
--- Log opened Mon Oct 25 00:00:18 2010
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JonanoI'm looking for someone interested to write an article about DIYbio00:42
JonanoI can explain the work if you are interested00:43
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dbolserhey kanzure, that was an invited talk. 01:15
dbolserTalk to Jeff if you'd like to speak at some point01:15
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archels"Difficult-to-read fonts make for better learning, according to scientists."05:04
archels"They believe that presenting information in a way that is hard to digest means a person has to concentrate more, and this leads to "deeper processing" and then "better retrieval" afterwards."05:04
Utopiahbest excuse ever for a professor terrible hand writting on a black board05:05
archelsMight it not be the opposite? The harder to read fonts make for more processing in the lower hierarchical cortical regions?05:05
archelsergo, the information is stored as novel on more levels and thus easier to remember?05:05
dbolserI used to belive this is why I found it easier to retain information at university05:32
dbolserI read that to learn effectively, one should trasnslate information from one form to another. i.e. diagram to text, text to diagram etc.05:32
dbolserI'm dyslexic, so it takes me ages to read text (compared to my peers)05:32
dbolserBut I found I could retain information for exams much better than my peers05:33
archelsDo you think that's the same mechanism at work though?05:33
dbolserno clud tbh.. didn't read the lik05:34
dbolserbut 'hard to read fonts' == all the time for dyslexics05:34
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archelsgood point05:36
archelsDo hard to read fonts simply force the reader to represent the information more abstractly?05:37
dbolserI have no idea about the various neuro / cognative pathways from text to memory05:38
dbolserbut intuitively, 'skimming' a fact should lead to less retention than reading that fact slowly...05:38
dbolserhowever, in this test they were asked to learn the given facts. I'm surprised that font played a role!05:45
dbolsercan you set up an online version of the test so I can test me?05:45
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archelsI didn't carry out this research, so I don't have access to the materials.05:48
dbolserseems easy enough to repeat05:49
dbolserit reminds me of the other day when I got a migraine05:49
dbolserI was trying to read a sentence in a book. I read it, and then I realised I hadn't understood a thing. so I read it again... again blank. I found I couldn't read it, so I started to try reading each word individually with my finger05:50
dbolserI couldn't associate one word with the next05:50
dbolsershortly after I realised I was having a migraine05:50
dbolserkind of weird subjective cognative disfunction05:51
dbolserI'll say!05:54
dbolserinteresting apart from the nausia05:54
dbolserand lack of ability to do anything constructive!05:54
Utopiahmarketing uses that already with spelling mistakes05:55
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archelsUtopiah, drawing attention with intentional misspellings?05:57
Utopiahand I would understand how it works well on short and simple items but hardly on complex and long pieces of information05:57
clemuxso, reading text with the worng odrer of ltetres in words should enchance recall?05:59
dbolserI think that relies on scanning in the first place06:00
dbolserI guess they need to do eye tracking06:00
archelsclemux: Anything that stands out is more likely to be remembered.06:01
dbolsernumber of ... is it ... when the eye pauses?06:01
dbolserI read the name somewher D[D[D[D[C[D[D[D[D[D;-)06:02
dbolserthough to be 'processing pauses'06:02
dbolserfixations and saccades06:08
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fenni think this might be useful, material properties for common metal alloys http://www.varmintal.com/mat18-all.zip06:38
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dbolseris the CIA world fact book on the semantic web?06:49
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-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@adsl-99-60-212-29.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:58
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:58
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kanzure1000 ben nanonotes have been sold.07:09
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kanzurehi mjr07:11
kanzurehm you're from #lesswrong07:11
dbolserkanzure: where can I buy one :-D07:16
kanzuredbolser: from qi hardware07:16
dbolserI like the look of it07:18
mjrI'm from having glanced at old wta-talk mails07:30
kanzuremjr: ah :)07:39
-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@adsl-99-60-212-29.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:52
kanzurehi JayDugger 07:53
JayDuggerGood morning. Zyvex has a neat annoucement.07:55
JayDuggerNothing earth-shaking, but in the "nice-to-hear" set.07:55
JayDuggerSubstituting Si for H on a silicon surface, one atom at a time, at the blinding rate of 50 atoms/s. They abstract away H atoms and flood the area with SiH gas.08:00
kanzurewait i thought zyvex died08:02
kanzure"This effort is funded in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Emerging Technology Fund of the State of Texas."08:02
kanzurefuck this, i'm going to richardson today08:02
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JayDuggerNo, they have a building down the street from where I live, for suitably "Texas-scale" values of "down the street."08:04
maskedtexas has an emerging technology fund?08:04
JayDuggerFirst I'd heard of it, too.08:05
maskedmodernising the belt buckle?08:05
maskedand other images of things i relate to texas08:05
JayDuggerHeh, heh...yes, yes...08:06
JayDuggertime to pay my car mechanic. See you all tomorrow.08:06
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maskedhmm that sounds interesting08:08
maskedbut how long would it take to make anything useful08:08
maskedmy daughter would kick my ass making cookies with play-do08:08
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kanzurehi lepton10:07
kanzurelong time no see10:07
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leptonYes indeed!10:11
leptonWe've moved to a new space, added a 3D printer10:11
* epitron puts an s on lepton10:12
leptonI'm working with some guys to establish a Boulder Hackerspace10:12
leptonLife's been pretty good over all. How are you, kanzure?10:12
kanzurea little slow today (woops)10:12
* kanzure is writing some text to announce the gada prize transfer10:13
leptonCool, I remember reading about the Gada prize10:14
leptonWe're about to start another EMC based CNC build, so I turned on IRC for the first time in a while to see if anything interesting is going on in #emc10:14
leptonOh yeah, I did some open source hardware / digital manufacturing talks at Burning Man, with really good attendance10:15
leptonone of the founders from Makerbot showed up, amongst others10:15
epitronIRC CNC EMC10:16
epitronmuy bueno, mr. slepton10:16
epitronheheh... sleptons are so lazily named10:18
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epitronSelectron sneutrino10:18
leptonLet's just put an s at the beginning of everything!10:19
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epitronmore like s/^/s/10:24
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kanzureany suggestions for what the humanityplus.org announcement should say about the gada prize?13:29
kanzuresaying "we're taking it over because foresight doesn't want it" is not so cool13:29
kanzurealso feel free to glance at http://gadaprize.org/ (some of the text is my own, namely the stuff more towards the top)13:35
kanzureold content: http://www.foresight.org/gadaprize.php13:35
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kanzure"gee, i wonder how Foresight Institute announced this originally" well, turns out they didn't http://blog.reprap.org/2010/01/build-better-reprap-80000-prize.html14:21
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memorexAnyone know anything about pulling up the registered email to an expired domain if you have the hosting company, domain of registered email, and name17:19
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jrayhawksearch google for 'historical whois'17:58
kanzureendless hours of fun http://www.technomancy.org/google-suggest-venn/#start=how+do+i+tell+my+X&end0=girlfriend&end1=boyfriend&end2=mac17:59
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fennwhat a waste http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Langan21:19
fennsmartest man in the world attempts to prove the existence of god by using mathematics21:20
fennsbaillard wants to know about skdb's status21:21
kanzurestill need someone with a reprap/makerbot who cares21:30
kanzureor we're writing a whitepaper21:30
QuantumGwhat's this kanzure?21:32
QuantumGI know someone with a lot of money who has expressed an interest in reprap21:32
QuantumGno idea if he's done anything about it yet21:33
kanzureshould i know this person?21:33
kanzureQuantumG: also, btw, http://gadaprize.org/21:33
QuantumGwow, humanityplus.org is slow21:34
kanzureyeah nobody there knows anything about servers21:34
kanzureit's probably because three people are loading a page at the same time.21:35
kanzureQuantumG: try now21:36
QuantumGstill dorked21:36
kanzurethis is stupid21:37
kanzurei wonder if i moved the server if anyone would notice21:37
fenni've been working on my reprap, it moves around under computer control now21:39
kanzurei figure showing a full demo of going from a package to something made is enough to show someone the point21:39
kanzurebut, parametric CAD is a really nice thing to try out21:39
kanzureit's p. clear that hardware projects are not yet to the point where they can be packaged :P21:40
fennno way21:40
fennit's just that nobody even bothers to try21:41
kanzuredude they have like .pdf and .jpg of schematics drawn in crayon21:41
kanzureeven if someone did bother to put files in folders and tarball them up (or whatever) people are going to wonder about the utility21:42
kanzurethe utility isn't really demonstrated without a toolchain (like a demo on a reprap) but if you have better ideas i'd like to hear it21:42
kanzurebecause i ran out of them a while ago :(21:42
fennno, i agree21:42
fennhum, one of the symptoms for vitamin b6 overdose is 'increased dream activity'21:46
kanzureQuantumG: now humanityplus.org isn't even responding to me21:46
kanzureyou crashed the server d21:46
QuantumGit fears me21:46
kanzureit's really amazing how much people are fooled by web traffic stats21:46
kanzure"we get 2,000 hits per day!"21:47
kanzurewhen in reality they get more like 20 at most21:47
kanzurei get more hits than that just announcing i farted on twitter.21:47
fenni think chris langan should be the spokesman for h+21:48
kanzurewhy? he looks like a moron21:48
kanzureat least from his wikipedia article21:48
fennh+ needs more radical viewpoints21:49
kanzurewhat it needs is to be replaced by danila medvedev21:49
fennright now it's watered down to nothing, basically what they are advocating is the democratic party line21:49
kanzurebtw, danila and the .ru transhumanists have been working on a new release of NE-121:49
QuantumGhumanity+ needs some more crazy.. ya know, like blue people with tails crazy21:50
kanzurethey also have some money for this development work21:50
kanzureQuantumG: they already have that sort of crazy21:50
kanzurewhat they need are people who don't believe in the magical powers of fucking PR21:50
kanzureno matter how much PR you have it doesn't make up for the fact that you've done nothing21:50
kanzureand no, more conferences aren't going to help21:50
QuantumGright, they need fake news21:51
NoahjI think farting on twitter causes that freakish bird to pass out 21:51
fennbryan bishop, director of action-oriented planning21:51
QuantumGget a hot chick to bath in blue food coloring21:51
QuantumGclaim it is genetic engineering that turned her blue21:51
kanzuretake a look at the articles: http://hplusmagazine.com/21:51
QuantumGproclaim the revolution ready21:52
kanzurei mean.. really.21:52
QuantumGalso, robots.21:52
kanzureyeah, radicalism isn't going to help, it just needs good old fashion human enhancement21:54
kanzureit's funny.. there's actually more on the web each day about 'human enhancement' that h+ is totally missing out on21:54
QuantumGradical human enhancement21:54
fenn"radicalism" 21:54
QuantumGsurgically implanted guns21:55
fennby "radical viewpoints" i meant pure extensions from first principles, not some communist something or other21:55
kanzureok fine21:55
kanzurewe already have those viewpoints, now what :P21:55
QuantumGcut someone open and put a gun in there21:55
QuantumGdo it21:55
QuantumGI nominate fenn21:55
fenni nominate lepht21:55
kanzurelepht is a moron21:56
fennshe/it can battle it out with lagan in the first televised transhuman death match21:56
QuantumGDIY brain implants21:56
kanzureLepht vs. The Smartest Man Alive21:56
QuantumGnow that's radical21:56
fennok i should be getting some work done, bbl21:56
kanzureh+ can't really "fund" DIY brain implants because they are all pussies about the law21:57
kanzureright now it's best used as a vehicle for receiving large pre-arranged donations21:57
QuantumGand spending it on ads asking for more donations21:58
kanzurewhat is it with you people and ads/pr/publicity/marketing/bullshit?21:58
kanzureall the publicity in the world won't fix them21:58
QuantumGI was suggesting that's what it does.. not what it should do21:59
kanzureit's a little weird working with a non-profit though21:59
kanzureapparently people just GIVE YOU money21:59
kanzurewhereas i'm more used to business or something where there has to be a reason for people to do things (other than fear or whatever the emotion of the week is for SIAI)21:59
kanzurelepht is a bumbling moron who has a sick masochist need to cut herself and subsequently store subcutaneous shit22:01
kanzurethere, i said it.22:02
QuantumGoh, lepht's a chick?22:02
QuantumGshe can implant a gun without surgery I guess22:02
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--- Log closed Tue Oct 26 00:00:17 2010

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