
--- Log opened Tue Aug 31 00:00:17 2010
-!- shepazu [~schepers@2001:660:330f:1a:21b:63ff:feb9:14dc] has joined #hplusroadmap00:02
joshcryerkanzure, what makes you think I just pick technologies at random?00:17
QuantumGhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crookes_radiometer  they don't work in hard vacuum00:31
QuantumGGregory S. Chirikjian must not be aware of that.  http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/final_report/880Chirikjian.pdf00:32
joshcryerthis is hilarious00:32
QuantumGIn the case of a radiometer, energy production and storage take place in the same unit, and electricity is siphoned off using a generator in a continuous fashion.00:34
QuantumGit sounds so sexy .. shame 10 seconds of reading wikipedia invalidates it.00:34
joshcryerI knew though that the effect was not due to light but pressure differential.00:34
joshcryerBut it's embarrassing how you overlook something like that.00:34
joshcryerGlad you dug more QuantumG.00:35
joshcryerIf I wrote the paper I'd use sterling engines and solar fields initially, then something like liquid sulpher later on.00:37
joshcryerAll concentrated solar though.00:37
joshcryers/and solar/for solar00:38
QuantumGof course, there's no reason why you couldn't build a nice glass tube on the Moon and fill it with a suitable gas extracted from lunar regolith.00:38
QuantumGyeah, then you only have to make mirrors00:38
joshcryerThis is very true, but then your energy calculation goes up big time since refining glass silicon is very energy intensive.00:38
joshcryerA guy found a really really easy process to make mirrors using lunar regolith.00:39
QuantumGso how to do you make mirrors (at all or) from lunar regolith?00:39
QuantumGname?  url? :)00:39
joshcryerOne caveat.00:39
joshcryerYou get refined aluminum from Earth for their process.00:39
joshcryerUse that process, but refine the aluminum there.00:40
joshcryer(the real info is at the bottom of the page after more info)00:40
QuantumGbeing that all the parts are aluminium 00:40
joshcryerAhh, right, there's also an epoxy that needs to be made.00:41
QuantumGpolished aluminium not good enough?00:43
joshcryerI remember why I don't have this paper now.00:44
joshcryerMark Friedenbach knows the guy who was involved in that and was supposed to help me.00:44
joshcryerBut he got married and disappeared from the internet.00:44
QuantumGk, gotta run00:45
joshcryer(SpaceX Dragon Oct. 23.)00:45
joshcryer(the epoxy is used to bond the regolith)00:49
joshcryerBut then there's that other guy who talked about baking regolith into nice hardened stuff, but I forgot that source and don't feel like finding it.00:50
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Utopiahhttp://www.mindviewslabs.com founded to automate the design, analysis, and manufacture of new products and systems.03:05
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kanzure"The FBI has received your Freedom of Information Act/Privacy (FOI/PA) request and it will be forwarded to the Work Process Unit for review.  Your request will be processed under the provisions of FOI/PA and a response will be mailed to you at a later date."08:14
-!- QuantumG [~qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]08:26
mheldanybedy here ever write a patent disclosure?08:27
splicerkanzure: what's that about?08:28
splicerah... you requested records08:34
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kanzuremodern science map09:05
kanzurewarning: huge image09:05
kanzurehm some of the more modern names aren't completely accurate09:06
kanzurei mean, he's missing a lot and only knows about i.e. michio kaku because kaku plasters his name everywhere09:07
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kanzure"Lockheed Martin Corporation recently announced the release of its first open source software initiative around social media called Eureka Streams. Eureka Streams is a social media platform that integrates activity streams and OpenSocial apps. Lockheed Martin has spent the past several years growing a strategy of Social Software within the Enterprise to bring widely distributed employees together."09:48
kanzurecan't they release something, uh, not related to social media?09:48
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kanzurewhere did diybio-leuven go?10:30
kanzurehm that was probably len and meredith10:31
bkerohttp://www.27bslash6.com/AGL.html nice10:36
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drazakkanzure: do you have any organic chemistry lab manuals?11:04
drazakkanzure: I don't think my bopoks from you are complete11:04
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kanzurea step-by-step introduction to creative commons http://www.aliprandi.org/cc-user-guide/ (i.e. for content creators)11:14
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kanzurehi dustbin 12:24
dustbinhey brian12:24
bkeroOh hey, my friend wrote that. :)12:29
kanzurebkero: which one?12:30
kanzuredrazak: probably but even if i did there's no real way for me to get it to you in any reasonable amount of time12:30
bkerokanzure: the cc for content creators guide12:30
kanzurei wish i had a cogent linkup12:31
drazakkanzure: I can wait12:31
drazakkanzure: you I'll pay shipping to and from you for the drive with all the books (how big is it?)12:31
kanzurea terabyte drive should be enough, preferably usb/external12:31
kanzureit should cost something like $80 with shipping12:32
bkerokanzure: cogent is balls12:33
drazakI meant for you to ship me the drive, I'd copy stuff off, and then ship it back to you12:33
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bkeroAren't you both on i2 lines?12:35
drazakI have several connections availible to me12:35
drazakI have a dedicated 100/100 on my server12:35
drazaklocally I have a dedicated 10/10 and a 15/312:35
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kanzurei want one12:42
bkeroMost universities are connected through an internet link called i2.12:42
klafkamost i2 only exists on the academic side of college campuses12:48
bkeroNever seen one that didn't NOT route any traffic capable through i2.12:49
kanzuredouble negative12:51
klafkathey put a lot of restirctions on i2 when the i2hub was big12:52
klafkamaybe they've since eased up on them12:52
klafkai2hub used a vast amount of numerous colleges bandwidth12:52
klafkafor like 1? 2? years12:53
bkeroFor universities, i2 is free12:54
bkeroCompared to paying for commodity bandwidth12:54
kanzurehttp://2010.gogbot.nl/ "The GOGBOT Festival in the Netherlands features from September 9-12, with a focus on Nanotech, Biotech and Transhumanism."13:00
kanzurehttp://www.nanoforum.org/ "Bionics and Nanotech International Forum takes place on September 30 in Barranquilla, Colombia. Featured talks cover transhumanism and human enhancement."13:01
kanzurehttp://www.transhumanism-spirituality.org/ '"Transhumanism and Spirituality" is the theme for this year's Mormon Transhumanist Association conference at the University of Utah on October 1st."13:01
kanzurehttp://poptech.org/ october 20-2313:01
kanzurehttp://transvision2010.wordpress.com/ october 22-24 in milan, italy13:02
kanzurehttp://hplussummit.com/ hplus summit LA 2010 november 5-7 13:02
klafkamormon transhumanist association13:03
kanzureit's real :)13:03
kanzure.. and actually more active than humanityplus.org13:04
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kanzurehi ferrouswheel 13:06
ferrouswheelg'day kanzure 13:06
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katsmeow-afkkanzure, you have documents on how the increase in manufacturing will lead to a decrease in cost, fewer humans making (or knowing how to make) an item, a decrease in financial capitalisation of manufacturing, and monopolies of nearly everything by the largest companies? 14:49
katsmeow-afkto me, capitalism is more resembling a pyramid scheme, built of sand, and coming apart14:50
katsmeow-afklets say someone automates all tantalum capacitor manufacture, buys all the few mining areas, has near zero manufacturing cost, no labor involved, and can set his own price14:52
katsmeow-afkthen all oem take that approach for 20 yrs14:52
QuantumGI've had this discussion on this channel.  The next thing they have to do is move into another market because they won't be able to keep up with inflation.14:53
katsmeow-afkfor most of a generation, a few companies can suck all the cash out of the economy, then what?14:53
QuantumGso eventually you end up with companies competing for a market with no money, but that's ok, the prices have gone down anyway.. at some point the majority of customers are getting their money from government stipends.14:54
* katsmeow-afk nods14:55
kanzure2002 log from #sl4 http://acceleratingfuture.com/michael/logs/%23sl4.01.log14:57
katsmeow-afkQuantum, if you had a choice of $free: *either* 2560 14mips computers, OR 256 100mips computers, which would you take?14:58
kanzuremethuselah foundation presskit http://acceleratingfuture.com/michael/storage/MethuselahFoundationPressKitV0.5.rar14:58
katsmeow-afkkanzure, that's tou in black with black dog?14:58
katsmeow-afki wonder why i thought you lived in Tx15:00
katsmeow-afkups here, bbl15:00
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QuantumGprobably the 256.. but most likely neither15:04
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: i do live in texas15:05
* QuantumG watches kanzure shoot guns into the air "Texas!"15:06
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katsmeow-afkhttp://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/works/newintelligence.htm  missed a 3rd option: the GAI may just pack it's bags and leave, choosing to settle on a safer place like the moon or Mars, or distributed among the asteroid belt(s) somewhere15:27
QuantumGor in Never Never Land15:29
QuantumGspeculating over fictional beings, so productive15:29
katsmeow-afki didn't write the page, and i was done speculatingyears ago, i was just relating it to you now15:30
QuantumGyep, but you're here, and he's not, so I address my "whatever" to you15:31
katsmeow-afkk, thanks15:31
katsmeow-afkhowever, the choice of cpu question wasn't so fanciful, as i have reels of chips and boxes of ram and sq feet of pcb with boxes of drill bits, i could make either15:33
katsmeow-afkfoolhardy me asked for opinion15:33
QuantumGahh.. see I probably wouldn't take it, even if it was free, cause then I've gotta store it.15:34
katsmeow-afkwhat if it was small, in one box, power wasn't an issue, and they ran 5x faster than my original question?15:35
* katsmeow-afk wanders off absentmindedly too15:38
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kanzurebiohacking in milwaukee http://barcampmilwaukee.com/tags/biohacking16:31
kanzureoh, it's just richard thiemes16:31
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joshcryerBryan Caplin has an idea how desktop manufacturing would work in a competitive market environment.16:38
joshcryerWait, I'm thinking of someone else.16:39
joshcryerKEVIN CARSON16:39
joshcryerI dunno why I confuse those two, I've done that on several occassions.16:39
kanzureyeah, kevin's stuff is usually fun to read16:40
kanzurehe wrote a book.. whichever book it was, chapter 7 is a good read :P16:42
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joshcryerProbably linked on his site, I never had the patience to read what I already knew politicall: http://mutualist.blogspot.com/16:43
kanzureok maybe not chapter 716:43
joshcryerI don't recall being particularly fond of his approach though.16:44
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katsmeow<cough>  http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/wiki/Transhumanist_IRC_Chatroom says to join #transhumanism19:15
katsmeowi did19:15
katsmeowthere's no one there19:15
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kanzurekatsmeow: yeah, basically this is the new #transhumanism19:22
kanzuresorry :)19:22
kanzurealso i have no control over the acceleratingfuture.com site content19:23
kanzure(you seemed to think it was my site earlier)19:23
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katsmeowwho belongs to Novamente?19:24
kanzureben goertzel19:25
katsmeowi dunno his irc nick19:25
katsmeowNovamente hasn't been updated since 2008, i guess it's dead19:39
kanzuremost of their work is now focusing on opencog19:41
kanzureferrouswheel: ping19:41
kanzureyou probably know about this stuff more than i do19:41
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* katsmeow is mourning the death of a programmer she worked with periodically over the last 15 yrs19:48
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ferrouswheelkatsmeow-afk, sorry to hear that.19:59
ferrouswheelI work on OpenCog with Ben Goertzel19:59
ferrouswheelAnd Novamente is basically a firm that works on AI stuff, most of their core code is opensourced as OpenCog these days (although not all of it)20:00
klafkathe name ben goertzel sounds really familiar20:05
uniqanomaly_no kidding20:06
QuantumGhe's Mr AGI20:06
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uniqanomaly_klafka: you're guilty of transhumanist heresy, do you have a defence?20:10
klafkai'm not a transhumanist!20:10
klafkaunless it gets me something20:10
uniqanomaly_another heresy20:10
klafkabtw so apparently piracetam has just been reclassified by the fda as a drug20:10
klafkaand places can no longer sell it20:10
klafkathat kinda sucks20:10
uniqanomaly_it was suppliment20:11
uniqanomaly_they're guilty of like crime against future humanity crimes20:11
uniqanomaly_and of course transhuman heresy of 0 class20:12
QuantumGcrimes against transhumanity20:12
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klafkazeroth level crimes20:12
uniqanomaly_guilty, guilty and guilty20:12
uniqanomaly_US as land of freedom20:18
uniqanomaly_it reminds me about FDA & genetic testing some time ago20:21
uniqanomaly_(your an idiot sir, and) you cannot do genetic tests without contact with your physician20:22
uniqanomaly_(your an idiot sir, and) you cannot use stuff that makes your brain work better20:24
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ferrouswheelNo more piracetam? Damn20:39
NoahjWhy is all the piracetam gone?20:39
ferrouswheelIt's prescription only in New Zealand, but I always managed to get it through customs because they have no clue what it is.20:39
katsmeow-afkolmifon ?20:40
katsmeow-afkoh, adrafinal, nm20:40
uniqanomaly_Noahj: 'cause of fascism20:40
katsmeow-afkmaybe next thing they'll do is look into that salmonella problem with chickens and eggs20:44
katsmeow-afkOxiracetam - Water-soluble racetam (2 to 4 times more potent than Piracetam[citation needed])20:58
katsmeow-afkAniracetam - Fat-soluble racetam (4 to 8 times more potent than Piracetam[citation needed])20:58
katsmeow-afkPramiracetam - Fat-soluble racetam (8 to 30 times more potent than Piracetam[citation needed])20:58
epitronyou guys should hack your own racetams21:02
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NoahjYou don't want to end up with the racetam which gives your hemispheres more trouble talking to one another though, right?21:44
NoahjI guess DIYbio tends to bend towards that risky sort of business 21:45
NoahjThese sentences are incohescent enough to warrant sleep21:45
NoahjBye, hplusroadmap 21:45
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QuantumG@unrocket says "Just re-did my printed STL motor model to have GPI prototype quote using DMLS, a better process."22:51
QuantumG3d printed rocket motor.. stainless steel.. his last attempt via Shapeways was too porous 22:52
katsmeow-afki cannot help but think any metal printing he does will result in a sintered metal , which by definition is porus,, so what if he printed the motor bank onto a slab of non-pourus, or printed each engine in a well bored into a non-porus slab?22:58
katsmeow-afkbtw, did that Dutch rocket attempt fly?22:59
QuantumGthey haven't yet.22:59
QuantumGthe flight team left for Bornholm in their submarine Tuesday 1000 UTC. They'll be there Wednesday ~1600 UTC, hoping for launch on Thursday.22:59
QuantumGso yeah, waiting for that video :)23:01
kanzurehttp://thebrain.com/ i'm not impressed23:01
kanzureit's yet-another mind mapper thingy23:01
katsmeow-afkhas anyone made (printed or otherwise) an actual functioning bank of micro rocket engines to compare to a single larger engine?23:04
QuantumGno.  The most clustering that has been successfully done is Falcon 9, with 9 actual engines (some claim Soyuz has more clustering, because they count chambers, not nozzles)23:09
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QuantumGand we're still waiting for Armadillo to fly a cluster of anything23:09
QuantumGeven though that's their stated goal.23:09
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* katsmeow-afk nods23:10
katsmeow-afkoh, the Saturn 5 had more than 9 , iirc, you you count main plus vectoring engines23:11
QuantumGwell, if you're going to count vectoring engines, Falcon 9 has them too23:11
QuantumGno idea how many23:11
katsmeow-afkoh, ok23:11
katsmeow-afkSander Pool wrote:23:12
katsmeow-afk> Just so we're all talking about the same thing, the early Soviet missiles23:12
katsmeow-afk> had what, 24 engines? I would consider this a multi-engine missile.23:12
QuantumGofficially, you're supposed to count chambers23:13
QuantumGeven if those chambers all feed to the same nozzle23:13
kanzurewhy does caplocks exist?23:36
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epitronkanzure: http://funtarded.com/pics/show/121823:56
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