
--- Log opened Sat Dec 25 00:00:04 2010
-!- strages [~strages@c-71-207-215-204.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:34
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kanzurevia jacob shiach.04:35
uniqanomalyyeah, memes are viral, lol04:37
fennsynergy strike force, "the Santa Surge took them by surprise!"04:51
-!- lambda280 [~lambda280@c-76-29-92-243.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:53
kanzurehi lambda28005:00
kanzurewhat is it with you people and 'memes'05:00
kanzureit's as if yuo think you've come up with the best idea ever05:01
uniqanomalynot really05:01
uniqanomalybut whatever05:01
uniqanomalymemes meme gone wild05:02
uniqanomalyit's just nice idea05:03
uniqanomalyi thought it was coined in 197605:04
joshcryerI think the current term was coined by Dawkin.05:10
joshcryerDawkins rther05:10
joshcryerrather rather05:10
uniqanomalyyes, it was, in 197605:10
kanzureyes so what? i just wanted to show the curve over the history of the web05:11
kanzuredawkins isn't as annoying about the word05:11
uniqanomalykanzure: i bet MEMES havent eaten his brain like my05:12
joshcryerHow is anyone being annoying about the word?05:12
uniqanomalyjoshcryer: it's those MEMES you know05:13
uniqanomalyok, no trolling05:13
uniqanomalykanzure: no offence05:13
uniqanomalyI haven't made it look overly dramatic have I?05:19
fenndawkins made me do it06:15
fennps this is neat http://ngrams.googlelabs.com/06:16
fennodd that there's a spike in ~1903 http://ngrams.googlelabs.com/graph?content=nano,+nanotech,+nanotechnology&year_start=1800&year_end=2000&corpus=0&smoothing=306:19
* fenn finishes reading the backlog and goes away06:21
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kanzurefenn: foresight institute claims that it is responsible for popularizing the word 'nanotechnology'07:18
kanzurei dunno how to verify this07:18
kanzurealthough the curves seem to match the launch of foresight institute07:19
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kanzure"Facebook, PayPal tycoon embraces sci-fi future" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/25/AR2010122501062.html09:49
kanzurehmm what is marcus wolhsen doing writing that?09:49
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kanzurehaha "Maybe that was a discovery blown out of proportion, but the finding that human brain synapses have more than two states seriously impacts the trajectory of the singularity. No?"10:24
kanzurei'm not sure why he thought a synapse had only two finite states10:24
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kanzurehas anyone been able to figure out who brian degger is or what his thing is10:37
kanzureevery time i've tried to talk with him he's been drunk beyond all belief10:37
-!- strages [~strages@c-71-207-215-204.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:54
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kanzurehi timschmidt11:33
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kanzurehi phryk12:08
phrykheya kanzure12:12
phrykwasn't i in this channel before?12:12
phrykmhh apparently not, but then how come i joined? o_O12:13
archelsOh no, have we lost our identity?12:14
kanzurephryk: #hplusroadmap now redirects to ##hplusroadmap12:24
phrykthat makes sense12:25
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has quit [Quit: leaving]13:04
metafireIs this the only (permanent) H+ IRC chatroom btw?13:17
-!- metafire [~quassel@pD9F88E5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]13:28
archelsno, there's #transhumanism on Dalnet, but sadly there isn't a great deal of activity.13:30
kanzureare there logs13:37
archelsI have my personal logs13:43
kanzurehttp://transhumanist.org/index.php~ not encouraging..13:44
kanzurearchels: i'd appreciate anything you've got13:44
archelsAny command-line ninjas want to give me the right grep invoke to eliminate joins/parts?13:46
kanzuregrep -V ^join13:58
kanzureor you could sed g/d those13:58
kanzuresed '/pattern/d'13:59
phrykpacking is way more fun when you are not tired as hell :(14:08
phrykdo i throw those rfid readers into my reporter back or into the seasack? questions my world is revolving around currently :/14:08
kanzureit's a packing optizing problem.. this is what years of tetris have been leading up to14:09
phryki got a seasack so i can just cram all the stuff in there and not care14:09
kanzurehm.. http://anthong.com/projects/reprap.html14:10
phrykYou are thinking about playing tetris with that thing, aren't you?14:10
phrykUh… WHy is that just an image?14:11
kanzurei have no idea14:11
kanzureit looks awful anyway14:11
phrykLast year the results of those things weren't quite… satisfactory14:12
phrykI'm hoping to see some new stuff in the next few days :)14:12
kanzurethat guy (anthong.com) wants to help on gitduino.com14:13
kanzurebut he's clearly not up to it14:13
phrykHow do you know that?14:14
-!- jennifer2 [~jennifer@70-36-134-54.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:15
phrykHave seen him do that before?14:15
phrykhi jennifer214:15
kanzurephryk: look at that web page14:15
kanzureit's a giant image14:15
kanzureand even the contents of the image sucks14:15
kanzuremaybe i'm just angry it took me 20sec to load that14:15
phrykyes it's an image…14:15
kanzureyes but it's an awful web design14:16
phrykbut seeing that theres an vimeo screenshot on there and no clickable areas, I'd say it's just a design…14:16
phryknot meant to be the actual page14:16
kanzurei know, it's meant to be an example of what he wants to make14:16
kanzurebut it sucks14:16
phrykif it is, then someone needs to shoot that guy14:16
kanzurethe vimeo thing is from the current reprap.org page i'm sure14:17
phrykthe text too, i think14:21
kanzurelondon hackspace, bugs' talk on biohacking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W5ZshwteUw14:26
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kanzure"At 150 WPM, notes Cook, the world's fastest typist was still only 10x faster than Stephen Hawking."14:57
phrykim going to sleep14:58
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delinquentmekanzure, you around ?? im looking for a bunch of freed nature research journals16:14
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kanzureso this is what philippe does? http://virtualoffices.e-spaces.com/philippevannedervelde.html16:16
kanzuredelinquentme: what do you need16:16
kanzureif you have a particular paper from nature you want, i probably have it16:16
kanzureunless it was published post-2008, in which case it might take me a while to get it (20min on this silly connection.. or give me a few hours to get back home)16:16
delinquentmekanzure, welll i was looking to nokogiri through them all and index them16:16
delinquentmespecifically the methods papers16:17
delinquentmewould you have them in plaintext?16:17
delinquentmeits a ruby app that scrapes .. but also searches16:18
delinquentme.. unless you'd happen to already have something like a "tag cloud" for these papers16:18
kanzurei do not have plaintext of any of that16:18
kanzurejust pdfs16:18
delinquentmethough there are a few pubmed ones which the PDf would be awesome16:19
delinquentmeany of those?16:19
kanzurewhich papers specifically do you want16:21
kanzureplease either give me the doi number or the link to the nature.com blocked-access page16:22
delinquentmekanzure,   14555960,  10393704,  3083280,  10706607,  16990385,  15256042, 15607432.16:25
delinquentmethose are pubmed #s16:25
kanzureok. well. bug me in either a few hours or tomorrow, when i'll be able to fetch those16:26
delinquentmei could email you links too16:26
delinquentmeif that would be easier16:26
kanzurethat would be.16:29
delinquentmeyou wanna PM me your email?16:30
delinquentmecool stuff kanzure ill shoot you that sometime tomorrow :D thanks a ton man16:36
-!- pasky_ [pasky@nikam-dmz.ms.mff.cuni.cz] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:38
kanzurehi pasky_16:39
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-76-125-247-186.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]16:41
-!- Noahj [~noa@] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:51
joshcryerLate to comment but the synapse statement = lawlz. It's called memristors. We will haz rudimentary rat brains in the next 5 years, if anything the singularity is pushed up a bit from Kurzweil's projection.16:54
joshcryer(Kurzweil assumes digital computing, not synapse computing.)16:55
kanzureif you are looking for "X computing" then why aren't you hyping up "quantum computing" and dwave?16:56
kanzure*or dwave16:56
-!- mheld [~mheld@pool-173-76-224-45.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:02
joshcryerHadn't heard of dwave before, but I am not too optimistic about quantum computers, as far as running systems I think memristors are ahead, and intelligence doesn't require BQP as far as we know (I also don't buy into the quantum soul concept one anti-AI guy used to spout, Penrose?).17:07
joshcryer(Yeah, Penrose. *shudder*)17:09
joshcryerJeri's A to Z of electronics, Ampre: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY2PJlbTsVg17:18
joshcryerSo much love for that gal.17:18
kanzure"as far as running systems" you might want to double check some of that17:20
joshcryerLet me know when you can print a quantum chip.17:27
kanzurewhat happened to pho0rque17:29
kanzurekinda dead http://hackermed.com/17:31
kanzurehm 'reason'/fightaging.org was on there http://hackermed.com/user/2017:32
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joshcryerSo, seasteading is so much more awesome now that I (late to the party) learn that black smokers are treasure troves of minerals.18:41
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Jappe2i come in peace20:19
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kanzuretimschmidt: so, skdb-related stuff20:38
kanzureor that long email thread going around20:38
timschmidtright.  minimal distribution20:38
kanzurei think sebastien got eager and wanted to bring everyone in ;)20:38
kanzurebut unfortunately i don't trust those other developers20:38
timschmidthe does that20:38
kanzurei mean look at what the fuck they did to reprap's svn repo20:38
kanzurerighto, so a minimal distribution of hardware packages20:39
kanzureas i was saying your stuff is gold for packaging :)20:39
timschmidtthe repsnapper repo was the same way, thankfully, all the original developers disappeared, so it was an easy thing to come up with a quorum decision to fix it.20:39
kanzure"HERE ARE THE SKEINFORGE FILES" *done*20:39
timschmidtlead me to a spec, and I will package20:39
kanzureok basically each package is just a git repo20:39
kanzurewith a metadata file that we were calling 'metadata.yaml'20:40
kanzurelet's see if i can find an example..20:40
kanzuresome of it has to be made up as you go because each project is somewhat different20:40
timschmidtright, an example file with all fields present would be nice20:40
kanzurebut the main things like author data and dependencies should be conserved across packages20:40
* kanzure looks20:40
kanzurefenn: where is this stuff20:40
kanzureoh here's the list of types of dependencies20:41
kanzuretimschmidt: here are some old example packages20:44
kanzurethere is no written spec so this is a rough sketch20:44
timschmidtso writing a spec is a good todo item20:45
kanzurebasically if you think of a better way to do something, you should do it20:45
kanzureand you should pester me or fenn to write a spec20:45
kanzureso, we were kind of mixing and matching standards here :/20:45
timschmidtfair enough.20:45
kanzureso in each package there's metadata.yaml but also xyz.py which had a model for manipulaton and computations based on the model20:46
kanzurethe primary interesting thing is the metadata about the package20:46
kanzurethis is an old spec that i ignroed:20:47
timschmidtI will check a metadata.yaml into the skeinosaur repo tonight20:47
timschmidtassuming I have the metadata done, what can today's skdb do for me with it?20:50
kanzuretimschmidt: well if you write lots of python classes and use the Part and Interface object from skdb/core/geom.py you can probably get it to tell you if two given skdb packages can connect together or not20:51
timschmidtthe whole point of me shoving some of my hardware projects into skdb is to exercise it a bit...  push the boundaries.  In other words, I'm asking what needs testing20:51
kanzureand then visualize how :P20:51
kanzurenote that this has very little to do with "apt-get"-like functionality20:51
kanzurei don't think we ever tested parsable inventory and checking whether or not you have all of the dependencies20:51
timschmidtthose would be features I would be very interested in20:52
kanzureso in other words, there's very little working right now20:52
kanzurebecause a lot of it is chicken-and-egg20:52
kanzurehowever! having gitduino.com very much eliminates part of the chicken and egg problem20:52
timschmidtas is always the case20:52
kanzurepresumably i could mandate or secretly add in metadata.yaml files for each repo on gitduino20:52
kanzurebut i'm not sure how to do this in a way that isn't lame yet20:53
timschmidtI see20:53
kanzurelike.. have the system commit a metadata file separate from the authors?20:53
kanzureor should it just not do this at all? since it's kinda invasive20:53
timschmidtIf it's to be done, I would do it immediately after repo creation, during the creation of a new project.20:53
kanzureyeah but what about people like you20:54
kanzurewho already have repos20:54
timschmidtmention it in the documentation?20:54
kanzurehaha disable their repo until they commit the file?20:54
kanzureor maybe i can just tell them to push -f to the repo with a metadata file already created for them20:54
timschmidtif skdb could reach inside my project's files, and produce a coherent BOM or the like, it would give me an immediately practical reason to use it20:57
timschmidtnote: that may be a complicated thing to do, with parameterized scad files20:58
kanzureyou mean inside your scad scripts?20:58
kanzuretimschmidt: i'm not interested in "making skdb useful", i'm interested in open source hardware packaging (which is, i would argue, useful)20:58
joshcryerusers can make incorrect metadata20:58
kanzuretimschmidt: yeah i wouldn't trust your variable names or anyone else's in scad files20:59
timschmidtand I sympathize with the "making skdb useful" sentiment.  I'm just thinking of excuses to get me running it regularly20:59
kanzureoh, none- the utility is like zero if there's nobody else actively using it21:00
kanzure"none" was "there are no excuses to use it regularly"21:01
kanzuregitduino might be able to change some of this21:01
kanzureand the reprap.org opportunity is super important21:01
kanzurealthough those other guys all seem to want to install semantic mediawiki and mediawiki-svn plugins21:01
kanzurewhich scares the crap out of me21:01
kanzureyes, it takes 5min to install a mediawiki plugin.. but uh.21:01
timschmidtmediawiki-svn would have me projectile vomiting onto the -dev mailing list21:02
kanzureanyway, on to more productive things- i dunno how to enforce a namespace for packages/hardware in dependencies when those packages don't exist yet (i.e., "average hammer")21:02
kanzurepresently in metadata.yaml there's just a list of dependencies via unix name for the packages required21:02
timschmidtstupid answer?  start packaging things like average hammers.21:03
kanzurewhere does that namespace come from?21:03
kanzurei mean how do i make that21:03
timschmidtmake one up and use it until it's clear it doesn't work any longer?21:03
kanzurei can't possibly package *everything* because i just don't have enough time to write up CAD scripts for all that wonderful stuff21:03
kanzureso i think there has to be ghost/virtual/reference packages or something that don't actually work.. or something21:03
kanzurebut then that defeats the whole purpose by poisoning the index21:04
timschmidtright.  so someone needs to start packaging simple stuff21:04
timschmidtis there a list somewhere?  wanted: these items21:04
kanzureis there a list.. yes actually21:05
kanzurethis crap:21:05
kanzurealso this stuff:21:05
kanzureand this:21:06
timschmidtok, that's a start21:06
timschmidtnow, what would your dream package look like?21:06
timschmidtobviously a fully fleshed out metadata.yaml21:06
kanzurealso parsable instructions so i can have virtual agents run through the steps individually21:07
kanzureunit tests21:07
kanzureextra code or wrapper software so i can manipulate the object, i.e. parametrically or check whether or not its interfaces are compatible with some other object21:08
timschmidtok, I'll assume that at least some of that is already working with a few examples somewhere, but there's probably no documentation other than the code eh?21:09
kanzurei haven't figured out how to do some of that :)21:10
kanzurelike parsable instructions is really, really hard21:10
kanzureparametric stuff is hard when people only give you fucken STL21:10
* timschmidt says fuck them21:10
kanzurethere's also lots of units being used in those skdb example packages i showed you21:10
timschmidta line has to be drawn somewhere21:10
kanzurepractically, it's useful for checking whether or not two interfaces are dimensionally compatible21:11
kanzureor whether or not some force or pressure is within tolerance, etc.21:11
kanzureof course this is just a simple model of "within tolerance".. i.e. overlapping ranges..21:11
kanzuremy former advisor (matt campbell) had a student once doing a probabilistic model of interface matching21:12
kanzurebut it needed more work before use in this context.21:12
kanzure(more, ah, conceptual work)21:12
timschmidtSo let me ask this...  I think there's utility to be had from even the simplest (and stupidest) implementation of the ideas here.  Not much more than packager-filled-out-metadata and doxygen-style file mining abused for dependencies, BOM, grabbing the right versions of things, and not much more.21:14
timschmidtSo...  would you be opposed to working toward an skdb v0.1 proof-of-concept set of packages?21:15
kanzurei feel kind of stupid for not saying BOM at least once tonight so far21:15
timschmidtthat do, perhaps 0.1% of what real-skdb _should_ do?21:15
timschmidtit'd give you some eggs to start hatching21:16
kanzuregitduino, hardware package spec, or small set of packages?21:16
kanzurei should note that there's a few packages there in that link (above) to that old tree of skdb.git21:16
kanzurethere's also a few thousand that i imported from thingiverse21:16
timschmidtsmall set of packages - proof of concept - so we have some practical experience to start creation of a v0.1 package spec21:17
kanzure(but those thingiverse-downloaded packages are not online or easily accessible via the web at the moment)21:17
kanzuresounds reasonable to me :)21:17
timschmidtthere's some very useful stuff already in MCAD21:18
kanzurelinkz & notes plz21:18
timschmidtvarious size NEMA motors, bearings, bolts and screws, etc.21:18
kanzureelmom: hi!21:19
timschmidtfairly obvious...  screw.scad, motors.scad, etc.21:19
kanzurehrm i should be working on lolcad too21:21
timschmidtobviously, the apt-getting of stuff is a small part of skdb, but it's necessary groundwork.  Have you talked to anyone with RPM / apt hacking experience?21:21
kanzurethey usually say "oh hmm we should think more about architecture for you" and then don't21:21
kanzurejrayhawk: *ahem*21:21
kanzurei think apt-get should be the central focus21:22
jrayhawkwho what with the what now21:22
kanzurethe point is that: you don't have this hardware21:22
timschmidtI'm thinking particularly because MCAD can provide a LOT of basic items to satisfy dependencies - all in one package.  many-to-one and one-to-many relationships are often skipped over when thinking about dependency resolution21:22
kanzureand: i want to have this hardware21:22
jrayhawkI'LL ARCHITECT YOU21:23
kanzurefenn: where are you21:23
jrayhawkdo you have a plan written down about gitduino yet somewhere21:24
timschmidtrpm and apt already have this shit figured out.  we need to steal their code21:24
kanzurejrayhawk: no, what would be in this plan?21:24
kanzurejrayhawk: i do have plans but i don't know what you want to hear21:24
kanzuretimschmidt: no not really21:24
kanzuretimschmidt: apt is way, way too built into debian21:24
kanzureand not really abstracted from this21:24
jrayhawklike things i can potentially contribute to21:24
kanzureand graph theory for dependency resolution is simple21:24
kanzurejrayhawk: oh, uhh21:25
timschmidtkanzure: if you say so21:25
kanzuretimschmidt: well i've checked :/21:25
kanzureit's kinda my job but i might be wrong21:25
kanzurethere was this nice abstracted package manager i saw at one point21:25
kanzurejrayhawk: i hope you don't hate me for using django on top of piny21:25
jrayhawkmaybe a little21:25
kanzurebut you already hated me a little so it's cool21:26
kanzureactually my next todo item for today/tomorrow is images/rendering on post-update hooks on server-side21:26
kanzurebut no i have no lengthy document at the moment with little items for things that need to be done21:26
timschmidtkanzure: let me ask you this: if I have a folder full of skdb packages (what does that mean?  git repos with metadata.yamls, but can they be wrapped in archive files?), and in this imaginary world, the packages make sense, can I ask skdb to grab me all the packages I need for X and it will dump them in another folder somewhere else?21:27
kanzureby coincidence, timschmidt, there's a todo list innnnnn skdb.ggggit somewherreeee21:27
jrayhawkoh god he's slurring words21:27
kanzuretimschmidt: i'd prrfer  them to not be wrappped  in archivee files  unless they  are beeing immmediaately mooved :/21:28
kanzuretimschmidt: i think it waas doinng dependency resolution andd fetching  at onee pointt but the python is really simple for that (it was soemthing like 10 lines) so it's easy to eyeball whether or not that's there in clients/ under skdb.git21:28
kanzureit's been like six or seven months since i've touched this codebase21:29
kanzurere-implementing the client might be nice at some point.. since it's not too spectacular at the moment21:29
timschmidtdependency resolution and fetching are required for me to start packaging simple stuff :P21:29
kanzurebut if there are no packages how could that be?21:29
timschmidtI need to test the packages I make somehow21:29
kanzureoh sure.21:29
timschmidtideally that would be by munging them with skdb21:30
timschmidtin ways that resemble things you might normally do with packages21:30
timschmidtlike resolving dependencies21:30
timschmidtand fetching :P21:30
kanzuretimschmidt: i'm going to fall asleep soon21:30
kanzurei think you should give me a list of 10 things you'd like to package, especially things with scad scripts out there already21:31
timschmidtcan do21:31
kanzurealso you should include in this email a complaint about there not being a useful package resolver or apt-get-like-fetcher-utility21:31
kanzureand then finally the suggestion that we writeup this experience into a spec in the end21:31
kanzureplease email kanzure@gmail.com, fenn@sdf.lonestar.org, openmanufacturing@googlegroups.com21:32
kanzurejrayhawk: do you want in on that21:32
kanzureon that email i mean21:32
kanzuretimschmidt: i know it's weird for me to ask for an email about this21:32
kanzurebut i'm probably drunk from the honey on the ham i ate tonight21:32
timschmidtno problem.  it's easier to keep track of21:32
jrayhawkWe should have a mailing list for this21:32
kanzurejrayhawk: openmanufacturing is sort of that mailing list, but it's a catch-all21:32
kanzurethere's also reprap-users, reprap-dev, library-gnomes (reprap.org)21:32
kanzuredo i need a new one?21:32
kanzure(there's also a list for thingiverse, but they are uninterested in skdb-related-things)21:33
jrayhawkProbably. The only semi-useful mailing list system I have under me at the moment is rather spam-prone, so I don't really have a way out yet.21:33
jrayhawkHopefully I'll be able to get something up once we get new hardware in21:33
kanzureeveryone just sets up google groups these days :/21:33
kanzuresince nobody can run mail servers that actually get paaast gmail spam filtters21:34
kanzure(wta-ttalk@@transhuumanissm.org,   huumanitty+'s main mailing list, regularly is blocked from everything, so half of the members don't get discussion, or something)21:34
kanzureblah keyboard21:34
kanzurejrayhawk: speaking of which i dunno if you ever poked aruond nanoengineer-dev (on google groups) for nanoengineer.git hosted on gnusha21:41
kanzuresupposedly i'm either putting bugzilla up on gnusha or converting the old bugzilla db to something sane21:41
kanzurei dunno what to do about that stuff so advice would be hot21:41
kanzurejules seems very opposed to bugzilla, and based on my experiences with bugzilla 1.x he's probably right21:42
timschmidtno chance of infiltrating the bugs everywhere dev team and imposing stable releases?21:42
kanzurethe maintainer/project lead seemed fairly receptive to my email inquiries21:44
kanzureum. it's possible, i think21:44
kanzuremuch much easier than infiltrating reprap to do anything useful21:44
timschmidtI feel your pain21:44
kanzuretimschmidt: did you end up calling your place.. hacksmiths?21:46
kanzurei forget21:46
timschmidtyes, though I'm no longer in Grand Rapids - just outside of lansing now.  hacksmiths is being managed by a friend21:46
timschmidtI moved a little less than a year ago21:48
jrayhawkI dunno, I'm partial to Ikiwiki+rss2email21:51
jrayhawkplus http://piny.be/piny-code/docs/issues/21:56
timschmidtkanzure: consider yourself mailed22:01
kanzurei see it, thank you22:02
kanzurethank you for filing a complaint, your issue will be processed in the order in which it was received :P22:02
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