
--- Log opened Fri Dec 31 00:00:04 2010
jrayhawkre: all of these images rendered for each revision of a repo: oh, you're actually planning on keeping the old ones?00:21
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@pD9E2F37C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:36
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Jappe2why was the channel relocated?01:33
joshcryerSo we can have /topic and other channel mode features.01:41
joshcryerAnd (my opinion) opper was too lazy to type /cs op #hplusroadmap kanzure01:42
Jappe2ok. my dog is dead but thanks01:43
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-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:47
Lukas_Good morning05:47
JayDuggerGood morning, Lukas.05:48
JayDuggerContemplating your New Year's resolutions?05:48
Lukas_to actually get things (H+ realted) done05:50
Lukas_I like to speculate, but you don't get things done doing that05:50
JayDuggerAn excellent point.05:51
JayDuggerI suggest you write them down and post them where you can often review them.05:51
-!- jm|space [~jm@p57B9BAF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:51
JayDuggerGoogle Docs worked for me.05:51
Lukas_that is a good idea05:52
Lukas_right now I am just compiling free scientific journals for future reference05:53
Lukas_I am currently looking into adeno-associated viruses05:53
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JayDuggerIf you don't have a document management system more sophisticated than a directory-naming scheme, perhaps setting one up and consistently using it would make a good resolution for 2011.05:54
Lukas_I've also got learning how to program on the list05:55
Lukas_which should be interesting, as I've never touched any sort of programing before05:56
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-!- phreedom [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:15
Lukas_Good morning phreedom06:19
phreedomLukas_: hi :)06:19
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Lukas_Good morning uniqanomaly06:29
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JayDuggerGood morning, augur.07:13
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kanzurejrayhawk: yes all old images have to be kept08:54
JayDuggerHave the ifixit repair guides come up in discussion?08:56
kanzure*shrug* i wasn't impressed. mac cowell was the one who first showed me.08:57
JayDuggerI'll check the logs at leisure, then.08:57
kanzurerussian cosmonaut AMA http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/etu2s/i_was_born_in_shchigry_ru_in_1932_i_worked_as_a/08:57
kanzureah fuck08:59
kanzurelepht is in wired?08:59
JayDuggerAnd with comments of quality on par with YouTube.09:02
kanzurei've said it before and i'll say it again:09:02
kanzure23:15 < kanzure> lepht is a bumbling moron who has a sick masochist need to cut herself and subsequently store subcutaneous shit09:02
kanzurehaving said that, at least she/he knows about northpaw09:02
kanzurealso i'm pretty sure it's pete.clark@gmail.com09:03
JayDuggerI'd take her claims more seriously with another voice claiming success.09:05
JayDuggerI'd like to have the ability to directly sense electric fields, but not to the extent of slicing open my fingers.09:07
JayDuggerThat seems crude, and the article communicates a tone of self-mutilation.09:08
-!- Noahj [~noa@] has left ##hplusroadmap []09:14
kanzurewell not only that, but lepht doesn't seem to understand good wireless implant design principles09:15
kanzurehur dur "just put in some batteries, we can always cut it out again"09:15
JayDuggerRight. "First, do no harm" isn't all earwash.09:28
jrayhawkAh, rendering all revisions would be clumsily difficult with Ikiwiki.09:49
jrayhawki mean, you could get it to work by never deleting old copies, but it'd be impossible to rebuild from scratch in anything other than a horribly painful way.09:51
jrayhawkand ikiwiki is update-oriented rather than commit-oriented anyway.09:51
-!- metafire [~quassel@pD9F89C38.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:04
kanzurejrayhawk: what about old compiled stuff? where do i store those pages so i don't have to recompile everything when a user wants to see an older version?10:09
jrayhawkWell, with the transient underlay, you'd just use a portion of the commit string as part of the file namespace and never delete stuff10:14
jrayhawkerrr commit id10:14
kanzurehrm. so when someone dumps a new git repo into the system i'll have to generate all of the old stuff before i let them loose on the content10:14
jrayhawkYeah, it's not a good idea to get Ikiwiki to do this.10:15
jrayhawkYou could fake it by making your own transient underlay.10:16
kanzurekeeping old compiled content around is probably a bad idea anyway, especially if these working directories might be multi-GB10:16
kanzureexcept images.10:16
kanzurewhich take substantially longer to compile (i imagine- my blah2png scripts are not instantaneous)10:17
jrayhawkWell, it's not like it needs to be.10:17
jrayhawkInstantaneous, that is.10:17
jrayhawkThough underlays are only really worthwhile if you want them to be editable.10:21
kanzurei'm still having trouble mapping your words back to things that make sense (underlay->inline include?)10:21
jrayhawkAn underlay is a directory that has content you intend to render/publish through Ikiwiki that is untracked by git and not part of the normal working directory.10:23
jrayhawk/usr/share/ikiwiki/basewiki/ is an example10:23
kanzureblah RU Sirius is yelling at me for not moving hplusmagazine.com yet.. "i'm sorry RU but some of us are not paid massive amounts of money to dick around"10:24
jrayhawkIf you have absolutely nothing in your ikiwiki working directory at all, basewiki, the default underlay, will still wind up being used.10:24
kanzurei see.10:24
kanzurei don't have a clear understanding of how many ikiwiki plugins i'm going to have to write to accomplish all this stuff10:25
kanzureor what each of them will have to do to accomplish the otherwise obvious result.10:25
jrayhawkThe 'transient' plugin sticks an underlay in workingdir/.ikiwiki/ (which is the default ikiwiki metadata directory) transient/ for various other plugins to mess about in (recentchanges, autoindex, tag, whatever crap you intended to do)10:25
jrayhawkYou sound like you don't really know what your goals are, so I have no idea how to do what you want, either!10:26
jrayhawkI can probably throw together some example plugins for some 'render current version of blah filetype' case if you provide me with the blah2png I should be using10:39
kanzurei can provide you with blah2png but there's a lot of dependencies (like opencascade) that are a huge pain in the ass10:42
kanzurefenn or i wrote some scripts to deal with the pain in the ass but i don't think you should bother anyway10:43
kanzure1) fix for rendering indices in some custom way (i.e. not the apache default) with some sort of default site-wide template across all ikiwikis -- i.e., showing a few of the rendered images for the current HEAD10:44
kanzure2) image rendering on post-update and storage of previous images from the last revision as well10:44
kanzure3) when a new repo is created the images from previous revisions should be generated as well10:45
kanzuredoes that sound comprehensive over what i've been mumbling about10:45
kanzurefyi blah2png is in skdb.git under import_tools/ .. well, iges2png and pov2png; there's also iges2stl and stl2pov.. i also have some files somewhere for the stl2pov that thingiverse.com uses10:47
kanzure(i'm p. sure that first stl2pov in skdb.git is my version and that it somehow differs from thingiverse-brand stl2pov)10:50
-!- timschmidt [~tim@68-188-226-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]10:53
kanzureget yer skinny ass back in here10:53
kanzureoh he really is globally offline.10:53
kanzurehttp://ulule.com/ alternative to kickstarter and indiegogo11:10
kanzurehttp://vimgolf.com/ because apparently ninjas play golf?11:10
kanzurejrayhawk: do you have suggestions for fixing reprap.git and getting it operational again?11:13
kanzureopen science business models http://www.slideshare.net/technollama/open-science-business-models11:15
kanzurei linkedumped some of the "public patent license" stuff http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_thread/thread/21f7ecf503cfaab811:23
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-98-239-176-78.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:25
kanzurecathal garvey's 2010 review re: diybio http://letters.cunningprojects.com/?p=14211:30
-!- strages [~strages@c-71-207-215-204.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:32
augurJayDugger: hi?11:38
-!- Tarvis [ad34da08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]11:54
jrayhawkno, you'd know vastly more about the reprap.git situation than anyone else in the universe11:57
jrayhawkoh no wait that was nanoengineer you sunk so much time on11:58
kanzurereprap.git was a typical git/svn gateway until jmil did.. something? for some reason? somehow12:00
kanzurehaha this is such a clusterfuck of misunderstanding http://www.pakalertpress.com/2010/12/31/the-transhumanist-and-police-state-agenda-in-pop-music/12:03
-!- shepazu [~schepers@] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:14
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kanzure"colonizing the red planet how-to guide" http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=10/12/31/174721812:20
jrayhawk'Will.I.Am starts his verse by saying "Imma be the upgraded new negro", which pretty much sums up the transhumanist philosophy.'12:27
jrayhawkbryan when can transhumanism turn me black12:28
JayDuggerBeen done.12:28
jrayhawkhow much does it cost12:28
JayDuggerI don't know. Google J.H. Griffin's 1961 non-fiction book "Black Like Me."12:29
JayDuggerGoogle Books has only a partial copy, so check worldcat.org for your nearest library with a copy.12:30
JayDuggerOr the usual suspects, if you've an antipathy to dead-tree textx.12:30
jrayhawk"Griffin underwent a regimen of large oral doses of the anti-vitiligo drug Methoxsalen, trade name Oxsoralen, and spending up to fifteen hours daily under an ultraviolet lamp."12:30
jrayhawkthis seems like an unpleasant lifestyle12:31
JayDuggerFrom what I hear, 1961 generally sucked.12:31
JayDuggerI lack first-hand knowledge, but the Cold War kept getting worse and no one foresaw a pleasant ending.12:32
-!- industromatic [~chatzilla@cpe-66-68-104-159.austin.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:33
-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:41
kanzurejrayhawk: you're black to me, you're black to me.12:42
kanzurehi industromatic12:42
jrayhawkstraight outta compton12:42
kanzurehttp://www.di.fm/mp3/vocaltrance.pls pimping my tunes12:43
kanzurefocus fusion society is spamming my inbox. :(12:43
kanzuresomething about a fusion reactor.. new yearss.. probably an ignorable threat12:44
JayDuggerHope springs eternal.12:44
JayDuggerDid they want money?12:44
joshcryerI just read that Lepht Anonym article.12:45
joshcryerI thought kanzure was fucking around when he said she did that shit because I couldn't find anything about it.12:45
joshcryerkanzure, QuantumG has hopes for FF.12:45
joshcryerI gave up on IEC fusion awhile ago. Stupid pipe dream.12:46
Lukas_who is Lepht Anonym?12:46
joshcryerCrazy transhuman blogger, kanzure posted a Wired article: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/12/transcending-the-human-diy-style/12:47
kanzurejoshcryer: i'm pretty sure lepht is pete clark <pete.clark@gmail.com>12:50
kanzureLukas_: nobody of consequence12:50
kanzurei'm all for rare earth magnet impalnts or northpaw, that's ok i guess12:50
kanzurebut when lepht was implanting some battery-powered devices, that's just stupid12:51
kanzurequinn norton or todd huffman needs to stand up and talk about why their implants are a better idea than battery-powered crap12:51
JayDuggerWhat implants do they use?12:51
Lukas_O.o ... DIY implants?12:51
kanzurequinn and todd? i think they both have neodymium magnets in their finger tips12:52
Lukas_with what tools?12:52
kanzureLukas_: lepht is a masochist so he just uses a knife and no pain killers12:52
joshcryerkanzure, I'd hit it. If it wasn't crazy.12:52
Lukas_that is ....12:52
kanzureno he's stupid12:53
jrayhawki wonder if lepht prefers 'it' or 'they' better12:53
Lukas_I was trying to avoid that word12:53
kanzurediybio discussion is over here: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_thread/thread/d6c92bbd5ec7728012:53
joshcryerBut I kinda agree with this statement, in a completely different way, “The existing transhumanist movement is lame. It’s nano everything. It’s just ideas,” she says. “Anyone can do this. This is kitchen stuff.”12:53
kanzurejrayhawk: oh man, in the 90s transhumanists had all sorts of shit. 'vir' 'vit' 'vem'12:53
Lukas_so do I12:53
kanzurejoshcryer: so?12:53
kanzurethat's no reason to popularize lepht12:53
joshcryerI thought I was being critical.12:53
kanzurethe vast majority of transhumanists that are serious about this are not advocating bad medical practices12:54
joshcryerBut it's not cool to call a person who prefers "she" a "he."12:54
kanzureoh please12:54
kanzurenext you're going to tell me martine rothblatt is not a guy12:54
Lukas_Wait, 'he' is a she?12:54
joshcryerLukas_, that's the running theory.12:54
Lukas_Insane, but I appreciate the gusto12:55
kanzurejrayhawk: why is Lukas_ failing to see the problem with this12:56
kanzurei'm the last person to be against diy transhumanism but there's obviously something very wrong here12:56
jrayhawkI'm noticing a Pete Clark 'lepht' that sounds nothing like self-mutilating 'lepht'12:56
kanzurei.e. this is credibility damaging in the sense that "diy transhumanists? oh they are just masochists"12:56
kanzurei don't particularly care about credibility too foten12:57
joshcryerI just see comments by kanzure saying Pete Clark is 'lepht.'12:57
kanzurejoshcryer: that was because i sent the email today12:57
kanzurejrayhawk: a public figurehead for diytranshumanism should be relatively level headed when it comes to thinking through their plans and strategies12:57
kanzurethe article in wired seems to be mostly about northpaw or the magnets so at least there's that.12:59
kanzureinstead of being about the other implants (the ones i consider to be dumb)12:59
jrayhawkcan you give me some evidence that pete clark is the same lepht as crazy lepht12:59
kanzurejrayhawk: one sec12:59
Lukas_kanzure:  what alternative do you suggest?12:59
joshcryerI will wait to see her speek at CCC to see if she's crazy.12:59
kanzureLukas_: transduction coils12:59
kanzureLukas_: you do *not* implant battery-powered devices just so you can go dig them up later..12:59
Lukas_Does this person have a blog or something similar?13:01
Tyrant91101uhh you guys really think the time has come for DIY transhumanism?13:01
kanzureLukas_: yes13:01
kanzureTyrant91101: oh a long time ago.. just not lepht's masochism13:01
kanzureanyway here are the previous logs:13:01
kanzurejrayhawk: still backtracing :x13:02
jrayhawkYeah, see, http://twitter.com/lepht_anonym is clearly crazy lepht, whereas http://twitter.com/lepht is clearly pete clark lepht13:04
kanzurehmm i wish i would have written this down somewhere13:05
kanzurebasically it was because lepht was in some membership database related to humanityplus13:06
joshcryerThere's only one way to find out.13:07
joshcryerSomeone go to CCCC and grope them after they speak.13:07
joshcryerDisclaimer: if you get assualt charges this wasn't my idea.13:07
JayDuggerYou could attend and ask.13:07
kanzureokay i should probably retract that pete clark/lepht statement13:08
JayDuggerYou're less likely to start a fight with a question than with a grope.13:08
JayDuggerYeah, let's not end 2010's conversation on a low point.13:08
joshcryerHey, the Wired photographer took a good adams apple exposing pic.13:09
Lukas_If we want the face of DIY Transhumanism to change, we should do it ourselves13:09
joshcryerWhich exposes no adams apple as far as I can tell.13:09
kanzureLukas_: what?13:09
joshcryerJayDugger, CCCC looks so fun, I wish I could attend.13:09
kanzurei don't think you can compete in terms of shock value with someone willing to stab themselves to death13:09
Lukas_there is no reason why a person like lepht is the face of diy transhumanism when you guys exist13:09
Lukas_I am sure you guys can do much better, in a much more responsible way13:10
joshcryerYeah, kanzure does have a point. Northpaw = oh cute ankle bracelet. Southpaw = insane cutter who Believes (TM).13:12
jrayhawkyeah frankly i find the bmezine type to be way more spectacular transhumanists than you guys13:12
joshcryerI'm watching a Northpaw video, and the presenter is just... dorky. :)13:12
joshcryerNothing against him, I just think a GPS style system would be cooler.13:13
kanzurejrayhawk: http://bmezine.com/ ? yeah probably13:14
joshcryerjrayhawk, I'm concerned that bmezine types might be watering down the idea of transhumanism.13:14
joshcryerBut I won't exclude them for sake of avoiding purity arguemnts.13:14
kanzure"body shock" just doesn't mean the same thing to me :/13:15
joshcryerEric Boyd proposed using Northpaws to control people who are blindfolded. And invisible mazes.13:15
kanzurealthough i imagine if you had "the hulk" that would be a form of body shock haha13:15
joshcryerThat's some cool stuff, I admit.13:15
joshcryerSee, from a purity standpoint, Eric Boyd / Northpaw is closer to my idea of using technology to transform humans than, body modification with implanted magnets.13:16
kanzureimplanted magnets is higher up the totem pole than plastic surgery to look like a gorilla or feline imho13:17
kanzurei saw todd once trying to explain to some chick what his magnets were like for him13:18
joshcryerFrom a technical standpoint maybe, I mean, if it works. I'm skeptical you can get a good sensation of magnetic fields.13:18
kanzurehe was trying really hard to explain it13:18
kanzurethen he said "it gives me access to a plain of sensation and experience that you don't feel" and gave up13:18
JayDuggerThat was a cop-out.13:18
joshcryerIs there a risk of them snapping to metal?13:18
JayDuggerProbably not more than once.13:19
kanzurefenn: you around?13:19
JayDuggerHow many tries did it take you to learn slamming a car door on your hand hurts? ;)13:19
Lukas_cryptochrome makes more sense to me13:19
joshcryerJayDugger, far too many. :(13:19
joshcryerI've done that at least a dozen times in my life, which doesn't sound like much, but it happens.13:20
joshcryerI bet stick on Nd magnets could give you a similar sensation without implanting.13:21
joshcryerImma try it.13:22
Lukas_that sounds more reasonable than going at your arm with a knife13:23
Lukas_are there any decent quality glues that can be used on the skin with minimal damage?13:24
kanzurehuh? why glue13:25
Lukas_I use the term loosely13:25
joshcryerOK I tested to see if Nd even had a response near em fields, it does. That's very interesting, I can imagine that under the skin there would be a response.13:25
Lukas_something that can stick to the skin13:25
joshcryerGoing to try scotch tape as a test.13:25
Lukas_.... -__-13:26
Lukas_that is a better idea13:26
joshcryerWell you had an interesting question, I mean, if you wanted it to last, say, all day. You could use a sports adhesive: http://www.amazon.com/Spenco-2nd-Skin-Adhesive-Knit/dp/B0012YMEUW13:27
Lukas_thank you13:28
Lukas_now to obtain some magnets13:30
joshcryerHeh, I look ridiculous right now, but I have magnets taped to each finger tip.13:31
joshcryerIt does work, but it's very very subtle.13:32
joshcryerA better solution for fingertips is using latex gloves tips.13:33
joshcryerLukas_, anything other than those $1 store headphones should have Nd magnets, btw.13:33
joshcryerThe earbud types.13:34
Lukas_now when you say subtle, how subtle is it?13:34
joshcryerIf you have any broken ones laying around (which everyone invariably does), snap 'em open and see if there's a metallic (rather than ceramic-looking) magnet inside.13:34
joshcryerExtremely subtle, there is definite movement, which is both visual, and I can feel it.13:34
Lukas_there are a thousand in my house13:35
joshcryerAt first I thought it was vibration, so I did a test on a wire with no juice running through it and another with some juice, and one with a shitload of juice.13:35
joshcryerI can confirm that there is definite response and you can feel it.13:35
joshcryerSo my skepticism is removed a bit.13:35
Lukas_I am off to find some magnets13:35
joshcryerFun. :D13:36
joshcryerOoh. My breaker box is between me and the kitchen.13:36
joshcryerA real neat trick would be to make a glove that would chart the em fields and then give you a response you can feel, kinda like the Northpaw, but somewhat more refined.13:41
joshcryerCouldn't feel anything near the breaker box. And I didn't want to open it for safety reasons.13:41
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@pD9E2F37C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: leaving]13:42
Lukas_hmm, that's curious13:42
joshcryer1 watt wire required me to touch it, a 10 watt wire required me to be about a cm from it.13:42
joshcryerBefore I had a good sensation.13:42
joshcryer(unshielded cords for appliances)13:43
-!- mheld [~mheld@pool-173-76-224-45.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: mheld]13:48
Lukas_I'm using an old PS2 controller, it should have more magnets13:49
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joshcryerNice, dual shock?13:51
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Lukas_I have too many of those things lying around13:51
joshcryerLooks like it might have Nd magnets inside.13:53
Lukas_It better13:53
Lukas_those things were freakin' expensive13:53
joshcryerActually maybe not, the google search is misleading.13:54
niftyzero1Foresight institute challenge grant, ending today: http://www.foresight.org/challenge/13:54
joshcryerDon't snap it apart if it ain't broke, hehe.13:54
Lukas_It's broken anyway13:55
Lukas_looks like I am going to find out myself13:55
joshcryerniftyzero, I'll make a contribution to the Foresight insititute when they fire their idiot blogger.13:55
joshcryerLukas_, if the magnets aren't metalic / look like ceremics / black don't take the motor apart, it could be useful later on.13:56
joshcryerThose magnets are far too weak to have a response I imagine.13:56
niftyzero1josh - give me more specific feedback, and I'll pass it on13:56
joshcryerniftyzero1, let me make sure I'm not jumping the gun with that statement.13:57
Lukas_alright, I'll settle with the headphones13:58
joshcryer(I stopped reading Foresight many months ago)13:58
joshcryerLukas_, earbuds are very hard to 'fix' so I just toss 'em after salvaging the magnets. It's really led to quite a collection of magnets. :)13:58
Lukas_there are a lot of wasteful kids in my house, fortunately that leads to lots and lots of dead electronics14:01
Lukas_the headphones are cheap and dead anyway14:01
joshcryerniftyzero1, J. Storrs Hall made a lot of crappy politically charged posts last year and it annoyed me, it appears he hasn't posted in awhile though.14:02
niftyzero1he is no longer with foresight14:02
niftyzero1christine peterson is now acting president...14:03
joshcryerApologies for making a snap statement like that, then.14:03
joshcryerSomeone should tell him to change his CV.14:04
niftyzero1no problem, good to get feedback14:04
joshcryerniftyzero1, imo politics should be minimized to attract the largest spectrum of people.14:05
Lukas_alright, I've got the magnets out14:05
Lukas_best place to test?14:05
niftyzero1yeah, foresight should be pretty neutral on politics, since that's not its mission14:05
joshcryerLukas_, extension cord with several appliances hooked up was my best result.14:07
joshcryerLukas_, because it's unshielded.14:08
Lukas_I suspect that the tape I am using interferes with the sensation, I can see the tape lifting up due to the magnetic field, but I barely feel it14:15
Lukas_it is quite subtle14:15
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joshcryerYes very I thought it was a placebo at first.14:18
joshcryer(my anticipation of moving an Nd magnet near a potential magnetic field)14:18
kanzurejoshcryer: who is their idiot blogger?14:18
kanzurej. storrs hall is no longer with foresight14:18
joshcryerkanzure, J. Storrs Hall, who apparently left.14:18
joshcryerkanzure, I said I hadn't read their site in months.14:18
kanzurelooks like niftyzero1 covered the basics anyway14:19
joshcryer<joshcryer> (I stopped reading Foresight many months ago)14:19
joshcryerYeah, sorry, seems you're not the only one making snap statements today. >:P14:19
joshcryerLukas_, so anyway I have two extension cords plugged in so I tested it on one which has juice flowing through it and another that doesn't, just to be sure. It was a kind of blind experiment.14:22
Lukas_I'll try again later14:24
joshcryerLukas_, I believe if you tune yourself to it over time you'll imagine that it's a stronger effect than it is.14:26
Lukas_that is what I am afraid of14:27
joshcryerLukas_, not that that's necessarily a bad thing, just fine tuning your brain.14:28
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Lukas_I just want to make sure the experiment is as neutral as possible14:30
joshcryerI do not believe the effect is good enough to implant under my skin.14:31
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joshcryerAnd I refuse to delude myself or invest myself in tuning in to some sort of thing that can be better accomplished through extra-sensory electronic inputs.14:32
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Lukas_I agree 100%14:35
Lukas_there are better forms of magnetic sensing14:35
Lukas_being able to see it is much better IMO14:36
Lukas_and working on the molecular level seems more .... elegant14:36
joshcryerHmm that is really neat.14:37
Lukas_sometime in the future I plan on self experimenting with an adeno-associated virus14:45
joshcryerHmm, I believe you will make lepht look sane, at that point. :)14:45
Lukas_the implant DNA on chromosome 19 (in humans) almost 100% of the time - and there are no experiments (to my knowledge) that produce an immune response or cancer14:46
Lukas_I think it was the same vector  that was used to give those red-green color blind monkeys the red and green photoreceptor genes14:47
Lukas_68 sources at the bottom14:48
Lukas_I think there has also been human clinical trials14:49
Lukas_Yea, I would make lepht insane, but it would be a major one-up, and without any needless pain14:50
joshcryerYes it would be a major coup.15:25
joshcryerYou need another person to take it though.15:30
joshcryerJust for scientific verification.15:30
joshcryerIs it reversable?15:30
kanzuredamn it why does this stream have a rickroll remix :(15:32
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joshcryerI just tweeted Lepht Anonym to see if there was video of their CCCC talk.15:38
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Lukas_You could use site specific knock-out procedures15:42
Lukas_but I am unsure that it would work15:42
Lukas_the easiest way to do it would be to grow a cell line (from yourself), then infected with the virus15:43
Lukas_and observe15:43
joshcryerI just read Lepht's FAQ. They are unaware that all electromagnetic radiation is composed of photons.15:44
Lukas_just different wavelengths15:44
joshcryerI guess we should blame Feynman for not caring about calling photons light.15:44
Lukas_I think natural photoreceptors can 'see' anything weaker than heat (infrared)15:45
joshcryerall photons != visible light, but Feynman preferred to call all electromagnetic radiation light. But he did try to make things easier for the commoner to understand, which is why he was awesome.15:46
industromaticI've enjoyed reading Feynman.  Too bad I missed him playing the bongos.15:49
Lukas_he did this live?15:49
Lukas_I've only seen one video of it15:50
joshcryerThis is his best lecture series imo: http://vega.org.uk/video/subseries/815:50
joshcryerHere's his bongo playing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKTSaezB4p815:51
joshcryerWhat a wonderful person.15:51
Lukas_I also think magnetism is effected by photons15:52
Lukas_(hence birds being able to see magnetic fields)15:52
joshcryerFaraday effect maybe?15:54
joshcryerNot sure.15:54
joshcryerI admit I didn't read that entire page.15:55
kanzure"virtual photons" bah15:55
joshcryerWhat would you prefer?15:57
Lukas_To be honest, I have no idea15:59
joshcryerI was asking kanzure if he had a different explaination for virtual photons.16:00
Lukas_oh, sorry16:01
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industromaticThanks for the RPFeynman bongo youtube.  The guy next to him wasn't too old -- if I'd have clued in faster, I could have been there at something like that.16:14
kanzurejoshcryer: no i don't16:28
kanzurebut it's a little unfortunate that feynman didn't bother to come up with something better16:28
kanzurei mean he kind of gave up about that since he figured his calculations were exact so it didn't matter16:28
joshcryerFair enough, it's remarkable that he came up with anything, imvho. The lectures I posted are really a great background for it.16:30
joshcryerBTW, Plinkett finally reviewed Revenge of the Sith: http://www.redlettermedia.com/sith.html16:31
kanzureindustromatic: i sent something to your inbox16:31
kanzuresorry for the pdf file :(16:31
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Lukas_I am signing out for the night, you guys have an excellent new year17:45
joshcryerYou too Lukas_.17:46
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Tyrant91101happy new years people18:20
Tyrant91101have a great night18:20
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Lukas_The whole sleeping deal isn't working out for me18:44
kanzureUtopiah: do you have any favorite ranking/scoring algorithms for social .. site.. stuff?18:45
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QuantumGjoshcryer: I think FF will produce scientific proof of sustainable fusion and no-one will care20:23
joshcryerQuantumG, I will care!20:43
joshcryerAre you calling me a nobody?20:43
QuantumGyou won't care20:43
QuantumGI bet20:43
QuantumGyou'll say: pfft.. all they've done is demonstrate they can get 166% more heat than a hypothetical 100% efficient electric heater20:45
joshcryerThere's no such thing as a hypothetical 100% efficient electric heater because they release light. :P20:45
QuantumGeveryone will say that.. and anyone working in the fusion field will say: that's impressive, but look how low the power levels are.. you can barely turn on a light bulb with that much electricity.20:46
joshcryerAs long as they can get more than 150% more energy than they put in we can use a brayton cycle generator to make energy.20:46
joshcryerThus they will have succeeded.20:46
joshcryerNo you'd chain them, a whole bank of the things, thousands of them.20:47
QuantumGonce they achieve net heat they still have to achieve net electrical power.. which is a hard engineering problem.  Once they've achieved that they'll have the most expensive AA battery ever built.20:47
QuantumGthey'll have to scale it up before anyone will care.20:48
QuantumGand who even knows if they can scale it up20:48
joshcryerIf they achieve net heat there will be a lot of people trying to reproduce it.20:48
joshcryerAlready there are pinch type devices being experimented with in dozens of countries.20:49
joshcryer(in that respect FF has already beat Polywell- there are no Polywell prototypes being build afaik, other than the Navy one)20:49
QuantumGyeah, that's what I'm saying.  For a *decade* we will live with the knowledge that net heat fusion has been demonstrated and then they'll say "hey, we got net power" WOW!  YEAH!  "at low low power levels, you couldn't even power a toaster with it" OH.20:50
joshcryerOK that's fair enough.20:51
QuantumG"we just need $100M more to make a reactor"20:51
joshcryerBut put it this way, I have *no* interest in even *contemplating* how to build a Polywell.20:51
joshcryerIf they announce net heat building a FF will be my *primary life interest*.20:51
QuantumGstep 1: build or acquire a giant vacuum chamber.20:51
QuantumG(for Polywell)20:52
QuantumGI *could* be interested in that step.. but not for doing Polywell20:52
QuantumGwhereas step 1 for FF: acquire shitloads of capacitors for as cheap as you can and learn how to wire them up to make giant ass sparks that make the Tesla coil guys envious20:53
superkuhI have 24 * 30kV 2nF capacitors and a 15 micron 2-stage vacuum pump shipping here now. :)20:56
joshcryerAre you planning to build a FF?20:57
superkuhNot with the capacitors; those are for a laser. But the vacuum pump will be used for playing with the pyroelectric crystals I have grown/am growing to try pyroelectric fusion.20:58
joshcryerNice. :)20:58
joshcryerQuantumG, what are they up to now?21:00
QuantumGThey're trying various techniques to increase the yield of D-D fusion21:05
QuantumGthey haven't switched to pB11 yet21:06
superkuhLast I heard it was changing the strength orientation of the external field to impart 'the right' helicity to the magnetic field.21:06
QuantumGyeah, and other stuff.. like not losing power in the switches21:07
QuantumG"How will LPP go from their current 1/12 of a Joule of fusion energy to 33,000 Joules of fusion energy?"21:09
QuantumGso, when they publish (and no-one cares) they'll be putting 100,000 joules into the shot and getting out 133,000 joules21:11
QuantumGin: electric  out: heat21:11
QuantumGwtf is a joule?  1 joule = one watt for one second21:12
QuantumGso if you put 100,000 joules into a 100 watt light bulb, it'd power it for ~16.6 minutes21:14
QuantumGwhich is fun and all, but they're assuming that electrical recovery of the heat will only be 80% efficient..21:15
QuantumGin: 100kJ electric  out: 106.4kJ electric21:16
QuantumG(say, around 2015)21:16
QuantumG6400J = 100 watt light bulb for about a minute.21:17
QuantumGof course, if you can do >1 shots per second then that'll be just fine for running your house.21:17
QuantumG(well, kinda, I'm sure the power conditioning would be a pain)21:18
QuantumGsuperkuh: how much did those capacitors cost ya?21:19
superkuhIT was a great deal. $8 for 6, $32 shipped.21:21
joshcryersuperkuh, I am American and I read that differently, as in "it was a great deal of money."21:22
joshcryerRather than "it was a great bargain."21:22
QuantumGeach one can store 0.00003 joules21:25
superkuh0.9 joules total.21:25
QuantumGhow do you figure?21:25
superkuh*24 = 21.6 j21:26
QuantumGI thought the total energy storage of a capacitor was 0.5 * V * Q21:26
superkuhI used uF and kV.21:26
superkuhIt balances.21:26
QuantumGoh, C not Q21:26
QuantumG0.5 * C * V^221:27
superkuhSorry, yeah, not Q.21:27
superkuhIt was apparently a mis-listing by the seller. They've updated it.21:29
superkuhBut they shipped mine for that price.21:29
superkuhhttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=360329938824 ($8 before, $24 now)21:30
QuantumG0.9 joules each21:39
QuantumGso you'd need at least 10,000 of them to hit 90,000 joules21:40
QuantumG(man I'm tired, that should be 100,000 of them)21:40
QuantumGone has to assume 2nF is not the most efficient way to go about it21:41
QuantumG0.5 * 0.01 * 50^2 = 12.521:45
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QuantumG100+ $0.35 each21:45
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QuantumGsoldering banks of them together wouldn't be much fun but it looks cheaper than using those kV capacitors21:47
QuantumG0.5 * 55 * 2.5^2 = 171.87521:50
QuantumG100+ $14.7 each21:50
QuantumGsuper capacitors baby21:50
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QuantumG$8553 to get over 100,000 Joules21:53
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superkuhLuckily the chinese company that makes those caps will design to order.21:55
superkuhA peer from another IRC network highly recommends them.21:55
superkuhSuper capacitors have too high of internal series resistance to do any pulse work.21:55
QuantumGyeah, as usual there's no spec sheet for the part21:56
joshcryerHow about flywheels?22:03
QuantumGhow do you get an electric pulse out of that?22:05
superkuhThe jargon is 'compulsator'.22:05
QuantumG(similarly with coils)22:05
superkuhCompensated pulse alternator. In general inductive supplies are better if you're driving a plasma load because they're current sources and won't behave weirdly with the negative resistance of a plasma to make spark channels instead of glow discharge.22:06
QuantumGthat's one of the things I tend to think about with the whole "net heat vs net power" thing of focus fusion22:07
QuantumGif you can use the net heat to power a turbine, and you want a turbine for non-power generation purposes, then does it really make sense to go after pB11?22:08
QuantumGFF may demonstrate net heat with D-D before they move on to pB11.22:09
joshcryerpB11 has too many benefits to ignore, low neutron sources, etc etc blah blah.22:09
QuantumGif they do that (and remember, no-one will care), then maybe you could make a nice turbo pump around it.22:09
QuantumGpfft, neutron sources.  Like anyone is close enough to an unmanned rocket to care.22:10
QuantumGthe fuel tank alone is sufficient shielding for the payload.22:10
QuantumGtop to bottom: payload -> D-D tank -> fuel tank -> turbo pump -> FuFo -> Nozzle22:12
QuantumGthe turbo pump doubles as a compulsator to do the electrical shots into the FuFo22:13
QuantumGhot gas lines flow back from the FuFo to power the turbo pump22:13
superkuhWould the mass flow of a focus fusion device would be useful for a turbo pump? Or is it just heating a thermally connected loop?22:16
QuantumGin the simplest design you're just heating the coolant ("fuel tank" is a misnomer)22:17
QuantumGthe helium-3 and neutrons are just waste that have to be cleared from the FuFo while new deuterium is added.22:20
QuantumG(not that the neutrons need any help getting out of dodge)22:20
QuantumGhttp://www.xlrotor.com/Paper_PDFs/PR%20216,%20Lab%20testing%20of%20CCEMG.pdf  40MJ compulsator22:24
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superkuhIt'd need some sort of pulse compression network to work for focus fusion directly. That's expensive capacitors or heavy metglas saturable inductors.22:28
superkuhA lot of complexity.22:28
QuantumGwould you?  that paper seems to indicate they're getting insanely sharp pulses from their compulsator22:28
QuantumGwhat I'm seeing here is that a standard turbopump can be upgraded to perform the job of a compulsator and provide the pulses.. and that the people doing compulsators now are freakin' amateurs in comparison to the people who do turbopumps :)22:29
genehackeryou see focus fusion's new plasmoids?22:30
genehackerwait a turbopump? as in turbomolecular pump?22:31
superkuhIt looks like their FWHM ~half a second.22:32
superkuhAs, yeah, some milliseconds. No seconds, I misread the graph.22:32
QuantumGmost turbopumps are now centrifugal .. which is a two step process of speeding up the fluid and then diffusing to get high pressure.  I figure only the first half is needed for a heat exchanger rocket.22:32
superkuhStill too long.22:32
genehackerthat sort of turbopump22:33
QuantumG2/3 of the gas generator goes away too.. you literally only need the turbine.22:35
QuantumG3/5 of the turbopump is there just to make combustion work22:36
genehackerthen put the turbine in high vacuum and connect the turbine to an AC generator to turn it into a compulsator?22:36
QuantumGessentially, but you still want to pump the coolant22:37
genehackerwhy not just a broken turbomolecular pump instead?22:38
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