
--- Log opened Sun Aug 22 00:00:17 2010
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JayDuggerkanzure, BAA: What would you like me to do with the link dump you sent?02:39
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UtopiahNeil is a bit idealistic...08:59
kanzureJayDugger: nothing. you just seemed like you wanted links related to it09:00
kanzuretechnically most smart phones will do opengl these days..09:02
Utopiaheven in developping countries?09:31
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kanzureUtopiah: if they are so-called "smartphones" i think so, yes09:52
kanzurealso mesa-gl can run on crap hardware09:53
kanzureespecially openscad models which can't be that complex anyway because of the limits of opencsg09:53
kanzure(opencsg rendering limits, i mean)09:53
kanzurebut for the record i haven't actually tested this :D09:53
UtopiahIm sure it's technically possible and has great potential, Im just saying his comment is idealistic based on the current availability and usage in such places09:54
-!- dyngnosis [~dyngnosis@CPE00222d55d538-CM00222d55d535.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:54
UtopiahIm not even sure you have data contracts there...09:55
kanzurehi dyngnosis 09:59
dyngnosishello there09:59
dyngnosisI just thought I'd pop in and say hello.  Im a reverse engineer/software security guy who has recently become interested in biohacking/neuroscience10:01
-!- Joeconyers [~Joe@ool-182fafef.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:01
kanzuredyngnosis: cool :)10:03
kanzureneurosecurity is going to be big :P10:03
dyngnosisa potential major road block even :)... good SKDB talk in the topic btw10:05
kanzurethank you! i've been playing around with nurbs stuff today10:06
kanzureactually, may i ask, what sort of software reverse engineering do you do10:06
kanzurewindows? linux?10:07
dyngnosisI do both.  For work I do a lot of binary diffing to find behavioural differences in patched/unpatched systems when a network service is involved.10:08
kanzurei've been interested in hacking out functionality from the solidworks dll files for a while, mostly for the heck of it10:08
dyngnosisBut I've been using gdb with binnavi for a while now so Im comfortable doing elf binaries and macho as well10:08
kanzureand extracting an AES key out of the emotiv epoc software for unencrypting the bluetooth eeg data10:09
dyngnosisI'd take a look at pydbg if I were you10:09
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:09
dyngnosisa great book called Gray Hat Python will walk you through writing a custom debugger in windows in about 30 lines of code... basically you want to attach to the process, hook the APIs that have your info, read the memory addresses and detach10:10
dyngnosisI'd be happy to help it infact.10:11
kanzureyou (and QuantumG) might find this humerous10:12
kanzurei was doing some python/ctypes stuff to investigate some symbols in a set of dll files10:12
kanzurebut since it's all dll, and i'm linux only, i had to run python under wine10:12
dyngnosiswe're talking about decrypting the bluetooth eeg stream data with an AES key right?  You're not cracking the s/w?10:12
kanzurefiguring out all of the required parameters is rather difficult without api docs >_<10:12
dyngnosiskanzure, baha.. now that is funny :)10:13
kanzuredyngnosis: well presumably the emotiv epoc exe has the key inside of it, otherwise how is it decrypting the data?10:13
dyngnosiskanzure, I can throw it in IDA pro and dissassemble it for you if you like10:13
kanzureokay, cool10:13
kanzurei might send you the files in a bit. one of my servers is down though so some files might not be available for "a while"10:13
dyngnosisOk, how much is this hw btw?  I've been considering an eeg for a while but I didnt want to buy something I'd regret later (I need to do a lot more research I think.. for example, can an @home eeg read P300?)10:15
kanzurea friend shipped his to me so that i could play around with it. i was under the impression that it was much more costly10:18
-!- ybit_ [~ybit@c-71-228-177-79.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]10:18
kanzurebut when the shipping center/store asked me how much to insure it for, i looked it up and was disappointed on the cost10:18
kanzurei mean, disappointed in a good way10:18
dyngnosishah seriously... 14 chan eeg?10:19
dyngnosishow is the sensitiviy?10:19
dyngnosisthats what i was worried about10:19
kanzurei don't have any measurements for you (i should have bought a logic analyzer or oscillator)10:19
dyngnosisif Im going to be doing research I don't want to worry about the data being wrong because of bad contact10:19
kanzurebut i tried it out on someone else's windows computer and did some of the training.. was not amused with it at all.10:20
dyngnosisI think I may go the OpenEEG/cap+goop method10:20
kanzureoh, the contacts are ok10:20
kanzurei can't seem to find anything called 'behavi'10:21
kanzureoh, binnavi10:22
kanzurehuge difference. sorry10:22
kanzureeasy to find once i have the right name :x10:23
kanzurewhat's with the whitebeard on http://pedram.redhive.com/PyDbg/docs/10:23
dyngnosishehe that is PaiMei10:24
dyngnosispydbg is a part of PaiMei10:24
dyngnosisPaiMei is a reverse engineering framework.  pydbg is a component of it.  PIDA is another part (it deals with the exporting the IDA Pro dissassebly into a mysql database that PaiMei works with)10:25
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:38
kanzurehttp://www.rhino3d.com/nurbs.htm a reasonable overview (a "lost-and-then-found-again" link)11:25
-!- killall-9 [~paulc@business-213-023-057-067.static.arcor-ip.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:31
kanzure"Of course, a lot of interesting-shaped objects couldn't be drawn with just these simple tools, because they had curved parts that weren't just circles or ellipses. Often, a curve was needed that went smoothly through a number of predetermined points."11:33
kanzure"This problem was particularly acute in shipbuilding: although a skilled artist or draftsman could reliably hand-draw such curves on a drafting table, shipbuilders often needed to make life-size (or nearly life-size) drawings, where the sheer size of the required curves made hand drawing impossible."11:33
kanzure"Because of their great size, such drawings were often done in the loft area of a large building, by a specialist known as a loftsman. To aid in the task, the loftsman would employ long, thin, flexible strips of wood, plastic, or metal, called splines. The splines were held in place with lead weights, called ducks because of their resemblance to the feathered creature of the same name (see Figure 1)."11:34
kanzure^that was from http://www.mactech.com/articles/develop/issue_25/schneider.html11:34
kanzureloftsmen. heh11:34
-!- Alystair [~bob@pool-96-232-219-182.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:37
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niftyzerodoes anybody know what's the name of the cell machinery that compares 3 strands of DNA and does a majority vote?11:59
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fennniftyzero: such a thing doesn't exist14:26
fenn"redundant array of inexpensive DNA"14:27
niftyzeroah, maybe I misremembered14:27
fenndeinococcus radiodurans does some interesting stuff with multiple genomes14:27
fennalso if you are thinking about synthesis error correction, church(?) wrote some papers about using slow annealing.. well i cant remember any keywords, sorry14:29
fenncheck the logs :P14:29
niftyzerois this room logged?14:29
niftyzerohm... it should say so in the topic14:32
niftyzerobut anyway, where are the logs?14:32
niftyzerofenn, thank you for the radiodurans pointer14:34
niftyzerothanks :)14:36
* Utopiah refrained from saying that the URL to the log was in the log too14:37
niftyzerothat would have caused the logs to grow without bound14:38
kanzurewtf is lion kimbro doing showing up in my wxPython search results?14:39
* niftyzero is wget --mirror14:39
kanzure"You have 5 friends in common with lion kimbro: danila medvedev, jay standish, michel bauwens, patri friedman, suresh fernando"14:40
kanzuredoes anyone know how to do an opengl canvas in wxpython without relying on the wx.EVT_PAINT event binder?14:42
kanzurethe code here seems to render with black lines that move all over the object when i'm resizing the window or rotating the objects: http://showmedo.com/videotutorials/video?name=1510030&fromSeriesID=15114:50
-!- Alystair [~bob@pool-96-232-219-182.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]14:56
kanzureaha, double buffering fixed my flickering problems nicely15:00
kanzure"By default double buffering is not enabled, which will most likely cause flicker. To enable double buffering pass attribList=[wx.glcanvas.WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER] to the GLCanvas constructor."15:00
kanzure^from http://www.siafoo.net/article/5815:00
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kanzurewish i would have done this sooner.. i'm doing a tiny wxpython/pyopengl visualizer for typing in nurbs objects in an interpreter and seeing their immediate visualization so that i can make sure i'm getting the right general shapes for things15:35
kanzurei really have no idea how to mentally intuit the number of control points, their positions, their weights, and the number of knots and their ordering or repetitions, to get a desired shape15:36
kanzureshepazu: i've been playing around with bezier curves in inkscape and it seems to store beziers as svg:path elements?15:50
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kanzurehuh this is a little unexpected18:26
kanzuremaybe i'll use octave modules or port over the meat-and-potato18:26
kanzure NRBCYLIND: Construct a cylinder or cylindrical patch.18:27
kanzure NRBEXTRUDE: Construct a NURBS surface by extruding a NURBS curve.18:27
kanzure NRBREVOLVE: Construct a NURBS surface by revolving a NURBS curve.18:27
kanzure"Note NURBS surfaces cannot be extruded." wah18:28
kanzurethis is also some good stuff:18:40
kanzurelike: http://k3d.hg.sourceforge.net/hgweb/k3d/k3d/file/a914667d17df/modules/nurbs_sources/cylinder.cpp18:41
-!- augur [~augur@216-164-33-76.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:04
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epitronyou were making nurbs surfaces by hand?! :)19:29
epitronand trying to visualize them?19:29
kanzurei've been writing a STEP exporter in python19:34
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kanzureand nobody is going to use it if they can't see what they are making19:34
kanzureso i need a quick way to visualize the STEP objects19:34
kanzurei've tried a few dead ends already so now i'm just trying to figure out a visualizer that doesn't suck (opennurbs has an awful visualizer)19:35
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QuantumGdo you at least have a line-based visualizer?19:37
kanzureno that comes with the visualizer i'm working on at the moment19:39
kanzurein opengl it's pretty easy to switch between wireframe and "solid"/texture/thingy19:39
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kanzurehuh otyp on kickstarter passed their goal?21:03
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kanzurehi genehacker 21:26
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kanzure"Right now I'm investigating using OpenSCAD or stl2pov to generate multiple thumbnail images at different angles and using javascript to do a fake object spin, which is pretty fast." 22:10
kanzurei don't think that's a good idea..22:10
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drazakkanzure: do you have calc2 notes in a readable format?23:04
kanzureno, not readable23:05
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kanzurewhen i was in high school sometimes my calculus class sounded like a massive wall of text23:11
drazakperhaps I should take some better more readable notes, no?23:14
kanzurehere's all of my notes from my second year calculus class:23:15
kanzurei kept saying i would learn to type latex in real time but i never did.. you should try it.23:15
drazaknah, I'll just make mathematica notebooks and export to latex23:15
kanzurebtw those were just two extreme examples :) the rest is somewhat legible23:18
drazakif I stay concentrated and do screw off and do other thigns I can probably take good notes23:20
kanzurenote taking in mathematics classes is mostly useless- at least for generic courses like basic calculus..23:21
kanzurefrankly, most of the teachers just follow a theorem-and-now-some-examples pattern that is splattered all over the web23:21
clemuxI typed latex in real time, during my last 6 months of high school23:55
clemuxon an EeePC23:55
clemuxthis is not nice for fingers/hands.23:56
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kanzureclemux: i can't imagine anything anyone in here does with their hands is healthy23:57
clemuxahah :)23:57
clemuxdidn't type math though23:58
kanzuretyping especially..23:58
clemuxonly physics/chemistry, and all text-only subjects23:58
kanzureyeah, i did that too.. if my server is up i'd show you some stuff.23:58
kanzurelike my biology classes: http://web.archive.org/web/20071128063401/http://heybryan.org/school/Biology/notes/output.html23:59
--- Log closed Mon Aug 23 00:00:17 2010

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