
--- Log opened Mon Nov 29 00:00:08 2010
fitzsimQuantumG: with git though you can pull to a Tinderbox branch without messing up your own branches00:00
fitzsimkanzure: svn log --stop-on-copy still only shows one log message00:02
kanzureoh hm00:02
kanzurefitzsim: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/log/?h=cad-ninad_20071211_selectMode_split00:03
fitzsimok, good example00:04
fitzsimthat one has multiple commits on the branch00:04
fitzsimand the converter got the history00:05
fitzsimbut it's still not first-class git history00:05
fitzsimsince it doesn't know the branch and merge points00:05
fitzsimso I'd be inclined to say that even though there is history on that branch, and even though it gets converted, it's not adding much historical value, versus looking at the SVN server backup00:06
kanzurei'm not sure it adds any value even in svn00:09
fitzsimit can, but you need to deduce the branch and merge points00:12
kanzureare you sure the stuff ever got merged in?00:12
fitzsimI didn't check that branch specifically00:25
RedeemerKanzure, when ya got a moment, not sure if ya replied, but any further info on the rooming situation this upcoming weekend?00:26
kanzureRedeemer: nope i've got nothing00:28
RedeemerWe'll just have to make sure we organize our arrival then at roughly the same time00:31
RedeemerThat way payment stuff is easier.00:31
fitzsimkanzure: anyway, discarding all SVN tags and branches could be an opportunity to make the repository smaller00:33
fitzsims/repository/git repository/00:33
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fitzsimkanzure: I meant discarding them during the conversion process so they don't show up in the git history at all01:08
jrayhawkthe way to make the repository smaller is to split it up and stop sticking everything in the same repository01:39
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kanzurearchels: http://spectrum.ieee.org/robotics/artificial-intelligence/moneta-a-mind-made-from-memristors/0#07:38
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kanzurean article on personalized genomics http://www.economist.com/node/16791936?story_id=1679193607:46
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archelskanzure: sseehh posted that a few days ago in ##agi07:52
archels< archels> sseehh: so basically they want to combine a self-modifying memristor CPU with evolutionary selection?07:53
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kanzurehmm i must be getting slow07:54
archelsHe never replied to that, and the article was tl;dr.07:55
JayDuggerSide effect of Thanksgiving dinner?07:55
archelsThat was the 24th... I don't even know when Thanksgiving is. 25th? Or the nearest weekend?07:56
kanzurehaha makerbot now has a retail store in brooklyn07:56
kanzurearchels: 25th07:57
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kanzurehi JayDugger 07:57
JayDuggerThanksgiving happened last Thursday.08:00
archelsRight, that might be it then. :)08:00
archelsI thought that putting nanoscale analog computational elements through an evolutionary process might yield some interesting results that go beyond present simulations.08:02
Utopiaharchels: might want to check FPGA networks by de Garis but he doesn't communicate often recently AFAIK08:03
Utopiahhe used them to run ANN08:03
kanzurehugo de garis?08:03
JayDuggerArtificial Neural Networks?08:04
kanzurei used to hear his name a lot.. i think associated with transhumanism08:04
kanzureJayDugger: yes08:04
JayDuggerYeah, he wrote a piece titled "The Artilect War."08:05
Utopiahhis Chinese website doesn't show anything08:05
JayDuggerNo..., I think I have that wrong.08:05
kanzureoh that's right.. he was the one who flew ben goertzel out to china08:05
archelsUtopiah: I know about his work, but those aren't analog, so arguably not as "evolvable".08:05
kanzureand got ben involved with the chinese government on opencog and xiaxen university08:05
UtopiahJayDugger: I think you have that right but I didn't read it, sounded too sci-fi for me08:08
kanzurenow if you'll excuse me i must memorize the LHC rap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEojtM08:09
kanzureit's actually a little basic :/08:10
JayDuggerHe did write a piece titled "The Artilect War," but that happened in 1999.08:10
JayDuggerCorrectly rejected, IMO, by " Literary agents say my book is 'fantastical, too polemical', and not suitable for publication."08:12
kanzureself-publication yo08:12
JayDuggerThat only solves the distribution problem, not the literary merit problem. :)08:13
Utopiahparadoxically enough I think I agree with the basic idea of an arm race using computing power and software to exploit it but I dont necessarly agree with the conclusion and the grandiose style08:14
Utopiahbut I didn't read it so :-#08:14
JayDuggerYeah, Stanislaw Lem did it better in "Imaginary Magnitude."08:14
kanzuresorry but we're too young to know about stanislaw lem08:14
JayDuggerPolish science-fiction writer.08:15
kanzureoh, *i* know him08:15
kanzurebut a surprising set of people don't08:15
Utopiah(Large Hadron Rap added to http://fabien.benetou.fr/Content/PiecesOfCulture#NerdMusic )08:18
kanzureUtopiah: try also these:08:19
kanzureBio Rad GTCA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bF2QalUj1Y08:19
kanzureUtopiah: http://thesoundsofscience.com/08:20
kanzureaka "glory liu"08:21
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.08:21
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Utopiahthanks, nice there is even an http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/07/sciencemusic/08:21
kanzurejohn cumbers is pretty funny in this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUZD8sj5c4w08:33
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kanzureleaf pigment chromatography http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THqmpLdUaBA10:47
kanzurefitzsim: try now http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/refs/11:05
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fitzsimReceiving objects: 100% (102101/102101), 401.13 MiB | 1.45 MiB/s, done.11:18
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kanzurefitzsim: well?11:22
kanzurehaha scripts to deal with cvs since otherwise it was too confusing http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer-fixed/commit/?id=cc790e66c19422919aac3b15963dbe755670d57611:31
fitzsimkanzure: examining the history with gitk --all11:37
fitzsimkanzure: looks like a huge improvement!11:37
kanzurecan you post a screenshot of some interest segment from gitk? 11:38
kanzurei haven't downloaded the git repo to my local box11:38
kanzure*some interesting segment11:39
kanzurehrm the first commits on 'master' are "Moved remotely" about 20 times11:42
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kanzurein the 'cad' branch commit 6102f7e37a5f3aed539e7ccc9352d8dc4a0d60fd (whatever tree that corresponds to) the README.txt file can be git-blame'd all the way back to 2005 commits12:14
kanzurebut in branch master stuff can only be traced back to 2007-08-10 because of a "Moved remotely" commit :(12:15
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kanzurehi sseehh 12:20
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sseehhhi kanzure12:21
fitzsimkanzure: this is looking really good so far12:26
fitzsimkanzure: try: git checkout remotes/origin/cad-ninad_20071211_selectMode_split12:26
fitzsimkanzure: I would expect "git diff" to output the diff between cad-ninad_20071211_selectMode_split HEAD and cad-ninad_20071211_selectMode_split HEAD's parent12:35
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fitzsimah, there we go: git diff remotes/origin/cad-ninad_20071211_selectMode_split^..remotes/origin/cad-ninad_20071211_selectMode_split12:37
fitzsimso it looks like SVN "private branches" -- which are the file-subset branches we were seeing -- show up in this new git repo as branches with no branch point and no merge point12:39
fitzsimwhich is correct12:39
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archelssseehh: yo12:53
sseehhhi archels12:55
archelsHey, what's up? How's the housing arrangement?12:56
fitzsimkanzure: looks like it converted branches/wware_jni_nd1 correctly13:01
kanzure2007-08-13 19:47 Mark Sims          My first SVN commit. Testing only. Ignorable commit.13:04
sseehharchels: n2m staying /w friends13:06
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archelssseehh: alright13:08
archelsCarlos there as well?13:08
sseehharchels: no carlos is in NYC13:08
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archelsah, I saw his latest video.13:09
fitzsimkanzure: looks like prior to August 10th, 2007 there were three separate directories, Distribution, cad and sim13:11
fitzsimkanzure: each with its own development line13:11
fitzsimkanzure: then on August 10th, 2007 Mark merged them all into one distribution on trunk13:11
fitzsimkanzure: and that's what all the "Moved remotely" messages are about13:12
fitzsimkanzure: you can see the movement of files13:12
fitzsime.g.: Addition to trunk (master in git repo):13:14
kanzureman, i'm having trouble keeping up with all of the activity at london-hack-space13:14
kanzurefitzsim: "all into one distribution" do you mean "one directory"13:15
fitzsimRemoval from Distribution (origin/Distribution in git repo):13:17
fitzsimkanzure: yeah, one directory in the SVN repo13:18
kanzurehm the timestamps are exactly the same13:18
fitzsimyeah, it was probably an atomic operation in the SVN server13:19
kanzurenice find13:20
fitzsimkanzure: I'm using gitg to visualize the history13:24
fitzsimand if you scroll down, before 2007-08-10, you can clearly see the three lines of development: Distribution, sim and cad, with "Distribution-" tags pointing to the Distribution development line, and likewise for "sim-" tags, sim devel line and "cad-" tags, cad devel line13:26
kanzurescroll down where?13:28
Utopiahhttp://dot-p2p.org Peer-2-Peer exchanged DNS data (not filesharing)13:29
kanzurefitzsim: do you mean scroll down in gitg?13:35
fitzsimkanzure: yeah13:35
fitzsimkanzure: and in the Branch: drop down, select "All branches"13:36
fitzsimkanzure: the only thing I can't find is the branchpoint for wware_jni_nd113:40
fitzsimI'm guessing it was branched before the big merge13:40
fitzsimbut then after the merge it seems to go in lock-step with master and then just ends at f5c6dfad798511fd689ed926fbe53e1f6fb6813413:41
fitzsimkanzure: prior to the big merge all branches (Distribution-, cad-, and sim-)  trace back to their initial independent revisions13:47
kanzure"initial independent revisions" what? shouldn't they trace back to trunk somewhere?13:48
fitzsimthere were initally 3 separate directories in the SVN repo13:49
fitzsimDistribution, cad and sim13:49
fitzsimand people would commit to either Distribution, cad or sim13:49
fitzsimI think there were three separate trunks13:50
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fitzsimDistribution, cad and sim13:50
fitzsimor something -- this is where SVN's repo namespaces get confusing, because what's a directory, what's a version?13:50
kanzurewell remember prior to 2007 it was cvs13:51
fitzsimok, then there were 3 separate CVS repos13:52
fitzsimlook right at the first commits13:52
kanzureare you sure they were separate repos? or just branches13:52
fitzsimI doubt they'd be branches in CVS since the filesets were mutually exclusive13:53
fitzsimbut it's not that important13:53
kanzureyou can have a branch that has a completely different set of files.13:54
fitzsimright, but then it doesn't make much sense as a branch, vs separate repos13:54
fitzsimif you look at the very first commits in gitk --all or gitg you can see three "Initial revision" messages, one for each of Distribution, cad and sim13:54
kanzureit makes sense as a branch if you want to keep the revision history for any of the files you're branching13:57
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kanzurewell anyway, it's fine keeping them as branches14:06
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fitzsimkanzure: the repo is fast now too14:10
fitzsimlooks like the emails are all right too14:10
fitzsimthey still point to @nanorex.com addresses, is that OK?14:11
kanzureyes it's what mark specified14:11
kanzurethe nanorex.com email addresses are properly configured to point to latest email accounts14:12
kanzurethe "Moved remotely" commits might be fixable14:12
fitzsimfixable how, I mean what would they look like fixed?14:13
kanzurethere are multiple sets of multiple commits with the same timestamp and the "Moved remotely" commit message14:13
kanzurethe fix would be something like editing those commits to make them branch merges or something14:13
kanzurefitzsim: if you want an example i suggest creating a dummy git repo and making branches/commits and merges out the gazoo14:14
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fitzsimkanzure: thing is, I don't think these "Moved remotely" messages are artifacts of the SVN to git conversion14:19
fitzsimI think they're a product of the CVS to SVN conversion14:21
kanzurecvs2svn always left commit messages identifying its handywork14:23
kanzureplus, cvs2svn used the "nobody" user- the "Moved remotely" messages seem to be mark sims14:23
fitzsimbut those commits actually happened in the SVN repo14:35
fitzsimI agree it's annoying that they disrupt e.g. blame history, but they actually happened14:35
fitzsimplus it seems like opening a can of worms trying to find merge points14:36
kanzurefinding merge points is easy: find two commits with different hashes, same commit messages, and the same timestamp14:36
fitzsimif you want though, we can try it out14:36
kanzureon different branches14:36
kanzure(that's an important one to add, heh)14:36
fitzsimyeah, ok, give it a try14:37
fitzsimthe idea is that all the named branches are the ones that were never merged, right?14:37
kanzurei don't see how that is relevant14:38
kanzurewhen you merge in a branch that doesn't mean you delete it14:38
fitzsimbecause in git named branches go away when they're merged14:38
fitzsimI mean branch names14:38
kanzureno they don't14:38
fitzsimI wonder how you get gitk to show branch names on merged branches14:39
kanzureyou mean "git merge xyz" (to merge xyz into your currently checked out branch)? that will not delete xyz14:39
fitzsimall it shows is the current heads as named branches14:39
sseehhwondering if there's potential connection between (automated) fab control software and http://www.ros.org/ Robot Operating System14:46
kanzuresseehh: what will you do if i say yes?14:46
sseehhask for a link14:47
QuantumGsseehh: all the fab stuff I've seen has been in making parts.. no-one in that community assembles anything with robots yet.14:47
kanzureso do you know about emc2, fabuntu, unix, or are you just dicking with me14:47
sseehhim wondering if ROS has been used w/ any fab systems that arent necessarily robots14:48
kanzurei don't know about ROS specifically14:48
sseehhill check out emc2 and fabuntu packages14:48
kanzurea lot of people just write their own code or use windows-specific proprietaryware14:48
Utopiahsseehh: like some "FactoryOS"?14:49
fitzsimkanzure: ok, the project I'm looking at must have a policy of deleting branch tags after the branch is merged14:53
sseehhbasicaly i was wondering whether "robot" control systems like ROS have been or are used as fabricator control systems14:53
kanzurefitzsim: "the project I'm looking at" something other than nanoengineer?14:53
kanzuresseehh: how much do you know about industrial automation14:53
kanzurezilch, a lot, ?14:54
sseehha little about CNC machines14:54
fitzsimkanzure: yeah, wanted to look at a standard git repo14:54
fitzsimkanzure: http://repo.or.cz/w/conkeror.git14:54
fitzsimkanzure: git branch -a lists 14 branches, but gitk --all shows many more that have been merged14:55
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kanzurefitzsim: try git branch -v and see if it prints out as many branches as you see in gitk --all15:01
kanzurefitzsim: also, gitk --all includes tags15:01
kanzuresseehh: yeah so there's a lot of automation stuff out there about machine vision, robotics, cnc, control, scada, etc.15:02
fitzsimkanzure: nope15:03
QuantumGgood luck finding an affordable robotic arm that can do anything practical though15:03
kanzureQuantumG: is "doing some extraordinarily specific task in a manufacturing/assembly line" something practical?15:04
QuantumGyes, and finding a robotic arm that can do that and you can afford is probably not all that likely either.15:04
QuantumGbut hey, maybe your budget is much bigger than mine15:05
sseehhkanzure: it seems that ROS is becoming a solid platform for robotics development. since there's a similarity between fab/CNC control and robotic manipulators i wondered about connections between the fields15:05
kanzureQuantumG: *shrug* it is http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/2010-05-28_puma500.jpg15:05
kanzuresseehh: i see. 15:05
QuantumGI saw that the first time you posted it.. got it to do anything yet? :)15:05
kanzureQuantumG: i got it to move15:07
kanzuredown the street.15:07
QuantumGto your house :)15:07
kanzurenah it's hopping facilities at the moment15:07
QuantumGpower it up sometime.. I'm sure there's a PhD thesis or 10 you can crib to make it play chess15:08
kanzureno that's more like an undergrad project15:08
QuantumGor masters15:08
QuantumGcan you detach that hand?15:09
QuantumGput a screw driver on it say?15:09
kanzurei'd have to make a custom fitting for the screw driver15:09
kanzurebut yes the hand is attached on (not welded or anything silly)15:10
QuantumGbe nice to see it take apart something and put it back together (now that's a fun vision project)15:10
kanzurehmm stuxnet person killed http://www.debka.com/article/20406/15:13
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fitzsimkanzure: btw, how did you make the big improvements in the history import?15:46
kanzureadded a rule for processing trunk/cad/branches/*15:46
kanzurewell trunk/(cad|sim|Distribution)/branches/*15:47
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fitzsimok, let me know when you're ready for me to test the "proper mergepoints" repo15:55
kanzurestill working on it15:56
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* ybit out16:05
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augurbluetooth headphones!16:20
auguri feel like a cyborg d#_#b16:21
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kanzurecommentary from peanut gallery: http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=10/11/29/211323118:39
kanzurethis sounds about right: http://tech.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1888364&cid=3438107218:44
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fennlots of machinist ebooks http://www.terrificshare.com/22:58
fennhmm most of these have password protection23:04
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fennbah it's some sort of russian scam, nevermind23:25
fennwell, most of them at least23:25
QuantumGyeah, looks like23:26
* fenn mumbles something about worldcat and interlibrary loan23:44
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