
--- Log opened Sat Jan 15 00:00:01 2011
--- Day changed Sat Jan 15 2011
kanzureok where is the conf file00:00
fennfirst it looks in ~/.skdb/conf then /etc/skdb/conf then /usr/local/share/skdb/conf or whatever00:00
fenncould do same for packages00:00
kanzureok then what are the defaults in conf.whatever00:00
fennsame as above, s/conf/packages\//00:01
kanzuretimschmidt: am i forgetting anything?00:01
kanzurei figure that should go in 'inventory' (either a folder or a file, i don't care)00:01
fennuh, symbol grounding problem00:01
jebbajust default to ~/skdb for files, and ~/.skdb/config for the config. And systemwide could just be changed in /etc/skdb.conf with user override.00:02
kanzure~/skdb is bad because it pollutes your user's home00:02
fenni think he meant ~/.skdb00:02
kanzurelots of hardware users seem to want easy access to their files00:02
jebbawell, are packages to be installed by users, or admins?  Like should you need root to install on a system? I would think not.00:02
timschmidtI vote for ~/.skdb00:02
kanzureno you don't need root00:02
timschmidtfor storing packages that are installed00:02
fenni hate it when some fucking program i only use once wants to make its own rigidly named directory in my home every time i run it00:02
kanzureunless you're running 'fabuntu'00:02
kanzure(no not the gay ubuntu)00:03
fennarduino always tries to make "sketchbook" which conveniently collides with my "sketches" directory00:03
fennand eagle always makes "eagle"00:03
kanzureever since designfiles.org went down i haven't put up a proper mirror for skdb packages00:03
timschmidt~/.skdb avoids this problem00:03
kanzureso gnusha.org/skdb/packages seems like a good place?00:04
kanzureand gnusha.org/skdb/packages/metadata.tar.gz should have a fresh snapshot of most metadata.yaml files? or something00:05
fennwait, were you serious?00:05
kanzurehow does dpkg do metadata fetching?00:05
kanzuredesignfiles.org/packages/ used to have the 5 basic .skdb packages plus the few thousand from thingiverse00:05
kanzurewhich was what skdb/clients/skdb-get.py grabbed things from00:05
fennoh, that was a url. http://gnusha.org/skdb/packages/00:05
kanzurei have no clue why you think i would be making a java reference00:06
* fenn stares at the floor00:06
kanzureok so that's the basic configuration for the package manager.. half of the spec :)00:07
fennjebba: for installing some hardware packages that are physically controlled by the PC you will need root, but this will be a while00:07
kanzurei think the other half is a man page that explains wtf it should do in which situations00:08
fennwhy didn't you download the contents of the thingiverse packages when you scraped it?00:08
fenndownloading nonexistent metadata is... an interesting philosophical exercise00:09
kanzureplz restate your question00:09
fennwhen you scraped thingiverse, you didn't download any .stl files for instance00:09
fennor images00:09
fennwas it just the page text?00:10
kanzurebut i also scraped into an easy variable a list of file urls for downloading00:10
kanzurei just never got around to actually downloading those files00:10
kanzurethere's two things going on00:10
joshcryerAre you considering the pages themselves the "packages"?00:10
fennjoshcryer: no00:10
kanzure1) an original thingiverse scrape i did in february 2010 that did not download the files00:10
kanzure2) a second scrape in march 2010 that's on designfiles.org00:11
kanzuremy backup of designfiles.org is from february, not march00:11
kanzure#2 has the files downloaded. #1 has significantly less 'things' than the 4000~ that were existing in march.00:11
fennjoshcryer: the original page, all the files on the page, and all its derivatives and their files00:11
kanzuresample: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/contraptor-perforated-angle-metadata.yaml00:12
fennhm, does yaml not do unicode natively? why would it say !!python/unicode everywhere00:12
joshcryerfenn, yeah, gotcha. It's just that the metadata is really shitty here, you got derivatives, tags, required tools, possibly title, and the data files. I dunno, I admire anyone who can turn this into something useful. It's more of a social networking site, imvho.00:12
kanzureyaml can do unicode just fine (meetlog.txt does it)00:13
kanzureit was probably my python fucking up00:13
fennjoshcryer: it's better than nothing00:13
fennunfortunately 99% of the content is pure crap00:14
kanzurei wonder if i should ask matt for designfiles.org00:14
kanzurei mean, for the server. he seems to be redirecting the domain to graphsynth.com00:14
joshcryerfenn, not hating, I spent about 10 minutes just now looking around (been awhile since I've been on thingyverse).00:14
joshcryerfeen, need a categorizing method so that users themselves can self-categorize others' works.00:15
kanzureyou mean tagging?00:15
joshcryerkanzure, I don't have an account, can other people tag someones work?00:15
kanzureon thingiverse? i don't know/care00:16
timschmidtI don't think so00:16
fennhmm interesting, does thingiverse have a "no handguns" rule? http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5533  or just a "no dongs" rule00:17
joshcryerkanzure, they are more on the social networking side of things than anything (which is fine), but they can exploit some of that energy making people give the stuff proper dang metadata. :)00:17
timschmidtfenn: I'm not sure it has either00:17
fennyou shuold always be able to tag another person's work00:17
jebbaya, users can tag other users stuff in thingiverse (just looked)00:17
timschmidtoh yes, you're right00:18
kanzurenext steps on gitduino.com are still rendering images for each commit00:18
joshcryerAhh then that helps then.00:18
joshcryerI'll have to get an account.00:19
kanzurei haven't done that yet- partially because re-learning ikiwiki to the point of writing beautiful/useful perl is a pain in the ass00:19
kanzurei wrote a front-end in django that uses PAM and basically mimics piny in a number of ways, so users can setup git hosting from a web interface (instead of ikiwiki)00:19
kanzurewhich slightly helps development speed.. but makes jrayhawk sad inside00:19
kanzure(i can still use ikiwiki for rendering/compiling pages of course)00:20
kanzuretimschmidt: i know i've been telling you for about 1.5 months now that i'd have this done00:20
kanzurei'm sorry :/00:20
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joshcryeroh neat: http://www.thingiverse.com/jebba00:21
joshcryer(saw on the front page)00:21
timschmidtkanzure: it's OK00:22
jebbaoh cool, heh, just added it cuz of this discussion ;)00:22
kanzurefenn: i had some old thingiverse scraping related code laying around in my skdb repo00:24
kanzureso it's committed now.. not anything spectacular00:24
* kanzure wonders when gnusha will tweet it00:24
kanzurejrayhawk: remote: 2011/01/15 00:24:24 socat[19547] E connect(3, AF=1 "/home/gnusha/.irssi/socket", 28): No such file or directory00:24
kanzurefenn: please consider what the 'man pages' should be for an skdb package manager and what switches or things it should do in various situations00:26
timschmidtkanzure: we can mostly work that out as we go00:28
timschmidtmy initial concern is to have something that functions _minimally_.00:28
timschmidtSo I can start feeding it packages00:28
timschmidtwe can get a feedback loop going from there00:29
timschmidtSo really feature 1: it runs, feature 2: it does dependency resolution, feature 3: it can download packages from somewhere00:29
timschmidteverything else is bonus00:29
timschmidtit'll be easier to make concrete design decisions after we have something doing _something_00:31
CryptoQuickjoshcryer: I'm making a business card, thoughts?00:31
timschmidtso we can see what works, and what doesn't00:31
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timschmidtplan to throw one away, release early and often, and all that00:33
kanzurefenn: skdb-get.py doesn't count as a minimal dependency resolver because it imports skdb.Package and all the other cruft.. a lot of which is unnecessary?00:38
* kanzure sleeps00:38
joshcryer'night kanzure_00:39
joshcryerlater CryptoQuick, passing out00:45
CryptoQuickjoshcryer: later00:45
CryptoQuickme too00:45
kanzureblah sebastien is complaining about gitduino's slow progress00:48
jrayhawkoh yeah, i should fix that00:49
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kanzureother quick things:00:50
timschmidtkanzure: my fault00:50
kanzurenanoengineer fails to run for a really lame reason (some hard-coded version check) but all of the really intricate things that you'd expect to fail don't.00:51
kanzurelolcad.git has been updated with some random stuff from the last two days00:51
kanzuretimschmidt: what?00:51
timschmidtkanzure: I suggested to sebastien (because of some discussion on #reprap) that, if it was easy, and someone was willing to do it, we should not preclude having the reprap wiki show the most recently edited articles in a given category on the front page of #reprap00:52
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timschmidthe decided it would be better to wait on gitduino than do anything to the current mediawiki install00:52
timschmidtat which point, I'm sure he emailed you00:52
timschmidtso...  my bad00:53
kanzurequick random mediawiki plugins are probably fine imho00:53
timschmidtthat's what I thought00:54
kanzureit's not reasonable to wait on me to finish gitduino for /every/ task related to reprap.org00:54
timschmidtforwarding the email00:54
kanzurealso if anyone has suggestions on whether or not i should commit this patch to nanoengineer.git i would heart you dearly00:54
kanzuretimschmidt: oh, a "recently updated" thing on mediawiki is like the most popular plugin.. yeah00:55
timschmidtfeel free to poke sebastien00:55
kanzurenah i'm sleeping00:56
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Lukas__Good morning01:48
JayDuggerGood morning, Lukas.01:48
Lukas__What's up?01:49
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JayDuggerA discussion with links to photos of a shapercube. See http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-01-14.log02:06
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JayDuggerYou're welcome. Happy reading!02:24
Lukas__sorry, but can I get a tl;dr version?  (sorry, teenage brains suck)02:29
Lukas__wait a minute02:30
Lukas__... interesting02:30
JayDuggerWhat do you mean "tl;dr"? I won't be a teenager again until the late 2080s.02:30
Lukas__Too long; didn't read02:31
JayDuggerXD? The local vernacular confounds me.02:32
JayDuggerAnd XD?02:32
JayDuggerTry C-f for "shaper" to skip to the highlight.s02:33
Lukas__sorry, I often make the assumption that the internet is populated by my age group or younger02:33
JayDuggerI often make the same assumption.02:34
Lukas__If I am correct, I am the youngest person here02:34
Lukas__so much of my vocabulary comes from recent memes02:34
JayDuggerPossibly. Anyway--what do you mean by "XD"?02:34
Lukas__look at it sideways02:34
Lukas__tilt your head02:34
JayDuggerNot :P ?02:35
Lukas__that's more of a teasing face02:35
JayDuggerGot it.02:35
uniqanomalyrather mental retardation02:35
Lukas__XD = LOL02:35
JayDuggerNo worries.02:35
Lukas__At any rate02:36
Lukas__This Supercube is quite interesting02:36
JayDuggerShapercube. Its price tag killed my interest, and I don't have to pay VAT.02:36
Lukas__What does the cost look like?02:37
JayDuggerOver US$1200.02:37
JayDuggerAnd you'd pay VAT.02:38
Lukas__My dreams are once more dashed to the rocks02:38
uniqanomalyLukas__: don't worry, you'll get used to it02:39
JayDuggerLook at it this way. Open a targeted savings account on-line, automatically put away a little money, and wait for the intersection of compound interest and improving technology to make the device or its more capable successor affordable.02:39
Lukas__Well, hopefully the price will be lower in 4 years time02:42
JayDuggerI doubt it will cost less, but you might well buy something more capable in 2015 for the same price. Inflation-adjusted, you'll get something better and cheaper.02:43
Lukas__true, though I'll doubt I have the money anyway02:46
JayDuggerYou'll most likely outlive the problem of youthful poverty.02:46
Lukas__I'll probably go to grad school right after anyway02:49
Lukas__so in about 10 years02:50
Lukas__I'll probably be looking to buy02:50
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kanzurezotero bibliographies are up http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/bibliographies/?C=S;O=D08:20
kanzurefor the lols? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/bodybuilding/08:21
kanzurehuh why is there no Aubrey/08:24
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kanzuremostly uploaded: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/microfluidics/08:26
archelsWhy is it taking forever to upload 12GB?08:54
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gloop"Watson consists of ten racks of IBM Power 750 Linux servers with 15TB of memory. It has 2,880 CPU cores to process a question, search for the answer and produce it in less than three seconds. ยต"10:20
kanzurearchels my isp limits my upload bandwidth10:24
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archelsah, lame.11:05
archels(Watson too :) )11:06
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kanzurePreliminary Feasibility Study for The Biological Production of L-Dopa, Mescaline and Tryptamines by Intact Recombinant Yeast Cells Using Only Common Amino Acids as Precursors to Bioenzymatic Synthesis11:42
kanzurestalk: dm_telvis@yahoo.com11:42
kanzureNASA/synthetic biology announcements http://syntheticbiology.arc.nasa.gov/11:56
kanzure01-11-10 NASA Seeks Space Technology Graduate Fellowship Applicants deadline Feb 23rd.11:56
kanzure01-11-10 Deadline for hiring research fellows is Jan 21st :: synthetic biology research lab.11:56
kanzure12-14-10 Send your comments about the role of synthetic biology in NASA's Space Technology Roadmaps11:56
kanzuresynthetic biology in NASA's space technology roadmap http://syntheticbiology.arc.nasa.gov/node/1211:56
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CryptoQuicknice :)13:02
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fennWatson is a Linux system that is powered by 10 refrigerator-sized racks of IBM POWER 750, with 15 terabytes of RAM and 2,880 processor cores. and it plays jeopardy.13:13
drazak.... "refrigerator sized"13:14
drazakaka the size of a standard rack13:15
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kanzurei was hoping it had something to do with a refrigerator, but now i'm guessing it's IBM's watson :/13:18
CryptoQuickbut does it play Crysis?13:19
kanzureplay Crysis? it hosts Crysis13:19
CryptoQuickoh, cool13:19
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kanzure"Some folks, like Aaron Saenz of Singularity Hub, were surprised that the NPR piece framed the Singularity as โ€œthe biggest threat to humanityโ€, but thatโ€™s exactly what the Singularity is."13:26
kanzureyay fearmongering13:27
kanzureTEDxCaltechโ€”Feynmanโ€™s Vision: The Next 50 Years http://tedxcaltech.com/about13:28
kanzurespeakers: http://tedxcaltech.com/speakers13:28
kanzureDe novo designed proteins from a library of artificial sequences function in Escherichia coli and enable cell growth13:29
kanzurepaper: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.001536413:29
kanzurein the news: http://www.foresight.org/nanodot/?p=435013:29
kanzurefreitas' Comprehensive Nanorobotic Control of Human Morbidity and Aging http://www.nanomedicine.com/Papers/Aging.pdf13:30
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gleapsite1I'm surprised. Who would have thought that something like nanoengineer would be complicated.13:30
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kanzure^from the ridiculously expensive book "The Future of Aging" http://www.amazon.com/Future-Aging-Pathways-Human-Extension/dp/904813998813:30
-!- gleapsite1 is now known as gleapsite13:30
kanzuregleapsite1: heh it's a rather large code base that's for sure..13:31
gleapsiteI've clone it locally13:32
kanzuretoday i was actually playing around with getting it running again..13:32
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kanzureit failed to run at a really stupid thing-- none of the complex shit broke, but rather a hardcoded version check for one of its own modules13:33
kanzureone of the .mmp file handlers or something13:33
gleapsiteyeah. I'm currently downloading the snapshot build13:34
gleapsiteI think I need to do a lot more setup to get a local build environment going though13:34
gleapsiteI don't even have gcc on this machine >.<13:34
kanzurethat's more likely to fail but if you want the snapshot to work there's these helpful hints:13:35
gleapsiteyeah. my personal dev computer is win7,  though I bet I could get a debian VM up and running13:36
kanzuretheoretically this should run on windows too. dunno what the build process is like though13:36
kanzurebtw please post notes/complaints to http://groups.google.com/group/nanoengineer-dev via emailing nanoengineer-dev@googlegroups.com13:37
gleapsiteroger wilco.13:37
gleapsitefor pure python builds on win I usually use cxfreeze.13:38
kanzureone of the primary ne-1 developers was a windows user so he made sure things kept stable13:38
gleapsitealso, re: the future of aging, I've been led to believe by my bio/bioinformatics friends that telemorase is key13:39
kanzurewell.. sort of.13:39
kanzurethere's a lot of other things going on, like the WnT regulatory network, immune system/stem cell issues, mitochondrial buildup, etc.13:39
kanzureif my upload will ever finish, i have about ~400 papers collected on http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/longevity/ that i can actually cite13:40
kanzureinstead of handwavin :x13:40
gleapsitethat dir is empty13:40
kanzureyeah the upload isn't finished. heh'13:40
kanzurehere's an index: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/longevity_papers.txt13:42
kanzure(it's also quicker to upload specific requests, btw.)13:44
gleapsitefair enough13:44
gleapsitenanoengineer is up and running.  just played a video of a nanocar simulation13:44
kanzurefrom the snapshot?13:45
kanzuredid you take any magic steps that i should pester you to document?13:45
gleapsitedownloaded .exe.  ran.  selected full install (to include the snapshot's source as a backup to my git clone).  let it run13:46
gleapsiteas easy as installing firefox.13:46
* kanzure is listening to http://di.fm/mp3/vocaltrance.pls13:46
kanzureah that's right, windows13:46
kanzureyeah i guess i never tested the windows snapshot- glad that works :)13:47
* gleapsite is listening to http://somafm.com/play/missioncontrol13:47
kanzurenot bad13:48
kanzuregleapsite: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/longevity/aging_roadmap.txt13:50
kanzureeightpennies is a brazilian elderly gentleman who is working on a DIY stem cell rejuvenation therapy protocol for himself13:50
kanzurenot wanting to age too much or.. uh, die13:50
kanzurehe once brought up a good point to me.. not many of the longevity researchers seriously read literature; if you keep up 5 papers/day for a year, you'll be an 'expert' (depending on how you personally digest or make sense of SCIENCE) or at least have a clear sense of what needs to get done13:52
gleapsitesimilar to gladwells assertion that it takes ~10,000 hours of study in a given task to no longer be an amateur.14:01
gleapsitewell, i"ve no background in chem/bio science above 101 and piercing/implants.14:02
archelsare you lepht?14:04
gleapsiteNo. I'm a male14:04
gleapsitebut she's pretty awesome14:04
gleapsitewe've used similar tech14:04
fenndid you at least use a real disinfectant?14:05
fenncome on14:05
gleapsiteour RFID implants cost ~60$ for two people14:05
fennwhy would you want an rfid implant anyway14:05
gleapsiteso I can wave my hand, say open seaseme and my house unlocks14:05
mjrTo get front-row seats in Hell with your very own mark of the Beast!14:06
gleapsiteno anaesthetics. cutting the dermis w/ a scalpel is really more about overcoming your sense of self-preservation than enduring any pain.  piercing hurts more14:06
mjr'scuse me, what I meant to say was, "cool"14:06
gleapsitemjr: its on my left hand, the mark of the beast is on the forehead or the right hand and is mandated for participation in the markets.14:07
fenni think we're all atheists and can stop seriously responding to that question14:08
mjrmeh, why'd you go and do a stupid thing like putting it into the wrong hand14:08
fenngleapsite: how close do you have to be to the sensor to read the rfid chip?14:08
gleapsitefor sterilization, we had a metal plat that we steralized w/ disinfectant, scrubbed above the elbows w/ anti-bacterial stuff and used a hydrogen peroxide soak on our dermal separators and forceps.  the scalpels were autoclaved.14:08
gleapsitefenn: depends on the power of the reader14:09
fennalso, where did you get the chip?14:09
gleapsitewe're using redbee readers.  when powered via USB you can't get a read through the skin14:09
gleapsitepowered via 12V... about 5cm14:10
gleapsitetrossen robotics. hang on i'll get a link14:10
gleapsitewe also used a hydrogen peroxide soak to sterilize them14:10
gleapsitein a shot glass if memory serves me correctly14:11
AlonzoTG1What is the topic right now?14:11
gleapsitefeen: http://www.trossenrobotics.com/store/p/3618-Extra-Small-Glass-Ampoule-Tag.aspx14:11
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fenngleapsite: why not just get a thumbprint reader?14:12
gleapsitefenn: or a keychain rfid?14:13
gleapsiteits about becoming a cyborg, and learning how to implant moreso than convenience or security14:14
fennbut there's nothing cybernetic about it14:14
gleapsitein lopht's words: health and safety takes a big fuckoff second seat to curiosity14:14
fennare you sure you're not just being macho and posturing?14:15
gleapsitefenn: with the exception of the face that I implanted a wireless computer into my body, you're correct it in no way interfaces with my biology.14:15
gleapsitecould be14:15
gleapsitebut RFID chips are a safe first implant14:15
gleapsitemy next one is going to be a neodymium magnet, I haven't decided weather this will be DIY, or haworth14:16
gleapsiteits more than posturing, its learning14:16
AlonzoTG1I've heard that there's a cancer risk with RFID, besides, it's not something I want...14:17
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gleapsiteFair enough I'm not trying to say everyone should be chipped. IDK about cancer,  but I smoke anyway.14:18
fennif there's a cancer risk from rfid, then there's a cancer risk from microwave ovens, cellphones, cars, computers, fluorescent lights, and satellites orbiting hundreds of miles above your head14:19
fennbut i don't believe that particular conspiracy theory14:20
gleapsitemost of those are HERP safe14:20
gleapsitewhich doesn't mean that there's 0 cancer risk, just that its within "safe levels"14:20
fennit means it won't cook you from the inside14:21
fennthere's absolutely zero causal link between RF and cancer14:21
gleapsiteso electromagnetic radiation doesn't cause cancer?  or just the radio freqs?14:22
fennUV light and gamma rays are also electromagnetic radiation, and do cause cancer14:22
AlonzoTG1no, it's the glass casing,14:23
AlonzoTG1it's not bio-compatible, irritates surrounding tissues eventually leading to cancer.14:23
kanzuregleapsite: do you at least know about wireless/induction powering?14:23
fenni think this whole thing comes from the fact that schools are placed in low property value areas, and people start noticing when kids get cancer and freak out14:23
fennpower lines and cell phone towers are also placed in low property value areas14:23
kanzure(i hope yes because of your last job)14:23
gleapsitekanzure: yes14:23
gleapsiteI also know about stuff like bistatic radiation, antenna patterns, HERO/HERP/MAE14:24
kanzureooh antenna patterns14:24
gleapsiteI know modulation theory, sampling/interpolating14:24
kanzuresorry antennas are more cool.14:25
gleapsiteI've wanted to strap a 2.4GHz wifi cantenna to a scavenged directTV dish and see how far I can get14:25
fenndo you know about the fabfi project?14:26
gleapsitewas part of a plan to set up a rural WISP a while back, but the laws, such as they are, are pretty prohibitive to that effect14:26
kanzurewireless mesh stuff with open source hardware14:26
kanzureright? i might be bullshitting14:26
gleapsitebut w/ wireless mesh you need omnis.  which means either a high pop-density or ramping up the power (illegal via FCC mandates)14:27
kanzureiirc this was afghanistan14:27
fennthere's a stunning lack of pictures on that page14:28
gleapsitethe WISP i was looking as setting up was separated by more than the range of a standard wifi aentenna's range.  which is why I was looking into directionals14:28
kanzure"ูุฏุฑุงู„ูŠ ู…ุฎุงุจุฑุงุชูŠ ฺฉู…ูŠุณูˆู†" or something14:28
fennthere's also http://ronja.twibright.com/ which is point to point optical14:28
kanzurefenn: don't the fablab people mostly opt to use flikr?14:29
fennno, just todd and peretz14:29
fennamy has her own image gallery software14:29
kanzurewell that's stupid.14:29
fennsmari doesn't post pictures at all :\14:29
fennwhat's stupid?14:29
kanzurejust more media lab elitism or forgetting to make things public or something14:30
gleapsitethe other problem I encountered, was Virginia pine trees.  the needles are a 1/4 wavelength of 2.4GHz and they're excellent at dropping the SNR14:30
fennkanzure: it's because they're more worried about making sure people at the fablab know how to do things than whether the internet knows what they're doing14:30
kanzureoh crap, ne-1 is the one that makes a ~/Nanorex isn't it?14:33
kanzureyeah that's definitely going to be fixed14:33
gleapsitekanzure: it drops it in my user directory in win too.14:34
kanzurebacktracking why main.py segfaults is a pain in the ass14:36
kanzurehow do i not have gdb installed?14:37
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kanzurejrayhawk: fenn found a weird cgit thing going on with skdb.git yesterday14:48
kanzurestarting at 23:51ish14:48
kanzureknow what's going on?14:49
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jrayhawkThat is one damnably weird bug.15:01
jrayhawkYeah, I guess it must be retarded about that 'data' path.15:02
jrayhawkoh, no, i see. The 'plain' links are a little inconsistent about having a trailing / when they are supposed to consistently have a trailing /15:06
jrayhawkBecause it's using relative links everywhere.15:06
jrayhawkI'll go see if I can update cgit.15:06
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fennwait a minute, what is smari doing in afghanistan15:37
kanzurefenn: any hints on how to trace my segfault in ne-1? python isn't being very helpful15:39
kanzureand main.py is like 15 layers on top of whatever is actually happening15:39
kanzurestrace wasn't helpful either.15:40
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kanzurehi MichaelA16:10
fennddd or pdb16:10
kanzurealso, i'm pretty sure this is michael anissimov16:10
fenni've never used pdb though16:10
fennhello MichaelA16:11
kanzurefenn: i use pdb.set_trace() inline from time to time16:11
fenni like this "beer for data" program16:12
fennthey have a16:12
fennhard drive in the bar, you can put whatever data on it you think others might find useful, and you get a beer each time you do this16:13
fennmore info about the watson supercomputer http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs124/AIMagzine-DeepQA.pdf16:17
-!- qgqg is now known as QuantumG16:19
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joshcryerI saw the Watson demo.16:21
joshcryerI think he'll win.16:21
MichaelAhello fenn16:22
MichaelAhi Bryan16:22
joshcryerKen Jennings has stated repeatedly that having buzzer control is one of the best ways to win because there's a trick to getting buzzed first.16:22
kanzuretimschmidt: dunno if it's relevant to the reprap-dev thread,16:26
kanzurebut i've put in some time to reverse engineering the solidworks file format16:26
kanzurei'm not 100% of the way there yet but there has been progress.. of sorts.16:26
timschmidtyeah...  not really relevant IMHO.16:26
timschmidtIt's nice to have16:26
timschmidtwould be great to be able to import files from that format16:26
kanzureif you want to import parametric models into solidworks, it's relevant16:27
timschmidtbut it's still not a great format for doing new work in16:27
kanzuretrue but there's information loss at the moment going from .sldprt->basically anything16:27
kanzure.sldprt->parasolid seems to preserve parametric deets16:27
timschmidtit'd be nice to have16:28
kanzureMichaelA: what are you up to?16:38
MichaelAI want to film myself but keep thinking something is wrong16:39
MichaelAinternal SIAI stuff, blah blah blah endless discussion16:39
MichaelArunning for H+ board, hehe16:40
MichaelApopularity contest!16:40
kanzurei saw.16:40
kanzureMichaelA: why does h+ have members?16:40
MichaelAgreat lineup, all fine transhumanists16:40
MichaelAbecause it's cheap?16:40
kanzurei tried to convince the board to dump that concept but it was a no go16:41
MichaelAI would make $20/mo. minimum if it were my choice16:41
MichaelAmaybe $3016:41
kanzureuh? yeah but why would anyone join16:41
MichaelAdump cheap concept?16:41
MichaelAgroups are useless unless the people in them actually care about them16:41
MichaelAmy objective is to muscle my way into everyone's life and bring us all together in a profound way16:41
kanzureh+ was thinking about a super secret private social networking website for h+ members, but that's useless16:41
kanzureand competing with facebook or anything else isn't really appealing or useful for transhuman tech projects16:42
MichaelAwhat's a communal project?  90% of what I see are exceptional individuals16:42
kanzurewhat do you think of gadaprize.org as a direction for h+?16:42
MichaelAeh, whatever, if we want to acquire it, we already have, sure16:42
MichaelAthe Gada prize will never be claimed16:43
MichaelAdoesn't it have a near-future time limit?16:43
kanzureuh i arranged for it to be hosted at humanity+16:43
timschmidtwhat makes you say that?16:43
kanzurelots of people are already about to win it16:43
kanzureMichaelA: my question was more about "directly using money to get these TODO items done" and whether or not you find that agreeable16:43
kanzurei.e. reprap/diybio cross-over transhumanist goodness16:44
MichaelAI am very confused by the page16:44
kanzuregadaprize.org is already in the h+ portfolio and another $80k is lined up shortly16:44
MichaelAit seems to describe three prizes16:44
kanzurethe text says the interim prize is funded16:44
MichaelA"prize criteria" is at the top, that describes one prize16:44
kanzurethe grand prize is what everyone knows about (unfortunately) because foresight.org announced the grand prize first..16:44
MichaelAthen there's a "Grand challenge"16:44
MichaelAyeah, that's what I knew about because I heard the person who founded the prize give a talk and asked him questions...16:45
kanzurekartik? right16:45
kanzureyeah, i'm not sure if we're going to keep the grand prize format though16:45
MichaelAwait, what's the time limit?16:45
kanzurei mean, for $80k, we can basically just *pay* for these innovations to be built/happen16:45
kanzurefor the interim prize it's end of 2012. for the grand prize it's end of 201516:45
MichaelAprint circuit boards?  really.  didn't IBM invest millions in silver for that and they're still working?16:46
kanzurerepraps can do PCBs already..16:46
MichaelAif circuit boards could be printed for $80K, why isn't it already reality?16:46
kanzureprintable PCBs are way cheaper than that16:46
kanzureand they *are* a reality16:46
MichaelAwell, no one mentioned that at the last Make festival16:46
kanzuremake sucks16:47
kanzuretimschmidt: am i getting my facts all wrong? jump in16:47
MichaelAcan I have the link to the web page that describes the circuit-board printing RepRaps?16:47
MichaelAnot on thingiverse16:47
kanzureMichaelA: people invest $$$ into "Intellectual Property" or whatever, and the money evaporates16:47
timschmidtno, reprap can print at least one flavor of PCB already, and mendel has been used to mill PCBs as well.16:47
kanzuretimschmidt: can you give MichaelA some links for that? not thingiverse :)16:47
timschmidtjust a second16:48
MichaelAsounds fantastic16:48
MichaelAtotal cost under $200?  the current cost is $1000+16:48
kanzureMichaelA: one of my skunkworks projects is gitduino.com to eventually replace thingiverse with something more metadata-friendly.16:48
kanzureMichaelA: no that's makerbot.com you're thinking of16:48
MichaelAwhat is the time limit of the prize and why isn't it obvious on the web page?16:48
kanzurepeople can build a reprap for about $400 or less.. much less if you already have tools laying around16:48
kanzureMichaelA: it is mentioned on the page, i told you- end of 201516:49
timschmidtrelevant page16:49
MichaelAoh, sorry16:49
timschmidtprinted on a mendel16:49
kanzure"with an award date of December 31, 2012. It is presently funded at $20,000."16:49
kanzure"The Grand Prize is expected to be funded at $80,000 before launch (it is presently not funded)." basically meaning "this doesn't exist yet"16:49
MichaelAthese printed circuit boards seem extremely prototype-based and experimental, but OK16:50
timschmidtas you can see, there are perhaps 10 different methods16:50
MichaelAand yeah, I like the Gada prize16:50
timschmidtmost of them have been executed to "proof of concept" level16:50
MichaelAthe water prize seemed especially overambitious, though16:50
kanzureyeah i'm not too fond of the water liberation prize either16:50
kanzureespecially since the results can be proprietary16:50
MichaelAnowhere on this page does it say, "the circuit boards actually worked when we used them in application X": I happen to feel that personal identity is about far more than the "legal name" because we do not get to choose any of this for ourselves. I personally feel like my "legal identity" is a fiction, a mask I wear because I cannot as yet correct the dichotomy between my mental identity and the physical body I was trapped in16:50
kanzureimho using $ for IPR or Intellectual Property is a serious mismanagement of non-profit orgs' funds at this point16:50
MichaelAI meant to copy and paste: http://reprap.org/wiki/Automated_Circuitry_Making16:51
timschmidtMichaelA: repraps aren't known for making mass-production quality stuff.  one-offs will always look a little dodgy16:51
MichaelAyeah, like molds for pewter rings16:51
jrayhawkYeah, definitely (relatively) rapid turnaround prototyping rather than manufacturing.16:52
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kanzureheh MichaelA i don't know if you know jrayhawk16:53
timschmidtthis board was assembled and worked16:54
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MichaelAnice resolution16:55
jrayhawkThat's not too bad. Most people who do by-hand etching do worse.16:55
joshcryerThat's definitely cool.16:56
QuantumGit's not 3d printing16:56
gleapsiteyeah its subtractive milling.16:56
MichaelA"nice resolution" is sarcasm btw16:57
timschmidtthat's Adrian's work16:57
MichaelAAdrian is brilliant16:58
MichaelAanyway Bryan, if I really wanted to usher in a "transhumanist future" I'd probably focus on DMS, but I enjoy this RepRap stuff too16:58
kanzureMichaelA: yeah, i've become the new maintainer for nanoengineer16:59
kanzuregallery: http://nanoengineer-1.com/content/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=5016:59
kanzureit's open-source nanotech CAD for DMS-related-stuff16:59
kanzurediamondoid mechanosyntesis17:01
kanzuresee: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/freitas_process.txt17:01
joshcryerAhh, thanks.17:01
kanzurethat first link is p. good too http://www.molecularassembler.com/Papers/PathDiamMolMfg.htm#FreitasProcess17:02
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QuantumGso, why can't you just 3d print a plastic part and 2d print conductive ink on both sides of the part?17:05
QuantumG(to make a circuit board)17:05
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QuantumGand use low heat conductive paste to connect the components to the ink tracks?17:06
gleapsitegot tech for 2d printing conductive ink at home?17:06
gleapsiteIts entirely possible, but at that point whhy not just photolith and attach to the 3d part?17:07
QuantumGif you can do photolith under computer control, sure17:08
QuantumGok, let's forget about the PCB.. is anyone doing an at-home soldering machine?  (I know the answer is no :)17:09
timschmidtIDK about conductive ink for the traces themselves, but resistive ink (carbon, really) has been printed onto a printed plastic substrate, then copper's been electro-dep'd onto the carbon traces.17:09
timschmidtI've seen nice at-home vacuum pick-and-place, but I've not seen at home wave soldering17:10
timschmidthot plates work well :)17:10
QuantumGsomeone's done electro-dep at home?17:10
timschmidtDC current and some pennies17:10
gleapsitehttp://steampunkworkshop.com/altoid-etch.shtml for some more DIY electroplating17:11
gleapsiteI've seen toaster ovens used for SMD reflow.  I haven't seen a DIY pick and place though.17:12
timschmidtin my experience, hot plates work better than toaster ovens17:13
timschmidtsparkfun did quite a large article17:14
timschmidtcomparing various at-home methods for SMT17:14
timschmidthot plates won out17:15
gleapsiteinstead of milling out a circuit board, why not just 3dprint a solderless breadboard with voids for the contacts?17:16
gleapsitefair enough.  I'll go read that.17:16
QuantumGI wonder how many circuits of reprap could be implemented in an FPGA17:17
kanzurei would like an ASIC reprap17:17
timschmidta.k.a. ASIC reprap17:19
QuantumGThe non-recurring engineering cost of an ASIC can run into the millions of dollars.  <- destroying that would be fun17:20
timschmidta FIB machine can use gallium ions to dope silicon an atom at a time...17:20
joshcryerMeh, I'll yet convince you all that memristers are the future.17:20
QuantumGalthough FPGAs sidestep that, they don't destroy it17:20
timschmidtit's _already_ used to repair ASICs in the industry17:20
timschmidtit's not used for mass production because it'd be FAR too slow17:21
timschmidtbut for one-offs, no problem17:21
kanzurei am p. sure you can directly convert software to vhdl/verilog and just use that for your ASIC17:22
timschmidtthere's some work in that area, but no FPGAs are publicly documented, so compiling netlists, vhdl, verilog, whatever requires proprietary software.17:23
timschmidtand it's (doing the compiling) an area that would benefit from public research...  it's an NP hard problem17:24
timschmidttraveling salesman and all that17:24
* timschmidt did a stint with the Open Graphics Project... working with FPGAs17:25
gleapsiteTrue story. we used archaic solaris machines to compile VHDL for spartan3's at university just because the new licenses were to expensive.17:25
timschmidtbest we've got17:28
gleapsiteI presume you all are familiar w/ Thompson combining FPGA's with genetic algorithms to produce evolvable hardware?17:29
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.20:52
kanzurehi JayDugger21:26
kanzurethe longevity paperdump is now complete:21:26
kanzurenot including aubrey de grey stuff.. i put that somewhere else for some strange reason21:27
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kanzureawful filenames. i'll have to fix that.21:59
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fennhttp://stupidfilter.org/  now using support vector machines for classification22:20
fenndemo doesn't seem to work22:20
fennzebrafish embryo development timelapse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx-cO_qBFtk22:24
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fenn The StupidFilter will cheerfully approve an eloquent, properly-capitalized defense of mandatory, state-subsidized rocket-launcher ownership for all schoolchildren.22:26
JayDuggerThat will certainly filter out the stupid.22:35
fennwhy is the name "gabe ortiz" familiar?22:39
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fenntotally OT but i thought this was cool http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008/05/03/business/20080403_SPENDING_GRAPHIC.html23:33
fennwish i could do a disk map like this23:34
JayDuggerI don't know about a voroni diagram, but your package manager probably has filelight.23:44
fennyeah, filelight is meh23:53
fenngdmap is square meh23:53
fennthey both don't allow me to actually do anything23:54
fennfor example maybe i want to look at the file, or delete a group of files23:55
JayDuggerFilelight lets you right-click for a conext menu of various actions.23:58
fennlast i checked filelight didnt even show individual files23:59
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