
--- Log opened Wed Aug 11 00:00:17 2010
kanzureso, i think opennurbs has a gl rendering front with opennurbs_gl.cpp00:01
kanzureswig -python opennurbs.i -cpperraswarn00:07
kanzurebut you have to also mess up opennurbs.i a bit to get it to work on linux (since it was written for a windows host)00:07
kanzurei extracted the zip file into ~/local/brlcad/brlcad-7.16.8/src/other/python because it looks for ../opennurbs/ (but i had to do a search and replace to openNURBS because, again, the path it was looking for was wrong)00:07
kanzurenow i get this: ../openNURBS/opennurbs_system.h:283: Error: Extra short specifier.00:08
kanzurefixed that by a #DEFINE just above line 280something to make it think it's gcc00:18
kanzure../openNURBS/opennurbs_crc.h:64: Error: Syntax error in input(1).00:19
kanzuregit://git.debian.org/users/eugen/opennurbs.git might be handy00:27
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kanzurehrm i'm probably never going to be able to do this again but i got it to work00:31
kanzurethis worked: swig -classic -cpperraswarn -c++ -python opennurbs.i00:34
kanzureand presumably this is supposed to? g++ -I/usr/include/python2.6/ opennurbs_wrap.cxx -o _opennurbs.o00:35
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kanzurethere's a whole section on the wchar_t errors here: http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/SWIG.html00:47
kanzureopennurbs_wrap.cxx:(.text._ZN14ON_SimpleArrayIP7ON_FontE7PermuteEPKi[ON_SimpleArray<ON_Font*>::Permute(int const*)]+0x3d): undefined reference to `onmalloc'01:02
kanzureuh am i supposed to link to opennurbs.o or something?01:07
kanzureAll memory allocations and frees are done through onmalloc(), onfree(), and onrealloc(). The source code that ships with openNURBS simply has onmalloc() call malloc() and onfree() call free().01:12
kanzure"consult your local GL whiz for details" gee, thanks opennurbs!01:20
kanzurethis is probably stupid of me but i downloaded the 2010-04-09 version of opennurbs and compiled it to get libopenNURBS.a and am using that to link against for the swigged stuff (when i compile the result of the swigged stuff, i mean)01:26
kanzureyeah it didn't work. :P01:27
kanzuregod damn it01:34
kanzuregoogled for: swig "undefined reference to `PyTuple_Type'"01:34
kanzureand got back me :(01:34
kanzureokay adding -lpython2.5 makes sense01:34
kanzureopennurbs_wrap.cxx:(.text._ZN13ON_ClassArrayI12ON_HatchLineE23ConstructDefaultElementEPS0_[ON_ClassArray<ON_HatchLine>::ConstructDefaultElement(ON_HatchLine*)]+0x2a): undefined reference to `ON_HatchLine::ON_HatchLine()'01:36
kanzuremy line is: g++ -I/usr/include/python2.5/ -L. -lpython2.5 -lopenNURBS opennurbs_wrap.cxx -o _opennurbs.o01:36
kanzureto get example_gl/example_gl.cpp to compile in opennurbs i had to add a #define CALLBACK randomly01:54
kanzurewow just compiling the example file was an ordeal :P02:03
kanzureit works, and i can rotate an object in the window, but there's this blue flashing line every time i rotate a bit02:04
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epitronbackface culling!02:30
epitronocclusion trees!02:31
kanzureopennurbs_wrap.cxx:(.text._ZN13ON_ClassArrayI14ON_MaterialRefE8HeapSortEPFiPKS0_S3_E[ON_ClassArray<ON_MaterialRef>::HeapSort(int (*)(ON_MaterialRef const*, ON_MaterialRef const*))]+0x54): undefined reference to `ON_hsort(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int (*)(void const*, void const*))'02:36
kanzureis there something other than -lopenNURBS that i should be adding to my g++ line to compile opennurbs_wrap.cxx (the result of the swig generator)?02:37
epitronmaybe swig missed a method02:38
kanzuredo you know what swig is?02:38
kanzurei don't need to expose ON_hsort in the interface02:38
epitronyou're right though, swig wouldn't be responsible for this02:38
epitronyeah, i'm just saying things02:39
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kanzurei dno't get it http://scienceonlinelondon.wikidot.com/topics:green-chain-reaction09:09
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kanzureelevenarms suggests http://libcinder.org/ for visualization magics09:31
kanzurethis looks like overkill: http://roberthodgin.com/cymatic-ferrofluid/09:32
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kanzurefenn: what the hell is going on with luf-team and why are they all of the sudden doing social networking bullshit?09:46
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fennyou mean like, talking to each other?10:11
fenncinder is neat10:11
fennre: the cymatic/ferrofluid thing, i saw something like that (but different) based around a webcam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyOen546D5E10:16
fenni drank a pound of spinach this morning (discovered the vita-mix)10:17
fennit has a splash guard (?) which is really nice because it dampens the noise to about the sound of a cordless drill10:21
kanzureit seems like someone is trying to hijack luf-team and i haven't seen eric around in a while10:31
kanzureis he dead?10:31
fennhope not10:32
kanzureyou know what this means right?10:32
kanzurehis "autobiography" is going to be "coauthored" by ben lipkowitz10:32
kanzurebest of luck.10:32
kanzureokay, so, i was trying to swig opennurbs and i found someone who attempted it a while back10:34
kanzure(and the resulting file)10:34
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kanzurei've finally got it down to only a handful of errors when compiling the _opennurbs.so object10:35
kanzurefor instance: opennurbs_wrap.cxx:(.text+0xa6bb2): undefined reference to `ON_UuidIndexList::Write(ON_BinaryArchive&) const'10:35
fenn"You are justified in10:35
fennfeeling that you both worked very hard for education and experience you have gained, and it is frustrating10:35
fennto the point of hyperventilation to be asked to bring someone like me along."10:35
kanzurethere's about 8 of those left, but there were originally 20 of those and i made them vanish by adding %ignore lines to the swig interface file (but apparently %ignore didn't work for these few remaining issues?)10:36
kanzurefenn: yeah, them fighting words10:36
kanzurei read that email and couldn't figure out what he thought you said10:36
kanzurehey who is elifarley and why do i keep running into him?11:02
kanzureoh i'm confusing him with eli chait11:02
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kanzurefenn: do you want to write a "why we shouldn't have a dependency on opencascade in skdb" post to om? leo dearden is asking11:45
kanzureooh it worked: g++ -c ../opennurbs/*.cpp opennurbs_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.5/ -I/usr/lib/python2.5/ -L. -lpython2.5 -lopenNURBS -lGLU -lGL -lglut -lXmu -lXi -lXext -lX11 2>&111:59
kanzurebut i had to manually edit opennurbs_wrap.cxx because the %ignore statements didn't take effect >:o11:59
kanzureTOO MANY CONSOLES!! http://tpc.googlesyndication.com/pagead/imgad?id=CMD4_ZmXx8qx8gEQ0AIYmAIyCMUjf8jGhi1Q12:07
kanzureImportError: ./_opennurbs.so: undefined symbol: __cxa_guard_acquire12:09
kanzurethis helped me at least get to that point: http://www.penzilla.net/tutorials/python/swig/12:10
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fennplz remind me about om post later12:30
kanzurewhat is later?12:30
kanzurealso it's odd that neither of us have written it up anyway.. seems like it would save a lot of others some time?12:31
kanzurewhen compiling opennurbs_wrap.cxx osmething like -lstdc++ needs to be added near -L.12:32
kanzureso that makes it: g++ -c ../opennurbs/*.cpp opennurbs_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.5/ -I/usr/lib/python2.5/ -L. -lstdc++ -lpython2.5 -lopenNURBS -lGLU -lGL -lglut -lXmu -lXi -lXext -lX11 2>&112:32
kanzureand then you link it up: ld -shared -o _opennurbs.so libopenNURBS.a opennurbs_wrap.o12:32
kanzurehrm.. -lstc++ didn't fix the __cxa_guard_acquire problem.12:32
kanzure>> import opennurbs12:51
kanzuresuccess.. but i didn't bother to check if ON_GL was in the swig interface definition >_< so there's no opengl stuff included12:51
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kanzurehi alfeb 12:52
alfebI'm a physicist very interested in OSH and the skdb project12:53
kanzurethen you're in the right place12:54
kanzuretoday i've been wrestling with some nurbs visualization libraries12:54
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kanzurewelcome back alfeb 12:59
kanzuredid you find your way here via the open manufacturing group?13:00
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alfebopen source ecology -> fab,tractors,spaceships, printers ... long etc of a few days -> skdb and then here13:02
kanzuregot it13:02
kanzureopennurbs_wrap.cxx:330174: error: expected type-specifier before 'GLUnurbsObj'13:03
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kanzurehuh i wonder why opennurbs.h doesn't include opennurbs_gl.h by default13:07
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kanzurenow for the gruesome conversion of example_gl.cpp into python13:37
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kanzuredoes anyone know what "the sandbox network" is and why max marmer keeps showing up in weird places?13:50
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kanzurelooks elitist13:59
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alfebdarn! turned 30 last year :) won't make it into their special-people club14:16
alfebthere are other social-entrepreneurship organizations, some involved in OSH in some way or another14:18
alfebhttp://iddsummit.org/ from MITs fab lab for ex. 14:19
alfeb(sorry, from the D-lab, not fab lab)14:19
alfebhttp://www.unreasonableinstitute.org/ too14:20
kanzurewtf are these?14:20
kanzureit's alarming how people flock towards social exclusivity14:23
alfebwell, IDDS summit gathers farmers, welders, artisans, mathematicians, designers, engineers, ... who just apply14:25
alfebusually from around the world (mostly developing countries) to develop appropriate technology for third world problems14:25
kanzureany time people say "appropriate technology" what they really mean is they are going to patent it and then restrict its diffusion (example: diagnostics for all)14:26
alfebwell, it's often the case.  But in this particular case I can tell you it's not as I attended the summit a couple of years back14:26
alfebthey came up with simple stuff like a corn sheller14:26
alfeb(may look pretty stupid as it's a piece of bent metal ... but it can save lots  working hours )14:27
alfebbut not much to patent there (or a special hammer to make charcoal)14:27
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splicer_I have a stupd question: Does this say that the price to sequence 96x400bp is $4.86 if I send them the 96 well plate and the primers? 14:30
splicer_...or am I missing something?14:31
kanzuresounds like you got it right14:31
kanzurebut that might be 4.87 per well?14:31
kanzure"$4.87 per sample ... $3.10/sample for orders containing 96 samples in plate format"14:32
splicer_I think you're right... it would be 4.87 for 400-600bp I think14:33
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splicer_thanks kanzure14:37
splicer_what was the reason I'd want to build a gelbox again?14:40
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fenntagadelic (the neat tag cloud thingy on sandbox-network.com) is nifty and i dont think it absolutely requires drupal/plone/whatever to work14:51
fennwhere else has max marmer showed up?14:52
alfebquick question, is updates-from-austin.pdf up on adl.serveftp.org? or is it just my connexion?14:57
kanzureadl.serveftp.org was confiscated by "the proper authorities"14:57
kanzurei could throw the file up somewhere else though if you give me a few seconds to upload14:57
alfebthat would be great, thank you14:58
kanzurei'm sorry you have to ask manually for the files.. i should just drive over there and see if the server is still physically there15:02
kanzuremaybe i'll do that tomorrow15:02
kanzurealfeb: there's better stuff than just updates-from-austin.pdf btw15:06
alfebI'm all ears15:07
fennkanzure has a car?15:07
kanzurei've had a car for.. uh15:08
kanzurea long time :)15:08
fennwell uh, belated congratulations15:08
kanzurefenn: alfeb's ears make me think we should have written an actual whitepaper on this shit a while ago15:09
kanzurehonestly a pdf file sent to rob stone is not what i'd call "quality material" :)15:09
alfebif you need LaTeX typesetting to make it look like "quality material" I'd be happy to chip in15:11
kanzurequite possibly15:11
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kanzurealfeb: the best thing that you could be staring at is http://github.com/kanzure/skdb/ i guess15:12
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kanzurethe doc/ folder has the architecture, "best guesses for the future" example files, stuff like that15:12
kanzurei did a scrape of thingiverse and made skdb-like packages for all of the thingiverse objects, but that's also on davinci / adl.serveftp.org15:13
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alfebI've started to have a look ... on github ... oh, the conversion of all thingiverse objects sounds quite impressive, how did it work out?15:15
kanzurethe hardest part was figuring out the names for the packages15:20
kanzurei had a little convert to take the name of the thingiverse object and turn it into a "unix name"15:20
kanzurehowever, in many cases thingiverse objects have absolutely awful titles15:20
kanzure1/4" fitting15:21
kanzurestuff like that is common :P15:21
alfebI see15:21
kanzureand if you just strip that or whatever you get 14-fitting15:21
kanzurewhich is a pretty useless package name15:21
alfebsure.  Well, I need to know more about what a "skdb-like package" looks like before understanding the extent of the scrape, so I'll have more questions another time15:24
kanzurebasically it's metadata plus cad files15:26
kanzurebut in the case of thingiverse they just have mesh files more often than not15:26
kanzurealso a license file or license attribute in the metadata15:26
kanzurethere are a few unanswered issues with packages though because we've never actually figured out if having a python file inside of a package to define algorithms (and whatever else) was appropriate or not15:27
alfebwhy would it not be appropriate?15:28
kanzureit's generally a bad idea to hard code anything15:28
kanzurefor instance, in the screw package there's screw.py which defines max_load and a few other methods for various calculations.. in no particular order either :P15:29
kanzurefenn: write that email?15:30
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alfebso...(showing my lack of understanding with a question), the problem is that another algorithm/language could not access some of the methods?15:30
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kanzurewell i guess you could get access to those methods from another language (like if you include a python interpreter in your C++ project or just call the script from a shell)15:31
kanzureit just seems messy15:32
alfebnow, another ignorant question ... does some of the metadata enable combining parts (or things)?  And if so ... the combinations could very easily grow exponentially ... making it hard to combine the parts.15:34
kanzure"making it hard to combine the parts" hard in what way?15:34
kanzureone of the demos we did were legos15:34
kanzureso there's an interactive demo of plugging legos together15:34
kanzurethe data that defined this was a set of "control points" assigned in 3D space with a vector pointing away from the object, like at the holes and other connector points on a lego15:35
kanzurehm i have a screenshot of this on the server that isn't up15:35
kanzurewe implemented an axis-aligned bounding box collision detection routine for combining the lego parts to make sure no parts intersected each other in an assembly15:36
alfebno, I mean hard computationally, that if you have 100 parts with N "contact points", then you have N**100 combinations15:37
kanzurefor the demo we only allowed random choices for where to try to add a brick, so naturally it took quite a while when you had a large 15+ lego model to run through the collision detection for each of the random attempts at plugging in a lego15:37
kanzure(this was using opencascade and their visualization system, so it wasn't exactly obvious how to get the mouse controls working)15:37
kanzureyes that's true15:38
kanzurebut primarily skdb is about building things first and foremost15:38
kanzureautomated design problem solving is a nice novelty and something i've thought a lot about, but it definitely doesn't seem necessary for first demos15:38
alfebI understand.  It sure is a complex problem.  if your machine is missing a part, finding the right part efficiently in a large database could be interesting (and the metadata and geometry should help with that, right?)15:41
kanzureyes geometry match search stuff is one use. there was actually someone doing that in the literature once15:41
kanzurebasically his method was to break up a model into a mesh and then into a skeleton-type-model-thing called a ceeb graph15:42
kanzureceeb graph? something like that.15:42
kanzureand then some graph similarity matching algorithms on the ceeb graphs or skeleton graphs of the models15:42
kanzurereeb graphs. that's it.15:43
alfebsounds cool15:44
alfeband an efficient algorithm for computing them seems to exist15:44
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alfebbedtime here in Denmark. Thanks for the insight kanzure. 15:48
kanzure:) any time15:48
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fennlook i'm in wired (pale hairy guy in center) http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/08/libertarian-burning-man/?pid=1715:52
kanzureisn't this the second time?15:54
fenni can't keep track15:54
kanzureoh crud i forgot to send my notes to gary15:54
fennoh the qs thing was in new yor times15:54
fennqs meeting is in like 2 hours15:55
kanzureheh i thought you just meant timezone because 15:55
kanzuregah now you really do mean timezone stuff15:55
kanzure*thought you just meant the ny timezone15:55
kanzurehe wanted to do a phone interview and everything, and i don't have the materials to make it easy for him to do show-and-tell15:55
fennthomas goetz was supposed to write a qs article for wired but i never saw anything15:55
kanzurefenn did you see my pm about money stuff?15:57
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fennegad.. /me just googled for 'floatopia'16:55
kanzurethey need to do one in the gulf near the oil16:59
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kanzurekanzure@pikachu:~/local/opennurbs/python2$ python opennurbs_visualizer.py17:46
kanzureSegmentation fault17:46
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kanzurei seem to be seg faulting on gluNurbsProperty calls18:24
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QuantumGsee if something is expecting a pointer and you're passing in a variable.18:36
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kanzureQuantumG: that was exactly what was happening actually :)18:57
kanzurei was calling gluNurbs() and that's apparently either just returning a pointer or useless in general18:57
kanzureit's gluNewNurbsThingy() that matters18:57
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kanzureswig says i need to pass this: ON_GL(ON_Brep const &,GLUnurbsObj *)20:17
kanzureON_GL(an ON_Brep object, a GLUnurbs object (also tried the gluNewNurbsRenderer())) is the line in question20:17
kanzurenow, for other cases, like ON_GL(ON_Curve const &,GLUnurbsObj *), it works just fine using basically the same pattern20:17
kanzureso i don't know why my brep object isn't being accepted (it can't be the GLUnurbsObj because that's the same in both cases)20:18
kanzureit's a prefectly valid object..20:18
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phrykis that glsl?21:31
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kanzuretodo for tomorrow is to rewrite opennurbs' ON_GL .. it doesn't seem to like it when i pass it a pointer or whatever.22:25
kanzurerewriting that code is too far upstream though22:25
kanzurethere's some manual modifications that i've had to make to the generated _wrap.cxx file and opennurbs.py file because swig doesn't follow my %ignore directives22:26
fenngordon moore (mylifebits, microsoft research director) and randal koene (minduploading.org/carboncopies.org) talked at QS23:31
fennrandal has a ncurses-y unix program he uses to make todo lists and record 'tasks' that have been accomplished23:32
fennthese tasks are all organized in a dependency tree, so the program can tell him what he needs to do next23:32
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fenna random entry i happened to see: Teleplace meeting with Anders, Giulio, and Tudor, 19:00 CET May 14, 200(1?)23:34
fennsorry 201023:35
fennand numerous black inked-out "secret" lines of course23:36
fennthere was a cardiologist heckler in the audience too, who made frun of seth roberts' (third speaker) butter for reaction time enhancement experiment23:46
fennrandall also plugged "advancing substrate-independent minds" workshop aug 16-17 which i dont know if i'll be able to go to http://www.carboncopies.org/workshop223:50
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