
--- Log opened Thu Sep 30 00:00:18 2010
-!- JaredW [~JaredW@219-89-77-123.ipnets.xtra.co.nz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]00:10
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kanzurearchels: /topic can't be done until freenode staff makes someone an op :(05:28
uniqanomaly_or everybody will leave for a sec05:32
uniqanomaly_well that can be problematic too05:32
archelskanzure: Is there an official founder of this channel?05:33
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archelsah :)05:45
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-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap05:47
archelskanzure: Might it be a good idea to ask a staffer to officially register the channel with you as founder?05:52
-!- codeshepherd [~Deepan@] has joined #hplusroadmap05:52
-!- Juul [~Juul@h55eb1609.dkkoost.sta.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #hplusroadmap05:53
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-76-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:04
joshcryer-ChanServ- #hplusroadmap is not registered.06:04
joshcryerGood going, haha.06:04
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:04
joshcryerHave a staffer op you in here kanzure, then register.06:05
JayDuggerfenn: because it has the flavors of espionage and cyberpunk fiction.06:05
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kanzurearchels: i've been trying for years to get that to happen06:36
joshcryer0 staff members06:38
joshcryerThat's actually kind of disturbing, never have I seen that before on any IRC network, there's always an admin or two somewhere.06:39
archelsWeird, my experience with staffers has always been quick & good.06:41
joshcryerkanzure, they're telling me to do this: http://blog.freenode.net/2010/06/group-registration-form-verifications/06:44
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-70-112-176-113.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: a microwave oven is operating in the vicinity]06:46
joshcryerProbably easier to just get a staffer to forward this channel to ##hplusroadmap for the time being and boot everyone. :)06:46
joshcryerThey're really ... anal about this it seems.06:46
joshcryerOne little character. :P06:47
-!- archels [~neuralnet@541EEC68.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]06:50
joshcryerOr we could all go to ##hplusroadmap for now, and then /part here... requires personal effort though.06:51
* phryk ~ Tiger Hunter - Kim-Ba :: 10 Years Of Terror Vol 2 [@98% vol]06:59
phrykAwesome terror is awesome :306:59
joshcryerThat looked like a book title to me.06:59
-!- archels [~neuralnet@541EEC68.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #hplusroadmap07:01
phrykIt's a track on a 2003 terrorcore compilation ^^;07:01
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-234-80.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:07
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kanzureslides from open hardware summit http://www.openhardwaresummit.org/documentation-and-press/08:29
kanzureraytheon xos 2 exoskeleton http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UpxsrlLbpU08:31
kanzureflickr pool: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ohs2010/08:31
kanzurefinal program lineup: http://www.openhardwaresummit.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/OHprogram-FINAL.pdf08:32
Utopiahkanzure: http://www.natural-selection.com could be a nice addition to ViualizeIT08:32
kanzure"Working for free to make Mark Shuttleworth richer isn't very smart." hah08:38
kanzureUtopiah: VisualizeIT is more like the name we gave to emailing word documents around to different universities08:38
joshcryerwhat's ViualizeIT?08:39
Utopiahjoshcryer: well in my mind it was a revolutionary revision control collaborative design platform but... if it's emails :\08:40
Utopiahthen I take the link back! 08:40
joshcryerOh I thought kanzure named his CAD program that.08:40
joshcryerAnd was going to mock.08:40
kanzurejoshcryer: nah, Utopiah is talking about a link i posted the other day08:41
kanzureto my first peer-reviewed, published paper08:41
joshcryeroh congrats =)08:41
kanzurewilbanks' presentation is pretty good http://www.slideshare.net/wilbanks/oshw-wilbanks08:42
kanzurealthough it doesn't give me my answers08:44
kanzureopen hardware summit videos http://www.ustream.tv/channel/open-hardware-summit-201008:44
dbolserkanzure: publication link?08:59
-!- genehacker2 [genehacker@wireless-128-62-103-57.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]08:59
dbolserSubscribers Only ...09:01
kanzurei don't have a copy either09:02
kanzureso you're not alone09:02
dbolserhow bout your co-authors?09:04
kanzureyeah i'll ask.09:06
kanzure"One more or less serious question for you. Do you know anyone who is working on wood? I'm interested in whether lignin (wood is primarily cellulose fibers embedded in a lignin matrix) in one piece of wood can be reactivated and cross-linked to another piece of wood."09:06
kanzure"There is a German firm doing some kind of stuff with injection molding of plasticized lignin, if memory serves, so it seems possible."09:07
dbolserhmm... who was I talking to about wood...09:11
dbolserwhy is that in "s?09:11
dbolserI heard about german company building structures with live trees09:12
dbolserthe trees adapt to the load, growing specifically in regions that need strength, but that isn't this09:12
dbolserbtw, I asked George Church about the polonator, and he claimed its all online09:16
dbolserdidn't check yet, but I remember what you sais09:16
kanzureit's in quotes because i didn't write it09:18
kanzurewebcast on gliese81g http://bit.ly/webcast-gliese581g09:21
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dbolserkanzure: you know about the bet between sheldrake and wolpert?09:25
dbolserto do with computer simulation of embryogenesis09:25
dbolserI was wondering if I could use some of your evolutionary design code to try to evolve a model of embryogenesis09:27
kanzurewhat "evolutionary design code"09:34
kanzurethere's lots of implementations of genetic algorithms out there..09:34
kanzurethe main tool out of matt's lab is http://graphsynth.com/ for playing around with generative grammars09:36
dbolsersorry, thought you were doing some evolutionary cad thing09:38
dbolsergraph grammars are cool09:38
Utopiahembryogenesis of what organism?09:39
dbolserwe tried to learn some from protein structures to solve  the protein folding problem09:39
dbolserUtopiah: human, chick or mouse09:39
dbolserthere is a big open source mouse development db09:39
dbolserthinking of perhaps using kaggle09:40
Utopiahforgot that platform, is it active?09:42
dbolserkanzure: did you attend this open manufacture conf?09:43
-!- augur [~augur@129-2-175-79.wireless.umd.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap09:50
kanzuredbolser: no, didn't attend09:50
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined #hplusroadmap09:51
dbolserseems quite 'talkie'09:54
kanzurethere are a few reasons i didn't go09:55
kanzurebut let's just say that they don't impress me :)09:55
dbolser'wikipedia for components'...09:56
kanzurewell.. they don't even want to do /that/09:56
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.09:56
dbolserbtw, I spoke to a 'genome evangelist' at the personal genomics meeting in cshl09:57
dbolserinteresting stuff... govt wants to restrict 'direct to consumer' genome sequencing, but individuals (especially the very ill) are demanding the right to their genomic information09:58
dbolserbtw, I have access to all the PG lectures, but I'm finding it hard to rip them10:00
maskedyeh damn straight10:00
dbolseranyone good with mplayer?10:00
maskedi want gene therapy10:00
* kanzure is good with mplayer10:00
maskedfor pyroluria10:00
maskedi'm doing everything humanly possible to offset it10:00
dbolserkanzure: I start the stream, but it times out after like 1 min with an obscure error message....10:00
kanzureis it rmtp10:01
dbolserkanzure: right10:01
maskedbut if they don't allow us to gene therapy10:01
dbolserone moment, and I'll pass you the link10:01
maskedi'm stuck doing tests and talking compounds everyday for the rest of my life10:01
dbolserUtopiah: I'll try it10:02
maskedhmm there is something odd in that markupcode10:02
maskedit jerked my system for a moment10:02
dbolserHere is a 'zample: rtsp://dbolser:000006@meetstream.cshl.edu:554/Secure/PERSON/K.rm?title="Hood"&start=0:04:14.0&end=0:59:01.010:02
dbolserlee hood10:03
dbolserrealrtsp: rdt chunk not recognized: got 0x2a10:05
dbolserI'd like to rip them and stick them online10:05
kanzurei don't know what to do today with lolcad: implement rotation/translation/zoom, convert export_step into something more object oriented, implement the simplified geoemtric API, or map STEP entities to NURBS for visualization10:06
kanzuredecisions decisions..10:06
dbolserUtopiah: linking probs..10:09
dbolserrtmpdump: error while loading shared libraries: librtmp.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:10
dbolsercp librtmp.so.0 /usr/local/lib10:11
UtopiahI used it on VideoLectures.net , worked well10:12
dbolserOK, set LD_...10:12
dbolserUtopiah: how do I set the Authentication string?10:15
dbolsersorry, just found the man page ;-)10:16
dbolserhmm... it doesn't understand my http://user:pass@url10:17
-!- eiuclaoie [cbdbd6f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #hplusroadmap10:27
maskedeiuclaoie: 10:29
dbolserUtopiah: can you try ripping the above link?10:29
dbolsermy only work around is to create a script to measure the length of the chunk I got and construct a url with the appropriate offset10:32
dbolsergrab the whole thing piecemeal...10:33
maskedwhat is that above stream?10:38
-!- eiuclaoie [cbdbd6f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]10:45
Utopiahsometimes it requires the "origin" URL in which you are supposed to be watching from10:47
Utopiahelse, dunno10:48
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-150-165.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:48
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-!- niftyzero [~miron@dsl081-070-214.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]10:53
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ybitBlender Foundation's latest movie has *just* been released11:05
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Utopiahcommit logs from the production the movie http://twitter.com/#!/blenduriansvn11:10
maskeddbolser: this realmedia downloader appears to be working11:10
archelsybit: wow, that animation is quite poor.11:11
maskedUtopiah: "RM Downloader"11:11
maskedblender tends to lack talent11:11
maskedthe animation industry is so back-to-front tho11:12
maskedall the maya kids think blender kids just wanna "stick it to the man"11:12
maskedi know a maya dork11:12
archelsYeah, or is de novo 3D animation really quite difficult/intensive?11:13
maskediono, i wrote this kids scripts11:13
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maskedthen he'd trash then hours later11:14
archelsAvatar of course doesn't count, although that shows that the human factor really cannot be disposed of yet.11:15
maskeddamn hitler was right with eugenics, genetic clensing :P11:16
maskedah well, other crazy neonazi's are having a good crack11:17
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archelsI was talking about the cinematic aspect of the movie.11:22
maskedoh haha lol11:23
maskedi guess you're right!11:23
kanzurearchels: maya users are kinda like adobe photoshop users (in the sense that they hunt for tutorials and spend countless hours in their app)11:23
archelsWell, I could think of worse hobbies. I had just hoped the results would be slightly better.11:24
maskedyeh this piece of work would have tutorial dvd's with models on disk11:25
maskedand them try and tell me he made it11:25
archelsHow's the state of HDR? Physics simulation? Subsurface scattering?11:26
archelsFrom what I can tell from the video, that's "shit" on all three fronts.11:26
-!- wrldpc2 [~benny@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:26
maskedthis kid used maya, apple shake, renderman11:26
maskedand maybe something else...11:26
kanzuremy chinese informant got back to me with a list of "ridiculously popular sites in china"11:30
kanzurehttp://baidu.com/ http://tudou.com/ http://qq.com/ http://taobao.com/ http://sina.com/ http://163.com/ http://kaixin001.com/ http://renren.com/ http://ifeng.com/ http://feerbook.com/ http://sohu.com/ http://tom.com/11:31
kanzurehttp://china.alibaba.com/ http://hudong.com/ http://dangdang.com/ http://ctrip.com/ http://55bbs.com/11:31
archelsOnly .com in the top 17?11:32
-!- shepazu [~schepers@adsl-242-206-12.rmo.bellsouth.net] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]11:39
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-!- Alystair [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279397903.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap12:07
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archelsjoshcryer: Re the group registration form, is that really necessary? This isn't supposed to be the official channel for a project, is it?12:59
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kanzureopencores.org interview http://www.efytimes.com/e1/creativenews.asp?edid=5162413:27
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Utopiah(live Skype discussion with the french transhumanist association, if I don't answer, it's because boredom killed me)15:08
maskedsounds like you guys have some cool meetings, convos / what not16:02
maskedyou should have an internet radio station16:02
kanzureall of my examples for lolcad suck, they have been simple CSG examples so far16:13
kanzurei should switch to "sketch-based" examples16:13
kanzuremaybe something with cairo16:14
kanzurethe workflow could be: take an arbitrary surface in lolcad, export to svg (as a 3D->2D surface), then draw whatever you want, then load the .svg back in and extrude to your heart's content16:26
kanzurebut that's rather complicated16:26
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kanzurejrayhawk: 100930 17:12:51  InnoDB: Error: cannot allocate 1065024 bytes of memory with malloc17:34
kanzureany ideas on this one? 17:34
jrayhawkhmm. I might have to clean up a bit.17:35
kanzurenot your server17:36
jrayhawkOh, good.17:36
jrayhawkExtreme fragmentation might be a problem, but probably you're just out of memory.17:37
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined #hplusroadmap17:38
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:12
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:26
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JayDuggerFor all your writing needs: Soylent.18:48
JayDugger"...Soylent, a word processing interface that  integrates crowd contributions to aid users in complex writing tasks  ranging from error prevention and shortening paragraphs to automation of  tasks like citation searches and tense changes."18:49
JayDugger"Soylent aids the writing process by integrating paid crowd workers from  Amazon's Mechanical Turk platform into Microsoft Word, a popular word  processing interface. Soy-lent is people: its core algorithms involve  calls to Mechani-cal Turk workers (Turkers)."18:49
JayDuggerAnd thousands of otherwise unemployed English majors breathe a sigh of relief. The degree they struggled so hard to obtain proves useful after all, albeit at much less than they hoped.18:50
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-70-112-176-113.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:51
JayDuggerToo bad (a) it works with Microsoft Turd, and (b) they didn't apply it to the introduction paragraphs on their Google Code page.18:51
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kanzurejrayhawk: we're moving a drupal installation from one hosting provider to another.. how do i check 19:20
kanzurewe shoudl get mechanical turk to write introductory messages on okcupid for guys->girls19:20
kanzurejrayhawk: crap, ignore that19:20
JayDuggerThere probably exists a good market for that.19:20
JayDuggerI would've used it.19:20
kanzurethere's like a 2% response rate anyway19:20
JayDuggerBut my girlfriend answered, and we've been happy since.19:21
kanzure2% response rate, 10 cents per message, ..19:21
kanzure$200 for 100 responses?19:21
JayDuggerYou could call the service Cyrano.19:21
kanzurepaying $2 just to get a response seems lame19:22
JayDuggerAnd its female-to-male counterpart, Roxanne.19:22
kanzurefemales don't need any help19:22
kanzureif they take the initiative to send a message they are already outclassing 100% of their peers19:22
JayDuggerNo, generally not. OKC seems a woman's market.19:22
JayDuggerStill, why leave money on the table? How much more work would it take to provide the female-to-male equivalent?19:23
kanzureabout zilch19:23
JayDuggerAnd then there's male-to-male and female-to-female.19:26
-!- marainein [~marainein@220-253-19-54.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap19:32
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-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-70-112-176-113.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:49
joshcryerarchels, the oppers were reluctant to come in here and give someone ops because we have one # in our channel name. By default all channels with one # are "official."19:49
-!- augur [~augur@129-2-175-79.wireless.umd.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:49
joshcryerarchels, only way they'd do anything is if we had "official group status." It was pretty weird how they were being.19:50
kanzureJayDugger: does paying $1 per response make sense?19:50
-!- memorex [~durp@c-68-62-138-99.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:51
-!- Juul [~Juul@h55eb1609.dkkoost.sta.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:52
joshcryerI say we all join ##hplusroadmap, I've been lurking in there but won't leave here until there's a 51% majority in there.19:53
kanzurethis /is/ an official channel for the hplusroadmap project19:53
joshcryerYeah but they said that it takes up to 6 months to even a year to get group status approved. :O19:54
kanzuregood thing i startedd it more than a year ago19:54
joshcryerYou applied for group status a year ago??19:54
kanzurewell yeah19:54
joshcryerDang that's an insane backlog then.19:54
kanzurethis channel was around in 0819:55
joshcryerGotta love bureaucracy.19:57
joshcryerAnd yeah I remember coming here when there were like 5 people, and I didn't feel like community building, but now that there are over four dozen I can be a quiet member. ;P19:58
-!- niftyzero1 [~miron@dsl081-070-214.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:58
JayDuggerGood night all, time to commute.20:03
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kanzurei still don't know how i would do a "sketch-on-a-surface" api for lolcad21:35
kanzurei guess it could be a coordinate system object plus a polyline that defines the bounds of the sketch entities or something21:36
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-!- codeshepherd [~Deepan@] has joined #hplusroadmap23:13
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap23:48
--- Log closed Fri Oct 01 00:00:17 2010

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