
--- Log opened Sun Sep 12 00:00:17 2010
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M-xDaekenkanzure: http://github.com/daeken/Emokit *grin*  there's now a pygame-based renderer for the activity... all the high bytes of the sensors are known, although only one is known to be named properly.04:34
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thesnarkMorning all.05:23
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kanzurehttp://iplant.eu/ "for the promotion of the ethical development of deep brain implants; More generally, it explores the prospect of personalized neuromodulation: what happens when people acquire increasingly better and more precise technological control over the chemistry of their own brains? "07:29
M-xDaekenoh nice07:30
M-xDaekenhrm... correlating the low byte with the high byte is tough, to say the least :P07:31
kanzure"ported from the Java reference code by Bram Cohen,"07:32
kanzureall hail bram07:32
kanzureM-xDaeken: it would be funny if you'd greetz #hplusroadmap in Emokit.git07:45
M-xDaekenkanzure: haha, already done so in my readme :P07:45
M-xDaekenno, README.md07:46
M-xDaekenwhich i haven't pushed, apparently :P07:46
kanzureit looks like you forgot to commit and/or push07:46
M-xDaekeni'll do so in a minute -- trying to correlate the last couple sensors07:46
M-xDaekendon't know the low bytes of any of them, but i'm nearly done with the high bytes07:47
* nsh hails bram07:49
M-xDaekenwho here has an EPOC and feels like testing something?  there's linux support in the emokit repo now, but it's totally untested... don't see any problems, but who knows07:50
kanzuremasked: you around?07:50
kanzurethesnark has one but he left a few hours ago07:50
maskednot exactly07:50
kanzurehttp://etacts.com/ new layout.. they seem to cater to the pr firm market08:05
Utopiaheverybody who crunch data for stats seem to cater to the pr/adverizing market :/08:08
Utopiahfollowing what Hal R. Varian said08:09
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M-xDaekenkanzure: think posting this stuff on the emotiv forum will get me banned? ;)08:54
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kanzureM-xDaeken: you should do it anonymously (even though your git repo isn't anonymous)08:59
kanzurethat way, you still have your emotiv forum username08:59
kanzure(which is more or less useless anyway)09:00
M-xDaekeneh, i'm not terribly concerned about that -- i've never even posted there09:00
M-xDaekenalthough i'm considering posting to see if anyone has recommendations for wireless headphones that work well with the emotiv :P09:00
M-xDaekenbtw, i'm writing up an acquisition server for openvibe now... gonna release everything once that's done.  there's obviously a lot to do, but i'm sure that someone more knowledgable than myself could kick this thing's ass.09:00
M-xDaekenall that really needs to be done is matching up the sensor positions.09:01
M-xDaekencan't believe how mindnumbingly easy this was09:02
mheldthat bad, eh?09:02
M-xDaekendownright amazed no one did this before me.09:02
mheldwhat'd you have to do?09:02
M-xDaekenmheld: took me about 5 hours with device in hand to get the communication decrypted :P09:02
kanzurei tried :) but not having windows/IDA i kinda failed09:03
M-xDaekenat the end of the day, what the entire thing boiled down to (ignoring all the red herrings and attempts to hack it before i got the hardware): peid's krypto analyzer to find the rijndael s-box, look at the function that references that and break on the first instruction... key is in the first argument.09:04
M-xDaekencrypto is just AES in ECB, 16-byte block size.09:04
mheldyeah, crypto is not my thing :-P09:05
kanzureM-xDaeken: so it's pretty clear they weren't trying that hard09:05
mheldI took a semester of it, that was it for me09:05
M-xDaekenso from here, all the data is plaintext... i know the counter, the marker, and the gyro data... from here, it's just a matter of figuring out which sensor is where, in the packets.09:05
M-xDaekenthere's a renderer for the raw data in the repo09:06
kanzurewait, how do you know it's the gyro data?09:06
kanzurerandom testing and seeing if those bytes change in the stream?09:06
M-xDaekenbecause if you use the renderer, you can move a little square around the screen by looking around :)09:06
kanzurewhat does that have to do with it? that doesn't tell you the data format..09:07
kanzureor is it ust plaintext and labelled?09:07
M-xDaekenoh, that part was easy -- i just sat it on a flat surface and plotted the stream, two bytes at a time.  pretty quickly found the two bytes that corresponded to the gyro.09:08
M-xDaekenthen i took that, found the baseline, and added code to the renderer to let you move a square around.09:08
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M-xDaekenalthough there's no way to change the baseline right now, so it's easy to lose the square off the screen09:09
M-xDaekenregardless, the gyro is definitely known09:09
kanzurethey were even proud of the barrel rolls in the starfox64 previews: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgEZJt911Qw#t=2m28sec09:14
M-xDaekenholy shit... that was 13 years ago...09:15
kanzure"oh no! you didn't tell him about the.. rumble pack.. did you?"09:16
M-xDaekenman, the acquisition server code for openvibe is nasty.09:17
M-xDaekeni'm gonna have to document this protocol, so i can spare others the pain :P09:18
M-xDaekenwell, i'm going to really go to bed now :P  night all.09:34
kanzuregood night09:41
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dustbinkanzure: got anything for me?12:18
dustbinoh well video game time12:24
kanzureno not really12:32
kanzurehi Pirolocito 12:33
kanzureare you ricardo perry12:33
Pirolocitokanzure, yes12:33
dustbinwhenever you do have something I'd really like to work on it, I could use a programming project that is actually interesting and not another website for work :/12:33
kanzuredustbin: i'm so lame i can't even figure out a name12:34
kanzureokay i should do that today12:35
kanzurebite the bullet and such :)12:35
Pirolocitokanzure, Why do you ask if I'm Ricardo?12:36
Utopiah[joke warning] DARPA project rule, now you get to have a tracking device in your place12:38
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Pirolocitokanzure, ????12:50
kanzurePirolocito: just wondering if i knew you12:53
kanzureand apparently i do not12:53
Pirolocitokanzure, no, I'm Portuguese!12:53
kanzurehi :)12:54
kanzureso what brings you here?12:54
Pirolocitoopen manufacturing13:35
PirolocitoI'm a mechanical engineer and a big fan of open source software, so do the math13:35
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kanzurea video about local-motors.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azCRuwtE_n014:07
kanzurehttp://local-motors.com/ and they actually provide IGES models of their vehicles?14:07
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kanzurei meant to link to http://www.local-motors.com/modIt.php where they link to the IGES files14:10
kanzurehuuuge data file ftp://ftp.fbo.gov/FBOFeed2010071614:18
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jrayhawkIiinteresting. That's something like what I've wanted to do for years.14:45
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kanzurebioethics.gov stream goes on tomorrow16:57
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kanzuregah even teenycad is taken http://sourceforge.net/projects/teenycad/18:17
kanzureheh i should use tynycad18:20
epitronhow about something more like "light" or "efficient"18:22
epitrontiny kinda implies that, but it can also mean limited18:22
epitronscantilycad is awesome18:22
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kanzurehuh there's a pygmy python18:50
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jrayhawkwhat does skdb even stand for18:52
jrayhawkah, societal engineering knowledge database18:54
kanzurejrayhawk: maybe you can see why i'm so hesitant to pick anything here18:58
kanzurei don't exactly have a good track record18:58
kanzure(we should have gone with a4h or apt-get for hardware because that's how it's explained most of the time anyway)18:59
kanzuremajor cad libraries are called brlcad, opencascade, acis, parasolid so it's not like the competition is fierce :P19:02
kanzurehah "used by hundreds of software developers!" http://doc.spatial.com/index.php/ACIS19:04
kanzurethat's not many..19:04
kanzureok and "romulus" and "euclid" but those are super old school http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romulus_%28b-rep_solid_modeler%2919:05
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kanzurehmm why does this guy get to violate namespace purity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeCAD_%28Aik-Siong_Koh%2919:09
jrayhawkyou can do pretty much anything if you're a big enough sociopath19:20
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kanzurejrayhawk: if you buy the suits i'll team up with you to go fight namespace crime19:22
kanzurefighting namespace pollution19:22
jrayhawkso we'd be like the planeteers, only somehow even lamer19:23
jrayhawkinstead of Eco-Villains we'd have Epi-Villains19:25
jrayhawkInstead of Looten Plunder we'd have Postem Odernist19:26
kanzurethe master list: http://pastebin.ca/193926219:32
kanzurei'd go for something like libsolids except, that's taken too19:36
dustbinyou are way overthinking this19:37
kanzurealso naming a python library lib* is generally frowned upon since libanything is so you can do -lanything19:37
dustbinalso that list is awesome19:37
kanzurehah if i wanted freecad i could call it libertycad19:39
kanzureor librecad19:39
kanzuredustbin: yeah but skdb as a name really isn't that great19:41
dustbinso what's the main thing this cad has as it's root design philosophy steps I guess19:43
dustbinand small19:43
kanzurebasically i wanted a cad kernel that wouldn't completely suck, was pythonic, not bloated/obtuse as everything else19:44
kanzuresimple, i don't really care about speed (well, i do, but i haven't benchmarked anything yet)19:45
kanzureif i really cared about speed i'd just do a C++ library19:45
jrayhawklibthingee and libthiny are also available19:45
kanzureso is thingycad19:45
jrayhawkdoodadcad has an annoying ring to it19:45
kanzurealso it reminds me of dugong which was an awful pokemon19:46
jrayhawkwell obviously you should name it after a *good* pokemon, then19:46
kanzurecharzillacad (take that, mozilla foundation!)19:47
dustbinthere was some water/electric hybrid I kicked a lot of ass with in silver19:47
kanzurewait, no19:47
epitronscantilycad / LOLcad are my votes :)19:48
dustbinheh ya it was lanturn19:48
kanzurein a past life i was writing a pokemon clone called "fakemon" that would automatically generate "fakemon" by combining the in-game awful pixel art in various ways19:48
dustbinI do like lolcad btw19:49
kanzureyes but DARPA might not19:49
dustbinit has a certain irreverence I like, but ya DARPA...19:49
kanzureyeah i might as well. anyone who needs a better name can just find it themselves19:51
jrayhawk"Fans of the series have attempted to rationalize MissingNo. as canon, which has sparked discussion in sociological studies about the impact of video games upon society."19:51
kanzurethere were like four forms of missingno19:52
kanzureglitch city was way better, anyway19:52
kanzurei was a "master hacker" <319:52
dustbinno /b/19:55
kanzureis this going to inadvertently attract stupid 4chan users19:55
kanzuresee, this is why i am bad at names19:55
panaxscantilycad is best19:56
kanzurenow on to more important issues.. like food20:01
jrayhawkthere is no issue more important than pokemon20:02
kanzurei used to manipulate the ROM files and reconstruct entire stories/games using the same palettes :(20:02
kanzurehttp://www.pokecommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=37 20:03
kanzuresee here: http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=15106820:04
jrayhawkwhy are you bothering with this skdb stuff when you could be doing something useful like making a packaging manager for pokemon romhacks20:05
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kanzurefenn: does this sound like an accurate description of my life to you yet? http://xkcd.com/792/22:08
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