
--- Log opened Wed Jul 21 00:00:13 2010
--- Day changed Wed Jul 21 2010
fennhow about giulio prisco :P00:00
kanzuregiulio is super nice but he just masturbates in second life all day long00:01
kanzure"Experienced transhumanists will recognize mad monks Aubrey de Gray at left and Todd Huffman at right. By the way, Huffman has at least one magnet implanted in one of his fingertips. Three out of three women I polled found that hot."00:01
kanzure^just something i found trying to answer splicer's question00:02
kanzure"it's a chick magnet" ha ha ha00:02
fenndoes it vibrate?00:02
kanzureyou have to manually move the finger00:02
kanzurebut yes00:03
kanzurecouldn't you make it vibrate in the presence of an electric field?00:03
kanzureisn't that the whole point?00:03
* fenn mumbles something about magnetic piercings00:03
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fennimpossible to google for of course00:04
kanzureso anyway00:04
Splicerfenn: where did you find that link to the french hackerspace?00:04
kanzurei don't know if aubrey calls himself a transhumanist00:04
kanzurehe certainly doesn't distance himself from it00:04
fenni read it in here00:05
kanzureSplicer: i found it00:05
kanzurewhile obsessively compulsively scowering the web for "biohacking"00:05
fennnick bostrom positions himself as a "transhumanist philosopher"00:05
kanzurenick is full of himself00:05
kanzureand none of his works have ever seemed that interesting to me00:05
Splicerkanzure: ah, thanks... I'm impressed with the links that show up here sometimes00:06
kanzureso what, you wrote a paper about the ethics of killing a few quadrillion people that don't yet exist..00:06
kanzureSplicer: :)00:06
fenndavid pierce (pearce?) writes about similar subjects00:07
kanzureand i think david is better at it, definitely00:07
kanzurealthough i don't know what his status is perceived as? nick is perceived as an academic00:07
fennhuh, brian wang is 44 years old? he doesn't seem that old00:09
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kanzurewho now?00:10
fennwoah @ google images00:10
fennsuper fast now00:11
kanzurewhat, the google image swirl?[1;2B[1;2B[1;2B[1;2B00:11
kanzurefenn: so step.py is coming along (slwoly) but it will be usable in good time00:12
kanzureone of the things that i haven't thought about is evaluated AD stuff with it00:12
kanzurewas wondering if you have any tricks up your sleeve for that.. like how to properly evaluate intersections and unions00:12
kanzurei guess i'll just have to bite my teeth and write some code to check for intersecting surfaces, edges/wires/loops, and vertices00:13
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fennhttp://fennetic.net/irc/google_images.png http://fennetic.net/irc/google_images_2.png  when you load the first page it just keeps scrolling down for about 20 pages, loading new images on the fly00:17
kanzureautoscroll has been around for a while as greasemonkey scripts and firefox extensions (well and for any other browser)00:17
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UtopiahGM mouseless-autoscroll http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/2520700:24
fennomg, poor babies, where are the psycho bombers when you need them http://www.bellybuds.com/00:32
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fennwhat a weird game http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?t=19185&f=6&view=unread00:50
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fennsomebody read this and send me the diffs http://www.maxbarry.com/machineman/00:56
fenn"not patented ideas" http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/eng/catalog/encs/01:06
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fenn"What my body needed to realize was that I wasn't taking orders from organs. My biology existed in order to serve me, not the other way around. These self-interested clumps of flesh and fluid, they had better get with the program, because if it came down to them or me, it was going to be me."01:33
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Splicerthe author thinks there is a "me", cute01:37
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kanzure"On June 22, 2010, the Belgium-based computational chemistry company Silicos NV has made a 06:10
kanzurestrategic decision to port the majority of its proprietary software into the open source arena. The "06:10
kanzure"decision has been made to port all of these tools and the corresponding C/C++ API's into the Open 06:10
kanzureBabel environment under a GNU GPL licensing scheme."06:10
kanzure"Cosmos(TM) is Silicos' patented technology for the design of novel molecules using an  evolutionary algorithm and using user-specified scoring functions. The tool has been adapted to  be used in a fragment-based discovery enviroment."06:11
kanzureuh oh "patented technology"06:12
kanzure"Piramid is Silicos' software tool incorporating a shape-based alignment between pairs of molecules. Again, the resulting match is quantified using different measures including a Tanimoto coefficient."06:12
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kanzurefenn: do you remember when you were last arguing about DTDs with someone in here?06:20
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kanzuresomeone was asking about skdb and the file formats on OM so i wrote a long email07:01
drazakis work on skdb still continuing?07:08
kanzurei'm still working on relevant code for it but i've been hesitant to commit because (1) the code isn't working right now and (2) skdb.git is a sprawling mess07:11
kanzurethere's also been interesting antics that have gone uncommitted for various reasons.. like the thingiverse dataset that was converted to skdb-like packages:07:12
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kanzurehttp://principialabs.com/arduino-python-4-axis-servo-control/ "This tutorial will describe how to use Arduino to control a bank of four independent RC servos with your PC (or Mac, or *nix Box), using a USB cable and a modular Arduino-Python software stack."07:44
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kanzurehttp://transhumanistwiki.com/ http://transhumanistforums.com/old/ http://www.hpluscafe.com/forum http://fora.humanityplus.org/08:22
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kanzuremore on the silicos stuff: http://baoilleach.blogspot.com/2010/07/silicos-to-donate-code-to-open-babel.html11:07
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kanzureQuantumG: do you happen to know if anything is actually on that wiki?12:03
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kanzuresomeone should make sure i fill this out relatively soon13:49
kanzurehm i wonder why the recent changes haven't been committed13:50
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kanzureniftyzero1: have you heard about the lifeboat folks before?14:03
niftyzero1I'm on the board of advisors... :)14:03
kanzurea few of us in here are14:03
kanzurei don't know what the point is, though14:03
kanzuredoes the board do anything?14:03
niftyzero1there's 1000 people on it, so it's not a big deal ;)14:03
niftyzero1I think board member == mailing list member14:04
kanzureoh there's a mailing list14:04
kanzureso they just send emails around?14:04
niftyzero1you are not on it?14:04
kanzurei was offered but i just looked at it questionably14:04
kanzurei mean.. um.14:04
niftyzero1yeah, it looks a bit strange... 14:05
kanzureso do they do anything?14:05
niftyzero1but there are some good people on there14:05
niftyzero1it's just talk at this stage, as far as I can tell14:05
niftyzero1heh http://community.nytimes.com/comments/bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/07/20/the-lifeboat-foundation-battling-asteroids-nanobots-and-a-i/?permid=6#comment614:10
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kanzuresomeone was trying to convince me yesterday to make something called "the bio safety foundation"14:32
kanzurehis argument was that it would license amateur biologists (for some reason)14:32
kanzurebut all it would do is just media and marketing and make people happy that someone is using the word "safety"14:32
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kanzure"from biohacking to bioart" http://groups.google.com/group/hackerspacesg/browse_thread/thread/b337e93d99a78c4115:27
kanzureartificial cell markers / immune system stuff in biohacking http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/48646-artificial-cell-markers/15:27
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splicerI have a feeling BP is starting to take off in Sci-Fi... having mixed emotions about that.15:30
kanzure"is starting to take off in Sci-Fi" <-- what? translation error?15:32
kanzuredo you mean they are writing science fiction novels, or that they have scifi consultants, or what?15:32
splicerno.. stories15:32
splicerah... BP as in Biopunk15:33
splicermy bad15:33
kanzure:) there's many millions of science researchers that do all sorts of crazy complex things15:34
kanzurefor a lot of them it's not scifi15:35
splicerthe sci fi community is a juggernaut though... they produce a lot of text.15:36
kanzurecool the openmoto-x guy (paul) is on OM now15:37
kanzureyes and a lot of the text isn't all that scientifically accurate :P15:38
jrayhawkre: not committing: damnit15:42
jrayhawkwait, what's not commiting where?15:44
kanzurei did "git clone http://diyhpl.us/wiki.git" and looked at the commit log15:44
jrayhawkIf it's a cgit thing, keep in mind cgit likes to cache pages and doesn't do a good job of invalidating them, so there can be a few minutes delay involved.15:44
kanzureanyone ever hear of "S.M.U.T. - Subversive Manifesto for Underground Technology"?15:45
jrayhawkyou should be using git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git (for read) or git+ssh://diyhpl.us/srv/git/diyhpluswiki (for read/write)15:46
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jrayhawkI guess just git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki works15:47
kanzurei was just invited to talk at SMUT.. guess i'll haul over the robotic arm15:48
QuantumGyour real doll has a robotic arm?15:49
jrayhawkThat's odd; I don't really know why your symlink approach wouldn't work.15:50
kanzureQuantumG: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/photos/puma560/2010-05-28_puma500.jpg15:50
QuantumGneat.. have you gotten it to do anything?15:52
kanzureit's a really amazing lamp right now15:53
genehackerso the NES used a microprocessor that had 4000 transistors and used only 4 kb of ram15:55
QuantumGarguably the most popular microprocessor ever too15:55
QuantumGthe z80?  sure15:56
genehackeryou can really do that much with 4000 transistors and 4kb of ram?15:56
kanzureif you're clever15:56
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genehackerbecause I did some calculations and a fluidic microprocessor based on something like that probably wouldn't be terribly huge15:57
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QuantumGheh, FPGA versions :)15:57
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genehackerthe only problem is making the memory15:58
kanzure"hmm, you're like the perfect friend ot have" aww15:58
genehackerand I'm not quite sure how to go about making bistable elements15:59
genehackerwhich are probably important?15:59
kanzurewouldn't you just make a fluidic flip-flop for the memory?16:01
genehackerfluidic flip flops don't set-reset capability at low reynolds numbers16:02
kanzurei was thinking of just having a few valves or something16:02
kanzureor equivalent in your-control-system-of-choice16:03
genehackerso how would you make a memory unit with valves?16:03
kanzurehow are you actuating the liquid?16:05
kanzureand are you using droplets or not16:05
genehackerI'm not sure yet16:05
genehackerno droplets16:05
kanzurei think manu came up with some binary gates with droplet microfluidics16:05
kanzureand if you got the logic gates you can do basic flip flops16:05
genehackermaybe oil droplets for memory16:05
genehackeras far as actuation goes gravity might be enough16:06
genehackermicrofluidic amplifiers can run off of millimeters of water16:06
genehackerso just logic gates?16:07
kanzuremillimeters or did you mean milliliters16:07
genehackermillimeters of water as in pressure16:07
kanzurebut yeah, a common first year design problem for chip designers is making a memory cache out of flip flops and logic gates16:08
kanzurelook up a flip-flop register16:08
genehackercould one use delay line memory for something like that?16:09
kanzureoh wow the google image results really suck16:09
genehackererr... I guess that might get big16:10
kanzureok search for 4-bit shift register16:10
genehackerI don't know how to make those set-rest flipflops16:11
genehackeronly flip flops with no set reset capability 16:11
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genehackerit might be possible to make something like that using a droplet of oil to prevent flow and not prevent flow, only it's hard to get the droplet of oil in place16:14
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kanzurehi patrickmclaren 16:16
kanzureiirc you're the diybio-melbourne / life extension go-to guy?16:17
genehackeralmost forgot switching time is on the order of 2khz so it'd be pretty slow16:18
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patrickmclarenkanzure: I don't know about the 'go-to guy' haha :)17:02
patrickmclaren but yes I am in Melbourne. Only recently discovered the diobio movement17:02
patrickmclarenAnd am looking to get something together down here17:03
kanzurehave you been to CCHS yet?17:03
patrickmclarenno I haven't yet.. I'm just checking that out now.17:08
patrickmclarenis there much interest there?17:08
kanzurei haven't explicitly asked them, but i have sent a few transhumanists their way :>17:09
patrickmclarenhm I should see if I can make the meeting this weekend then17:18
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:22
JayDuggerfenn: I dismissed your legitimate criticisms of the flat-pack SketchChair when last we spoke. <HALF-BAKED & IRRELEVANT EXCUSE REDACTED>. I apologize.18:23
kanzureJayDugger: have you been using http://gnusha.org/logs/ for logs?18:36
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JayDuggerCould you make a similar tool for arbitrary, or at least a wider range, of sliceforms?19:21
JayDuggerSimilar to this: http://blog.ponoko.com/2010/03/18/creating-laser-cut-3d-forms-super-easily/, but sans SketchUp or Blender.19:21
JayDuggerAnyhow, time to commute. Good night, everyone.19:24
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fennflightsofideas.com seems to have gone belly up19:24
kanzurejaydugger wants the gnusha.org logs in the /topic :(19:25
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fennoh well, if reprap can do it, i'm sure there are other ways of slicing an stl19:25
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kanzurewhen will freenode staffers get on this?19:25
kanzurehow many TPS reports do i need to file19:25
fennanyone can edit the topic19:25
kanzuretry it19:25
* fenn shrugs19:26
fennyou broke it!19:26
fenni was supposed to leave at 519:26
* fenn watches his life pass by, opportunities missed, votes lost19:27
kanzureat least one of us made "progress" today (ok not really- it's probably all useless code)19:34
kanzurebut it's (almost) generating a sphere19:35
kanzurejust one or two last bugs to stomp19:35
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kanzurehi BoyTito 21:38
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kanzurethis guy has some interesting publications22:50
jrayhawkIf you decide you hate Freenode, I hear good things about OFTC22:57
QuantumGyeah you know me?22:57
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patrickmclarenhow long ago did http://www.agi-roadmap.org/ die off?23:22
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QuantumGlooks like about the time actually making a roadmap rather than just talking about it.23:23
patrickmclarenWould you happen to know the best place to lend a hand with that?23:25
QuantumGno sorry.  I got out of it a few years ago23:26
QuantumGwhen it became apparent that OpenCog was never going anywhere23:26
QuantumGyou could try them.. but their progress has been held up by some personalities23:26
patrickmclarenI see, I  was just about to check OpenCog out actually23:27
patrickmclarenMajor progress blocks?23:27
QuantumGlet us know if you find anything worthwhile in it.23:27
QuantumGdepends if you consider "getting something to work" a major block23:28
patrickmclarenblockages everywhere it seems haha23:29
* heath_ notes to self that 600mg of modafinil is too much23:30
QuantumGI think SOAR is probably the most mature AGI available.23:30
QuantumGheath_: what's the effect?23:30
patrickmclarenAlso, you wouldn't happen to know anything about SIAI's friendly ai project would you?23:30
QuantumGnever got further than paper I believe23:30
patrickmclarenI see endless discussion of their theory of AI, and references to a development team, but again nothing on progress23:32
patrickmclarenI'll have a look at SOAR23:32
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heath_well... aside from the sore jaws from clenching my teeth all day... i also forget how easy it is to just keep talking and talking. i remember being on 600mg/day at some point and i learned to control that.. having not taken such a high dosage in awhile, it also kept me up all night... and well, i've been depressed all day23:34
heath_but not due modafinil, as a matter of fact, it's kept me distracted enough to not do anything stupid23:35
QuantumGheath_: isn't keeping you up all night what you want?23:35
heath_no, i took to be mentally sharp for the interview23:35
heath_i took 300mg @ 8:30am and 300mg 9:30am23:36
QuantumGI mentioned it to some friends the other week and they were interested in giving it a go.. of course it's prescription here23:36
heath_same here, but er.. not mine23:36
heath_200-300 should be good enough for them23:37
heath_this person was prescribed 100mg/day23:37
QuantumGany idea what the effect is at that level?  in regards to sleep?23:38
heath_i had 200 the other day, no problem sleeping, but i of course didn't sleep much at all the night before. i didn't try to stay up either, i probably could have23:39
klafkahey this is a goood place to ask, what does anyone recommend as a starting dose for piracteam23:39
heath_immortality institute forums have covered this23:39
klafkait would be nice if modafinil was a legal OTC thing23:39
heath_i don't know23:39
heath_usually i look for academic papers to find the typical dosage of this stuff23:40
QuantumGsee, it's not supposed to prevent you from sleeping.. it's supposed to aid you staying up, if that's your goal.23:40
QuantumGI just haven't heard anyone say it works.23:40
heath_oh, well, i can tell you from the past and well..from right now, it aids me in staying up :)23:40
heath_but i previously didn't have a problem sleeping taking this, but er.. that was a huge blow to me.. so it's been on my mind...23:41
QuantumGI'd like to try it, see if I can safely go a week without (much) sleep23:41
heath_er...i wouldn't recommend it23:41
heath_good for a day or two, but your body will catch up23:41
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QuantumGultimately I'd like a drug that eliminates the need for sleep completely.. but I'm not exactly optimistic that it exists.23:42
klafkajesus boston seems to have a bio conference like every 2 weeks23:42
heath_i would ease into it.. i took a 400mg dosage for the first time in a long time and stayed up a good 30 hours last week and regretted it the next few days23:42
klafkaQuantumG, that eliminates the need for sleep w/ no negative side effects23:42
klafkaeyeah i'm not optimistic about that for awhile23:42
QuantumGindeed :)23:42
QuantumGor at least tolerable side effects23:43
QuantumGjust not fatal ones23:43
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QuantumGif there's a trade to be made, I'd like to know what it is.23:43
heath_you get super powers with modafinil, no doubt. but be careful to not be the obnoxious guy on drugs.. ya know the guy who won't shut up23:44
-!- victor__ [~victor@bzq-84-111-31-19.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:44
heath_because you will process stuff much faster than those around you23:44
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QuantumGI think I already am that guy.. ask half the people on this channel.23:44
heath_hehe, this is different than irc :)23:45
heath_can i has an h+ commune?23:45
heath_or just $10k23:46
klafkaheath_,  a lot of times it is "you think you process stuff much faster than those around you"23:46
QuantumGyeah, it's funny.. I wonder if this drug just does whatever you think it does :)23:47
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QuantumGplacebo amplification23:48
heath_maybe, you do feel subjectively better, klafka. i'm going to attempt to rest, because i have a feeling staying up another night isn't going to land me this next job23:48
heath_QuantumG: uh, no. it doesn't act like that. trust me. oh, and watch out for mild headaches if you take 600mg a few days in a row23:49
heath_-"trust me"23:50
QuantumGcan't imagine I would.  I think I'd be taking some small dose until I first felt tired, then going off it until I was sleeping regularly again, then try an increased dosage23:50
QuantumGand by "tired" I mean "feel I must go to sleep or I'll die"23:51
klafkaQuantumG, not so much placebo amplification but rather stimulants have a tendency to cause you to overestimate ones own abilities while on them23:52
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QuantumGwell there goes the theory that modafinil isn't a stimulant23:56
--- Log closed Thu Jul 22 00:00:17 2010

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