
--- Log opened Thu Aug 26 00:00:17 2010
-!- wolfspra1l [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap00:06
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kanzureoh foeey i should submit a proposal for transvision2010 shouldn't i01:14
-!- splicer [~splicer@] has joined #hplusroadmap01:18
kanzurehi splicer 01:18
splicerhi kanzure01:18
joshcryerWhat are you trying to do with NURBS kanzure?01:19
splicer"Broadband cities... All the top twenty cites were in either Japan or South Korea, with the exception of Umea, in Sweden, which was ranked 18th."01:26
splicer http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1078687401:26
splicerThat's my town01:26
joshcryerPirate much?01:28
splicerI was thinking the same thing ;)01:29
splicerThe pirates got just below 10% in the last election(which was for the EU parliament)01:30
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joshcryerIs that good?01:32
joshcryerDon't know EU politics.01:32
spliceri think it was about twice the national average(having pirates in the parliament is good yes)01:34
joshcryerNah, I mean, can they do anything significant at 10%?01:34
joshcryerI've been impressed that they get any votes at all, to be honest (living in the US you don't expect any third parties to win anything).01:34
joshcryers/10%/just below 10%/01:34
splicerThey got votes because the pirate bay trial was well publicised and people felt it was a travesty of justice. 01:38
splicerI think their main function in the parliament is to force other parties to not make totally idotic decisions, a reminder that the constituents actually care about issues like copyright and privacy.01:39
joshcryerSo you'd say they provide an effective balance?01:44
joshcryerAt the numbers they're currently at.01:44
splicerI think in the EU parlament their influence is far greater than their numbers. Without them it would be far easier to just pass legislation like the HADOPI.01:47
joshcryerkanzure, have you looked in to CSG?01:52
joshcryersplicer, thanks, that's very good to know, I was worried that they would be ineffective.01:52
joshcryerI'll check their wiki page to see if it provides more evidence to this end.01:53
joshcryerWin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Andersdotter01:56
joshcryerDang tor appears to be switching identities like mad, anyone have that problem before?01:59
splicerjoshcryer: Here is the other MEP, the man is regarded as very competent by the pirates: http://christianengstrom.wordpress.com/2010/08/17/swedish-pirate-party-to-host-new-wikileaks-servers/02:04
joshcryerI saw about that, nice move of them.02:12
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dbolserany fb developers?02:55
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thesnarkHey all05:35
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kanzuredbolser: yes i've done facebook development07:07
kanzurejoshcryer: yes i've looked into CSG :) basically my framework is this odd fusion between CSG and NURBS07:07
kanzurei should apply this to my meetlog.txt file for clouds and people http://code.google.com/apis/predict/07:09
kanzurearc attack is selling itself on ebay for $15M http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160473177458#ht_500wt_115407:15
kanzurepublicity stunt?07:16
dbolserkanzure: can I see your code for learning?07:34
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Daekenkanzure: woot, just launched my little epoc hacking fund, so hopefully i'll have hardware in my hands shortly. >:)08:49
-!- streety [~s0678364@cpat001.wlan.net.ed.ac.uk] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]09:14
kanzuredbolser: no, i was just using pyfacebook + django which has examples as it is09:14
kanzurepeople recommend these days to use iframes anyway for facebook apps instead of the fbml approach09:15
kanzureDaeken: thesnark was in here for a while.. too bad he dropped out09:15
Daekenah, damn09:15
kanzurethesnark was the one making a 32-channel openeeg09:15
Daekenoh wow09:15
kanzureand replacing the dsp on the epoc09:16
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kanzurejoshcryer: as for what i'm doing with nurbs.. a simple CAD engine.09:18
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dbolserkanzure: seems fb changed its interface recently, so anything old is now obsolete anyway09:44
joshcryerkanzure, very cool.09:47
joshcryer(well needed missing feature from OSS projects)09:47
joshcryerdbolser, FBs interface is still inadequate.09:47
joshcryerAnd it will never have the versatility to be useful.09:47
dbolserjoshcryer: depends what you define as usefull ;-)09:48
dbolserbuilding a game to hock some ads...09:48
dbolserfor everything else, their's kanzure 09:49
* joshcryer shrugs09:49
joshcryerI only use FB for Farmville.09:49
dbolserdo you know how fv works?09:50
dbolserI had a contact who was tweeting about his fv dev work, but he doesn't respond these days09:51
dbolserI heard that developers of popular internet games need serious security to keep their identity secret!09:51
dbolser(well, I heard about techsupport actually)09:51
joshcryerNo idea.09:51
joshcryerI just know I have an OCD issue with games. ;)09:52
dbolserfv suckerd me too ;-)09:52
dbolserhave you seen the 'social media as game' clip that was going round09:52
dbolseractually posted to me by that contact09:52
joshcryerI have a built in mechanism to ignore any and all extraneous information.09:54
joshcryerie, internal ad-block. :)09:54
dbolseryou want me to find it for you?09:54
dbolseror will you notice ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihUt-163gZI&feature=autofb09:55
dbolserPutting the Fun in Functional: Applying Game Mechanics to Functional Software09:55
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drazakkanzure: did you ever find out how much data your other shit takes up?12:48
drazakkanzure: cause I'll host anything that's not a DMCA violation12:48
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kanzuredrazak: right now i just need to find a working box to recover a handful of hard drives13:08
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kanzurewebcam microscope mount http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:391214:28
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ybitthis should make you realize the importance of spreading civilization asap... and make you feel sorry for the dinosaurs :) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_d-gs0WoUw16:00
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ybitthe video is three mins long and it is displaying asteroid discoveries since the 1980s.16:22
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[X-Pro]Endoswell if the asteroids have been there for the past several million years, and only one has caused an extinction event, it's not exactly urgent to spread civilization - it would be likely that we would sooner be able to predict and avert an impact before we could colonize other worlds16:59
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QuantumGthat's a retarded argument.17:00
[X-Pro]Endosthat's a retarded critique17:00
QuantumG"oh, only one of my family have been shot and killed in this neighborhood, we don't really need to move."17:00
[X-Pro]Endos... families and shootings aren't extinction events17:01
QuantumGthe whole point of the video is to point out how ignorant we have been of the threat.17:01
QuantumG.. and, in fact, still are17:01
[X-Pro]Endoswell OBVIOUSLY we have been ignorant of the threat, but it's been there since the dawn of man17:01
[X-Pro]Endosyes it's not a question of if, it's a question of when17:02
[X-Pro]Endosbut we're a long way off from being able to colonize other planets17:02
QuantumGyah, and when you discover that you've been playing Russian roulette for years without even knowing it, it's time to change the game.17:02
-!- mheld [~mheld@pool-72-70-75-143.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:04
[X-Pro]Endoswell since we're in the infancy stages of space exploration,  we can just go colonize a suitable planet several hundred light years away17:04
QuantumGor, ya know, we could colonize the ones in our own solar system.  17:05
[X-Pro]Endoswho's to say there aren't asteroids around the orbits of the other planet either?17:06
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[X-Pro]Endosif we are only just beginning to discover the ones around us17:06
QuantumGthey are.. you need to be able to both deflect the incoming asteroids and have another basket to put your eggs in17:06
[X-Pro]Endoswell maybe in the next several hundred years we'll be able to colonize the other planets in our solar system, but not all asteroid impacts would be mass extinction events, I would think the collission would need to be from near orthogonal trajectories of the planet and the asteroid17:09
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[X-Pro]Endosif nothing else we definitely need to have more people looking for asteroids near the planet17:10
-!- any18646644 is now known as katsmeow17:11
QuantumGyeah, we definitely do.. as for a few hundred years, if we don't start now we'll never do it. (most things are like that)17:12
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[X-Pro]Endoswell they did want to put the hubble telescope on the moon originally (or so says a friend who worked on the original apollo programs) but they turned it into a huge political issue of the US colonizing the moon, as ridiculous as that sounds17:14
QuantumGheh, that sounds like a conflation of tradeoffs.  There has been an argument for years that a lunar radio telescope on the back side would be great stuff.. but studies have shown that an orbiting telescope in L2 would be superior.17:15
QuantumGas for US colonization of the Moon.. there's no real political issues.. except getting the money to do it.  The real problem with that idea is that we have no idea if humans can successfully reproduce in lunar gravity.17:16
QuantumG.. and obviously colonization without reproduction is nonsensical.17:16
[X-Pro]Endosnoo, other countries opposed the notion at the time17:17
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QuantumGuh huh.. what other countries (and what time?)17:17
[X-Pro]Endosit was while the soviet union existed17:17
[X-Pro]Endosso obviously, the soviet union opposed it17:18
[X-Pro]Endos1990, but they spent a long time planning it17:18
[X-Pro]Endosso probably during the mid 80's17:18
[X-Pro]Endosa family friend told me this so i don't know everything and it was probably an idea that floated around but was shot down real quickly17:20
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:59
ybithi JayDugger18:03
ybiti'll be the test subject to test reproduction on the moon18:03
ybitor one part of it :)18:03
genehackerhmmm... you know it's cold enough on some parts of the Moon for superconductors made of lunar material(magnesium diboride) to exist18:03
ybitsounds like the best science gig i could have :)18:03
JayDuggerI'd start low on the evolutionary ladder with that, pref. with some nice radiation-resistant plant.18:04
JayDugger"Some parts" ?= permanent shadow18:04
genehackermakes me wonder if magnesium diboride can occur naturally and there are floating rocks on the moon18:04
JayDuggerI suppose, but don't know, that you might get very low temperatures simply by rigging a sun shade.18:05
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genehackercoldest recorded temperature on the moon: 30 K18:05
JayDuggerNo real convection, no real atmospheric conduction, and I don't think you'd need much insulation to avoid conduction through the regolith.18:06
genehackercritical temperature of magnesium diboride:39k18:06
genehackeror use magnets so your superconducting cable levitates above it18:07
QuantumGcool, can you build a sub-500kg processing plant and articulate robot to do it?18:08
genehackermagnesium and boron are also relatively abundant on the Moon18:08
JayDuggergenehacker, do you plan to attend the Make:DFW/Dorkbot meeting on Saturday?18:09
genehackerbecause I'm not in DFW18:09
JayDuggerOh! my mistake.18:10
JayDuggerNever mind...18:10
genehackermagnesium and boron were considered extractable by the advanced automation for space missions study18:10
genehackerI don't know about making a sub 500kg processing plant though18:11
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kanzureJayDugger: genehacker is occassionally in that area, but he's actually close to me most of the time18:13
QuantumGyeah, 500kg is probably excessive for a lander too.. we'll have to see what Project-M achieves18:13
genehackerproject M?18:13
genehackerit's going to be able to walk right?18:15
genehackerI know somebody here designed a deployment mechanism for it and it had a robot with legs18:15
QuantumGbut the methane lander is what interests me18:15
genehackerhow are they powering it?18:16
QuantumGbattery, and solar panels in the lander to recharge18:17
genehackerwill it have to go back to the lander to recharge?18:17
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genehacker500 kg is the most recent estimate for the mass of a lunar replicator seed18:19
QuantumGuh huh18:23
genehackerperhaps with improvements in materials it could be lighter18:24
QuantumGperhaps with actual engineering they would discover it needs to be much bigger.  :)18:24
QuantumGcheck out some of the LUNOX proposals18:25
QuantumGthere's plenty in the NASA technical reports server18:25
genehackerLUNOX proposal?18:25
QuantumGmaking oxygen from lunar regolith18:25
QuantumGbut an actual study, with real bending of metal, hasn't been done in decades.  And remember, the US has never sent a rover to the Moon.  18:26
JayDuggerNASA TEchnical Reports Server: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp18:26
QuantumGthey've sent how many to Mars now?18:26
JayDuggerI beg your pardon?18:26
JayDuggerNASA sent a manned rover to the moon.18:27
QuantumGyes, true :)18:27
genehackerso here's the proposal I'm talking about:18:27
QuantumGI've read it before, but I'll read it again.. it's been a while.18:29
genehackerhe does handwave the whole issue of loss of accuracy by making molds from parts made from molds18:29
QuantumGprobably some 3d printing is in order.18:29
genehackerwell electron and laser beam melting require closed look control18:31
QuantumGI was talking to a guy at ISDC who was advocating making silicon chips on the Moon (actually, whole satellites, with cameras and all).18:31
QuantumGand I pushed him gentle for the "how"18:31
QuantumGthen I pushed him a little less gently18:31
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QuantumGhe didn't really know, but his proto-argument was "high vacuum good"18:32
QuantumG.. and there's lots of silicon in regolith18:32
QuantumGwhich almost sounds like a good start for an argument..18:32
JayDuggerWould that have been Keith Lofstrom at ISDC?18:33
QuantumGit was Philip Crume18:35
QuantumGlooking at the schedule, I missed all Keith's talks18:36
JayDuggerDarn. I like his ServerSky proposal, but it seems to make no impression.18:37
kanzurefenn: i was looking up brownell and found out that he funded a company called flextronics18:38
JayDuggerI've heard of them. :)18:38
kanzurei don't know if you remember from a while back18:38
kanzure01:56 < fenn> kanzure: what's albert going to be doing now that he graduated? do you know?18:38
kanzure01:57 < ultraleibniz> he's working for a medical company in houston called flextronics18:38
kanzure(albert and i are doing random software consulting every once in a while)18:38
kanzureJayDugger: have you?18:39
JayDuggerThey've a plant down the street.18:40
kanzurei'm hanging out with brownell at 9pm tonight..18:41
JayDuggerThat might be the contract manufacturer, and not necessarily the same outfit.18:41
kanzuresmall world effect18:41
JayDuggerBig company.18:41
kanzurefenn: you should really post up your "eliminating all of the irrelevant people" thing18:41
kanzureoh i thought they were small. didn't know.18:41
JayDuggerfenn, that sounds interesting--assuming it means attention conservation, and not genocide. :)18:45
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.18:57
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QuantumGwho wants to hear me vent?20:45
jrayhawki love vents21:16
QuantumGa guy on a mailing list I'm on is harassing me21:17
QuantumGhe's a professional, on an amateur rocketry mailing list, and thinks everything he says on the list is private communications21:17
QuantumGI've kindly told him that anyone can subscribe to the list, so it's obviously not private.. but today he decided to make a comment and felt the need to say no-one has permission to repeat his comments, and single me out21:17
QuantumGI said "thankfully I don't need your permission" and he repeated that I don't have his permission, so I suggested he might like to go fuck himself.21:18
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap21:22
kanzureback from dinner with dave and brownell.. not sure if we accomplished anything thuogh21:25
kanzureother than eating21:25
QuantumGgenehacker: it's actually 6000kg for the seed, but they suggest it could be scaled down.21:28
-!- joshcryer [~g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has joined #hplusroadmap21:28
QuantumGand their obsession with building an electromagnetic launcher is diverting21:29
joshcryerWhose obessession?21:29
eridudoes anyone here have an augmented sensorium?21:30
joshcryerWhat is wrong with building a rail launcher?21:32
joshcryerThis paper is familiar.21:32
joshcryerYes, I've read this. I liked the idea!21:32
joshcryerHow dare you.21:32
kanzurefenn: they want to do a teleconference call with you sometime next week. monday or wednesday if it has to be anything other than business hours, but business hours otherwise preferred.21:33
kanzureOn Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Bill Claybaugh <wclaybaugh2@cox.net> wrote:21:35
kanzure> You do not have my permission to post my comments on this private forum to21:35
kanzure> any other venue.21:35
kanzureKindly fuck off.21:35
joshcryerAre you QuantumG kanzure?21:36
QuantumGI was just telling joshcryer about it.21:36
kanzurei'm on a ridiculous number of mailing lists21:36
joshcryerGod I've been awake another damn 30+ hours and the thought was amusing to me.21:36
joshcryerYeah, he was telling me about it.21:36
joshcryerSo great.21:36
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]21:42
-!- augur [~augur@208-58-6-161.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:49
-!- augur [~augur@208-58-6-161.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]21:53
-!- augur [~augur@208-58-6-161.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:53
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-110-194.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]22:03
--- Log closed Fri Aug 27 00:00:17 2010

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