
--- Log opened Sun Jan 02 00:00:04 2011
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@pD9E2C6C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:10
kanzureoh man. vague.01:11
* kanzure goes back to sleep01:12
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-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:45
Lukas_Good morning02:02
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-!- jmil [~jmil@c-76-124-67-155.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:20
Utopiah(random curiosity question) what's the most expensive piece of space one can rent? space launcher? (rack co-location in stock exchances place made me wonder)07:34
archelsprobably anything in space, yes07:39
mjrTook and ol' story and cleaned it up slightly, http://mjr.iki.fi/stories/pandora.html07:42
Lukas_I have no idea08:16
Utopiah The Maker Movement, Young Makers, and Why They Matter  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTmFBwmJ-c008:18
kanzurehttp://makerfactory.com/ and https://github.com/effalo/makerfactory08:21
kanzureeh? they started in april? https://github.com/EFFALO/MAKERFACTORY/commits/master?page=808:24
Utopiahwhat's the added value versus hackerspaces?08:25
Lukas_I love google tech talks08:25
UtopiahLukas_: check the RSS feed then08:26
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kanzurehackerspace in beijing http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=194140808:33
-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:38
Lukas_There is no sound on the google tech talks video08:38
kanzureLukas_: your next step is to learn how to use irc from something other than a web browser08:38
kanzureactually i guess the first step up would be https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/16/08:38
kanzurebut something like http://linux.die.net/man/1/screen wouldn't hurt either.08:38
kanzureUtopiah: sadly, probably per cubic foot in downtown NYC08:41
UtopiahI didnt meant for human being though, just space in general, hence the trading co-location ref08:41
Lukas_Thank you08:42
Lukas_I assume I'd need to use the FireFox OS in order to use that irc?08:43
kanzurei hope you're joking08:43
kanzurewait, lepht has only done a passive rfid chip and neodium magnets?09:24
kanzurei thought there was other stuff09:24
Lukas_There are only so many things you can do with a limited budget09:35
kanzurewhere is todd huffman or quinn norton today09:43
-!- mheld [~mheld@pool-173-76-224-45.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:55
Lukas_Hullo mheld10:05
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:08
kanzurefenn: thanks for humoring me10:09
fenn"My friend Dustin D. Trammell has set up a Body Hacking mailing list, to which I plan to send updates on my research and writings on the subject. To subscribe mail bodyhacking-subscribe@lists.caughq.org" -quinn10:17
fennhm you're probably already subscribed10:18
fenn"Blossom is working on a passive radar system that will require a more sensitive hardware setup than the current USRP. His passive radar reads in the ambient radio waves from existing sources, like FM stations and cell towers, and uses them to build a map of the area. We're hoping to see stuff on the order of 50 to 70 kilometers away."10:23
fenni wonder if that went anywhere (2006)10:24
kanzurefenn: yes i'm subscribed10:32
kanzurewasn't there someone doing LIDAR for mapping, and then using that for personal mapping?10:33
fennjoshcryer: i just finished "surface detail" last week, and i'm not sure the culture would so unilaterally come down on the anti-hell side, given their nutty respect for privacy of thought10:35
fennthere's some kinect hacks for persona lidar-ish mapping http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/kinect-slam-demo10:40
kanzurestelarc's third ear http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7039821.stm10:40
fennoh, yeah. i'm not a stelarc fan at all.10:40
kanzurewhy's that?10:41
kanzurei heard that he didn't take biocompatibility issues into account and fucked things up10:41
fennwell, he just seems to to a lot of lame-o secondlife style crap like this http://www.eaf.asn.au/2007/images/stelarc_walkinghead.jpg10:43
kanzuresecondlife is the future man!!10:43
kanzureeh stelarc does flesh hook suspensions? meh10:44
kanzure"In another performance he allowed his body to be controlled remotely by electronic muscle stimulators connected to the internet."10:44
fennbtw if anyone hasn't seen this yet, check it out http://bodybrowser.googlelabs.com/11:07
fenn"A Humster is a hybrid cell line made from hamster oocyte fertilized with human sperm" wtfrly11:13
Lukas_wow, leave it to Google11:14
fenni think this is BS11:14
kanzurehumster! ha ha ha11:14
-!- niftyzero1 [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:18
fennmore re humsters http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mrd.1120230307/abstract11:18
kanzurefenn: ping11:32
kanzuremy response about lepht:11:32
fennhm i was sure i downloaded that video11:34
archelskanzure: Couldn't agree more.11:39
archelsShe gives transhumanism in general a bad image.11:40
fennis the wired article online?11:40
fenn"Good anesthetic is largely impossible to buy" umm not really11:41
Lukas_Interesting ...11:47
kanzurefwiw i edited http://wiki.hackspace.org.uk/wiki/Biohacking11:47
fennamazing how cheap veterinary products are.. $1.25 per bottle of lidocaine, jeez11:48
fennoh that's not even veterinary, it's medical11:48
kanzureminimum order: 1 barrel11:51
kanzurewhite powder 1g $100-$150/gram i don't know how that compares11:52
kanzureanother one is lidocaine hcl at $150-$260/kg11:52
Lukas_Kanzure, I must say that you levied a legitimate criticism of lepht11:53
fennugh bad journalism11:53
fenn" neodymium metal, coated in gold and silicon, which give off mild electric current when in a electromagnetic field. When inserted under the fingertips, this current stimulates the fingers’ nerve endings, allowing the bearer to literally feel the shape and strength of electromagnetic fields around power cords or electronic devices."11:53
-!- genehacker [~notanemai@pool-173-57-40-144.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:58
kanzurei'm really impressed by how quickly my email goes from extropy-chat to blogspot to "Google Alerts"11:58
kanzurefenn: did you see tim schmidt's email to you/om?12:10
kanzureack this is hard to keep track of.. three diybio events this month: diybio/singapore with denisa kera (jan 8), bio.tmplab.org (jan 11), london hackspace (jan 15)12:14
Lukas_will there be videos?12:15
kanzurethere were videos of london hackspace's previous diybio/biohacking event..12:16
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kanzurefenn: thx for the forward12:54
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:59
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kanzuredoes anyone remember the trepanation community on the web?13:33
kanzuretrepaning "The practice of drilling a hole in the skull for aesthetic, medical or spiritual treatment."13:33
kanzurethe first step was something like "shave your head, choke yourself and trace the veins with a marker"13:33
kanzurethat 1525 treveris painting looks like an unpainted screen from metalocalypse13:40
archelsHandworks of Surgery, hah.13:44
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-!- Tarvis [ad34da08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:18
Lukas_just as I am leaving ...14:18
kanzure"Doktor Sleepless is a monthly comic book series written by Warren Ellis with art by Ivan Rodriguez that is published by Avatar Press, launched in July 2007.[1] The comic draws from a wide range of ideas - from futurism and transhumanism to corporatism and counter-culture."14:19
kanzure"According to series writer Warren Ellis, Doktor Sleepless may be a man named John Reinhardt, a trust-fund baby and boy genius who is shunned by the counter-culture he helped found."14:19
kanzure"After disappearing from the city of Heavenside three years ago, he suddenly returns having undergone some changes during the interim. Upon his return, he's transformed himself from a relatively mundane man into what he describes as a "cartoon mad scientist," calling himself "Doktor Sleepless.""14:19
kanzurethere's the video..14:22
kanzurethey suggest:14:22
kanzurewget -qO- http://c3.ex23.de/saal2-2010-12-30_11-21-43.wmv | ffmpeg -i pipe: cybernetics_for_the_masses1.mp414:22
kanzurewget -qO- http://c3.ex23.de/saal2-2010-12-30_13-37-07.wmv | ffmpeg -i pipe: cybernetics_for_the_masses2.mp414:22
kanzurephryk: thanks for the reply re: "sensible and painless" :)14:23
Lukas_grr, I won't be able to read this now - well, I suppose that's what backlogs are for14:23
phrykkanzure: You're welcome.14:24
phrykI didn't like what the wired guy wrote.14:24
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-!- niftyzero1 [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:28
kanzureheh http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1140010/a_hole_in_the_head_do_it_yourself_trepanation/14:32
phrykstay the hell away with trepanation from me^^14:33
uniqanomaly_blah, it's nothing14:33
uniqanomaly_self trepanation would be more interesting14:33
phrykIt's like installing a "push-to-kill" button on your head, isn't it?14:33
uniqanomaly_in front of mirror14:33
uniqanomaly_that actually would be interesting14:34
uniqanomaly_fuck yeah14:34
kanzurefenn: where did you get the idea for patent-free zones from? it seems more actionable than 'nullify all patents'14:35
uniqanomaly_ok, FAIL, that means i actually need get some sleep after new year party and afterparty14:35
kanzureheh new years party after parties14:36
kanzure110 year old man ready to marry wife #6 http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/breaking-news/man-110-ready-to-wed-wife-number-six/story-e6frea73-122598060058114:40
TarvisOnly mild hearing and vision problems?14:42
kanzuredidn't you hear? 110 is the new 4014:43
kanzureother than being ridiculously old, some supercentenarians are healthier than me14:44
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TarvisEh, I think about this too much, all I can think about is what change can lead to people saying that healthy that long14:48
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mheldI'm looking for a change. Should I get a cool new haircut, go vegetarian, or something else (tell me what the something is)?14:56
kanzureyou should tattoo my name on your ass14:58
phrykGo vegan, it's the new shiznit.15:00
mheldnothing permanent :-P15:00
phrykI used the world shizinit, so it's gotta be really trendy!1!!15:00
mheldI've gone vegetarian for a month15:00
mheldI could try vegan for a month15:01
QuantumGhow long have you gone gay for?15:01
phrykI've gon vegetarian, too.15:01
phrykI think I'm vegetarian since almost 6 hours now.15:01
phrykMaybe even vegan, dunno…15:01
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mheldyeah, I'm going pescetarian for a month15:16
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mheldI'm gonna go pescetarian and work on my robot15:30
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kanzurejohn cumbers has weird stuff going on :)16:08
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-!- bdesk [~argriffi@unaffiliated/bdesk] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:58
bdeskwhat do you guys think of this article16:58
kanzurebdesk: http://exi-chat.blogspot.com/2011/01/exi-transcending-human-diy-style.html16:59
kanzurejrayhawk: i should listen to your predictions more often16:59
bdeskfwiw i thought the wired article was blatant trolling of diy transhumanism.  sometimes i like a little trolling, but this just made me sad.17:05
bdeskthe caption to go with her picture was "An articulate advocate for practical transhumanism." but in the article they highlight the most impractical applications and pick her most inarticulate quotations.17:06
-!- joshcryer [~g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:07
kanzurebdesk: "i have been known to slice my arms open for shits'n'giggles, sure, and do a fair amount of damage in the process (none of this emo cat-scratch bullshit, i've split my arm to the tendons like the little psychopath i sort of am)"17:07
kanzuretrolling can work both ways17:08
kanzurei should probably scrape the blog before it vanishes though17:08
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bdeskkanzure: you wrote that today?17:18
kanzureis it bad17:19
kanzure"it's trolling diy transhumanism" is a much more concise way of saying what i said17:20
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bdeski thought your blurb was good, and now i see what you mean by the trolling working both ways.  i really like the idea of someone capable of 'adult supervision' sending a blurb to wired, and i hope that they would publish it.  maybe a 'letter from a reader' or something.  also i wouldn't hate on lepht too much.17:26
kanzureyeah i think this is more of wired's fault17:27
kanzurebut it will suck if this becomes a trend :/17:27
kanzurei mean, lepht17:27
kanzurein the news.17:28
bdesk"which is from an old and rather pathetic attempt of mine to see how much i could make myself bleed by opening veins" wtf17:32
kanzurewhere's that from17:33
bdeskteh blog17:35
bdesknot that it's relevant.17:35
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kanzureweird: "No such amendment has been passed, or even to my knowledge come close to a vote in congress. So why is it okay for congress to be acting like they have the unconditional power to hand out intellectual property rights?"17:47
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itdnhrkanzure and I are chatting about magnetic implants17:58
itdnhranyone done it? have protips about where to source the magnets or coatings?17:58
kanzureian wants suggestions on bio-compatible coatings17:58
kanzurephryk: you still around?17:58
itdnhrI'm looking at http://www.gaussboys.com/ndfeb-magnets/D0100G.html for the magnet, maybe http://appliedsilicone.com/liquidsiliconerubber30lsr30implantgrade-2.aspx for the coating17:59
itdnhrbut it's $350, and only sold in pound increments18:00
itdnhrLepht Anonym is a fan of Sugru, but also tends to stick stuff like hotglue in herself, which has me a little put off.18:01
bdeski just read the blog and lepht does a lot of stuff that would probably put you off.  but that doesn't mean lepht doesn't know about diy implant.18:03
itdnhrbdesk: I can't find shit about Methyltris(methylethylketoxime)silane and Gamma-Aminopropyl Triethoxysilane-based implants18:09
itdnhr(those are the two chems in sugru)18:09
kanzureany ideas on what to tell ray to give me money for?18:15
bdeskitdnhr: sorry, i'm waiting until it gets lasik-mainstream before i would think about it18:16
bdeskkanzure: i suggest your online journal scraper or your debian-for-real-stuff project.18:18
kanzurei don't think ray will understand debian18:22
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bdeskyeah those projects aren't flashy, that was just my 2 cents.18:23
kanzurewell i agree with you.18:24
kanzurehe can offer $1k to $15k but after $5k the probability starts dropping significantly18:24
bdeskyou could ask a grant to be a layer of middle management for him, using your networking skills to connect him to interesting projects18:29
bdeskif i wore this http://sensebridge.net/projects/northpaw/ then most people would think it is either A) court-ordered or B) a bomb.18:36
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jrayhawkwhere's "No such amendment has been passed" from?18:46
jrayhawkbecause the copyright clause is fairly obviously an intellectual propery amendment18:46
AlonzoTGI can't stand wired because the information density of their articles is spectacularly low. =\18:53
kanzurejrayhawk: it was on hacker news re: someone complaining about stuff that would have been released in the public domain today18:56
kanzurebdesk: ooh how about an AFM18:56
kanzurei guess lots of people build AFMs though nobody seems to be building them lately18:56
kanzureother high-cost scientific equipment might be a possibility to get ray to fund (i.e. for making an open source version)18:57
bdeski like the idea of dual-use medical devices which could be used for either disabled people or for crazy transhumanist types.19:00
kanzure"dual use" is mainly used by people who are into public policy and terrorism19:01
kanzurebut yes19:01
bdeskalso "medical device" is mainly used to mean things that cost 10-100x19:02
kanzurertms would be nice but i don't know anyone who would build it19:03
kanzuredamn it why don't i have a list19:03
AlonzoTGYeah, medicine is f'd.19:05
bdesk"dual use" is reserved for things like food, which people in gaza could either eat or make a bomb with it.19:05
kanzure(bdesk is implying the food is especially bad in gaza)19:06
AlonzoTGAll of my ideas require strong AI. =\19:06
kanzureoh boy19:06
kanzureanother believer in intelligence19:06
kanzurelemme guess another one of your conspiracy theories19:06
bdeskdamn kanzure you are getting jaded19:07
AlonzoTGI'm talking about building a closet-sized hospital. =P19:07
kanzurebdesk: i'm just playing around19:07
QuantumGAI is the modern incarnation of the longing for slavery19:07
AlonzoTGIt's the only way to get any leverage on lots of these problems. =(19:07
AlonzoTGWithout it, a lone mad scientist has little hope of accomplishing anything.19:08
bdeskgoogle is strong ai19:08
AlonzoTGSo therefore I need AI.19:08
bdeskhow do you know?19:08
bdeskif there is strong ai do you think it would want to tell you?19:08
AlonzoTGIf it was, I'd know.19:08
bdeskdoes strong ai just mean something intellectually equivalent to a person?19:09
bdeskbecause i think google is past that19:10
AlonzoTGStrong AI is something that can behave in a rationally justifyiable way when presented with any problem in any environment.19:10
QuantumG.. if you have to ask.19:10
AlonzoTGThere's a difference between a database and an intellect.19:10
bdeskoh that is super-strong ai.  like thermodynamically infeasibly strong ai.19:10
bdeski would classify google as more like an intellect than a database.  also chinese room.19:11
AlonzoTGI didn't say optimally, I said in a rationally justifiable way.19:11
bdeskkanzure: in that case ask for money to work on AGI19:12
AlonzoTGI WANT A NAO!!! =P19:13
AlonzoTGI WANT MY NAO NOW!!!19:13
kanzure< AlonzoTG> Without it, a lone mad scientist has little hope of accomplishing anything.19:15
kanzureperhaps you are not mad enough19:15
kanzureand/or angry19:16
AlonzoTGI'm plenty crazy. =P19:16
AlonzoTGActually, I'm half-way saved for a Nao.19:16
AlonzoTGI got me 6 oz of gold reserved for it already.19:16
AlonzoTGI think I need about 11 or so to actually buy it.19:16
QuantumGif you were really crazy you wouldn't need computer intelligence.. you'd just acquire it via kidnapping and blackmail19:16
AlonzoTGThere's a difference between a mad scientist and a demented scientist. =|19:17
AlonzoTGI tried joining a mad science group but they were all to demented to deal with. =(19:17
bdeskwtf is nao19:17
kanzurestupid 4chan meme19:18
AlonzoTGfind out.19:18
bdesknvm i dont want to know19:18
AlonzoTGYes you do.19:18
AlonzoTGThey cost about $16k.19:18
QuantumGI think most people who say "mad scientist" in an affectionate way just mean "anti-social wanna-be tinkerer"19:18
bdeskas opposed to industrial production19:19
kanzureQuantumG: do you think ed boyden or andy ellington is a mad scientist?19:19
kanzureandy is probably madder than ed in terms of actual anger19:19
bdeskthe mad in mad scientist does not mean anger19:19
kanzureDoktor Sleepless sounds cool enough. i should steal some copies..19:20
bdeskfood is dual-use because either the good guys could eat it or the bad guys could eat it.19:22
bdesktv is dual-use because you could use it to watch mythbusters or you could use it to watch jersey shore19:23
kanzure"food hacking" not as inconspicuous as you first thought19:23
kanzureaka "molecular gastronomy"19:24
bdeskinnocuous maybe?19:24
bdeskyeah i like the idea of molecular gastronomy19:25
kanzurei'm just saying "molecular gastronomy" sounds more sinister19:25
kanzurehaha giant picture of an egg19:25
bdeskif someone made a cake so good it deserved a nobel prize, which prize should it get?19:36
kanzurepeace prize19:37
kanzureother cakes get it too?19:38
bdeski was thinking economics for home economics but peace prize is better19:38
kanzurei did a backup of hplusmagazine.com's mysql db last year and one just a few minutes ago19:39
kanzurethis one is 10 MB smaller19:39
bdeskit was out of commission for a while though, right?19:39
kanzureshould diff be able to handle multi-megabyte diffs on .sql (mostly plaintext) data?19:39
kanzureno i mean "last year" as in 3 days ago19:40
bdeskso we haven't hit peak hplus yet19:41
kanzuretechnologiclee (some of you might remember him from hanging out in here) is posting his medical file to diybio/etc.19:41
kanzurei saw his knee once. it was gnarly.19:41
AlonzoTGJFC! that's horrible!19:42
AlonzoTGI wish doctors didn't have so much risk from malpractice....19:43
AlonzoTGEven an amputation might be an improvement in this case. =\19:43
AlonzoTGI really would like to help ppl like that but I just can't now,19:43
AlonzoTGso I'm working on AI,19:43
AlonzoTGdamn the naysayers.19:43
AlonzoTGand the goertzel,19:43
AlonzoTGOn the other hand, I eventually intend to develop my own cybernetic species,19:44
bdeskwhat did he try to put in his knee19:44
AlonzoTGvery very challenging work.19:44
AlonzoTGApparently he had cancer from the fluoridated water,19:44
kanzurebdesk: no i think that's what his docs put in19:44
bdeski didnt click19:45
kanzureit's .. brutal.19:46
kanzure(it's just xrays)19:46
bdeskdoes diy bio mean poor americans taking the scalpel to themselves because they dont have health insurance?19:47
bdeskwhen you risk life and limb to help test a drug, are you helping science or big pharma? "http://motherjones.com/environment/2010/09/dan-markingson-drug-trial-astrazeneca"19:53
kanzurei think it depends on who is doing the study19:53
bdeskthe story is that you think the university is doing the study but it is really the pharmaceutical industry19:56
AlonzoTGI'm thinking of converting from atheism to pastafarianism.19:57
AlonzoTGreasoning: all atheists ever talk about is god, and pastafarianism is funny and serves my spiritual need to smile every so often.19:58
bdeskgood choice.  when you are atheist people wonder which god it is that you don't believe in.19:58
kanzureAlonzoTG: did you read the whole brain uploading roadmap?19:58
AlonzoTGYes, cover to cover,19:58
AlonzoTGIt didn't start making sense until appendix K. =19:58
AlonzoTGI have a printout in the other room if you want to go over any specific sections.19:59
kanzurenot at the moment19:59
kanzurei was trying to give you something to do19:59
-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:59
AlonzoTGheh. ;)19:59
bdeski saw a seminar where they read the mind of a fruitfly19:59
kanzurethe mind?19:59
Lukas_Alright, what did I miss?19:59
kanzuredo you mean the nneurons20:00
kanzureLukas_: http://gnusha.org/logs/20:00
bdeskthey could tell one bit of information, and this required a heroic effort20:00
AlonzoTGThat sounds like progress, actually.20:00
AlonzoTGI'm pleased.20:00
kanzurebdesk: what was their setup?20:01
kanzuremicroelectrode array? :D20:01
bdeskno it was more invasive20:01
kanzurewith a sufficient density array you can get a lot of information out, though not on a fly20:01
kanzuremore invasive than microelectrodes? hmm20:01
kanzurefmri + voltage sensitive gfp?20:01
AlonzoTGIf my AI efforts didn't succeed on their own, I'd be happy to have an emulated mind to study and torture....20:01
bdeskcross section of brain and then look at rna expressions, i think.20:02
kanzureerr fmri + a magnetic-related ion channel20:02
kanzurerna expression? tyou have to sacrifice the fly for that20:02
bdeski said invasive20:02
kanzure"read the mind" ?20:02
AlonzoTGThose little buggers can barely even qualify as macroscopic anyway. =P20:03
kanzurerna expression studies are fun though, sure20:03
bdeskthey could tell whether the fly associated the smell with more foods or with less foods.20:03
bdeski think.20:03
kanzuredo you have names20:03
bdeskalso they showed three distinct memory 'phases' like short, medium, and long.20:04
bdeskand that these are not on a continuous spectrum but are more analogous to how we have three color cones to see the continuous visible light spectrum20:04
kanzuredoes anyone remember what that latest memory engram protocol breakthrough was? it was sometime back in 200820:04
bdeskkanzure: http://www.scripps.edu/florida/research/faculty.php?rec_id=6180020:06
kanzureronald davis?20:07
kanzureA comprehensive assay for targeted multiplex amplification of human DNA sequences20:08
kanzureSujatha Krishnakumar, Jianbiao Zheng, Julie Wilhelmy, Malek Faham, Michael Mindrinos, and Ronald Davis20:08
kanzureProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 9296 (2008)20:08
kanzureprobably not the same guy.20:08
AlonzoTGMy latest neural science book purchase was on the fibre pathways of the brain.20:08
kanzurejust something i saw in my inbox once..20:08
AlonzoTGI'm going to need it to know how to organize the software in my NAO.20:08
AlonzoTGMy concern about my NAO project is that I only have a 500 mhz processor on-board and only a wifi link to external processing.20:09
AlonzoTGSo that might be a major bottleneck for me.20:09
AlonzoTGAlso it gets much deeper into network programming than I had been previously. =\20:09
AlonzoTGSo yeah, I think the first three years of my project will be spent taming the underlying software. =(20:09
bdeskkanzure: that would probably be this ronald davis http://biox.stanford.edu/clark/davis.html20:10
kanzureoh the bearded one. hrm.20:10
kanzureAn in vivo gene deletion system for determining temporal requirement of bacterial virulence factors20:10
bdeski am scared that AlonzoTG is spending thousands of dollars doing something he read on 4chan20:11
bdeskdoes edward you know about this?20:11
kanzureA comparative study of living cell micromechanical properties by oscillatory optical tweezers20:11
AlonzoTGWtf is 4chan? Everyone's been talking about it for the last week or so,20:11
kanzurebdesk: i'm sure ed knows about 4chan20:11
kanzurei should ask if the fbi knows about 4chan20:11
kanzureor if they brief each other on it20:11
AlonzoTGbut since it's probably a forum, I'm not even slightly interested.20:11
bdesknao = neural artificial organism?20:13
AlonzoTGdamnit, now you made me open up my browser to find the link...20:13
bdesknetwork artificial organism20:14
AlonzoTGThere's this amazing video on google of 20 naos dancing the robot. =P20:14
bdeskis it this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nao_%28robot%2920:15
AlonzoTGOfcourse, when they take over the world, they'll dance the human. ;)20:15
bdeskNetworked Artificial Organism20:15
bdeskthis is my best guess20:15
AlonzoTGYes yes, that's the bot, damnit!20:15
AlonzoTGI'll need 20 million of those with armor plating and nuclear power cells to take over the world. 8P20:21
AlonzoTGWhy did everyone go silent. =(20:25
delinquentmeAlonzoTG, im with you on the engineering organisms20:26
delinquentmesounds bamf.20:26
kanzureAlonzoTG: sorry but i'll achieve global world domination before you20:26
kanzuremy plan involves draining the gulf of mexico20:26
kanzureby 2016.20:26
delinquentmekanzure, subcontract that dam to me ok?20:28
delinquentmeim investing in popsicle sticks20:28
bdeskkanzure: i think i was wrong about the rna expression of a dead fly, and that they actually used microscopy of live transgenic flies20:31
kanzuremuch better20:34
kanzuremuch more diabolical20:34
AlonzoTGMy point is that I think AGI is the only possible route towards accomplishing everything I need to accomplish in my short lifespan. =\20:35
delinquentme*head explodes*20:35
delinquentmekanzure, YOUUU would know about what machines run on linux/unix systems20:36
AlonzoTGBut then the uploaders say that as soon as AGI comes around, they'll immediately order it to construct an m-brain for them. =(20:36
kanzureyes but can you clarify your philosophical differences by identifing with a predefined caste on orion's ar20:37
kanzureorion's arm.20:37
AlonzoTGI have no need or interest in doing so.20:37
AlonzoTGI took a peek at that site about ten years ago...20:38
AlonzoTGdidn't see any point in participating.20:38
AlonzoTGI thought it was just a game.20:38
kanzurehow old are you20:38
AlonzoTGI guess it's more like the "transhumanist paradims" wiki I tried to put up.20:38
kanzureand you've been working on agi for how long now20:38
AlonzoTGI've been reading books about AI and AI research for about 16 years now.20:39
AlonzoTGI got sick of reading books on neural science and such,20:40
AlonzoTGI want to BUILD!!! (and then be humiliated back into reading again....)20:40
kanzureso what are you building20:41
bdeskto build anything useful you have to be associated with government or industry20:41
AlonzoTGI refuse to deal with the government and I don't have enough letters after my name to get hired to do anything cool for industry.20:42
delinquentmeummm no idea kanzure ?20:42
AlonzoTGSo therefore I'm going to spend $30,000 of my own money on the project.20:42
kanzuredelinquentme: wait what was your question20:42
kanzurewhat machines run on linux?20:42
delinquentmeyeah specifically bio machines20:42
delinquentmethat arent windoez20:42
kanzurei don't know of any biology-lab-equipment that comes with linux drivers or support20:43
kanzuresometimes it's just raw data over a port..20:43
AlonzoTGWhat kind of question is that? I'm running linux...20:43
AlonzoTGLinux runs on just about everything, the instant a new platform comes out, ppl port linux to it. They're insane, but that's what happens.20:43
delinquentmeAlonzoTG, yeah as am i :D and im just kind of head-in-th-clouds thinking about what would be the awesomeness for a lab20:43
kanzureAlonzoTG: it's a language issue20:44
kanzureAlonzoTG: i don't think delinquentme speaks english20:44
AlonzoTGYeah, a lot of equipment only has windows drivers.20:44
delinquentmeva a commigo de la cuarto de bano20:44
AlonzoTGThe gear I have for my electric car only has windows software. =(20:44
bdeski know that some centrifuges in iran run windows20:45
delinquentme^^ so that puppy has its own windows interface20:45
bdeskor at least they used to20:45
kanzure88proof.com is jncline (he used to come in here too..)20:45
delinquentmeyeah i shot him a email about the same thing20:45
kanzureyou should see his electrowetting-on-dielectrics stuff20:45
delinquentmegetting that higher level function between the server and the machined20:45
delinquentmejust found it today!20:45
kanzurebasically he was doing some pcb boards for microfluidics and droplet manipulation20:45
kanzurehe has his code up on sourceforge if you want it20:46
kanzureand on CPAN.. he's a hardcore perl fan20:46
delinquentmeOHH thats what CPAN is20:46
kanzuresvn co https://jcline.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jcline jcline20:46
delinquentmeyeah see20:46
delinquentmeim TRYING to stick w Ruby20:47
delinquentmebecause i dont hold your belief that languages DONT matter20:47
delinquentmeand ive got RoR going on20:47
delinquentmeso best case scenario i can get these to jive together20:47
kanzuremeh if you were a better programmer you would be able to wire it up anyway ;)20:48
delinquentmehaha working on it20:49
delinquentmei need to find someplace where someone will let me play w their machine20:49
kanzurewhat lab equipment do you have20:49
kanzureah. i see.20:49
kanzurewell that makes it hard then huh20:49
delinquentmeyeah thats a super bummer20:49
AlonzoTGI've been making my living off of Java recently. =P20:49
AlonzoTGI have no use for biotech equipment, -- yet. even though I have a contract with a biotech firm.20:49
delinquentmeive got this arduino based hardware im looking into .. moving mount for a microscope20:49
delinquentmeand thats easy enough to get started on ..20:50
kanzuremac cowell has somes tuff floating around for what he calls 'roboscope'20:50
delinquentmebut id LOVE some serious equipment to jack into20:50
kanzureit's an arduino shield related to microscopy20:50
kanzurebut it streams to iphones and ipads with live video20:50
kanzureor something sick.20:50
delinquentmeyeah that is kinda wild20:50
delinquentmekanzure, do you know if the companies who purchase these big mean machines have some kind of agreements preventing them from hacking it?20:51
kanzurealthough lots of older equipment is out of warranty20:52
kanzureyou can pick interesting stuff up at university liquidation auctions20:52
delinquentmeso warranties and wanting to keep the equip functional20:53
kanzurein terms of wiring up new software to it, that's not going to break it20:53
kanzureusually you hook up an external computer to your lab equipment20:53
kanzurecom, rs232, and if it was made in the last 10 years, maybe usb20:53
kanzureserial ports woo20:54
kanzuresometimes custom ports! because they are evil bastards20:54
delinquentmethe "dongle"20:57
delinquentme(thats what the tecan liquid handlers have )20:57
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kanzure"What a bunch of complete nonsense. Ooh, I stuck a fork up my ass, now I’m more evolved and can sense when there’s a salad within 30 feet. Pffft.23:25
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kanzurehmm my comment was removed by the wired moderators23:28
joshcryerCommenting on Lepht's article?23:33
kanzurebirthday #21 is on jan 4 for me23:38
kanzurewhat should i do?23:38
joshcryerMaybe do the ritual buying alcohol thing.23:43
joshcryer(I never did that, didn't drink for the first time until I was like 25.)23:43
joshcryerMaybe avoid anything and everything h+, just to see what it's like.23:43
joshcryerI bet it's been awhile since you have had a break.23:43
kanzurea brea..k?23:44
joshcryerAlso, I didn't know you were so young.23:45
joshcryerDamn kids these days, so smart.23:45
kanzureyoung? i'm practically ancient now23:45
kanzurewhy just last year i was 1223:45
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joshcryerYou must've been 16 when we met.23:47
joshcryerQuantumG, during an AI discussion I once had a guy once told me that we should endow hammers with intelligence. If we were going to go with automation.23:51
joshcryerQuantumG, in that vein AI is slavery.23:51
joshcryerQuantumG, but dumb automation is hardly anything of the sort, imnsho.23:52
joshcryerThe slavers were fully aware of the humanity of their slaves, and even attempted to justify it with stupid arguments about how they treated their slaves better because of this awareness.23:53
joshcryer"Do I not feed and clothe my slaves, and shelter them? They are clearly better off under my extreme benelovence. I just won't let them read so that they stay dumb."23:54
joshcryerThe guy who argued for intelligent hammers used this exact argument, and decided that, if we had the *ability* to endow hammers with intelligence, we ought to.23:55
joshcryer"Let hammers learn to read," type of argument.23:55
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@pD9E2FEE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:58
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