
--- Log opened Sun Aug 29 00:00:17 2010
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ybit2just used pisg on my quassel dump05:14
ybit2hrm, i just extracted the logs from quassel's sqlite store... the logs are certainly not complete, but i managed to run the #hplusroadmap through pisg, and here's the result: http://filebin.ca/vaqzg/pics-stats.html 05:16
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Utopiahybit2: for IRC log analysis there is also http://www.jibble.org/piespy/05:17
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kanzure"Makoto Akashi of Yamaguchi University in Japan and his colleagues sought an easier way to check clock gene activity. They turned to hairs plucked from scalps or beards, which contain cell-rich follicles."09:34
kanzure"When they extracted RNA from these cells, they found that circadian gene activities peaked when volunteers were awake and alert, and it peaked earliest in the volunteer who woke up earliest in the morning. "09:34
splicertheir hair was awake09:36
kanzurebiocurious is up to 50% on kickstarter and has 25 days to go09:43
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any50174658they woke because someone was yanking their hair11:00
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-!- any50174658 is now known as katsmeow-afk12:19
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klafkaumm neat13:30
kanzurebe warned that the download is a tar bomb13:30
klafkakatsmeow-afk's link is thecoolest13:30
klafkaalthough the least "real"13:31
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/stent-calculator/ for medical stents13:35
-!- [ACEG]egeste is now known as egeste13:42
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kanzuredoes anyone have some hints on downloading this svn repository?13:57
kanzuremethinks you don't understand svn14:02
joshcryerI don't see an svn checkout anywhere there.14:03
katsmeow-afkmethinks i never liked it, and gave it up14:03
kanzurethe svn daemon probably has anonymous checkout or something14:03
kanzure)which is what i'm asking about, primarily)14:03
joshcryerI can't find it I'm looking.14:04
kanzurewebsvn is just an http front for it14:04
kanzureso looking at the websvn pages isn't going to be useful14:04
joshcryerNo I'm saying I'm sending raw svn commands to try to guess it intuitively.14:05
joshcryerThere appears to be an svn server there but I don't know the checkout command.14:05
kanzureme either :)14:05
joshcryer(erm, I don't know the repository it's using I mean, I know how to chekcout)14:05
joshcryerOK there appears to in fact not be an svn server there.14:07
joshcryerwget it is.14:08
joshcryerStrange that an svn checkout command doesn't complain about there being no server but if you attempt to browse the repository it does.14:09
joshcryerOh got, wget mirror completely rapes the filenames.14:10
joshcryerHAVE FUN WITH THAT. :P14:11
kanzurealso it downloads the source files as the web pages (since that's what's being displayed) and that's mostly useless anyway14:13
joshcryerNot just that, the source code is littered with HTML delimiters, so you can't even write a quick script to clean 'em.14:15
kanzurewhat a ridiculous URL14:19
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katsmeow-afkreplace(htmlpage,"FILENAME="",realpath) ; replace(htmlpage,"" FORM","\">") , then tell wget to treat that file as a html url source14:20
joshcryerthen you have to go and write a source code parser14:20
joshcryerthat rips the code from the <PRE></PRE> tags14:21
joshcryerand then14:21
joshcryerconverts things like quot; to "14:21
kanzuresome fairly random crap:14:22
kanzurenothing like downloading a bootlegged copy of solidworks from CERN..14:25
bkerokanzure: that's fantastic14:32
katsmeow-afk2004 ?14:32
kanzureAccumulated knowledge about manufacturing-process interoperability14:36
kanzure"GEANT, on the other hand, has to describe a large number of solids, say 10 million or more, corresponding to realistic modern detectors. The purpose of the GEANT modeller is, therefore, to be able to effectively represent a large number of solids corresponding to a complex detector in order to perform fast and efficient particle tracking. The representation has not to be everywhere exact, while the number of solids to be represented is critical. Co14:39
kanzurehey this is some cool shit14:39
kanzure"    The approach used in GEREP is to include geometric representations of CAD systems in GEANT. GEREP is an application for the proposed future object-oriented  GEANT 4 toolkit. It is able to perform particle tracking in detector models described using B-Rep of STEP."14:42
joshcryerI wonder, are there any visual-layer chemistry toolkits?14:44
kanzurewhat do you need14:44
joshcryerSomething that can tell me what chemical reaction happens with various combination of chemicals.14:44
joshcryerVisual would be nice but maybe not totally necessary.14:44
kanzurelook up ab initio chemistry14:45
kanzurethere's two general ways- theoretical chemistry, simulations, or what-have-you14:45
kanzureand then there's stuff like the bernstein reaction database, or the crossfire database14:45
kanzure(i.e. based on historical/experimental data)14:45
joshcryer<3 thanks.14:46
kanzureold school changelog thingy?14:52
kanzureso uh14:55
kanzuredoes this means i have the cad files for that now?14:55
katsmeow-afkso we cannot actually download the crossfire chemistry database14:57
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: no :(15:04
joshcryerGet soemone who goes to UC Davis to get it for you.15:09
* bkero knows some people at Davis.15:09
joshcryerGetting mixed signals.15:12
joshcryerApparently you can't use VPN to access the databases.15:12
joshcryerBut, I just found a link that sends you to a library workstation, which from my POV is the same as VPN.15:12
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kanzurexml merge http://projectmerge.com/17:29
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kanzureuh oh.. the people who have hijacked luf-team want to start patenting shit17:53
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QuantumGyoutube pisses me18:00
QuantumGI'm pretty sure the 10 minute limit thing is there because they can't reliably stream more than 10 minutes18:01
uniqanomalypolicy is not made for users but company18:02
uniqanomalythey launched youtube.com/lately so I guess they pretty much can18:03
QuantumGuh huh.. as if youtube has a business model18:03
uniqanomalyjust don't want to18:03
uniqanomalyyes it does18:03
uniqanomalygoogle wouldn't acquire it for $1.6bn18:03
QuantumGdo tell, I'll pass it on to my friends at Google and they'll be very happy to hear it.18:04
kanzuretheir business model is to destroy cable television18:04
uniqanomalyand netflix and alike18:04
uniqanomalyyoutube.com/movies few lines abv ...18:05
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kanzureGMA 125 storage tube19:18
kanzureany ideas what this is?19:18
kanzure"CERN, which at present has the largest single EUCLID installation, is based on two VAX 11/785's connected in a VAX cluster, each with 8 megabytes of memory. 20 monochrome workstations and 4 Tektronix 4016 graphic terminals grouped in remote clusters provide interactive access to the system. 8 Hewlett Packard pen and 4 Versatec electrostatic plotters provide the means of drawing output. In the near future one of the 785's will be replaced by the new19:21
kanzurei feel sad that CERN is based on OpenCASCADE19:23
kanzurewell, at least the LEP at CERN19:23
kanzure"LEP, which contains more than 1,000 component types, with approximately 50,000 occurences of these components, is of such complexity that it is onyl feasible to define its structure by using computers. The dynamic nature of LEP also means that whenever an update is made, a complete new set of 24 layout drawings must be produced. This task can take up to 50 man hours, even with CAD."19:25
kanzure"During the day, Euclid is very heavily loaded with 'normal' interactive work, and the task of creating layout drawings would bring the system to a complete halt. Such a situation is to be avoided, not only because of its economic insanity, but also as it has a very negative effect on users. Therefore, a specially developed batch program now allows this task to be performed overnight. It also eliminates all user errors that are inevitable in such a 19:26
kanzuremammoth operation."19:26
kanzure"The program must also create two copies of the object, one in meters for the civil engineers and one in millimeters for the mechanical engineers."19:28
kanzure"To significantly increase this maximum (of number of points) would require a total internal re-organization of Euclid. Such an increase will however be counter productive as the visualization response time is proportional to the square of the "complexity" of the object."19:31
kanzurewow they only stopped using euclid in 2008?19:36
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kanzure"Class that holds all parameters about an LHC beam."19:41
joshcryer<QuantumG> I'm pretty sure the 10 minute limit thing is there because they can't reliably stream more than 10 minutes19:41
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joshcryerProbably not to a hundred plus million people.19:41
joshcryer(it's 15 mins now though)19:42
QuantumGyeah.. I mean, if you sign up like Spacevidcast has, you can upload bigger files.19:42
kanzureAliLhcBeam::SetLongEmmitance should only be callable with an audio vocal alert "SETTING LONG EMMITTANCE!"19:42
QuantumGbut they never seem to stream well19:42
QuantumGmaybe it's just me19:42
joshcryerIt's you.19:42
QuantumGactually it seems to be fine now19:43
joshcryerDamn Aussies and their poor connection to the internet. :P19:43
QuantumGprobably just that one video I was watching19:43
joshcryerI haven't had YouTube streaming / buffering issues in 3-4 years.19:43
kanzuresometimes video encoding sucks19:43
joshcryerluf-team patenting stuff? What stuff?19:43
joshcryerI like those Qi people because they don't want to infringe on patents and want everything to be free.19:44
kanzurecrap that has been around forever19:44
joshcryerBut it'd be nicer if people just said FUCK PATENTS and not cared.19:44
uniqanomalyexcept in this patent system people like that can and will be abused by ones exploiting it19:46
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uniqanomaly'except that' 19:46
QuantumGcrushing patents takes a concerted effort, including fund raising19:47
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kanzurecrushing patents directly isn't going to work because of the hundreds of billions of dollars being made off of patents19:48
QuantumGI meant specific patents19:48
joshcryerJust ignore them and not care.19:48
joshcryerI live in an idealized world, ignore me. ;)19:48
QuantumGpreferably before the filer has had a chance to build up a warchest19:48
kanzurewhat we need is something from the USPTO that directly provides an "out" or protection from patents in exchange for going totally open source (or somethinG)19:48
QuantumGjoshcryer: which is fine until they don't ignore you.19:49
kanzureit's weird to say "protection from patents" but that's honestly what we need19:49
joshcryerQuantumG, and then they sue you and you have no assets and you go to jail, but then a hundred other people do it, and they go after each and every one of them, and some of them go to jail, then a thousand do it- you see where this is going.19:49
kanzureeven if you win a patent litigation lawsuit you're going to lose a crapload of money19:49
kanzure(if you are the defendant and have no money)19:50
joshcryerThen you get around it by the bestest way possible. :)19:50
QuantumGyeah, but another way to say that is that you can sue anyone for anything and even if you don't have a case you can still put the fear of god into them.19:50
kanzurejoshcryer: wimp19:50
joshcryer"I'm researching."19:50
kanzurejoshcryer: load of shit19:50
joshcryer"Those dirty hackers I let look at my code are researching."19:51
joshcryerkanzure, it would work fine, you're not making any money from it.19:51
joshcryer(scary concept I know)19:51
kanzurei think you fail to understand "open source"- it's about business19:51
joshcryerNot for me it isn't.19:51
QuantumGand the point is, people other than the patent holder are often the problem.19:51
joshcryerOpen source, closed source, I don't care.19:51
joshcryerAnd I'm vocal about it.19:52
QuantumG"we're not going to include your project because we think we might get sued"19:52
kanzurecan you fuck off before you mudge the concepts even more?19:52
joshcryerkanzure, whatever, I'm not terribly concerned about patents and I think it holds back those who are.19:52
kanzurejoshcryer: just because you fail to understand the origins of open source, etc. etc., doesn't mean you should ruin it for the rest of us19:52
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joshcryerPeople saying they can't even look at under 500 nm processes for CPUs because they don't want to get in trouble.19:53
joshcryerSuch a hinderance.19:53
kanzureno it's not that they can't look19:53
kanzureit's that nobody has the materials/information19:53
QuantumGkanzure: did you ever figure DIY integrated circuits?19:54
kanzurefigure? wut?19:54
joshcryerThat was me QuantumG.19:54
joshcryerAnd figuring out something like that is like, years of experimenting. :P19:54
QuantumGsomeone was trying to do DIY integrated circuits.. even just crude ones.19:54
kanzurei don't think it's years19:54
kanzurei also don't think you've investigated it enough19:55
joshcryerYeah, that was me QuantumG, I don't know how to do CPU fabrication, it's like magic.19:55
kanzureno, it's not magic19:55
joshcryerI said it was magic?19:55
kanzureplease go away19:55
joshcryerBe less pedantic kanzure, it doesn't suit you.19:55
QuantumGcan you do single digit numbers of transistors on a wafer even?19:56
QuantumGcan anyone (at home)?19:59
kanzurethere's been a few people who have done that19:59
joshcryerQuantumG, you can make a transistor the size of a credit card or whatever. There are lots of those floating around.19:59
kanzureon another note have you seen the giant hand-drawn resistors made out of graphite drawn on paper?19:59
joshcryer(using resistors)20:00
QuantumGresistors?  what's the connection there?20:00
joshcryerWait I had a video bookmarked somewhere.20:01
drazak my new netbook is killer20:02
drazakacer timelinex 1830t20:03
joshcryerNice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_znRopGtbE20:03
joshcryerHadn't seen this channel in awhile.20:03
* joshcryer subscribes20:03
QuantumG5 transistors, nice20:13
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QuantumGhmm.. Paul Breed says his Shapeways printed rocket motor has been pressure tested and he discovered that it's too porous21:07
QuantumGcomment was from Twitter21:07
kanzurebtw why is he trying that anyway?21:08
QuantumGbecause it's never been done :)21:09
kanzurehe didn't expect it to be up to spec, did he?21:09
QuantumGwell, there was no spec21:09
kanzurefor plastic chambers?21:09
kanzureplastic pressure chambers21:09
QuantumGno, it's metal21:09
QuantumGlaser sintered21:09
QuantumGtig welded together21:10
kanzuredidn't know shapeways did stuff that's not printed goo21:10
QuantumGyeah, they do metal.. there's even videos of the process21:10
kanzurei was thinking shapeways==3d-printed-stuff21:10
QuantumGyep, 3d laser metal sintering21:10
QuantumGhe welded it together, not shapeways21:10
QuantumGas you can see by the size of his fingers, it's not a huge motor21:11
QuantumGbut it still cost a few hundred to get printed.21:11
genehackerso why didn't he infiltrate it?21:13
genehackerwhat's it made from?21:13
QuantumGit's stainless21:13
QuantumGand I have no idea what you mean by infiltrate21:13
genehackerwas it made by EBM?21:13
genehackerinfiltrate as in put something in the pores21:13
genehackerelectron beam melting21:14
genehackerelectron beam melting is awesome, because it takes a lot less energy than laser beam melting21:14
genehackerso much so that the energy necessary to make a part from titanium via EBM is comparable to the energy it takes to make a part from plastic using Laser sintering21:15
QuantumGI don't think so.. http://www.shapeways.com/materials/stainless_steel21:15
QuantumGwhat would he infiltrate it with ya think?21:15
QuantumGany idea how to do that?21:16
genehackerdip the part in molten bronze21:16
genehackerinteresting they're uisng the binder process21:17
QuantumGk, I passed that on21:17
genehackerhuh it looks like shapeways already infused it with bronze21:18
QuantumGnot enough perhaps21:19
genehackerhow's that too porous?21:19
genehackeris he trying to print motors so he can make a rocket motor array?21:20
QuantumG"When pressure testing the printed motor, outer jacket is way too porous. Someday may try expensive DMLS, rather than shapeways." <- all the info I have21:20
QuantumGhe just wanted to try a printed motor.. he's done lots of machined motors before21:20
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genehackerthere are compelling reasons for 3d printing rocket motors:21:29
genehackerbut I can see how porosity would be an issue21:29
genehackerperhaps the bronze is melting out...21:29
kanzuregenehacker: cool stat for you.. particle accelerators at CERN have on average 10 million CAD parts these days21:31
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genehackeralso you heard I'm making an ironman suit right kanzure?21:39
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kanzureactually i'm on the last 5min stretch of back to the future part 322:35
kanzureuh, not that it's related to that quantum physics article :P22:35
phrykback to the future is awesome^^22:37
phrykI find it weird and awesome at the same time...22:38
phrykIf the future influences the present, everything is purely relative...22:38
phrykyou don't really have to care about stuff anymore, because you can just change it in the future...22:38
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