
--- Log opened Thu Aug 12 00:00:17 2010
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has quit [Quit: leaving]01:36
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fennsaw this girl in the audience at qs http://slimavocado.com/blog/2010/flight-mode-inflatable-sns/02:15
splicerdid you invoke the response?02:46
-!- SeH_ [~SeH_2@c-67-172-21-121.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]02:52
fennno she was wearing the extimacy collar instead03:17
fennseth roberts appears randomly in my internet trawling: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shangri-La_Diet03:18
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splicernot all that different from kurzweils longevity business: http://www.rayandterry.com/index.asp04:40
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kanzurefenn: yeah, randal's teleplace meeting is windows-only or something. telexlr8 or something07:04
kanzure"David's work background includes military service in the Parachute Regiment, from which position he also went on to be trained as a Combat Medical Technician (CMT), which has provided some transferrable skills for his later work in cryonics emergency service provision."07:06
kanzure(david styles)07:06
-!- panax [panax@116vpn121.net.usf.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]07:13
eriduhas anyone participated in an AI-box experiment?07:22
eriduin this channel?07:22
eriduhas anyone in this channel participated in an AI-box experiment?07:22
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-110-194.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]07:24
-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@dblt-216-227-26-99.gtcom.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:25
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone07:26
kanzurehi JayDugger 07:31
JayDuggerOn vacation, not dead--just babysitting.07:37
-!- Juul [~Juul@h55eb1609.dkkoost.sta.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:39
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kanzurethey are at it again.. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Black_and_White_Versions08:06
-!- Joeconyers [~Joe@ool-182fafef.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]08:08
kanzurepublic domain mark http://labs.creativecommons.org/demos/pd/08:35
kanzureabout it: http://scienceblogs.com/commonknowledge/2010/08/i_am_cribbing_significant_amou.php08:35
-!- fenn [~fenn@pony.noisebridge.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]08:45
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-!- panax [panax@goldstandard.eng.usf.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap08:52
kanzurehi panax 08:54
-!- Lentur [~lentur@p54B9EE12.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:55
LenturDoes somebody know if this upcoming Singu-Summit will be livestreamed and if so can you give me the address?08:58
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kanzurehi lentur09:01
kanzurei haven't heard yet if it will be streamed or not09:01
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Lenturhi, someone said the last two were, so I presume that this one will be too09:03
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-!- dbolser [~dmb@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap09:06
dbolsercan anyone help with this: http://bifx.pastebin.com/yecReDAa09:06
dbolserdon't know much about brain anatomy / terminology09:07
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kanzurehi dbolser 09:16
kanzurethe first thing that worries me is this09:20
kanzure"Values for regional cerebral blood flow measured with 15 mu radioactive microspheres were used to compute regional cerebral vascular resistance (rCBR)"09:20
kanzurehowever, i would expect the acronym for "regional cerebral vascular resistance" to be rCVR not rCBR09:20
kanzureyou'd have to look at the paper to see if they clarify what they are plotting with the microspheres09:22
dbolserkanzure: right09:27
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kanzurei don't know if anyone wants to do me a favor but voting for me would be hot09:44
kanzureoh, the poll isn't up yet09:45
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-110-194.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:51
kanzure"# Open CASCADE Technology releases (versions 5.0 to 5.2.4) - documentation engineer (as a member of Open CASCADE Technology Maintenance and Support Team - 10 persons). "09:54
kanzure10 people? that's a little hard to believe09:54
kanzurethat was from http://www.docennt.narod.ru/cv_eng.html09:55
kanzuresales team is 4 people. hehe09:55
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dbolserkanzure: vote on what now?10:02
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kanzuredbolser: i'm running for the board of humanity+10:03
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kanzure"OPEN CASCADE is a subsidiary of EURIWARE, which is a subsidiary of the AREVA group. EURIWARE employs 2,250 people."10:04
dbolserwhat is the link to humanity+ ?10:04
kanzurecase study of opencascade as a business: http://www.ebusiness-watch.org/studies/case_studies/documents/Case%20Studies%202005/CS_SR10_IT-services_4-Open_Cascade.pdf10:05
kanzuredbolser: http://humanityplus.org/10:05
kanzureit's the world transhumanist association.10:05
dbolserI meant, what links OPEN_CASCADE and http://humanityplus.org/10:06
dbolsersorry, just confused10:06
dbolserthese are parallel but unrelated threads?10:06
dbolserVoting for the interim Board elections will start Aug 13 - OK10:06
kanzure"In the first year after becoming a services company, Open Cascade S.A. applied a truly open model for further development of the Open Cascade platform."10:12
kanzureyes these are parallel threads :)10:12
kanzure"Everyone who wanted to could participate. But, according to Mr. Rochon, this approach resulted in several difficulties: It turned out that the communication process - necessary to make programmers familiar with the software and the problems approached - was extremely time consuming."10:12
kanzure"In the worst case, programmers lost their interest after a long time of discussing the project and disappeared." In addition, the quality of the code delivered was often not convincing. These were both unacceptable situations in light of the critical projects Open Cascade S.A. supports on behalf of its large clients."10:13
kanzurebahah the code was of unacceptable quality?10:13
kanzurehas that guy even /attempted/ to read opencascade source code?10:14
kanzure(those comments from michel rochon were from 2005-01-26)10:15
dbolsersounds like they need to brush up on some open source project management strategies10:16
dbolsermind you, bioperl and gbrowse are a nightmare10:16
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-!- klafka [~klafka@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:42
kanzurefenn: didn't you say pythonCAD was closed source or something?10:49
kanzureer, pythonCASCADE10:49
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-!- AJollyLife [~Jolly@unaffiliated/ajollylife] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]12:32
kanzureUtopiah: what cities are you near?12:42
-!- AJollyLife [~Jolly@unaffiliated/ajollylife] has joined #hplusroadmap12:50
Utopiahright now: Dinard12:58
-!- klafka [~klafka@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]13:00
splicerwikipedia publish their article traffic: http://stats.grok.se/en/201008/Biopunk13:20
kanzure"Giorgio Scorzelli (Rome, Italy) is third and received a selection of fine wines from the major wine-producing areas of France for his prototype project that adds MzScheme (a variant of LISP) as a functional language to the Open CASCADE geometric kernel."13:24
genehackerwine for opensource software? neat13:24
-!- augur [~augur@c-71-196-120-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]13:24
kanzurei think they meant the drink, not wine13:25
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ybitsomeone, quick, update my on what i've missed the past week or so :)13:52
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ENKI-][kanzure: i have an arduino and a single pushbutton switch, and i need an input device for a wearable, but i don't know morse code. any ideas?14:38
ENKI-][i was considering eeg, but i don't think learning to use an eeg-based keyboard would be easier than learning morse code14:39
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cluckjENKI-][, it would be cooler14:44
ENKI-][cluckj: true.14:46
fennlol nolan bushnell is going to be staying in my burning man camp14:49
ENKI-][well, if i can fix any of the five or six wiimote link libraries that were broken by recent changes in the bluez codebase i'll probably just use the wiimote14:50
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fennwminput works on karmic (if you dont mind lame sensor fusion)14:55
-!- panax [panax@goldstandard.eng.usf.edu] has quit [Quit: got root?]15:06
* fenn watches the diybio thread on PCR machine design recapitulate ontogeny15:09
fenn"lab armor": $2k for a heated bucket full of metal beads?15:17
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genehackerwhy would you want to increase the thermal mass like that?15:51
ybit_who here works full-time at some company?15:57
fennaluminum actually has a lower thermal mass than water15:58
fennwater has one of (the?) highest specific thermal mass15:58
fennybit_: what sort of question is that?15:59
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kanzurewow, what?17:25
ybit_fenn: a question of some sort17:25
kanzure"For now, pythonOCC does leave me an out.They plan to sell a more permissive license. This means that someone who wants to make closed source software based off of CADDD will have to send money to pythonOCC."17:25
ybit_earlier, i was trying to figure out how someone could possibly work 40hrs/week and still have time for anything else17:26
ybit_when i work that much, i only feel like sleeping and eating during my spare time17:26
ybit_and reading emails or sending the occassional email17:27
ybit_toss in a significant other and you are screwed17:27
ybit_but i was hoping someone knew something i didn't after having lived that lifestyle for sometime17:27
kanzurehave you tried being a better person?17:28
ybit_yeah, that makes no sense :)17:28
ybit_basically i have a job offer in boston, but i'd be working full-time and saving very little. if things go over well, i can work part-time and spend the rest of my time on whatever i want 17:29
ybit_if things go over well *here*17:29
kanzure"saving very little" is the pay terrible or are you just not accustomed to living in a closet in a boston flat?17:29
ybit_no, i'd be living in a commune saving money17:30
kanzuresounds like it's a pretty bad deal17:30
kanzureis the job something relevant to your interests?17:30
ybit_it doesn't pay well, but it would get me out there, and apparently i know people who know people but who want to see that i'm staying out there for a good while17:31
ybit_it's basic electronic work17:31
-!- augur [~augur@c-71-196-120-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]17:31
kanzurea pcb shop or electrician consulting?17:31
-!- augur [~augur@c-71-196-120-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:31
ybit_i dunno, it's through some temp agency17:32
ybit_requires soldering and assembly, which if i have an mp3 player,  i can do this stuff for hours17:32
ybit_without feeling tired17:32
ybit_hi augur 17:33
ybit_that looks like an alabama ip17:34
ybit_but i think it's miami17:34
ybit_fl = florida, yeah...17:34
ybit_i was thinking florence :)17:34
kanzureybit_: you should become the thingiverse code monkey.17:35
kanzurethey are looking to hire someone to do web and thingiverse dev17:35
ybit_yeah, i had a job offer for internet backend stuff, but i just don't have the experience. figure if i get out there, work full-time and on my spare time code like hell, i might find a decent coding job17:36
ybit_my experience is working as a cashier, doing census, reference librarian, nothing related to internet anything17:36
ybit_i tinker, but i have nothing to show for :|17:36
ybit_and i don't see how anything like what marcin is doing is going to translate immediately into being able to work part-time in a major urban area where prices are much higher17:38
ybit_the fablab, diybio group, BUILDS, and smart girls are appealing though17:39
QuantumG"fablab" sounds like a fashion house for gay men.17:43
QuantumG"found out what's fabulous at fablab!"17:44
-!- Noahj [~noa@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:57
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kanzureQuantumG: you should go tweet that ASAP18:27
fennyeah nobody's ever thought that before~18:33
fennybit_: most people seem to do emails and whatnot while at work18:34
fenni could be a thingiverse code monkey, but do i want to?18:35
fennmarcin's system is literally too massive to work in a city where people move around all the time18:36
fennyou can't just start building anywhere you please either18:37
fennybit_: do you have any standing obligations in alabama? i.e. can you just try out boston for a couple months and see if you like it?18:38
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]18:40
ybit_fenn: well, there's tweak labs, but i'm sure it would last without me for a little while. it would be neat to try it out, but i don't feel like wasting my time, i have this feeling this would put a delay on me saving money while working here18:44
ybit_though it would be nice to live there momentarily18:45
ybit_i suppose nothing is keeping me from going since most decent jobs take awhile to be filled here, in the spring, the toyota factory will probably be rehiring if i happen to come back18:46
ybit_they pay ~$40k starting out which is decent with the low cost of living here18:46
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap19:05
kanzure"In addition to its Catia V5 and UG NX, Datakit developed and proposes a new SolidWorks to Open CASCADE convertor. "19:09
kanzurei wonder if this is just a dll plugin though19:10
fenndoes opencascade even have its own format?19:11
fennsomethin about .brep19:11
kanzurethat's basically it19:12
fennwell that's basically STEP anyway19:12
kanzurenot really19:13
-!- mheld [~mheld@c-76-119-90-161.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:14
kanzureit turns out that STEP doesn't directly store brep data19:14
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kanzurewhat's with the root worship? http://www.digital-network.net/images/img_home.jpg20:15
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kanzure CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.opencascade.com:/www/cvs cvs login21:17
kanzureLogging in to :pserver:anonymous@cvs.opencascade.com:2401/www/cvs21:17
kanzureCVS password: 21:17
kanzurecvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from cvs.opencascade.com: cvs [pserver aborted]: /www/cvs: no such repository21:17
kanzuream i doing this wrong?21:17
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kanzureoh, it gives that response even if you have the wrong password21:19
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kanzure249 points by rahulvohra 1 day ago | 86 comments23:05
kanzure""10,000+ users in 24 hours & YC funding a few days later: lessons learnt 23:05
kanzureer, it's a rapportive article and my copypaste sucks23:06
kanzure"However, on the "already happened" front, in 1997 Ticketmaster sued Microsoft just for linking to content on its website"23:23
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kanzure"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimization."23:28
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splicerwe haven't come that far since 1997, last year pirate bay got convicted for linking to copyrighted material.23:52
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