
--- Log opened Mon Sep 13 00:00:17 2010
-!- uniqanomaly_ [~ua@dynamic-78-8-81-110.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]00:23
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CryptoQuickjoshcryer: still there, bud? :V01:16
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M-xDaekenkanzure: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1686094 <-- emokit announced/released \o/03:15
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-!- M-xDaeken is now known as Daeken04:43
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kanzureDaeken: looks deleted06:06
kanzureoh well i'll settle for http://daeken.com/emokit-hacking-the-emotiv-epoc-brain-computer-006:06
Utopiahmoved to github06:08
kanzureDaeken: the link on daeken.com is broken06:09
Daekenkanzure: posterous is failing it.  hard.06:09
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]06:13
kanzurewhois jason radolec06:21
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Daekenkanzure: he's one of my business partners -- why do you ask?06:23
Daekencurious as to where that name came from :P06:24
kanzurei pull names out of my ass like it's nothing06:24
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-!- splicer [~splicer@] has quit []07:00
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-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@c-75-72-218-226.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:17
kanzurehttp://noteleaf.com/ an app for "remembering people you meet" ?07:18
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-!- patrik_ is now known as splicer08:00
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kanzure"hi bryan this is natasha vita-more.. i just got back from holland so, if you wa--" wait, holland?08:58
kanzureraymond mccauley got into "nature medicine" news for his diygenomics.org stuff09:00
-!- glytch [~elise@pool-71-164-148-252.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:00
kanzurethese guys are proposing a "panel of citizen scientists to review possibly environmentally disasterous science" or something http://research.dynamicpatterns.com/2010/09/12/citizen-science-panels-proposed-for-the-united-states/09:09
kanzure(seems like a publicity stunt to me)09:09
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SetiQuest "setiQuest is a project of the SETI Institute aimed to improve the search for extra terrestrial intelligence by opening the source code of the software used on the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) to the public for improvement and expansion."09:10
kanzurebah it looks like they are just testing the waters "We are still working on the schedule and modalities of open sourcing this software. The tentative date for starting publication is the second to third quarter of 2010."09:11
kanzureopen source isn't something you just poop out into the community09:11
kanzuregit clone git://github.com/setiQuest/setiCode.git09:11
kanzure"# A new curses based information display called sonATADisplay" heh09:13
kanzurerebuilding a jeep in under 4min http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgwF8mdQwlw09:15
kanzuredoesn't have breaks O_o09:15
kanzuresome commentary http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=168196709:15
kanzureis using 10 men cheating?09:17
Daekenman, reading that last line out of context was a bad thing.09:18
RedeemerAgreed.  Also good chuckles at the jeep rebuild09:19
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kanzure"human enhancement" my ass.. http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/offbeat/woman-has-worlds-largest-breast-implants-removed-newscore2010090910:01
kanzurebut as it turns out, i know the pathologist who got her tissue samples10:01
kanzurehe's trying to arrange permission from sheyla to post the microscopy to flikr10:01
uniqanomaly_she should be amongst first who get intelligence amplification brain implants, so I guess it is somehow related to "human enhancement"10:06
kanzurenatasha interviewing giulio prisco on.. something or other10:08
kanzurehttp://bioart.jp/ a tumblr blog on diybio and synthetic biology10:09
kanzureanother one: http://diybiology.blogspot.com/10:10
kanzureand another: http://biohacker.kibu.hu/10:10
kanzureand another.. http://biopunk.hu/ probably splicer or something10:10
kanzurewoah biocurious jumped up to $27k pledged 10:11
-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@c-75-72-218-226.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:11
kanzurei guess the newsblitz from the kickstarter newsletter helped10:12
Daekenhttp://hackaday.com/2010/09/13/python-library-for-emotiv-eeg/ :D10:12
kanzurehackaday: taking what HN won't10:12
kanzurehmm i was hoping there'd be more comments on that article10:14
-!- Phreedom_ [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:17
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-!- archels [~neuralnet@541EEC68.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #hplusroadmap10:33
kanzurehi archels 10:36
kanzurewelcome to your friendly neighborhood bio-hacking chromosome-distilling pro-human-enhancement cat-herding channel10:37
kanzureDaeken: yo, hplusmagazine.com would like an interview today10:38
kanzureyou game?10:38
Daekenhell, sure10:38
kanzureuh, i have to do a few phone call at the moment but presumably within the next 6 hours10:38
Daekenlet me know10:38
kanzuresee pm10:39
archelshello kanzure 10:51
archelsI had no idea there was a transhumanism channel on freenode!10:51
Daekenarchels: neither did i, until just a couple weeks ago10:52
phrykarchels: I hereby officially welcome you in our midst.10:52
phrykNot that I am by any sense some official instance, but hey, won't get any better than this ;P10:53
archelsgood enough for me.10:53
archelsbtw, the last URL in the topic is dead.10:53
phryk what? heybryan.org is down?10:53
phrykkanzure: Your page died?10:54
archelsIt's not just you! http://heybryan.org looks down from here.10:54
phrykisitdownforeveryoneorjustme.com or something like that, right?^^10:54
archelsThat very site.10:54
phrykI only notice it's dark in my room when I try to eat...10:55
phrykapparently it's down long enough for google to forget it...10:56
katsmeow-afkIt's not just you! http://heybryan.org looks down from here. 10:57
phrykIt's not just you! http://rap.ing looks down from here.10:57
phrykVery unlikely.10:57
archelsSpeaking of URLs, does anyone want to buy engineeringtranshumanism.com? :)10:59
Daekenif i had money, i'd do so.11:00
phrykask splicer, apparently he has shitloads of domains ^^;11:00
phrykI'm currently fine with phryk.net and some opennic domains11:01
archelsOne of my brilliant ideas that never fleshed out. 't was going to be like singularityhub, except I never got around to developing it. Then singularityhub came to be.11:01
archelssplicer: ^11:03
kanzurearchels: singularityhub sucks, so you're still ok11:10
kanzurehplusmagazine.com can totally be outclassed in every single way *easily*11:10
kanzurebut the real question is: do you really want to be doing news? or do you want to come build shit with us11:10
archelsH+mag isn't everything, but it has authority.11:11
kanzureactually, until a month ago, hplusmagazine.com was an independent publication11:12
archelsMyself, I prefer actually building shit (e.g. www.conncad.com), but fortunately in 2010 we have this phenomenon called "blogging." :)11:12
Daekenkanzure: wait, it's part of Humanity+ now?11:13
Daekeni missed this.11:13
archelskanzure: Yes, and I meant that its purchase gives it even more authority.11:13
kanzureit was "sold" to humanity+11:13
kanzurethey were so screwed11:13
kanzurearchels: on a related note i've been working on an open source CAD kernel written in python11:13
Daekenhow's that coming?11:14
kanzurei see that conncad is more about creating neural nets11:14
archelskanzure: Can I see?11:14
kanzureDaeken: for the longest time i was trying to pick a name (it was down to lolcad and tinycad, and tinycad was taken)11:14
kanzurei'm going with patchcad, though11:14
Daekenah, cool11:14
archelsheh, interesting convergence on the names.11:14
Daekenkanzure: if you ever kill it, you're going to rename it to cadaver, right?11:14
kanzureDaeken: no, incommunicad11:15
kanzurearchels: yeah i was having a hayday with naming http://pastebin.ca/193926211:15
archelsIs your name Bryan?11:16
archelsAny screenshots?11:17
archels'0cad' lol l33t.11:17
kanzuremy connection is lagging right now11:17
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/screenshots/2010-08-30-0234.png (no, i was just watching star trek at the time apparently, it doesn't have anything to do with the nurbs object)11:18
Daekenlol, love the hostname ;)11:18
archelsThis looks more like a 3D engine than a CAD kernel.11:18
kanzurethe core functionality is that it exports CAD to ISO 10303-21 (STEP) format files11:19
kanzurenobody is going to use this if they can't see what they are doing11:19
kanzureso i've been adding a small opengl portview to show the nurbs objects11:19
kanzurebut it's all scripting-based11:19
kanzureyou can use sympy to do parametric geometry, constraints, etc., and just re-run "make-me-a-model-of-a-oneill-habitat.py" or something11:20
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kanzuresome core functionality is presently missing (like combining/sewing/fusing/cutting multiple nurbs objects at once)11:21
archelsalright, well, I'm coming along decently with my own CAD engine, 12k lines now. I considered (and used) 3D in an earlier stage, but tore it out...11:21
kanzurebut stuff like extruding a nurbs object works11:21
kanzurearchels: yeah?11:21
archelsat times I'm sad that I did11:21
kanzurehave you played around with brlcad, opencascade, pythonCAD, pythonOCC, graphiteone, heekscad, freecad, ..?11:21
archelsnegative, although I've evaluated a number of Java libraries.11:22
kanzurewhat is the representation data structure in your kernel?11:22
archelsThe GUI part has a simple class hierarchy. The neural nets are laid out in a graph.11:23
kanzureoh this isn't the same thing as a solid geometry kernel :P11:23
archelsnot quite! :)11:23
kanzureso basically it's a graph manipulation library11:23
archelsYou could call it that.11:24
kanzurei was previously "working" on this project with my advisor: http://graphsynth.com/11:24
kanzureso it was a graph manipulation front-end plus some functions to use generative grammars..11:24
kanzurewe did some neural net modelling and dynamic-reconstruction-of-neural-networks-to-be-more-efficient11:24
phrykkanzure: Love your naming scheme^^11:25
kanzurewhich one?11:25
* phryk is currently working on shitocide11:25
phrykthe one where you rename your dead cad project incommunicad ^^11:25
kanzureah, yeah that's totally jrayhawk's doing11:25
kanzureso anyway, i promised dustbin that i'd have the python/CAD kernel up in a repository by yesterday11:26
kanzurei should go do that :P11:26
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kanzuregit clone git://diyhpl.us/lolcad.git11:39
kanzurealso it's a wiki http://diyhpl.us/lolcad/11:40
kanzure(in the git repo)11:40
kanzurei think i'll be doing some cleanup on the codebase, adding in more unit tests11:40
kanzure.. before starting patchcad.git 11:41
kanzureoh crud i forgot to commit the code11:41
kanzurethere you go11:42
drazakwe should get a cia bot in here to show commits12:02
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kanzuredrazak: we have one12:12
kanzureCIA-36: *pet*12:13
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drazakI didn't see a commit message12:14
drazakor do you still have to push?12:14
kanzurei haven't added a hook12:14
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kanzure"Being that the DMCA protects against decrypting copyrighted data, would that imply that your raw EEG data is copyrighted?"12:27
kanzurethat was from http://hackaday.com/2010/09/13/python-library-for-emotiv-eeg/12:27
jrayhawkIt wouldn't surprise me in the least if they tried to claim that in a takedown notice.12:29
jrayhawkIt's good that he's getting this spread far and wide before they have a chance to.12:30
Daekenjrayhawk: they can feel free to try :P12:30
kanzurejrayhawk: i'm publishing an interview i just did with Daeken to hplusmagazine.com12:31
kanzureit includes a small tutorial on how to use emokit :P12:31
kanzurefinally hplusmagazine will be doing something useful12:31
uniqanomaly_I guess they could pull out some reverse engineering laws12:32
kanzurethey are in the philippines12:33
Daekenuniqanomaly_: oh, there's plenty of stuff they could try, but i don't think any of it would hold up in court12:33
jrayhawkWell, you obviously got that key from somewhere.12:34
Daekenjrayhawk: reverse-engineering for the purpose of interoperability is a well-established and battle tested practice in the US12:34
kanzureyou know, it probably would have been better to just post a python script12:35
kanzurethat would extract the key from the .exe file12:35
kanzureeven if you just give people the byte offset12:35
uniqanomaly_The controversy was further escalated in early May 2007, when aggregate news site Digg received a DMCA cease and desist notice and then removed numerous articles on the matter and banned users reposting the information12:35
Daekenhaha, i actually don't know where the key comes from in the binary.  it's not there in plaintext, afaik (i may be wrong on that, though).  i just pulled it out of memory :P12:35
Daekenuniqanomaly_: that's quite a bit different, though -- AACS is a copy protection system, which the DMCA is relevant for12:36
Daekensee Lexmark v Static Control Components for a more relevant case12:36
kanzurei can see the news backlash: "anarchist transhumanists have.." (once it's posted to hplusmagazine.com)12:37
kanzureor "a group of hackers known as trans-humanists.."12:37
kanzurewhich is funny because you're probably not self-identifying as transhumanist12:37
Daekenoh, i very much am :P12:38
jrayhawkFHI or SI people can probably be convinced to write articles on epistemology and rationality for hplusmagazine pretty easily.12:43
uniqanomaly_Daeken, youre right, encrypted data doesn't really fit into copyrighted work category12:43
kanzurehonestly i don't want the lesswrong.com ilk coming into Humanity+12:44
kanzurethey will just complain about existential risks and how they wouldn't know a worm gear from a bevel gear12:44
jrayhawkMost of the lousy stuff on lw/ob seems to be written by non-SI/FHI people, so far as I can tell.12:48
-!- patrickkmclaren [~patrickmc@vps.patrickmclaren.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]13:06
archelskanzure: heh, heh13:06
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kanzurehplusmagazine.com sez "wow that sounds like something we need to post immediately"13:20
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Alystairkanzure: have any digest-making app hidden up your sleeve for this room?13:30
kanzureunpaid slaves13:31
Alystairhmm wonder how much it would cost on mechanical turk to do that13:31
Alystairsummizing service13:31
kanzure1 cent every 10 lines or $1 for 1k lines?13:32
kanzurealthough it would have to have continuity13:32
Daekenkanzure: any word on the article?  i'm anxious to see this before i crash out :P13:33
kanzurer.u. just sent me an email asking how to spell your name (one d)13:33
AlystairDaeken: you're getting famous? :)13:34
DaekenAlystair: haha, something like that13:34
kanzureah i mispelled it once13:34
kanzureapparently this is roman lygin's latest gig: http://www.cadexchanger.com/13:36
kanzure(we know him from the opencascade world)13:36
Alystairhow'd you get your hands on one of the headsets?13:46
DaekenAlystair: got donations13:46
AlystairI meant it's sold out on their site13:46
Daekenpicked it up on ebay :)13:46
kanzurethe one i was playing with was given to me as a temporary gift13:47
kanzureAlystair: they are taking preorders at the moment, however13:48
kanzure"Enterprise Plus Edition" $7500 http://emotiv.com/apps/sdk/207/13:49
Daekenkanzure: i put in an order for one, and it got refunded and canceled.13:49
Alystairwell that's a good sign then13:50
Alystairif they are refunding 13:50
Alystairit means they are being honest about it and are working to get more stock, hopefully13:50
phrykkanzure: where the hell do you take your motivation from?13:54
kanzureoh it's easy when you sacrifice your physical health and well-being13:55
phrykMy body is all fucked up, anyways. go on...13:55
kanzurebut to be honest i don't really know13:56
kanzurepart of it is adderall13:56
Alystairphryk: amphetamiens!13:56
phrykwhen i was a kid i got that stuff too13:56
Alystairmy house has never been so spotless13:56
phrykmhh german name for it was different, though...13:56
phrykAlystair: I only take dex on raves...13:56
phrykdon't you get like an amphetamine acne if you take dex too often?13:57
AlystairI take perscribed ritalin13:57
Alystairnever heard of that before13:57
phrykdex = dexadrine = dextroamphetamin = amphetamine13:57
Alystairsame dif.13:57
phrykdex is what you get as pep, speed or yaba (not meth)13:58
phrykyes, ritalin was the name of the stuff i got, when i was a kid^^13:58
phryki once overdosed... I think it was the worst day in the lives of the teachers i had at that time :D13:58
kanzureone of my former psychiatrists prescribed me 60mg of adderall/day13:59
kanzureit was quite crazy14:00
phrykI don't know how much i got...14:00
phryklong ago...14:00
kanzure> Please let me know if you're good with the title.  I should have this ready14:01
phrykI passed the math exam just because i learned on dex the day before and took a bomb-thingy just before the exam14:01
kanzure> to post shortly.   Also, if you have a suggestion for visuals, please send14:01
kanzure> along and I'll have those added by the design guys (Thomas McCabe etc.)14:01
kanzure> asap.14:01
kanzurewtf since when is thomas one of the design guys14:01
Alystairthere was someone else before?14:02
kanzureuh, no, i mean.. uh14:02
kanzurei've known thomas for a few years14:02
kanzureand it just surprises me that he's doing that14:03
kanzurei guess he did mention something about volunteering for the magazine14:03
kanzuretmccabe37: hi!14:03
Alystairspeak of the devil14:03
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kanzure"Giulio is a physicist, computer scientist, and former senior manager of the European space administration"14:17
kanzurehmm since when? ESA? that's a kinda important detail i didn't know14:18
kanzurethere we go14:34
kanzureglytch: the hplusmagazine.com link there is a full interview14:35
glytchi'm watching an ebay auction for an epoc now :)14:36
tmccabe37kanzure: Hey14:37
Daekenglytch: awesome14:37
kanzurehi tmccabe37 14:37
kanzurethanks for getting the article up14:37
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AlystairI swear we better have a ghost-in-the-shell inter-brain HUD by the time I'm 40 or else I'm pissed14:38
Alystairbaby steps :(14:38
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tmccabe37I've been one of the design guys since July14:39
tmccabe37(when it was re-launched)14:39
glytchAlystair:  that just made me imagine a third optic nerve that we send video signals to directly14:39
tmccabe37kanzure: Thanks14:42
tmccabe37In general, I try to do everything as needed :)14:42
dustbinkanzure: I took a look at the code14:55
kanzureit's kinda sadder than i thought it would be14:55
kanzurei'm sorry to disappoint everyone14:56
kanzurei'll be doing some cleanup14:56
dustbinwell I have free time so I can do some cleanup work if you give me parameters14:57
kanzurealso i didn't commit the opengl stuff because i haven't decided how to incorporate it :x14:57
kanzurei have a nurbs.py file and a visu.py file somewhere14:57
kanzurethe nurbs.py file is pretty obvious and much more cleanly written14:57
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kanzureum, so yeah14:58
kanzureexport_step is where everything is at14:58
kanzureand i need to do unit tests on it14:58
kanzureor somehow turn it into a more OOP-friendly method14:58
kanzureif you look at test_sphere you'll see that my test is just using the classes and methods to create a STEP file14:59
kanzureand then literally print those out14:59
kanzureinto the proper syntax14:59
kanzurebut export_step is super messy14:59
kanzureto be honest the most productive use of your time would be to read the code and yell at me ferociously every few minutes to insult me for awful things15:03
QuantumGwow, I never knew I was being productive15:04
kanzureyou're forgetting the "look at the code" ingredient15:07
kanzure< QuantumG> print x15:07
kanzure< QuantumG> kanzure: YOU ARE A MORON WHY DO YOU EVEN EXIST15:08
dustbinmy understanding of best practices in python is somewhat lacking, but I do get the feeling this is too monolithic15:09
* QuantumG needs breakfast15:10
kanzuredustbin: yes15:10
kanzurelet me commit the nurbs stuff before i shame myself15:11
kanzureok pull15:12
kanzureopen science summit 2010 videos are up15:13
Alystairjust went up? :)15:14
kanzureoh crappp15:15
kanzurebioethics.gov has been streaming all day15:15
kanzurethis is the one where jason bobe is presenting15:16
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kanzure"biohacker Meredith Patterson clad in a full length black leather coat recited a rousing rendition of the Biopunk Manifesto"15:44
kanzuretrinity much?15:44
kanzuresource: http://reason.org/news/show/citizen-science-microfinanced-resea15:45
kanzureemokit stuff on HN http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=168743215:51
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fenn"honestly i don't want the lesswrong.com ilk coming into Humanity+" too late, they have a board member now16:08
kanzurethey got vassar?16:09
fenndoesn't mccabe post at lesswrong occasionally?16:11
kanzureyeah he's pretty deep in that community, i see your point16:12
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kanzuresuperkuh: http://slackology.net/wxnotes.html 16:58
kanzurethey monitor background radiation in the atmosphere with some geiger counters hooked up to a tweetawatt16:58
superkuhNeat. Thanks for the tip.16:59
kanzurepoint of contact for that is 'ambers' on freenode16:59
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kanzurehi redeemer17:58
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MDRedeemerAllo thar18:29
MDRedeemerMy internets is saying I cannot have consistent connection18:29
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kanzurehi Helleshin 18:52
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kanzurebgoertzel sez: "we're gonna be using NeuroSky in our OpenCog project in HongKong"19:05
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QuantumGis NeuroSky some barely started abortion of a project too?19:23
QuantumGheh, so having gotten OpenCog to do nothing with standard user interfaces, they're adding support for exotic ones?19:27
kanzurenah he claims it's just for making it sexy19:27
QuantumGya know what makes software sexy?  actually doing something worth the effort of running it.19:27
kanzureyeah but it READS YOUR MIND!19:28
kanzurehell if i kno19:28
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fennstalk: matt carney21:09
kanzurenot found O_o21:13
fennyou probably wouldnt have been interested anyway21:16
fennmechanical engineer, used to work at makani power, now ideo, into robotics and face tracking21:18
kanzureoh sounds awful (?)21:20
kanzurei guess you claim i wouldn't be interested because of the face tracking part21:21
fennoh wtf he's at meka too?21:21
kanzurefenn any ideas on cleaning up lolcad (architecturally)21:22
kanzurei'm not using sdai for step (i wrote my own pile of crap since it's better than just trusting generated code)21:23
kanzurebut the export_step method is a big pile of spagetti21:23
fennoh fuck that's who the dudes with safari hats were21:24
kanzureare you trying to figure out what happened at burning man21:25
fennwas just talking to one of those guys (maybe) in my room21:26
kanzureare they standing in front of a time machine?21:27
fennno, time machine camp is on the other side of town21:27
fenner, time traveler camp21:27
fennnext to todd's camp21:28
dustbinI really need to get out to a burn of some sort21:30
fennfunny i didnt even notice google instant until i saw the 'instant is on' notice21:30
dustbinprobably burning flipside next year at least21:30
fenngood way to be underwhelmed21:31
dustbinflipside isn't so good eh?21:31
fennwell, velveeta isn't cheese but it's okay on fried bread with tomato soup21:32
dustbinI do have the advantage of it being very local21:33
fennflipside: http://www.kimritter.com/weblog/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/flipside-023.jpg21:34
fennburning man: http://fennetic.net/irc/burningman_2010.jpg21:35
fennkanzure can you have your secretary do some video editing for me21:36
fennjust bitching about 1:1 playback21:37
dustbinyou know I had an idea about that21:38
dustbinwe can perceive a bit faster than 1:121:38
fenni usually watch lectures at 1.721:38
fennno pitch shifting, makes it garbled21:38
dustbinmaybe it would be worth it to have variable speed based on the amount of audio video change in a series of frames21:38
fennnah has to be smarter than that, or you get lots of footage of me riding my bike around21:39
dustbinok sure21:39
dustbinI guess relevent complexity is hard to pin down21:40
fenni was planning on monitoring EEG for signs of "arousal" (thanks, psychologists, sheesh)21:40
fennGSR, pupil dilation, changes in breathing would be good indicators also21:41
kanzureeyebrow state21:41
fennthis scan converter works pretty good21:55
fennhah eri + joseph + guido just showed up21:55
kanzurewhere are you?21:55
QuantumGleather party no doubt21:56
kanzureguido's into that, but i dunno about eri21:56
QuantumGbtw, I wonder why no-one at Microsoft told the Silverlight team how major/minor versioning works21:59
QuantumGSilverlight =, not backwards compatible with, and isn't backwards compatible with Silverlight, but is backwards compatible with  Way to fail.22:00
ybitQuantumG: windows...?22:04
QuantumG.net but yes22:04
QuantumGif you love Miguel you can have it on linux too22:05
ybitdunno what miguel is22:06
QuantumGhe's the traitor of the Linux community22:06
ybiti successfully played around with nanorex on me winxp virtual machine earlier22:06
kanzurethe gnome person22:06
kanzurethat should have had a question mark at the end: is he the gnome person?22:07
ybityeah, that doesn't clear up anything22:07
kanzureybit: there was a big fiasco about gnome becoming dependent on mono/.NET..22:07
QuantumGMiguel's love of all things Microsoft goes far beyond .net too22:07
ybiti thought about c# once because there are so many jobs for it, but i didn't want to be sucked into what seems to be a trap22:08
ybitc# isn't a terrible language, by itself22:09
QuantumGit's an ok java alternative22:11
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kanzureybit: did you read the backlog?22:24
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joshcryerCryptoQuick, QuantumG got me thinking again about a parallel rewriting system that could be suitable for everyday objects, such as chairs, beds, etc.23:47
joshcryerCryptoQuick, and given the absurd popularity of Minecraft I thought of a game idea that could incorporate such systems while also making a few pennies maybe.23:47
CryptoQuickit's insane how popular that game is23:48
CryptoQuickwhich is great, because Nanoblok is very similar, or will be, in a sense23:48
joshcryerYeah it's obscene really.23:48
joshcryerGuys a millionare already.23:48
joshcryerWhat could the open hardware movement do with a million bucks.23:48
joshcryerI dunno.23:48
joshcryerEnd poverty or something? World domination at the least... ;)23:49
CryptoQuickI was thinking, once I got Nanoblok's engine going, it would be totally sweet if someone could design an auxon system in it.23:49
joshcryerSo the idea is to take Notcis and add Minecraft.23:49
joshcryerAnd optimistically a formal grammer to make 'things.'23:49
QuantumGheh, you saw that term on Selenian Boondocks23:50
CryptoQuickhaha, josh, your idea is my iea23:50
QuantumGstop stalking me :)23:50
joshcryerSo you could plop down on a fully populated civilization.23:50
CryptoQuickQuantumG: I saw that term because I said the term :P23:50
QuantumGAlex T?23:50
CryptoQuickwhois me :P23:50
QuantumGwell that's ok then23:51
CryptoQuickso... stop stalking ME23:51
QuantumGsee my last post on that thread? http://selenianboondocks.com/2010/09/transitions/23:51
joshcryerAnd technically.23:51
joshcryerHe got the term from ME23:51
joshcryerFrom a paper I provided to this channel. :P23:51
CryptoQuickoh sweet, they're looking at Louisville,  CO23:51
QuantumGscary.. I replied to him pretending I knew what he was talking about because of that paper23:52
CryptoQuickI should totally work for him23:52
QuantumGfucking echo chamber23:52
CryptoQuickas an intern or something23:52
CryptoQuickbut yeah, Josh, how is your idea all that different from my idea?23:52
joshcryerQuantumG our minds are all connected.23:53
joshcryerFuck H+ we already have it.23:53
joshcryerCryptoQuick, eh, I'm thinking more of a mathematical approach.23:54
joshcryerAnd screw voxels.23:54
CryptoQuickminecraft is basically voxels, isn't it?23:55
joshcryerRidiculous, haha.23:55
joshcryerAnd before someone pops up and bashes me for thinking in terms of polygons, no, I appreciate CSG and NURBS, etc.23:55
joshcryerAnd indeed, fundamentally l-systems are mathematical like NURBS, they're not polygons.23:56
joshcryeraw crap I replied to your comment on FB, my bad, no offense intended23:57
CryptoQuickso, you're going to have volumes, and attach things such as substance and momentum and other physical properties, to those volumes?23:58
joshcryerSo yeah, imagine, you're in a space ship, and instead of having some random terrain generated, you get a whole PLANET to play with.23:58
joshcryerIn a Noctis-inspired galaxy.23:58
QuantumGCryptoQuick: you're beautiful.. you're beautiful.. you're beautiful, it's true. I saw your face, on a crowded webspace.....  [/stalker]23:58
CryptoQuickQuantumG: paint a pretty picture of me23:58
QuantumGjoshcryer: http://www-evasion.imag.fr/Membres/Eric.Bruneton/23:59
joshcryerQuantumG, <3, I saw this linked by you in #space I believe.23:59
CryptoQuickoh, yeah, I saw this too23:59
--- Log closed Tue Sep 14 00:00:07 2010

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