
--- Log opened Sat Jul 17 04:16:17 2010
-!- gnusha [~gnusha@] has joined #hplusroadmap04:21
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/04:21
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Mon Jan 11 11:14:52 2010]04:21
[Users #hplusroadmap]04:21
[ AJollyLife] [ fenn ] [ kardan ] [ nimak ] [ superkuh ] 04:21
[ augur ] [ ghchinoy ] [ kive ] [ Noahj ] [ ToyKeeper] 04:21
[ bkero ] [ gnusha ] [ klafka ] [ nsh ] [ Utopiah ] 04:21
[ CIA-46 ] [ guibou ] [ kristianpaul] [ nsh_ ] [ ybit ] 04:21
[ clemux ] [ Ian_Daniher] [ kyb3R ] [ Overand ] [ ybit2 ] 04:21
[ drazak ] [ JayDugger ] [ mage2 ] [ Phreedom] 04:21
[ egeste ] [ Joeconyers ] [ memenode ] [ QuantumG] 04:21
[ elmom ] [ jrayhawk ] [ nchaimov ] [ shepazu ] 04:21
[ ENKI-][ ] [ kanzure ] [ niftyzero ] [ splicer ] 04:21
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 41 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 41 normal]04:21
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Fri Jan 29 23:48:24 201004:21
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 1 secs04:21
-!- mheld [~mheld@c-76-119-90-161.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap05:07
fennybit2: because i ran out of space on the free version, and wanted my stuff to show up in peoples' searches on flickr05:30
fenni don't think we should be conflating open hardware with "stealing" mp3's05:34
fennhad i known the reprap v1 extruder didn't actually work, i would have bought materials and stuff for a later version extruder that actually did work, and used it in the time frame when i had regular-ish access to a lathe05:38
fennsorry i dont have a real and yet soundbiteable situation05:39
fenncatchy, accurate, easy to think of: pick two05:40
fennkanzure that freebase query yields a rather interesting list05:44
fennybit2: i'm probably going to be buying some 1TB hard drives, how long do you need to store it and what's the expected time frame?05:46
fennaaactually, i'll probably be buying some 500GB drives, because i dont really need 1TB05:48
fennWD scorpio blue 500GB $54 new, and has good power consumption specs05:50
fennthis for my wearable eventually, good to have little hard drives around though05:51
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-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap06:50
kanzure"I am sorry to spoil the party, but I have some serious doubts about your project. You also developed the Open Gel box which sells for: 50? No! 100? No! but 500 $"07:28
kanzure"This- taken together with your detailed "business-plan" aka "The money will go towards R&D, third party testing, and optimization." Simply my impression is, that you are trying to make money off OpenSource without really knowing what your doing. Why 6000$? Why does third party testing cost money (your friend in the lab just giving it a try)? What exactly is "R&D"? "07:29
kanzurethat was from http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/930368578/openpcr-open-source-biotech-on-your-desktop/comments07:29
-!- augur [~augur@216-164-33-76.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 259 seconds]07:31
kanzurefenn: cathal replied to you here http://openpcr.org/build-yours/07:31
kanzure"maybe you're used to software, which is free to develop" baaah07:32
kanzurei want to hit him over the head07:32
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]07:34
kyb3RI was not aware of the costs of hw development until I started one :)08:12
kyb3Rand we dont even need to do third party testing, just to build a prototype which anyone could follow08:12
kyb3Rby reading the blueprints08:13
kyb3Rwhich is a mobile gadget08:14
kanzurekyb3R: my point is that software development is not free-of-cost08:14
kanzurein most cases the individual developer subsidizes his dev-time08:14
kanzureif anything, drawing some parameterized lines in a cad program is easier (unless it's some art work and you don't know what the end state is looking like)08:15
kyb3Rbut i was referrring to the cost of parts, circuits etc. 08:15
kyb3Rwhich ppl normally fuck up often, at least we have burned some circuits08:16
kyb3Rbefore that project I had just written programs08:16
kanzureare you trying to support cathal's point that software development doesn't cost a thing?08:17
kanzurethen you're stating facts about the cost of hardware development?08:17
kyb3Ri'm not taking anyones side08:17
kyb3Ryeah, which was new to me, actually the costs were not but the scale08:18
kanzurebtw what was the context of your mobile gadget thingy?08:18
kyb3Rreal time surveillance/tracking08:18
kanzurethat doesn't sound normal :P08:18
kanzuremilitary thing?08:18
kanzurewoops i assumed you said 'phone' somewhere08:19
kyb3Rwe build a device that can be followed on the web page, real time, and no it's for fun08:19
kyb3Rall open source08:19
kyb3Rincluding the server codr08:20
kyb3Rnothing really revolution about it08:20
kyb3Rjust to leran08:20
kyb3Rjust to learn08:20
kyb3Ractually the projects started because I wantedto follow on the map, where my cat is when he is outside sometimes for several days 08:21
kyb3Rso the device needs to be small and lightweight, must be attached to cat somehow08:22
kyb3Rlong battery life = low power consumption08:22
kyb3Rand so on08:23
kanzuredid you get a chance to figure out where your cat goes?08:23
Utopiah software development is definitly not free-of-cost...08:24
kyb3Rno, not yet. We havent build/finished the gadget yet, it's an ongoing project08:24
kyb3Rwe have just done some minor development08:24
kyb3Rand testing08:24
kyb3Rsomething about the project is here: http://wiki.github.com/kyber/catss/ ->development notes08:26
kanzuredoes anyone know a sufficiently public way to address cathal's point and his misunderstanding ("software development is free")?08:39
kanzuredoes anyone here have an iphone?08:56
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:58
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JayDuggerMy girlfriend does, kanzure.09:07
kanzureare you near her at the moment?09:15
kanzurei'd like someone to do a search for me09:15
kanzurethe online apple app store doesn't have a search feature that works (it seems)09:16
Utopiahkanzure: are you participating to the TeleXLR8 event? will you record/take note? 10:10
kanzurei can't participate because afaik it doesn't run on linux, and i don't want to bother with a vm session10:15
Utopiahcan't particpate here either even with a Windows install, the TelePlace VM crashed :(10:15
kanzurepresumably a transhumanism-friendly "makerspace" http://jigsawrenaissance.org/11:12
kanzurewta-seattle wiki http://st.imul.us/11:12
kanzureirsrael chapter http://singulariut.com/11:16
kyb3Ri have never figured out what's the difference between hackerspace and makerspace...11:19
kyb3Ror bothered to think11:20
kanzureack i forgot about this http://www.imminst2010.com/11:20
kanzurekyb3R: i haven't been able to figure out a difference yet either11:20
-!- mheld_ [~mheld@c-71-232-51-121.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:23
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-!- mheld_ is now known as mheld11:23
kyb3RI might be biased but to me it looks like a lot of "makerspaces" (not all) seem to be inventing the wheel again. Well...the hackerspaces is not new either, just a return to old community models.11:26
Utopiahkyb3R: I think that's the key advantage of networkeds hackerspaces and their wikis11:27
Utopiahincluding http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Design_Patterns11:27
kanzurea wiki about promoting transhumanism http://thpromo.pbworks.com/11:28
kyb3Rtoo me it looks more like avoiding the label hacker11:29
kyb3Rbut ppl do what they like, call it what they like, so big deal11:31
kyb3RI'm not a big fan of commercial(ish) hackerspaces(?) but I don't condemn them either.11:33
kanzurehrm guido was running for the wta board in 2008 :P cute http://transhumanism.org/index.php/WTA/more/vote2008/11:33
klafkaguido van rossum?12:11
klafkathat would have been funny though12:12
-!- splicer2 [~foo@h126n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:12
klafkai didn't realize there were commercial hackerspaces12:12
klafkathat's a bit lame12:12
kanzurehuh since when did milw0rm.com shut down?12:18
kanzureklafka: check 'em out: http://biocurious.org/12:18
kanzurealso http://techshop.ws/ but at least it doesn't claim to be a hackerspace :)12:18
Utopiahkanzure: TelePlace ASIM event is recorded thus should be available soon12:20
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-!- SeH_ [~SeH_2@c-71-61-176-250.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:48
ybit2kanzure: what kind of search? details plz :)13:02
kanzureon the iphone? i'd rather not13:10
ybit2fenn: i knew there was a monthly upload limit, but are you saying there's a total limit as well?13:19
ybit2the content is going to be transferred for only about a day, but i should be covered 13:20
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-110-194.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:26
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kanzureanyone know about matplc? http://freshmeat.net/projects/matplc/13:51
kanzure"MatPLC is a software-based PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) for industrial automation. Ultimately, it should be possible to run a factory using this software. Currently, one should keep in mind that it is still at the testing stage, and is therefore not suitable for applications where incorrect operation would cause damage or danger. "13:51
kanzureit's by curt wuollet who i found because of a post of his linking to the freedomdefined.org oshw page13:52
splicer2watching you on youtube: "DIY Transhuman Tech - Bryan Bishop - Hplus Summit 2010 (part 1 of 2)"13:53
kanzuredunno where this presentation deck came from but it conflates "free beer" with a free-beer-production-machine (heh)13:54
kanzure^the pdf link was found on http://www.nlebas.com/13:54
splicer2"free microbes"13:55
kanzurehg clone http://lolitech.fr/dev/beremiz13:55
kanzurehg clone http://lolitech.fr/dev/plcopeneditor13:55
kanzurethey are calling beremiz an "open source automation framework"13:56
kanzurehttp://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2324.txt Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)13:59
ENKI-][you figure i could clone a hero 1 with an arduino?14:03
ENKI-][i think i might run out of pins14:03
fenn"maybe you're used to software, which is free to develop" <- they already had 160% of their requested budget when i made that comment, no reason to hold back stuff they already had created, bastards just trying to squeeze every last drop out of kickstarter, which is a poor business plan in my opinion 14:07
fennthe cost of hardware development is severely overrated anyway14:08
fennonly when you're totally ignorant and have to have other people do every step of the process14:08
kanzureeveryone is eating it up and calling them "geniuses"14:15
fennkyb3R: why do you need a msp430? aren't really doing a lot of computation, seems to me arduino would be more accepted by 'makers'14:18
fenndoes msp430 even have an open source compiler? (i dont think so)14:19
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kyb3Rfenn: it was decision made by my co-developer. We first had Arduino (which would have brought more blog respect). 14:21
ENKI-][if there isn't an open source compiler for it gcc will be patched to generate object files for it within six months. this applies to everything.14:22
fenni dont really get matplc/beremiz.. would just use emc myself14:22
kyb3Rhe had some good reasons, which I have hard time remembering now14:22
fennmay be good enough for you, but not for me :P14:22
fennENKI-][: it's been a couple years i think14:23
fennhuh, this page makes it sound like it works http://mspgcc.sourceforge.net/14:24
ENKI-][if there's one thing i've learned from the open source world, it's that people will try to develop for ANYTHING14:26
ENKI-][it's quite pleasant really14:26
fennwow since 200214:26
ENKI-][after your third gameboy-controlled furby with an AVR cartridge you are no longer surprised ;-)14:27
fennwell, all i gotta say is 'packaging packaging packaging'14:28
fennmichael anissimov doesn't look anything like his internet picture14:29
fennheh 'free microbes' == 'free beer'?14:31
fenni'm slow.14:32
genehackerspeaking of free microbes, I wondering about setting up a modified e.coli bioreactor that runs off of waste heat from the pilot light in my stove14:35
ENKI-][my preferred method of getting free microbes is to stop showering14:37
fenngenehacker: you mean a pot full of juice with an aquarium bubbler?14:37
genehackerno I was thinking something smaller than that14:38
fennkanzure: http://derisilab.ucsf.edu/index.php?page=3D14:41
fennmore test tube racks..14:41
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kanzurefenn: i keep thinking that michael looks like a "skater" (i say that fondly) and can never recognize him from his internet pics14:47
kanzurehe's the guy i bumped into in nyc once and had to ask him who he was :( (he recognized me, though)14:48
splicer2fenn: yes, and as in "information wants to be free"14:48
splicer2(biohacking as a hackerculture is fascinating to me)14:49
splicer2(much more so than biohacking as a maker/diy subculture)14:52
splicer2(therefore biopunk)14:54
-!- kyb3R is now known as kyb3R_d15:05
fennhaha choice quote from tito "What would be great is if there were CAD files for everything out there,"15:07
fenncontext: searching for heatsinks15:08
kanzurehow about some linkcontext instead15:08
fennopenpcr.org search for 'cad'15:10
kanzurewhat to do, what to do15:13
fenngod damn, it's impossible to find detailed non-google maps15:19
fennlamesauce http://igargoyle.com/streetview/15:22
fenni wonder how different these terms of service would look in a world without patents http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/help/terms_maps.html15:22
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-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-110-194.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:47
genehackerPLCs only run about about 10 loops per second?15:47
genehackerI don't get it why in this day in age is something that slow15:48
genehackerfluidics is probably faster than that15:48
kristianpaulkanzure: what's the status of apt-get for hardware?15:49
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genehackerwhat are PLCs used for anyway?15:50
kristianpaulPLC = programable logic controler?15:50
kristianpaulindustry stuff for automation process15:50
kristianpaulyou code it with a logic-like languages15:51
genehackerwhat sort of automation stuff15:51
kristianpaulit varies15:51
kristianpaulfrom the simple PID15:52
kristianpaulor assebly line15:52
genehackerwhat's the most complex thing I could do with one15:52
genehackerPID really?15:52
genehackeryou don't need super-fast reaction times or anything?15:52
kristianpaulyeah there are boards for that15:52
genehackercould you balance a pole with a PLC?15:52
kristianpaulnot sure i just used for basic stuff in a line15:53
kristianpaulyuu shouldbe aware that plc is easilly wire to sensors (wich surelly are more complex than the PLC it seld)15:54
genehackeranything like driving robotic arms or position stuff15:54
kristianpaulthe good about PLC is that is reliable/robust15:55
genehackeryeah I figured as much15:55
genehackercould we control reprap with PLCs?15:56
genehackerif so then maybe my fluidic reprap idea isn't half crazy15:56
kristianpaulnot sure at all i just did basic stuff in the past15:57
kristianpaulif you can make it faster sure not15:57
kristianpaulremenber computers... ;)15:57
genehackerespecially since I figured out that it's possible to make fluidic logic elements that are on the order of microns15:57
kristianpaulhow small?15:57
kristianpauli think we should find the best analogy in our inside (bodies)15:58
genehackerso small we might have trouble making them15:58
genehackeranyway we don't need computers to control reprap15:58
genehackerall reprap does is just interpret g-code sent to it from the computer15:59
kristianpauluntil we finout that a MIPS is well , alot..15:59
genehackerit's basically a modernized version of a punched tape driven CNC machine15:59
kristianpauli read somethign here i think from kanzure that orgainc processor can achieve Mhz speeds15:59
kristianpaulat least 1K is a starting point..16:00
kristianpaulah but there is need for memory..16:00
genehackerMhz speed?16:00
kristianpaulnt sure16:00
kristianpaulnt sure16:00
genehackerwas it DNA logic or something like that16:00
kristianpaullets wait kanzure clarify*16:00
kristianpaulnot sure16:00
genehackerif we only had a way to get signals out of it16:02
kristianpaulcan we have 1000 bits memory with fluids?16:02
kristianpaulgenehacker: yeah thats tricky16:02
genehackererrr I'm not sure how to do memory16:02
genehackerat least on the small scale16:02
kristianpauli think thats first16:02
genehackerunless we do droplet memory16:03
kristianpaulyou mena like water drops?16:03
genehackera droplet of water/oil moves between 2 states of blocking flow/not blocking flow16:03
kristianpaulis that prone to vibration noise ?16:04
kristianpauli think we could use reprap to mix chemicals and make organic compounds16:04
genehackerit could be16:04
kristianpaulmay be a open implementation of a OLED is starting point16:04
genehackerbut fluidic signals are vibrations and one can make it so that fluidics work in high vibration environments16:05
kristianpaulhow is preserved over the time?16:05
genehackerif one makes droplets small enough they probably won't be affected by vibration16:05
kristianpauli see16:05
genehackerhow is what preserved over time?16:05
genehackerthe droplet?16:05
kristianpauli mean memory16:05
genehackerit doesn't move16:06
kristianpaulwhat about hot/cold enviroments?16:06
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558760.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap16:06
genehackerI'm thinking oil and water might be better as far as droplets go16:06
genehackerdon't let it get too cold16:06
kristianpaulchips cant be too hot :p16:07
genehackeralso big fluidic logic elements have no problem working glowing white hot16:07
genehackeror in high radiation, high magnetic field environments16:07
kristianpaulhow is used right now?16:08
kristianpaulfluids logic16:08
genehackerexactly I want to make reprap so it can't be EMP'd by pesky humans16:08
genehackervery little16:08
kristianpaulmaybe reprap need other bootstraping technology16:10
genehackerit's mostly in obscure applications like military hardware, aviation stuff, and mining equipment where explosive gases might be present16:10
genehackerit's also used to control foutains16:10
genehackersort of like the same circuit for flashing LEDs but with jets of water as the output16:10
kristianpaulyou have the schmatics?16:11
fenngenehacker: i think that was supposed to be '10kHz', not '10Hz'16:12
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:13
genehackerthat's still about as fast as fluidics are16:13
genehackerhttp://www.tippettsfountains.com/index.php this is the company that makes fluidic fountains16:13
genehackerno schematics16:14
genehackeralso they have a pretty good primer on fluidics16:14
genehackerwritten by the one of the top researchers in the field who also happens to own the company16:15
genehackerhmmm... I really need to find out how much power microfluidic logic elements use16:18
genehackerit seems the switching pressure is about a millimeter of water, but they don't say anything about the power pressure16:19
splicer211 year old Gabriels biobrick robot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bfWnQ_9LSM16:26
genehackeran 11 year old did that?16:37
genehackerhow he do the inverse kinematics?16:37
genehackerI thought those were supposed to be hard for parallel manipulators?16:37
splicer2genehacker: an unusual 11 year old but still.16:41
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Utopiahsplicer2: to me even saying "High Throughput" (and understanding it) at 11y/o is impressive :/16:42
splicer2out of curiosity, would the robot he built be considered maker/diy as he assembled it from a commercial kit?16:46
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JayDuggerSorry, kanzure, I wasn't near an iPhone or the computer when your responded.19:27
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kanzure"Filmmaker Ken Gumbs (Building Gods) is producing a documentary film about the H+ community." hm..21:24
kanzurestalk: Ken Gumbs <kjgumbs@yahoo.com>21:24
kanzurefenn: ken macleod was a wta board member once21:34
kanzureiirc you read a book by him21:34
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-!- heath is now known as ybit222:02
Utopiahwhy do people have to use the "God(s)" metaphor :'(22:03
Utopiah"Well, how to completly fuck up a difficult debate? Well I don't know let's use a totally undefined and heavily connoted topic as a basis to talk about sth else!" :'(22:04
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-110-194.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:12
QuantumGuhh because they're insensitive to how other people find it?22:16
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