
--- Log opened Mon Aug 30 00:00:17 2010
kanzurei can has cylinder? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/screenshots/2010-08-30-0234.png00:28
kanzurewell, sort of.00:28
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joshcryerkanzure, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeO-MK0xUP4#t=0m5s00:39
kanzureyou just ruined my childhood00:42
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joshcryerSelf-replication: the ability to manufacture and autonomously assemble all parts of ones self, including hardware to run the software used to design ones self and iterations thereof.02:40
QuantumGheh, that's a little wide02:49
joshcryerYeah, well. Without our brains our humans would not be procreating. Granted, a lot of procreation arguably occurs without much thinking. :P02:51
joshcryerI just was taking a shower and thinking, ok so maybe you could pull off a self-replication with some homemade transistors and servos (maybe 1000-5000 transitors tops, micron or even millimeter sized stuff here), wire extrusion, whatever. The thing is going to be mildly retarded and it will still take several more generations to have the whole technology-base self-replicating.03:09
QuantumGyeah, that paper I was reading the other day was actually talking about "vacuum tubes" instead of transistors.. of course, without the tubes, cause it's on the Moon03:15
QuantumGanyway I don't really care about full self-replication03:17
QuantumGI'd be happy if all the "reproduced" robots were controlled via radio from a centralized computer03:18
joshcryerI ain't going to lie, that'd be freaking awesome.03:18
joshcryerBut I like manufacturing, so I propose the compromised route.03:18
joshcryerBasically robots on the moon that can make all of themselves except for perhaps servos and the ICs.03:18
joshcryerSo you send up a factory thingy, and some robots, and they go out and make more robots and install the parts.03:19
QuantumGI can't see why they wouldn't be able to make the servos03:19
joshcryer'perhaps servos' :P03:19
joshcryerI try to be concise in this pedantic channel. >:P03:19
QuantumGjust solenoids03:19
Utopiah(naive question) can you make chemistry required for even simple IC without water?03:19
joshcryerUtopiah, from what I'm seeing, I think so.03:20
QuantumGyou probably can but I have no idea how to.03:20
QuantumGtube radios.. it's so steampunk!03:21
joshcryerBTW, I think a lot of early CPU patents are now public domain.03:22
QuantumGprobably gunna need some steampunk solution to sensors too03:22
joshcryerSo all is not lost. :D03:22
joshcryerOh btw I saved that tube radio thingy I meant to read it.03:24
joshcryerAnyone play with Ansys?03:25
QuantumGno idea what that is03:25
joshcryerAn "it only does everything" materials simulator.03:26
joshcryerBTW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOtEQB-9tvk03:33
joshcryerWorth laughing at if you're bored.03:33
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kanzurejoshcryer: i really think you should read http://www.molecularassembler.com/KSRM.htm08:46
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kanzureand somehow i'm going to convince you that stumbling around in the dark (choosing random technologies) isn't a productive use of your time08:47
kanzure< joshcryer> BTW, I think a lot of early CPU patents are now public domain.08:48
kanzureunfortunately patents do not describe how to make the patented technology08:49
kanzureusually it's just "staking a claim in legalese"08:49
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kanzure10:11 <+|Japa|> I'm a bigger twat, I use thermonuclear-rocket.msi10:11
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kanzurehi |Japa| 10:13
* |Japa| bows10:13
|Japa|another channel that I shal lurk in and very occasionallygive random comments10:14
kanzureand in which we will insult you while you're not looking :)10:14
kanzuredoes anyone have the chart of "the right way" to lower body temperature down to cryogenic levels so as to avoid ice crystal formation?10:19
kanzurei don't think that's it, though10:19
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katsmeow-afki read a report that the faster the freezing, the shorter the xtals grow, and when short enough, they don't pierce cell walls10:21
katsmeow-afkt know how you'10:22
katsmeow-afkd apply that to large masses tho10:22
kanzuredoes anyone know jjbarrows10:22
kanzureor Jeroen Van Goey10:22
katsmeow-afkmy paws haven't awoke yet10:22
kanzurejoshcryer's link earlier was to this: homebrew NMOS transistor step-by-step http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_znRopGtbE10:25
kanzureepitron's link bot would be welcome for youtube links that don't have surrounding textual description.. or maybe just a bot to yell at people who drop undecypherable links?10:25
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kanzurehi Juul 10:28
Juulkanzure, http://lists.labitat.dk/pipermail/discuss/2010-August/000958.html10:29
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kanzureooh cool, i missed this one: http://ing.dk/artikel/10821110:31
* kanzure added it to http://bit.ly/diybionews10:33
kanzureis it off of gammel kongevej?10:36
* kanzure has a rusty memory10:36
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alphydankanzure, have you been in DK? Kbh?10:46
kanzurenot yet :)10:49
Juulkanzure, yeah10:51
Juuli added it to the DIYbio map now10:51
splicergood find10:52
kanzuresplicer: no, that's Juul's website :)10:52
splicergood initiative juul ;)10:53
Juul:) thanks10:53
kanzureJuul: so is this diybio-copenhagen10:54
splicer(diybio is gonna sound cool for about 2 years)10:56
Juulkanzure, yeah, re-named and now with weekly meetings and a proper IT infrastructure10:57
kanzureokie dokie10:57
kanzurefor our english-speaking friends, should we be calling it biologi garagen or biology garden10:57
Juulit's the biology garage10:58
kanzuregot it10:59
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kanzurethe reason that looks like crap is because the circle was extruded to [0, 5, 5] instead of [0, 0, 5]11:01
kanzureso apparently you can extrude in more than one direction?11:01
kanzuregenehacker: if you extrude a circle in solidworks, and save it as a STEP file, does the STEP file have a circle in it or a set of b-rep objects?11:02
kanzurei meant "does the STEP file have a cylinder in it"11:02
splicerjuul: The Biology Garage is very good11:03
Juulsplicer, glad you like it11:04
bkerokanzure: wtf vampire11:09
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kanzurebkero: vampire?11:10
bkerokanzure: the mplayer in your screenshot11:10
kanzureoh, that's star trek11:10
bkerolooks vampire-like, yes?11:11
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kanzure"open source camera" http://cinema.elphel.com/11:44
kanzureexplanation: http://osliving.com/sourced/real-world-open-source/meet-apertus-the-open-source-hd-cinema-camera/11:44
kanzurecommentary from the peanut gallery: http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/08/30/1639248/Apertus-the-Open-Source-HD-Movie-Camera11:45
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ybit2grr @ quassel12:56
ybit2kanzure did you say to look @ pythoncad?12:57
kanzurenah not really, don't waste your time13:10
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kanzurewb epitron 13:19
kanzurestalk: Doak Mahlik <doak.mahlik@ic.fbi.gov>13:24
kanzurestalk: K. Erika Jensen <k.erika.jensen@ic.fbi.gov>13:24
kanzurestalk: Ewann Berntson <ewann.berntson@noaa.gov>13:24
kanzureand our friend ed is Edward H. You <edward.you@ic.fbi.gov> apparently13:25
epitronwhy do you want to stalk these people?13:25
kanzurebecause they're stalking me13:25
kanzurethey are the FBI people assigned to diybio13:25
kanzurewe all know about ed, but the others are news to me..13:26
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epitronit's a reactive stalk13:28
kanzureoh this is weird13:28
kanzureapparently i sent an email to an @ic.fbi.gov address a few years ago13:28
kanzurei submitted a FOIA request on myself13:28
epitronis that how you found out about your stalkers?13:28
kanzuretoday i got an email from rob carlson that CC'd those people13:29
kanzurepresumably it's a fluke13:29
kanzureand for some reason i have never got my FOIA information13:29
kanzure"  However, before we can process your request you must submit a Privacy Act Request Form which is available at foia.fbi.gov.    Privacy Act Requests (records about yourself), require a valid and legible signature.    The Privacy Act Request form can be either mailed or faxed to the address/number below."13:30
kanzuredo i really want to see this document, though?13:30
epitronwell then! get signing!13:30
epitroni dunno.. i read that reddit guy's foia request13:31
epitronit was pretty boring13:31
kanzureit's just reddit13:31
kanzurethey aren't splicing genes into shit13:31
epitronhe was still investigated by multiple people for multiple random weird things13:31
epitronaaron swartz13:31
epitroni guess he's somewhat political13:31
kanzurebah! http://foia.fbi.gov/privacy_request.htm13:32
kanzureaaron swartz hangs around diybio from time to time13:32
kanzurebut wait, he did diybio?13:32
epitronmakes sense :)13:32
kanzurei mean, reddit?13:32
kanzureprivacy_rqeuest.htm is 404 >:|13:32
epitronhe wrote web.py if i recall13:32
epitronwhich was a rewrite of the LISP reddit13:32
epitron...as part of it13:32
epitroni think he was just there for the founding13:33
epitronhe seems to have a lot of irons in a lot of fires :)13:33
epitroni can't imagine he stays on one for a long time13:33
epitronyou know, it always struck me that FOIA requests were only really useful for requesting things that aren't that secret13:34
epitronbeacuse it's like an opt-in information revealing system13:34
epitronthe organization has to voluntarily give you the documents13:34
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genehackerkanzure find me something cool to do with a robotic arm13:36
epitronmake waffles automatically!13:36
epitronWAFFLETRON 900013:36
kanzureno waffletrons 9000 in here!13:37
kanzuredon't you remember what happened last time?13:37
epitronokay how about the SEQUENCERTRON 900013:37
kanzuregenehacker: do you mean something cool or something practical13:37
epitronpractical follows cool13:37
epitronya gotta make something cool to develop the skills necessary to do the practical thing :)13:37
epitron(at least, that maximizes motivation)13:38
epitron(boring practical things are easier when you're not also assaulted by a learning curve)13:38
genehackerboth if possible13:39
kanzurestalk: David Singband <david.singband@ic.fbi.gov>13:39
genehackerI have four robotic arms and two of them have force feedback capability13:39
bkeroI have two biotic arms and two of them have force feedback cabability13:39
epitronhow about robodrummer13:39
epitrondrum rolls w/ force feedback13:39
genehackerthey aren't fast enough for that13:40
epitronwell, a roll is technically just rebounding :)13:40
epitronit doesn't have to be THAT fast13:40
epitronit has to have fast feedback tho13:40
epitrondo you have a name so i can lookup a video and get an idea for what it can do?13:41
genehackerno videos of it exist13:42
genehackerit's a heatkit robotic arm trainer13:43
ybit2wasn't there an effort to create an alternative 3d cad kernel? i'm sure there was...13:46
ybit2aside from wildcat13:48
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kanzureybit2: brlcad, opencascade, avocado-cad, cgal, opennurbs, what else are you looking for14:05
genehackerso do open cad programs not suck yet?14:08
genehackeralso what's a good IRC logging bot?14:08
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kanzuregenehacker: if you want logs for this channel see http://gnusha.org/logs/14:12
Utopiahis you like Python http://sourceforge.net/projects/supybot/ of you like to do weird stuff http://tools.suckless.org/ii/ else pretty much any client makes "good" logs 14:13
genehackerstarting up an irc room for the robotics trailer14:15
genehackeralso it has to run on a weaksauce windows system, because that's what we have14:15
jrayhawkwe can set up gnusha to log that for you too, probably14:15
kanzuregenehacker: uh, the robotics trailer has a linux server..14:16
kanzureyou should have a login to that..14:16
genehackerI do14:16
genehackerI know we have one14:16
genehackeroh ok14:16
kanzurealso if you're hosting the channel on freenode make sure you register the channel first so that someone can be an op14:18
genehackeryeah we will14:18
jrayhawkkanzure have you talked to a network op to see if they can fix that for you14:19
jrayhawknot that i suppose it's particularly important here14:20
kanzureyep they keep saying they have a backlog of 6 months14:20
kanzurei even submitted the damn paperwork14:20
kanzure.. more than a year ago14:20
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kanzurejrayhawk: maybe you could /join #freenode with me and show me the ways of "talking op" properly?14:21
jrayhawkI have no useful input.14:21
kanzureis there some jedi mind trick14:21
jrayhawkno freenode is mostly just horrible and you should probably be using oftc14:22
kanzure"you will grant op and the wookie to me"14:22
genehackeroh well we don't really need to use IRC that much14:24
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kanzureseasteading institute trying to figure out an audience for its book14:36
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kanzurehi papna-work 15:28
ybit2freecad isn't bad at all15:30
kanzureno, it's awful15:30
ybit2that was re: 16:08 < genehacker> so do open cad programs not suck yet?15:30
kanzureit's just opencascade with a gui15:30
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ybit2the occ part isn't the greatest, but they've managed to make a decent gui for simple operations15:33
papna-workkanzure: Hi.15:36
kanzurepapna-work: shold we talk in here or in #python?15:36
kanzurealso, progress screenshot: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/screenshots/2010-08-30-0234.png15:37
papna-workkanzure: I have yet to figure out what here is.15:37
kanzurein this channel we focus on open source hardware, CAD, do-it-yourself biology / genetic engineering, human enhancement, and the like15:38
papna-workThis is for the journal....magazine....thing h+?15:39
kanzurethe channel name is legacy stuff.. but yeah, h+ is an acronym/symbol for human enhancement15:39
kanzurethe magazine started in 200915:40
papna-workCrazy transhumanists.15:40
kanzureand hey, if you're going to be sharing schematics for exoskeletons or whatever, you need CAD :P15:41
kanzurebrlcad, opencascade, et al. just don't cut it..15:41
papna-workWait. You're making a CAD system that sucks less than OpenCascade?15:42
kanzureit's not hard.. opencascade sucks immensely15:42
papna-workOC works.15:42
kanzuresometimes :)15:42
papna-workYou don't seem to be developing your code with the goal to work more often.15:43
kanzurebtw have you ever tried to do development in the opencascade internals15:43
kanzurepapna-work: why do you say that?15:43
papna-workkanzure: You admitted several times the dirtiness in which you were engaging.15:44
kanzureinside of opencascade it's some terrible mix of C/C++/french/english left over from the early 90s15:44
kanzureyes that's true15:44
papna-workI looked at using the OC internals once.15:44
kanzure... for the visualization stuff :)15:44
papna-workWe ended up sticking with Parasolid.15:44
kanzurecommercial license?15:44
papna-workkanzure: The visualization stuff is a core functionality. =p15:45
papna-workkanzure: Yeah.15:45
kanzurewell i want the core functionality to be STEP export-- but i realized that nobody is going to use this without a quick way to visualize what they are doing (say, interactively in python)15:45
kanzurebut yeah in an end-user CAD system visualization is important15:45
kanzurewhen you bought the parasolid license does that mean you got the parasolid source code?15:46
kanzureor just some header files and DLLs/libraries?15:46
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kanzurein an ideal world, i would have found an STDAI library for STEP somewhere- like the one that NIST wrote15:48
kanzureand then implement some python wrappers to it15:48
kanzurebut instead i decided the NIST SCL ("step class library") was a lost cause and just implemented my own in python15:48
kanzureit turns out that brlcad.org recovered and fixed SCL within the past year though15:48
kanzureso brlcad now imports STEP (i dunno about exporting)15:48
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ybit2i wonder why more people don't use lua16:04
kanzurelua is used extensively in the game development community16:04
ybit2the libs16:04
kanzurei used it for all of my in-game scripting, always16:05
ybit2i'm guessing it isn't as accessible as some languages16:05
ybit2well, haskell has hackage and python has pypi16:05
ybit2seems to be easier to find what you need16:06
kanzurei was always using lua for one-off stuff and anything critical was just written in C++ and then added in through bindings..16:06
kanzurehttp://jpmandon.blogspot.com/2010/08/pinguino-as-self-replicating-device.html 16:36
kanzure"The Pinguino (PIC-powered Arduino) can now program itself into another Pinguino:"16:36
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ybit2i used to talk with that guy quite a bit17:09
ybit2haven't heard from kristianpaul in awhile though :)17:10
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kristianpaulybit2: hey17:21
kristianpaulyeah sorry kidn of busy bu i try to track this channel17:22
kristianpaulmay be i neeed a bot that give me stats about key words17:22
kristianpauldo you know wich i nca use?17:22
kristianpaulthat will save me lots of readiong and pointme to the most discussed things i guess17:22
ybit2kristianpaul: you can always use grep :)17:26
kristianpauland the stats?17:26
ybit2er..psig or something like that17:26
kristianpauloh ok17:27
ybit2perl irc stat generator is what it stands for i think, but i don't think it's much use :)17:27
ybit245 second clip of dilbert cartoon's take on engineers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXGDRrkaRgU17:28
kristianpaulthats the top i had seen17:29
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kanzureybit gets bonus points (i've been reading dilbert at dinner for the past few min)17:48
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kanzurehi Japa 18:30
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kanzurethese people almost scare me :)19:29
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kanzurei like http://pangalactic.us/tao.html19:54
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kanzurejason must be ignoring me or something21:35
kanzurehow many emails do i have to write to this guy?21:35
ybit2i like the tao of programming too, thanks for linking :)21:36
kanzurelatest trance dump from me: http://pastebin.ca/192968921:47
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kanzurehi QuantumG 22:10
QuantumGlost power for 5 hours there22:10
kanzurewhen will you move to a more civilized part of the world?22:10
QuantumGdudes in cherry pickers on the street messing with the wires.22:10
katsmeow-afkmoving costs money22:11
QuantumGit's all the same.. they give you 30 days notice22:11
QuantumGthe notice actually said 9am to 5pm22:12
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QuantumGindeed, I hate the way facebook users assume everyone else in the world is a part of their cult.22:26
* Utopiah has been kicked out of FB anyway http://twitter.com/utopiah/status/2224337197222:29
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phrykI hate it how twitter users assume everyone else in the world is a part of their cult.23:04
QuantumGonly morons who mark their tweets as "private"23:08
QuantumGcompletely missing the point of the medium23:08
* kanzure mumbles something about saving revolved curves and surfaces for tomorrow23:48
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