
--- Log opened Sun Dec 26 00:00:04 2010
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@lucia.q-ag.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:22
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kanzuretimschmidt: wire edm post: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_thread/thread/affcd3e8ac2750fe08:00
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delinquentmeanyone here done anything with robotic arms ??10:03
kanzuredelinquentme: sure.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/2010-05-28_puma500.jpg is mine10:22
-!- itdnhr [~root@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:25
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kanzurehi itdnhr, jmil10:30
* itdnhr waves at kanzure 10:33
kanzuretimschmidt: you around?10:33
kanzureitdnhr: tim is wanting to do some welding-via-reprap10:33
kanzureactually i should be talking about phreedom, he was the one doing wire edm in here before10:34
kanzurephreedom: ping?10:35
jmilhey kanzure10:35
kanzurehowdy jmil10:35
phreedomkanzure: pong...10:37
kanzurephreedom: how's that edm machine :P10:38
itdnhrphreedom: Wire EDM via pulsed discharge from supercaps sound interesting?10:38
phreedomyou don't really need any super caps10:38
kanzurejmil: anything new? did your paper get published10:38
phreedomregular ones will do :)10:38
phreedomkanzure: I'm out of free time now :(10:39
phreedomhw stuff has to wait10:39
itdnhrthere's a project similar to what I'm talking about in the hackaday archives, but the guy who did it is using a PIC, a custom PSU, etc, compared to an arduino mega and computer PSU - 'standard' fair.10:39
itdnhrphreedom: I happen to have a set of 35F/2.5v supercaps with 5mOhm internal resistance10:39
phreedomI don't think I ever encountered an edm tool that used 2v10:41
delinquentmekanzure, its cute.. what do you use it for?10:41
itdnhrI have seven of them; planning on using a 5F/12V bank10:41
itdnhr2v should theoretically work, but would require a prohibitively large level of accuracy; not a whole lot of wiggle room between your business end and metal10:42
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:46
kanzuredelinquentme: it's a giant lamp rack right now10:48
delinquentmehaha gotya10:49
kanzurelamp rack. what? i meant coat rack or lamp stand10:49
kanzuredbolser: bio.cc is still down10:50
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kanzurejrayhawk: supposedly i'm doing post-update image generation scripts today11:03
kanzurei have some stuff in skdb.git like iges2png and step2png11:03
kanzureplus stl2pov (and i'll need to write openscad-to-stl-to-pov as a quick wrapper)11:04
kanzureiges2png works by using opencascade to convert from IGES to STL11:04
kanzureopencascade uses opengl for visualization but it seems to require xorg to be running11:04
kanzurei was wondering if you have any hints on how i could molest it to run headless and still let opengl do its thing11:05
kanzureopencascade's "save a png of the object" function is literally "take a screenshot of the active xorg session"11:05
kanzureso if you have windows in front of the opencascade viewport, those windows will be present in the screenshot11:05
kanzurei should note that the opencascade developers are.. awful11:06
g4kkanzure: what's an iges file?11:10
kanzureit's a lot like STEP (ISO 10303-21) except without useful descriptors or words in the file format >:o11:11
kanzureit's a solid geometry file format for specify surfaces and boundaries of a 3D object11:11
kanzure(both STEP and IGES fit this description)11:11
kanzurehowever, neither of these are parametric file formats :/11:11
kanzurewhich reminds me.. someone should bug me to release my notes on the solidworks file format. i've made some progress in reverse engineering it but i haven't put the notes anywhere usefl11:12
kanzurerest of the wire edm conversation from above is over here:11:14
kanzurein case anyone is actually trying to follow this :x11:14
g4kare you caffeinated, kanzure ?11:15
g4kor perhaps manic11:15
g4kcomparatively, which is easier as a first project: gel electrophoresis, or flow cytometry?11:17
kanzurei'd like to be manic but i don't think i am11:17
kanzurei just abuse nootropics or something11:17
g4kyeah, isn't caffeine considered a nootropic?11:17
g4kor is it just an anxiolytic now ;p11:17
kanzuresure, but i'm actually on adderall11:17
g4kah, np then buddy11:18
g4kno problem*11:18
kanzurethat's not what i was.. nvm11:18
g4kanyway, let me abuse that hyperactive brain of yours for a minute11:18
g4kgel electrophoresis or flow cytometry?11:18
kanzurei'm still trying to decide11:18
kanzurewould you be building your own power supply for gel electrophoresis?11:19
kanzurei.e. http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio:Notebook/Open_Gel_Box_2.011:20
kanzurei.e. http://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/archives/30311:20
g4kthis guy is using 8 9v batteries11:20
kanzureg4k: and you know about the hand-based methods too? i.e. water bath setup11:21
kanzurei guess a water bath setup is "technically" easier in the sense that you don't have to build much11:21
kanzurewhat the hell. sorry, i was assuming you were doing PCR11:21
kanzurei'm going away now that i've disgraced myself. i'll brb if you leave any questions11:22
kanzureg4k: gel electrophoresis, especially if you want community help/assistance/troubleshooting.11:22
kanzurei mean.. in terms of quantity of available help ;) not in terms of "we won't help you" :)11:25
g4ki know11:26
g4ksounds fun :)11:27
-!- JaredWigmore is now known as JaredW11:29
g4kkanzure: thank you for pointing out openwetware.org, holy grail man11:38
kanzuretheir registration process is a little fucked up11:51
delinquentmeg4k, you're a researcher?11:53
delinquentmeand kanzure you were sending him to a gel electrophoresis help forum?11:54
kanzurei showed him some power supply schematics11:54
kanzureg4k: i help maintain the diybio faq on openwetware.. i.e. http://bit.ly/diybionews which might be interesting if you're into hype11:57
archels1.5kV @ 1mA? Maybe you can hack the HV PSU from an old laser printer.11:59
g4kdelinquentme: not exactly, i'm a guy looking for stuff for our hackerspace to do12:09
delinquentmeg4k, wheres ur hakerspace:D?12:10
g4kOrlando, FL12:15
g4kgoing to buy a television too large for my room, bbl!12:16
delinquentmehttp://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/archives/318 with something like this ... does it matter what language you hack it with .. just so long as its a core language?12:19
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jrayhawkI would suggest making a plugin to ikiwiki for rendering various file formats as images.14:10
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jrayhawklike the functionality of (Ikiwiki/plugins/teximg.pm|Ikiwiki/plugins/graphviz.pm) plus Ikiwiki/plugins/autoindex.pm14:12
timschmidtkanzure: am now14:24
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timschmidtam leaving now, will be back in a few hours14:42
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delinquentmekanzure, if my teeth are messed up .. du have any cheap ways of hacking oral inserts to fix them15:15
delinquentmeim tripping out over it that for invisalign they want 3 grand15:18
delinquentmeF that15:18
delinquentmetheres gotta be a cheaper way15:18
delinquentmeand its like MINIMAL movement like after i get wisdom teeth yanked .. one tooth needs move liked 3 mm15:19
-!- timschmidt [~tim@68-188-226-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:03
delinquentmeso the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gel_electrophoresis  .... at the bottom of the page .. is that a fairly comprehensive list of methods to study proteins?18:38
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delinquentmekanzure, i dont need all of those but a few would be outstanding20:48
kanzurei am not here at the moment20:56
kanzurenew cnczone subforum http://www.cnczone.com/forums/3d_printers/22:31
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--- Log closed Mon Dec 27 00:00:04 2010

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