
--- Log opened Mon Sep 20 00:00:18 2010
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archelsAnd arguably, aspects of the "Singularity Movement" may play into the fantasies of a few billionaires who have experienced a revolution in rising expectations over the last three decades... "Let's see, I've got the 14 houses, the 8 boats, the 10 private jets, the private Island in the Pacific, the surgically sculpted trophy wife... what else is there?  I know.  I'll live forever in a super-body on the moon with Branson!"04:18
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drazakdear DIYBio06:39
drazaksome of you have no experience with this shit06:39
drazakand are consequentially talking out your ass06:39
drazakplase stop, it's annoying06:39
drazakthanks, drazak06:39
drazakthank god it's none of you06:39
kristianpaulis this DIYBio channel at all ? i was here because dpkg for stuff06:44
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drazakkristianpaul: a bunch of people here are on the diybio email list06:46
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kristianpaulokay me not :)06:52
kanzurekristianpaul: dpkg for diybio hardware :)07:01
drazakI often bitch about the list because people are absolute retards07:14
kristianpaulkanzure: ahh that explain some things07:26
Utopiahif anybody is in touch with the Software Mindfiles you should tell them about the freshly proposed http://smiy.sourceforge.net/cco/spec/cognitivecharacteristics.html07:29
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kanzurestep via uml: http://www.exff.org/07:41
kanzurehrm AP233 is sysml-equivalent?07:45
kanzurehaha.. http://www.nist.gov/director/planning/upload/report02-5.pdf07:47
kanzure"economic impact of STEP".. claims of billions of dollars :P07:48
kanzurethat's a fairly relevealing document..07:53
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Juulanyone know anything about this? --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqwoo-O_GwM11:02
kanzureprobably another RGS14 or telomere newsblitz11:12
kanzureJuul: look up sq111:16
kanzureoops, skq111:16
kanzure"The mitochondrially targeted antioxidant thing isn't out of the blue of course: we have researchers like Rabinovitch gene engineering mice to have extra catalase in their mitochondria,"11:17
kanzure"and there's a company called Antipodean Pharmaceuticals who appear to be developing something chemically similar to SkQ1. I think there are sufficient groups producing results to think there's something interesting going on here."11:17
kanzure"this is still just slowing the mitochondrial contribution to aging (and apparently interfering beneficially in some other line items that involve mitochondria, cell wellness, and oxidative stress to obtain the wound healing result) -"11:17
kanzurehttp://longevity-science.blogspot.com/2010/06/scientific-meeting-in-moscow-from-homo.html or http://tinyurl.com/Moscow-201011:18
Juulthanks :)11:19
kanzurealso, his email address:11:19
kanzureVladimir Skulachev <skulach@belozersky.msu.ru>11:19
kanzureif my pdf server was up i'd link you to a crapload of anti-oxidant theory-of-aging papers :/11:20
kanzureer, or the "oxidative stress" theories11:20
Juulok, i have "ending aging" somewhere, i'll se what it has to say11:20
kanzurethere's also a conference he will probably be attending in palermo, italy on october 14 called "Seventh European Biogerontology Congress"11:22
kanzureJuul: did you see http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/images/aubrey.jpg11:36
Juulno i didn't see that :)11:37
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-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279397903.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap11:49
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splicerI've wondered why there aren't animals with extreme lifespans. If those lifespans are achievable with a hack it seems to me evolution/natural selection would already have produced that hack in some animal.13:02
splicerSkulachev gives a reason why not: "Death caused by aging clears the population of ancestors and frees space for progeny carrying new useful traits."13:03
archelsAnimals with too long a lifespan adapt too slowly?13:04
splicerand the parents compete with the children for resources?13:04
archelswell, I guess those are independent13:05
archelsSkulachev captured both in his statement.13:06
splicerthere has to be some evolutionary reason they dont exist if the reason isn't that it's just too difficult.13:06
splicerI havent heard a better explanation13:06
archelsOccam's razor. :)13:07
splicerdarwin ftw13:08
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kanzurehi bruns13:30
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kanzurebruns: so you're giving a presentation to a prof on your schemes13:35
brunswell, I have been discussing it with him for a while13:36
brunsand this isn't even related to the class itself13:36
brunsbut he said he will be able to help me get the actual research process started if I can show him a plausable theory13:36
kanzurei don't mean to be rude but a theory of what, exactly13:37
brunsthat I can make the same process work on at least an amphibian13:39
kanzureand the process is the reversion to the earlier stage in life?13:40
brunsyeah, mainly the earlier stage in life being puberty13:40
-!- archels [~neuralnet@541EEC68.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #hplusroadmap13:42
brunskanzure: any opinions good/bad? I know most people kinda take the idea as a joke when presented in the manner that I do but it is more so just the way I type.13:43
kanzureit's a joke to assume the one gene will turn mammals into embryos or whatever, yes13:43
kanzurebut, picking a different target is a good idea for now13:44
brunslul, I am not trying to turn people into embryos. Also 13:44
kanzuredo you want to present to him the grand vision or something practical13:44
kanzure"something practical" would be like.. isolating any proteins that are produced as a result of the jellyfish's gene being transcribed or something13:44
kanzureand then doing crystallography (if this is not already done)13:44
kanzureactually, it might already be done, but you should still propose it anyway13:44
brunswell, the grand vision. then explain where to start with something practical13:45
kanzureif you propose it he will see that you understand the basic concept of, say, crystallography and that you know what a practical "first" step looks like13:45
-!- bruns is now known as Bellum13:56
-!- Bellum is now known as ADeoetRege13:57
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jrayhawkSeems like using other cnidaria would be a much less retarded approach. Trying it in amphibia is just shooting at the moon.16:25
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-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/16:37
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Mon Jan 11 11:14:52 2010]16:37
[Users #hplusroadmap]16:37
[ [X-Pro]Endos ] [ fenn ] [ kristianpaul] [ Phreedom ] 16:37
[ Alystair ] [ ferrouswheel] [ kyledrake ] [ phryk ] 16:37
[ archels ] [ gnusha ] [ M-xDaeken ] [ QuantumG ] 16:37
[ bkero ] [ Guest16231 ] [ mage2 ] [ saurik ] 16:37
[ CIA-36 ] [ Helleshin ] [ makmanalp ] [ shepazu ] 16:37
[ clemux ] [ Ian_Daniher ] [ marainein ] [ splicer ] 16:37
[ clever ] [ Jappe2 ] [ masked ] [ superkuh ] 16:37
[ davemenninger] [ JayDugger ] [ mheld ] [ tmccabe37 ] 16:37
[ dbolser ] [ jennifer2 ] [ nchaimov ] [ ToyKeeper ] 16:37
[ drazak ] [ joshcryer ] [ niftyzero ] [ uniqanomaly_] 16:37
[ egeste ] [ jrayhawk ] [ nima ] [ Utopiah ] 16:37
[ elmom ] [ Juul ] [ nsh ] [ ybit ] 16:37
[ ENKI-][ ] [ kanzure ] [ opensanta ] 16:37
[ epitron ] [ kive ] [ Overand ] 16:37
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Fri Jan 29 23:48:24 201016:37
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kanzurewhy not untar the gulf? 18:02
kanzuretar -xvf gulf.tar18:02
eriduit's full of tarballs now18:04
eriduso you'd have to gunzip it too, I bet18:04
eriduunless the people who tarred it up were the type of asshole to use bzip or lzma18:04
QuantumGomg, it's full of tarballs18:05
QuantumGdon't have the same ring to it as "omg, it's full of rars"18:05
kanzuretmccabe37: are you around? can i have access to the leadership list18:06
tmccabe37Hey Bryan18:07
tmccabe37I think you're on the leadership list18:07
kanzurewho is subscribed to that?18:07
kanzurei need to send out an email about the gada prize to the board peeps18:08
kanzurekartik is getting ancy :)18:08
tmccabe37Yeah, send it to leadership@humanityplus.org18:08
tmccabe37Oops, I was wrong, you weren't added (someone told me you were)18:09
tmccabe37Adding you right now18:10
tmccabe37What's your email?18:10
tmccabe37Added, thanks18:12
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kanzurehackerspace video series http://www.vimby.com/video/sponsor/us/all/detail/10908/Take_on_the_Machine_Episode_One/19:35
fenni'm so pasting that aubrey pic over the (genuine) shepard fairey graffiti outside langton19:41
kanzurei knew you weren't dead :o19:44
fennwho said i was dead?19:45
fenni've been keeping my lifelog in these "Institute of Higher Yearning" notebooks i got at burning man, so less likely to randomly be at a computer19:46
kanzurei ran into an old 2006 thing of you popping into #brlcad to ask about ISO 1030319:47
fennmy how the time flies19:47
kanzureyou know they have a standard (10303-34) for how to read their standard (10303-35) for testing standards-compliant AP203?19:48
QuantumGI wonder what I gave a shit about in 200619:48
kanzurefenn: so it turns out this is the steptools.com guy (who has been doing 10303 stuff since 1988)19:48
fenndave.org doesn't resolve19:49
fennah, www.dave.org19:49
kanzurewho the heck has "dave.org" anyway.. that's like having "bob.com"19:49
fenn"My site is a peaceful, unchanging sanctuary amidst the furious turmoil of the web. You are happy. You don't want to leave. You can't imagine any other place."19:51
fenni wonder how he managed to stay so clean while sitting on the playa19:51
kanzurewho the hell meditates in a desert anyway19:51
fenn50,000 of my closest friends19:52
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kanzurehe's a nethack player.. i'm going to see if i can't abduct him19:53
fennthe ONLY way to19:53
fennrid yourself of this virus is to DELETE EVERY MESSAGE IN YOUR MAILBOX19:53
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QuantumGI was playing Minecraft on the weekend19:54
QuantumGaddictive little game.. such a shame it's written in Java and therefore is almost unplayable19:55
kanzureit turns out tc184-sc4 / ISO 10303 does a lot of their work via bugzilla19:55
kanzure(loffredo shows up on that bugzilla instalation)19:56
fennDr. Strange Foot, or "how I learned to stop worrying and start stabbing people"19:56
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kanzureif anyone has actually written an EXPRESS-generated STEP parser then why don't any of the CAD tools spit out an actual error message whenn you give them an invalid file, instead of just failing miserably?21:19
kanzurei think this is a scam21:19
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kanzurefenn: any input on what the rules should be for humanity+ to take the gada prize? judging criteria, that sort of thing21:23
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kanzure"Who was that professor, who derived all these new stem cell lines in his basement lab during the bush era and gave them out free?"22:13
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kanzurebiocurious article http://www.medgadget.com/archives/2010/09/30000_given_by_200_people_to_open_biotechnology_hackerspace.html22:19
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