
--- Log opened Mon Dec 13 00:00:08 2010
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Utopiahare there more "serious games" like FoldIt or GalaxyZoo?00:59
Utopiah(and Phylo)01:00
joshcryerlol, the audio on this is cracking me the fuck up (cheap house made of pallets): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SLf3eSjXr401:02
joshcryerUtopiah, you named the only ones I know of01:04
joshcryergalaxy zoo is a chore for me though01:04
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Utopiahjust asked the twitter crowd01:10
superkuhThere's a coronal mass ejection identifying game.01:14
superkuhI think it was somewhat associated with GalaxyZoo, or at least modeled after it. I can't seem to find the URL, though.01:15
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dbolserkillall-9: you retract your question about dNTP?07:47
dbolsersorry kanzure ^^07:48
dbolserwon't those permanant magnts wear out?07:50
phrykI bet Aubrey de Grey is currently piss drunk because of this07:51
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kanzurephryk: if you fuck up telomeres in mice and then unfuck-up the telomeres then of couse they will improe in condition..08:33
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phrykkanzure: Well but they do fuck up in humans, too after some time, don't they?08:36
phrykyay snowstorm08:36
bdeskphryk: yes but the trick is to see if you can make the mice healthier than normal, not just healthier than fucked up08:37
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bdeski haven't read the paper, but my understaning of kanzure's comments is that they haven't shown this yet08:38
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kanzurebdesk: do you know anything about next-generation DNA synthesis techniques08:40
kanzurei can't believe everyone is still using solid phase oligonucleotide synthesis methods08:41
kanzure"On quick read it looks like they accelerated aging in the mice by knocking out telomerase and then reversed the accelerated aging by injecting/inducing telomerase.  The question is: Are these mice any better off than unaltered mice (true controls)?"08:45
kanzure"Indeed. On the face of it (and leaving the mitos out of it), this sounds like an incredibly silly "discovery". Build a car without wheels. You can't drive it anywhere. Put the wheels on. Look! A miracle! Now you can drive it!"08:45
kanzure"We published a paper last year showing that CR in mice (CR extends lifespan in this strain) substantially REDUCES telomerase expression (about 3-fold in liver, a proliferative tissue, http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0005242). This is further evidence that telomerase activity and telomere length are responsive to other aspects of biology and in most organisms (including humans) telomere length is probably a better 08:46
kanzure"However--and this is a major caveat--in theory, short telomeres can limit lifespan in some individuals because natural selection is weak in older age and telomere length is one of those parameters for which there is little or no selective pressure to get just right."08:46
kanzure"Therefore, the strong prediction is that telomere activation (either in healthy mice or humans) will increase mean and median lifespan by an amount that is difficult to predict, but it will not increase maximum lifespan--possibly even reducing it by increasing the risk of metastatic cancer in very old people who otherwise would have avoided it."08:46
kanzure"Therefore, I have the opposite view from DePinho's: I don't think young people should take telomerase activators unless they know they have an inordinately large fraction of short telomeres. It is relatively old people who probably have the greatest benefit to risk ratio, but these are just wild guesses from both of us."08:46
bdeskkanzure: sorry i don't know.  my coursework was too long ago and my research is too theoretical08:46
kanzure"The only way to know for sure is to collect telomere length and mortality data on animals (including people) with and without administration of telomerase activators."08:46
dbolserbdesk: yup, synth on slides or beads is currently the predominant method08:47
dbolsernot sure exactly how ion torrent works, but I think it's bead based synth first08:48
dbolserperhaps not though...08:48
dbolserkanzure: you have to bet they did that in mice bud didn't publish because it didn't work08:48
dbolserit's half the experiment they did do (by the sound of it)08:49
dbolseranyone linke the nature paper plz?08:49
kanzuredbolser: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature09603.html08:51
kanzuredbolser: know anyone who might know state-of-the-art in DNA synthesis?08:54
kanzurescrew this solid phase shit08:54
dbolserkanzure: there are three or four 'state of the art' 08:59
dbolserpacific biotech uses special wells08:59
dbolserwith dna pol embedded in the wells08:59
dbolsergoogle pacbio08:59
dbolserdam, can't remember the name of it09:01
dbolserthe other is cambridge nanopore09:01
bdesk4th gen viriosequencing09:01
dbolserion torrent call their stuff 'postlight'09:02
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dbolserthen 'life' have 'dna sequencing on the surface of a quantum dot'09:04
kanzureno i don't mean sequencing09:04
dbolsera single molecule dna sequencing technology has been built onot the surface of a #10 nm quantum dot nanocrystal...09:04
dbolserjust read your question again09:04
dbolserno, there is nothing09:04
dbolseryou need to get busy with your dnapol typewriter09:05
dbolserpatent a better dna synthesis method and dollars will beat a path to your door09:05
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kanzuredbolser: yeah, i dunno what good it is if you can read it but not write it09:14
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dbolserkanzure: its good, to begin with09:19
dbolserbut it's only half the story09:20
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kanzurelepht is pete.clark@gmail.com10:38
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kanzurehi jmil 11:42
kanzurewhat do you think about organovo?11:42
jmilhi brian! it's pretty cool technology11:43
jmilof course i think our strategy is better... but that remains to be seen =]11:43
kanzurewhat's the difference?11:43
jmilcan't talk about it just yet, but hopefully we'll get this paper out relatively soon (next few months). then i will be talking it up a bunch11:44
jmiltengeon (sp?) is also doing really awesome stuff11:44
kanzureis there anything that you can talk about?11:46
bdeskusing the lungs of chinese dissidents11:46
jmilbdesk: lol11:56
jmilkanzure: you mean in particular or in general?11:56
bdeskjmil: anything at all.  he just wants some dirt for his meetlog database.11:58
jmilmeetlog database?11:58
bdesksorry i'm just trolling now, i don't have anything useful to contribute to the discussion.12:00
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kanzurejmil: i just wanted to hear about tissue printing stuff :(12:07
jmilcool ya i love this topic12:07
jmilin general we are using a makerbot and a mendel to engineer large-scale 3D cellularized tissues12:07
jmili think we have the highest cell density reported so far12:07
jmilbut that's all i can really say12:08
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jmilhplusplus =]12:08
kanzuredo you have vascularization fixed/down12:09
jmildepends on how you define it, but ya12:13
kanzureso what can you say12:15
jmilthat's it =]12:16
kanzurethis is boring12:16
jmili'll be the first to tell you science is tedious and slow. but somehow i still love it.12:22
kanzurei don't see what that has to do with not having anything to talk about12:25
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jmilthe time from discovery to publication is very very long. if i could just do a blog post and get recognized as the developer of the technology that would be great. but the old guard of science only takes slow, tedious peer reviewed publications in long-standing journals. your entire career is based on this principle. so you have to delay talking about things until they get published in peer-reviewed journals if you want to be part of a12:35
jmilit's very unfortunate12:36
archelsjmil: Got any recent refs?12:40
archelsalso you got cut off at "if you want to be part of a"12:41
jmilif you want to be part of academia12:42
jmilit's very unfortunate12:42
jmilarchels: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~chenlab/pubs.html12:42
jmilnone of it covers the large scale 3d tissue culture yet, but most of the foundations are there12:43
archelsjmil: No arxiv preprints then? :P12:43
jmili don't get it12:44
archelsalso which of 100 publications do I want to read?12:44
jmilthere's only two of which i'm author, jordan miller12:50
jmili'm *an* author12:50
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kanzurearchels: yeah for some reason people don't understand arxiv13:02
jmilwill you explain it to me kanzure archels 13:07
kanzurehot damn http://transhumanistwiki.com/wiki/Polymerase13:10
kanzurejmil: arxiv is a preprint server that publishers are OK with users uploading preprints to13:10
jmilpeer reviewed?13:11
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kanzurejmil: no.. they are preprints13:24
jmiloh ya that wouldn't work for my field13:25
kanzurewhy not?13:26
QuantumGpublishing at a conference is the worst13:27
QuantumGAIAA for example13:27
QuantumGthey require you to declare that your work has not appeared in print before, and assign your copyright to them.13:28
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kanzuremost publishers do, but they are evil and will burn13:29
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kanzurejmil, what else is up15:25
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jmilkanzure: just assembling a thingomatic15:51
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kanzurehi klafka 16:57
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kanzurehi zeneth, wrldpc2 17:18
kanzurewrldpc2: n5517:18
kanzuresorry i couldn't remember last time17:18
wrldpc2n55 yeah!!17:19
kanzurezeneth: what brings you to these parts?17:21
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zenethi've come in order to kill bio-tech, it's a stain on humanity17:24
wrldpc2you sound suicidal17:27
kanzurewhat's your plan?17:27
wrldpc2that's a suicidal statement.17:27
wrldpc2also, you've misspelled zenith.17:27
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kanzurehi zeneth0 18:16
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kanzurejoshcryer: that sounds like an awful weight loss program19:13
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