
--- Log opened Thu Jan 06 00:00:05 2011
timschmidtthat looks...  moldy.00:02
maykoyes there were some... hitchikers.00:02
maykoit was a beautiful red though00:03
maykolost it to contamination but i have some frozen mycelliated agar gonna start checkin out these pigments lol00:04
maykoworkin on a fluorescant orange one right now might be L sulphurus00:08
maykook gonna sleep fer realz night ;D00:08
* mayko is back (gone 00:00:52)00:10
* mayko is away: run mycellia run!00:10
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dbolserjoshcryer: ...01:32
dbolseris that april 1st?01:32
dbolserit's weird01:32
dbolserIt was as if nature gave me this great result and then tried to take it back01:32
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joshcryerdbolser, I've encountered this before.02:16
joshcryerIn my own experimentation.02:16
joshcryerHeck, even in my own coding.02:17
dbolserpsychological or paranormal?02:19
joshcryerThe decline effect.02:25
joshcryerWhich I interpret to mean confirmation bias, which the article doesn't mention, but it seems quite similar.02:25
joshcryerBasically if something works it is correct but in subsequent uses it appears less and less correct.02:25
joshcryerIn software we call 'em bugs.02:25
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delinquentmekanzure, do you guys have any associations with #futuresalon04:18
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kanzureyet another dead-on-arrival wiki for diybio http://wiki.openbioprojects.net07:20
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fennneed to point cia at ##hplus instead of #hplus07:25
kanzureyou should read tim schmidt's email and think about it for a month07:28
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fenni'm so far ahead of you already :P07:30
kanzuredid you write it?07:35
kanzureit= the whitepaper that he proposed07:36
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fennno, maybe i should read it again07:50
fennhum. lazy reporter never called me back http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/01/04/MNT41GT99B.DTL&feed=rss.news07:52
kanzureyeah she only spent 10min on the phone with me07:55
fennhaha now you look like a burner07:56
fennthey sure like to hype up the dishes line, but nobody seems to care that i started tracking what food i ate so i could plan for crop area on space colonies07:57
fenn"I'll see that we've already talked about things like synthetic biology or Burning Man," Bishop said.07:57
kanzurei think it connects to these people because they do dishes07:58
fennwow look at the comments07:59
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kanzure"Ok, so there are 1,000 people in the WORLD who take part in this obsessive self-monitoring, and that warrants a story on SFgate?"08:00
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thesnarkmorning kanzure08:02
kanzurehi thesnark08:02
kanzurethesnark: http://diyhpl.us:9000/random08:03
thesnarkknazure Do you know how many hours of footage there is? I'm assuming those are all hplus videos08:04
kanzureon average the length is 1h08:04
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kanzurefenn: you going to fungusland? http://www.fungusfed.org/ jan 7-9 in santa cruz08:13
kanzureybit: len sassaman was working on a repeatably deployable *leaks infrastructure (because he doesn't trust anyone else to get the software security right) so if we all bug him enough that might help08:15
kanzurere: paperleaks or scienceleaks08:15
kanzuremarcin is listed here: http://www.ted.com/pages/view/id/55208:23
kanzurehere's his comment on it: http://openfarmtech.org/weblog/2010/12/ted-fellows-2/08:23
kanzureen español http://imagina-canarias.blogspot.com/2010/12/marcin-es-ahora-ted-fellow.html08:24
kanzurewait. not español08:25
kanzure"one of the romantic languages" it doesn't matter.08:25
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kanzureg4k: is this you? http://www.i3detroit.com/i3-detroit-needs-your-help-to-win-a-laser-cutter08:30
kanzureg4k: you might want to talk with timschmidt (he's in here) since he's relatively local to your scene08:30
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kanzuresomeone in here was asking about video summarization startups08:43
kanzureand i mentioned michael katsevman used to hang out in here08:43
kanzurehttp://highlightcam.com/ is his video summarization startup thing.08:43
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g4kkanzure: i posted it for them, but im from familab08:54
g4kthey donated like $100 or so to our laser cutter fund on kickstarter08:54
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kanzuregah oembed on fora.tv is broken too? http://fora.tv/partner/Open_Science_Summit :(08:58
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kanzurehuh there's a lot of videos from the conference missing there08:59
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kanzurejrayhawk: how do i get ahead of the curve on nanoengineer :( there's a lot of stuff piling up09:08
kanzurelike cross-platform testing09:09
kanzureiirc not many projects bother to do automated cross-platform testing (like via metasploit?) but i could be wrong09:09
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kanzurehi thesnark10:18
thesnarkhey kanzure10:19
thesnarkkanzure You showed me the site you're working on about 3 weeks ago and I lost the conversation10:29
thesnarkkanzure Care to show again what you're doing?10:29
kanzure3 weeks ago.. hrm10:35
kanzureoh http://gitduino.com/ probably10:35
kanzurei've been slacking on that front.10:36
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kanzurejrayhawk: madeline says "oh steve looks a lot like todd huffman"11:12
kanzurehmm now the hard part is explaining why using steve would be funnier11:14
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Lukas__Hullo Kanzure11:38
Lukas__Do you know someone that is well versed at biochemistry?11:39
kanzurei know a handful of people yes11:42
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Lukas__If you could relay this question to them that would be awesome:  The human body is capable of recognizing foreign proteins, which is why gene therapy keeps running into problems.  Are there unique amino acid chains that mark a particular protein as 'you'?11:54
Lukas__that is the question, in a nutshell11:54
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fenn" which is why gene therapy keeps running into problems." well, not really.12:05
fennmost of your proteins are exactly the same as every other human's version of that protein12:06
fennbasically, the answer in a nutshell is, "it's really complicated"12:07
fennbut you might start with reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_histocompatibility_complex12:07
fennthings which are non-self tend to get displayed for recognition12:10
Lukas__  Please excuse my ignorance12:11
fenni don't remember anything that identifies a cell or protein as 'self'12:13
Lukas__that makes the problem even more of a pain in the ass12:15
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kanzuretimschmidt: i don't know if these guys are legit or not http://www.refresheverything.com/dnaprogramming12:23
kanzuretimschmidt: they want to do an ann arbor molecular biology teaching space? thing.12:23
timschmidt...  looking ...12:24
kanzuremore details http://www.allhandsactive.com/2011/01/aha-takes-the-pepsi-challenge/12:24
kanzureso far i know of them just because they're asking for money12:24
timschmidtAh, All Hands Active...  yes, I've met these people12:24
kanzurewhich suggests to me that they are probably not legit12:24
timschmidtthey're a legitimate hackerspace12:24
kanzurei see12:24
timschmidtthough they're not particularly cooperative with the i3 Detroit people12:25
timschmidtwhich are a very inclusive hackerspace12:25
timschmidtAHA gave a demonstration next to ours at TEDxUofM12:29
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kanzurefenn: is there any chance that a whitepaper is something you'd be willing to organize?13:43
kanzureand write.13:43
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jrayhawkSteve would be funnier because he'd turn even the simplest questions into very difficult to follow meta-discussions on what the implications of the various truthful answers he could give would be13:59
jrayhawkbut he'd probably be there to talk about existential risk, so there'd be plenty of that, too14:02
kanzurebut i need a way to make that sound appealing *to her*14:07
jrayhawkHe is a wonderful straight man to Colbert against.14:08
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kanzurehm.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/hplusmagazine-authors.2011-01-06.txt14:11
kanzurehplusmagazine.com has had more authors writing for it than users registered to comment14:11
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kanzurehi gloop14:50
gloopwas that a cat or dog?14:55
AlonzoTGI'm kinda like pseudobanned from exi-chat.14:55
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kanzurehi Juul14:58
kanzureguess the redirect isn't working?14:58
Juulguess not14:58
Juuli just realized i got redirected to ##namespace14:58
Juulwhich has some explanation14:59
gloopi typed two #s before i got here14:59
gloopi was there too14:59
AlonzoTGAnyone wanna chat?15:00
kanzureno go away15:00
gloopwhat do you do alonzo15:01
AlonzoTGGet yelled at by a co-worker that the documentation I write sucks.15:01
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AlonzoTGI'm a programmer, not a technical writer. =\15:02
AlonzoTGAlso, it's hard for me to talk down to ppl.15:02
AlonzoTGso I expect people to have a basic understanding of how java basically works.15:02
* kanzure will bbl15:03
gloopwell, i guess using metaphors sometimes works, but not always15:03
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gloopi studied english before i studied biology. it certainly helps15:04
AlonzoTGHe wants me to answer a bunch of questions that I don't have the answer for...15:04
gloopwhat kind of questions15:04
AlonzoTGlike "what is an accuracy report?" -- answer, one day the guy who used to work here came to me and showed me an excel spreadsheet, I reverse engineered the thing and reduced it to two SQL statements.15:04
AlonzoTGSo I don't really know what it's for, I only know how the code works.15:05
gloopis the accuracy report the spreadsheet, or the reduced sql statement15:05
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AlonzoTGThe old system had a bunch of VBA macros in the excel spreadsheets opening CSV files from all over the place (about 1 meg each), sorting them, doing a bunch of multiply-accumulate instructions, then displaying the data in a fixed form...15:06
AlonzoTGMy new version uses two SQL statements to generate the tables then it uses a XSLT template to generate a report. My version will automatically acomodate new mills as they are added where the old version had to be hand-revised. =P15:07
gloopwell i have to go. bbs15:09
AlonzoTGMy version is so automated that once you tell it where to get the data, everything else is taken care of.15:09
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kanzureAlonzoTG: mills? you work with *gasp* actual equipment15:22
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fenncurl -s http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/hplusmagazine-authors.2011-01-06.txt | sort |sed 's/[ \t]*$//'| sed 's/,.*//'| sed 's/ and .*//'| uniq -i | wc -l16:39
kanzurefenn: or http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/hplusmagazine-unique-authors.txt16:40
fennstill a lot16:41
fennthat like 2.5 articles per author16:42
kanzurethere's only 140 users registered for commenting16:43
kanzureand most of those are spam accounts16:43
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kanzureyesterday i moved the server/software somewhere else16:45
kanzureas soon as i turned it on it was ~200 hits/sec16:46
kanzureabout 25% were crawlers and spiders16:46
kanzurewith 1040 articles i guess hplusmagazine.com is eating the long tail concept up for breakfast16:46
gloopso 150 hits/sec are unique?16:47
kanzurei didn't check the ip addresses i guess16:48
kanzurei bet some people are just monitoring for when the ip address switches16:48
kanzureand then load the pages to check why things moved.16:48
kanzurefenn: so about an skdb open source hardware spec whitepaper.. thing16:50
fennis someone supposedly going to implement this based on a spec i write? otherwise i dont really see the point16:54
fennyou're talking about mail titled "Packagine proposal" right?16:55
kanzureactually i'm re-reading timschmidt's email16:55
kanzurehe didn't explicitly ask for the spec there16:55
kanzurebut instead for the apt-get + dependency-resolver + what-do-you-presently-have + grab-from-online-mirror system16:56
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fennparse error, "instead for"?16:57
kanzure"he didn't explicitly ask for.. but instead for"16:57
kanzurei do think a 1 or 2 page v0.01 spec would be worthwhile16:57
kanzureskdb.git is mostly useless in terms of installable or usable things16:57
kanzurehas some nice gems for file format conversion and other weird things though16:58
fennhas some nice package format specs <_<16:58
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kanzurenot really16:59
kanzurefenn: autogenix.something.txt is in there but that's old17:00
fennomg why do people listen to recorded live electronic music17:00
kanzuremetadata.yaml isn't written down anywhere really17:00
kanzureand i'm not sure that the basic concept of screw.py was legit for our purposes17:00
kanzureat the very least:17:00
kanzure* some sort of standard for metadata17:00
kanzure* useful things to include in the metadata17:01
kanzure* suggestions for CAD standards (i.e. not storing raw STL or PDF files when it's avoidable)17:01
kanzure* licensing metadata information, licensing short strings ("gpl-2.0" instead of copy+paste large LICENSE file)17:01
kanzure* explicitly saying it should be a git repository17:02
fenn"some sort of standard for metadata" is a trap17:02
fenni mean i already attempted writing a spec and upon trying to implement it i had to change it a bunch and ended up with what we have now, so how do i know that won't happen again?17:03
kanzure* types of dependencies (build, assemble, disassemble, run, software?)17:03
kanzurere: metadata-standard as a trap.. in general i think a version number is a good idea17:04
kanzureoh please none of us have done new packages in forever17:04
kanzureso the hypothetical optimal spec hasn't changed either17:04
kanzureanyway, if we did come into that situation, rapidly updating the spec and versioning it is ok in my book17:04
fennthe hypothetical optimal spec i was referring to was the autogenix thing17:04
kanzureit sounds like those things aren't major incompatibilities in the versioning17:05
kanzureiirc some of the autogenix things are a little outdated already :P17:05
fenni think we're not making mutual sense17:05
kanzureall i'm saying is that rapidly bumping versions of a spec/standard is fine17:06
kanzurebut yes i remember a few situations where i didn't know how to represent something in package/metadata.yaml17:06
kanzureyaml won't explicitly puke on something new which is nice17:07
kanzurebut our tools still need to be written to a number of unit tests and situations that we can reasonably expect to find out in the field [er, things we find packaged using our presently-non-existing stnadard]17:07
kanzuretimschmidt: are you around?17:07
kanzurefenn: i think doing this in latex under git would be ideal even if it is just ~2 pages17:08
fennit's fairly easy to write a bunch of almost plain text garbage in yaml format, but you don't know it's useless until you write something like screw.py that actually does something with the information17:08
timschmidtkanzure: yep17:08
fennfuck latex17:08
kanzureyeah so i don't knwo if 'screw.py' should be in the spec17:08
kanzurematt campbell brought up this issue and i didn't really have an answer17:09
kanzurehaving a class in the package that is written in python that other tools won't necessarily be able to use without using a python bridge/interpreter/calling it by command line17:09
fennideally the metadata.yaml is language independent17:09
fenn(except for yaml of course)17:09
fennyou can write another parser in C for screw.yaml if you like17:10
kanzurei'm talking about screw.py17:10
kanzurewhere we have methods for calculating parameters etc.17:10
kanzureanyway, that cna come later17:10
fennyeah, well it's gotta be done in some programming language17:11
kanzure*shrug* anyway i don't see that as being necessary in v0.0117:11
kanzurei'm a little overloaded in terms of how much i can get done in a single day17:11
kanzuretaking this on would mean a lot to me.. i don't see it being particularly laborious except for the pain of knowing how incomplete it is17:12
kanzuretimschmidt: what do you think?17:13
fennso the idea here is i write some document that tells tim how to write his metadata, then when he gets it wrong i rewrite the spec?17:13
fennlather rinse repeat17:14
kanzuresort of17:15
kanzurethe real idea is that you and i should have done this a long time ago17:15
kanzurewe didn't, and doing it is kinda important17:15
timschmidtfenn: sounds right to me17:15
fennsomeone please write me a spec for how to write specs17:16
kanzurewell first you deploy the document writing infrastructure.. thing17:16
kanzurei suggested latex+git but you don't seem to like that17:16
kanzurewhatever it is should be renderable into txt, html, and pdf because people who read specs apparently like pdf17:17
kanzurerestructuredtext is some hot stuff these days apparently17:17
kanzuresecond, you make up an outline that you will probably end up ignoring17:17
fenn1. write spec17:18
kanzurethird, you write the purpose/objectives or chicken scratch those notes17:18
fenn2. ????17:18
fenn3. write spec17:18
kanzure1. use skdb.git or start a new git repository17:18
fenni'm not starting a new git repo17:19
kanzure2. setup some document renderer thingy (latex? restructuredtext? not raw html)17:19
kanzureactually you might enjoy just copying PEP stuff17:20
fennyeah i was just looking at that17:22
kanzure3. draft a brief outline (introduction/scope/objectives, how metadata is to be used, how git is to be used, how CAD is to be used, concluding remarks, references, whatever)17:22
kanzure4. i help out with fleshing out words/sentences under that outline17:23
kanzure5. tim/others will review it and give it a thumbs up or down for particular concerns or something17:23
kanzuredoes this sound reasonable17:23
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fennsure, i will probably work on it tomorrow morning17:25
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fenni am hoping openscad will play nicer than opencascade17:26
timschmidtthe OpenSCAD devs are pretty friendly folk17:26
kanzurethey haven't replied about lolcad yet tim :/17:27
timschmidtI will ping marius17:27
fennlooks like he has a lot on his plate http://metalab.at/wiki/Benutzer:MariusKintel17:29
-!- mheld [~mheld@pool-173-76-224-45.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:29
kanzurefenn: have you looked at elmom/MCAD yet?17:30
fenna little17:30
kanzureoh fenn another thing to put in the old noggen is qr codes for packaged objects17:34
-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:38
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:39
kanzurehi JayDugger17:41
Lukas__Hullo JayDugger17:43
kanzureheh http://code.google.com/p/latex-lab/17:51
fenntoo bad we don't have real URI's17:54
fennonly URL's17:54
fennwell say the qr code encodes a url pointing at some git repo that's hosted on my machine, and then my machine goes down. now that qr code is useless18:00
kanzureuse domain names not ip addresses18:02
fennstill, can't expect everybody making objects to have a reliable server18:02
kanzuredunno how DOI has convinced everyone they will be around forever18:02
kanzurefenn: gitduino.com is supposedly for hosting hardware git repos18:02
kanzurebut so far it's unreliable18:03
kanzurebusy not existing.18:03
QuantumGI doubt that email will get much response on arocket kanzure18:03
kanzureQuantumG: a man can dream :(18:03
QuantumGit's a little too "I demand you tell me what I can't be bothered researching!!"18:03
kanzurei should link keith to the SSI videos on moon rock manufacturing18:03
kanzureyeah that's true18:03
fennwhy is there a flamingo?18:03
kanzurefenn: gitduino.. flamingo18:04
kanzuredon't kill me :eek:18:04
QuantumGor link him to tdrs and say "search"18:04
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fennuh, they both end in "o"?18:04
kanzurethey sort of rhyme18:04
fennthey both have 8 letters18:04
kanzureduino.. ingo..18:04
QuantumGdamn acronyms18:04
kanzureino ingo18:05
kanzuremaybe it's a bad idea18:05
kanzuresebastien is prepared to port the entire reprap community over to gitduino18:05
kanzuresigh if only i could work faster18:05
QuantumGExtracting Oxygen from Lunar Simulant Using a Transparent Furnace Pulsed Fluidized Bed  <- there's like 100s of them18:05
QuantumGhttp://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20100030350_2010032681.pdf  <- is a good answer to his question18:08
QuantumGI'll reply on arocket for shits and giggles18:08
kanzurecrowdsourced funding for moon mission http://www.ironicsans.com/2011/01/idea_crowdfund_a_mission_to_pu.html18:08
kanzureor on slashdot: http://idle.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=11/01/06/162625918:09
QuantumGyeah, it's amazing how that guy (who is clearly a moron) has managed to get some attention.18:09
gloop_i like the flamingo18:10
kanzurei'm not a big fan of crowdsourcing your funding18:11
kanzureevery year the cancer conglomerates are able to raise a crapload via crowdsourcing18:11
kanzurebut they spend a lot in building their marketing channels too.18:11
kanzureit's a little like bottom scraping, i think18:11
kanzureand doesn't seem a particularly good strategy.. i mean your funding source could dry up at any moment really18:12
QuantumGthere ya go, suitably snippy18:14
-!- nchaimov [~cowtown@c-71-59-157-3.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:18
JayDuggerQuantumG, arocket=?18:23
QuantumGmailing list18:23
JayDuggerThank you.18:23
* fenn fights with openscad and include paths18:29
kanzurehow's that going18:54
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.19:01
-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left ##hplusroadmap []19:01
Lukas__Good night19:07
-!- thesnark|bbiab is now known as thesnark|sleep19:12
ybitwhy git and not mercurial?19:26
ybitjust seems like hg or even bzr would be easier to work with19:27
kanzurewhat i really need is something that uses rsync's binary diff algorithm19:29
kanzurewhen committing binaries.19:29
kanzuregood news everyone! http://octopart.com/blog/archives/2011/1/digi%252Dkey-products-now-listed-on-octopart19:30
kanzureand discussed here http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=207566419:30
-!- mayko [~mayko@71-22-217-151.gar.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:31
kanzure"I'd love to see Octopart add precise component outlines to its database, with an API so that a component can be added to a board layout or schematic directly from the Octopart meta-catalog. This would make Octopart even more awesome."19:31
kanzure"Our backend is already equipped to handle this and now we're starting to focus on getting manufacturer data feeds. If you have a chance, please send me an email to let me know which manufacturers you think we should prioritize (andres@octopart.com)."19:31
kanzureandres has been pro-skdb in the past.19:31
ybitbest 404 ever: https://github.com/bla/blal19:34
kanzureyou mean http://github.com/40419:35
kanzurethere's also https://github.com/50319:35
ybitthat works too19:49
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Juulevening on the u.s. west coast kinda sucks. the rest of the western world is sleeping20:26
Lukas__it is 11:30pm where I am20:31
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kanzuresorry about that, nsh_20:52
* nsh_ chooses to blame freenode20:52
nsh_this ## nonsense has never sat well with me20:52
kanzuresorry you have to talk about that in ###hplusroadmap20:53
* nsh_ smiles20:57
AlonzoTGagreed, ## is gay.21:48
-!- timschmidt [~tim@68-188-226-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]22:11
maykouh yeah what is up with ## and me getting a redir to ##namespace22:24
-!- timschmidt [~tim@68-188-226-100.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:24
kanzuremayko: the new channel name is ##hplusroadmap22:28
maykooh good22:29
timschmidtnearly finished installing Debian on my Seagate Dockstar...22:31
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* nsh_ frowns22:52
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nsh_reading about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaeoacoustics22:57
nsh_made me wonder: what might we be doing, today, that future technology might render invaluable?22:58
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timschmidtnsh_: browser histories / flash cookies / tracking data of the yet-to-be-famous23:19
nsh_ah, true in itself. but we can already read these23:19
nsh_what are we doing, or might we do, to create artefacts whose value is so far hidden to us23:20
nsh_an ancient potter could not have imagined his vase might capture sound23:21
kanzurekinetic sculptures are kind of obvious23:21
timschmidtnsh_: participating in an aggregate consciousness23:21
nsh_remind me of a strange thought i had today23:25
nsh_to do with the eliciting sentiment of a literal expression affecting its reception and appreciation by the other party23:26
nsh_ie, the 'feeling' the accompanies the creation of a message, whose contents are strictly limited (e.g. textual), "charging" the communication with affect23:27
nsh_which is then reflected in the mind of the receiving party23:28
* kanzure sleeps23:28
nsh_good idea23:28
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