
--- Log opened Fri Sep 03 00:00:18 2010
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jmiljrayhawk: problem00:24
jmilDelta compression using up to 2 threads.00:24
jmilCompressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.00:24
jmilWriting objects: 100% (3/3), 348 bytes, done.00:24
jmilTotal 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)00:24
jmilerror: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects00:24
jmilfatal: failed to write object00:24
jmilerror: unpack failed: unpack-objects abnormal exit00:24
jmilTo git+ssh://jmil@diyhpl.us/srv/git/reprap00:24
jmil ! [remote rejected] master -> master (n/a (unpacker error))00:24
jmilerror: failed to push some refs to 'git+ssh://jmil@diyhpl.us/srv/git/reprap'00:24
jmiloh i think i forgot to add to reprap.git acct00:25
jmilnevermind jrayhawk it works now00:26
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jmiljrayhawk: problem:00:28
jmilgit push origin master00:28
jmilTo /srv/git/reprap.git00:28
jmil ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward)00:28
jmilerror: failed to push some refs to '/srv/git/reprap.git'00:28
jmiljrayhawk: u there?00:31
jmilhalp pls00:31
epitronpull first00:33
epitronyou're behind00:33
epitronyou might have to do a merge commit if there's a conflict00:33
jmilnaw that's not it00:38
jmilim trying to force push00:39
jmilgot it figured out though jrayhawk 00:39
jmili did a --force and that eventually updated cgit, had to wait for it though00:40
jrayhawkoh, I guess ikiwiki's going to be unhappy about some of that. I'll go turn that off.00:46
jmilwhy, what does ikiwiki change when you do a force?00:46
jrayhawkIkiwiki maintains its own checkout so it can publish the contents, and attempts to perform a merge by default.00:47
jmiloh actually it was git push --mirror origin00:47
jrayhawkWhat is it with you and mirror?00:47
jmiljrayhawk: oh. ya that won't work yet. what is the purpose of the wiki?00:48
jmillol. force didn't reset anything of course. mirror is the only way to do that, naturally00:48
jmiltry it yourself00:48
jmili tried it your way first ;)00:49
jmildoesn't work00:49
jrayhawk< jrayhawk> Normally there's a post-update hook that checks the log for updated files and renders and/or publishes those to a directory tree. 00:49
jrayhawk< jrayhawk> Optionally, there is also a web interface for editing the contents of the tree and commiting them back to the git repository.00:49
jrayhawk< jrayhawk> There are some compelling features within Ikiwiki for managing and aggregating data stored within markdown files for whatever purposes you would like; it's often used for blogging and bug tracking.00:50
jmili wasn't learned enough to understand that way back when00:50
jmil== earlier today00:50
jmilnow it's starting to make sense, somewhat00:50
jmildo you now also see why i have to mirror instead of force in order to delete a commit in reprap.git?00:51
jrayhawkYeah, git and ikiwiki don't really have learning 'curves'00:51
jrayhawkJust a second, cloning your repo takes a bit.00:52
jmili did echo "hello" > hello.txt00:52
jmilgit add .00:52
jmilgit commit -a -m "adding hello.txt"00:52
jmilgit push00:52
jmilgit reset --hard HEAD~00:53
jmilgit push --force origin master00:53
jmildoes not delete the hello.txt commit from origin00:53
jmilinstead you then do 00:53
jmilgit push --mirror origin00:53
jmiland that works00:53
jmilwhich you see eventually when cgit updates00:53
jrayhawkForce worked for me.00:56
jrayhawkMost likely you saw an ikiwiki error, which didn't actually keep the commit from working.00:56
jrayhawkerr the ref from getting updated.00:57
jrayhawkOh, actually, it was worse than that00:57
jrayhawkikiwiki performed the merge, then noticed it was ahead and pushed back into the repo00:57
jrayhawkAnywho, ikiwiki is off, now, sorry.00:57
jrayhawkI don't really know if Bryan really wanted it for you in the first place.00:57
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jmilok. he was marketing it as a feature of this server to me and adrian, but it may not be the best thing right now00:59
jrayhawkYeah, apparently.00:59
jmilok so those are ikiwiki errors. they are very strange00:59
jmil"skipping bad filename...." etc etc01:00
jmiloh good. i thought it was just debian :)01:00
jrayhawkIkiwiki is a little paranoid about what it takes due to its attempt at compatability with a bunch of different systems.01:01
jmilgotcha. ok, well i'm going afk for the night, mostly01:01
jmilthey mostly go afk at night.... mostly....01:01
jmilya, i need some sleep if you can't tell01:01
Utopiah(somehow IRC does have sound ;)01:02
jmilthanks for a successful night hacking hplus plus reprap01:02
jrayhawkSo long as we exit the day smarter than we entered it.01:03
jmilif only git was in english01:04
jmili think we need gitplus01:04
jrayhawkeventually you start speaking gitese in real life and people start looking at you funny :(01:04
jmiloops, foot in mouth. git reset --hard HEAD~01:04
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jrayhawkjmil: I added ssh key management to the pinyshell users: readkeys and writekeys01:59
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kanzurejmil: i was not marketing ikiwiki as a feature to you and adrian at all, i just casually mentioned it03:11
kanzurei have yet to tell adrian about skdb03:11
kanzurewhy did jmil quit03:12
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kanzurehi jmil 09:33
jmilyo yo ma09:34
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kanzurehi thesnark 09:39
thesnarkkanzure you there?09:39
thesnarkappears not to be...alive09:39
drazakkanzure: still interested in a digital lab notebook kept by sensors in a room?09:40
kanzurethesnark: yeah, tell me about it :( there's a whole story about what's going on there now09:40
kanzurethesnark: but to keep it simple, you shouldn't assume that it will ever be back09:40
kanzureand if it is going to be back, it will be in the first quarter of 201109:40
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thesnarkfffuu....I'm developing something and forgot to turn my server at home on before I left this morning...do you think you could give me the IP so I could have shell access?09:41
* thesnark needs git, vim, python2.609:41
kanzureno, it's dead09:41
kanzurebut i can give you another shell09:41
kanzurepm me a username and password09:41
thesnarkthat would be amazing09:41
thesnarkThank you so much09:42
thesnarkWhat have you been working on lately?09:43
jmilkanzure jrayhawk can we get the cgit interface to update instantaneously?09:43
jmilits not showing the commit from 5 min ago09:43
jmilbut if i ssh in i see it09:43
jmilnow it shows up09:46
jmila bit too slow for my taste tho, and will probably aggravate reprap devs09:46
drazakkanzure: have people talked about IR sensor systems for lab-tracking?09:46
kanzuredrazak: for growth media?09:48
kanzurejmil: dunno why there's a lag (it might be caching stuff?) but i'll look into it in a few min09:48
thesnarkheybryan is also down?09:49
jmilya i'm looking now too. it defiinitely has the capability to cache generated html, i'm looking at the cgit docs now09:49
kanzurethesnark: yes :(09:49
drazakkanzure: no, for tracking glassware and other stuff09:49
kanzuredrazak: someone mentioned it on diybio before but not in a serious "hey i'm going to start doing this" way09:49
kanzuredrazak: are you still working in that lab?09:49
thesnarkTime to go off to a lab. Thanks again kanzure, it is truly appreciated. We'll catch up soon.09:50
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kanzurebecause if you could convince them to start rfid tagging their chemical containers, i'd die and go to heaven to work on the software for that09:50
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jmilkanzure: let's do it in our lab09:51
jmilwe should do it the makerbot way, where they just do qr codes for everything09:52
jmilwell it's not my lab, but my advisor's09:52
kanzurehow is that the makerbot way?09:52
kanzureqr codes are a step up, sure09:52
jmilthat's how they do all their inventory management at makerbot, and they store it all on thingiverse.com09:52
kanzurejmil: one of my "on the shelf" projects is a retrosynthesis engine ("given these chemicals in my inventory, and given this chemical target, how can i get from there to here") and then use SKDB to also help with the equipment or designing a microfluidic circuit for the synthesis09:53
jmilevery item has a qr code on the box, when they retrieve it they use iphone app to look up qr code and go to the webpage and update inventory amounts09:53
jmiladditionally, it works the other way around, where items they are building are composed of multiple smaller items, so it auto-generates a shopping list for their staff to wander around the shelves and find the things that make up what they are shipping09:53
jmilextrememly efficient09:53
kanzureyep.. nothing new there09:54
jmilkanzure: now you're really smoking some crack09:54
jmilbut i like the idea09:54
kanzurehave you looked at http://github.com/kanzure/skdb yet?09:54
jmilya i can't make sense of it09:54
kanzurei guess designfiles.org is dead for now so i can't expect you to know about it09:54
jmili will clone the repo09:54
kanzureit won't work unless you want to spend a ridiculous amount of time installing opencascade09:54
kanzureit's one of the reasons i'm trying to avoid opencascade in my projects :P09:55
kanzurebut if you want a "popsci" article on it, try this?09:55
kanzureit's poorly written but it might get the concept across09:55
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kanzure"I'm interested in how it is that you find the time to do so much work on DIYbio. I have only about one day a week to spend on things that interest me."10:02
kanzure"Somehow you've gotten funding and become able to spend all your time on interesting things, even without having an advanced degree or a product?"10:02
kanzure"If so, I'd really like to know how you did it."10:02
jmilwell, what a coincidence:10:02
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epitronyou know, i was just thinking about this whole privacy debate going on..10:09
epitronit strikes me that a large part of privacy isn't about secrecy10:09
epitronit's about being able to filter out noise10:09
epitroncreativity needs quiet and focus... distraction is the enemy of creativity10:10
epitronthoughts? comments?10:10
kanzureyoda would mumble something to you about two monochromatic colors10:10
epitronand what would a regular non-muppet person say?10:12
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epitron(in other words, i don't understand what you're saying)10:17
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drazakkanzure: not anymore11:10
drazakkanzure: I was working ridiculous hours and he wasn't paying me11:10
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jmilouch, damn you kernel panic11:43
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jmiljrayhawk and kanzure i got a kernel panic, you there? anyway to make cgit update faster than 5-6 min? i was hoping instantaneously...12:09
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kanzureyou got a kernel panic on gnusha?12:22
kanzure"Hi Folks, a few changes have now been put in place to try and fix a few issues that people have been experiencing with the caching used by cgit on the freedesktop.org repos."12:24
kanzurejoe don't you host freedesktop.org?12:24
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jrayhawkNo, but I know the people who do.13:19
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jrayhawkNo, no kernel panics on that system, so I assume he's talking about his local system.13:20
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jrayhawkjmil: I just disabled caching. cgit kinda needs an upgrade to get smarter caching behavior, so I'll look into that later.13:32
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kanzuredigg saga comic.. thing? http://ncomment.com/blog/14:12
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kanzurediybio question on /sci14:41
kanzureand jason bobe is talking at the next bioethics.gov meeting: http://www.bioethics.gov/meetings/091310/14:48
klafkathat seems interesting14:53
klafkaexcept for the philosophical and theological perspectives14:53
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jmiljrayhawk: ok thanks! much appreciated14:58
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kanzureklafka: obama asked these guys to review craig venter's claims of synthetic life14:59
kanzureklafka: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_thread/thread/08b5da86b61a8154/1eaf928f148d9445?#1eaf928f148d944515:00
klafkai hope it was hilarious15:01
klafkawow craig venter manages to sound up his own ass in that transcript as well15:03
jrayhawkYou should teach jmil to abuse gnusha for irc client hosting.15:14
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kanzurepath planning for assemling sequences http://projects.opencascade.org/projects/assembly.html15:47
kanzurejrayhawk: it's weird, he already knows about screen and dtach so i dunno what's up15:48
nsh-what's up?15:53
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kanzurewonder where this came from?16:11
kanzureheh "requires opengl 1.2!"16:13
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jmiljrayhawk: what's ur email? I want to include u on this email proposal to Adrian for reprap17:52
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jrayhawkwindow 217:54
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jmiljrayhawk and kanzure join #reprap, i'm floating the idea of the reprap git repo19:40
kanzuresounds like you'd like cgit to be publicly accessible19:46
jmilya i thought it was??19:46
jmilplease do19:46
jmilcan you email me the link? gotta go offline in a sec19:47
kanzurewhat link?19:48
jmilwhen you make an unencrypted link for the cgit interface, just mail it to me so i will put it in the announcement to reprap-dev19:48
Daekenkanzure: hey, what license is the python emotiv stuff under?  i've made some modifications and want to have someone run it for me to get some data i need, but don't want to send it out there without the green light from you, since i don't see a license notice here19:48
jmilso people can browse19:48
kanzureDaeken: how about gpl2?19:49
Daekenkanzure: works for me, just wanted to be sure it was cool to redistribute in some form19:50
jmilkanzure: send to me, ya?19:50
Daekenkanzure: i'm to the point now where if i can get some data logs in a known-good form, i should be able to fake the software out and feed it data19:50
jmilgotta go19:50
kanzurejmil: i'll only send it if i have it19:50
kanzureDaeken: did you take a copy of my .dat file?19:51
jmiloh i thought you were going to make an unencrypted form?19:51
jmilthat's why we were using ur server, right?19:51
kanzurejmil: don't worry about it, i'll figure it out and email it to you19:51
Daekenkanzure: yea, but the data's truncated in a way i can't trust really19:51
kanzureall i was saying is that you won't get the email if i don't get it done19:51
kanzureDaeken: fair enough19:52
jmiloh ok thanks. is jrayhawk not here?19:52
kanzurehe's always here19:52
kanzureso am i, for that matter- you should consider using irc under screen on the server19:52
jmili'm working with johnnyr of mendel and ultimachine fame to help beta test it for us. he will be first user account19:52
jmilwhat uu mean, using irc under screen on the server?19:53
kanzureyou know about screen right?19:53
kanzureyou were using it the other day19:53
jmilya i used yesterday19:53
jmilnever used irc via command line tho19:53
kanzureokay, so just run irssi under a screen session19:53
jmilyou mean so i always get messages?19:53
kanzureirssi is a command line irc session19:53
kanzureand then you just log in whenever you feel like it19:53
jmilhow do you check for shoutouts?19:53
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kanzurethey are highlighted plus there's some commands for irssi to scroll to them19:54
kanzureetc. etc.19:54
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jmiloh good idea. i might use that for a lot of #rooms lol19:54
kanzurei use it for about 50 channels19:54
kanzurebtw was the cgit caching issue fixed?19:55
jmilya jrayhawk turned off caching so taht's ideal19:56
jmili just tested now, it's instantaneous19:56
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kanzureso much for screen19:57
kanzurethis is hopeless19:57
AlystairI think the GPU would be a terrible fit for TCP/IP D:19:59
Alystairbranching and all that..19:59
kanzurejrayhawk: i edited /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/005-diyhpl.us-piny to have lines 12 and 13 (including the alias for /static) dunno if that's the ideal way to do this20:00
kanzurealiases tend to pile up and get awful20:00
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jrayhawksymlinks are also fine20:12
jrayhawkThe only real issue would be if you or jsmiller were to 'newrepo static' or 'newrepo cgit' and expect ikiwiki to work.20:13
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kanzure"This approach enabled Matra Datavision to become the first CAD/CAM/CAE software company to get the ISO 9001 international certificate for its highest-quality software."20:36
kanzurewhat? opencascade is iso9001 certified? what a joke20:36
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kanzureis there any particular reason git://diyhpl.us/skdb.git works but /cgit doesn't show the repo?21:28
kanzure/etc/cgitrepos looks like a good reason21:29
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jrayhawkYeah; there's a later version of cgit that actually publishes things properly, but it's not debian packaged and I am lazy.21:34
kanzure"You do realize that the packets used for the most basic ping test are a few bits of an image of a topless pin up model, right?"22:16
* katsmeow-afk notes an increase in internet ping traffic22:19
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kanzure"Our rule of thumb is that a leading-edge fabless chip company requires about $100 million to survive."22:35
kanzurewolfspraul: just think, you're worth $100M :)22:36
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