
--- Log opened Wed Jan 12 00:00:04 2011
-!- jennicide [brown@173-19-237-103.client.mchsi.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]00:14
fennomg boyden is using arduino to do data collection?00:18
fenni've been looking at the thorlabs catalog.. lots of expensive sexy optical bench and fiber stuff00:19
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-!- nsh_ [~x@cpc5-cowc6-2-0-cust282.14-2.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]01:39
Utopiah(one more link on computational physiology http://www.rle.mit.edu/cpci/ )01:49
-!- wrldpc2 [~benny@58-89-241-58.nttmil.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:05
Utopiahworm factory http://www.economist.com/node/1761848803:09
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archelsUtopiah: nice03:33
Utopiah(don't look in the comment but somebody complained about... not being nice to the worms and nature ;)03:33
Lukas__Good morning03:35
Utopiah./skdb search electricity-meter-interface03:40
archelsUtopiah: Best not tell hir about what they (we) do to fluffy little kittens and bunnies.03:47
archels``testing drugs on such wont bring an drug breach throw''03:49
Utopiah http://www.ikeahackers.net funny04:11
Lukas__I like clever ways to use space04:17
* bkero is ashamed to have inadvertantly missed Carl Sagan's work until recently.04:29
Lukas__Sagan is amazing04:47
-!- mheld [~mheld@pool-173-76-224-45.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:06
kanzure:/ http://www.kybernetica.com/petition_against_initiative_on_synthetic_biology_climate_connections-archive.html06:20
kanzureoops. spam. don't click06:20
kanzurehere we go:06:21
kanzurepetition: http://www.testbiotech.org/en/signonline06:21
Lukas__what the?06:26
Lukas__gods damn it06:27
Lukas__Regulation is important, but I fear this could go a bit far06:30
kanzureabout 2 GB uploaded now.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/06:34
kanzureat this rate it will only take forever06:48
-!- gloop [638cce9b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:48
kanzurewhat is it?06:49
gloopcitizen science in the news- not so much DIYBio06:50
gloopmoreso milkywayproject06:50
gloopthuogh i could be wrong. i was thinking of adding it to the openwetware list06:50
kanzureoh, that's just "use people as gruntwork" and the hype of crowdsourcing06:51
Lukas__still useful though (like the new nebula that was found the other day)06:53
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kanzurehow to read a spectrogram http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~robh/howto.html08:17
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kanzureJayDugger: i didn't claim all of his files were lost .. just that his site was down.08:41
kanzureit's back up: http://www.aleph.se/Trans/08:41
kanzurebut here's a mirror anyway :) http://anders.diyhpl.us/mirror.tar.gz08:44
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kanzurebiking t-rex http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTYJm4Jx7LU09:54
kanzurekickstarter project to make it: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1542422025/raise-the-rex09:54
-!- niftyzero [~miron@70-36-139-185.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:55
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-!- strages [~809e4e63@dev.throwthemind.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:31
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-!- Lukas__ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:47
kanzurefenn: next step is fixing up my crappy apt-get client thing.. in skdb/clients/skdb-get.py10:51
kanzurei think a one-page spec on a good package resolver-fetcher might be appropriate, or just writing something that doesn't suck10:51
kanzureincluding where to store packages on the file system, where to store a user's inventory list of tools that might not be packages yet, repository urls, etc.10:52
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fennjesus fucking christ, $2500 to weld a bike on a pole?11:13
Lukas__This out of hand11:14
kanzurefenn: it's kickstarter, it's magical like that!11:17
kanzurelasersaur got $20k and they haven't done /shit/11:17
fennwe now have "business" class internet connection here at langton; supposedly 90Mbit down and 9Mbit up, of course that's faster than wifi11:35
Lukas__-_________-   http://hplusmagazine.com/editors-blog/searching-phenomena-physics-may-serve-bases-femtometer-scale-technology11:39
-!- klafka1 [~textual@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:41
fennwhy dont they just make that an article instead of a "blog entry"11:42
fennof course "now that nanotech is well launched" just proves how disconnected from reality some of the writers are11:44
kanzurefenn: they don't understand the difference between articles and 'blog entries' and so on11:45
kanzuredunno if you noticed but half the stuff is on /articles and the other stuff is on /editors-blog11:46
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kanzureyeah ben just wrote a femtotech article11:46
* kanzure is converting hplusmagazine.com from drupal to wordpress this month11:47
Lukas__It started off decently, then went to complete speculation towards the end11:47
kanzurei got fed up with h+ magazine work and told them i'll have to start charging them..11:47
kanzureso i'm getting paid to do it :P11:47
fennrobert forward wrote a lot about making devices/computers out of ultradense matter and various subatomic particles, but he didn't call it femtotech11:48
kanzurei'll be giving a technical presentation on nanoengineer-1 sometime later this at a foresight conference11:49
kanzure(i figure that's more helpful than complaining about ben goertzel spending his time on a femtotech article)11:49
fennhave you gotten it to run yet? :P11:51
kanzureonce or twice11:52
kanzurei still need to setup nightly snapshots and more infrastructure stuff like the bug repository11:52
fennhave you tried out the dna origami stuff?11:52
kanzureno. cadnano probably does that more effectively at this point.11:52
fenni still don't know what "adobe air" is11:53
kanzurevendor lock in bullshit11:54
fennit's like flash, but you need a separate application to run it? wtf is the point of that11:54
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-24-23-119-149.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:03
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jrayhawki might actually use flash applications if flash were reliably able to execute them outside of a browser12:36
-!- timschmidt [~timschmid@h96-60-31-214.prrymi.dsl.dynamic.tds.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:36
kanzurehi timschmidt12:36
kanzureyou should bug fenn about skdb-client.py and how much it sucks12:36
kanzure(since fenn is around today)12:36
jrayhawkthat's how java's always worked12:36
timschmidtwon't ^ that suffice?12:36
kanzuretimschmidt: it's in skdb/clients/skdb-get.py12:36
kanzureit's just a little crappy client i wrote a long time ago12:36
kanzureand it's pathetic12:37
kanzurejrayhawk: maybe you can complain about it too!12:37
fenni don't see anything wrong with how it's written; maybe needs a few more sanity checks, and has to tie into dependency resolution somehow12:44
kanzurelast time i checked for "reusable package managers that aren't too heavily tied into their own thing" was back in 2008 or 200912:46
kanzuremaybe the situation has improved?12:46
kanzureheh i should be more cynical12:46
fenni dont think it makes sense to use an external/existing package manager12:48
kanzureis there a particular manager that is worth copying more than the others?12:48
fennuh. maybe?12:49
fenni'm most familiar with apt, having never been particularly fond of needing yet another fucking package manager for whatever language of the day decides they will stop making debian packages for their software12:49
jrayhawkDARCS was close to good, but still not as good as dpkg.12:50
fenni.e. CPAN, python eggs, asdf12:50
fenndarcs is a version control system, not a package manager12:51
jrayhawkerrr cabal12:51
jrayhawki should probably eat12:51
kanzurei think there should be a short spec for "how to manage skdb packages on your system"12:52
kanzurewriting a spec for a package manager might be overdoing it especially if writing the package manager itself would take less time12:52
jrayhawk"We can always standardize later!" is the Perl and Ruby philosphy!12:52
kanzurejrayhawk: we have a package spec: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/plain/doc/package_spec.yaml12:53
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* fenn looks around expectantly12:54
fenni know i left my chocolate covered acai berries around here somewhere!12:54
kanzurefenn: before i ship your hard drive can i put some stuff on there i need you to upload? :/12:57
kanzure1 GB/night is really just.. useless.12:57
fennheh ok13:01
fennhow much?13:01
kanzureoh just my papers (12 GB)13:01
kanzurejrayhawk: do you think there should be a spec for the end-user client?13:06
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fenni forget if i ever mentioned mark carranza's associative memory system http://quantifiedself.com/2009/09/the-social-memex/13:59
Lukas__quite interesting14:01
fennanother thing that everyone should know about http://code.google.com/apis/predict/14:02
kanzurewut? http://www.shapeways.com/blog/archives/714-White-House-commissions-report-on-3-D-printers.html14:02
kanzureoh hod lipson's thing was for the whitehouse? that's nice.14:02
fenn"3d printers: terrorists have them"14:02
kanzureas bdesk says: food is dual-use because either the good guys can eat it or the bad guys can eat it14:03
kanzurequick! shut down every molecular gastronomy lab in the nation!14:03
-!- strages [~809e4e63@dev.throwthemind.com] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]14:03
fennthey're using it to make mind-altering cocktails, like whisky with coffee caviar!14:04
fenni wonder if anything will come of that white house report14:05
kanzurehod lipson's usual? he seems to do ok14:05
kanzurematt was telling me once he thinks of hod as a (friendly) rival14:05
kanzurewhere's matt's 3d printer?14:05
kanzureit would be hilarious if i go work for hod actually14:06
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kanzurecommercial 3d printing competition prize money ... stuff. http://www.dimensionprinting.com/extreme-redesign/extreme-redesign-main.aspx14:27
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auguranyone interested in whuffies and similar ideas?16:00
augurwhuffie, not whuffies x316:01
kanzuregoogele global science fair http://www.google.com/events/sciencefair/16:01
kanzureaugur: ybit is16:02
augurybit: hi16:03
kanzurefail :/16:15
kanzure*google global science fair16:15
kanzureso.. anyone? write a specification for an skdb package manager? yes/no?16:22
jrayhawkIt's probably best to just get something out the door as soon as possible.16:26
jrayhawkskdb is a fairly experimental concept; not much point specifying the results before you get a chance to run it.16:27
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kanzurejrayhawk: hm, yes but we've also never enumerated the exact set of features the package manager should have16:39
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AlonzoTGWhy are we talking about package managers when we should be talking about bionic boobies! =P16:40
kanzureAlonzoTG: you're lame16:41
jrayhawkbionic boobies would be useful for fundraising purposes, presumably16:41
kanzureskdb install death-star16:42
kanzure^how's that for fundraising16:42
Lukas__I prefer teh boobies :D16:43
jrayhawkwhat if the death star were squeezable16:43
kanzure.. near death star?16:43
QuantumGheadache star16:44
AlonzoTGI moderate http://groups.yahoo.com/group/boobgirls/ and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/breaststoobigtocarry/16:44
gloopnear-sighted star16:46
-!- mayko [~mayko@71-22-217-151.gar.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:50
Lukas__I didn't know civilians can purchase drones16:52
kanzurewhat is it?16:52
Lukas__P.W. Singer discussing the use of drones in the civilian sector16:55
Lukas__people buying their own drones16:55
Lukas__law enforcement using them16:55
gloopthey're used in ecology for finding forest16:55
glooptrees missing, etc16:55
Lukas__and people growing drugs in the forest16:55
gloopanyone know of RepLabs working on printing water filters16:56
kanzuregloop: water liberation prize on gadaprize.org might be getting funding soon16:57
gloopthat's cool, i was just wondering if anyone has worked on filters yet16:57
gloopi was thinking of something like a sari cloth16:59
gloopwhich can be folded 4 times16:59
gloopto prevent cholera16:59
gloopbut if a filter could be washed. could sonication work? or ion exchange?17:01
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gloophow could it be reused without the material being degraded?17:02
kanzurejrayhawk: i want to buy some stats from okcupid.com, do you think those goons are approachable?17:03
gloopthey have a blog with some already17:04
jrayhawkthat's a dandy question. I expect you're better off approaching them as a researcher rather than as a commercial effort initially.17:04
kanzurethey haven't made what i need public17:04
kanzurejrayhawk: why's that?17:04
jrayhawkAlmost everyone views research as altrustic and altruism as moral, whereas relatively few have the same view on commercialism.17:05
fennhttp://www.openni.org/gallery i got a kick out of the miku miku dance at least17:06
jrayhawkNot sure how to plausibly present yourself as a researcher, though. Usually it helps to be associated with either a non-profit or a university.17:06
kanzurefenn: ha with kinect17:06
kanzurethanks jrayhawk. associating this data seeking activity with a non-profit is a bad idea17:07
kanzurein this case.17:07
kanzurefenn: we need to get dick van dyke in front of a kinect17:10
fennso he can be laser evaporated into the world of tron, never to return?17:11
gloopthis irradiates water with UV: http://www.nationaloutdoors.net/files/pictures/gearreviews/All%20Clear%20UV%20Water%20Purifier_72%20%28Custom%29.jpg17:12
jrayhawkpeople think that was scripted, but that's just a typical day in the life of dick van dyke17:12
kanzurefenn: how about using this for manufacturing simulation stuff?17:12
AlonzoTGMary Poppins is a 10.17:14
QuantumGthe original point of the kinect was kinematic motion capture of the human body.. now it's been hacked to work on the PC and there's drivers for it that do that stuff (I've seen them working), is there actually software for the PC that lets you animate characters with it?17:14
kanzureQuantumG: that's what fenn was linking to17:15
kanzureexcept a more useful link.17:15
QuantumGawesome.. now they need to make it multiplayer17:18
QuantumGstreaming motion capture17:18
fennhuh. openni is funded/developed by willow garage?17:18
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kanzurehow did they convince people to give them money, again? "we're building robots"?17:19
fennsomebody's gotta do it17:19
QuantumGhttp://www.realxtend.org/  <- for example, add kinect support to this17:19
ybitaugur: hello :)17:20
fennQuantumG: probably because nobody's ever heard of realxtend17:21
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augurybit: hey17:24
augurso im interested in the idea of building a a whuffie system17:24
fennwhy not join the existing whuffie project17:25
auguris there one?17:25
fenndid you even google "whuffie"?17:25
auguri did! :|17:26
kanzurenote: google results are customized to each user these days17:26
augurahh, this whuffie bank thing17:26
kanzureso it's not really a good standard measure of what results pop up17:26
auguris that what you mean17:26
ybitaugur ^17:27
ybitaugur: also, #bitcoin17:27
kanzurehttp://p2pfoundation.net/ will have stuff too.17:28
augurbitcoin isnt whuffie..17:28
-!- gloop [~gloop@adsl-99-140-206-155.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:28
ybityes i know17:29
augurso then ..17:29
ybitwhuffie is an alt currency, and i don't know what you know so, i'm just giving you stuff to look at17:30
augurwhuffie isn't really an alt /currency/ as such17:31
auguri mean, its been described as such17:31
fennagreed, it's not a currency, though that's the only metaphor people seem to understand17:31
ybitit's a reputation based currency, so yeah it is :)17:32
gloophttp://www.media-art-online.org/iwat/ is17:32
fennbitcoin is probably the only realistic plan for a non-fiat non-physical currency17:33
fenni'm told it has horrible code quality though17:34
fennbut that can be fixed, if anyone cared17:34
gloopbut it's still based on membership17:34
gloopthe best currency is relativistic17:34
ybiti'll join the conversation later17:34
* ybit goes back to his spanish lesson 17:35
glooplike Einstein's general relativity or special relativity17:35
auguri think its important to remember that whuffie isnt just a "currency"17:35
auguri mean, the extent to which it's a currency depends on the fact that the environs is rather communist in nature, where marx's "to each according to his needs" principle is fleshed out by using whuffie as a measure of worthiness17:36
augurmore than anything, whuffie is a reputation system that happens to be the primary way a non-monetary economy is mediated17:40
augurso things like bitcoin and metacurrency sem to be .. not remotely whuffie-ish17:40
* fenn mumbles something about reprapping a pipettor17:44
AlonzoTGYeah, lots of ppl are going to be in the market for a new currency sooon cuz the FRN is toast. =|17:45
auguralso, whuffiebank doesnt seem to implement actual whuffie17:45
AlonzoTGI'm going to have to step up my efforts to lighten my pockets of it.17:45
augurand it doesnt seem to implement it in a way i'd like to see17:46
augurits too built around bolting itself onto particular services17:47
-!- gleapsite [~Gleapsite@237.sub-75-197-173.myvzw.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:49
gloopa pipettor could use a calibrator too17:50
gleapsiteHello. I'm looking for Bryan Bishop.17:50
-!- augur is now known as SamuelBeckett17:50
SamuelBeckettHello. I'm looking for Godot.17:50
-!- SamuelBeckett is now known as augur17:51
gloopI'm waiting for Guffman17:51
gleapsitesupposedly he's written some python scripts that integrate with the Emotiv headset17:51
gloopgleapsite: you're looking for kanzure17:53
gleapsitequantumG, gloop: thanks. will PM him.17:53
gleapsiteso this channel...  DIY biohacking?17:56
gloophow often are people prime minister'd? (PM'd)17:56
gloopi wouldnt want to be p'ministered17:56
gloopbiology, RepRaps17:57
gleapsiteme and my friend have self-implanted RFID ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idlodc7RXs4 ) , and I've been considering going to Steven Haworth for a neodymium figertip implant17:57
gleapsiteI also have a makerbot, but...  its a finicky robot who hates more more often than not17:58
gloopwhat do you plan to make with the makerbot18:03
gleapsitecurrently, I'm reproducing wooden puzzles18:03
gleapsiteI've printed out a car dock for my phone18:03
gleapsiteshot glasses18:03
gleapsitetarp clamps18:04
gleapsite(for a LARPing compground)18:04
gleapsitereally more of a shanty town, but no one lives there full time18:04
glooptarp clamps for LARP? that rhymes18:05
gleapsiteyes. I also try to make music...  but I think I need to learn a lot more to be good at that18:06
gleapsiteI mostly play w/ hardware hacking WRT music.  turned a guitar hero controller into an instrument, been hacking bleeplabs' nebulophone18:08
gleapsite /cred.18:10
glooptell me about this shanty town. sounds interesting18:12
kanzurehi gleapsite18:12
kanzurei'm bryan18:12
gleapsiteso we do this larping thing18:12
gleapsitefoam swords, shields spears arrows18:12
gleapsitegloop, lemme talk to brian first18:13
kanzuregleapsite: http://github.com/daeken/emokit is better at this first18:13
kanzure*at this point18:13
gleapsiteok. so are these stand alone or are they hitting emotiv code?18:14
kanzureemotiv did not write this software18:14
kanzurebasically: daeken extracted the DES key, and then decrypted data coming from the headset, then figured out where the variables were in the data18:14
kanzurethen you can hook this up to other open source software like openvibe for analysis18:14
gleapsiteso then does this have the thought/pattern recognition capability or the emotiv suite?18:15
kanzureeh sort of.. the emotiv headset isn't that fantastic18:15
kanzurebasically you can do the same on your own with a few guassians or something18:16
gloopwell got to go18:16
gleapsitemeaning build your own headset?18:16
kanzuregleapsite: btw, yeah, do-it-yourself biohacking happens in this channel18:16
kanzuregleapsite: no.. meaning "use open source software instead of emotiv's crap"18:16
gleapsiteso you're saying the software isn't that great18:17
gleapsitehave you done anything interesting w/ these python scripts?18:17
kanzurenope not yet. daeken took what i started and turned it into something usable.18:18
gleapsiteI see18:18
gleapsitehow about embedded systems (like openembedded linux on a gumstix or something)  has anyone tried to get this running on something like that?18:19
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gleapsiteor does the signal processing/memory requirements preclude something like that currently?18:23
ybitaugur: whoofie fits into the metacurrency idea, metacurrency's idea about currency isn't the kind that is typically thought of. whuffie would be a reputation based "currency" in this system.18:24
augurybit: perhaps. but its only barely a currency18:25
ybit~~~ :)18:26
augurits really a reputation system which, due to the nature of doctorow's imagined brand of communism, happens to influence acquisition like currency does18:27
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kanzuregleapsite: well, it would require bluetooth certainly18:29
kanzureif you want something more hackable i'd recommend openeeg18:29
gleapsitewhich means building my own headset.18:30
fenni think gumstix would work fine18:32
ybitBig Red ftw18:32
gleapsitew/ emokit and an emotiv?18:32
fennfftw is pretty awesome, and your fft is only like 20Hz or so18:32
fennyou could probably do it on an arduino18:33
gleapsitehmm.  I've only used numpy's fft prior to this18:33
fenner, except for all the decryption etc18:33
gleapsiteand you only get 8bits18:34
fennanyway gumstix already has a bluetooth host stack all set up and ready to go for you18:35
gleapsiteand openembedded+linux18:35
fenni'm partial to the beagleboard myself, less fiddly connectors18:36
fennanyway, gotta go, bbl18:36
kanzurecya fenn18:36
gleapsiteso...  emokit will work with the 299$ version of the EPOC?18:36
gleapsiteno need for the sdk18:37
gleapsiteSo my idea, is to try and communicate with the outside world from within a dream18:38
kanzuredo you do lucid dreaming?18:39
gleapsitebeen keeping a dream journal for years18:39
kanzurecool :)18:39
gleapsiteand I've made a simple inducer18:39
gleapsitea simple timer that starts pulsing the LED 80 minutes after its powered on18:40
gleapsiteyou could see it through your eyelids so your brain would incorporate it into the dream18:41
gleapsiteafter that you just need to train your conscious mind to recognize that as a dreamsign18:41
gleapsiteI'm able to self induce now18:42
kanzurei don't lucid dream (or dream all that often), but my mom does- to an impressive extent18:42
kanzureshe does lucid dreaming, sleep walking, sleep talking, sleep breaking up with boyfriends, she claims she does a full day's worth of work in her sleep18:42
kanzureit would be interesting to see if you could correlate REM with anything in particular18:43
kanzurei.e. if during lucid dreaming REM movements are related to dream-related saccades or eye movements18:43
kanzurebecause that's a fairly easy thing to track with eeg18:43
gleapsitebut when you wake you'd have to correlate the data w/ your memory of the dream18:44
gleapsiteI guess you could program some sort of "bookmark" function into the eeg recognition18:45
kanzureit takes a lot of sessions of biofeedback to get your self trained on eeg, i dunno how you'd approach that at all for dream-based training18:45
kanzureexcept maybe different LED colors or sequences, but that's probably annoying?18:46
gleapsiteI'd train outside the dream18:46
kanzureyes but does eeg training carry over to dream-based use? i suspect not, and you would need new training18:47
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kanzuregleapsite: have you ever trained yourself with eeg?18:47
gleapsiteno I haven't.18:47
gleapsiteI just ordered an emotive tonight18:48
kanzurei see, okay18:48
kanzurewell, eeg training is super boring to watch but if you want a heads up you can find tons of eeg training session videos on youtube18:48
kanzureit takes 50 to 100 attempts to calibrate your brain to the system via biofeedback18:49
kanzureespecially with emotiv; they bundle some software with it so you can train to move a block in 16 different directions18:50
kanzureso you start by training on only one-directional movement, and then add directions and try to keep it consistent..18:50
kanzureanyway, it works best with one-directional movement, or two-directional movement at best.18:50
gleapsiteso I write a little python game to play for training or something?18:50
gleapsiteso I'd have to communicate out in morse18:50
kanzurewell.. i'd go for something simpler like a binary switch or flip-flop gate game, or something18:51
gleapsitefor training18:51
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kanzurebut you could also test your hypothesis that if you train while awake, then the training will hold during your sleep18:51
kanzuregleapsite: if you can get two or three directional movements you should make a sleep walking bot for second life or something18:52
gleapsitekanzure: in re: to you saying that you don't dream,  it could be that you are dreaming, but don't remember it.18:54
kanzurei write down all that i can remember each morning18:54
gleapsiteIts been speculated that the pineal gland produces DMT during sleep, which could be the cause of dreams18:54
kanzuremaybe i can do some genetic engineering of gut microbes to over-produce DMT18:55
gleapsitebut...  DMT also kinda shuts off your memory centers (personal exp),18:55
gleapsitewhich is why training w/ a dreamjournal is a really good thing.  teaches your brain to keep memory online18:55
Juuli did that for a while18:57
Juulsuddenly i was remembering loads of dreams18:57
gleapsiteyeah.  that was my method too18:57
kanzuregleapsite: what about a tactile tongue interface?18:57
kanzuresome people can get 200x200 pixel resolution on these things18:57
gleapsitefor communicating out of a dream?18:57
gleapsiteor broadcasting data in?18:58
kanzurecommunicating information into a dream18:58
gleapsitegot any links?18:58
Juulit got to a point where it was too distracting. i kept thinking about my dreams18:58
kanzuregleapsite: yeah give me a sec18:58
gleapsitejuul: thats why I try and use my dreams as a laboratory for the waking world18:58
kanzuregeneral overview: http://www.techreview.com/biomedicine/21706/page1/18:59
Juulgleapsite, sounds useful if you can make it work18:59
kanzuregrr where's that good link? :(19:00
kanzureoh this was the brainport19:02
gleapsiteI dunno if I could fall asleep normally w/ something like that box dangling out of my mouth...19:02
kanzurei figure there's no way to use the eyes19:03
kanzurebut the tongue.. :)19:03
gleapsitethat last devices seems much more reasonable19:04
kanzurei wonder if that sort of sensory input will work while sleeping19:06
gleapsiteI mean, your eyes and ears work19:06
kanzureyour eyes will not be able to reliably get massive of information in or out19:06
gleapsitetouch (tactile, temperature) works19:07
kanzure*massive amounts of information19:07
gleapsitebut what I'm saying is that all these other senses work while dreaming19:07
gleapsiteI'd imagine that your tounge would to19:07
kanzure"your in-flight movie"19:08
gleapsitequestion is, would the electroshock be enough to wake you up19:08
kanzureon the tongue?19:08
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.19:09
ybitanyway, augur, i think it's an excellent idea19:09
ybithi JayDugger19:09
kanzureJayDugger: http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-01-12.log19:10
kanzuretheres an "inception" joke in here somewhere..19:12
ybiti'd be willing to work on something like that at some point, feel free to get in touch with me anytime. xmpp/email:heathmatlock@gmail.com19:12
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kanzurewb gleapsite19:16
gleapsitethanks.  there's no good internet where I live.  So I'm on a hacked smartphone...  which drops if I receive a call.19:17
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.19:49
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QuantumG"The paper is in Arxiv, and has not been peer-reviewed. They refer to Craig Venter as "G. Vinter." I won't hold my breath until these results are replicated by third parties."20:15
kanzureg vinter geee20:18
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augurybit: what now21:38
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fennsparkfun's quiz thing is pretty cool23:33
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timschmidtwow, free day was much less publicized this year23:52
timschmidtpeople getting greedy23:53
genehackerour robotics club is really hoping to rake in the goods23:55
genehackerwe're have a freeday party23:55
--- Log closed Thu Jan 13 00:00:04 2011

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