
--- Log opened Tue Aug 24 00:00:17 2010
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.08:09
kristianpaulhello JayDugger 08:11
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kanzurehttp://bit.ly/diybionews updated10:13
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* splicer notes that the last article, the euroscientist one, mentions biopunk11:13
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kanzure"Its assumed that the input knot sequences span the interval [0.0,1.0] and are clamped to the control points at the end by a knot multiplicity equal to the spline order."11:31
kanzuredoes anyone know if the numbers in a knot sequence have to be integers?11:31
kanzureit doesn't seem to particularly matter but i'm not sure.11:31
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kanzurehm should i be writing separate classes for nurbs curves and surfaces12:44
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fennyes, curve != surface14:48
fennmaybe they inherit from some ideal nurbs n-dimensional object14:48
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kanzure.. yeah, i don't think a super awesome n-dimensional nurbs class is on my menu today :)14:54
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fenn'cntrl' is suffering from somebody's fear of vowels15:10
fennmight help somebody reading your notes to say what format cntrl is expected to be in15:12
fennsee if you can plot just the curve; that would be cool for wire frames15:13
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kanzurefenn: that's code from http://runten.tripod.com/NURBS/15:21
kanzureand the __init__ on Crv and Srf is totally undocumented15:21
kanzureself.degree = nku - nu - 115:21
epitronself.degree = bsc + msc + phd + blt15:22
kanzurethat's the current stumper for me.. the degree is supposed to be uh..15:22
kanzureknots + 1 - len(control_points)15:23
kanzureer, len(knots)15:23
epitronknots is an int and a list?15:24
kanzureknots is a list15:24
epitronso knots + 1 is... syntax error?15:24
kanzurei meant len(knots)15:24
epitronohhh, i see15:24
kanzuredegree = len(knots) - len(control_points) + 115:24
epitroncarry on15:24
kanzureat least, for one dimensional nurbs?15:25
kanzureuknots = Numeric.sort(Numeric.asarray(uknots, Numeric.Float))15:25
kanzurenku = uknots.shape[0]15:26
kanzureso nku should be 115:26
kanzureoh wait, nku = len(knots)15:26
kanzureassuming it's a one dimensional list of knots (which it should be)15:26
epitronnurbs is a good word for william shatner to scream15:27
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QuantumGaddicted much?15:27
kanzureQuantumG: the back story is that i met epitron at a trekkie/furrycon15:28
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QuantumGdamn furrys15:28
epitroni was a trekkie15:28
* epitron neckpinches QuantumG 15:28
QuantumGthe trouble is, tribbles are loved by both.. 15:29
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kanzureso, i'm not sure if his calculation for the degree of the curve is correct or not15:38
kanzuremy way depends on the length of knots and it's poor form to assume that the user correctly supplied the right number of knots15:38
kanzurepresumably the degree can only be 1, 2, 3 or 5, but that doesn't seem to be the case in runten-nurbs15:41
kanzurewow wait, it's been 10 days since i was supposed to email gada?15:41
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kanzurewell this is awkward16:15
kanzurekartik sez: "Are you talking about setting up different prizes in the H+ area?  "16:16
QuantumGI was watching some tv show about child obesity in the US the other day.. and the guy talking at the camera said something like "this is the first generation of kids expected to have shorter lifespans than their parents"16:18
kanzureexpected by who?16:18
QuantumGI wonder if that's a "fact" he made up on the spot or is actually backed up anywhere.16:18
QuantumGcause if it's backed by actuarial tables that'd be something to make Ray cry.16:19
kanzureit's okay trent, my longevity potion will work long before you have to start seriously worrying about your weight *rolleyes*~~~16:19
* kanzure ducks16:19
QuantumGyeah, glass houses fucker16:20
QuantumG(I always forget the :)16:20
kanzurewell i'm confused16:21
QuantumGhttp://i.ehow.com/images/a04/qs/qq/estimate-expectancy-chance-dying-age-800X800.jpg  <- why it's a jpg I dunno16:25
QuantumGso, a 10yo male will apparently live to 75.97, whereas a 35yo male will apparently live to 77.1616:27
QuantumGand a 55yo male will apparently live to 79.4016:28
kanzureis that just because of the chances of living to 79 is increased by already making it to 50?16:28
QuantumGthat certainly sounds like a reasonable interpretation to me.16:28
QuantumGhowever, if you go get the same table in 2006 you'll see the numbers are higher for those same ages.16:30
* fenn squints at the chart16:30
fennkanzure when you are going to do that myostatin thing16:31
fenn"100k for a pill that gives me muscles"16:31
kanzurei don't know if that would compete with steroids or not16:32
fenni bet it would have less weird side effects16:32
kanzureactually the side effects are terrible if it happens during gestation16:32
QuantumGconsider them willing test subjects16:32
fennwhy's that16:32
kanzurefenn: tendons apparently use myostatin for something important16:33
kanzurebut during adulthood it's not much of an issue?16:33
fennhow do those bull whippet dogs work? i thought they lacked the gene entirely16:33
kanzurethe study i'm referencing was done on mice and looked at the tendons and found significant damage16:33
kanzureso it's a myopic view of the issue16:33
kanzureanyway, i'm obviously evading yourq uestion16:34
kanzurei meant to say that the tendon issue was found in mice, not in bulls (and bulls weren't investigated)16:34
kanzureso it's entirely possible that the problems in mouse tendon are not universal16:34
kanzureas for when i'm going to get geared up and start rolling. uh.16:35
fennbull whippet is a mutant version of a dog breed that is missing myostatin16:35
kanzureright now i'm too terribly engrossed in this python stuff16:35
fennok nevermind16:36
fennanyway it's a prize idea16:36
fennkartik sez: "Are you talking about setting up different prizes in the H+ area?  "16:36
kanzureoh right16:36
kanzurebut the email i sent to kartik was of a different nature16:36
kanzureforesight institute was going to transfer ownership of the prizes/stuff to me16:36
kanzureand kartik made it sound like foresight institute can't *do* that16:37
fenni doubt anybody knows any hard facts16:37
fennwaffling + telephone game = "no"16:37
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kanzurefenn: did you read the transcript from yesterday16:39
kanzureit was kind of all over the place but there were some important issues (like team size) that they might be insisting on :/16:39
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kanzuremaybe i'll call it a toguro pill. if we do vehicleforge i think i'd do it after, and if we don't do vehicleforge i'm not entirely sure if i'll do it in that same timeslot16:42
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kanzuretoguro intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxNGel8z7q4#t=5m20s or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1HN1zN6kSs or 17:17
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fenn"toguro" is too obscure17:47
fennbtw didnt know about embedding time in youtube url's that's useful17:48
kanzurei remember random things like that from time to time :/17:48
kanzureok how about s/toguro/bane/?17:49
fennsorta reminds me of fist of the north star17:49
fennwhat a bizarre movie17:53
fennside effects may include: head asplosions, severed limbs, extreme tubbiness17:54
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:49
JayDuggerI'll stick to Sesame Street highlights on YouTube, though that is a good link tip.18:50
JayDuggerWell, Sesame Street, Doctor Who, and CNC cheesecake.18:50
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JayDuggerOh, RTFT and search. "Toguro" does seem obscure.18:57
kanzureand fist of the north star isn't? :)18:58
kanzurefenn: i'm implying your anime is obscure18:58
JayDuggerFenn's right. "waffling + telephone game = 'no'" That marks a no at least as well as "I'll have to think about it," or "I don't have that {authority,responsibility,decision}," or "maybe".19:00
JayDuggerI've seen parts of Fist of the North Star. 19:01
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JayDuggerwell...more of FotNS than of YYH.19:01
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JayDuggerA fictional work's title generally seems less obscure than a fictional character's name.19:02
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JayDugger<pedant>E.g., If I referenced the Glass Cat or the Hungry Tiger, I'd expect less recognition than if I referenced "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz."19:03
JayDuggerDitto for "Biollante" as opposed to Godzilla.</pedant>19:03
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JayDuggerHas anyone here attended DFW hackerspace meetings?19:05
JayDuggerThe next one will happen this Saturday, 1600-1900, but I've not yet decided whether to attend. That happens awfully early in my morning. 19:05
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JayDuggerOTOH, if the host Artifacture has a sign cutter and a laser cutter for use, perhaps I should.19:08
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JayDuggerGood night, everyone.20:16
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kanzure"Since I have been following list (thanks Bryan for finding me), I have noticed a neglect of issues related to social organization. I think that most everyone on this list would like to be involved in some form of open source manufacturing, making real things for use.."20:59
kanzurei'm glad he's happy i found him, but i don't remember him at all20:59
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joshcryerI can't imagine you can keep track of a tenth of the stuff you do. ;D21:05
kanzurejoshcryer: i actually keep track of everyone that i talk with21:05
kanzureinto a ridiculously massive file21:05
joshcryerAM I IN THERE?21:06
kanzurewtf why do you only appear twice in there21:06
joshcryerWow. I actually appear in there at all?21:06
kanzuredid we meet before 2009?21:06
joshcryerI just know I ranted about AASM stuff.21:06
joshcryerIn #reprap21:06
kanzurewait i thought i ranted at /you/ about AASM stuff21:06
joshcryerHad to have been definitely before 2009 or 2009.21:07
joshcryerThat was my most active IRC year, it drained me so I quit IRC for almost a year there.21:07
QuantumGDennis Wingo was just on The Space Show.. did a little begging for money.21:08
joshcryerkanzure, I favorited that epic CNC playlist you made on YouTube but it's ( http://www.youtube.com/user/kanzure#g/c/0EB93E6E02E5CF17 ) gone now, happen to have another one?21:08
kanzureit's gone?!21:08
joshcryerMaybe the link is malformed?21:09
joshcryerI tried finding it again.21:09
kanzurefind it?21:11
kanzureah it's changed from #g to #p ?? dunno what's going on there21:11
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kanzurejoshcryer: btw i call it my "machine porn" playlist :)21:11
joshcryerkanzure, <321:12
joshcryerkanzure, I wanted to actually watch some machine porn the other night but couldn't pull it up!21:12
joshcryerStupid me, I should've clicked 'playlists.' Ack, I suck at interfaces.21:12
joshcryerQuantumG, what is Dennis wanting money for?21:12
kanzurein retrospect combining porn and machining might be a deadly, bloody plan21:12
QuantumGjoshcryer: his skycorpinc stuff.  He mumbled something about doing assembly on the ISS.  I've never seen his business concepts beyond that level of detail.21:13
joshcryerI found a scan of The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in 8 Easy Steps online, it's going to be the next book I read.21:13
joshcryer(The basis for TMP 2.0)21:13
QuantumGbut yeah, said he wants $1000 from 1000 people, for no promises, but perhaps t-shirts.21:14
joshcryerQuantumG, oh, that was always abstract stuff, imo.21:14
QuantumGI've read that book, it's fun.21:14
kanzurejoshcryer: are you subscribed to the luf-team list?21:14
QuantumGwhere's the scan?21:14
kanzureit's not particularly important if you are not21:14
joshcryerkanzure, nah, I've not got that land I'd rant about, and am still trying to keep my sainity juggling work and family stuff.21:14
joshcryerkanzure, I'm definitely going to join the open hardware type stuff one day though, and be really active.21:15
joshcryer(since I won't have anything else to do)21:15
QuantumGyou'll be the only one ;)21:15
joshcryerQuantumG, did I rant about my land stealing idea?21:15
QuantumGcan't say you did21:16
kanzuredo you mean invasion?21:16
joshcryerApparently, in the United States, there is this concept of Adverse Possession.21:16
joshcryerIf you possess some land for some extended period of time, you may claim title.21:16
QuantumGso like squating21:16
joshcryerNow in most states it's pretty long, 5-10, as much as 65 years in NY.21:16
joshcryerBut in AZ it's 2.21:16
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joshcryerso I dug around for days, trying to find land to steal in the midddle of the desert21:21
joshcryerFound a piece owned by some old lady in FL.21:21
joshcryer(Found her FB page, through her tax documents, heh, internet is scary.)21:22
QuantumGany idea how much it sells for?21:22
joshcryerIt's assessed at $1500.21:23
joshcryerAnd she pays $12 in taxes on it.21:23
joshcryerIt's basically an investment.21:23
joshcryerPicked up when the US was still giving out homesteads.21:23
joshcryer(they stopped that in the late 70s, in favor of the BLM approach)21:23
QuantumGis doing anything for ~2 years worth $1500?21:23
joshcryerI'm going to offer $10k for it.21:24
joshcryerSince adverse possession requires open acqusition of a piece of property.21:24
joshcryerI'm going to live there either way, so, yeah.21:25
kanzurefinding land to steal in the middle of a desert was exactly the plan a certain cult i was involved in was executing on21:25
joshcryerDid they do it?21:25
kanzureno, someone ended up grabbing the atacama first :)21:25
joshcryerAnd can you have a cult of individuality? :/21:25
kanzureit was actually pretty cool when i heard that the mars society got that huge chunk of land21:25
joshcryer'cause I'm doing this alone.21:25
QuantumGso you're saying that you're trying to steal $1500 worth of land in a location where you couldn't pay most people $1500 to live? :)21:26
joshcryerQuantumG, yep. :)21:26
joshcryerQuantumG, the key is title.21:26
joshcryerQuantumG, you cannot take title to BLM land without weird circumstances.21:26
QuantumGwhich I imagine you could get for about $2k :)21:26
joshcryerQuantumG, and if you squat on BLM the government can come along and kick you off.21:27
joshcryerQuantumG, actually, assessed value is not the same as market value.21:27
QuantumGanyway, you have my official "Good Luck With That" :)21:28
joshcryerIt'd probably sell for closer to $40-60k21:28
QuantumGI wonder if SpaceAdventures has >10 people lined up to fly on the next seats that become available on Soyuz (or other vehicles)21:29
joshcryerkanzure, what was the cult?21:29
joshcryerQuantumG, they'd have said so by now, imo.21:30
joshcryerI don't know of them making a secret of their ISS tours.21:30
joshcryerProbably even in the contract, "If you sign on you give us the right to say you signed on."21:30
joshcryerMellennial Project: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=10W50H1821:32
joshcryermillennial rather21:33
QuantumGthey've never announced the people who signed up and dropped out21:33
joshcryertaking it down after a bit, so grab it while it's hot, etc21:33
QuantumGa number of them have announced themselves though21:33
joshcryer(I like to keep my MU account clean)21:33
joshcryerThat's true, it wouldn't be advantegous to announce people who failed the training stuff.21:34
QuantumGLori Garver for example.. but she's never revealed how much she dropped on the training she did.21:35
joshcryerYou know how I know how that Open Manufacturing Group is mostly a dud?21:35
joshcryer4 files uploaded.21:35
joshcryerSomeones going to have to remedy that. >:)21:36
QuantumGI was subscribed for a week.21:36
QuantumGI have that file btw21:37
joshcryerToo bad it's a scan and not an OCR.21:38
joshcryerIf it's any good I might OCR it.21:38
kanzure"is mostly a dud"21:39
kanzurethe open manufacturing group is fairly active21:39
kanzurenobody uses the http interface (that's for pussies)21:39
QuantumGthe ufo community is also fairly active 21:40
joshcryerI found this guys EarthOS thing.21:40
kanzurei've heard of earthos, yeah21:41
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joshcryerI'm just reading topics, btw, looking for anything useful or interesting.21:42
QuantumGknow anyone who's actually doing the seasteading stuff seriously?21:43
kanzurewell uh, patri wrote a book :/21:44
joshcryerThere were some San. Fran. guys talking about it.21:44
fenncheck luf-team@yahoogroups.com21:47
joshcryerThat's my favorite bit about TMP though (seasteading).21:47
fennand opensailing21:47
fennthe answer is more or less "no"21:47
QuantumGseasteading is appealing to me if someone can solve the energy generation problem.21:48
QuantumGSavage's solution was nice, shame everyone seems to agree it doesn't work.21:48
joshcryerWhat's the energy generation problem?21:49
QuantumGyou're in the middle of the ocean.. you need energy21:49
joshcryerThe middle of the ocean has a crapload of energy.21:49
QuantumGcurrently it is two camps: those who say you should just import oil (or drill it, good luck with that), and those who wanna use solar/wind21:50
joshcryerDon't forget uranium.21:50
QuantumGSavage had the solution of temperature differential21:50
QuantumGit's in that book21:50
QuantumGor see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_thermal_energy_conversion21:51
* joshcryer knows of it21:51
katsmeow-afki am building a boat21:52
QuantumGenjoy your TRL3 technology21:52
katsmeow-afkand i am in #seasteading, but no one talks much21:52
QuantumGkatsmeow-afk: yeah, there's also the people who miss the point and suggest they don't need any power generation to go fishing ;)21:53
QuantumGjoshcryer: I guess I was being too optimistic in thinking this scan might be color.21:54
joshcryerQuantumG, sadly it was the only version of it I could find.21:55
QuantumGnah, it's cool.  My strongest memory of reading this book was the fantastic pictures.21:55
joshcryerIt also has someones footnotes who adds a bit of interesting character to it.21:55
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joshcryerWhich makes me wonder if it was one of those library scans, which had someones scribbles, but the scanning people didn't notice it. :)21:57
QuantumGI wonder if the whole "rich nutrients from the depths" thing has been discredited too21:58
QuantumGpumping nutrients up to baths where you grow algae sounds like great fun21:58
QuantumGburning the stuff for fuel sounds like a great way to piss off the environmentalists21:59
fennwhat's wrong iwht OTEC?22:00
katsmeow-afkspace, weight, and cost of huge heat exchangers are the only problems i see22:01
QuantumGI forget.. the seasteading handbook has some choice words22:01
joshcryerArea-wise solar destroys it.22:01
fennplenty of ways to make energy... wave power, wind power, solar power, burning plastic waste, algae thermal depolymerization, fish depolymerization 22:01
fennbut selling fish and buying diesel is probably the most obvious22:02
katsmeow-afkor salvaging fuel oil22:03
QuantumGthe other thing of Savage's they hate on is seament22:03
katsmeow-afkwhere are you reading(?) this, Quantum, i'd like to take a look22:04
fennread a pop article about an unmanned sub that went 700? miles on no fuel, using a wax-based temperature differential buoyancy system22:04
katsmeow-afkfenn, and one large battery to power moving the fins and/or boyancy chamber/ or ballast22:05
QuantumGhttp://seasteading.org/seastead.org/commented/paper/index.html  <- is the book I was referring to22:05
* katsmeow-afk dials it up22:05
katsmeow-afkoh that one22:06
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QuantumGthere's an OTEC section.. which is brief but provides references that I followed up.22:07
QuantumG"nuclear power makes OTEC technology look easy" is a choice quote.22:07
f7_sup DIYbio folks, it's Forrest from the mailing list, OSF, and Tx/Rx labs.22:07
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joshcryerTheir making it happen section is fail.22:08
QuantumGI think the seament comments were in there but I don't see 'em now.. maybe I'm spelling it too witty22:08
katsmeow-afkthe usn did a prototype to float a ammonia factory and run it on otec, results say it could keep several destroyers plus a few smaller boats fueled up with ammonia (as a hydrogen carrier, it burns)22:08
fennthere is an otec plant in hawaii, 15MW or something22:09
katsmeow-afkand i tried to buy some the other day, Post Airgas is no longer keeping it in stock, due to people stealing it to make drugs22:09
QuantumGyeah, if you read The Millennial Project (aka Savage) you see that he's not talking about "incrementalism"22:10
* katsmeow-afk nods at fenn22:10
QuantumGwhich is what the seasteaders are22:10
fennthe ocean imposes a minimum scale of operations22:10
fennyou can't go out on a dinghy and expect to grow it to something building-sized22:10
QuantumGpage 40: "At this price, the components for a 100 megawatt OTEC module will cost $157 million - installed.  Aquarius will house seven 100 megawatt OTEC modules, at a cost of $1.1 billion."   22:11
joshcryerProbably not a dinghy, but maybe a tractor trailer sized boat.22:11
katsmeow-afkyea, like anyone is going to contribute $1.1 billion22:11
QuantumGfor 100,000 colonists.22:11
kanzurelemme call up my pal peter thiel22:11
kanzuremy paypal22:12
QuantumGdon't like, start small or anything22:12
katsmeow-afkwho has gotten 100k colonist on board?22:12
QuantumGworld's biggest cult - at sea!22:12
kanzurethe muslim?22:12
kanzurechinese factory workers22:12
katsmeow-afki was thinking i'd be pushing limits to get a steady 1000w combined otec/solar operational 24-722:13
QuantumGthe seasteaders do have a nice design for a floating platform.  22:13
QuantumGI'd prefer it if they had some idea how to make them from the sea though.. which was kinda the point of Savage.22:14
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QuantumGoh wow, page 53, I totally forgot about the "airship" delivery system22:17
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fenni never actually read the book :X22:20
fennit's sitting on a shelf somewhere at les' shop22:20
QuantumGjoshcryer just forked a pdf22:20
fennyep, downloading22:20
QuantumGI love all the crossed out paragraphs with comments next to it like kk! Gleick!  whatever that means22:21
fennklaatu barada nikto22:21
fennmaybe kevin kelly/james gleick? just guessing22:22
fenncertainly looks ocr-able22:25
joshcryerEach page is 1750x2749, so barely.22:26
QuantumGhttp://www.wolfhilbertz.com/  inventer of sea-ment, still flogging it today as "biorock"22:26
QuantumGI wonder if redoing the whole Aquarius dream today would focus on bioengineering22:30
QuantumGfor example: why not engineer a single celled organism that likes to form carbon fibre blocks.22:30
joshcryerLike protocells?22:31
joshcryerI think that's viable.22:31
QuantumGjust literally grow the damn place rather than thinking of neat ways to generate electricity and then divine metal/concrete from seawater22:32
joshcryerI favorited that recently22:33
QuantumGand because you'd be making the structures out of carbon you can claim you're doing your bit to sequester CO222:33
joshcryerif only 'cause Rachel Armstrong is a babe22:33
QuantumGI think you'd have to strongarm me into believing that one.22:34
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joshcryerwhich bit22:34
joshcryerthe bit about protocells22:34
joshcryeror about her being hot?22:34
QuantumGher being hot.. she's not too bad22:34
joshcryerI guess the accent is what makes it for me22:35
QuantumGand I think it breaks it for me22:35
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QuantumGtypical TED talk.. she ranted on about a concept that I just explained in 10 words.22:41
joshcryeryou listened to her talk??22:44
katsmeow-afkfenn, what the thing on the end of the shaft that holds and makes collets clamp down?22:44
QuantumGI assumed that's why you linked to it.22:44
fenna collet chuck?22:45
joshcryerI'm pretty sure I was being all objectifying over it22:45
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* katsmeow-afk will look for that name then22:46
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_F7_DIY bio folks on here?22:48
QuantumGkanzure is22:48
_F7_I'm hitting up a supply company for digital micropipetters22:48
_F7_I've found one that had a good featureset, easy to calibrate, comfortable tip ejection, etc22:50
_F7_and I'm trying to talk them down to 25 USD22:50
_F7_right now they're offering 28 in small volume22:50
kanzurei was thinking of looking stuff up on alibaba for bulk. dunno.22:52
_F7_That's exactly what I'm doing22:52
_F7_I've been chatting with allpro, and they have a promising aliexpress page, which is what pulled me in22:53
kanzuregee i didn't mean to expose your whole plan :)22:55
_F7_meh, what's community for?22:55
kanzurebuying shit for each other?22:55
kanzurehow much money do you need22:55
_F7_I'm still negotiating, I can front it though22:56
_F7_I plan to give these things to jacob to sell connected to OSF22:56
_F7_I want to make sure they're good though, so I'll probably just do an order of a half dozen each of .5-10, 10-100, and 100-1000 ul22:57
_F7_Then I'll go for big grabs22:58
_F7_They're not autoclavable, but I think that sterility is really more of a tip related thing anyway22:58
_F7_They have autoclavable varieties, but they cost five times as much22:59
_F7_I was talking to Len and Merideth when they came to visit, M was talking about setting up a science supply out of texas23:00
_F7_I'm going to a series of rails classes in a day, I'll meet up with bryan, and get some of this figured out.23:01
_F7_I want to try and set up a site for general citizen science equipment, and just tie into postal APIs on the order pages to autogenerate mailing labels for whoever I get to do warehouse management23:02
kanzuremeredith and len went to houston?23:04
kanzurethat's quite a trip from luxembourg23:04
_F7_Yeah, it's their hometown23:07
_F7_M's been by twice since the military took that hit off of her23:07
_F7_and they also like visiting Bram Cohen down south of here23:08
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fennwho's f7?23:20
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fennsweet, i think i'll get about 7 hours out of this universal battery, maybe it was worth the $100 after all23:21
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fenntekkeon mp3450 if anyone was wondering23:22
kanzuref7 is forrest flanagan23:24
kanzure19 year old from houston hanging out with jacob shiach..23:24
kanzurehe was in austin once.. i like the kid :)23:24
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kanzure"Computer scientist Josh Perfetto and software developer Tito Jankowski heard first-ha"23:51
kanzurewhat the fuck? tito doesn't do software..23:51
kanzurei don't know why jason bobe calls this stuff "pcr innovators"23:53
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