
--- Log opened Fri Oct 08 00:00:18 2010
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joshcryerkanzure, if your strategy can't be open then, not to knock you, but I wonder if it's really a strategy that can work. Good strategies tend to be simple and reproduced independently, so if it's really good someone somewhere should be doing the same thing.04:27
joshcryer<QuantumG> functional programming is a joke <- re: productivity, it's true, functional programmers a bunch of pompous nerds who achieve very little, but I think it's perfectly suited for low level software that isn't exactly exposed to the enduser, making 'programming' a much more ambigious task. I'd consider it 'programming' if someone sat down and used a widget form to make a chair, 04:30
joshcryerthough they wouldn't know shit about code itself.04:30
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:53
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kanzurejoshcryer: if someone is doing the same thing then DARPA will just select them07:43
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kanzurebaidu has a document hosting service? http://wenku.baidu.com/view/678dc17d27284b73f24250a1.html10:41
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kanzurediybio stuff http://www.genomeweb.com/blog/garage-lab10:43
kanzuremore: http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2010/10/07/more_on_garage_biotech.php10:43
-!- augur [~augur@208-59-167-26.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:45
kanzureyeast producing morphine: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=49362910:46
kanzureupdated: http://bit.ly/diybionews10:50
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kanzuredustbin: sup?10:55
-!- panax [panax@goldstandard.eng.usf.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:56
dustbinI should fix my machine I have nothing else to do atm10:57
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dustbinalright I think I have my system back in some working order12:12
dustbinwhat is the preferred way of starting the lolcad visualizer12:12
dustbinhaha seg fault grrrrr12:14
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kanzuredustbin: "python visualizer.py" should do it12:38
kanzurewhere's the segfault coming from? visualizer.py?12:38
kanzureopen hardware event dec. 4th/5th in munich: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Open_HW_SW_Event/de12:38
kanzurerelated mailing list: http://lists.goldelico.com/mailman/listinfo/open-hard-software-event12:38
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kanzurehi asdf2 12:57
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kanzurephillip torrone is spamming the blogosphere today about his open source hardware definition13:31
kanzure"open hardware legal issues" http://lwn.net/Articles/407598/13:32
kanzurei'm not sure if the open patent license from CC is a good idea.13:33
kanzure"and use prenegotiated patent rights to protect both ownership and the right to share, rather than depending on licenses for protection."13:33
kanzurehow is that different than ordinarily relying on patent licenses13:34
kanzurewhat is this? freescale doing open source hardware? wut? http://www.silica.com/fileadmin/02_Products/Productdetails/Freescale/FRS_TWR_tool.pdf or http://freescale.com/tower13:39
archelsIt's called "documentation."13:40
* archels runs13:40
kanzurehttp://www.towergeeks.org/ "Towergeeks.org is an online community, created by Digi-Key, allowing members to interact and develop and share designs"13:42
kanzureyeah i'm not sure what's going on13:42
kanzurei think they mean to say that "if you buy this we will provide some example files"13:42
kanzuremaybe they mean the debugger (osbdm) is open source: http://www.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/hardware_tools/community/OSBDM08.zip?srch=1 (has a GPL license in it)13:47
kanzure"OSBDM_JM60_OSBDM_SCH_B.pdfOSBDM-JM60 Rev. B Schematics"13:47
kanzurethere are also some attached files here: http://www.edaboard.com/thread76190.html#post33420213:48
kanzurei wonder how they convinced freescale's legal dept. to get away with GPLing the schematics13:48
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-!- gourneau [~potatodem@tabletogether.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:12
kanzurehi gourneau 14:23
gourneauI am excited about Emokit, the hacked lib for the Emotiv EPOC BCI14:29
kanzurei see you're in #emokit too14:29
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gourneauI look forward to a day when BCIs provide a more rich communication channel than speech.14:31
gourneauThis is a good start :)14:31
archelsyou're in for a bit of a wait14:31
gourneauI am counting on the law of accelerating returns :)14:32
kanzurewell it's been 50 years since any improvements in EEG14:34
gourneauBrian Litt had some cool invasive devices for the Brain. Is that what it will take?14:37
kanzurei haven't plotted microelectrode array advancements on a graph yet but it would be interesting to see14:38
kanzurealso other invasive methods :)14:39
archelsgourneau: first generation? yes, probably.14:39
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kanzure"the sims: garage biohacking" http://www.synthesis.cc/2010/10/the-sims-garage-biohacking.html15:25
kanzurei am very disappointed that this is not a sims extension pack15:25
kanzurei also wonder who drew that15:26
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augurkanzure: yeast-producing morphine?! :o16:16
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kanzuremorphine-producing yeast16:31
kanzureboth ways can be misconstrued16:31
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kanzureutopiah mentioned this a few months ago but i guess it's worth repeating:17:24
kanzureadrian's paper on patent law and reprap in the uk: http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/ahrc/script-ed/vol7-1/bradshaw.asp17:24
-!- keen101 [~andrew@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:46
kanzurekeen101: what was the post18:00
keen101It was an attempt to create a DIYbio community magazine.18:00
keen101"Garage Bio"18:00
kanzureyeah nothing came of that18:01
keen101but, apparently it became forgotten in the ravages of time.18:01
kanzurethe execution was poor and pathetic18:01
kanzurethey were going to have an editor (an actual person) put together the .pdf files18:01
kanzure(and they were going to use .pdf)18:01
keen101I'm hoping to revive it, and perhaps model it after the successful Fullcircle community magazine..18:01
kanzureback in my day, punks would just release .txt files :P18:02
kanzurewell, do you want to write the articles or source the articles?18:02
kanzure^ is a list of diybio news/blog posts that i keep and maintain18:02
archels"incubate e.coli tubes in your armpit"18:02
kanzureit would be pretty easy to just do some rss aggregator and a blog, then export to pdf to call it a "magazine" or whatever18:03
kanzurearchels: "diybio: the armpit of science"18:04
keen101haha, yeah. Priceless.18:05
keen101kanzure: but, that wouldn't exactly be full of "articles" would it? Just random blog posts?18:07
kanzurewhat is an "article"18:10
keen101...well... maybe something of a cross between a blog post and an essay/speech.... :) heh.18:11
retrocommieim thinking main street mall projector/screen18:12
retrocommieand bluetooth push18:12
retrocommiewifi captive portal18:12
kanzurethrow in some protocols from old books, that might be useful18:12
kanzuredoes anyone have ps_stream.zip from solidworks?18:19
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QuantumGjust checked, I don't sorry18:31
kanzuredo you have solidworks?18:31
kanzureand if so, which year, version (standard, professional, or whatever else), and do you have C:\Program Files\SolidWorks\API\ ?18:31
QuantumGI have that dir18:32
kanzureooh ooh18:32
QuantumGSolidworks 200918:32
kanzureis it just a bunch of help files (.chm)?18:32
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QuantumGand pidcollector.exe18:33
QuantumGand a redist dir with some dlls18:33
kanzureok. you don't have the SDK.18:35
QuantumGI vaguely remember installing it18:36
QuantumGor at least seeing the option18:36
QuantumG-rw-r--r-- 1 trentw trentw 4891842560 Dec 21  2009 SolidWorks2009_SP0.0_Win64.iso18:42
kanzurethank you18:44
QuantumGyou want?  18:44
kanzurei have that one too (although i seem to have a few)18:44
kanzurealso, apparently solidworks directly saves a .xt parasolid file in the .sldprt file format18:45
kanzureincriminating evidence: http://files.solidworks.com/API/Downloads/00000/0000s/0078/DMS_PSWks.zip18:45
kanzurehere's the 2006 API SDK: http://files.solidworks.com/API/Downloads/00000/0300s/0364/api_sdk.zip18:46
kanzurebut that's 2006 :(18:46
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.19:08
-!- augur [~augur@208-59-167-26.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]19:18
kanzurei think visual studio 2010 requires templates to be manually installed by copying a .zip file to C:\Program Files\Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\VCSExpress\ProjectTemplates\1033\19:25
kanzureuh, i guess that's for express-only19:25
kanzurenope that doesn't work :P19:37
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kanzurewhere did that come from21:04
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JayDuggerAsk B.G.. It lists him as "Group Owner."21:05
JayDuggerHeh, heh. "I'm a Canonizing Extropian Atheist Mormon" from Brent Allsop.21:06
-!- JaredW [~JaredW@125-239-149-47.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #hplusroadmap21:08
kanzureit's probably a reference to canonizer.net21:08
JayDuggerDid you mean "canonizer.com?"21:10
JayDuggerMatching him three of four isn't bad, I guess.21:12
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kanzure50% of marriages end in divorce22:08
kanzurethe other 50% end in death.22:08
kanzurelose-lose :(22:08
QuantumGget married, death won't seem so bad22:14
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--- Log closed Sat Oct 09 00:00:17 2010

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