
--- Log opened Fri Sep 10 00:00:17 2010
jrayhawkI just got rid of the denyNonFastForwardss's's'ss01:08
jrayhawki wonder why the configs and permissions keep getting screwed up on your repos01:09
jrayhawkI think I will just blame --mirror and be done with it.01:11
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jmilok thanks jrayhawk 04:29
jmilcan you tell me how to fix: git clone git://diyhpl.us/reprap04:29
jmiljrayhawk: i don't know how to re-enable cloning of the repo04:30
jrayhawkyou appear to have been doing manual filesystem operations again04:32
jmilsee adrian's email, he's abandoning common sense04:36
jmilyou can just nuke all .git repos and turn off my account04:36
jrayhawkhooray, less work for me04:37
jmilthanks for trying in this experiment04:37
jmilkanzure: not sure if you want to try with Adrian on your own given your ikiwiki stuff04:40
jrayhawkFWIW you deleted the git-daemon-export-ok file, and you furthermore broke the g+ws permissions necessary for shared repos to work properly.04:53
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ybitmoin #hplusroadmap05:43
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ybitwho is this person: http://metavalent.com/06:44
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:10
JayDuggerybit, the QR Code just encodes "http://metavalent.com".07:13
kanzureybit: metavalent@gmail.com i used to talk with him in 200707:15
kanzureicq is 123506407:15
JayDuggerOFF-TOPIC: fenn's photo of a double rainbow from Burning Man. http://www.flickr.com/photos/fennfoot/4976869982/07:19
JayDuggerQuite literally only the second picture I've ever seen from Burning Man that makes me interested in attending.07:30
phryk13 days till implantation :307:32
phrykNeodymium implant ;P07:32
phrykI'm getting all fuzzy inside.07:32
JayDuggerWhat will that do for you?07:32
phrykExtra sense.07:32
phrykElectromagnetic fluctiation07:33
JayDuggerOh, magnetic and electric fields?07:33
phrykIt's gonna be awesome ^_^07:33
uniqanomaly__phryk: do you plan to use anesthetic?07:33
phrykMhh your finger get's cooled07:33
phrykbut I'm getting some metamizol from a friend - just in case ;P07:33
phrykCutting with a scalpel shouldn't be too much to bear...07:34
phrykstitching could be another story, though07:34
JayDuggerDo you work around electronics or voltages (0.6-34 kV)?07:34
M-xDaekenphryk: what are you using coating-wise?07:35
phrykI work as coder07:35
phrykHarddisks don't get deleted, magnet cards not either.07:35
-!- panax [panax@goldstandard.eng.usf.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap07:35
phrykM-xDaeken: its neodyme coated in gold coated in silicon if i'm not mistaken07:35
M-xDaekenah.  i was considering the same, but i've seen some... bad results when the silicon fails :P07:36
phrykthat was one of the old ones07:36
M-xDaekenyea, i haven't seen any recent ones at all07:36
phrykat least lepht told me, the new ones don't have that failure.07:36
JayDuggerI wonder if it would have any use for electronics work...07:36
phrykI think the old ones were ricecorn-shaped while the new ones are round or something like that07:37
phrykat least for electric personell07:37
JayDuggerThat's $DAYJOB.07:37
phrykthey can feel cables that have running power from a distance so they won't touch them ;P07:37
JayDuggerWhere can I learn more?07:38
phrykdunno, try steve haworths site07:38
phrykor if you haven't seen it, watch quinn nortons bodyhacking talk from the 23c3 ;)07:38
phrykthats how I came to know it07:38
JayDuggerHmm...I wonder how people with them handle TSA at airports.07:40
phrykNo problems according to some faq i hav eseen somewhere :D07:40
M-xDaekenPhreedom: where are you having it/them implanted, if you don't mind my asking?07:40
phryki think it was even at haworths page07:40
phrykM-xDaeken: mannheim07:41
phrykhaworth is there on 22 and 2307:41
M-xDaekenphryk: no no, i meant where at finger-wise haha07:41
phrykJayDugger: the problem is mrt ;P07:41
phrykleft ring finger tip thingy stuff 07:41
M-xDaekenah, very cool07:41
M-xDaekenman, you've got me all kinds of interested in it again :P07:42
JayDuggerMRT? Oh, trains. I've heard of those.07:42
phrykno not trains...07:42
phrykmagnetic resonance thingy07:42
phryki think it's mri in english07:42
JayDuggerWell, yes.07:42
M-xDaekenapparently i'm not abusing my body enough for science right now... about to shave my head so i can wear an EEG full time :P07:42
phrykor mri in german, can never remember that one ^^;07:42
phrykM-xDaeken: heh07:42
phrykI have a small wound on my arm that i keep open since 4 weeks or so...07:43
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kanzurei wouldn't exactly recommend lepht as a role model07:56
phrykYeah :D08:02
phrykPretty cool as a person, though...08:02
phrykbtw the faq http://www.stevehaworth.com/wordpress/index.php/welcome-from-steve-haworth/magnetic-faq08:05
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ybitcan't edit my selection on the poll...08:22
ybitcadmium, ...nah08:22
ybitignore my cadmium vote :)08:22
ybithave to be registered...08:23
ybiti like cadabra the best08:28
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kanzurefenn: dave and i are presenting at manufacturing.swri.org on wednesday (2010-09-15)08:54
kanzureand presumably we're going to demo 'stuff'08:54
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kanzurediybio/biobus interview http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/09/world_maker_faire_ny_diybio_on_the.html10:07
kanzureor here: http://syok.sripengantin.com/2010/09/10/world-maker-faire-ny-diybio-on-the-biobus-interview/10:08
kanzurebiofuel stuff http://diybiology.blogspot.com/2010/09/synthetic-biology-research-on-biofuels.html10:08
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-!- LiudvikasT [~Liudvikas@78-57-187-74.static.zebra.lt] has joined #hplusroadmap10:11
kanzurehello LiudvikasT 10:12
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kanzurehello LiudvikasT 10:19
Utopiahhttp://stackvm.com shared VMs in the browser10:22
kanzureUtopiah: women didn't get the right to vote only for you to sit on your butt!10:25
kanzureUtopiah: http://doodle.com/pspwheq7xits4kb710:25
kanzure(to be fair, it's not a democratic poll, but if there's some significant trend in the end, it will help my decision)10:25
Utopiahis the women thing a ref. to the recent France Maconnerie change?10:27
kanzurehuh? no10:27
kanzurei was insinuating that you were a woman i guess10:27
kanzurethere's really no reason10:27
UtopiahIll vote for bishopcad then10:32
bkerolol bishopcad10:44
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Utopiahhttp://thesciencenetwork.org/programs/the-glenn-foundation-symposium-on-aging June 201010:59
kanzureoof my home directory on davinci was 64 GB?10:59
M-xDaekenkanzure: 2cd33f7a49ac1b798711cfe9000803bc11:02
kanzurea commit hash?11:02
kanzureis that the key?11:03
* M-xDaeken grins11:03
kanzurehow'd you find it11:03
M-xDaekenwell, i emulated the epoc (the WDK includes a beta framework called dsf (device simulator framework) which makes it trivial to make fake hid devices), set breakpoints on all the crypto routines i found, and... got jack shit.  i was jumping blindly through references waiting for something to stand out, and... saw that in plaintext, right near the sbox :/11:04
M-xDaekenand when i say plaintext, i really mean plaintext.  it's a fucking string :P11:04
kanzurehow were you adding breakpoints btw?11:05
M-xDaekenjust using the IDA debugger.  running the epoc control panel11:05
* kanzure nods11:05
kanzurecool :)11:05
kanzurehave you tested it11:06
M-xDaekennope, not yet.  constantly getting up looking to see if the mailman gets here with my damn epoc :P11:06
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M-xDaeken... huh.  that may be one of... many keys.11:07
M-xDaekenvery odd...11:08
M-xDaekenthat said, i know exactly where the crypto actually takes place, once my damn epoc gets here... i'm just impatient :P11:08
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kanzuremy $HOME was 113 GB?12:07
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JayDuggerYeah, $HOME grows large if you don't move projects and documents to other servers.13:10
JayDuggerAnyway, good night everyone.13:11
-!- any86297044 is now known as katsmeow-afk13:14
kanzurehi clever13:26
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kanzurehttp://sciencepark.cc/2010/09/10/looking-ahead-and-back-bioethics-commission-meets-monday-tuesday/ 16:16
kanzureand http://sciencepark.cc/2010/07/16/what-the-presidents-bioethics-commission-should-say-about-synthetic-biology/16:16
kanzurealso mac is still looking for a name for his diybio.org company thing http://www.crowdspring.com/project/2288147_name-a-biohacking-supply-company/activity/16:18
kanzurelol openpcr is his "competitor"16:19
kanzureAndrew Lahser <andrew_lahser@merck.com>16:32
kanzurewell that's cool16:32
kanzurethey decided to incinerate the town for dioxin? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Times_Beach,_Missouri17:12
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kanzureweb crawling api http://www.80legs.com/17:32
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epitronyou ever seen http://www.majestic12.co.uk/ kanzure?21:30
kanzure"You guys make Armadillo Aerospace [armadilloaerospace.com] look like Lockheed Martin."21:31
epitrongo backhanded insults21:32
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epitronprobably those guys from denmark he was dissing before21:38
kanzurehehe solidworks fandom http://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=212750&cid=1731380421:40
kanzureepitron: nah, i was reading an old slashdot article21:40
kanzure(not the one i just linked to)21:40
kanzurethey were dissing openluna.org21:41
kanzurei have to say, autocad/solidworks/catia/pro engineer/unigraphics/ansys/etc. do a very good job of making CAD look impossibly complex21:41
kanzureimho web browsers are more complex than CAD kernels21:41
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epitronhey, taht looks handy...21:42
epitrondo you guys know what that app is called?21:42
epitronor is it "proprietary"21:42
epitronalso, you're right... not many things are more complex than web browsers21:43
epitroni was blown away when i downloaded the chrome source code and it was like 2 gigs21:43
epitronit was a freakin' monster21:43
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epitroni still don't understand why they're that complex... i guess it's all the legacy crap?21:44
katsmeow-afkre: burning that town : When the original US EPA inventory of dioxin sources was done in 1987, incineration represented over 80% of known dioxin sources. 21:44
kanzureepitron: i had the same feeling when i downloaded mozilla/firefox21:44
dustbinI'd love to see a pure html5 browser21:45
epitronlast time i looked at mozilla's source was 199921:45
epitronNEVER AGAIN21:45
kanzureyeah :(21:45
epitrondustbin: hmmm! that's a cool idea21:45
dustbinit would be kinda pointless21:45
dustbinbut cool21:45
epitronradical simplification21:45
kanzureepitron: that was randal koene i bet, probably some emacs thing21:45
epitroneww emacs21:45
epitroni was hoping it was a curses app :(21:46
kanzurencurses4life rep-re-sent21:46
kanzureso yeah, i think that people just work CAD up to be this huge monstrous thing21:46
kanzureit really helps keep people out of their business i guess21:46
epitronwell, all apps get feature creep21:46
epitroneveryone needs some little extra thing added21:46
epitronapps that don't design a plugin system from the beginning have that issue21:47
kanzure"what!? surfaces? oh man that sounds really hard!"21:47
kanzure"oh man, merging surfaces? passing lines through surfaces?! oh man i haven't done that since.. calculus 2"21:47
epitronwha? :)21:47
kanzure(in reality you should have done that pre-per-pre-pre-calculus-2)21:47
epitroni've never used a CAD app... what are you talking about?21:47
epitroni've used 3D modelling apps21:47
kanzureyou've never used CAD21:47
kanzurewhat 3D modelling apps?21:47
epitron3dsR5 for dos... 3dsmax a little... maya a little... blender a little21:48
kanzureyeah i used to be into 3d modelling.. 3dsmax, maya, blender, anima8or21:48
kanzuretotally not the same though, one sec21:48
dustbinever used houdini?21:48
epitronbut what's this calculus 2 thing? you need to manually pass lines through surfaces in CAD apps? :)21:48
kanzurei mean the underlying math library21:49
kanzurethat's what's supposedly "hard" about writing a CAD kernel21:49
kanzureepitron: try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znlpxo-mWBE21:49
epitronit just sounded a lot like the pattern i've seen in every app ever21:49
epitronas it gets more popular, and supports more customers, they add more buttons/menu-items/macros21:49
epitronuntil it's this crazy pile of shit21:49
kanzurenah, that's not what's going on21:50
kanzurealthough some CAD systems are like that21:50
kanzuregod that video sucks21:50
epitronusually they have to add those features because the users have no other way to do it... there's no scripting engine...21:50
epitronso the users are stuck21:50
epitronso the softwrae developer goes, "meh we'll just add all these things they'll use once every 6 months"21:50
kanzurenah, all the major CAD packages have some form of scripting21:50
epitroni see ...21:51
epitronokay, watching video :)21:51
kanzurethe video sucks21:51
kanzurelet me find something better21:51
epitronOMG did you know what CAD stands for?!21:51
epitronthis video is awesome21:51
kanzuredamn it i'll just use a pythonOCC example21:52
joshcryerjust use pirates solidworks21:53
epitroni don't wanna know about CAD that badly :)21:53
kanzurejoshcryer: i'm trying to find a video to explain to epitron what the difference is between CAD and 3D mesh modeling21:53
kanzurealthough i guess a video will not really explain it21:53
kanzuresince it will just look like a 3D object21:53
epitronapparently it's gotta do with constraints21:53
epitronand probably physics21:54
kanzureas you click around or script up your part, imagine you have the full history tree of operations21:54
kanzureand then being able to change the parameters for each dimension in that history tree21:54
kanzurebut also with constraints to make sure you don't contradict yourself21:54
epitronwait.. history is linear21:54
epitronwhat's the tree aspect?21:54
kanzuremaybe you go off to work on different surfaces21:54
epitronah, right21:55
epitronso it's histories for all your subparts21:55
kanzureok maybe this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7jc03F1Q08#t=4m20sec21:55
kanzurealso the underlying mathematical model of the geometry makes a 'closed surface'21:55
kanzure(using NURBS usually)21:55
epitronthat's a low-res-ass video21:56
kanzureif you squint it looks just like typical 3D modelling tools i guess21:56
kanzurebut it's the underlying data structure that matters most21:57
kanzure(i.e. it's not just a bundle of triangles)21:57
epitroni remember having to extrude things in 3DSR521:57
kanzureyeah i'm happy with that link, that should at least confer some aspect of wtf i'm talking about21:57
epitronthey call these things "sketches".. did they call 'em that because of ivan sutherland's sketchpad?21:59
epitroni feel like there's some similarities here21:59
kanzuredraftsmen probably called it a sketch too.. pretty common term :P22:00
epitroni'm just watching this "how to make a bolt" video...22:00
epitronthat's exactly what sutherland's first presentation was22:01
joshcryerBlender has very similar features to that video.22:05
kanzureas i said, the underlying data structure is more important22:07
joshcryerThat's what exporters are for.22:08
kanzurei think you fail at programming, sir22:08
joshcryerI read your CAD FAQ and do not consider "ha ha ha don't get me started :(" a sufficient reason. 22:09
kanzureok have fun turning mspaint into CAD22:09
kanzure(i'm not saying blender is mspaint but that with enough effort any software can do anything)22:10
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joshcryerexport -> dxf/dwg22:28
joshcryeror export -> stl22:32
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joshcryeronly real difference is that blender (and other 3d graphics apps) allow you to make non-closed / broken meshes22:33
joshcryerwhich any competent designer shouldn't do22:33
kanzurejoshcryer: sorry, but stl is still irrelevant here22:35
joshcryerOK, if you say so.22:39
kanzurewell, 22:40
kanzuredo you have evidence to the contrary?22:40
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joshcryerWhat's your problem with STL?22:55
joshcryerSTL is trivially loaded into a CAM and is sufficient to get a huge variety of jobs done.22:57
kanzurei think you don't understand the difference though between a parametric solid geometry model and meshes23:02
kanzuresolid doesn't mean "no leaks"23:02
joshcryerFrom the point of view of a CAM there's absolutely no difference between a solid CSG cube and a fully closed cube mesh with the normals outside. None.23:05
kanzures what23:05
kanzure*so what23:05
kanzuregoing from a geometry model to a mesh is just a matter of tessellation so i don't see why that's important23:06
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joshcryerYou haven't established what's wrong with STL.23:16
kanzureit's the wrong format, that's what's wrong23:19
kanzureit doesn't preserve the same information at all23:19
kanzureit's like telling me i should distribute source code to you by sending you a compiled binary blob for software23:19
QuantumGthat sounds like a reasonable analogy23:22
joshcryerWhat information do you think is relevant to me that an .stl file cannot convey?23:22
QuantumGI wish more game art was modelled in CSG23:22
kanzureQuantumG: because i spend all my time thinking about this :(23:22
QuantumGcause you could infinitely scale it23:22
kanzureQuantumG: yeah that'd be hawt23:22
kanzureyou can scale STL files too of course by some common multiplier23:22
QuantumGand 10 years from now a model could be generated for hardware available then without having to redo the design process23:22
kanzure"redo the design process" you mean rehiring eager asians to do 200 hours of modelling work?23:23
QuantumGyeah.. pushing polygons23:23
kanzurejoshcryer: boundary representation, CSG, nurbs, curves, circles, arcs, parabolas, mathematical objects23:24
kanzuresurfaces other than triangles23:24
QuantumGnow, I'm not necessarily saying that I want a model description that can be automatically converted into a mesh/texture/bump-map/light-map/whatever else, automatically.. that'd be nice, but I'm realistic.23:24
kanzureQuantumG: povray? :P23:24
kanzureactually i don't think anybody has written a povray->STL thing23:25
joshcryerkanzure, and those are relevant to me, HOW? My CAM doesn't give a shit, indeed, you're making it harder for my CAM to properly do shit since it has to do all sorts of conversion.23:25
kanzureespecially since povray has lots of other additional features23:25
QuantumGyou should be able to accurately represent a high resolution surface.. then semi-automatically transform that into whatever is appropriate for the application.23:25
kanzurejoshcryer: maybe your cam is just a load of shit then23:26
kanzuresorry but mathematical objects are actually relevant here23:26
joshcryerkanzure, maybe my cam is practical.23:26
joshcryerkanzure, and your method can't even scan shit.23:26
QuantumGmaybe your CAM today is not going to be your CAM tomorrow23:26
kanzure"scan shit" what?23:26
QuantumGand so when you switch CAM you're going to need to make a new model23:26
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kanzurelook, it doesn't sound like you understood my object/source code analogy23:27
kanzureCAM doesn't even need to be a part of the tool chain if you do the source code part right :)23:27
kanzureQuantumG: is there a way for me to make this more obvious23:28
QuantumGperhaps explain some non-CAM applications23:29
QuantumGimpact analysis is a common one23:29
QuantumGradiation analysis is good for space-assets23:29
kanzureno i mean "binary vs. code"23:29
QuantumGwell, it's not necessarily a true analogy.  often people make polygon models instead of CSG because it's easier to make polygon models... that's not the same with binaries.23:30
kanzuresometimes people code in assembly because it's easier23:31
kanzureseems about right to me?23:31
kanzureexcept that compiled-to-assembly is usually incomprehensible23:31
QuantumGwho does that?23:31
kanzurethe embedded guys?23:31
QuantumGit's not cause it's easier that they do it.23:31
kanzureheh true23:31
QuantumGoften it's because they're archaic :)23:32
QuantumGI expect it's the same with CAM people23:32
kanzure"you're not fired, you're just deprecated"23:32
QuantumGhacking the g-code cause it makes 'em feel like a man23:32
kanzurewell it does23:32
epitronso manly23:33
epitronyou know what kinda amazed me...23:33
kanzureputs (more) hair on your chest23:33
epitronhow rapidly people could make new campaigns for L4D2 given all the game assets23:33
epitronthey just pump that shit out23:33
epitronthere's like 20 awesome new campaigns23:33
kanzurehuh? you mean ludum dare?23:33
kanzureoh wait i fail23:34
kanzureignore me23:34
kanzurei've been living under a rock for a while so i haven't played left for dead23:34
epitronanyhow, i was thinking about what you were saying about modelling game assets in solid geometry23:34
epitronand thought about creating a giant database of real-world "Things" that people could use in their games23:35
epitronso they don't have to spend 3 years and hire a team of artists23:35
QuantumGI've been saying this for years now :)23:35
epitronthey could just slap shit together23:35
kanzuresort of a universe.. of things.. oh wait, thingiverse is just STL files23:35
epitronwhat's an STL file?23:35
QuantumGpeople still don't get it.. it's all about pushing the polygons23:35
kanzure(although sometimes openscad files, which, can only be pushed to STL)23:35
kanzurestl is a collection of triangles23:35
epitronthingiverse is kinda ... not the same as what i'm talkin' about23:36
QuantumGopen source game guys try to make free models.. pushing triangles.. and when they're done they've spent 12 months producing a model that will have "enough" polygons for 12 more months and then no-one wants to use their model anymore cause it's passe23:36
kanzurehow about http://tracepartsonline.net/23:36
kanzureor http://3dpartstream.net/23:36
kanzure(both are bullshit though)23:36
epitronso left4dead modders have: every asset from every world, all the sounds, a giant array of snippets of dialogue spoken by the characters (including extra things that weren't in the game that were put there just for modders)23:37
QuantumGpushing triangles is like the most labor intensive process available23:37
epitronand it's incredibly productive23:37
QuantumGand yet that's what everyone does23:37
epitronyeah, totally23:37
epitronworking in triangles is pretty stupid23:37
epitronit's kinda like programming23:38
kanzurevoxels are the REAL future23:38
epitronwe encode our idea into source code23:38
epitronthen we push around the source code23:38
epitroninstead of storing the idea and generating code from it23:38
* kanzure nods23:38
kanzurethis is why parametric modelling is the best thing since awesome sauce23:38
epitronintentional software is neat too :)23:39
kanzureis that where mommy and daddy.. ?23:39
kanzurei mean is it like planned pregnancy?23:39
QuantumGimagine you had a program that could produce trees (I know the program exists)23:39
QuantumGyou can tweak various parameters23:39
QuantumGout comes various trees23:40
epitronsept 8, Eric Anderson joins intentsoft23:40
QuantumGgreat, so now do we need a program that can produce cars?23:40
epitronkanzure: you don't know intentsoft?23:40
QuantumGyou tweak various parameters, out comes various cars.23:40
QuantumGhow about vases?23:40
QuantumGor streetlights?23:40
kanzureQuantumG: so i've been working on a tiny python-based CAD kernel for a while now23:40
QuantumGor, humans.23:40
kanzureand i've been trying to figure out a name23:40
epitroncharles simonyi, this genius from xerox parc who came up with wysiwy in the 70's, has been working on this for like 10 years23:40
QuantumGit's all one program23:41
kanzureso far i want lolcad, or tinycad if i can get a gladiator match with the guy who stole that name23:41
kanzureQuantumG: you should vote on a name though http://www.doodle.com/pspwheq7xits4kb723:41
epitronhe was microsoft's senior software architect23:41
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QuantumGyou should have a program that you feed in a specification, then you can tweak the parameters, and produce output however you need it for your game engine23:41
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QuantumGepitron: I know too much about the guy.. flew to space on the Soyuz.. stayed at the ISS.. he was also Martha Stewart's boyfriend for a while (may still be, I don't know)23:42
epitroni didn't need to know that23:42
epitronthat original paper there is a pretty good overview23:43
epitronhe's written tons of crap since then, but that's the best crystallization of the idea i believe23:43
epitronah crap, it's broken23:43
epitronQuantumG: so you like the idea of using intentsoft for games?23:44
QuantumGI haven't looked at it :)23:44
kanzurethis sounds like marketing23:44
epitroncause that's the first thing that occurred to me when i read simonyi's edge interview in 200323:44
epitronkanzure: uh23:44
kanzureyou read edge.org?23:44
kanzurei find this hard to believe23:44
epitronyeah man23:44
epitronciteseer is broken :\23:45
kanzurearent there a bajillion mirrors of citeseer23:45
epitronthere we go23:45
epitronyeah, like google scholar :)23:46
* epitron gives citeseer the finger23:46
epitronthat's less dry :)23:47
epitronbut yeah, simonyi has tried to explain intentsoft was "CAD for software" on a couple occasions23:48
epitronalthough he stopped calling it that, probably because it mislead people23:48
kanzuresounds like uml23:49
kanzure(i still haven't read it)23:49
epitronUML is nothing like this23:49
jrayhawkI still think pov should be the one true 3d format23:49
kanzurejrayhawk: is that you being crazy?23:49
epitronkanzure: intentsoft is a "language workbench"23:49
jrayhawkOh probably.23:49
epitronit lets you capture your program ideas before you code23:49
epitronthen you write things that convert those into code23:49
epitronso that later on you can just modify the ideas23:49
epitron(ideas = intentions)23:50
epitronso you just go "download file"23:50
kanzurehow is that not like uml's code generation stuff23:50
epitroninstead of going "shit.. okay so how do i download a file"23:50
epitronUML is a terrible abomination, that's how!23:50
epitronalso UML can't round-trip23:50
epitronthe intentional editor doesn't let you edit source code directly23:50
kanzurethat's what i am implying, this sounds awful so far :)23:50
kanzurebut i haven't read it23:50
epitronwhat you see on your screen is a transformation from the storage format to your screen23:50
epitronwhen you edit something, it gets referse-transformed back to the storage format23:51
epitronthen the storage can be converted to soruce code by another set of transformatiosn23:51
epitronso you have transformations from storage<->screen and storage<->binary23:51
epitronwell, not back from binary23:51
kanzurethis is the same language the uml salesmen use23:51
epitronoh jesus 23:51
epitroni hate prejudiced assholes23:52
kanzurenah i'm just a tired asshole (that's why i haven't read it yet)23:52
jrayhawkHello, ma'am, a busy housewife like you needs more abstraction and automation in your life, and what better way to abstract and automate than with our new patented-formula UML.23:53
* epitron burns UML23:54
QuantumGall the house-wives call me their "domain expert" .. booyah23:55
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