
--- Log opened Thu Dec 16 00:00:08 2010
-!- nchaimov [~cowtown@c-71-59-157-3.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]00:10
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dbolseranyone know where genotypeing vs. disease datasets may be archived?01:21
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Utopiahstudy on neurofeedback http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.12.016 (rt-fMRI)01:44
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kanzureheh got a "how do i build muscle?" email from msimons@slackware.com to transhumanism.org04:39
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kanzurevia splicer: "FYI, the US presidential bioethics commission just released its report on synthetic biology"04:52
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JayDugger Good morning, everyone.06:02
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kanzurehi dyngnosis 07:02
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kanzure"synthetic biology does not need regulation now, panel says" http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/16/science/16synthetic.html07:44
kanzurehaha what? "In a letter to the commission and federal agencies -- signed by 58 organizations in 22 countries --  a coalition led by Friends of the Earth today renewed its call for a moratorium on synthetic biology experiments. "The Commission's recommendations fall short of what is necessary to protect the environment, workers' health, public health, and the public's right to know," the coalition said. "The time for precaution and the 07:46
kanzurei like how foe.org is "friends of earth".. you dirty foes07:46
kanzureaw also etcgroup.org? they even talked at the commission..07:47
kanzurelol the letter carbon copies Steve Chu and several other names 07:49
kanzure"the precautionary principle should guide synthetic biology regulation" haha07:50
kanzureis this a joke07:50
klafkapeople have such a frankenstein comple07:53
uniqanomaly_rather are retarded07:55
kanzuremax more needs to rise from the grave and whack them over the head with the proactionary principle cluestick07:56
kanzureit's not entirely without unprecedent07:56
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kanzureah here it is in nature news http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101216/full/news.2010.680.html08:07
-!- elmom [~elmom@hoasnet-fe29dd00-137.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]08:09
JayDuggerMax More as King Arthur, returning from Austin (Avalon) in the realm's time of greatest need?08:09
uniqanomaly_'58 environmental, public interest, and >>>religious<<< groups'   expressing any opinions unrelated to faith by relegious groups should be plain illegal ;>08:15
uniqanomaly_oh sorry, freedom of speech08:16
-!- elmom [~elmom@hoasnet-fe29dd00-137.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap08:19
kanzuresynthetic biology needs over-sight not over-regulation http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101216/full/news.2010.680.html08:55
kanzurealso more copies of that are on ny times, kurzweilai, wsj, sciam, etc: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F08:56
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-!- genehacker [~notanemai@cpe-70-112-176-113.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:08
kanzurehi genehacker 09:10
kanzurei have no idea what lee is up to here.. http://nanoengineers.blogspot.com/ lots of spam?09:14
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kanzurepg 136 of the report cites max more :) 09:32
kanzurewell, it quotes text from max more, but cites something else entirely09:32
kanzureit cites http://www.synbioproject.org/process/assets/files/6334/synbio3.pdf09:33
kanzuresynbio3.pdf cites max more.. but doesn't say "proactionary" directly, so i dunno how they found that quote in there09:33
genehackerwhat's this metal spray thing all about?09:34
kanzuregenehacker: http://www.metalspraysupplies.com/about/what-is-metal-spraying.htm09:34
genehackerother than the guy spraying metal on his hand09:34
kanzureQuantumG wants to metal spray on top of 3d printed parts for thin-walled metal components09:34
genehackerthat's cool09:35
genehackerjust what I thought09:35
genehackerhas he talked to #reprap about it09:36
genehackeror heck just make circuits with it09:37
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genehackerwhat sort of thin walled components?09:45
genehackerrocket nozzles?09:46
kanzureQuantumG: are you around09:49
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kanzure"I will be able to offer you a copy of "The Future of Aging" for $180 plus the actual cost of shipping to you.  That's $43 less than Amazon's 20% discount, which is the best price out there now ($223). Do you want a copy at this price?"12:04
kanzuregreg fahy's offer isn't too cheap :/12:04
uniqanomaly__viva la scarcity12:10
uniqanomaly__i mean in pre-singularity terms12:13
* Utopiah still doesnt believe in post-scarcity12:14
kanzurei think it should be renamed to post-currencies/post-moneyism12:15
kanzureor "money optionalism"12:15
kanzure"post-currency" just sounds weird :)12:15
uniqanomaly__Utopiah: you don't believe in artificial intelligence beneficent for all?12:23
kanzureLearning from hackerspaces, Opening up the maker community at November's DIY: Citizenship symposium in Toronto. Greg Smith reports. http://www.currentintelligence.net/columns/2010/12/14/learning-from-hackerspaces.html12:24
Utopiahuniqanomaly__: I believe that above "artificial intelligence beneficent for all" there is energy allocation and that post-scarcity means more energy that can be spend which seems impossible in a competitive environment 12:26
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kanzurehmm http://www.moreofit.com/similar-to/heybryan.org/Top_10_Sites_Like_Heybryan/12:42
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-!- Tyrant91101 [~tyrant@cpe-24-24-171-254.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:26
kanzurehi Tyrant91101 13:37
Tyrant91101hey bryan13:37
kanzurequite the username..13:38
Tyrant91101heh how so?13:38
kanzureso what brings you here?13:39
Tyrant91101im the one you gave the hplus ticket13:39
Tyrant91101from Socal diybio13:39
Tyrant91101i just saw this channel on your site13:39
Tyrant91101added it to my auto irc thingy13:39
kanzurehi alex13:39
kanzuresorry i haven't replied to your email yet13:40
kanzurebut i did hear about your business model from the grapevine13:40
kanzure"open source except for one vital component"13:40
Tyrant91101heh no problem, I haven't checked it yet13:40
Tyrant91101Ok that's troubling13:40
Tyrant91101well troubling and good at hte same time13:40
Tyrant91101but my business model is far more detailed than that at this point13:41
kanzurewhat i didn't hear was why you think it's a good idea13:41
kanzureokay yeah13:41
kanzureit's not a good idea13:41
kanzurealthough i didn't really hear anything except something about mass spec13:41
kanzureis that what this is?13:41
Tyrant91101why dont you think its a good idea?13:42
kanzurebecause if you're going to be proprietary/closed source, go all the way..13:42
Tyrant91101That won't work13:42
Tyrant91101It's much easier to get into the market pattenting something like a magnetic bearing or an electrode design13:43
kanzurewhy do you need a patent again?13:43
Tyrant91101by going closed source on the mass spec I will have to directly compete with the bigger companies13:43
Tyrant91101to make it financially viable13:43
kanzurebut if you're "open but actually close" then you're just pissing off your users, no?13:43
Tyrant91101not necessarily13:44
Tyrant91101say  Ibuild a turbomolecular pump (my first step)13:44
Tyrant91101I can make the magnetic bearings patented13:44
Tyrant91101while making the entire design for the turbomolecular pump totally open13:44
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Tyrant91101all the software, everything13:44
Tyrant91101EXCEPT for that one bearing13:44
kanzurewell; there are some options that you should be aware of like the open patent license, and other things like that13:44
kanzurebut i don't really see how a patent means you will have financial success13:45
Tyrant91101It's more likely to help13:45
genehackerhey speaking of turbomolecular pump magnetic bearing motors, what could I do with one instead of making a turbomolecular pump?13:45
Tyrant91101i'm not makign the motor, just the bearings13:45
kanzureTyrant91101: http://sciencecommons.org/projects/patent-licenses/13:45
Tyrant91101but they're used almost anywhere you need very high speeds and high loads13:46
Tyrant91101kanzure, I'll take a look, thank you13:46
genehackerwell I have the motor, the bearings, and a broken turbine13:46
Tyrant91101The bearings usually have to be tested and callibrated for each specific application13:46
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UtopiahEmerging Technologies and Factory Automation http://www.etfa-2011.org/14:31
Tyrant91101kanzure, what are other alternatives do you think there are to flat out patenting small portions of the project such as the bearings?14:42
kanzureTyrant91101: selling hardware14:48
kanzurealso the services/consulting model14:48
Tyrant91101selling hardware is already part of the plan14:49
Tyrant91101as for services/consulting, one of the biggest targets is those areas who cant afford consulting fees on top of the actual aparatus14:50
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delinquentmehey kanzure you around man?15:42
delinquentmehaha awesome!15:52
delinquentmeSO your thoughts... on bringing up the want to extend human life when im talking to researchers15:53
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kanzuredelinquentme: what?15:59
kanzurei have no idea what you just said15:59
delinquentmeim looking for your thoughts on the advantages / disadvantages of mentioning that im interested in human life extension16:00
delinquentmeas an outcome of this research16:00
kanzuremaybe briefly mention it and cite some paper on life extension by aubrey or one of the biogerontologists16:01
delinquentmeso you dont think it would "ruin my street cred" to say HEY im nuts enough to want something thats a bit further out than you guys16:02
kanzureif you properly cite it, you're good16:08
delinquentmeim headed back to my hosue .. see u kids in a bit!16:08
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kanzureDIY Biotech Hacker Space Opens in NYC http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/12/genspace-diy-science-laboratory/16:18
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:02
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kanzureupdated: http://bit.ly/diybionews17:28
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kanzurewhat's with google's reading level thing18:19
kanzurearxiv.org Advanced 99%18:19
fennit's over 9000!18:22
kanzurefenn! even18:22
fennhi. i've been boring and doing worky stuff too much18:23
kanzuredo you need a dose of reality18:23
kanzureare you now on gmail or what18:25
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fenngmail is in my return address because sdf doesn't let me send via imap18:35
fenni need some chunks of metal18:36
fennspent hours looking around online for scrapyards near/in SF18:36
genehackerchunks of metal for gingery stuff?18:38
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fenni still don't really get how techshop manages to completely fail... even noisebridge seems to be doing fine and they don't even have any sort of way to make money or even really any technical prowess with which to lure in nerds 18:52
* fenn is reading http://bbs.homeshopmachinist.net/showthread.php?t=39555&page=618:52
kanzurewell i bet noisebridge isn't paying a bunch of executives and CEOs18:53
fenntechshop sf has been 'about to open' right down the street for the last 6 months18:53
fenni wonder how many people they're going to piss off this time around18:54
kanzuredid you ever put up the aubrey/hope image on langton's walls?18:56
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JayDuggerGood night, everyone.19:10
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kanzurefenn: for your backlog http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/freitas_process.txt19:15
kanzureand http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer but i can't remember if i've spammed you with this yet19:15
QuantumGkanzure: on the freitas_process.txt can you add a Process section and put when parts were achieved?19:19
kanzure"when parts were achieved"?19:19
QuantumGwhen any of the steps you said19:19
kanzureguh that's a little hard for me to figure out19:20
kanzurefreitas does list certain experiments that have been completed19:20
QuantumGthus why I want you to fucking do it :)19:20
kanzureand certain theoretical studies and so on19:20
kanzurebut i don't know the mapping to this hierarchy19:20
delinquentmeAWESOME NEWS19:29
delinquentmeI've found god!19:29
delinquentmehes is playing a show tomorrow19:29
delinquentmein pittsburgh :D19:29
delinquentmeAND i will witness the second coming ^_^19:30
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kanzurewelp i killed fenn again21:18
kanzuregenspace announcement http://www.genspace.org/blog/?p=3221:18
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-!- QuantumG [~qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]23:43
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-!- QuantumG [~qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has joined #hplusroadmap23:55
--- Log closed Fri Dec 17 00:00:07 2010

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