
--- Log opened Sun Nov 28 00:00:08 2010
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kanzurefitzsim: the git repo looks much better07:50
kanzurewhat do you suggest? should i just overwrite the public nanoengineer.git and tell everyone they should clone it again?07:50
kanzurehi bdesk_ 07:53
fitzsimkanzure: do you have a URL I can test?08:00
kanzurei can make this public but you'll have to reset your remote/origin later. one sec08:00
kanzurecgit doesn't seem to deal with branches at all? it only shows "master" for me08:04
kanzurei guess git push hasn't finished yet08:04
kanzuregit branch -a lists all branches as remotes/cad and remotes/whatever08:05
kanzuremaybe that's part of the problem? (i've never worked with remote branches)08:05
kanzuregit push is now done.08:05
fitzsimemail addresses show up in commit messages on the web. Is that OK?08:06
kanzurei think there's a cgit option +enable-remote-branches08:06
-!- augur [~augur@c-71-196-120-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]08:06
kanzurefitzsim: yeah it's a fucken' git repo08:06
fitzsimkanzure: re: remote branches, see item 4 here: http://pauldowman.com/2008/07/26/how-to-convert-from-subversion-to-git/08:09
fitzsimcgit 0.8.3 has a noplainemail option to hide email addresses on the web08:14
fitzsimkanzure: no need for swearing, btw :-)08:14
-!- mheld [~mheld@pool-173-76-224-45.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:16
fitzsimkanzure: testing a "time git clone" of the test repo08:21
fitzsim 08:23
fitzsimReceiving objects: 100% (122496/122496), 70.61 MiB | 1.52 MiB/s, done.08:24
fitzsim$ git branch -r08:26
fitzsim  origin/HEAD -> origin/master08:26
fitzsim  origin/master08:26
kanzuredo you have those numbers from last time?08:26
kanzuretry git branch -a08:26
fitzsim$ git branch -a08:26
fitzsim* master08:26
fitzsim  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master08:26
fitzsim  remotes/origin/master08:26
kanzure"So you'll need to convert them manually (or write a script to do it if you have a lot, I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader)."08:26
kanzureokie dokie08:26
kanzurelooks like scripting it is :D08:27
fitzsimsounds fun :)08:27
kanzurebut 1min 7sec cloning time makes me much happier08:27
kanzurealthough it looks like you might be on a reasonably modern connection?08:27
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fitzsimyeah, I'm on 16Mbps08:29
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fitzsimI like that git status is so much faster08:29
fitzsimI think that shouldn't be affected by there being more branches08:30
fitzsimkanzure: if you want to try converting one remote tag to a branch and pushing, I can try pulling it08:30
kanzureok one sec08:31
kanzurestar wars rogue squadron will have to wait :308:31
-!- killall-9 [~paulc@diana.null.ro] has quit [Quit: Leaving]08:31
kanzuresome of the tagnames are "tags/cad"08:32
kanzurei guess the new name can be "cad"08:32
kanzureit's just kind of awkward saying git tag tags/cad tags/cad08:33
fitzsimyeah, good idea08:34
kanzurethere's also a "Distribution" and "tags/Distribution" listed by git branch -r so i don't feel safe doing git tag Distribution tags/distribution08:34
kanzureoh -r remotes. righto08:34
fitzsimthe other thing is where did the branches from the SVN repository end up?08:36
fitzsimshouldn't they have been converted to git branches?08:36
kanzurethe branches are the ones that are plain-listed08:36
kanzureDistribution, cad, sim, wware_jni_nd108:36
kanzureeverything else is prefixed with "tags/" http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/nanoengineer/branches.txt08:37
fitzsimright, so I'd expect them to show up in the "branch -a" output08:37
kanzureon my copy of nanoengineer-fixed.git they are listed as remote branches08:37
fitzsimdid you pass -b branches on the git-svn command line?08:38
kanzuresvn clone https://polosims-svn.svn.cvsdude.com/polosims/ --no-metadata -A authors.txt -t tags -b branches -T trunk nanoengineer08:38
kanzureuh, git svn clone08:39
fitzsimand the plain-listed names all appear as directories in the original svn directory?08:39
kanzurewell, i haven't done a vanilla svn co yet08:39
fitzsimis there a ViewCVS for the SVN repo?08:39
kanzuremostly because it will be 10 hours until it's done or something08:39
kanzureyes.. one sec08:40
kanzurei'd rather not08:42
fitzsimheh, thought there may be an anonymous one :)08:42
kanzurebasically, ViewCVS' root folder looks exactly like http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/tree/08:42
kanzure(except there's a weird Mark Sims email address html-encoding-error on the page that messes up the html at the footer)08:43
kanzureyeah it doesn't help that some of the tags and branches have the same name08:44
kanzureonly the "wware_jni_nd1" branch is unique in its name08:44
fitzsimyeah, so maybe we do need the "tags/" namespace08:44
fitzsimI'm new enough to git that I don't know the convention here08:45
kanzurewell, i'll do wware_jni_nd1 for you08:45
fitzsimalso, it seems strange to me that git-svn doesn't make the branches in branches/ into first-class git branches automatically08:45
kanzurei ran git tag Distribution tags/Distribution before i realized the namespace issues08:47
kanzureso presumably i should undo that08:47
fitzsimmake sure you back-up the current repo before experimenting08:48
fitzsimso you won't have to re-clone for another 14 hours08:48
fitzsimah, I guess this is a consequence of git-svn handling ongoing interaction with the SVN server08:53
kanzurefix fix fix08:54
kanzurei want: git tag Distribution refs/remotes/tags/Distribution; git branch -r -d tags/Distribution08:56
kanzureis editing nanoengineer's namespace a good idea? there's probably shitloads of references to branches and tags on the wiki09:02
fitzsimgood question09:03
fitzsimthis could be an opportunity to improve the naming09:03
kanzureeek tags/release-1.0.1_2008-05-06_0815-EST09:04
fitzsimthe standard git convention seems to be "1.1" for the 1.1 maintenance branch and "v1.1" for the 1.1 release09:04
fitzsimso that would become: v1.0.1_2008-05-06_0815-EST09:04
kanzureshort story of mine.. i used to be more into perl scripting before python09:05
kanzureone day in the lab i found myself writing filenames like 2008-09-14.pl09:05
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kanzureit was after looking back over hundreds of files named by date that i realized how awful everything was09:05
kanzurehm so you suggest keep the date in the tagname09:05
fitzsimrelease_candidate_1-1.1.0_2008-06-04_1000-EST would become: v1-1.1.0_2008-06-04_1000-ESTrc09:06
fitzsimor: v1-1.1.0_2008-06-04_1000-EST-candidate09:06
kanzurehuh? why ^v1-?09:07
fitzsimI'm looking at: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/tree/tags09:07
fitzsimah, I see, yeah09:07
kanzureoh 1- was already in the name. got it.09:07
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fitzsimvcad, vsim?09:08
kanzurei don't know why these are here anyway:09:09
kanzurebasically "a few hours later we decided this was going to be a new tag"09:09
fitzsimthat's fine though09:09
fitzsimwe could even tack on -release09:10
kanzuregit diff tags/release-1.0.1_2008-05-06_0815-EST..tags/release-1.0.1_2008-05-06_1200-EST09:10
fitzsimbasically, there should be a pretty easy way to map historical tag names to the git convention09:10
kanzurethe result of that diff: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/nanoengineer/random_diff.txt09:11
fitzsimoh, I thought you meant they were no differences09:11
kanzurefrankly it seems like some minor cleanup09:12
kanzureplus release notes.. that sort of thing09:12
fitzsimanyway, I like the last comment on that Stack Overflow thread09:13
kanzurei'm not familiar with git describe09:14
fitzsimalthough, I just realized that doesn't really work for tags, only for maintenance branches09:14
fitzsims/tags/release tags/09:14
kanzureanywho i've pushed the tags i've created so far to nanoengineer-fixed.git if you want to test how long cloning that takes09:15
kanzurehuh cgit isn't showing any non-remote branches09:15
kanzureok i did git push --mirror /srv/git/nanoengineer-fixed.git so you should be able to clone now and get goodies back09:17
kanzureor pull09:17
fitzsimok, I just re-cloned two minutes ago and didn't get any new branches09:18
fitzsimshall I try again now?09:18
kanzuregit push --mirror told me it created about 10 new branches on nanoengineer-fixed09:19
kanzurehowever, i only see one branch (master) and three tags (three tags is right) http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/refs/?h=trunk09:19
fitzsimyup, looks like that took09:19
fitzsim$ git branch -a09:20
fitzsim* master09:20
fitzsim  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master09:20
fitzsim  remotes/origin/master09:20
kanzurewhat abuot tags09:20
fitzsim$ git tag -l09:22
fitzsim 09:22
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kanzurefitzsim: woops. looks like i need to checkout the remote branches09:26
kanzuregit checkout --track -b wware_jni_nd1 remotes/wware_jni_nd109:26
kanzureand then when i'm sure i'm done delete all of the remote branches09:26
fitzsimwhat does --track do?09:27
kanzurewell it's primarily to keep remote refs and local refs merged. i guess it's not needed here.09:30
fitzsimthe behavior of leaving out -b seems interesting09:32
fitzsimI'm trying to understand why there are cad/ and sim/ tags and branches09:33
kanzurepresumably they wanted to keep cad/ and sim/ separated09:34
kanzurebut if you check any of the publicly available releases cad/ and sim/ are released together09:34
kanzurebtw you should remind me later to merge 'trunk' and 'master'09:36
kanzureso it looks like for the tags that i converted earlier it's working on cgit? http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/refs/09:39
fitzsimyeah, I saw them in my cloned repo too09:40
kanzurei'm wondering since i never did checkout those remote tags09:40
kanzurewhereas i'm having to checkout these other remote branches09:40
fitzsimno, checkouts shouldn't be involved, come-to-think of it09:41
fitzsimsince they only affect the working directory09:41
kanzuregit checkout -b Distribution remotes/Distribution09:41
kanzurethen i get a local branch Distribution which i can push to nanoengineer-fixed.git09:41
kanzuretry pulling nanoengineer-fixed.git now09:42
kanzurealso the branches are now listed here: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/refs/?id=bb38b9d350dfa97cf9f8a0f8d736aea5783d839e09:43
kanzureer ignore the id= variable in that url.09:43
fitzsimwhy doesn't http://pauldowman.com/2008/07/26/how-to-convert-from-subversion-to-git/ mention checkout?09:43
fitzsimI think all SVN branches and tags will appear under tags/09:44
kanzurehe was primarily dealing with tags09:44
kanzurei don't think he had remote branches to deal with09:44
kanzureother than the fact that his svn tags were stuffed into git branches09:45
kanzurefitzsim: one of the comments points that out: "@Bojan Your one-liner assumes that all the branches have the form "tag/XXX" but that's not always true (e.g., when the SVN repo being converted already has other branches). I changed your one-liner to:..."09:46
fitzsimdoes that one-liner handle what-were-SVN-branches too?09:48
kanzureno that's just the convert-branches-that-were-svn-tags-into-git-tags09:48
kanzureanyway, all of the branches are done on my end09:48
kanzurenow back to figuring out the tag naming scheme09:49
fitzsimhmm, I'm getting confused by the conflicting terminologies09:49
kanzureand whether or no to keep both release-1.0.1_2008-05-06_0815-EST and release-1.0.1_2008-05-06_1200-EST09:49
fitzsimkeep them both09:49
kanzurethey made a release and then released again a few hours later?09:49
kanzurehere's the diff: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/nanoengineer/random_diff.txt09:50
fitzsimyeah, saw that09:50
fitzsimI just think it's better to keep everything for historical reasons09:50
fitzsimit seems arbitrary to fix that one09:50
kanzureheh i'm just starting at the top of the list09:50
fitzsimright, I understand09:51
fitzsimI need to think about this some more though09:51
fitzsimin particular I need to get clear on the different concepts09:51
kanzurewhich concepts09:51
fitzsimin SVN, they have: tags/ and branches/09:51
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kanzuretags are like a bookmark to a commit09:51
fitzsimsay we have tags/foo and branches/bar09:52
fitzsimin the SVN repo09:52
fitzsimif you run git-svn to import that SVN repo, what's in the resulting git repo?09:52
fitzsimgit tags -l09:52
fitzsimand git branch -a09:52
fitzsimwhat will they report?09:53
kanzuregit tags -l will report nothing09:53
kanzuregit branch -a will report http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/nanoengineer/git-branch-a-git-svn.txt09:53
fitzsimso in my example, it will report:09:55
fitzsimnow what does the "remotes" mean?09:57
kanzurebasically anything in remotes/ is a reference to the svn repository09:57
kanzureoh wait i shouldn't say that actually09:58
kanzurethis might help you http://www.gitready.com/beginner/2009/03/09/remote-tracking-branches.html10:00
kanzurei was going to say that they are an entry on git-remote but they are not (apparently)10:00
kanzurei expected git-svn to setup everything so that it's just a complex git-remote-add call, but they are doing something different *shrug*10:01
fitzsimcan you paste the results of "git remote show remotes/cad" and "git remote show remotes/tags/cad"10:01
kanzurefrom the vanilla-git-svn repo?10:01
kanzure"git remote" doesn't print anything so basically both of those will fail like "fatal: 'remotes/cad' does not appear to be a git repository"10:02
fitzsimwhy is "git branch -a" listing them with the remotes/ prefix?10:04
kanzureit's a "remotely tracked branch"10:05
fitzsimdoes "git remote" print nothing, or an error?10:08
kanzuregit remote show remotes/tags/cad prints an error because "remotes/tags/cad" is not a remote ref.. uh10:10
kanzuregit remote add github kanzure@github.com:~/nanoenginer.git10:11
kanzuregit push github master10:11
kanzure"github" is a remote ref in that example10:11
kanzurefor many of my repos i have a remote named 'diyhplus' for instance10:11
fitzsimok, so the "remotes/"-prefixed items in the output of "git branch -a" are not git remotes, they're git branches named with the "remotes/" prefix?10:13
kanzureyes specifically they are the second type of git branches called remote branches or remotely-tracked10:13
kanzureremotely-tracked branches, i mean.10:13
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kanzurefitzsim: dunno if you saw but i linked you to that 10min ago10:16
fitzsimoh, missed it10:18
fitzsimwhy are SVN tags represented by git-svn as git tracking branches?10:19
fitzsimwhy does "git branch -a" in their example there not show the "remotes/" prefixes?10:26
fitzsimyeah, newer versions of git started adding the "remotes/" prefix around git 1.610:29
kanzureok so in nanoengineer-fixed.git there is a branch called "cad"10:32
kanzurewhich was originally a tag in svn10:32
kanzurewait. uh10:33
kanzureyeah. okay. in svn it was a tag.10:33
kanzurei converted it to a branch because xyz. i must be forgetting something10:33
kanzureanyway, all of these folders in this branch are pretty crazy. they look like they should be tags too?10:34
fitzsimhate to say it, but I think we may want to use svn2git instead10:34
kanzureoh hm.. that's right, there was a branch and a tag10:35
kanzurebut tag:cad doesn't seem to have anything in nanoengineer-fixed.git http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/tag/?h=cad10:35
kanzureah here we go http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/tag/?id=cad10:36
kanzureso this is tag:cad http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/commit/?id=8ab5e67b77a2a5760d1244b7aa83e54988e30e0910:36
kanzurefrom 2006-09-2310:36
fitzsimDoes SVN fully-qualifies tag names?10:37
kanzureoof i should know what that means but i don't10:37
kanzurei'm just trying to differentiate between the tag and branch 'cad' (both of which existed in the svn repo)10:37
fitzsimthat's the confusing part10:37
kanzuretag cad: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/commit/?id=8ab5e67b77a2a5760d1244b7aa83e54988e30e0910:38
kanzurebranch cad: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/tree/?h=cad10:38
fitzsimI think svn2git would do everything we want for us, except that there may be tags and branches that have the same name, and I don't know how it would handle that10:38
fitzsimIn SVN, is "cad" a tag name?10:39
kanzuretag cad has lots of edits to week_060923 annd week_060923 appears in branch cad too: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/tree/week_060923?h=cad10:39
kanzureyes in svn there is a tag "cad" and a branch "cad"10:39
kanzurei think some of this might be due to their poor use of the svn repo10:39
kanzurefor instance, it makes no sense that they have a tag "cad" that points to a two year old revision10:40
kanzuremeanwhile branch "cad" has all sorts of crap that all look more like tags :P10:40
fitzsimsort of, but it's ultimately SVN's fault for mixing up the tag/branch namespaces with the project file hierarchy namespace10:40
fitzsimdoing so is a recipe for this type of confusion10:40
kanzurewhat are we confused about at the moment? besides "why does the 'cad' branch have all this crap in it / why is there a cad/sim/Distribution branch and a trunk branch"10:42
fitzsimbasically, ask yourself: how does git2svn figure out how deep to go when deriving a git tag name from the SVN repository's tags directory?10:43
fitzsimI'll do an example10:44
fitzsimworking with http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/tree/10:44
fitzsimthere's trunk/cad/src10:45
kanzurein branch master? yes10:45
fitzsimno, just pretend we're looking at the SVN repo10:46
kanzureoh you know what part of this might be due to a bad cvs->svn conversion.. they might have started off with using cvs10:47
fitzsimideally, from that svn2git would produce:10:48
fitzsim$ git branch10:48
fitzsim* master10:48
kanzureok so you are suggesting that tags/cad/Release_0-9-1_20070701 should be the name of a tag and the tag name isn't just "cad"10:48
fitzsim  cad/bruce_07040510:49
fitzsim$ git tag -l10:49
fitzsim  cad/Release_0-9-1_2007070110:49
fitzsimthere's still a possibility that an SVN branch and an SVN tag would "resolve" to the same name10:51
kanzurei'm not sure bruce_070405 is really a branch10:52
fitzsimit's just an example, I could have picked any of the names in the branches/ directory10:53
kanzurei mean, it's certainly a copy of the code plus some sort of revision set10:53
kanzurei mean to say that i don't think anything in svn:branches/cad/* is a separate branch10:53
kanzureyou know, svn branches really suck10:55
fitzsimyup :-)10:55
kanzurei agree tags/cad/Releasewhatever should be a git tag with a name like vwhatever, sure10:57
kanzurefor branches, i'm not sure- it's not like there's any "this branch was branched from revision xyz" info laying around10:57
fitzsimdarn, the password I had for https://polosims-svn.svn.cvsdude.com/polosims/trunk/ doesn't work any more10:58
kanzurewe could just throw all of the branches into a git branch called "old crappy svn branches"10:58
kanzurei really doubt anyone is ever going to go through all of those wware_050505 folders and sort through them10:59
kanzurebut they should still exist somewhere10:59
fitzsimcan you compare the recursive listing of https://polosims-svn.svn.cvsdude.com/polosims/trunk/ with http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/tree/ ?10:59
fitzsimhttp://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/tree/trunk , I mean11:00
fitzsimgrr, s/trunk/branches/11:00
kanzureit's exactly the same11:00
fitzsimok, just wanted to make sure git-svn didn't miss anything11:01
fitzsimin that case, yeah, these SVN "branches" are strange11:01
fitzsimtags can include a subset of the files on trunk at a given time11:01
fitzsimbut does it make sense for branches to track a subset of trunk?11:01
fitzsimI think this is a side-effect of SVN's implementation11:02
kanzuretags just point at a commit really11:02
fitzsimcan you try checkout out e.g. the bruce_070405 branch from SVN?11:03
fitzsimno, I mean doing an svn checkout11:04
kanzurethe files are the same.11:05
fitzsimbut it doesn't just check out src, right?11:05
kanzureok so you're saying if i checkout branches/cad/bruce_070405 that it will check out other stuff? O_o11:06
fitzsimfirst of all, how do you refer to that branch on the SVN command line?11:06
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kanzurehaha i don't use svn that often/ever so that's a good question :)11:06
kanzurealthough on https://polosims-svn.browse.cvsdude.com/polosims/branches/cad/bruce_070405/src/ it says the revision is 6933 for GLPane.py11:06
kanzureand the log for GLPane.py in nanoengineer.git shows this: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/log/branches/cad/bruce_070405/src/GLPane.py11:07
kanzureunder https://polosims-svn.browse.cvsdude.com/polosims/branches/cad/ the commit message for bruce_070405 is "Moved remotely" (the same as the commit message for GLPane.py on nanoengineer.git)11:07
kanzure"Moved remotely" is r941011:08
kanzurehuh there's actually a log on that file for the svn repo11:08
fitzsimI think you should go through the excercise of checking out a particular branch from SVN, and keep it around, so that you can compare that with what you get for the analogous git sequence11:09
fitzsimlooking at the exploded SVN repository structure could confuse us with implementation details11:10
kanzuregit checkout cad -> "warning: refname 'cad' is ambiguous." uh oh. did i break this already?11:13
fitzsimok, that answer's one question :)11:13
fitzsimi.e. how does git handle tags and branches with the same name11:13
kanzurei thought git checkout should be checking out a branch :(11:14
fitzsimor a tag11:14
fitzsimtry differentiating with refs/heads/ and refs/tags/ prefixes11:15
kanzure(well, at the moment, it's definitely checking out the branch) i wanted to go see if bruce_070405 has commit history in nanoengineer-fixed.git11:16
kanzurewait.. why isn't bruce_070405 in http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/tree/?h=cad11:17
fitzsimI don't know11:19
kanzureok well it's still checking out git branch 'cad' on my shell so we'll see if bruce_070405 is in branch 'cad' here too or not11:20
fitzsimdid you try the SVN branch experiment?11:24
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Utopiah_archels: the talk was recorded and is being uploaded11:37
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kanzurefitzsim: no not yet. i'm still trying to figure out where bruce_070405 went. 11:49
fitzsimthat is weird11:51
fitzsimbut I'd say don't spend too much time on that11:51
fitzsimI think you'll have to re-do the repository again anyway11:51
fitzsimcheck this out:11:52
fitzsimI think we want "the long way" mentioned there, in combination with what svn2git does11:52
fitzsimmixing the two will be a trick though, since the "long way" steps happen right in the middle of the svn2git conversion process11:52
kanzureoh i screwed up when i tried to fix the remote branches12:04
niftyzerokanzure - let me know if you have git questions12:08
fitzsimI think the sequence should be:12:08
fitzsimgit init12:08
fitzsimadd svn-remote section in .git/config as per http://www.spinics.net/lists/git/msg79353.html12:10
fitzsimwrite a Ruby script to call fix_tags, fix_branches, fix_trunk and optimize_repos in https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git/blob/master/lib/svn2git/migration.rb12:11
fitzsimIOW, do the same as the run! function there, but replace the clone step with our own custom step to handle the sub-directory-laden branches/tags layout of the NE-1 SVN repo12:12
niftyzeroyou might just skip fixing the tags / branches, and even delete them if you don't care about painful historical details and just want to start new development from the tip of the trunk12:15
kanzurefitzsim: actually i'm p. sure the main problem is that i corrupted the tag/branch namespace in nanoengineer-fixed.git 12:16
fitzsimniftyzero: we tried skipping fixing them, but the result is a very large and slow repository: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer12:16
fitzsims/large and//12:17
kanzurefitzsim: if this is true then when i checkout -b blah remotes/cad i should get better history in nanoengineer-fixed2.git than i see here: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/log/branches/cad/bruce_070405/src/GLPane.py12:17
kanzure:( but i only get a handful of "Moved remotely" commits on refs/remotes/cad/bruce_070405/src/GLPane.py12:20
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kanzurethere are at least 30 revisions here: https://polosims-svn.browse.cvsdude.com/polosims/branches/cad/bruce_070405/src/GLPane.py?view=log12:20
kanzurehmm: r6872 "This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'bruce_070405'."12:21
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niftyzeroyou could kill all the branches and tags you don't care about, then garbage collect12:22
niftyzeroit looks like almost 100MB12:22
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kanzureniftyzero: 300MB for nanoengineer.git12:23
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kanzurefitzsim: http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-11-28.log12:23
kanzureso i want to know why bruce_070405 files are not getting revision history under git12:24
kanzurethey have some, but it's mostly irrelevant stuff12:24
kanzureand git log --follow just shows multiple "Moved remotely" commits12:25
fitzsim<kanzure> fitzsim: if this is true then when i checkout -b blah remotes/cad i12:25
fitzsim          should get better history in nanoengineer-fixed2.git than i see12:25
fitzsim          here:12:25
fitzsim          http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/log/branches/cad/bruce_070405/src/GLPane.py12:25
fitzsim<fitzsim> kanzure: but you're definitely going to have to deal specially with12:25
fitzsim          the tags/branches sub-directory layout12:25
fitzsim<fitzsim> kanzure: there's no way around that12:25
fitzsim<fitzsim> kanzure: git-svn by default expects tag names to be one level only12:25
fitzsim          under tags/ and branch names one level only under branches/12:25
fitzsim(that's what I pasted before the connection interruption)12:26
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kanzureniftyzero: you shouldn't really bother with nanoengineer.git.. you can just browse the master branch's tree structure via cgit and get all the info you need12:33
kanzureniftyzero: the idea is that i'm supposedly making a new .git that has everything fixed12:33
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niftyzeroI'm just trying to give helpful git advice... ;)  I already have a copy of the svn repo from before12:34
kanzureyou do?12:35
fitzsimniftyzero: regarding omitting history in the conversion, I like kanzure's approach of a complete conversion because having all the history will be helpful in understanding the codebase12:35
kanzurewhen did you get a copy of the svn repo12:36
fitzsimniftyzero: do you have it in raw SVN form, or a checkout?12:36
fitzsimand how recent is it?12:36
fitzsimoh, ok12:36
fitzsimI have one too, with a guest account that doesn't work anymore12:37
fitzsimbut kanzure has a working account on the server that he's been running git-svn against12:37
fitzsima recent server-side backup of the repository would be useful for his experiments12:37
fitzsimsince it would save time/bandwidth12:38
fitzsimkanzure: what do you think of the procedure I sketched out?12:38
kanzurei'm looking around.12:39
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kanzurefitzsim: actually, i'm trying svn-all-fast-export12:49
fitzsimkanzure: interesting.  ok, let me know when you'd like me to test again12:53
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* kanzure twiddles his thumbs13:44
kanzureUtopiah: there's a french transhumanist association?13:45
kanzuresomething about CA_AFT@yahoogroupes.fr13:45
UtopiahAssociation Francaise Transhumaniste13:46
kanzureoh i guess i mean http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/transhumanistes/13:46
UtopiahAFAIK ~10members13:47
kanzurenot cool13:49
Utopiahmaybe it will change a lot after the 1st meeting as people will think the association can actually bring value13:52
kanzurethese two papers sound fun:13:56
kanzureNeural substrates of envisioning the future13:56
kanzureEpisodic simulation of future events13:56
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archelsI see the post is revised, but there's no link to a video.14:40
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Utopiaharchels: want a 1 line sum-up?14:42
UtopiahASIC CPUs only might not be the right solution, there should be investment in alternatives and not just GPUs or FPGA but quantum computing and even other computing "solutions"14:43
Utopiah(at least that was my understanding of the talk)14:43
archelsalright, that sounds a little disappointing14:47
kanzure"They also made a range of social behavior errors (e.g., leaving a shop without paying, offering sexual favors in lieu of payment)." haha14:48
archelsDid they talk about memristors?14:48
Utopiahbriefly but mostly to complain about the recent simplistic IEEE spectrum article14:48
Utopiahsaying throwing memristors are the problem but without a proper design is idealistic14:49
archelsah, I'm glad they're not that short-sighted. :)14:50
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Utopiahwas about ~15people present14:54
UtopiahAFAIK TeleXLR8 events are usually <20 participants so far14:56
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kanzurer6520 :(16:31
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kanzuredbolser: bioinformatics.org used to have this huge wiki page on bioinfromatics covering a lot of topics.. do you know where it went?18:00
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kanzureguess i wanted this: [edit]18:21
kanzurebluh. http://www.bioinformatics.org/wiki/Bioinformatics_FAQ18:21
kanzureback when it was all on one page18:21
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kanzurehi genehacker 19:48
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RedeemerKanzure, any news of anyone else looking to room up?20:20
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kanzureRedeemer: nope :(20:33
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fitzsimkanzure: re: r8050 you're trying with svn-all-fast-export?20:40
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kanzurefitzsim: yes20:51
kanzurefitzsim: also it makes a full copy of the svn repo so i don't have to do this again20:51
kanzureExporting revision 9387     /branches/cad/avendor was copied from /trunk/cad/branches/avendor rev 938620:51
kanzure"cad-avendor" is not a known branch in repository "polosims.git"20:51
kanzure+++++++++++++++.Branch "cad-avendor" in repository "polosims.git" doesn't exist at revision 9387 -- did you resume from the wrong revision? 1 modifications from SVN /trunk/ to polosims.git/master 1125 modifications from SVN /branches/cad/avendor to polosims.git/cad-avendor done20:52
kanzure++Failed to write to process: Error writing to process20:52
kanzurereal    419m59.592s20:52
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fitzsimkanzure: does it handle sub-directories in tags and branches?20:54
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kanzurefitzsim: yes it's supposed to21:04
fitzsimyeah, from that failure message it looks like it names the cad/avendor branch "cad-avendor" which is good21:08
kanzurethat's from a custom rules file21:12
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fitzsimkanzure: for the branches/wware_jni_nd1/ rule I don't think you want the second path element21:19
kanzurewell, it's easily fiable21:20
kanzureboth by rerunning the rules on the svn repo21:21
kanzureor by later merging those wware_jni_nd1 branches together21:21
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fitzsimkanzure: in fact, wware_jni_nd1 looks like it is a standard one-level-deep branch name21:22
fitzsimkanzure: is Distribution a directory or always just a tag?21:22
kanzureDistribution is both a tag and a branch21:23
kanzurein the global namespace21:23
kanzureit also seems to be present quite often in various tags21:23
fitzsimkanzure: I mean, would someone have created a top-level Distribution directory in their SVN working directory, then committed it?21:23
kanzurei should probably ask mark21:23
fitzsimkanzure: I can't match the contents of wware_jni_nd1/Distribution with anything in trunk21:24
kanzure"/branches/wware_jni_nd1/" is a copy-with-history, auto-recursing 21:26
kanzure"/branches/wware_jni_nd1/Distribution/" rev 10115 did not match any rules; cannot continue21:26
fitzsimyeah, I don't understand Distribution yet21:28
fitzsimfor example: root/branches/Distribution/wware_abmacosx_20060130/autoBuild.py21:29
fitzsimis that "autoBuild.py in the top-level directory, on the Distribution-wware_abmacosx_20060130 branch"?21:29
kanzurehaha what? there's also weird things with names that look like branches under the branch "Distribution" ?21:30
kanzurefuck this21:31
fitzsimroot/branches/wware_jni_nd1/Distribution looks like "a Distribution directory in the top-level directory, on the wware_jni_nd1 branch"21:31
QuantumGchicken crimpys and coffee.. not as bad as I thought it would be21:32
kanzurefitzsim: yeah, otherwise i would expect Distribution to have a more creative name21:32
kanzurebut that doesn't explain why there's a branch called Distribution with folders that look an awful lot like branches21:32
fitzsimwas autoBuild.py an old file that was removed on the trunk at some point?21:35
kanzurewe could just ignore this wware_jni_nd1 thing21:35
fitzsimI think the Distribution is just overloaded to mean "top-level directory" in some places, and "branch namespace prefix" in other places21:36
fitzsimmatch /branches/wware_jni_nd1/21:37
fitzsim  repository polosims.git21:37
fitzsim  branch wware_jni_nd121:37
fitzsimend match21:37
kanzureyeah i'll try that21:38
fitzsimand I think your second rule is good, just checking...21:38
kanzurerunning the rules again.. (have to start from scratch each time)21:39
fitzsimninad_20070924_GGBC_experimental, ninad_20070924_GGBC_experimental_2 and ninad_20071211_selectMode_split look problematic21:41
kanzurecan you point me to those on http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/tree21:41
kanzurethe rules will rename that to cad-ninad_20070924_GGBC_experimental_221:44
fitzsimright, but it looks like it's actually a branch of a deeper sub-directory, whereas all the other branches (so far, still checking) contain a subset of the root directory21:44
fitzsimbranches/sim/* look fine too21:51
fitzsimkanzure: does svn-all-fast-export know that to tranform e.g. "branches/cad/bruce_070405/src" to "cad/src on the cad-bruce_070405 branch" in the git repository?21:53
fitzsimkanzure: in other words, does it understand that the src in "branches/cad/bruce_070405/src" is actually "cad/src", not "just src in the top-level directory"?21:54
kanzureno i think not21:55
kanzurebut i'm not sure if that's the case though?21:55
kanzurei mean, it makes sense, but i don't know if that's important21:56
fitzsimyeah, maybe you're right that it's not the case21:57
fitzsimI keep forgetting I'm looking at SVN repo implementation details21:58
kanzureso uh21:58
kanzurethere's a branch called "cad" there21:58
kanzureand it's basically still huge: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/log/?h=cad21:59
kanzureoops i should have linked to http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/tree/?h=cad21:59
fitzsimyeah, there shouldn't be a cad branch22:00
kanzurei think all of those should be separate branches right?22:00
fitzsimis nanoengineer-fixed the new-new repo?22:00
kanzurei.e. cad-wware_qt4_snapshot_20061229_3pm (the bottom one on that last link) should be a branch22:00
kanzurefeel free to clone it22:01
fitzsimyeah, that last link should be a branch, for example22:01
fitzsimit should appear in the drop-down at the top right of the cgit page22:01
kanzurethese branches are awful :(22:01
kanzurejrayhawk: :(22:03
fitzsimkanzure: ok, this is an improvement, because the branches are at least listed22:04
kanzureoh wait22:05
kanzurethese were tags originally http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer/tree/tags/cad/22:05
kanzureoh cad-intermediate_brink_of_A6_050815_before_povray_movie_commits is listed as a tag on http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/refs/22:05
kanzureso basically the "cad" branch can be deleted.. i think22:07
kanzurei think they might have committed to the "cad" branch even though it was mostly tags: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/log/?h=cad22:07
fitzsimcad-intermediate_brink_of_A6_050815_before_povray_movie_commits doesn't show up as a top-level directory22:07
kanzureit's a tag22:10
kanzureon http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/refs/22:11
fitzsimshouldn't it show up in the drop-down box?22:11
kanzuredrop-down box is branches22:11
fitzsimyeah, I see it there in refs22:11
kanzurethere's something like 200~ tags22:12
fitzsimso this is definitely an improvement22:12
kanzureoh woops22:13
fitzsimin that the branch and tag names are OK22:13
-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@75-168-97-236.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:13
fitzsimbut the branches aren't right yet22:14
fitzsimand I think that's because of more weirdness in the SVN repo22:14
kanzureno i screwed up and pushed to nanoengineer-fixed.git without first cleaning it out22:15
kanzureso Distribution shouldn't actually be there any more22:15
kanzureone sec22:15
fitzsimah, great22:15
fitzsimso that's one issue that will go away22:15
fitzsimkanzure: how did you get a password for polosims?22:16
fitzsimI could really use one so I could actually see ViewVC and play with SVN22:16
fitzsimright now I'm struggling with why the branches only show a subset of files, e.g. just the src directory for the most part22:16
kanzureok one sec22:17
fitzsimin ViewVC I would expect to see what would be the result of a checkout from that branch22:17
kanzurefitzsim: see pm22:17
kanzurefitzsim: new-new-new repo22:20
kanzurewhat's going on here? http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/log/?h=cad-MERI i do not like seeing "Moved remotely" in my commit messages..22:22
kanzureit suggests that i'm missing something important22:22
kanzureactually most of the branches have the "Moved remotely" commit message http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/refs/22:26
kanzurejrayhawk's alter ego says it's an artifact of svn not keeping track of how a branch is created, so it's to be expected/unfortunate22:30
fitzsimyeah, I'm trying to figure out the commit graph of the bruce_070405 branch in the original SVN repo22:30
fitzsim"Moved remotely" denotes a merge22:32
fitzsimfrom branch to HEAD22:32
fitzsimhehe "moved remotely" is sort of non-sensical as a phrase22:33
fitzsimwhy is this SVN repository repo formed like this, with these branch subsets?22:34
QuantumGby the sounds of it22:35
fitzsimkanzure: for example, compare: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/subversion/trunk/ to http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/subversion/branches/1.4.x/22:35
fitzsimthey both have the same file sets22:35
fitzsimbranches/1.4.x/ doesn't just show the different files22:35
kanzureplease realize that apache.org knows how to use svn22:36
kanzurer868379 hahah22:37
fitzsimok, so you think NE commiters were using the repo in a non-standard way22:38
QuantumG On April 11, 1954, absolutely nothing happened.22:39
fitzsim$ svn log GLPane.py |tail22:40
fitzsimr1029 | huaicai | 2005-02-08 22:21:40 -0500 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005) | 2 lines22:40
fitzsim 22:40
fitzsimUse OpenGL color logic xor operation to do rubber-band window drawing.22:40
fitzsim 22:40
fitzsimr976 | huaicai | 2005-02-01 13:21:00 -0500 (Tue, 01 Feb 2005) | 2 lines22:40
fitzsim 22:40
fitzsimRevert GLPane.py to 1.10322:40
fitzsim 22:40
kanzureyes i know22:40
fitzsim$ svn log GLPane.py |head22:40
fitzsimr9410 | polosims_svn | 2007-08-09 22:36:05 -0400 (Thu, 09 Aug 2007) | 1 line22:40
fitzsimMoved remotely22:40
fitzsim 22:40
fitzsimhow would they have done that, using svn commands?22:41
kanzurebasically they branched it / moved the file22:41
kanzureone sec22:41
kanzure22:43:29 omg/jblake: they probably just checked out the whole repo and renamed a bunch of branches with svn mv or similar22:43
kanzure22:43:53 omg/jblake: renaming a branch won't confuse svn but it won't survive the import into git22:44
kanzure22:44:32 omg/jblake: i'm guessing that "moved remotely" commit was just a whole bunch of branch renames22:44
fitzsimsounds about right22:46
fitzsimthough I'm not sure about the svn mv part22:46
fitzsimmaybe to start a branch they svn copy'd some files over22:46
kanzureunfortunately we can't be sure of that22:47
kanzureit might be true22:47
kanzureor they might have copied-then-edited then commited to the new branch22:47
fitzsimsvn copy trunk/cad/src/graphics/widgets/GLPane.py trunk/cad/src/graphics/behaviors/confirmation_corner.py trunk/cad/src/command_support/modes.py branches/bruce_070405/src22:48
kanzureand thanks to nanotechnology... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFoC-uxRqCg22:48
kanzurefitzsim: btw alot of the developers were using windows and tortoisesvn22:48
kanzureso there's another lawyer of possible screwups involved there22:48
fitzsimah, ok, good to know22:48
fitzsimthen do multiple commits in branches/bruce_070405/src22:49
fitzsimthen svn mv the files back to HEAD when don22:49
fitzsimjust speculating what the workflow would have been22:53
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fitzsimsvn copy trunk/[files subset] branches/<something>/src; multiple svn commit's on branch; svn mv branches/<something>/src/[files subset] trunk/[files subset]22:54
QuantumGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ-1lfammjk oh god, the bridge is so good22:54
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kanzureQuantumG: yeah i didn't know glory liu did another song22:54
kanzurei'm worried singinst.org will do one about ai22:55
kanzure"this week on sesame street eliezer yudkowsky guest stars with big bird"22:55
QuantumGone day smacking the side of my computer is not going to quiet down the fan.. I don't know what I will do on that day.22:57
jrayhawkwhite lithium grease22:58
fitzsimkanzure: how much scripting are you prepared to do?  I think reconstructing everything is doable but tedious22:58
kanzurei don't think it's worth it23:00
kanzureyou could attempt to convince me23:00
fitzsimwell, it would definitely be nice to have the entire commit history well-organized in a git repo23:03
fitzsimgrr, I wish they had at least maintained the file hierarchy on the branches23:03
kanzureyes but i'm not sure these branches are worth that?23:03
QuantumGthe only accurate measure of code quality: wtfs-per-second23:03
fitzsimbut they just flattened everything into src23:04
* mayko is away: theres a shyness found in reason23:04
fitzsimkanzure: having a complete history can be very useful in explaining why things as they are currently23:05
fitzsimkanzure: it would be one thing if the old SVN repo were still accessible somewhere23:05
fitzsimbut since the git repo will be "all we have" it would be a shame to completely get rid of that history23:06
kanzureshow me one of these branches that wasn't already integrated into HEAD23:07
fitzsimmaybe they're all merged into HEAD23:07
fitzsimbut the point is you lose all the individual branch diffs23:08
fitzsimhave you talked to Mark about getting a backup of the SVN repo?23:08
kanzureno not yet23:09
fitzsimif we had that on diyhpl.us then we could use git for all new development and the SVN repo for historical reference23:09
fitzsimthen we'd only have to convert trunk for the git repo23:10
fitzsimthat might be a nice halfway solution23:10
kanzurewhat do you mean we'd have to convert trunk?23:11
kanzuretrunk was merged into master23:12
fitzsimyeah, that's all I meant23:12
fitzsimyeah, it doesn't look possible to extract information from the SVN repository about these branches23:14
fitzsimtry: diff -r975:97623:15
fitzsimsvn diff -r975:97623:15
fitzsimthat's the commit that moved GLPane.py into branches/bruce_070405/src23:16
fitzsimso a conversion script would basically have to figure out these "branch points" then replay the commits into the git repository on that branch23:18
fitzsimthe last comment there suggests no one's figured out how to do this properly23:20
kanzureanywho we can just use my svn backup now23:23
epitronrawr legacy crap23:23
kanzureif you want that stored somewhere23:23
kanzureepitron: your mom is legacy23:23
kanzuresame thing23:24
epitronleg, i see.23:24
fitzsimkanzure: you mean your checkout?23:24
epitronis this that thing you guys were trying to put into git a long time ago?23:24
epitronthe one that shouldn't be in git?23:24
fitzsimkanzure: or do you have a backup of the server-side SVN repo?23:24
kanzurefitzsim: no not a checkout23:24
kanzureepitron: no that was reprap23:25
epitronah yes23:25
fitzsimkanzure: how hard would it be to host an anonymous SVN repo on diyhpl.us somewhere?23:26
fitzsimkanzure: wait, if you had a backup why were you pointing to the server for the git conversion?23:27
kanzuresvn-all-fast-export made a backup of the svn repo23:27
kanzurei'm not so sure about hosting an svn repo.. how about i just make it a tarball23:28
fitzsimsure, that works23:28
fitzsimdoes the svn-all-fast-export backup have complete history?23:28
kanzureit's basically the same as if mark would have given me a raw server dump23:28
kanzurenot svn co23:29
kanzureepitron: what are you doing in here anyway23:29
fitzsimhuh, I didn't know you could do that with an SVN server, I thought there would be info it would hold back23:29
kanzureepitron: what's up?23:29
kanzureepitron: lurk more23:29
fitzsimkanzure: yeah, a tarball of that is fine then23:29
kanzureor something :P23:29
kanzurefitzsim: okay.23:29
fitzsimkanzure: anyone who cares can download it and check the history on their own machine23:29
kanzuresounds good to me23:29
fitzsimkanzure: and new development can happen on the trunk -> git conversion23:30
kanzurefrankly a lot of these branches can just be deleted23:30
fitzsim(which will be a lot smaller too, another benefit)23:30
kanzurebut if they are going to be deleted i want those deletes to be in the git repo23:30
kanzurei am particularly interested in branches that have actual version strings23:31
kanzurefitzsim: do you think there's anything else i should do before i replace nanoengineer.git?23:32
fitzsimwait, what I was thinking is some option to svn-all-fast-export to just say "ignore branches and tags"23:33
fitzsimbecause the branches and tags it creates from this weird SVN history are essentially meaningless23:33
kanzurei'm ok with this being in the git history23:34
kanzureeven if in a few days we choose to delete some branches23:34
kanzurei'd especially like to ask mark about them23:34
fitzsimfor example, in the original repo, you can follow what went on on the branches/bruce_07040523:34
kanzurewell no23:34
fitzsimbut in the git repo conversion there's no commit history on that branch23:35
kanzureonly one thing went on there (creating a new branch)23:35
kanzurenothing was done after23:35
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fitzsimthat's what shows up in the git repo, just one src directory with some files in it23:36
nsh[cgi]scott aaronson: opinions?23:36
kanzurelook: https://polosims-svn.browse.cvsdude.com/polosims/branches/cad/bruce_070405/src/GLPane.py?view=log23:36
fitzsimbut try doing an svn checkout of branches/bruce_070405, cd to it, then do an svn log23:36
fitzsimand you see the commit history on that branch23:36
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kanzurensh[cgi]: i heard of him sometime in 2009.. didn't write anything down about him though :(23:36
QuantumGsoo.. hot23:36
kanzurefitzsim: yes i know but look closer23:37
kanzurefitzsim: the latest commit is r941023:37
QuantumGmight have to turn on the AC23:37
nsh[cgi]he's apparently proved interesting results on the strength of post-selected quantum systems in terms of complexity classes23:38
nsh[cgi]on the other hand, he has given talks on the same platform at eliezer23:38
kanzurefitzsim: the latest productive commit on branch bruce_070405 corresponds to 75ec8d5f8309a3be19fee192782dbaa1d89918ec23:38
kanzurefitzsim: and *then* r9410 which is where they created the branch23:39
kanzureso they never committed after creating the branch23:39
kanzuremeaning everything was done previously23:39
kanzurein fact, the diff from before it was a branch and to where it was a branch is nil23:39
kanzureif there was more than 4 files in src/ we could have turned bruce_070405 into a tag and deleted the branch in git23:41
kanzurebut it seems that someone just checked out some files and decided to make a new branch because the svn workflow is amazingly fucked up23:41
fitzsimkanzure: so in the SVN repo, is there any meaning to branches/bruce_070405/src ?23:44
fitzsimkanzure: when I run svn log in there, it prints the entire repository's entire log history23:45
fitzsimkanzure: how do I log just what happened on that branch?23:45
kanzurejrayhawk: you might know that off the top of your head?23:45
kanzurefitzsim: the meaning of bruce_070405 is something probably that only bruce knows.. or it's stuck in an email somewhere where he explains why it's important that bruce_070405 exists23:46
kanzurebtw there's a mailing list nanorex-all that was private to the developers23:46
kanzureif i can get my hands on those archives we're golden for a lot of things23:46
kanzure(i also need to deploy bugzilla next, or do something with that data)23:46
fitzsimbut bruce_070405 represents some line of development, that branched from mainline, did some commits, then merged back to mainline, right?23:47
fitzsimin the trunk -> git conversion we'll see the merge patch as a commit23:48
fitzsimand so the discussion is whether or not the intermediate commits that happened between the branch point and the merge commit can be thrown away23:49
jrayhawk"Logs follow copy history by default.  Use --stop-on-copy to disable this behavior, which can be useful for determining branchpoints."23:49
fitzsimfor bruce_070405/src, --stop-on-copy just prints one log message23:50
fitzsim"Moved remotely"23:51
kanzurefitzsim: nobody commited to bruce_070405 ever23:51
fitzsimdoes that mean this is a branchpoint with no subsequent commits on it?23:51
fitzsimok, weird23:51
fitzsimdo people generally delete SVN branches after they've been merged?23:52
fitzsimor will we see branches with branchpoints and merge points?23:52
QuantumGunless someone writes "merged from <branch>" in the commit message then you don't know there's been a merge23:53
QuantumGyou can guess from the rev numbers, that's all23:53
QuantumGbut if they merge and then keep committing on the branch, too bad23:53
QuantumGand people regularly do shit like merge a branch onto another branch and fix all the conflicts.. in one rev23:54
QuantumGmy personal favourite is that svn has no "uncommit" .. you can revert your changes and commit again, but that's not exactly the same thing23:55
fitzsimkanzure: ok, so bruce_070405 is an example of what you're talking about, where deleting the "branch" is essentially harmless23:56
kanzurewell, "mostly harmless"23:56
QuantumGso if you want to enforce a policy like: don't check in unless your code compiles, asshole.. then too bad, cause once they commit you can't get rid of that revision and maintain a pristine commit history.23:56
fitzsimlet me try to find a branch with actual development on it23:57
QuantumGwhereas if they're using git you can email them and say "hey asshole, your code doesn't compile, git uncommit"23:58
QuantumGof course, push and pull screws that anyway23:58
kanzurefitzsim: cad-ninad_20070924_GGBC_experimental, cad-ninad_20070924_GGBC_experimental_2, cad-ninad_20071211_selectMode_split23:58
QuantumGso yeah, it's a consistent problem and just slapping people is the only solution23:59
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