
--- Log opened Tue Jul 27 00:00:17 2010
-!- afarris01 [~andrew@tx-71-48-170-181.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #hplusroadmap ["Leaving."]00:19
kanzurelooks like i'm speaking at transvision this year00:26
kanzuremilano, italy here i come?00:26
splicersounds nice00:35
fenn(the guy who visited eri's garagelab was guido from venezuela) <- guido nunez-mujica00:45
fennok nevermind, i'm not competent to think atm00:46
fennsplicer you're going to be in berkeley?00:47
splicerno, that's meredith00:47
splicerI showed that to a friend who is something of an authority in local hacker culture. His comment was "So, you're pissing in the meme pool now? Congratulations"00:51
splicerActually it was the same guy who pointed me to iGEM in the first place, it was alway associated to hacker culture for me... we don't really have the DIY/maker culture.01:13
splicerhere DIY is more associated to growing your own vegetables and that sort of thing.01:13
-!- ybit2 [4c1df68b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #hplusroadmap01:42
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patrickmclarenoh great, aiming for 2500 is he05:29
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patrickmclarenjust finished editing a lecture for SIAI06:02
patrickmclarenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LjdRHfaDzc 06:02
patrickmclarenyoutube is still processing so quality is still pretty bad06:02
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-110-194.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]06:13
Utopiahtranscript available?06:18
Utopiah(maybe the blog article covers it all, would be nice to have YouTube deep links then)06:18
splicershort version: "A belief system should be falsifiable"06:19
* Utopiah has a hard time reading more than 1 paragraph or listen to a video more than 5min long without an explicit outline06:19
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-!- Joeconyers [~Joe@3.sub-97-185-4.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:02
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kanzurehttp://mauimakers.com/ is jerry isdale in hawaii10:44
kanzurefenn: are you still offering me a place to sleep for a few days?10:46
-!- Joeconyers [~Joe@196.sub-70-198-124.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:47
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kanzureegeste: are you around?11:11
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-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558760.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap11:23
-!- pmetzger [~pmetzger@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:52
pmetzgerI was unaware of diylilcnc before now.11:53
pmetzgerthe meme is spreading.11:53
-!- SeH_ [~SeH_2@c-71-61-176-250.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]12:47
Utopiah(An Introduction to Firefox's Tab Candy on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/13560319 by Aza Raskin) I think it's a bad idea but some people could like it12:55
kanzurefyi adl.serveftp.org is no more (i think)13:01
kanzurei forgot to log into the dyndns account in time13:01
kanzureok adl.serveftp.org is backup and operational13:17
kanzuredoes anyone know what "Instant Immersion.zip" is doing in /var/www/ on davinci? it seems to have been created by campbell13:17
kanzurebut the file is a broken zip file13:17
patrickmclarenUtopiah: http://lesswrong.com/lw/i3/making_beliefs_pay_rent_in_anticipated_experiences/13:20
-!- streety [~Jonathan@] has joined #hplusroadmap13:20
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-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Utopiah, niftyzero1, Overand, kanzure, Phreedom, Ian_Daniher, QuantumG, kristianpaul, mheld, niftyzero, (+15 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)13:24
-!- Netsplit over, joins: pmetzger, Alystair, mheld, eridu, Phreedom, Overand, Ian_Daniher, superkuh, memenode, jrayhawk (+14 more)13:26
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-!- Netsplit over, joins: patrickmclaren, kardan, pmetzger, Alystair, mheld, eridu, Phreedom, Overand, Ian_Daniher, superkuh (+16 more)13:31
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-!- utopiah_ [utopiah@gateway/shell/blinkenshell.org/x-ogloevckvrzbgruq] has joined #hplusroadmap13:36
fennkanzure sure, we may even have a tent-like thing for you if you're lucky13:38
fennhere's some math candy for y'all 13:39
fennooh fat pipes here when nobody's using them13:40
fennif that link didnt work: http://fennetic.net/irc/negabinary_talk.pdf13:40
kanzurespeaking of math candy.. http://mathoverflow.net/13:42
kanzurefenn: any suggestions for demos for my python/STEP library? so far i've been thinking: bolt, washer, bearings, airplane wing/foil, lead screw, toe clamp13:45
kanzureanything obvious that i'm missing out on? "hello world" stuff13:45
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-!- augur [~augur@216-164-33-76.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:51
pmetzgerkanzure: how is your STEP library at this point?13:58
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kanzurepathetic but functional14:04
kanzurei think you underestimated the amount of time required to actually get the non-EXPRESS-based-version working14:04
kanzurebut i think it's downhill from this point on (plus some time to rewrite the internals so that it doesn't make me puke to look at)14:05
-!- utopiah_ [utopiah@gateway/shell/blinkenshell.org/x-ogloevckvrzbgruq] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]14:06
fenna bolt would be super cool, if you can figure out how to do all that stuff14:09
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pmetzgerwell, did you end up using any of the python lexical analyzer/parser generator tools?14:31
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kanzuremasked: no14:36
kanzurepmetzger: no14:36
kanzurethere we go :)14:36
-!- fenn [fenn@dhcp-84-252.me.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]14:41
-!- ybit [ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]14:43
pmetzgerit is easiest to parse large grammars using parser generators.14:43
-!- kanzure [bryan@dhcp-84-252.me.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]14:43
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gnushahttp://blog.reprap.org/2010/07/glow-in-dark-pla.html glow in the dark plastic14:48
gnushadesignfiles.org looks down to me14:48
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patrickmclarenkanzure: that post for Pink Army Coop, http://pastebin.com/c04zPeuu16:11
patrickmclarenanything to change?16:11
pmetzgerI think kanzure is not logged in.16:13
patrickmclarenoh, forgot to check.. thanks for that!16:13
gnushanah i'm here16:16
gnushapatrickmclaren: you might want to add a question about "waiting for 2500 members" or something, or a comment about how you feel about "waiting for media promotion" versus "how about we just start doing this stuff now"16:17
patrickmclarenyeah I'll definitely add something about the 2500 members16:19
pmetzgerah. if you are around: my advice, if you're doing something that parses a complicated grammar, is to use the tools people make available for that. I think ANTLR will generate python code at this point...16:20
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:22
patrickmclarengnusha: posted it, still to be approved by mods though16:32
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-!- Joeconyers [~Joe@196.sub-70-198-202.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:53
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--- Log opened Tue Jul 27 16:55:43 2010
-!- gnusha_ [~gnusha@] has joined #hplusroadmap16:56
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/16:56
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Mon Jan 11 11:14:52 2010]16:56
[Users #hplusroadmap]16:56
[ augur ] [ ENKI-][ ] [ Joeconyers ] [ mage2 ] [ Noahj ] [ QuantumG ] 16:56
[ bkero ] [ eridu ] [ jrayhawk ] [ masked ] [ nsh_ ] [ shepazu ] 16:56
[ CIA-51] [ ghchinoy ] [ kardan ] [ memenode ] [ Overand ] [ splicer ] 16:56
[ clemux] [ gnusha ] [ kive ] [ nchaimov ] [ pasky_ ] [ streety1 ] 16:56
[ drazak] [ gnusha_ ] [ klafka ] [ niftyzero ] [ patrickmclaren] [ superkuh ] 16:56
[ egeste] [ guibou ] [ kristianpaul] [ niftyzero1] [ Phreedom ] [ ToyKeeper] 16:56
[ elmom ] [ Ian_Daniher] [ kyb3R ] [ nima ] [ pmetzger ] [ Utopiah ] 16:56
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 42 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 42 normal]16:56
!holmes.freenode.net [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp16:56
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Fri Jan 29 23:48:24 201016:56
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 1 secs16:56
gnushajrayhawk: is there a way to do http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/sharing-folders-between-two-linux-users-on-same-machine-read-write-execute-782258/ without setfacl? chmod g+s isn't sufficient apparently16:58
-!- uniqanomaly [~ua@dynamic-78-8-80-226.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has joined #hplusroadmap16:58
pmetzgerthat seems like overkill.17:00
pmetzgertwo users on the box, just set the thing globally writable.17:00
pmetzgerchmod -R ugo+rwX the directory.17:00
gnushathe end state is what i want.. the situation is different (say, more than two users)17:00
pmetzgerI don't see how acls will help...17:00
pmetzgerwhat is your precise application?17:00
gnushaalso when you add files into it the files do not inherit the samee    permissions17:00
gnushapermission inheritance between different users that don't understand permission models17:01
pmetzgerwhat is the exact application?17:01
gnushago away17:01
jrayhawkACLs are the best way. There's also cron-based permissions fixing and wacky inotify solutions.17:01
pmetzgergo away?17:01
gnushacron seems lame for this17:02
pmetzgeracls are rarely the best solution for anything.17:02
pmetzgerinotify is probably overkill. cron every minute seems like it would probably work fine.17:02
pmetzgerbut the real question is what is being done.17:02
pmetzgerthough if you would really prefer that I leave, just confirm and I'll go.17:03
pmetzgereh, I'll just assume you meant it. bye.17:03
-!- pmetzger [~pmetzger@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]17:04
jrayhawkThere are lamer approaches. For instance, you can use a filesystem that doesn't support GIDs and mount it to a specific GID and umask.17:04
gnushawhat's up with pmetzger?17:06
jrayhawkhe's been spurned :(17:07
jrayhawkI also like forcing people to use git for object storage.17:08
jrayhawkBut the feasibility of that depends on your usage model.17:09
gnushathis is one of those hopeless situations where you'd orgasm if you could even get them to use cvs17:09
gnushabut instead they are using shared ftp accounts on random shared file hosts or something17:10
gnushafor software development.17:10
jrayhawkYou could set up inotify to git commit every time they close a filehandle.17:11
-!- jennifer2 [~jennifer@c-67-180-253-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:13
jrayhawkIs there a particular reason they're not using version control?17:15
jrayhawkTortoiseGit and TortoiseSVN, while a pain to set up, are fairly easy to use on Windows if it helps.17:16
gnushait took me over 1.5 years to get a professor to use tortoisesvn17:16
gnusha(but then he learned to love it)17:16
jrayhawkSpeaking of painful learning curves, is that Ikiwiki stuff working out for you?17:17
-!- Noahj [~noah@wsip-72-215-49-120.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]17:17
jrayhawkI'd share with you the horror of our normal cron-based directory sharing approach, but cysteine appears to be down for some reason? I should probably go fix that.17:28
-!- Joeconyers [~Joe@196.sub-70-198-202.myvzw.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]17:29
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gnushaikiwiki stuff is working, yeah18:10
-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558760.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap18:16
patrickmclarengnusha: http://groups.google.com/group/pink-army-cooperative/t/c899b8c38f735d6c18:17
-!- kanzure [~kanzure@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:39
-!- mheld [~mheld@c-76-119-90-161.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:51
patrickmclarenkanzure: http://groups.google.com/group/pink-army-cooperative/t/c899b8c38f735d6c18:53
-!- dizm [7962a87f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #hplusroadmap19:08
kanzurepatrickmclaren: yes i saw :) thanks for posting19:15
kanzurei just need to figure out what reply to write19:15
kanzurehello dizm 19:15
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]19:27
mheldanybody know of any dynamically reconfigurable computing platforms?19:47
mheldI'd like an FPGA that can be programming while it's running19:51
mheldbut the closest one I can find is that, which doesn't seem to exist in real life19:51
-!- sheena1 [~home@S010600134607204d.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:01
Utopiahmheld: OPGAs but they aren't really "real life"20:03
Utopiahand it's not really while it's running, it's fast but not real time20:04
-!- sheena1 [~home@S010600134607204d.ok.shawcable.net] has left #hplusroadmap []20:06
Utopiahcf http://www.erc.caltech.edu/Research02/reports/panotopoulos2full.html20:07
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dizmhi kanzura20:45
dizmkanzure, sorry20:45
dizmis heybryan.com broken?20:46
fennit's heybryan.org20:58
-!- jennifer2 [~jennifer@c-67-180-253-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:59
fenni think the content of "open science summit" has mutated quite a bit since I first read the draft description21:06
kanzuregordon bell?21:19
kanzurejerry glenn?21:20
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap21:21
* fenn downloads mailing list archives....21:24
kanzureoh huh heybryan.org /is/ down21:26
kanzuredizm: it should be back up now21:27
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fenncompare the text here http://fenn.freeshell.org/oss2010_draft.txt with what's up now: http://opensciencesummit.com/about/21:33
fennthey berkeley-ized it21:34
kanzurepack vs. code21:51
kanzureit's a tough decision21:51
fennIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated a new policy on Tuesday to encourage population growth21:53
fenn$950 per kid21:54
fenn+ $95/ye for 18 years21:54
fenn"Parents will also be expected to pay matching funds into the accounts."21:55
fenndont really get the last line21:55
fennpack now, then write code and remember what you forgot to pack21:56
fennif you brought my bathroom stuff and socks it would make me happy21:57
fenncontact lenses in there somewhere would be useful21:57
kanzureweirdest thing happened the other day21:58
kanzuremom wanted me to bring over some dirty laundry when i visited21:58
kanzureso i did.. and she found a contact lense case in the collection21:58
kanzureand she thought i was hiding some sort of affair with a woman21:59
kanzure(or a guy :-/)21:59
kanzurei didn't know they were yours21:59
fenngood thing i didnt leave my lipstick in there too21:59
fennmy new room came with a bulk package of condoms22:00
kanzurebulk package?22:00
fennwell, 2422:00
kanzureis that bulk?22:00
fenni dunno22:00
kanzuregod we're lame22:01
fenni wish i'd known you were leaving earlier so i could guilt you into bringing more stuff22:02
kanzureit was a last minute ticket purchase22:02
fenndo you still hang out at the fabratory much?22:02
kanzurei thought i was leaving early july22:02
kanzurenot during the summer22:02
kanzureway, way too hot22:02
kanzurebut i do have a key and i do hang there every once in a while22:03
fennare the fishtubs still reasonably accessible? last i saw they were on top of one of the rooms22:03
kanzurethey are still there22:04
kanzurethey are quasi-reasonably accessible with a ladder22:04
kanzuredave has hextatic22:04
fenni want to get some of the electronics (lithium batteries, sensor chips, misc components) before mid august22:05
fennthose big lithium batteries are either expensive or take randint()%5 months to arrive from china22:06
fennthere's also the third option of using the unlabeled li-po cells from noisebridge and possibly self-immolating22:09
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kanzurei know, i know22:11
kanzureit's terrible22:11
kanzurebut the wrapper will make it look nice and pretty22:12
fennkanzure: for step.py to ever be useful it's going to need an API definition22:12
kanzuretake a look at test_sphere()22:12
kanzureall that stuff is going to be abstracted away from the user22:12
kanzuremost of it is just metadata22:12
kanzurethe real beans are the product_definition_shape and advanced_brep_shape_representation entities22:13
kanzureoh wait, s/product_definition_shape/shape_definition_representation/22:14
fenndid you just massage the express file into python with vim?22:14
kanzureyes and no22:14
kanzureit's been quite an experience of random bullshitting of all sorts22:15
kanzureat one point i was writing a python file to read the file python and interject code in particular places O_O22:15
kanzurewhich is of course   the wrong thingg   to do22:15
kanzure*which is of ccccourse the wwwrong thingggg to do22:15
fennheh negative zero22:15
fennthat's double plus fantastic22:15
ybitkanzure: adl.serveftp.org is down ftr..22:15
kanzureybit: yes i know :(22:16
kanzureheh i have a phd student at the uni to go check out the server tomorrow22:18
kanzureso we'll see what's up.22:19
kanzurefenn: Level2API.py is pretty lame22:19
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/csg.py is way too basic22:19
kanzureoh that's right, the server is down >_<22:19
kanzureuh, well anyway, we need a good API structure for this22:20
kanzurewhile you're espousing on how to make it not suck, maybe i can go pack your socks?22:20
fennoh, i dont know that much about how STEP actually works, because i never got to read the real documentation22:21
kanzureno no i mean the abstract CAD-like API22:21
fenni just know there's 13 different ways of specifying a spline22:21
fennso this is inherently confusing22:21
fenni think something like asciidoc generated from docstrings would be a good route for making documentation22:21
kanzurefor making geometric primitives, sketches, fusions, intersections, ..22:22
fennor sphinx(?)22:22
kanzurenobody should ever have to see the stuff in step.py22:22
kanzurebut rather see stuff like "class Sphere" and "class Edge"22:22
fennhm, i guess22:22
kanzureand that namespace and API full of easy-to-use constructs is what i'm wondering about22:22
kanzurepeople are welcome to use the step.py stuff i guess but honestly they are insane22:22
fenni agree most of the boilerplate stuff should be automatic22:23
kanzureyeah, hide that in a few __init__s or something22:23
kanzurebut a weird idea hit me- what about a sphere.fuse(box) where sphere is in one context (metric units) and the other is in imperial buttloads?22:23
kanzureso maybe i'll do some unit conversion magic somewhere22:23
fenner, is that even possible? fuse?22:24
kanzureheekscad has a "fuse"22:24
fennright, that's opencascade tho22:24
kanzureand solidworks and just about everything else22:24
kanzurefuse would just mean delete the surfaces that are occluded by the intersection and stitch the surfaces at the intersection edges, or something22:25
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fennwhich is mor9e than jjust step import22:28
kanzurefenn: this isn't step import22:28
kanzurethis is step export22:28
fenni know, but you cant specify 'fuse these together' in a step file22:30
kanzureright, you have to evaluate that command22:30
kanzurewhich i think is OK to include in an API that is wrapping around all these step-specific bullshit classes22:31
kanzurebut maybe, i agree, is not the first/primary goal to accomplish22:31
fennsimple matter of programming: used ironically to imply that a difficult problem can be easily solved because a program can be written to do it; the irony is that it is very clear that writing such a program will be a great deal of work. “It's easy to enhance a FORTRAN compiler to compile COBOL as well; it's just a SMOP.”22:32
fennsimple matter of programming: used ironically to imply that a difficult problem can be easily solved because a program can be written to do it; the irony is that it is very clear that writing such a program will be a great deal of work. "It's easy to enhance a FORTRAN compiler to compile COBOL as well; it's just a SMOP."22:32
kanzuremeh less work than step.py has been so far22:33
kanzuresplicer: http://www.transalchemy.com/2010/07/rise-of-biopunk.html22:33
splicerkanzure: Thanks, I read it this morning22:34
kanzureit's too bad genehacker didn't jump on this: http://www.thegenehacker.com/22:34
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splicerapparently I'm genehacker.org22:52
fennwow they finished already http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2010/07/26/Plastiki-finishes-Pacific-voyage/UPI-70481280126232/22:55
kanzurerandom openfoam/brlcad hating http://www.zoklet.net/bbs/showthread.php?p=203291322:56
ybitkanzure: feel free to grab this paper: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja00471a041 if you have utexas access22:57
ybitor similar papers...22:58
ybitdunno who else here might have access..22:58
kanzurei have access but i don't want to right now. the server should be back up tomorrow anyway.23:00
ybitalso of interest: http://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/15287?idioma=en :: "Fabricación de nanoestructuras biomoleculares y nanodispositivos electrónicos mediante Nanolitografía por Oxidación Local"23:06
ybitalso of interest: http://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/15287?idioma=en :: "Fabricación de nanoestructuras biomoleculares y nanodispositivos electrónicos mediante Nanolitografía por Oxidación Local"23:06
ybitand this one because everyone cares: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/322/5900/413 :: "Complex Patterning by Vertical Interchange Atom Manipulation Using Atomic Force Microscopy"23:11
kanzurethe world of credit card processing is bizarre http://it.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1734454&cid=3305268423:16
kanzureheh http://it.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1734454&cid=3305277823:17
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kanzurefenn: plastiki was all over the news when i was at mom's the other day.23:22
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fennman, sorting videos takes for ever23:31
fennhey, one of you internet people needs to like, edit these or something23:31
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kanzurefenn: context?23:41
ybitgod i hate patents23:45
ybitwe have to wait until this expires to make an open equivalent of it? :\23:45
ybityou don't have to pay fees if you are building stuff for educational purposes right? you could, in theory, build it and show others how to as well if they would like to make it for educational purposes as well23:47
ybitsleep time.23:47
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