
--- Log opened Mon Sep 06 00:00:17 2010
kanzurei guess i should feed my word lists into http://domai.nr/ eventually00:01
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jrayhawkI probably won't have time to deal with that cron thing until tomorrow night, but GIT_DIR=/srv/git/reprap.git, git-ls-tree master, and git-archive --format=zip are probably the building blocks to do it with.01:01
jrayhawkIf you or jmil decide to do it yourselves01:01
kanzurebp "operation fuck the gulf" command center http://media3.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/gallery/100722/GAL-10Jul22-5223/media/PHO-10Jul22-239820.jpg02:09
kanzurecern control room http://www.fnal.gov/pub/today/images06/ControlRoom.jpg02:11
kanzure<3 02:11
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.05:42
JayDuggerThee, me, and few else it seems.06:02
nshand prepending a 'whas', instead of a 'whos' to my question?06:02
* nsh is thinking about quantum information theory06:03
nshor at least, trying to understand it06:03
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kanzurei wonder how i can sucker matt into this darpa thing09:41
kanzureyes but what would his role be?09:41
kanzurei guess he still does lots of programming09:41
JayDuggerWhat do you need done?09:41
kanzurepreviously he was my professor/advisor on a very similar project09:42
kanzureand now it would be more like working as equals09:42
JayDuggerOr, does he count as one of the best possible people you can get?09:42
kanzurenot *best possible* but certainly very valuable and wortwhile09:42
JayDuggerThat probably seems stranger to you than it does to him.09:42
JayDuggerNo offense, but that weirdness fades with age.09:42
kanzurei doubt my weirdness will ever fade09:43
kanzure"until it becomes a wet stain on the collar of a crinkled, hung-up t-shirt"09:43
JayDuggerNice wordplay on the vague reference. I meant the oddity of worked with a former professor as a peer.09:43
kanzureyeah i know09:44
JayDuggerYou know him better than I do, which is to say >009:44
kanzurehttp://www.ece.cmu.edu/~mems/projects/memsyn/nodasv1_4/ Nodal Design of Actuators and Sensors: Nodasv1.4 09:50
kanzure"NODASv1.4 is a library of parameterized components for using SABER nodal simulator to simulate surface-micromachined MEMS devices. The library is composed of beams, plate masses, anchors, electrostatic comb drives (vertical and horizontal), and electrostatic gaps(horizontal). The components can be interconnected to represent both devices and more complex systems."09:51
kanzurei read that as "mechanistan" and was about to make a lot of really awful jokes09:54
kanzureJayDugger: how are you?09:54
JayDuggerSave it for a sci-fi convention, where jokes can anger every steampunk cosplayer in attendance.09:57
JayDuggersuch jokes, rather.09:57
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kanzurejrayhawk: if i wanted to clone some of these http://git.salome-platform.org/gitweb/ is there an easy way to get cgit and gitd to understand that /srv/git/salome/ is not a repo but a path of related repos?10:46
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kanzureooh yandex has improved a bit http://yandex.com/11:04
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jrayhawkpath of related repos...?12:45
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UtopiahBlender@Tufts http://ocw.tufts.edu/Course/57 (bit disappointing, no video :-#13:04
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kanzurejrayhawk: basically i'm asking if i can do nested folders without screwing up ikiwiki/cgit/gitd13:42
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jrayhawkI don't know if cgit or gitweb support listings for submodules, but at worst you'd have to manually specify them in a configuration files.14:05
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jrayhawkI'll put object/article disagreements in my sentences if i want to. You can't stop me.14:14
jrayhawkIf you're curious about those BP control center displays, by the way, http://www.planarcontrolroom.com/14:24
jrayhawkformerly clarity visual14:25
kanzurethat slashdot article yesterday had some killer comments about control rooms14:25
jrayhawkvideo walls are novelty toys for departments with overinflated budgets14:25
kanzurei've been wanting a giant lever to pull when i'm done writing an email (to send it)14:26
jrayhawkthat said clarity/planar does have some badass hardware14:26
kanzuremaybe with sirens/alarms that start going off as it uploads (we'll act like we're back on N-baud)14:26
jrayhawkCERN's reminds me of my room14:31
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jmilkanzure: try to make each one a git submodule16:50
jmilquoting kanzure: if i wanted to clone some of these http://git.salome-platform.org/gitweb/ is there an easy way to get cgit and gitd to understand that /srv/git/salome/ is not a repo but a path of related repos?16:51
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genehackerkanzure do you have an ironman suit directory on your website?16:54
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kanzureno, i guess not (wtf)16:55
kanzuresuperkuh: how about you?16:55
kanzuregenehacker: http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/Library/001-Powered%20Exoskeletons/16:55
superkuhMy exoskeleton directory has been inactive since 2006 for the most part.16:56
kanzureman, we're lame16:56
superkuhOnly a bit new in there about HULC.16:56
kanzuredid you ever have some thoughts or leads on a reasonable power supply?16:56
superkuhFor a powered exoskeleton? I always thought Berkley's early efforts with silver catalysts and hydrogen peroxide were the most energy dense you could get.16:57
superkuhI don't know about reasonable power supplies.16:57
kanzurefenn has been using cell phone batteries (just for his wearable computer stuff for now)16:57
genehackerhydrogen peroxide has a shitty energy density17:00
genehackerit has an AWESOME power density though17:00
genehackerlockheed hulc has a fuel cell option which has an awesome energy density17:01
genehackerfuel cells are so awesome because they're more efficient than heat engines17:02
kanzurethis is for your senior project right?17:02
superkuhH202 actuators can do ~2000kJ/kg.17:02
superkuhAnd that is with 70%.17:03
genehackerH2O2 actuators may not be cut out for what we want to accomplish17:03
genehackerdamn you really make a case there superkuh17:05
genehackerit's just that carrying a tank of high test peroxide on one's back into a combat zone probably isn't a good idea17:06
superkuh7kg for a 24hours at 100+ watts. It is a small tank.17:07
superkuhIt *is* noisy.17:08
genehackeryeah yeah, but that's where some stuff we have here comes into play17:08
kanzurewho is "we"17:09
kanzureare you on a team for your project17:09
genehackerUT mechanical engineering department17:09
kanzureif i find you someone who has an exoskeleton already designed, would you be willing to work on the project? (it's ok to say no)17:10
kanzurethe advantage of this is that you might get to play with some really cool shit that would take you a while to make on your own17:10
kanzurethe downside is that you probably wouldn't be allowed to talk about it :P17:12
genehackerwe may not make an exoskeleton17:13
genehackeran exoskeleton is one of the possible solutionos17:13
genehackerwho might that be?17:13
kanzuresome government contractors here and there.. nothing definite but i could "investigate"17:14
kanzurei don't know any of the sarcos people but maybe them?17:14
genehackerplease not sarcos17:14
genehackeranything but sarcos17:14
kanzureyeah ok17:14
genehackerwe've got funding here, and it's part of a competition too17:15
kanzureboston dynamics17:15
kanzureorly? care to spill the beans? :)17:15
genehackerour goal is to beat A&M17:18
kanzurethat's a low goal :)17:22
genehackerI don't want to divulge too much information about it in case some A&M spies are listening17:24
jmilA&M spy reporting for duty sir17:25
jmiloh crap!17:25
genehackerok I'll tell you this though, the airforce wants it to be able to fly to some degree17:26
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JayDuggerSeriously, genehacker?17:57
JayDuggerThat conjures all kinds of weird imaginary hardware.17:58
kanzureok, definitely catapults18:00
JayDuggerI thought of Heinlein's Starship Troopers, but he said USAF vice USMC.18:01
JayDuggerThen I thought of the VZ-1 Pawnee (http://www.hiller.org/flying-platform.shtml), but he said USAF, not US Army.18:02
katsmeow-afkfunny, i just figured out today how to make a robot shoulder with three 200degree axis, 4000 inch-lbs torque on each axis, 1/2 sec end-to-end rotation18:04
JayDuggerStill, it matches up nicely with some of the good old-fashioned illustrations in my Dandridge Cole (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dandridge_M._Cole) book (title escapes memory's grasp).18:04
genehackerhow katsmeow-afk?18:06
joshcryerWhat are we building catapults for!18:07
JayDuggerA flying platform, with mechanical arms, perhaps hanging from the underside, a ball turret for optical sensors, conformal AESA, and some of those new Hellfire II missiles.18:07
joshcryerI want one.18:07
genehackersome weird sort of gearing system connected to powerful motor?18:07
JayDuggerThere you go. No doubt USAF would buy one of those!18:08
kanzureUSAF wants one of everything anyway18:09
JayDuggerNot really.18:10
katsmeow-afkgene, no, i could not figure out how to cram that much electric motor into the space, nor the fluid lines for that much hydraulics, and weight(inertia) was a huge problem18:10
JayDuggerThey want MORE F-22s and F-35s.18:10
JayDuggerAnd a B-3.18:11
JayDuggeranyway...that lies far off topic.18:11
genehackerwell I don't need a robot shoulder18:12
katsmeow-afksomeone mentioned exoskeleton18:14
joshcryerEh, I think drones are better.18:21
joshcryerEg, like those in I, Robot.18:21
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kanzurehahah bugzilla reporting its own vulnerability bugs18:36
kanzurei wish someone would have posted as root after that "ignore that, not a bug"18:36
JayDuggerI find it annoying how often Matlab gets used for Instructables of interest.18:40
JayDuggerAnd other projects too, for that matter.18:40
JayDuggerI wonder how well Octave works with Matlab scripts.18:41
kanzureunofficially, they wanted complete compatibility IIRC?18:41
JayDuggerYes, but why then does anyone bother buying Matlab?18:42
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JayDuggerI suspect it doesn't work so well as all that.18:42
JayDuggerOpen Office opens Microsoft Word pretty well, but the differences exist and they sometimes matter.18:42
JayDuggerIgnoring the fact Word's junk and Matlab's not, of course. :)18:43
jmiluse latex18:43
QuantumGat least it aint Mathematica18:44
JayDuggerNo thanks, I don't need to print or typeset, just to avoid buying an expensive piece of software.18:44
JayDuggerPoint taken.18:44
genehackeroctave works with matlab scripts?18:44
genehackermatlab is nice18:45
JayDuggerI've no direct experience with either one.18:45
genehackerit's easy to get experience in matlab18:45
kanzureJayDugger: most people do not directly buy matlab18:46
kanzureuniversities already have subscriptions or site licenses etc.18:46
JayDuggerYes, that's true. So does my previous employer.18:46
JayDugger"GNU Octave is a high-level language,... that is mostly compatible with MATLAB."18:47
superkuh"mostly compatible" = you spend 45 minutes translating idiosyncratic differences in function names and usually fail.18:49
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JayDuggerI'd rather spend time earning money to buy my way out of that problem instead of spending time solving each instance of the problem.18:50
kanzurecrap, now bugzilla is hanging18:50
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kanzuregmail level grinding18:59
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JayDugger"http://goertzel.org/+ville.pdf" He's right. That's a crummy name.19:02
kanzurehe also doesn't seem to be aware of any of the current projects out there19:03
kanzurewhich is odd, since patri and him are both working on the same humanityplus.org last time i checked19:03
JayDuggerAnd I wonder if it is any less half-baked than the old ExI thread about buying a surplus nuclear carrier.19:03
JayDuggerThat did produce some funny jokes, though.19:03
kanzurei've been thinking about buying a nuclear bunker, does that count?19:04
JayDuggerSandberg and Yudkowsky arguing about the applicability of Bayesian reasoning to reactor operations, for one.19:04
kanzurethat sounds hilariously pointless19:04
JayDuggerNot unless it has its own reactor, or at least a RTG.19:04
JayDuggerA fun thread, but pointless.19:04
JayDuggerIt ended up with all the list-members who had been in a Navy waving good-bye--from the pier.19:05
JayDuggerDid you forward that to Patri Friedman or the other seasteaders?19:05
kanzureno, it's too much of a joke to waste their time on19:06
JayDuggerI don't know. Historical precedents exist. Zionism succeeded, eventually, and the Mormons finally settled down in Utah.19:07
kanzureno, i mean, ben doesn't seem to be aware of the other projects (and he should be since he's in the middle of their community)19:08
JayDuggerAnd the early North American colonies had their share of ideological motivators.19:08
kanzurenot the concept19:08
kanzuremost of us in here are pro-seasteading :)19:08
kanzurealthough there are still some technical challenges that nobody has figured out a plan for solving19:09
JayDuggerYeah, I want to see it work.19:09
JayDuggerLike farming. Like building. Like making it stick when any Navy comes calling.19:09
JayDuggerPerhaps those all get addressed in the FAQ.19:10
JayDuggerAnyhow, time to prepare for work.19:10
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.19:10
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-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-234-80.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:13
CryptoQuickjoshcryer: why lurk? and self-replicating robots are space related, after all22:13
CryptoQuickah, okm22:13
CryptoQuickhaha, whatever, I was looking for this the other day anyway22:13
joshcryerI thought you'd be interested 'cause this is like a regular theme in our conversations.22:14
joshcryerAnd you know that it's on my mind continually and all.22:14
CryptoQuickI'm planning to write a paper for school about self-replicating robots for ISRU22:14
joshcryerI think #space gets tired of my AASM ranting.22:14
joshcryerSo what's your proposal?22:14
joshcryerAnd are they self-replicating or hive replicating?22:15
joshcryerie, does one unit robot replicate and assemble parts to make another of itself or does a hive of robots work together to expand the hive.22:15
joshcryerHere's a paper I got a long time ago that talks about hive replicating: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=381W6W4T22:16
joshcryer(Exponential Growth of Large Self-Reproducing Machine Systems)22:16
CryptoQuickI was thinking about hives, actually, yeah22:17
CryptoQuickbecause you'd need specialization in order to use local resources22:17
dustbinthat's the first time I've heard someone use the term hive replicating22:18
dustbinI've always thought that concept was the way to go22:18
joshcryerSame here.22:18
joshcryerGoing on 10 years or so.22:18
joshcryerBut I do find virtue in self-replication, ie, a shiping-container sized device that can make another shipping container sized device that can make anything.22:19
CryptoQuickwell, it's kinda wasteful, too22:19
joshcryerHives are the best way to expand local resources and can ultimately 'self-replicate' but the whole of their parts is external to the hive itself, ie, lots of digger robots and the like.22:19
joshcryerAt some point there's no real distinction because they're both Von Neuman.22:20
CryptoQuickalso, joshcryer, I just started out my research, but this looked interesting:22:21
joshcryerCryptoQuick, I used to adore those K'Nex toys, and I still have a bag of about 1 kg of pieces.22:23
CryptoQuickwhow, that paper you linked me to is some high quality stuff, though22:24
CryptoQuickthanks, man!22:24
joshcryerCryptoQuick, feel that some system like K'Nex or Meccano could work nicely.22:24
CryptoQuickvery high SNR here22:24
joshcryerCryptoQuick, it's the fucking bible of self-replication.22:24
joshcryerThe whole thermochemical cycle.22:24
CryptoQuickI can believe that22:25
joshcryerI have it memorized.22:25
joshcryerI'm insane.22:25
CryptoQuickso, what is an auxon?22:25
joshcryerA little robot made of soil.22:25
joshcryerThat can go out and get soil.22:25
joshcryerOr make rails.22:25
CryptoQuickthat's awesome22:25
joshcryerHe assumes a rail system in his assumptions iirc.22:26
CryptoQuickrails are nice, even in space22:26
joshcryerBasically, you send out a seed robot, it digs up dirt takes it back to the hive, and then the hive makes another robot.22:26
CryptoQuickthat's great, dude22:26
joshcryerThsoe two robots go out, and make rails to move more robots and more stuff.22:26
joshcryerRobots that break, get recycled.22:26
joshcryerYeah, and he uses sunlight!22:26
CryptoQuickI know, right!22:27
joshcryerAll the math is balanced, it's really quite thorough.22:27
CryptoQuickwhy hasn't anyone done this before?22:27
joshcryer(fyi Imma build it on my land just you watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111onee)22:27
CryptoQuickthey've had sixteen years to do it, and I haven't heard of anyone actually doing this22:27
dustbinit would have to be balanced to the local environment I suppose22:27
joshcryerdustbin, I probably should've said "conservative" as he's not making any big leaps and all of his equations take into account waste heat and the like.22:28
CryptoQuickyeah, I'm looking at the diagram on page 9 (63)22:28
joshcryerCryptoQuick, I have that tattooed on my stomach22:29
joshcryer(not really)22:29
joshcryerBut it's ingrained in my head. :)22:29
CryptoQuickhaha, is this the inspiration for your funky-ass tattoo? :P22:29
CryptoQuickjosh, I had no idea you were into robots, though22:32
CryptoQuickI mean, yeah, you like reprap, but you also like sea dragon, and I'm like, you don't need sea dragon for these sort of robots22:32
CryptoQuickI'm getting mixed signals from you, it's like trying to figure out if a guy is gay22:32
kanzurehello world22:34
dustbinhello kanzure22:34
dustbinhow's the cad22:34
joshcryerI like Sea Dragon because it's simple.22:34
joshcryerI like thermochemical replication becase ... it's simple.22:34
joshcryerI like simple. :D22:34
CryptoQuicktrue, I mean, this kind of thing, you'd think you could build in your backyard or basement22:35
CryptoQuickbut not sea dragon :P22:35
joshcryerIf I had some replicators I could... :P22:35
kanzuredustbin: i'm still stuck on opengl/window-resizing-stuff22:35
CryptoQuickkanzure: you're making a CAD program?22:36
kanzureyes, i got sick of opencascade22:36
joshcryerthermochemical tables: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AIE0XCAI22:36
joshcryer($150 value!)22:36
kanzureand brlcad- while useful, neat, and clean- doesn't have quite the right internal representation that i'm looking for22:36
CryptoQuickkanzure: I like Solidworks... I couldn't get the hang of BRL-CAD when I tried it a several years back22:37
joshcryerNIST has it all for free though: http://webbook.nist.gov/22:37
kanzureCryptoQuick: my strategy for developing a replicating machine is somewhat different from the reprap strategy22:37
kanzureCryptoQuick: well, brlcad is more like CSG than it is like solid modeling (solidworks)22:37
CryptoQuickyeah, I'm more into the parametric stuff, CSG is kinda... useless22:37
kanzureso my CAD system right now is basically just python where you type out commands (sorta like brlcad except it doesn't suck)22:38
kanzureso if you want to change the parameters, just re-run the python script22:38
kanzureit exports to ISO 10303-21 (STEP)22:38
-!- Yossi [~Yossi@adsl-76-202-58-203.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:38
kanzurehello Yossi22:38
CryptoQuickhey, if it's so python, why don't you run it on App Engine I'll write you a WebGL frontend :)22:38
kanzurebtw logs are http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-09-06.log22:38
kanzureCryptoQuick: sounds fair22:39
kanzurehey does WebGL support NURBS?22:39
kanzureor do i have to tessellate my models into STL first22:39
CryptoQuickit supports all that OpenGL ES 2.0 supports22:39
kanzureoh shit22:39
CryptoQuickthough, I'm pretty sure that's just triangle-related stuff :P22:39
kanzureoh :(22:39
joshcryerDoes OGL support nurbs natively? :P22:39
kanzurejoshcryer: yes22:40
kanzureor maybe it's only GLU that adds in support for it? i should double check22:40
kanzureso anyway, this is all a load of shit until i can get the frontend/display working22:40
kanzurenobody is going to use a CAD system where they can't see what they are making22:40
joshcryerfyi I haven't used OGL since 1.522:41
joshcryerSo I am ignorant.22:41
kanzuremy camera/projection-matrices are all fucked up at the moment because years ago i refused to actually figure out the right way to use opengl22:41
joshcryerAnd yeah, it would be nice to see what you are making.22:41
joshcryerI personally use Blender for my CAD stuff, but I appreciate the need for a bottom up design.22:41
kanzureblender is not CAD22:41
CryptoQuickoh, that's a 'q'22:42
CryptoQuicklinks always obscure that in my font :)22:42
kanzureit's a "fancy g"22:42
kanzure"Q, the lesser known G"22:42
CryptoQuickmore like a 'funny' g :)22:42
kanzurealmost a.. queer g?22:43
CryptoQuickok, quit it :P22:43
Yossiwhat is this channel about?22:43
kanzureso anyway, strategy for designing a self-replicating system22:43
kanzureYossi: world domination22:43
CryptoQuickand humans22:43
Yossithe links in the topic are dead22:44
kanzureCryptoQuick: instead of haphazardly adding on one part after another without being able to analyze- in some quantified way- the overall impact on the design and manufacturing processes, you're going to go nowhere fast22:44
kanzureYossi: yeah my servers are dead, uhm.. uh.22:44
CryptoQuickforgot to pay your hosting fees? :)22:44
kanzureCryptoQuick: i wish22:45
kanzureso yeah- instead of adding on one part after another,22:45
kanzurewhat if you have a collection of components and how to make them22:45
kanzureand then you look at the manufacturing processes and select a cyclic graph22:45
kanzurein other words, a set of designs and components that are capable of building themselves, such that process X depends on process Y which depends on a long list of other things, that ultimately just depend on process X, etc.22:46
CryptoQuickoh dude!22:46
CryptoQuickthat is such a sweet idea22:46
kanzuresuch that "vitamin processes" are reduced, but perhaps vitamin parts are not, or something22:46
kanzureCryptoQuick: are you a linux user?22:46
kanzurei want apt-get for hardware22:46
kanzureso that's what the skdb project is22:46
kanzurehardware packages, and such22:47
kanzurethere's a small community over here:22:47
CryptoQuickso, you're looking for a hinge or joint, you can go browsing22:47
kanzureoddly enough there's a lot of crossover with the do-it-yourself biohacking community22:47
kanzurehttp://diybio.org/ http://groups.google.com/group/diybio22:47
kanzurewell not only that, but it takes a lot of time to do a project22:48
kanzureif you've ever spent a few months trying to get an old industrial arm working, you know what i mean22:48
kanzureor trying to build a reprap from scratch or something22:48
kanzurethere's a lot of shit that you have to go through (just like compiling large software projects)22:49
kanzureand a lot of avenues of crap that you really shouldn't have to repeat [since someone has done those same stupid things before]22:49
kanzureadvantageously this also helps towards a self-replicating system of parts and components22:49
kanzurefull of win?22:49
CryptoQuickthis is pretty neat, but how do you get the parts? do you print them? make them? or get an instruction guide into how to obtain them?22:50
kanzurein a universe of rainbows and unicorns, apt-get would either mean (1) your CNC machines start building shit22:50
kanzureor (2) it is delivered to your front door22:50
kanzurein many cases though it will probably be (3) some mix of the first two options plus human-readable instructions for manual labor and assembly22:51
CryptoQuickwell, first I gotta get onto making my own CNC machine22:51
kanzureright, so a cnc machine is totally something that there shoiuld be a hardware package for22:51
kanzurelike the mechmate, lilcnc, or mitch free's "open source but nobody has ever seen it" cnc system22:52
kanzurealso, uh reprap22:52
kanzuredid i mention that every hardware package in skdb is actually just a git repository22:52
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/cgit/reprap/ or git clone git://diyhpl.us/reprap.git22:53
CryptoQuickheh, that's pretty neat too :)22:53
CryptoQuickI'm a fan of hg, but git's alright too, I have a friend who works there22:53
kanzurenot everyone has to be a package maintainer, blah blah blah22:53
kanzureyeah, i don't have a strong opinion of git vs. bzr vs. hg22:53
CryptoQuickI just use what works :)22:54
CryptoQuickwell, also, google code is nice22:54
kanzureit's ok i'll become jaded soon enough22:54
kanzureso anyway, all this stuff is pretty neat but it's kinda pie-in-the-sky if you haven't noticed22:54
kanzurei mean, i can only package so many different hardware stuff- a lot of the design files frankly DO NOT EXIST22:54
kanzureor it's in a god damn pdf file22:55
CryptoQuickyeah, I hear ya22:55
CryptoQuicknever enough time to put into all your projects22:55
kanzureso that brings us to why i'm working on an open source CAD system22:55
kanzuresome open source friendly way of specifying designs and stuff would be, uh, nice22:56
kanzureand STEP works with all legit CAD packages out there (solidworks, catia, autocad, pro/e, alibre, whatever)22:56
kanzureplus you get the parametric benefits so it's win-win22:56
CryptoQuickI have experience with 3D stuff, and I know how to write python, but all my work has been occupied by Nanoblok lately (joshcryer would know)22:56
kanzureweb-based svg editor?22:57
kanzureis that like svg-edit22:57
CryptoQuickweb-based voxel editor, yeah22:57
kanzureexample: http://svg-edit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/editor/svg-editor.html22:57
CryptoQuickso, not really svg22:57
kanzureoh a voxel editor, cool22:57
CryptoQuickyeah, you can see it here:22:57
kanzurewtf it uses google accounts22:57
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CryptoQuickoh, you might need to login22:57
CryptoQuickhaha, yeah22:57
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CryptoQuickI can give you an experimental version22:57
kanzureat the top of it google sez: " Update: the privacy policy has been simplified and updated. Learn more. "22:58
CryptoQuickheh, yeah, I saw their blog post about it22:58
CryptoQuickvery 'we're not evil'22:58
kanzurehow do i rotate22:58
CryptoQuickthere are buttons and there are keys22:58
kanzureoh i see22:59
CryptoQuickthe help manual is here:22:59
kanzureand this is all svg/javascript?22:59
CryptoQuicksvg, html5, and javascript, yes22:59
CryptoQuickwith an App Engine backend22:59
kanzureone of the first skdb hardware packages was a set of legos23:00
kanzurehave you ever used leocad?23:00
kanzurei guess it wasn't really voxel-based editing.. but still23:01
CryptoQuickLeoCAD looks pretty right on :)23:01
kanzureYossi: hope i answered your question adequately23:02
joshcryerIt's show and tell!23:02
Yossii guess23:02
joshcryerI designed a house I'm gunna build: http://i37.tinypic.com/986nhv.jpg23:02
joshcryerBut code is something I've been sucking at lately.23:02
kanzurejoshcryer: looks like a space shuttle23:03
kanzureor a frying pan gone wrong?23:03
CryptoQuickI dislike this. >:V23:04
joshcryerHow dare you.23:05
CryptoQuickI dare!23:05
CryptoQuickdude, your take on breakout seems pretty cool though23:06
joshcryerIt's made up of about 5 major pieces, all of which I'll hand cut and assemble (metal probably).23:06
kanzureCryptoQuick: you should check out my machine porn playlist http://www.youtube.com/user/kanzure#grid/user/0EB93E6E02E5CF1723:07
joshcryerEh, #gamedev thought that breakout concept was retarded and I gave up.23:07
kanzureis #gamedev primarily gamedev.net?23:07
joshcryerNah, that's irc.alternet.net23:07
joshcryerFirst rule of #gamedev is not to do game dev.23:08
kanzureindie game developers have some of the sickest motivational issues i have ever seen23:08
kanzure"oh but i don't want to implement tile mapping tonight" ARGH23:08
joshcryerI work, and am against working when I'm at home, when, I'm not supposed to do any monotonaus activities.23:09
joshcryermonotonous, rather23:09
CryptoQuickjoshcryer: it kinda reminds me of a game called airburst23:09
kanzurejoshcryer: you work?23:09
joshcryerkanzure, construction.23:10
joshcryerAnd, wtf, it's already getting cold.23:10
CryptoQuickyou must be all toned and stuff23:10
CryptoQuickfrom lifting lumber and concrete and steel all day23:10
joshcryerCryptoQuick, and P90X.23:11
CryptoQuick(´???)? joshcryer 23:11
joshcryerCryptoQuick, I should take new pics but no camera.23:11
joshcryerI think I'm the only one I know without one.23:12
CryptoQuickhaha, yeah, man23:12
kanzurejoshcryer: the paranoid response is to admit that there's enough cameras around you anyway23:12
kanzurefenn: are you back yet23:13
joshcryerkanzure, heh, they recently put up a speed camera near here, and people are getting caught all the time, it's so awesome to watch the flash and then their brake lights go on hard, as if it will change the outcome.23:13
kanzurethe speed of light is only a soft limit, right?23:13
joshcryerCryptoQuick, I'm so quitting my job if we get another winter like last year. SERIOUSLY. UGH.23:14
CryptoQuickit's all because of Obama23:15
joshcryerDidn't Denver have a nasty winter too?23:15
joshcryerThough it was worse for the east coast.23:15
CryptoQuickwell yeah, but if he didn't put all that money into construction stimulus instead of into space robot stimulus, you might be working on your dreams!23:16
kanzureplease, take the weather into #space23:16
kanzuregood night23:16
joshcryerw/e I'm talking to CryptoQuick :P23:16
CryptoQuickcya, kanzure :)23:16
joshcryerHere's my magical strategy for world non-domination:23:17
kanzurejmil: also did joe get to the thing you needed us to do23:17
joshcryerGet me some land. I initially was going to grab some nice farmland in Montanna or Wyoming, 'cause it's cheap, and there's a lot of wind. But I came to the conclusion that wind power is dwarfed absolutely by solar power, so I had to change it to desert land, which is actually cheaper, but just harder to get a hold of, since most desert land was never grabbed up before BLM stopped homesteading.23:19
-!- jennifer2 [~jennifer@c-67-180-253-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:19
CryptoQuickwhere u find wator?23:19
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joshcryerEh, have it shipped in if a well won't suffice. There's also an option of a nearby river where I found that one parcel.23:21
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joshcryerArizona has these massive agriculture farms that use wellwater.23:21
joshcryerThey're like little oasises in Google Earth.23:22
CryptoQuickbut they're wasting well water23:22
CryptoQuickit's not going to last!23:22
joshcryerYeah :(23:22
joshcryerStupid aquifer depleators.23:22
joshcryerBut I'm one person and I hope to recycle all waste.23:23
joshcryerSo ultimately waste would be prespiration and maybe evaporation from spilt water, etc.23:23
CryptoQuickhey josh: http://cq.1k.ru/1274821999214.png23:23
joshcryerI see unicorns!23:24
joshcryerAnyway seriously.23:24
joshcryerIf I don't have to work all day I can do other shit like, melt stuff. :)23:24
CryptoQuickmelt stuff, in the name of science!23:25
joshcryerWell, the Auxon paper basically says "melt stuff."23:25
CryptoQuickmelt, oxidate, volatilize23:25
joshcryerBuild a concentrated solar power farm, with the money I have saved up, and I can have my own forge again.23:26
joshcryer(I have a small charcoal forge still, but I haven't fired it up in 4-5 years.)23:26
joshcryerSince I'll have all that free time (growing my own food, etc), I'll be able to contribute to projects like RepRap.23:27
CryptoQuicka solar forge?23:27
joshcryerBut probably not RepRap because their component cost is going up way too high, it's absurd.23:27
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joshcryerYeah, a solar forge.23:27
joshcryerI found a big ass fresnel lense from a projection screen TV.23:27
joshcryerIT MELTS CONCRETE23:27
joshcryerIT MELTS IT23:28
CryptoQuickno wonder they get messed up if you put 'em outside23:28
joshcryerI know for sure people thought I was INSANE for sitting outside with a multi-tool, taking it out of the TV.23:28
joshcryerI also have the lamps, not sure what they'll be good for, but they work. :)23:29
CryptoQuicklamps? it was DLP?23:30
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joshcryerDoubt it, it was really old.23:31
joshcryerIt had red, green, and blue lamps, that had mineral oil in them to keep them cool.23:31
joshcryerThat left a stain...23:32
CryptoQuickF******* TELEVISIONS, HOW DO THEY WORK!?!?23:32
-!- dustbin [~chatzilla@adsl-71-145-146-189.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: night ya'll]23:33
joshcryerI think ultimately I'm going to focus on ICs though.23:34
joshcryerI think kanzure is probably on to something with skdb, and there's only so much one person can do.23:34
CryptoQuickICs? you want to make potato chips?23:34
CryptoQuickI mean, uh, silicon chips23:35
CryptoQuickweird, how that got in there, it's late23:35
joshcryerYou didn't sleep all day?23:35
CryptoQuickyou know, I tried23:35
CryptoQuickbut I've been sleeping gooder lately23:35
joshcryerI was up all weekend again and realized I didn't have to work and just slept forever, now I have to reset my sleep cycle.23:36
joshcryerI'm particularly fond of memresistors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memristor23:37
joshcryerit might let me build a ternary instruction set!23:38
CryptoQuickyou should make a bubble logic water computer23:38
CryptoQuickI accidentally 70 tabs in Chrome23:41
CryptoQuickis this bad?23:41
joshcryeris that nanoblock?23:44
CryptoQuickhaha, maybe two or three of those :P23:45
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