
--- Log opened Mon Nov 08 00:00:07 2010
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t_siamendesall in the tactics03:04
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mheldhey, anybody here from stanford?05:51
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kanzureDRIE etchant simulator.. thing? http://tfy.tkk.fi/~mag/VisualTAPAS/Home.html06:32
kanzurethat was via Andrea Mazzolari <mazzolari@fe.infn.it>06:32
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kanzurefenn: http://pandaboard.org/07:23
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kanzuredbolser: have you kept up with cfp-wiki? or whatever that call-for-papers wiki was.08:01
kanzurehm i realized i didn't know the names off the top of my head of who runs SENS08:09
t_siamendesi thought it was aubrey, seems i was wrong08:13
-!- shepazu [~schepers@adsl-69-180-150.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:32
dbolserkanzure: no08:38
dbolserI'm still thinking to create a 'journal club' wiki with proper citation / annotation functionality at some point08:38
dbolserevery journal has crappy ad-hock 'comments' section, such a wiki would aim to standardize such functionality08:39
UtopiahPLoS has such ideas and Zotera has a community over several journals, could be helpful08:42
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UtopiahSphere Fluidics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AajNacI_HEo10:10
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industromaticHey Bryan...11:01
kanzurehi industromatic 11:03
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kanzureopenscad mechanical cad library https://github.com/D1plo1d/MCAD11:17
kanzureelmom: did you write that?11:18
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kanzurelooks like a biobricks kit11:32
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kanzurefrom om today: 13:22
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industromatickanzure, Is anyone in town doing any reprap upgrading, or just using makerbots?13:36
kanzuremartin might be doing something.. but i could never quite tell13:39
industromaticMartin B?  He's always leaving out the important parts of what he's talking about.13:46
industromaticI doubt he's doing anything OHL at all.13:47
industromaticThe obvious forum posts I made after your announcement have no results.13:48
industromaticWhere else do you find the people that made those posts on reprap forums?13:49
kanzurethere's really no centralized communication for gada prize stuff13:49
kanzurei might be fixing this soon (but i hate to deprecate reprap.org's forums from them...)13:50
industromaticI'm interested in this --   http://reprap.org/wiki/GranuleExtruder13:51
industromaticand this --  http://www.reprap.org/wiki/Granule_Extruder_Team13:51
industromaticBut they are dead as door nails.  First was A Boyer the reprap originator.13:52
industromaticsecond was linked from   http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?171,40341  by    Pablo2m 13:53
industromaticDo you know  Pablo2m ?13:53
kanzureno i don't know that person13:53
industromaticHmmhh..   practical low cost extruding  is the area that interests me most  -- what I was researching when I first ran into you.13:55
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industromatic Pablo2m  seems to have not attracted any others with his Granule Extruder wiki group as of  May 15, 2010   and then no more posts from him.13:57
kanzureindustromatic: his email address is pablo.m.mana@gmail.com14:00
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kanzureindustromatic: you should try asking for pablo2m by emailing Sebastien <sebastian.rodriguez@ubuntu-co.com>, Alex <alpiero2502@hotmail.com>, kristianpaul (who sometimes comes in here), or José Joaquín Prieto Cruz <josejaoquinprieto@hotmail.com>14:04
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industromaticThanks Bryan.  I'll try those leads.14:14
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kanzurei just saw the latest ponoko newsletter. "Learn how two Makers made 202% of their funding goal and how you can too!" (referring to openpcr)15:46
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ybit2Last night, I realized, $20,000/yr doesn't cut it.16:32
ybit2Also, you have to take a different approach to the photoshop phrase if you are to use Gimp. "Man, gimp that mess", e.g.16:33
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ybit2And for Blender, you don't say "blender it", you say "toss it in Blender"16:33
ybit2gimpify the photo could work as well :)16:34
ybit2this december, topic: anything 16:37
ybit2someone want to do a remote talk on open science and open hardware?16:37
ybit2seed the fire for when i go next year? :)16:37
kanzurewhy doesn't $20k/year work?16:39
kanzurejacob posted a video :/ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/citizenscience/the-citizen-science-quarterly16:39
kanzurei don't think he understands blogging16:39
ybit2because, $100/wk = food, $15/wk = spanish lessons, $120/mo = health insurance, $30/wk = gasoline, $120/mo = car insurance, $20/mo = haircut, $2000/yr = taxes, $2000 = debt that needs to be paid off, $50/wk = vacation, $25/wk = sub-vacation, $350 = another debt to pay, $10/wk = misc spending that I'm not able to forecast, and because my boss insist on me looking sharp $125/mo on clothes16:42
ybit2coming out to $20,41016:42
ybit2er wait, that figure is with gas being $35/wk16:43
ybit2i don't have rent to pay, thankfully16:43
ybit2or utilities or cable, or cellphone16:43
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ybit2which doesn't leave money for diy projects, deoderant, toothpaste, sunscren, shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, soap, toothbrush, blowdryer, stm, afm, wire-edm, eeg, rtms, flurometer, spectrophotometer, eyetoy touchscreen, 3d led cube, gardenbot, reprap, my own PCBs, hdd recovery, diy processor thingy, robotic arms, my garden needs to expand, ceb press, daiwoo lanos conversion, multimachine, open source hydrogen car, and materials needed to construct a h16:47
ybit2a few of those i'm going to be able to complete because they are so cheap, but $20k doesn't give me enough to complete them all in a year unfortunately16:48
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ybit2feel free to correct me if i'm off somewhere :)16:49
t_siamendesyou should try living in the UK, we literally get raped by tax even on low incomes16:51
ybit2http://www.dlink.com/products/?tab=3&pid=DCS-5300G&rev=DCS-5300G_revB :: the wireless cameras i was talking about yesterday16:51
ybit2yeah, i'm seeing 23% of my paycheck being unaccounted for16:51
ybit2having a talk with that department tomorrow16:51
t_siamendesi think i pay around 34% tax + they charge vat on everything you buy at 20%, 80% of the cost of fuel is tax as well which is obscene16:53
t_siamendesit cuts into money I could use for buying resources16:54
-!- jmil [~jmil@c-76-124-67-155.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:03
jrayhawkhow would tax literally rape17:23
kanzuret_siamendes: looks like that's the institute for the future guys.17:23
ybit2a very old guy wearing a red, white, and blue suit, sporting a white beard longer than Bryan's comes to your house and bends you over at night when you aren't expecting it17:24
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industromatic"how two Makers made 202% of their funding goal and how you can too!"  Tito J is a marketing guy he says.17:37
industromaticThat's why they used ponoko and not a machine nearby at a hackerspace.  They wanted to burn up the funding fast to keep up with silicon valley rent.17:38
industromaticHe was asking me to make designs for nearly free, and I told him to use kickstarter and ask for 5 X $2K.  Worked fine obviouisly.17:39
ybit2i often doubt my ability to save the human race17:41
ybit2because of time constraints17:41
kanzureindustromatic: tito is a moron and i hate him17:43
kanzurejust wanted to clear that up17:43
ybit2i'm a moron too17:44
kanzureyes but you're our moron17:44
* ybit2 hands over leather-clad pants17:45
ybit2that is not music17:46
ybit2it's only neat because it might attract others to electronics 17:47
t_siamendesthe key word I missed from that mild rant about tax was 'financially'18:02
kanzure"You can probably just ask for $2 bills at a bank. Last I checked, they still mint brand new ones to replace damaged ones removed from circulation."18:05
kanzure"A bunch of engineers at idealab did this back during the bubble. The idea was the saturate Pasadena, CA with $2 bills, particularly as retailers, lacking anywhere to put $2 bills in registers, tended to quickly re-release them."18:05
kanzure"We tried buying them a thousand at a time from banks. One time a manager came out to talk to us about it and asked what we wanted them for. We explained and his response was, "So we're going to get them all back.""18:05
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QuantumGsorry, what?18:09
kanzurein the US, $2 bills are sorta rare18:12
kanzurethe saturation idea was to get the local economy flowing18:13
t_siamendeswith a 'paper' based currency, there seems little point to a $218:14
t_siamendesin terms of ease of use 18:14
QuantumG.. we have $1 and $2 coins.. and for some reason the $2 is the smallest18:15
QuantumGbtw, apparently the US also has $1 coins.18:15
QuantumGyou often get them as change at amtrak stations18:15
QuantumGpassing those is a bitch18:15
t_siamendesdo vendors take them?18:16
t_siamendesvending machines18:16
kanzurepassing those.. like through your butt?18:16
QuantumGmost don't18:16
QuantumGdealing with store clerks in the US is a bit like being constipated yes18:16
kanzureif you have trouble passing them you should stop eating them18:16
kanzurei thought you were in australia18:17
QuantumGI lived in the US once upon a time18:17
kanzurei'm so sorry18:17
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t_siamendespossibly the most ridiculous currency denomination in the UK, 3pence piece18:23
t_siamendesphased out in the 1970's18:24
t_siamendesthats a nonsense coin18:24
-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@c-75-72-218-226.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:37
RedeemerQuestion for those here, does anyone intend on going to the H+ event at caltech?18:38
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ybit2in nomvember.., probably not18:45
ybit2too short notice18:45
ybit23 events in one year, wow18:45
t_siamendesNot within my budget to get to US for this, thou would love to watch the lectures if they broadcast18:47
t_siamendeseven if they are videod and streamed afterwards18:47
RedeemerIts actually for this December.18:48
RedeemerI think, it might be feasible for me to do this.18:48
kanzureRedeemer: i'll be going (i have a talk)18:49
kanzuret_siamendes: they will be streaming18:49
kanzurei might also be organizing some 3d printer gangbanging action during the morning/lunch breaks18:49
RedeemerCool.  Right now I am trying to look into sharing a room again to help lower costs.18:50
kanzureoh hmm i guess i need to arrange transportation/living18:50
RedeemerI'd have started planning this sooner, stuff has come up quite a bit to hamper this effort x.x18:51
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RedeemerLooks like there is a handy light rail line from downtown LA to Pasadena, so that might also reduce transit costs.  Depending how close it is to caltech or designated hotel.18:56
RedeemerIt also reaches into LAX itself, thus reducing time even further.18:59
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RedeemerAny thoughts?19:19
kanzurei haven't looked into it yet19:19
RedeemerLooks like a plausible way without having to take a shuttle, and right now sun country airlines is offering a seat from my location to lax for 250 round trip.  good stuff.19:20
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RedeemerLast time I thought $450 was good.19:21
kanzureyeah they have $120 one-wayers from time to time. i got one to sf a few years back at that price.19:22
RedeemerI gotta take off for work here, but when ya get the chance, let me know what you find out regarding hotel stuff.  I bought my H+ ticket just now, so I am locking myself into the deal.19:23
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kanzurehi Noahj 20:03
NoahjHey kanzure20:04
NoahjJust got back from the AS220 fablab 20:04
kanzurewhat's there?20:04
NoahjI helped a RISD architecture student make a topographic cardboard model thingy they're going to build their designs on 20:04
Noahjon the laser cutter 20:04
NoahjOther students working on this assignment are cutting everything out by hand 20:04
kanzurerhode island school district?20:05
NoahjSchool of design 20:05
NoahjIt's a pretty popular art college 20:05
industromaticI know one of their old perfessers -- lives in Woodstock CT20:14
kanzurebruce sez: "Actually, Christine Petersen coined the term "Open Source" at the meeting where the formation of a separate Open Source campaign was first discussed. She was at the time married to the nanotechnology guru Eric Drexler. I created the Open Source Definition 9 months before ESR got involved, as the Debian Free Software Guidelines. And I'm pretty clear that RMS writings came long before CaTB."20:15
kanzurei didn't know bruce/christine knew each other20:15
kanzurewhat the fuck.20:16
QuantumGheh, guess you better update your stalk-chart20:16
QuantumGBruce also is involved in AMSAT20:16
kanzurechristine was the one who handed me the gada prize20:16
industromatickanzure:  "just wanted to clear that up"  Funny!20:17
QuantumGkanzure likes to chart who knows who (and him)20:19
kanzureindustromatic: stalk-chart: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/meetlog.txt20:19
industromaticSo Bryan's the stalker, eh?20:19
kanzurei'd say that's safe to say20:19
QuantumGit's the national hobby20:19
industromaticSo, I'm on there at  2009-12-0720:20
kanzurewe probably met earlier20:21
industromaticThat must have been when I asked around about reprap in Austin TX20:21
industromaticmaybe a few months is all.20:21
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industromaticI wish Les Filip would get his shop solvent long enough to build that CNC router.20:22
QuantumGI'm not sure it's relevant here, but I dunno where else I'd talk about it.. I found out the other day that a friend of mine started using Ubuntu about a year ago on his primary computer at my recommendation (I vaguely recall saying "Windows won't run on it?  Install Ubuntu!") and hasn't felt any desire to switch back or nagged me about anything he can't get working.20:22
industromaticUbuntu's good.20:22
industromaticI use debian and sometimes get into upgrade hell because I try new things.20:23
industromaticUbuntu avoids that somewhat.  But you can't try new thigs as easy.20:23
industromaticI just figured how to use git submodules and am calling it a day.20:25
kanzurenight, me too20:25
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-!- Utopiah [~libre@rps7452.ovh.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:36
--- Log closed Tue Nov 09 00:00:07 2010

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