:37
kanzuretrue that16:37
jrayhawkLike how Napster/Limewire/et al weren't actually violating copyrights, they were *conspiring* to violate copyrights and this was somehow just as bad.16:39
kanzurei wonder where the patent law idea of "a patent provides its owner the right to exclude others from making, using ... his/her invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States"16:42
kanzurespecifically the making/using aspect.16:42
QuantumGhave you seen how Monsanto has gone after seed cleaners?16:43
kanzureno, not specifically16:45
QuantumGthey've claiming contributory patent infringement because the cleaners go to no effort to ensure the farmers are not getting them to clean Monsanto seed.16:46
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QuantumGcleaning seed is what you do so you can replant the next season and Monsanto have won cases saying that replanting without a license is patent violation.16:47
kanzurewtf you have to deposit biological materials at the USPTO? http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/documents/2400.htm16:48
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kanzure"Inventions in outer space" http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/documents/appxl_35_U_S_C_105.htm#usc35s10517:02
kanzure"When used in this title unless the context otherwise indicates - (a) The term "invention" means invention or discovery."17:03
kanzurethis would be funny if it wasn't sad.17:03
QuantumGit's kinda like when I learnt that "or" for legal purposes can be read as "and"17:05
QuantumGso be sure to define xor and use it in your legal document :)17:06
kanzure"A product which is made by a patented process will, for purposes of this title, not be considered to be so made after - (1) it is materially changed by subsequent processes; or (2) it becomes a trivial and nonessential component of another product."17:10
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kanzureO_o http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/documents/appxl_35_U_S_C_272.htm#usc35s272 "The use of any invention in any vessel, aircraft or vehicle of any country which affords similar privileges to vessels, aircraft, or vehicles of the United States, entering the United States temporarily or accidentally, shall not constitute infringement of any patent, if ... "17:12
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genehackerthat makes sense17:54
genehackeroh wait17:55
genehackerthat's a great loophole17:55
AJollyLifewhats the definition of temporarily?17:56
AJollyLifethats not a *legal* def17:57
uniqanomaly__http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry/m_en_gb0991090#m_en_gb0991090 ;>17:59
genehackerso one could use a proprietary factory process on a boat, then temporarily come back to shore to deliver the finished goods and pick up raw materials so long as the boat is from another country?18:00
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kanzuregenehacker: no, because there are other sections of the legal code that expressly forbid "imported items" from being immune18:13
kanzure"In the U.S., a patent is a right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale, exporting components to be assembled into an infringing device outside the U.S.,18:22
kanzureimporting the product of a patented process practiced outside the U.S., inducing others to infringe, offering a product specially adapted for practice of the patent, and a few other very carefully defined categories."18:22
kanzure"inducing others to infringe"18:22
kanzure"Thus, merely thinking about an invention, or drawing a diagram, is not an infringement."18:22
kanzure(although wikipedia is not a good source for legal interpretation)18:22
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kanzure"In Grant v. Raymond it was ruled that an insufficient description of a patent was grounds for defense in cases of patent infringement."18:28
kanzure"your description is less detailed than mine *solidworks file*"18:28
kanzurecitation: 31 US 21818:29
fenni wonder if this is for real (automatic cartoonization of photos) http://mywebface.mywebsearch.com/download/index.jhtml18:42
kanzureit's spammed all over the web18:45
kanzurehm.. gmail was done for about 6 hours today, and just came back up for me18:46
kanzurebut i seem to only have four new unread emails18:46
kanzurethat's disappointing.. wouldn't you think they have redundant smtp servers for receiving mail?18:47
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fennhow do i know the name Jef Poskanzer?19:56
fennmaybe nobody could send you mail because they all use gmail19:57
* fenn wonders which scenario is more disappointing19:57
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kanzurefenn: i didn't test whether or not i could send/receive mail through imap or pop320:23
fennthis looks familiar, did someone post this link before? complearn20:42
fenner, http://www.complearn.org20:42
fennwhere is gnusha.org hosted? is there an easier way to grep logs than downloading ~20MB each time to get the most recent logs?20:44
kanzureyeah, you bug me to run a script to split them up :/20:49
fennpopular article how complearn works, what they neglect to mention is that they're using midi files http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn360220:49
kanzurefenn: check http://gnusha.org/logs/ for the individual days (just updated)20:50
fenncan't you run a cron job?20:50
kanzureprobably, but cron and i have never got along20:50
pmetzgerwhat's hard about cron?20:51
pmetzgerput script in file. put line in crontab saying "run script every day at hour X"20:51
kanzureand then it doesn't happen20:52
fennthat's been my experience too :\20:55
fennmaybe something's just broken on davinci20:55
kanzurefwiw gnusha is hosted on jrayhawk20:56
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kanzurelinux brainfart.. what's the cron-like task manager for scheduling one-time programs?21:32
pmetzgerat uses cron.21:35
pmetzgerthe at spooler is just triggered by the cron daemon.21:35
pmetzgerit is easier just to use cron directly.21:36
kanzurei'm writing an auction website21:36
kanzureand need something scheduled to happen for the end of a particular auction21:36
kanzure(like calling a script to send out emails, transfer money from one account to another, do various other illegal things, etc.)21:36
pmetzgerif you're writing something that needs a high volume of timed events, cron isn't appropriate21:45
pmetzgerif you're doing, say, thousands of events an hour.21:45
pmetzgercron is for things like rotating a log twice a dya.21:45
kanzurethis will be arbitrarily high volume21:54
pmetzgerthen you probably need to write a scheduler yourself (which isn't hard -- an easy extension to an event driven core anyway.)22:07
kanzurehackernews delivers: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=148021422:07
pmetzgerthat doesn't seem like great advice there.22:08
pmetzgerif I had to deal with many tens of events a minute, I'd just write the twenty line scheduler myself.22:08
pmetzgerit isn't hard.22:08
pmetzgeryou probably need some massive master server anyway.22:08
pmetzgermore important question: why are you writing an auction site? I thought your life was DIY Transhumanism tech.22:08
kanzurei do lots of weird side projects :)22:09
kanzureandrew was talking about this 'carbon credit auction site' at hplus summit22:09
pmetzgeranyway, this is a pretty trivial thing to write.22:09
kanzureit was supposed to be demoed there, but i crapped on the deadline (meh)22:09
pmetzgeryou probably have some grotesque thing built around libevent anyway22:09
kanzureyeah i agree22:09
kanzurei just needed the right idea22:09
kanzurenah, i'm not using libevent at the moment (also, have never heard of it)22:10
pmetzgeryou add a priority heap sorted on next event22:10
pmetzgeryou're not using libevent? shame.22:10
pmetzgerbest way to write event driven code out there. written by niels provos after I described a proprietary thing to him at the atlanta linux showcase. he duplicated it in quite a hurry. :)22:11
pmetzgerthere's even a set of python bindings given that it is your LoC.22:11
pmetzgeranyway, priority heap as queue, wakup one shot scheduled for next event, you're kind of done.22:12
pmetzgervery little code.22:12
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fenn"the future is a renewable resource"23:11
Utopiahthere is a coffe in Berkeley that had (have?) a 2m high VU-meter of their actual energy consumption and live webpage, ringing any bell?23:19
Utopiahfound it, http://dashboard.berkeley.edu/building/resource/kiosks/fsm_cafe/cafe_explanation.html23:22
fennhow much energy does a 2 meter VU meter use?23:29
fennalos, all i see is some words23:30
Utopiahthey included the VU-meter cnsumption in it yes, they have pics and the online digital version but I don't know where23:30
fennwow what a crap example of django usage23:30
Utopiah(it's to send to http://www.drumbeat.org/project/great-green-open-web )23:35
fennkanzure here is something to do with idle time on your laser cutter http://www.bloxes.com/assembly/23:42

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