
--- Log opened Sun Jan 09 00:00:04 2011
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joshcryerQuantumG, lol, http://hauntingthelibrary.wordpress.com/2011/01/08/ecologist-magazine-using-machines-is-morally-comparable-with-slavery/04:06
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Utopiahwoops https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Energy_Slave04:07
JayDuggerWow...where to start with such malignant foolishness.04:10
joshcryerStart with QuantumG!!!!11one04:11
joshcryerJust teasing.04:11
joshcryerHe's not a luddite like these idiots.04:12
JayDuggerNo, I think I'll take comfort in the fact those fools only speak, as opposed to the ancient Assyrians.04:12
JayDuggerAnyhow, back to work.04:12
joshcryerGood position to take, I used to debate primitivists for days on end, eventually I realized they were ineffectual fools, and the green scare group got jailed, so the fringe groups were put out of the equation (heaven forbid they get access to transhuman tech though, it'll be an interesting little war).04:13
JayDuggerI'll worry about "access to transhuman tech" once some exists. Warfare got quite deadly enough with the invention of metal weapons.04:15
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kanzurehow did this happen already? http://identi.ca/notice/6181432905:24
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Lukas__Top of the morning07:15
kanzuretop of the muffin07:19
Lukas__What's up?07:35
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kanzurewhen you search for 'aubrey de grey' on google images,08:31
kanzureit says 'rasputin' is a related search08:31
kanzureah here we go: http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/father-gregory-rasputin-totally-looks-like-aubrey-de-grey_3502.jpg08:32
Lukas__Well, Rasputin was hard to kill08:33
Lukas__so I suppose I can see the relation there08:33
kanzurei'm not sure i buy it, though: http://www.markbehm.com/blogger/uploaded_images/rasputin-716378.jpg08:33
Lukas__Perhaps a taller version?08:37
kanzurealessandro delfanti recently put up a page re: diybio http://people.sissa.it/~delfanti/diybio.html08:46
kanzure"Genome Hackers. Rebel Biology, Open Source and Science Ethic" http://people.sissa.it/~delfanti/hacking.html08:46
Lukas__When researchers sequence the DNA of organisms, do they publish the content on the internet?08:48
kanzuresometimes. you can find published genomes on the ncbi site08:50
kanzurehere: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/08:51
Lukas__thank you08:51
-!- metafire [~quassel@pD9F8AE8B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:52
Lukas__ Cladosporium sphaerospermum is apparently a common mold08:59
Lukas__as well as  Wangiella dermatitidis08:59
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kanzurehi thesnark|afk09:42
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UtopiahArduino The Documentary (2010)  http://vimeo.com/1853912909:46
kanzureUtopiah: have you seen the documentary on george church's personal genome project?09:46
kanzurei think it's called 'the personal genome'09:47
Utopiahnop, URL?09:47
kanzurehttp://thepersonalgenome.com/ probably09:47
UtopiahI've seens some of the "webisodes" but not the entire docu09:51
kanzuredunno if the whole thing is out yet or not09:52
Utopiah(reminds me that Im still looking for http://www.dreamland.is :(09:54
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Lukas__Kanzure, did you ever complete your work with the myostatin mice?11:42
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kanzureLukas__: i never did work on mice12:17
Lukas__I'm mistaken then12:19
kanzurebut here's some papers: http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/myostatin/12:21
-!- metafire_ is now known as RadiVus12:50
-!- RadiVus is now known as RadiVis12:50
RadiVisFYI: Yesterday evening I made a new blog about my science fiction story ideas: http://radivis.com/12:52
kanzure"Man muss noch Chaos in sich haben, um einen tanzenden Stern gebären zu können." ?12:58
Lukas__Didn't know you speak German13:02
RadiVisYeah, I'm from Germany. Huh, perhaps I should mention that somewhere13:03
Lukas__I figured that, I didn't know Kanzure could13:07
kanzurenot really13:10
kanzure"Embedding disabled by request" grr13:10
kanzureit's aubrey's tech talk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEyguiO4UW013:11
kanzuregoogle techtalk i mean13:11
Lukas__So, I've decided that I want to try to make mice radiotrophic13:16
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kanzurethesnark: http://diyhpl.us:9000/random :)13:27
Lukas__artificial organelle?13:33
* thesnark heard about that13:34
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niftyzero1kanzure - http://www.personalgenomes.org/14:06
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Utopiahniftyzero1: is the whole documentary online somewhere?14:17
Lukas__I really don't understand why Patri gets so much flak14:22
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kanzureLukas__: patri gets flak?15:09
kanzurefor what?15:10
Lukas__You know, the standard - arrogance (mainly), mild insanity15:13
kanzurei've really never heard anyone criticize him15:13
Lukas__That is interesting15:13
Lukas__I haven't heard much good about him (except from this group)15:14
superkuhI talked to the guy who is suing Julian Assange for 30 minutes today. He was angry about me leaving a message on his voicemail asking him to stop the case.15:24
kanzurewas your voicemail message full of death threats?15:26
kanzureLukas__: you're talking about patri friedman right?15:27
Lukas__Yes, Seasteading Institute - Italian decent, young15:28
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superkuhMy voicemail was very benign.15:33
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Lukas__I never heard of that guy15:51
Lukas__sounds like a supreme asshate15:52
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niftyzero1Utopiah - no idea17:06
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:21
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JayDuggerGood night, everyone.19:16
kanzuregood night JayDugger19:21
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:36
jrayhawkI'm going to break a bunch of stuff on gnusha, don't mind me...19:54
kanzureupgrading piny?19:54
jrayhawkjrayhawk@gnusha:~$ find /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ -type f -and -not -type l | wc -l20:01
jrayhawkyou are a bad person!20:01
kanzurehm what's -l?20:02
jrayhawksymbolic link20:02
kanzureyes i am a bad person20:02
kanzurehrm i should probably fix that20:02
jrayhawka2ensite and a2dissite are your friends >:(20:03
jrayhawkif you know what's good for you20:03
jrayhawkerr -l on wc -l is 'line'20:03
jrayhawksorry i wasn't paying enough attention to your question20:04
kanzureno i know wc -l :)20:04
jrayhawkokay good20:04
kanzureoops i should have asked -type l20:04
kanzurewell that's one big clusterfuck20:04
jrayhawkAre there any big path changes I should be worrying about, or is sticking everything on diyhpl.us still desirable20:08
kanzurethere are some symbolic links in /srv/www/diyhpl.us/20:10
kanzurewhat are you talking about specifically?20:11
jrayhawkYou've been making noises like you want to make your bastard django/piny thing happen under the name gitduino, which would involve some path changes that I could get over with now rather than later.20:12
jrayhawkThough with the new piny version that sort of change is much easier.20:12
kanzureoh that's right, piny probably can't handle multiple installations on the same server20:12
kanzureno thank you, diyhpl.us is fine for now20:13
jrayhawkMultiple primary domains for piny is fairly doable so long as you understand that user and project namespaces are overlapping such that you can't create the same name in different domains, but we don't really have an interface for making that choice nor any particular drive to think of one, so you'd have to yell at us to make it happen.20:16
jrayhawkSince new userspaces are already trivial to set up and manage.20:16
kanzureit seems like the only issue is mainly apache links and redirects20:16
jrayhawkNah, the apache config is reasonably duplicable without any nasty side-effects.20:17
kanzurehuh. well, not having the same name on different domains isn't an issue to me at this point20:18
kanzureso, cool.20:18
kanzurejrayhawk: while you're at it, comments on http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/plain/doc/package_spec.yaml would be cool20:33
kanzureoh fooey20:33
kanzure"no repositories found"20:33
kanzurewhat have you dooooone20:33
jrayhawkChanging over to the new cgit setup, which is much simpler to maintain20:34
kanzureno content is easier, yes20:37
jrayhawkHuh, the descriptions are all missing20:42
jrayhawkugh, and cgit has decided to not be extension agnostic anymore.20:43
kanzurebtw we can probably get rid of the reprap repositores (except reprap.git) including the one called 'users.git' and 'electronics.git' since jmil doesn't seem to care any more20:43
kanzureactually i should rmrepo those.20:43
jrayhawkOh, that would've been nice to know before Ikiwiki started rendering them20:44
jrayhawkaaand it just finished, so you can go ahead.20:44
jrayhawkand now to work out how the hell we provisioned for the git hook rename20:45
jrayhawksurely i was smart enough to document that somewhere20:46
kanzureskdb.git/hooks/post-update is a binary again20:47
jrayhawkYeah, I just moved that over.20:48
jrayhawkDid you link that somewhere20:48
jrayhawkAlthough I think the thing you were trying to do is being done in post-receive, now, so I don't know that it matters anymore20:48
kanzureno as i recall you edited the post-update hook yourself20:48
kanzurewithout a symbolic link20:49
jrayhawkThe wizardry for that happens in /etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup.pl, by the way20:49
jrayhawkOh, I was thinking hard link.20:49
kanzuremy point is that that file is no longer there or elsewhere on the filesystem20:50
jrayhawkWas it even doing anything?20:50
kanzurehuh? you configured it to open up the socket and tweet into irc20:50
jrayhawkNo, that's done in post-receive.20:50
kanzurei see it there now. hrm.20:51
jrayhawkPost-update is not really a useful place for it.20:51
jrayhawkugh, I wonder how to fix this dumbshit URL problem in cgit.20:52
jrayhawkah, remove-suffix20:52
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jrayhawkugh, i should upgrade to a delaylog-supporting kernel20:55
jrayhawkand with not-barriers20:56
jrayhawkgod i am so glad barriers are dead20:56
jrayhawkYou wanted Ikiwiki's srcdir on skdb.git to be changed to /doc/?20:58
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kanzurefundables.org is available21:05
jrayhawkOkay, that /doc/ thing is also happening in /etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup.pl because we suck a little more than I thought we did.21:14
jrayhawkIf you change /etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup.pl you'll need to run rebuildrepo to rebuild everything.21:14
jrayhawksudo rebuild skdb21:17
jrayhawkerr sudo rebuildrepo skdb21:17
kanzurecan you complain about and/or comment on http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/plain/doc/package_spec.yaml21:17
jrayhawk'BOM' also refers to 'byte order mark' used at the beginning of endian-specific file formats, if you care about acronym collisions21:18
kanzurei think BOMs have existed long before endian conventions21:18
jrayhawkMultiple licenses should be allowed.21:21
kanzurefenn: ping21:21
jrayhawk/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+$/ should probably be your name restriction, same as debian.21:26
jrayhawk /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+$/ should probably be your name restriction, same as debian.21:26
kanzurefenn is against periods in package names21:28
kanzureand for some reason wants uppercase?21:28
jrayhawkThe case sensitivity issue should be handled, then.21:28
kanzure(i'm against uppercase :P)21:29
jrayhawkerr /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-+]+$/21:32
jrayhawki can read, i swear21:32
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jrayhawkI'm a pretty awful architect; you might hang out in #debian-devel on OFTC and try to find out why things like the Provides: and Replaces: dpkg control fields came into being.21:33
jrayhawkand what other advice they might have21:33
kanzurehistory on the beginnings of dpkg is really hard to find21:34
kanzureand/or non-existant21:34
jrayhawkYeah, you'd need to talk to the people themselves. Debian is/was very organic.21:34
kanzuresomething about irc.. and privacy and not logging?21:34
jrayhawkhttp://diyhpl.us/cgit/ you might want to edit some of the description files21:41
kanzurehaha or i can be a pain in the ass and ask you to manually do it from server backups21:41
* kanzure will probably do it himself21:42
jrayhawkoh were they there beforehand? that's not good21:42
jrayhawkhuh, rebuildrepo isn't killing them; I wonder what did that21:43
jrayhawk-rw-rw-r-- 1 bryan    git-diyhpluswiki 73 Jul 19 09:04 /srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git/description21:44
kanzurediyhpluswiki definitely had a description21:44
jrayhawkSo this must just be the 'description never gets set because Jules and Joe is bad at regression testing' bug21:45
jrayhawkAh, I see, I was working with cgit directly. I can fix this.21:46
jrayhawkOkay, that's better.21:48
kanzureyay they are back21:49
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jrayhawkIf you make an h+ logo I can replace the cgit logo with it.21:51
kanzurei'll mess with that later22:08
kanzurethank you :) and good night.22:08
joshcryerHi kanzure, 'night.22:09
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joshcryera capital h is a plus sign disected down the middle and positions changed22:15
jrayhawkWell, Bryan's not here to object, so, sure, why not.22:32
joshcryerI started to animate it but I failed.22:33
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Lukas___I can't sleep23:08
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joshcryerQuantumG, like this: http://imgur.com/KmOXm.png23:36
joshcryer(I suck at gimp but Blender is easy :P)23:36
QuantumGI'm listening to Open Lines of The Space Show yesterday/today.  It's hilarious23:39
QuantumGnothing like having someone call in who thinks the center of the Earth is a black hole and that the Earth makes all its atoms, "including water" (sic)23:40
joshcryerhttp://i.imgur.com/H0GAj.png (shows the transform better)23:40
--- Log closed Mon Jan 10 00:00:04 2011

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