
--- Log opened Sun Aug 08 00:00:17 2010
uniqanomaly_little old 00:08
fennhah "Moore didn't have any right to sue Goldie for stealing his cells because the cells didn't belong to Moore in the first place."00:12
fennhuman beings aren't property! lol00:12
uniqanomaly_yeah, you don't own yourself00:13
fennMoore's cells couldn't belong to him because if they did belong to him, then Goldie couldn't have a patent on them.00:13
fennand thus a new era of legal precedent was born00:13
uniqanomaly_before reading this article i thought that software patents are stupid00:15
uniqanomaly_i mean they are, but this is seriously fucked up shit my friends00:15
fennanyone use Getting Things Done?00:24
uniqanomaly_fenn: rather that one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2uFH0NCMY400:25
fenncool, a @lazy decorator only evaluates when needed: http://blitiri.com.ar/p/python/00:26
fennThe term dataflow (which is often used for a number of different things) here is used to denote an object which can be used before its value has been computed, with the computing happening asynchronously. When you try to use the object, if its computation has not concluded, you're put to wait until it is.00:27
fennuniqanomaly_: that guy sorta sounds like joseph jackson00:28
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:39
JayDuggerGood morning everyone.00:39
fenn"truthiness" voted 2005 word of the year01:22
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fennhuh, they voted "massively parallel" as most unnecessary word of 199101:33
JayDugger"They" who?01:33
fennthe american dialect society (which informs time magazine)01:34
fennhttp://www.craphound.com/lifehacksetcon04.txt   <- habits of prolific "alpha geeks"01:38
uniqanomaly_they are all of those people and just are them LOL just trolling01:38
fennuh, you just failed the turing test, my friend01:39
uniqanomaly_well, sorry01:41
uniqanomaly_my happy hour haven't end yet since yesterday, and I have 10am in my timezone01:42
JayDuggerAlpha geek habits omits any mention of version control.02:04
fennWhen queried02:10
fenn"Aren't you playing God?"02:10
fennVenter responds02:10
fenn"We're not playing."02:10
fenn"All geeks back up. They've all learned the lesson. They do it02:17
fenninstead of backing up. Synching is the new backup. Spread stuff02:17
fennas widely as possible -- that way the nuke won't get it all."02:17
fenndistributed version control wasn't a big thing yet in 200402:18
fenner, prepend that with "Everyone has synch scripts to keep multiple machines in synch."02:18
fenn"consequently, i'm moving 'lolita' up on my reading list" http://www.flickr.com/photos/oddwick/2219646342/sizes/l/02:28
fennx-axis is SAT score02:28
JayDuggerThis chart shows J. K. Rowling above Toni Morrison.02:30
JayDuggerAnd Bronte, Bradbury, Shakespeare, and only even with lesser Huxley.02:30
fenni absolutely hated 'the beloved'02:30
JayDuggerNot a fan of Morrison, but she can write, unlike Rowling.02:31
JayDuggerNot quite fair--Rowling can only write for children.02:31
fennbradbury was pretty bad too, it was like the leftovers after i had read all the good sf on my parents' bookshelf02:31
JayDuggerBradbury's pretty overrated, but not like Card or Rowling.02:32
fenni've never read any rowling so i can't say02:32
fennbut ender's game was pretty good02:32
fennbronte was awful and shakespeare is not understandable02:32
JayDuggerOne good novella proves him only a lucky hack.02:32
JayDuggerMost people get ruined by Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet.02:33
fenni havent read anything else by card but that doesn't mean they're not any good02:33
JayDuggerI've read most of what he wrote before 2000. It mostly stinks.02:34
JayDuggerEnder's Game, the first three Seventh Son books don't stink.02:34
JayDuggerHe keeps rewriting the same stories, over and over, about tormented genius brats.02:34
JayDuggerThe 7th Son books, however, are probably the Great Mormon Novel.02:35
fennwhat does that mean?02:35
JayDuggerHuck Finn, as a novel, captures much of the American experience by encapsulating a lot of the stereotypes of American fiction.02:36
JayDuggerDoes that make sense?02:36
JayDuggerContinuing the analogy, Card's 7th Son books do the same for people who grew up Mormon.02:37
JayDuggerOr recovered ones, such as myself. :)02:37
fenni almost want to become a raelian out of spite http://www.flickr.com/photos/oddwick/2211327712/02:37
JayDuggerI wonder if that differs much from his blog, The Technium.02:39
fenni think the technium is the sequel to that book, kk is just posting all the content online as he write it (or something)02:41
fenner, uh, oh. that's the new book.02:42
fenni love jurvetson's flickr blog02:44
JayDuggerYeah, he posts a lot of really good pictures.02:44
fennsince i've started paying attention i've randomly come across like 20 different photos of his in various places on the net02:44
fennhah i couldnt agree more "The flush toilet is an unfeasible approach."02:45
JayDuggerI'd take that more seriously from someone else. I read that and thought, "this from man who brought the race Windows 3.1."02:47
JayDuggerHe has a point. Indoor plumbing gets less credit than it deserves.02:47
fenn"Every 2 days, we create 5 exabytes of new data, which is more data than from the beginning of time through 2003"02:53
fenn"Younger people are privacy-damaged. At a young age they are told that spy satellites watching them. That everything is watched. Especially the satellites. It's utterly untouchable. They grow up being unaccustomed to say 'this is mine.' The momentum is with those who don't care about privacy."03:01
fenninteresting that gelerntner lumps property in with privacy so non-chalantly03:02
fenn[The elephant in the room, as we reflect on his comments on privacy, was his his personal experience with the Unabomber. The glove over his damaged hand served as a reminder.]03:03
fennthere we go conflating privacy and security again03:03
fennit's not like prominent academics are going to start publishing anonymously03:03
fennbecause they are afraid of hypothetical nutjobs sending bombs in the mail03:04
fenn"In Afghanistan, we are spending $2B/week on war vs 2M/week on education. If we move .5% from column A to B, then every child can have a laptop.03:04
Utopiah(nice network viz http://complexnetworks.fr/plots.php including videos http://complexnetworks.fr/videos.php )03:07
fenn"Anything that can be stated with no internal contradictions can be accomplished."03:09
fennUtopiah: "quantifying paedophiles"?? how do we even know if the person is a pedophile?03:10
fennug, slow03:11
Utopiahfenn: they give details, probably using http://antipaedo.lip6.fr of a nearby lab03:11
fenni don't get it.. they are particularly concerned that teenagers will have access to pedo porn03:19
fenn"The presence of harmful contents in these systems, in particular paedophile ones, therefore constitute a worrying danger for a significant proportion of European children "03:19
uniqanomaly_and locking them up for posession of nude photos of themselves03:19
uniqanomaly_on their own cell phones03:20
uniqanomaly_this is just total ownage03:21
uniqanomaly_check out news03:21
uniqanomaly_'A 17-year-old Cape Coral girl has been charged with child cruelty and possession of obscene material for depicting the sexual performance of a child after authorities found pornographic images of herself on her phone, computer and her MySpace page.'03:21
fenn"Teenage boy arrested and charged with sexual battery on a minor when caught masturbating in the shower."03:22
uniqanomaly_after all it's good thing they lock her up03:24
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.03:25
uniqanomaly_no more child porn from her03:25
uniqanomaly_JayDugger: Hello Sir03:26
fennneato, landmine-detecting plants http://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/1537623/in/photostream/04:35
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fenn"Neal Stephenson proposes one meta rule: in a climate of moral relativism the only sin is hypocrisy."04:55
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fenn"Panspermia is how life is spread throughout the universe and we are contributing to it from earth by launching billions of microbes into space." (Craig Venter on EDGE)06:07
JayDuggerAnd he can prove this? :)06:10
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fennif you are interested, check out wickramasinghe and hoyt's papers on spectrometry of interstellar dust clouds06:19
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JayDuggerNo, thanks though. Just poking fun at Dr. Venter's hyperbole.06:24
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superkuhfenn: re: neurostarTMS.com , http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org/cgi/eletters/67/5/507#13743 08:08
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kanzure04:51 <Fighter > there's over 33,000 atoms in a cell? i didn't know this.08:43
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kanzurefenn: "At a young age they are told that spy satellites watching them. That everything is watched." religious folks live with that every day.. nothing new (for them)09:09
kanzureJayDugger: are you still
kanzureSimulation based tool wear prediction in milling http://www.opencascade.org/org/community/projects/?project_id=23309:43
kanzure"parametrized with data concerning the workpiece material, cutting material and further influencing factors that remain constant during a milling process. Different variable process parameters, as the feed rate, the engagement situation, the cutting speed as well as the cut volume strongly interact and their impact on the process and the tool at different wear states has to be incorporated"09:43
kanzurehrm but no links on the page09:43
kanzure"Welcome to the new home of a new kind of project, a global09:49
kanzuremass-collaboration to design a new aircraft. Think of it as09:49
kanzurea sort of Linux with wings."09:49
kanzureisn't it common to clip a penguin's wings?09:49
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cluckjyeah you have to clip them or they'll fly away10:18
kanzureQuantumG: i want to contact someone at boeing, do you know anyone who can help me find drinkard@bcstec.ca.boeing.com ?10:20
kanzurewhat's the arcology mailing list from? i forget. it's something relevant to marcin's work right?10:31
kanzure"Arcology is Paolo Soleri's concept of cities which embody the fusion of architecture with ecology. "10:31
phrykIs there a word for the feeling of being about to throw up?10:38
phrykMh... not quite what I was searching for, but thanks anyway10:39
phrykI think I found what I sought: "Nausea"10:40
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kanzurewell i found him but now i'm not sure how to context dump12:20
kanzurehe was running an open source aircraft project and tried to get the opencascade community involved, and works at boeing (or at least did at one point)12:29
kanzureso i guess the relevant context intersection is my bits on opencascade, skdb, open source hardware, cad software, open manufacturing, and something else?12:30
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kanzure"Speaking of graphene, I have a possible application for large-ish scale manufacturing."13:11
kanzure"Bio-fuels like bio-diesel, which is dangerously close to bio-JetA, tend to slush at only moderately low temperatures, making them a poor choice, generally speaking, for jet engine fuel at anything like a reasonable altitude."13:11
kanzure"The fuel needs to be heated, I think, and there is a fair amount of waste heat associated with any Brayton cycle engine. Aluminum is a very good conductor of heat, but copper is half again better, and graphene is about an order of magnitude better than either."13:11
kanzure"I'm wondering if it would be cost-effective to coat the lower wing skin with graphene to conduct heat away from the engine and away to the lower wing skin."13:11
kanzure"Obviously, we don't need to do anything to the upper wing skin as the fuel temperature is going to be dominated by the forced convective heat transfer through the boundary layer on the lower skin. Much of the upper skin will have an air gap (ullage). Thought I'd toss that thought out there. :-)"13:12
genehackerwhere's that from13:21
genehackerusually you don't want to cool the jet engine13:21
genehackerthat's energy you're throwing away!13:21
genehackerit'd be much better if airplanes and cars used fuel cells13:24
kanzurehe's saying that the engine generates heat and you can use it to heat the fuel instead of letting the energy just dissipate13:24
genehackerthey're magnitudes more efficient than heat engines13:24
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kanzure"I was going to go into work and add more to my skin repair over a bulkhead, but this might be more fun."14:04
kanzurewhat does that mean?14:04
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QuantumGkanzure: no sorry15:06
kanzurehm there's only one or two people from boeing on the arocket list. that's odd.15:27
QuantumGgetting boeing people to talk is like pulling teeth.. I think they have strict policies15:33
kanzureah no it's just a person who happens to work there15:50
QuantumGyes, that's what I mean15:57
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genehackerthat means he was going to repair a bulkhead16:03
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kanzurelol at kevin kelly apologizing to me (for anything at all)19:13
kanzure[x] apology from kevin kelly (bucket list going well?)19:14
kanzurestep-nc: the end of g-codes? http://www.mmsonline.com/articles/step-ncthe-end-of-g-codes19:19
drazakkanzure: what do you think of daniel c. nocera?19:24
fennstep-nc is always 20 years off, along with fusion and mind uploading19:32
JayDuggerphryk: what do you have against the word "nausea?"19:36
JayDuggerHow does world airplane propose to pay for certification by the regulatory authorities?19:36
JayDuggerSMR's have a tough row to hoe, and they aren't open source.19:36
kanzureJayDugger: you know aerospace industry stuff, right?19:37
JayDuggerThere's an article referring to extremely good heat conductors (novel composites) in last week's Aviation Week. That might help him find collaborators.19:37
kanzuredrazak: i don't know the name19:38
drazakkanzure: personalized energy, MIT19:38
JayDuggerI'll add that to my envelope for Pixiliy, and link dump once they scan it.19:38
kanzureno i don't think you understand.. when i say i don't know someone, i really /don't/ know someone :P19:38
JayDuggerSorry, they changed names to OfficeDrop from Pixily.19:39
kanzurefenn: so the latest in "grandma bishop" chronicles19:40
kanzureis this super new site that can CALCULATE ANYTHING19:40
kanzure.. called wolfram alpha19:40
kanzureso my grandmother has now hopped on the wolfram alpha gravy train19:40
JayDuggerPretty hip grandmother you've got.19:43
QuantumGexplains *everything*19:43
QuantumGmystery kanzure, solved.19:44
QuantumGI should use wolfram alpha more19:44
JayDuggerHow does your grandmother use Wolfram Alpha?19:48
JayDuggerHow would you use Wolfram Alpha, QuantumG?19:50
QuantumGis how I just used it19:50
kanzurei think my grandmother is hip because of me, not the other way around19:51
kanzuretautology yo19:52
kanzureoh god she's a hipster19:53
JayDuggerNo argument there--duly noted.19:53
QuantumGwolfram alpha really is too slow though19:54
cluckjdoes she wear tight pants and drink pbr?19:54
JayDuggerYou know what the customer service answer will be?19:54
JayDuggerWould you like to buy a copy of Mathematica?19:54
kanzurewhat's pbr? 19:55
cluckjpabst blue ribbon19:55
QuantumGoh, and the "interpreting as.." is completely not helpful in telling you how you should have written your query19:55
JayDuggerGood night, everyone. Time to commute.19:56
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cluckjhipster booze...19:56
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kanzurei should send her to singularity summit20:10
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bkerokanzure: you fly back to TX yet?20:16
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kanzurebkero: yeah20:23
kanzurei don't know if anyone cares but i have some discount codes for singularity summit 20:24
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QuantumGwhere is it?20:26
kanzurebay area20:26
kanzurethere's also one in melbourne later this year20:26
kanzurebut i don't have discounted tickets for that one ;)20:27
QuantumGis there much space stuff at these summits?20:27
QuantumGwell, I think I'll go to the melbourne one20:29
QuantumGfrequent flyers should cover the plane tickets, so just 3 nights accom and entry... which I can't find any numbers for20:30
QuantumG"register your interest"  really?  it's a month away20:30
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kanzureQuantumG: i could probably find you a place to crash at if you'd like20:31
kanzurefor some reason melbourne is a random part of the world that i have contacts for20:32
kanzurebut if i end up in, say, kenya, i got nada20:32
QuantumGheh, I have a friend or two in melbourne but I'd rather stay in a hotel20:32
kanzuregot it20:32
QuantumGwhat's the ticket prices like there?20:32
kanzuresingularity summit up in the bay area is like 565 full priced20:33
QuantumGheh, the registration of interest has a "Estimate of what you can afford" box20:34
QuantumGso I think the price is "how much you got?"20:34
kanzurei wouldn't be surprised20:41
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fennkanzure: if i'm to be attending singularity summit, asking sooner is better than later22:55
fenni don't know who you were talking to22:56
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