
--- Day changed Fri Jul 02 2010
fennfun http://azarask.in/projects/algorithm-ink/#8371e25700:12
QuantumGbest paper I've found on the subject.. pulls together all the Sonter papers and a few others.00:13
fennApp switching can be be modeled with a Markov model. Why not crunch the numbers in real-time and use the output of the Markov model to determine to which app you are most likely to switch?00:35
fennthe old alt-tab alt-tab-tab alt-tab-tab no dammit alt-tab-tab-tab-tab problem00:37
fennpyscript: http://www.azarask.in/blog/post/making-javascript-syntax-not-suck/#00:45
fennprobably a poor name choice, but meh, i like the idea00:46
QuantumGdeliberately abandoning C-like syntax00:47
QuantumGyup, that dog'll hunt.00:47
fenni didn't get that reference00:47
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fennnice, TED has all of their talks listed in a nice format now: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?utm_campaign=ted&hl=en&utm_medium=on.ted.com-twitter&utm_source=blog.ted.com&key=0AsKzpC8gYBmTcGpHbFlILThBSzhmZkRhNm8yYllsWGc&utm_content=site-basic#gid=001:18
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fenngah. jef poskanzer appears randomly again01:32
fenn"a wild jef poskanzer has appeared!" "I choose you, bloxy!"01:33
QuantumG"If everything seems to be going well, you obviously overlooked something." - Murphy's lesser known law.01:36
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* fenn mumbles something about .co domain names02:09
fennthe more i learn about jef poskanzer the more possible contexts arise02:54
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fennmaybe the universe is running out of computational resources and is just compressing away all the nonessential NPC's02:56
fenndavid leadbeater, daniel quinlan, fenchurch02:56
fennoh sorry03:00
fennstalk: david leadbeater, daniel quinlan, fenchurch03:00
fennnon player character, and also, appropriately, non-polynomial complete (computational complexity classification)03:01
phrykisn't everyone or -thing in the universe a player?03:02
fennphryk: that is up for debate, but I may have strayed too far into philosophy already03:09
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phrykmornin, splicer03:14
phrykfenn: that's like the best scam ever^^03:17
fennhard to believe this is all of the html tags: http://acme.com/html_samples.html#index03:18
fennits missing <blink> but i'm not sure that was ever official anyway03:18
fenn<script> and <style> came later03:20
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splicerhi phryk03:59
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splicerA long time ago a some girl made a page in pagemaker and asked me why it looked so bad. It looked bad because pm had added the <blink> tag for no apparent reason. <blink> was ignored by ie but honored by Netscape... bit of sabotage from ms there.04:09
Utopiahhmmm anybody done some SQLite queries with PHP?04:17
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phrykNope, started getting into sqlite + python yesterday, though...04:49
phrykWhat do you need to know, Utopiah?04:50
Utopiahdunno yet, I guess if I just connect to the DB then throw the queries I had before it should work well, was just curious04:51
Utopiahphryk: I often just say what Im doing, nerd stuff, to have feedback/critics/suggestions when the channel is quiet as it's a generalist nerd community04:54
phrykaah ;P04:54
phrykwell the connect function is applied to a file... also i don't know how to password protect them...04:55
Utopiahoften by the time I ask the question I have the answer but... who knowns, could be intersting for others too (hopefuly)04:55
phrykbut apart from that its pretty much just simple sql04:55
Utopiahno pass on Firefox ones04:55
phrykfirefox queries? O_o04:55
Utopiahcf http://fabien.benetou.fr/Events/DrumbeatParis?action=print#VisitedLinks04:56
phrykeven if firefox uses sqlite as appdb, you wouldn't be able to access that stuff from php...04:56
fennUtopiah: would be cool to make an animated version of   like http://acme.com/bart/04:58
fennUtopiah: would be cool to make an animated version of http://acme.com/metro/  like http://acme.com/bart/04:59
Utopiah(wow Im totally in the wrong channel, wth)04:59
Utopiahwell anyway, could be helpfl to others too, point is to track websites you visited during a conference05:00
phrykI think that guy accessed the ff-db locally... So you won't be able to do this from remote places... at least not as long as you don't figure out how to read that file (some js-hack could be possible)05:00
Utopiahthat guy is me so yes it's local05:00
phrykAh okay ;P05:00
fennwhy are you using php?05:01
Utopiahbecause the wiki Im using uses PHP05:01
Utopiah(aka #pmwiki )05:01
Utopiahphryk: I could access it remotly via sshfs but I don't really need that (yet)05:02
fennweird. did i link to yoyodyne?05:02
phrykOkay that05:02
phrykI misunderstood your purpose05:02
phrykI thought you wanted to access the pages your visitors have been to05:02
phryk(which of course is utterly evil)05:03
Utopiahthat's Google and the NSA job  :P05:03
fennUtopiah: look at the demo graphics http://acme.com/java/software/Acme.Psg.html05:03
Utopiahfenn: for online rendering Im more interesting in Processing.JS now05:03
phrykI need to be a superstar...05:04
Utopiahphryk: but yes Im actually considering doing a social version of that so that participants to the conf. can share visited links collaboratively but... poses a provacy issue05:05
fennyou need to fix your ellipses05:05
Utopiahmore precisly I need to re-do everything :D05:05
phrykUtopiah: I don't care. I just need enough fans.05:05
phrykFawking hot in here...05:05
fennwow i actually pluralized that correctly05:05
phrykUtopiah: I am an Idiot  ;P05:06
fenni sort of want to start a raging anti-privacy movement05:07
fennjust start fucking logging and publishing everything i possibly can05:07
Utopiahfenn: btw for the animated metro thing, I wanted to have daily distribution per line but I dont think they (RATP.fr) publish this kind of data05:08
fennthey don't have scheduled arrival times?05:08
Utopiahthe distribution of travellers over time, not of trains05:09
Utopiahas I wouldn't mind loosing 5min on a long traject to avoid very busy lines05:09
Utopiah(especially when it's hot like... now)05:10
fennhm i should probably try to sleep05:11
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Utopiahalso to focus back on the H+ of #hplusroadmap (since I messed up my channels in the first place...) I started http://aft.benetou.fr/ for the French H+ association but the "chef" there is damn adminstrative and slow so... we have one editor, me05:11
Utopiahnot sure how this will evolve here (Paris)05:12
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fennoh, wearables, not math05:36
fenni'm wondering what was at immunenetworks.com05:41
fenn"artificial immune systems" ... /me kickc archive.org05:42
fenndamn computers05:42
fennhow come i haven't heard of starlab?05:43
fennhmm apparently http://starlab.es/ is still going05:45
fennthey turned it down a couple notches though05:46
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kanzurehttp://www.foresight-platform.eu/ "The ultimate purpose of EFP is to better exploit foresight as a resource to support policy-making. The knowledge hub will be used in a series of national and European policy workshops, geared towards major future challenges to Europe."07:51
kanzurethat was from our friend miriam leis07:51
kanzurehttp://www.projectsinmetal.com/ the material, not the music07:53
kanzurelooks thorough: http://www.projectsinmetal.com/new_project_plans_for_a_lathe_tailstock_turret/07:53
kanzurei saw this on the front page of singularityhub.com: http://singularityhub.com/2010/06/15/is-there-a-digital-afterlife/07:59
kanzure"is there a digital afterlife" haw haw07:59
uniqanomaly__lmao, religion adapted to new tech08:01
uniqanomaly__optimalisation in utilisation of the universe, thats it08:03
kanzureRecognition, Neutralization, and Clearance of Target Peptides in the Bloodstream of Living Mice by Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Nanoparticles: A Plastic Antibody http://designfiles.org/papers/Recognition,%20Neutralization,%20and%20Clearance%20of%20Target%20Peptides%20in%20the%20Bloodstream%20of%20Living%20Mice%20by%20Molecularly%20Imprinted%20Polymer%20Nanoparticles:%20A%20Plastic%20Antibody.pdf08:03
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kanzurehttp://superheroesanonymous.com/ too bad this isn't a front for transhumanism08:34
uniqanomaly_at first I thought it's something like alcoholics anonymous, sth about superheroes with mind destroyed by this wicked world LMAO08:42
pmetzgerHave people been watching kick ass or something?08:52
kanzureno this has been going on for a while, i think08:53
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kanzureguy who does harkopen: http://madaerodog.com/work09:07
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kanzurediybio newbie: http://openwetware.org/wiki/User:Seng_Loong_Chan10:11
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kanzurehttp://mindbroker.de/ keeps showing up in my singularityu.org searches10:40
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kanzurehttp://www.bumc.bu.edu/centenarian/ new england centenarian study13:46
kanzure'Genetic Signatures of Exceptional Longevity in Humans '13:46
kanzurepdf: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/rapidpdf/science.1190532v1.pdf?ijkey=su1cvScg1VYF6&keytype=ref&siteid=sci13:47
kanzurehttp://www.humanpl.us/ someone jumped on my domain hack13:50
kanzurehttp://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-05/blue-light-smells-bananas-modified-fruit-flies 'German scientists have been able to re-wire fruit fly larvae to perceive blue light as smelling like bananas'13:51
pmetzgerIs humanmin.us available?13:52
kanzurewhois says yes13:54
kanzurehttp://extropism.com/ is hank hyena's blog.. has his transcript up from his talk at hplus summit on world stats for transhumanie stuff13:55
kanzurehumanitypl.us is also available13:55
pmetzgerI think clearly entropism is the wave of the future.13:55
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kanzurehas anyone tried the diygenomics iphone app?15:14
pmetzgerwhat does it do?15:19
uniqanomalysequencing genome after licking touchscreen15:20
pmetzgerthat seems like a fine idea!15:23
fennhalf of these guys could pass as supervillains, is there a supervillains-anonymous too? http://superheroesanonymous.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/timthumb.php_.jpeg15:35
kanzurelots of dark colors.15:37
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fennhaha "angle grinder man, cuts wheel clamps off vehicles"15:46
fennthe guy in the middle, "I was raped repeatedly in prison stemming from an arson charge. I spent the next five years being raped by niggers. After my release, I went on to be gay and defend the White Cause."15:47
fennthat's not a superhero15:47
kanzureyou win! you foudn waldo! uh..15:48
fennok i don't wanna be a superhero anymore15:49
kanzurea lot of these people don't seem super15:50
kanzurethey just hug trees and pick up trash15:50
kanzurewhy not build a better trash picking-up system15:50
kanzureor fight corporate crime via spying.. and stuff.15:50
kanzure"great! you picked up some trash on one city street block today. meanwhile, sergey brin just cured fucking parkinsons"15:52
kanzurefenn: watch out.. next thing you know Poly Polymerase will be driving past you in a two-door geo back to HQ (biocurious, of course)15:57
fennwhich will be located conveniently outside my tent15:59
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fennmachine learning questions and answers http://metaoptimize.com/qa/18:28
kanzureis this a stack overflow dealy?18:29
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kanzurefenn: i don't know which way to filter it.. should i send that to my SU contacts, or what18:49
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fennnfc or i would have done it myself :\19:01
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.19:37
ybitoi JayDugger19:54
kanzureybit: did you read the lawyertalk transcript thingy from yesterday20:00
kanzurethis thing: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/2010-07-01_open-source-hardware_and_patent-law.html20:00
ybitno, i'm guessing they haven't said anything we don't already know though20:00
ybitkanzure: right?20:01
kanzurethere's some interesting elaboration on core concepts20:01
ybitokay, i'll take a look20:03
kanzurei wonder if we could get around the patent litigation issue by making/selling open source hardware through the co-op, but "giving away" open source hardware upon your donation to the co-op :P20:06
kanzuretheoretically patents allow the "property owner" to 'exclude others from making' the patented invention20:06
QuantumGor practicing20:07
kanzureor using20:07
JayDuggerThat sounds practically unenforcable.20:09
ybitkanzure: it seems you're going for a license similar to GNU whereas the TAPR license is similar to BSD, do what the fsck you want with i'm giving out20:09
ybitwith +what i'm giving out20:10
kanzureunfortunately there's a difference between 'inventions' and copyrighted works20:10
ybiti saw that20:10
QuantumGJayDugger: flying planes in airshows was considered "practicing" the Wright's invention.20:10
kanzureso it doesn't work quite like BSD v. GNU20:10
kanzureQuantumG: did the wright brothers sue for that?20:11
kanzureholy fuck20:11
JayDuggerDid they win?20:11
kanzureand these guys went down in history as heroes?20:11
JayDuggerDid they continue to monopolize aviation?20:11
QuantumGthe Wright's sued everyone20:11
QuantumGfor everything20:11
kanzuredid they sue the birds too?20:11
JayDuggerDid Langley counter-sue on the basis of prior art?20:11
QuantumGand basically became patent trolls20:11
QuantumGgoogle for it.. there's lots of writeups20:12
ybiti didn't know this :\20:12
QuantumGin the end the NACA patent pool screwed em20:12
JayDuggerPoint taken.20:12
QuantumGcause, ya know, there was a war.20:12
ybitreally? when? :)20:12
ybitwait, aren't we still in a war? :(20:12
kanzure"U.S. aviation patent pool"20:13
JayDuggerIt finally didn't prevent the wide spread of aviation.20:13
QuantumGwe're always at war with east asia20:13
JayDuggerEastasia is our loyal ally! You duckspeak Doubleplus thoughtcrime!20:14
kanzureno doublespeak in here20:14
kanzureexcept when tasteful :P20:15
QuantumGhmm.. guy from my work is leaving to work for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitre_Corporation20:15
QuantumG"to scan the homeland security vulnerabilities from the cloud" ha ha20:15
JayDugger$0.02 for the OT jar.20:15
ybithrm, seems Edison was an ass like the wright bros.20:16
JayDuggerThat's vague...USAF "cyber-security" inanity or radar fences or do you know?20:16
kanzureybit: yeah, edison was definitely an ass. that's slightly more common knowledge than the wrights being asses20:16
kanzurefor instance, you should know that edison fucked over tesla20:16
QuantumGprobably just developing their own techniques to find security flaws in .. stuff.20:17
QuantumGstealing our business no doubt20:17
JayDuggerOh? Do you work for Lock-Mart?20:17
kanzuresoon your packet injection and dll hacking will be automated anyway, QuantumG 20:17
QuantumGI automated that long ago20:18
kanzurehellooo metasploit-for-massively-parallel-injection-attacks20:18
QuantumGI think I've told this channel before that I prefer not to say where I work.. but seeing as I brought it up.. meh.. I work for Veracode.20:18
JayDuggerMy apologies. I didn't know.20:19
AJollyLifequantumg: dude, i know tons of people who work there20:19
QuantumGwe scan apps for vulnerabilities.. "in the cloud" or something. 20:19
kanzure"in the cloud" woo 20:19
kanzurejump on board the cloudtrain20:19
JayDuggerBuzzword bingo, anyone?20:19
QuantumGAJollyLife: and now you know why I don't tell people :)20:19
kanzurejrayhawk: you should get cloudtrain.com20:19
AJollyLifeveracode has some super sharp people there20:19
kanzurejrayhawk: i still can't believe they called their website cluetrain.com20:20
* ybit just spent four hours in the sun showing off diybio-like stuff20:23
kanzureAJollyLife: maybe you should tell QuantumG where you work ;)20:23
AJollyLifeim sure he could find out if he googles a bit...lol20:23
ybit..weird looks abounded 20:24
ybitwhatever happen to katsmeow, did she set sail or something?20:26
kanzurequantumkat and katsmeow fought it out20:26
kanzureto the death20:26
ybitlast seen May 1520:27
ybithrm, not sure what to do about licensing. just give it away i suppose.. but i guess there needs to be something like the GPL for hardware...20:30
kanzurebut GPL is for copyright.20:31
ybit"Despite superficial similarities to software licenses, most hardware licenses are fundamentally different: by nature, they typically rely more heavily on patent law than on copyright  law."20:31
kanzurethe problem is that u.s. patent law is based on this concept of /excluding others'20:32
kanzureexcluding others20:32
kanzureand allowing one person to dictate who he wants to exclude20:32
kanzurethat's fine and all.. just avoid those things as best you can (you can't change that, not at first)20:32
kanzurebut then the problem is that you have no way to 'license a right' as it were20:32
kanzuresince you don't necessarily have a patent in the first place20:32
ybiti haven't payed any attention to the licensing issues, what's wrong with TAPR?20:33
* ybit reads http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TAPR_Open_Hardware_License20:34
kanzurewtf they have a picture of ESR saying "Lots of problems"20:35
kanzureTAPR doesn't seem to be based on legal reality.20:37
ybitkanzure: can you explain that last sentence? that  picture and subtitle are priceless :)20:42
kanzurethere is no copyright when it comes to inventions.. there might be for a design file, but it's not a 'copyright' according to us law when you're talking about manufacturing and hardware20:43
kanzurethe design file might be under a copyright, but patent law trumps copyright law, etc.20:43
kanzurefenn: i found 'chris phoenix' (from 'center for responsible nanotechnology') on okcupid.. o.o20:48
AJollyLife okc has lots of people on it20:51
kanzureAJollyLife: i didn't want to pay for their upgraded version, so i wrote a scraper 20:52
AJollyLifewhat does their upgraded version get you anyways?20:52
kanzureyou can set the personality traits that you want to get20:52
AJollyLifeyeah, that might be useful if there was a high enough hit count around here for it to matter (for me anyways)20:54
AJollyLifedammit, I really miss cities :(20:55
ybitspeaking of okcupid, i'm 'good looking' whatever that means21:01
ybitanyone else get that email from okcupid?21:01
kanzureit means i clicked on you too many times, sorry21:01
ybitwell, there goes the confidence then :P21:03
ybit"We are very pleased to report that you are in the top half of OkCupid's most attractive users. The scales recently tipped in your favor, and we thought you'd like to know."21:04
AJollyLifeohh, did you do that picture rating thing?21:04
ybitwonder if they send a similar email if you're in the lower half21:04
QuantumGdoesn't that mean they're just informing you that another good looking person just left the dating pool?21:05
ybitAJollyLife: yeah21:05
ybitbut i think it means something like i have more clickthroughs or something21:06
ybitperhaps QuantumG :)21:06
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kanzurehi mheld 21:42
mheldhey kanzure 21:46
fenn100kbit video is actually not as bad as i expected22:03
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fennwtf.. each chrome tab uses 290MB minimum22:35
bkeroI think you mean each chrome tab uses 290 megs of shared memory22:43
fennyeah i think you're right22:46
fennsort of confused why i'm knee deep in swap then22:46
bkeroRun top, then press 'F', then 'n', then <Enter>22:48
bkeroThat will sort by RAM usage, see what's at top22:48
fenn30370 fenn      20   0  185m 111m 4384 S    0 11.2   3:57.61 geeqie                                                          22:49
fenn24597 fenn      20   0  291m  44m  15m S    0  4.5  70:12.60 chrome 22:49
fenn11.2+4.5 = 15.7% accounted for22:50
jrayhawkhahaha cloudtrain22:53
bkeroWhat's geeqie?22:57
fennimage browser.. apparently gqview was deprecated and they swapped in geeqie with some kind of compatability mode22:58
bkeroTry comix22:58
bkeroor feh22:59
bkeroI <3 feh22:59
fenni dont like feh22:59
fenngeeqie is ok, it just loads a little slower than gqview did22:59
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fennzipcar for apartments, from a dojo member http://www.livenomadic.com/23:39
fenni dont really get the '2 weeks until you lose priority' thing though23:39
Utopiahwhat's the difference with CouchSurfing?23:39
Utopiahsounds like a paint of luxury over CS 23:40
UtopiahI wonder if the routing can work well enough to have low inoccupancy and keep this financially ok23:41
Utopiahthey should talk to Amazon, the "rent any kind of wasted stuff" company ;)23:41
fenncouchsurfing is all free and from what i understand has a lot of communications overhead23:45
Utopiahaka social23:45
fenni havent looked into couch surfing that much23:46
Utopiahit's definitly more "hippie oriented", beard is optional but usually appreciated23:46

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